Thomas Barabas, P.E., '00 and his wife, Amy, have two sons, Eli, 3 and Isaac, 1.
Tom is an associate principal with. Hope Furrer Associates in State College, PA.
Architectural Engineering Newsletter
Architectural Engineering Celebrates 100 Years of Excellence and Innovation
A Message from The Architectural Engineering Department Head—Dr. Chimay Anumba
Dear Alumni and Friends, This year, 2010, marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Architectural Engineering program at Penn State and there is much to celebrate. As the oldest, continuously accredited program in the country, Architectural Engineering has a long and distinguished tradition of excellence and innovation. Our more than 3000 alumni work in numerous firms around the world and have had a greater influence on the design, construction and operation of buildings over the last hundred years than the alumni of any other academic department in the country. We intend to keep it that way and maintain our standing as the leading architectural engineering program in the world. Several activities are planned to mark the AE program‟s centennial. These are on the Department‟s Website and also on pages 8 and 9 of this newsletter. Of particular note are the All Class Reunion (July 2-4, 2010) and the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, AEC (June 9-11, 2010). Alumni and friends are welcome to attend as many of the Centennial activities as they are able to. In addition to the above activities, we are keen to maintain the Department‟s pre-eminent position among Architectural Engineering programs and to ensure that it is well situated to continue its leadership role in building education and research over the next hundred years. In this regard, a Centennial Fund has been established to enable the Department meets its short and long-term goals. Alumni and friends interested in contributing to this fund should contact me, as there are numerous opportunities for both large and small gifts. Progress continues to be made on the implementation of our Strategic Plan with new teaching and research initiatives focusing on promoting an integrated systems approach to the delivery of high performance buildings. The Department has also been successful in securing a new DOE-funded Mid-Atlantic Solar Regional Training and Resource Center, which will promote workforce development in the integration of solar energy into building construction. On a sad note, we lost Dr Michael Horman (Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering) in September 2009. Mike was a great scholar, teacher and mentor and will be sadly missed by all. He led our strategic planning committee in 2008/09 and is due much of the credit for our current strategic focus on „High Performance Green Buildings‟ – a subject that was close to his heart. A brief tribute is included in page 15 of this newsletter and more information is available on the Department‟s website: We are working with Mike‟s parents to create a lasting memorial and will provide details in a future issue of the newsletter. Once again, I would like to seize this opportunity to thank you for your continued support despite the current economic difficulties. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Centennial events or at one of the alumni receptions that I am holding across the country in the coming months. Best regards, Chimay Anumba, PhD, DSc, Dr.h.c., PE
On the Cover: Photos show a number of historic buildings where Penn State AEs have been involved in the design or construction process. (Clockwise: Burj Khalifa in Dubai (SOM); St. Vincent Health Center, PA (Shick-Matts Construction Company);Stokes Federal Courthouse in Cleveland, OH (Turner Construction Company); Brooksville Regional Medical Center Campus, FL, (X-nth)) Page 2
AE Newsletter Spring 2010
Supporting AE... Thornton Tomasetti Foundation Sponsors Senior Thesis Program By Prof. M. Kevin Parfitt
projects includes the application of IPD/BIM concepts to their designs taking advantage of current BIM software and IPD/BIM trends in the design and construction industries. Completed in November 2007, the New York Times Company headquarters building is located on 8th Avenue between West 40th Street and West 41st Street, still within the Times Square district. Consisting of 52 stories, the tower rises 744 feet to the main roof. With the inclusion of a 300-foot-high mast, this iconic new building tops out at 1,048 feet.
Providing valuable support and championing the project at Thornton Tomasetti is Joel S. Weinstein, P.E. (BAE 1967, OEA 2002), managing principal and vice chair of the Thornton Tomasetti Foundation. In conjunction with Chairman Richard Tomasetti, Joel hosted the students with a luncheon and introductory session in New York City in September 2009. After the opening session, the students walked to the Renzo Piano designed building to meet with members of the original building team including Thornton Tomasetti (structural engineer), Flack + Kurtz (MEP engineer), FXFOWLE (architect), and representatives of the New York Times Company. After a detailed presentation on all aspects of the proJoel S. Weinstein, P. E. vice chairman of the Thornton Tomasetti Foundation with ject, the students were provided with a tour of the 52-story landProfessor Parfitt, Professor Holland, and students during a visit to The New York mark building. Kyle E. Krall, P.E. (BAE 1987 ), Principal, the Times building. Photo provided by Thornton Tomasetti. project structural engineer of record was unable to attend the kickoff event because he is currently directing the operations of In conjunction with support from the Thornton Tomasetti Founda- the Thornton Tomasetti Dubai office but he remains in touch with tion and The Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineerthe faculty coordinators relative to the project as one of the pracing Education at Penn State, Architectural Engineering has cretitioner consultants. ated what is believed to be the first multidisciplinary team Integrated Project Delivery/Building Information Modeling (IPD/BIM) Additional AE faculty participating in the project as technical advibased capstone engineering design program in the country. The sors in their individual disciplines include Dr. Chimay Anumba innovative educational project involves the development of a year (CM), Dr. Kevin Houser (Lighting), Dr. Jelena Srebric -long pilot AE Senior Thesis program organized and managed (Mechanical), Dr. Andres Lepage (Structural) and electrical around IPD/BIM concepts by multidisciplinary teams of AE stupractitioner instructor Theodore Dannerth (BAE 1972, MS 1982, dents. Each of the three teams participating in academic year OEA 2003). 