Young gymnasts can't bear to miss this class covering basic tumbling and use of vault, beam and more. No class Mon., 5/2
the city of
GROVE CITY, OHIO 4035 Broadway Grove City, OH 43123
SPRING-SUMMER 2018 614-277-3050 • • 3226 Kingston Ave., Grove City, Ohio 43123 • • City Ohio
Youth Sports – Another Community Point of Pride
Youth sports have been an important part of our community’s small-town charm for nearly a century and continue to assist in the positive development of our community’s children. Our Parks and Recreation Department, beyond teaching sport skills, consciously instills in each program, sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility, discipline and friendship development.
Call 