2009 – 2010 consists of one student from each of the AE options; Construction Management, Lighting/Electrical, Mechanical and IPD/BIM student teams will present their work to an invited pracStructural. The IPD/BIM thesis program is being directed by pro- titioner jury on April 30, 2010, as a part of the annual Senior Thefessors M. Kevin Parfitt and Robert Holland. sis Awards Presentations and banquet. Recognition awards will be provided to the team that develops the best integrated design The New York Times Building, for which Thornton Tomasetti was and construction ideas and demonstrates appropriate IPD/BIM the structural engineer, was selected as the case study model for concepts and management techniques. the first year of the initiative and will serve as the framework for student generated About the Thornton Tomasetti Foundation ideas, proposals and execution of detailed engineering design and construction concepts. Fall semester incorporated the case study/ experience-based le AE CAREER FAIR arning format whereby students studied the New York Times buildThe next AE Career Fair will be held on ing and other successful October 19, 2010 at the Bryce Jordan Center. New York Times exterior. Photo provided by high-rise design exam- Andres Perez. Check out our Web site for further details: ples as well as ing with expert practitioner. Spring semester involves the execution of a number of team-specific proposals that include architectural and façade concepts, optimization of structural lateral systems, energy analysis, sustainability, constructability and various aspects of design and construction coordination. A feature of the AE Newsletter
Spring 2010
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Alumni Updates 2008 from federal service after 34 years Mrs. Lisa S. Barber, ’87 and her huswith the Naval Sea Systems Command. band, Harry are thrilled to have the oldNicholas Gianopulos, ’50 has celeest of their four children, Frank, now brated fifty-plus years at Keast & Hood John W. Bollinger, PE, ’76 is a bond enrolled at Penn State as a freshman Co., Philadelphia, PA. Nick was a foundprogram manager with Boulder Valley engineering student. ing principal of Keast & Hood in 1953, School District in Boulder, CO. John along with Sheldon Keast, Raymond manages the implementation of Boulder Dr. Jeffrey Volz, ’87, 08g (CE), asHood, Jr., Daniel DiBona, and Thomas Valley School District's 2006 Bond Pro- sistant professor of architectural and Leidigh. gram. He oversees project managers civil engineering at Missouri University and manages projects that are part of of Science and Technology, received 60‟s the $296.8 million construction prothe Class of 1942 Excellence in TeachRobert K. Schultz, ’61 is a selfgram. The program involves additions ing Award. This award is given to a first employed architect-engineer in and remodels to all of the district's 56 year faculty member who has demonMacungie, PA. He is responsible for facilities. strated excellence in effective teaching. complete architectural and structural engineering services. Edward M. Egan, ’77 is a chief engi- 90‟s neer with Southern Iron Works, Inc. in Gary Ehrlich, ’90, is the principal of Lester L. Boyer, Ph.D. ’64 (Ph.D. Springfield, VA. an acoustical consulting company in Arch., 1976) is a retired professor emeritus of architecture at Texas A&M Alexander Willman, P.E. ’77 is work- Fairfax, VA. Hush Acoustics, LLC. Provides acoustical consulting services to University. Since graduation from Penn ing for the U.S. Department of State, architects, engineers, developers, hoState, he has taught with two other and Overseas Buildings Operations in tels, industrial facilities, and homeownPenn State AE grads, Larry O. Degel- Arlington, VA. Alexander manages a man and Walter T. Grondzik, but at team that provides the global allocation ers. different universities. of sustainment funding to over 250 em- Jimmy S. Juwana, ’90 is with Trisakti bassies and consulates. Recently, he University in Jakarta Barat, Indonesia. Andrew Gildersleeve, ’68 is the ditraveled to Beijing to inspect the reJimmy serves as an expert assistant to rector of development and construction cently completed embassy compound, the rector of the Trisakti University in of suburban and urban office and light and was able to visit the Great Wall of the area of sustainable development/ industrial buildings with The Elmhurst China during his visit. construction and local wisdom issues. Group in Pittsburgh, PA.
Raymond Blinn, ’70 is the president of Eeman & Blinn, Inc. in Dublin, OH. Stephen F. Farris, ’72 is a manager at Loftus Engineers, LLC in Carnegie, PA. William F. Magness, ’72 is a principal at Stantec Consulting, Inc. in New York, NY. His responsibilities include planning, development, design, construction, and operation of healthcare facilities. Kenny Gerlach, ’73 is retired and living in San Francisco, CA. Stanley A. Enatsky, ’75 is a senior chemical and biological defense acquisition consultant with Kalman and Company Inc. in McLean, VA. His responsibilities include mentoring and advising Department of Defense clients on research development and acquisition strategies. Stanley retired in December Page 4
Brian Cotter, P.E., LEED AP,’79 is a vice president of electrical and mechanical engineering with Simon Property Group in Indianapolis, IN. He is responsible for overseeing all MEP Engineering for a portfolio of more than 300 retail properties.
Helen Diemer, ’81 was named the majority owner and president of The Lighting Practice in August 2009. Charles Ricciardi, ’82 is working as a project executive with Modern Construction Management, Inc., in Bensalem, PA. His responsibilities include marketing, estimating, purchasing, and project management. David Komonosky, LC, LEED AP, ’86 is a principal – specification sales with Performance Lighting Systems in Irvine, CA.
AE Newsletter Spring 2010
Mark Andrew Kosin, ’91 is responsible for sales and business development for the Mid-Atlantic region of Southland Industries in Dulles, VA. Kenneth R. Wehner, P.E. ’93 is an associate/mechanical engineering department manager at Stanford White, Inc., in Raleigh, NC. Billy Hodges, ’95 is the director of sales at Illuminations, Inc. in Newtown Square, PA. Tom Piombino, P.E., ’95 is with Integrated Project Services in Lafayette Hill, PA. As the director of process & technology, he is in charge of the process engineering and architecture departments of IPS. He is also an active project manager for vaccine and other cell based biotechnology projects including manufacturing, fill-finish and research and development.
Alumni Updates
Eliane Parente Huber, ’97 is a project manager at The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company in Perry Hall, MD.
Tracy Lo, ’03 is a project manager for INTECH Construction, Inc. in Philadelphia, PA
Tim Militzer, ’97 and his wife welcomed their first child, Parker Lee, on Aug. 22, 2009. Tim is with Siemens Building Technologies in Garfield Hights, OH.
Michelle Olender (Mentzer), ’03 is a project engineer with Thornton Tomasetti in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. She is responsible for managing and collaborating teams of engineers in the design of large scale buildings.
Julie Heidbreder Goodwin, ’99 is a senior associate with WSP Flack & Kurtz in San Francisco, CA.
Jenny Vallimont (Holden), ’03 and husband Josh Vallimont, ’02 adopted their first son, Holden Kye on April 4, 2009. As you can see, Holden is already a Penn State fan! Jenny is currently with Crosland and Josh is with RT Dooley in Charlotte, NC.
Chad Watters, ’99 is an associate director of lighting design at Lumia Light Studio/ILA Zammit Engineering in San Diego, CA.
00‟s Thomas Barabas, P.E., ’00 and his wife, Amy, have two sons, Eli, 3 and Isaac, 1. Tom is an associate principal with Hope Furrer Associates in State College, PA. Shannon (Schafer) Bentz ’01, is a project engineer with DESMAN Associates in McLean, VA. She and husband Steve Bentz ’99 welcomed their first child, a daughter, Ruby Quinlyn Bentz on Nov. 7, 2008. Alison Dray nee McKenzie, ’01 is a street coordination manager with the Wokingham Borough Council in Wokingham, Berkshire, UK. Christa (Henry) Belasco, ’02 and her husband David Belasco ‟03 welcomed their first child, Elise Irene on Sept. 27, 2009. Christa is an associate lighting designer with HGA in Minneapolis, MN. Jennifer Harrington (Gordon), ’02 is the head of the lighting department at Reese Engineering, Inc. in State College, PA. Mark L. Anstrom, ’03 is employed with Cates Engineering in Springfield, VA.
Airy, MD.
Allison White, ’03 is a project manager with Daytner Construction Group in Mount
Christine M. Brazill, ’04 is with AECOM in Washington, DC. Kelly Young (Hellyer), ’04 is employed as a structural engineer at Urban Engineers in Erie, PA. Elizabeth A. Felice, ’05 is an estimator with P&P Contractors, Inc. in Rockville, MD. Jonathan Hill, ’05 is a staff II with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger in San Francisco, CA. Todd J. Scales, ’05 is currently working as a superintendent/quality control manager at Costello Construction in Columbia, MD. Jason E. McFadden, ’06 is a project manager with Barton Malow Company in Alpharetta, GA. Andrew Kauffman, ’06, ’09g and his wife, Nicole, visited the Penn State lion shrine with their daughter, Arianna.
Angela Nudy, ’07 is an electrical/lighting designer with EwingCole in Philadelphia, PA. Brendon J. Cullen, ’03 has been named an associate at Girard Engineering in Washington, DC. He has designed many significant office and multifamily residential projects in Jyotsna Bhamidipati, ’08 is an electrical engineer with Newcomb and Boyd in Atlanta, GA. the Washington, DC area. Matthew Dubbs, ’03 is a project engineer with First Capital Engineering, Inc. in York, PA. His responsibilities include designing storm water management and erosion/sediment control facilities and municipal engineering for Springettsbury Township. Rebecca Kaiying Ho, ’03 is currently in Toronto, Canada.
Sandra M. DiRupo, ’08 is with Turner Construction in Philadelphia, PA. Jenna Marcolina, ’08 is a project engineer with Gilbane Building Company in Philadelphia, PA. Her responsibilities include managing bid packages: cost, quality, and schedule, as well as hosting meetings for overall coordination with the field and the project team. AE Newsletter
Spring 2010
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Supporting AE... Remembering a Father, a Building Professional, and a Friend…
by Jonathan U. Dougherty, PhD (BAE ‟99; PhD ‟06)
It is with a dichotomy of great joy and deep sorrow that I write this announcement on behalf of my family and our cherished friends regarding a newly endowed scholarship in the Department of Architectural Engineering. While this is a Martin U. Dougherty, ’72 scholarship announcement, it is also a reflection of a life well lived and a note of deep gratitude to the AE family (classmates, alumni, faculty, and staff) who have provided love and support. Five years ago this past August, my family felt tragedy the likes of which I have never personally experienced. On the day before the last day of our 2004 family vacation, my mom and dad were in a car accident – an accident my father did not survive. My father, Martin U. Dougherty, AIA, PE, was a 1972 graduate of the Department of Architectural Engineering. He is remembered, by many, for his genuine smile, warm embrace, and firm handshake. He is indeed remembered as a loving husband, caring father, devoted brother, brother-in-law, and uncle, dear friend, and dedicated building professional. Architect, Bernard Maybeck said, “Architecture is the handwriting of man.” From residences to high-rises, from churches to campus buildings, the story my father has written is one of rich collaboration, attention to detail, thoughtful design, and determined purpose. My dad did not accomplish this alone. From his early days at Smith Miller & Associates in Wilkes-Barre, PA to starting The Architecture + Engineering Group, as a founding partner and president, he captured the essence of the lifelong learner and the compassionate mentor. But for as much as my dad loved his work, he loved his family even more. He loved that my mom, Florence, was his high school sweetheart. He loved big family gatherings – weddings, Christmas, and Easter. And he loved the six or seven of us celebrating Father‟s Day with a quiet dinner at home. When we were younger and we would bring home a test with the grade of 98, he loved asking us where the other 2 points went. He loved when all the kids would come home so the family could be together. Also central to my dad‟s life was his admiration of Penn State… Penn State is the place where he spent his formative years learning his profession. It‟s the place where he began his married life together with my mom. It‟s the place where he graduated on the day of the Agnes Flood. It‟s the place where he dreamed all of his children would go to Page 6
AE Newsletter Spring 2010
college (and they did); and it‟s the place where he‟d make his autumn Saturday pilgrimages to see his Nittany Lions. One of my father‟s personal goals was to endow an academic scholarship at Penn State. He felt tremendous pride for his alma mater and understood the true value of a Penn State education. One of his long-time colleagues told me that they had often discussed my dad‟s goal of endowing a scholarship, and his friend joked with him that he was surprised that he wanted to give another scholarship to Penn State. You see my dad and mom had already paid for tuition for my brother, David (SCI „01); one of my sisters, Jennifer (BUS ‟03); and me. Since my father‟s passing, my other sister, Sarah (COMM ‟09) joined in our family‟s Penn State tradition. Thanks to the generosity of family, friends, and colleagues in 2009 we realized one of my dad‟s personal goals and endowed the Martin U. Dougherty Endowed Scholarship in Architectural Engineering. The scholarship is designated for a sophomore or junior AE student who has suffered the loss of a parent and is focused on his or her educational and life goals. When my dad was a freshman at Penn State, his father passed away. The tragic event of a parent‟s passing coupled with the steadfast support of his family were contributing factors in making my dad the kind, generous, and loving man that he was. There really is no more fitting a tribute to celebrate his life than by helping Penn State AE students who possess similar qualities and are faced with like circumstances. My father‟s handwriting lives on in the buildings he designed, in the hearts of his family, in the lives he has touched, and now in the Martin U. Dougherty Endowed Scholarship in Architectural Engineering.
Thank you for your support of AE! Cont. from page 5
Alumni Updates
Alyssa Adams, ’09 is presently working as a mechanical designer with McClure Company in Harrisburg, PA. Hyung Seok Choi, ’09 is an electrical designer at CCRD Partners in Dallas, TX. He mainly designs health care facilities and commercial buildings. Stephen Lumpp, ’09 is working in the structural department at KlingStubbins in Washington, DC. Pimonmart (Jan) Wankanapon, ’09 is at the Thammasat University in Thailand. She is on the faculty of architecture and urban planning and is an instructor in interior architecture and architecture.
History of AE A Look Back
ing in his efforts to bring works of art to campus. These have included the Land-Grant Frescoes in Old Main, the Lion Shrine, by Louis F. Geschwindner, Professor Emeritus and the Centennial Exhibition, “Pennsylvania Painters.” The original frescoes were completed on June 18, 1940. Giff Albright, forWhat do the “Beta House,” the Nitmer AE department head, indicated that another faculty member tany Lion Shrine, the Old Main Fresand 1919 graduate of AE, Ellwood B. Cassel, “was involved in coes, the Penn State Botanic Garden, getting live models for Henry Varnum Poor to use in the original and the under construction World Old Main murals. Many of the “characters” are AE students – as Trade Center 1 (formerly the Freedom well as faculty of that era.” Tower) have in common? In 1984, Lynda C. Tollner Shortly we will see. But first let me graduated with a Bachelor of discuss a few of the graduates of the Architectural Engineering dePenn State Architectural Engineering gree, structures option from degree program over the last 100 Penn State. Her first job was years. as a structural engineer with RTKL in Baltimore. On Sept. 1913 saw the first individual to gradu- 11, 2001, she was employed ate with a degree in Architectural as a project manager by Maitra Engineering from Penn State. He was Associates. On that particular Edwin Earl Mitchell from Derry, PA. Land-Grant Frescoes in Old morning she had a meeting Main. Since the degree program was apscheduled on the 72nd floor of Lynda Tollner and Dr. Geschwindner at the World Trade Center. proved by the Board of Trustees in WTC Tower 1. She sent us this 1910, he must have switched over from some other degree proreport on that day: gram or he was such a studious student that he completed the program in just 3 years. One year later the first “class” graduated Just wanted to let everyone in my address book know that I am with 5 men receiving degrees. safe. I was in the World Trade Center headed for a 9:30 meeting In 1920, Harry Ohmit Smith of Williamsport graduated with a bachelor of science degree in Architectural Engineering. He maintained a diary throughout his college years and reported that his total college expenses at Penn State were $2,159.07. That was for the entire four years. After taking the exam in STR 33 he wrote “it was a long exam as even the fellows with slide rules didn‟t finish.” After graduation he was appointed instructor in engineering drawing in the architectural engineering department. He soon found that he could make more money in construction than as a faculty member (It is still that way.) and started State College Construction. One of his three sons, Jim, graduated in AE in 1950 –perhaps the first father-son AE graduates. State College Construction built many buildings in the area, including the Beta House on campus, Theta Delta Chi at 305 E. Prospect Ave. and Theta Chi and Phi Sigma Kappa in the 500 block of South Allen Street. The Penn State Botanic Gardens are named in memory of H.O. Smith through a gift of his son Charles (Skip), an EE graduate of 1948. Harold Edward Dickson graduated in 1922 with a bachelor of science degree in Architectural Engineering. He was appointed an instructor of watercolor in 1923 and continued on the faculty for over 35 years. He became professor of history of art and architecture. He received his MA and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He was a very well respected faculty member on campus. He taught classes to architectural engineering students as well as architecture, art, and the general student body. The 1957 La Vie was dedicated to him. In that dedication, the students said he “has been untir-
on the 72nd floor of Tower One. I was about 15 minutes from getting on the elevator. I was still on the concourse level (ground) when the first plane hit. There was smoke, but people were calmly walking to the exits. We didn't know what happened. Out side was a kind of surreal atmosphere. Lots of debris. I saw the building on fire, big holes, and then ran for cover. When the second plane hit, I was just below and had just walked into the lobby of a building across the street from the south side of Tower Two where the plane hit. The noise was incredible. There was a lot of panic in there. I thought I was going to be buried by a falling tower. I held on to the people next to me, they were praying. I guess I went into survival mode. I left the building and I just kept walking. First south, then east to Broadway and then north. I just kept telling myself I had to get out of the city. I made it to the Christopher Street PATH station and got a train to Hoboken. My car was parked there. (I had debated going in and parking next to the WTC this morning).The first tower collapsed when I was on the train, and the second right after I got in my car. I drove home and on the way was finally able to get in touch with Dave on my cell. We got cut off, but he called my family and office to let them know. There are still a lot of people we are waiting to hear about. Please, everyone, say some prayers. Take care, Lynda Today, Lynda is the program director for One WTC with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. She is responsible for getting what was originally called the Freedom Tower built and for coordination with the other 4 or 5 buildings that are being constructed on this same site simultaneously.
Dr. Dickson taught Penn State students history and appreciation of art for over 35 years.
So, what do these things have in common, they all have been or are currently being significantly influenced by at least one AE undergraduate alum.
AE Newsletter
Spring 2010
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AE Centennial ALL-YEAR CLASS REUNION—July 2-4, 2010 The AE Department will host an All-Year Class Reunion Weekend at University Park Campus as part of the activities to mark 100 years of architectural engineering at Penn State. We are hoping for a great turnout of AE faculty, alumni and friends to help us celebrate this milestone! The weekend includes four major events and you can choose to register for any or all of the following activities: AE AE AE AE
Reunion Activities Alumni Banquet 4th Fest Picnic & Fireworks Continuing Education Sessions
You are encouraged to register as soon as possible for our planning purposes, however, the deadline for registration is June 2, 2010.
If you do not have access to the Internet, you may use the Registration form on Page 9 to register for this event. On-line registration is available along with complete details on this event including an agenda of activities, lodging details, etc., on our web site: Please contact Nancy Smith in the AE Department 814-8656395 if you would like a hard copy of the details sent to you by mail. We look forward to seeing you there!
6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) The AE Department will host the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) from June 9-11, 2010, as part of the activities to mark 100 years of architectural engineering at Penn State. Organized in collaboration with the Centre for Innovative and Collaborative Engineering at Loughborough University, UK, the conference will provide an excellent international forum for celebrating innovative research and industry developments in AEC. The middle day of the conference (June 10, 2010) is scheduled as an Industry Day and will focus on Industry-oriented presentations. Alumni are particularly encouraged to attend on this day and can obtain continuing education certificates.) The aim of this conference, therefore, is to act as a focal point for the dissemination of the results from ongoing studies, applications and demonstration projects throughout the world. It is intended that the conference will bring together practitioners and researchers interested in innovative approaches to design, procurement, construction, operation, and decommissioning of the built environment. Registration fee for the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering & Construction: $650 – Conference Registration $550 – Student Registration $750 – Late Registration (after April 30, 2010) $250 – One Day Registration (Industry Day Only – June 10, 2010) Online registration is available. The registration fee includes all conference activities, lunches/breaks, a welcome reception and a gala dinner for each participant. For further details on this event, please visit our web site:
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AE Newsletter Spring 2010
REGISTRATION FORM Penn State Department of Architectural Engineering Centennial Reunion Weekend July 2-4, 2010 Please fill out and return this form by mail or fax (listed below) OR Register and Pay On-Line (Link below). The Deadline for Registration is June 2, 2010. Name:
Preferred Email:
Class Year:
Number of adults attending:
Number of children/ages attending:
Registration Fees for the AE Centennial All Year Class Reunion Weekend $50 per family – AE Reunion Registration (details below) $50 per person – AE Alumni Banquet $35 per person – 4th Fest AE Alumni Picnic and Fireworks (Children under 5 free ) $100 per person – AE Continuing Education Sessions
$50 – AE Reunion Registration (July 2-3) (Family price for all AE Reunion Registration activities) Fee Includes: Decades Mixer with light refreshments (July 2) Welcome continental breakfast (July 3) Catered picnic lunch (July 3) Bus tours of campus buildings with an AE focus (IST Building, Beaver Stadium, SALA, Dickinson Law, Center for Sustainability site)
$100 – AE Continuing Education Sessions (July 2-3) All continuing education session Recognized by licensing organizations Topics: Case study/lessons learned; BIM; Sustainability/ LEED; Lean Construction; IPD; Energy
$50 – AE Alumni Banquet (July 3) Pre-banquet happy hour (cash bar) Gala banquet Feature performance by Fire n Ice Entertainment (Jennifer Drilling, CEO and Class of 2003 alumna)
$35 – 4th Fest – State College (July 4) Fee Includes: (Children under 5 free) Schedule of events/maps for day-long 4th Fest activities Clem’s BBQ dinner (Tent/table/chairs to be provided for AE group in the VIP section) VIP viewing passes to be provided for fireworks display
Lodging is not included in the registration price. Please check online (link below) for further details on lodging reservations. Payment Instructions: (All payments are due by June 2, 2010.) You may pay online with any major credit card (Master Card, Visa, Discover, or American Express). Please include: name as it appears on the card, card number, expiration date, and billing address for the card).
Register and Pay Online : Or mail your check made payable to 'Penn State' to: AE Centennial Reunion Office of Conferences and Short Courses The Pennsylvania State University 301B Ag Administration Building University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-865-8301 or toll-free 877-778-2937 Fax: 814-865-7050 AE Newsletter
Spring 2010
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Current AE Faculty Meet the AE faculty whose research and teaching interests are listed below. Chimay J. Anumba Department Head and Professor of Architectural Engineering Construction informatics, knowledge management, and intelligent systems Management information systems, knowledge management, and computerintegrated construction William P. Bahnfleth Professor and Director, Indoor Environment Center HVAC system efficiency, district cooling, thermal storage, indoor air quality, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation HVAC design, district heating and cooling, indoor air quality Richard A. Behr Charles and Elinor Matts Professor of Architectural Engineering; Director of the smart Spaces Center for Adaptive Aging in Place Structural performance and durability of building envelope systems under severe windstorm, earthquake and environmental loading conditions; Organizing and facilitating interdisciplinary research efforts focused on adaptive aging in place. Building enclosure science and design; indeterminate structural analysis. Thomas E. Boothby Professor Historic preservation; assessment of unreinforced masonry structures, including medieval structures, masonry arches, and masonry arch bridges; bridge assessment, use of fiber -reinforced polymers for repair of concrete and masonry structures Architectural structural systems; structural emphasis Paul A. Bowers Assistant Professor Manager, AE Computer Labs, AE Materials Lab Architectural building materials; working drawings; Micro CADD applications for buildings
Lisa Brown Associate Director, Penn State Center for Sustainability Sustainable building methods
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AE Newsletter Spring 2010
Theodore H. Dannerth Associate Professor and Practitioner Instructor Electrical power systems, building-based communication systems James Faust Turner Construction Practitioner Instructor Sharing life experiences in the construction field with undergraduate students
James Freihaut Associate Professor Indoor air quality and building science, enclosed space air quality issues, system constraints on air treatment/filtration solutions HVAC fundamentals; building load and energy simulation; high performance building Linda M. Hanagan Associate Professor Structural design and analysis of building systems, structural dynamics and control, experimental testing, serviceability of building structures with emphasis on floor vibration, analysis and design of steel connections including SMF connections Modern structural systems; steel connections Robert J. Holland Associate Professor of Architecture and Architectural Engineering Integrated project delivery, project management, design and integration of contemporary structures in the historic context of European cities Professional practice, architectural design studio Kevin W. Houser
Associate Professor The interrelationships between optical radiation, physiology, psychology, illuminating engineering, and lighting design. Setting high expectations and holding-the -line; being a catalyst for student learning; developing clear presentations; fostering relationships of recognition and respect.
Current AE Faculty Bo Kasal Hankin Chair, Director of Research of PHRC Residential construction
Paul A. Kremer Research Associate Construction mock-up testing; windborne debris resistance, seismic resistance, and weatherability of architectural glass glazing systems; streambank erosion control Andres Lepage Assistant Professor Ultrahigh-strength steel reinforced concrete, limit design of masonry structures, practical nonlinear seismic analysis Reinforced concrete design and behavior, seismic design, computer modeling of building structures Moses D. F. Ling Associate Professor Building environmental systems Architectural acoustics; environmental control systems; mechanical emphasis
Ali M. Memari Associate Professor Structural/earthquake engineering, seismic evaluation/retrofit of buildings/ bridges, seismic design/isolation of nonstructural wall systems, structural optimization, analysis and design of buildings, precast/autoclaved concrete, cladding, glazing. Masonry design; earthquake design
John I. Messner Associate Professor, Director, Computer Integrated Construction Research Program Building information modeling, virtual reality, process planning Project management, strategic management, execution planning for BIM, virtual prototyping
Richard G. Mistrick Associate Professor Lighting and daylight system analysis and design, optical design, lighting system quality metrics; Building electrical illumination emphasis Kevin M. Parfitt Associate Professor, AE/CABS Career Fair Coordinator Building failures, building and infrastructure damage assessment, dissemination of failures information, building information modeling (BIM), forensic information modeling (FIM) AE Senior Thesis, building failures and forensic engineering, educational applications of BIM, structural engineering David R. Riley Associate Professor Sustainable building methods, production planning for building construction Sustainable design; construction emphasis Jelena Srebric Associate Professor Detailed studies of energy consumption, indoor air quality, and thermal comfort in buildings using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and hourly energy analysis programs. Advanced HVAC systems design; computational fluid dynamics in building design
Stephen Treado Associate Professor Energy systems design, mechanical systems and controls, modeling and analysis, renewable energy technologies, energy conversion systems, biofuels, distributed generation, cogeneration, systems integration and interoperability of subsystems and components. Building automation and control systems; mechanical emphasis
AE Newsletter
Spring 2010
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Department News Alumni Receptions Coming Soon to a Place Near You
ments happening within the department at Penn State and meet with other industry professionals. Lori Sullivan Ehret and Keith Mondock, both alumni of Penn State, also spoke at the event touching on the special relationship Turner has with Penn State. In his speech Keith said, “Today, Turner employs over 80 Penn Raleigh/Durham, NC... State graduates nationwide, including more than 20 here in the by Donald Lenze, Penn State Philadelphia office.” Keith also mentioned several of the programs In preparation for the 2010 Centennial Celebration a recent gath- and efforts that Turner is involved in with the University, like PACE, a program that unites students and industry professionals ering of AE Alums in the Raleigh/Durham, NC area was held to hear from Dr. Chimay Anumba, AE Department Head about the to discuss industry challenges and educate future leaders. Department‟s future and the plans for the upcoming celebration. The evening proved to be a great opportunity to network together; to make introductions for some; and to re-establish old friendships for others. Penn State connections are special to begin with but the Penn State AE bond goes much deeper. Some comBy Dr. Bo Kasal ments from NC alums: For the 2009-2010 academic year, the National Association of I attribute my current success to three factors: hard work; startHome Builders Student Chapter at Penn State (http:// ing my career in a “sink or swim” environment; and the has 20 members drawn mainly tage my Penn State AE education gave me above all other entry from Civil and Environmental Engineering, Architectural Engineerlevel interns. – Ken Wehner – Class of ‘93 ing, and Smeal College of Business. This year‟s elected officers are Brian Wolfgang (AE), President; Neal Diehl (AE), vice presi(The reception) made me feel so much more in touch with the dent; Janet Lieb, secretary; Ryan Winkowski, treasurer; Steve University as well as the program that I enjoyed so much. … I Donahue, CE representative; Carmen Brutico, AE representative; hope this AE alumni group will continue to meet … there is a and Corinne Penksa, business representative. lot of potential for great things here. – Cara Pierce – Class of ‘00 The NAHB student chapter established a core group of six members who competed for the third straight year in the 2010 NAHB From my perspective as an alum, I very much enjoyed the visit Residential Construction Management Competition at the Internaand the desire by the AE Department to have a connection with tional Builders‟ Show in Las Vegas, NV. This year‟s team consisted me. … Best of luck with the continued alumni interaction on beof members from multiple degree programs including Civil and half of the Architectural Engineering program … I couldn‟t have Environmental Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Finance, enjoyed the fruits of those efforts more! – William Rasdorf and Economics. For the second year, a one-credit course, CE/AE Class of ‘74 496A was offered to those participating in the competition. The instructors and team coaches were Dr. Bo Kasal and Dr. Jack WilPhiladelphia, PA …. lenbrock.
National Association of Home Builders Student Chapter
By James Edwards, Turner Construction Company
This year‟s competition was located in rural Corsicana, TX, which is approximately 40 miles south of Dallas. Unlike prior years, this year‟s project was not sponsored by a national home builder. Instead, this year‟s project was intended to simulate the effects of the current economic climate by focusing on a residential development that was struggling financially. The subdivision encompasses approximately 24 acres of land, including 88 single family lots.
Spanning 70 years: Christopher Renshaw, ‟09, and Louis Agnes,‟39, OEA „99 joined Dr. Chimay Anumba (AE Dept. Head) at the Turner Construction hosted event in Philadelphia.
Turner welcomed Dr. Chimay Anumba, Head of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State, as well as Penn State AE Alumni and industry professionals for a special event held at the Philadelphia office on Jan. 7. As the Department of Architectural Engineering celebrates 100 years of excellence and innovation, Dr. Anumba was invited to speak about the exciting develop-
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AE Newsletter Spring 2010
This year‟s RCMC team placed 16th out of 39 teams from across the country. The following students represented Penn State at the competition in January 2010: Neal Diehl (AE), Will Lazration (AE), Janet Lieb (CE), Corinne Penksa (FIN), Chris Ryder (CE), and Ryan Winkowski (ECON).
Bahnfleth Travels for AE and ASHRAE Prof. Bill Bahnfleth travelled extensively outside the U.S. during the second half of 2009 to attend conferences, as a representative of the AE Department, as an American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Distinguished Lecturer, and in fulfillment of his duties as an ASHRAE
Department News
vice president. In May, he visited Dubai and Abu Dhabi to gather was nominated for “…his long-standing involvement with ASCE data for a design guide on district cooling systems and also spoke and his dedication and service to AEI, particularly his work manon chilled water piping systems at two ASHRAE chapter meetings. aging and expanding the Journal of Architectural Engineering.” In announcing the honor, AEI also recognized Parfitt‟s efforts in eduLater in May, he travelled to the Roomvent conference in Busan, cating and advising architectural engineering students at Penn South Korea, where he presented a paper on the impact of return State noting that he has dedicated a large part of this career to air systems on indoor chemical and biological releases cothe education and career advising of future architectural engiauthored by graduate student Dylan McWhirter and participated neers and has been recognized for numerous student-centered in a panel on ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). In August, awards including those for outstanding teaching, advising, and he was in Glasgow, Scotland, for the BuildSim conference sponstudent advocacy. sored by the International Building Performance Simulation Association to present to papers on annual simulation of UVGI systems co-authored with graduate student Bruno Lee (MS ‟99). October found him in Rome/Tivoli, Italy, as ASHRAE liaison to AiCARR, the Chimay Anumba has co-authored two published books with Italian HVAC society at their annual conference where he gave a former doctoral and postdoctoral students. "Capture and Reuse of workshop presentation on building energy labeling and a plenary Project Knowledge in Construction" and "Governance and Knowlspeech on energy conservation in existing buildings. His year of edge: Management for Public-Private Partnerships" are geared travel ended with a two-week Asian swing that took him first to toward graduate students and professionals. The books, pubTokyo and Karuizawa, Japan, for meetings between ASHRAE and lished by Wiley-Blackwell, incorporate the concept of knowledge the two main Japanese HVAC&R societies: JSRAE and SHASE that management strategy, which is recognized in the construction were facilitated by Daikin, the second largest HVAC manufacturer industry as a potential tool for providing organizational benefits in in the world. a project-based setting.
New Books
The next stop was Hong Kong, where he gave an ASHRAE Distinguished lecture talk on chilled water systems, a keynote speech on thermal energy storage and sustainability at the joint symposium of ASHRAE, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), gave a presentation on AE in the U.S. and held discussions on student/faculty exchange with the Building Services Engineering Department at Hong Kong Polytechnic and gave a seminar on UVGI at Hong Kong University. Proceeding on to Manila in the Philippines, he presented a short course on thermal storage systems to the Philippine ASHRAE chapter, gave a keynote address at the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Student Conference at Mapua Institute of Technology, and visited La Salle University. The last stop on this last trip of the year was Seoul, South Korea, where he gave one of four invited presentationson energy conservation and indoor air quality in tall buildings -at the annual symSt. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy. posium of the Korean Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat organized by AE graduate and former postdoc, Jae-Weon Jeong, ‟04 of Sejong University. Bahnfleth reports being gratified at the high regard in which Penn State AE is held around the world and is honored to have been able to represent it in so many places during the past year.
Parfitt Named AEI Fellow The Board of Governors of the Architectural Engineering Institute of ASCE recently named M. Kevin Parfitt, P.E. to fellow, AEI‟s highest membership grade. According to AEI, Professor Parfitt
Research on Historic Bridges
Professor Thomas Boothby is investigating the engineering design and construction of a group of late 19th century iron bridges pre-manufactured in Connecticut and shipped to various locations in the Northeast. These bridges, known as 'lenticular trusses' due to their lens-like shape, were designed as shape-optimized trusses, using the best available technology of their time. Boothby's research has included reviewing published material, examining archival materials, and inspecting the bridges themselves. He is shown here determining sizes on the top chord of a relocated structure on the Appalachian Trail near Lickdale, PA. AE Newsletter
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Department News Dallas Cowboys Practice Facility Collapse On May 2, 2009, the Dallas Cowboys indoor practice facility in Irving, TX collapsed during a severe thunderstorm. Consisting of a fabric-covered gable-roofed tubular steel frame, the approximately 83,000 square foot facility was completely destroyed injuring 12 people, two seriously. In response to the collapse, the parties involved, as well as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched a number of investigations. Due to legal implications, the results of the private investigations have not been released to date. NIST published their findings in the form of a report in January 2010, which is available to the public on the NIST web site. While NIST concentrated on the structural analysis and technical issues related to the collapse, the investigative sports journalism team of “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel” began a review to try to determine what went wrong both technically and with the overall design and construction process. AE faculty members Louis F. Geschwindner, professor emeritus of architectural engineering and M. Kevin Parfitt, associate professor of architectural engineering were contacted by Real Sports to help interpret the results of the NIST report for the show‟s investigative team and to comment on general issues such as the frequency of building collapses in the U.S. and the role of forensic investigations in such events. NIST representatives briefed both Dr. Geschwindner and Professor Parfitt during the draft report comment period as a part of a NIST presentation to the ASCE/SEI Tension Membrane Structures Standards Committee. In his official capacity as co-chair of the ASCE standards committee, Dr. Geschwindner was interviewed and appeared in the Real Sports Jan. 19 broadcast of the investigation on HBO. Those interested in viewing one of the rebroadcasts of the show can find it on their cable company directory or on “HBO On Demand” as Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel Episode 154. It is also expected to be posted on the iTunes store as a free download in the near future.
2009 Hankin Distinguished Lecture The Hankin Distinguished Lecture Series was established in 2006
in honor of the late Bernard Hankin. World-class speakers are invited to Penn State to address students and faculty. This year, the Hankin Distinguished Lecture featured Ron Jones, an internationally-renown pioneer of the green building movement, awardwinning architectural designer and the founder of Green Builder Media, a leading development, education, consulting and media organization in the progressive real estate industry. Jones is the only person ever to serve on the National Board of Directors for both the U.S. Green Building Council and the National Association of Home Builders. The title of his presentation was “Green with an Attitude!” Jones‟ award-winning building and design company, Green Builder LLC, specializes in challenging site projects and environmentally appropriate construction. The firm offers design, construction management and consulting services throughout North America and, increasingly, to the international market. Various projects of Green Builder have garnered Custom Home of the Year Awards and Housing Excellence Awards (MBA) in custom and green building categories simultaneously. Page 14
AE Newsletter Spring 2010
From left to right: Sam Hankin, Ron Jones, and Richard Hankin.
Through numerous design/build projects, Jones and his team have led the home building market with innovative selections and applications of materials, energy efficiency, water stewardship, construction waste reduction and recycling, indoor environment quality, and creative land use. GREEN BUILDER® is entirely dedicated to sustainable development and green building, bringing environmental, spiritual, economic and psychological health to people and projects. His work has also been recognized in a variety of publications and has also been featured on television programs such as HGTV‟s DREAM BUILDERS. Serving as charter chairman for the NAHB green building subcommittee and co-chairman of the steering committee for the inaugural National Green Building Conference, he helped to establish a permanent presence for green building in the policies and priorities of NAHB as well as in the U.S. mainstream residential building industry. His inter-organizational leadership history is a testament to his knowledge, his integrity, his credibility, and to his effectiveness in advancing green building throughout the country and the world. Known for his balance of commitment, passion and reason, he was named as the 2006 Green Advocate of the Year (Builder) by NAHB at the National Green Building Conference. In March 2007, when selected as chairman of the 42-member ANSI Consensus Committee (formed jointly by NAHB and the International Codes Council ICC to create the National Green Building Standard™) he accepted the challenge to deliver the “most meaningful and achievable standard possible” and to “provide the most valuable platform for public sustainability policy yet devised.” The National Green Building Standard received ANSI approval on January 29, 2009, instantly becoming the benchmark for green building policy in the United States. In June of 2009, Jones accepted an appointment from the International Code Council to serve on the Sustainable Building Technology Committee whose assignment is to develop the firstever set of comprehensive and adoptable green building regulations entitled the International Green Construction Code which will be published in early 2012.
Department News Student Society of Architectural Engineers By Josh Wentz, SSAE President Established in 1965, the Student Society of Architectural Engineers (SSAE) is a social network among Architectural Engineering students which connects AEs of all years and options. SSAE‟s mission is to create an even closer, more accessible AE Network. This next year SSAE strives to connect students, faculty, and alumni even more. 2010 marks not only the year of the AE Centennial, but also the year of radical changes within SSAE. Among many projects the recently elected executive board is developing, a few include the creation of SSAE‟s new web site, the AE History Compilation Initiative, the management and eventual sale of the AE Yearbook for future graduating fifth years starting with 2011, and the SSAE Mentor Program. Due to SSAE‟s recreated presence within the department, student membership has quadrupled since spring 2009. In December 2009, the AE History Compilation Initiative begins with the goal to digitize and compile the rich history of Penn State AE over the past 100 years. We hope to make this a collaborative effort with faculty and alumni in order to gather AE photos, AE Department newsletters, Sum of the Moments newsletters, and past AE yearbooks. Please visit our web site to see what we‟ve accomplished so far and how you can help. In September 2009, Simi Veit, Josh Wentz, Bryan Darrin, and Kyle Courtney created and implemented the SSAE Mentor Program. Even though it is still under development, the SSAE Mentor Program strives From left to right: Current House Heads: Bryan to allow students within Darrin, Kyle Courtney, Simi Veit, and Josh Wentz. the AE major to socially network, academically advance, and professionally prepare. Recent events include the Mentor Program Kick-Off Competitions, Speed Social Networking, House InterFued, and “Know Your Mentor.” Through its one-on-one student mentor/mentee and four house structure, the SSAE Mentor Program creates close relationships among students while still at Penn State, because in less than four years, these same friends will also be professionals in the building industry – a connection which translates to jobs, partnerships, and money. With the SSAE Executive Board of 2010-11, I look forward to a year that AEs will never forget. Please see our new website for more information, upcoming events, and Centennial merchandise sales!
AE Systems Administrator Corey Wilkinson and his wife, Tracy, welcomed a new son, Joshua Alexander, on Aug. 24, 2009. Joshua joins his older brother, Conner in the Wilkinson household. Congratulation Corey and Tracy!
In Memoriam It is with deep sadness that we announce that Dr. Michael Horman, 38, passed away on Sept. 15, 2009 while he was doing one of the things he loved best, which was teaching. A native of Australia, he earned his bachelor‟s degree in building in 1994 and his doctorate in construction project management in 2000, both from the University of Melbourne. Before coming to Penn State, he was a lecturer at the University of Melbourne from 1995 to 1998. Horman's professional experience included serving as a consultant with United Consultants and a project engineer with Bovis Lend Lease Group. He joined the Penn State AE family in 2000 and taught courses in production management in construction, building construction engineering, and project development and delivery planning. He also served as director of the Lean and Green Research Initiative, a research and educational effort aimed at improving delivery of high performance buildings through developing resource-efficient processes that maximize value at minimal delivery costs. In addition, he held memberships in the American Society of Engineering Education, the Construction Research Council, and ASCE International Group for Lean Construction and the Australian Institute of Builders. He was a loving family man, a respected colleague and a devoted teacher. He made a positive impact on the AE program and on all those who knew him, in particular, the AE students. With his congenial personality, he was always willing to lend advice and assist whenever they had questions or problems and he could always be counted on for a lively discussion of Australian football! He was a very well-liked teacher and mentor to his students. When the sad news of his passing spread to our students, alumni and his professional colleagues the response was immediate. A memory book for his family was established and hundreds of notes, cards, and emails were contributed from all over the United States and beyond that testified to the heartfelt gratitude, loving esteem and great respect that they held for Michael Horman. It was a fine tribute not only to a job well done, but a life well lived. Michael is survived by his wife, Cheryl, and two children, Olivia and Joshua. He will be sadly missed. Please see our website for details of the memorial fund that has been established for the Horman family: AE Newsletter
Spring 2010
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Nonprofit Org.
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The SSAE (Student Society of Architectural Engineers) is sponsoring a fundraiser in celebration of the AE Centennial. To find these and other items, please visit: .
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Department Head: Chimay J. Anumba Editors: Lori A. Smith and Nancy J. Smith Phone: 814-865-6394 Fax: 814-863-4789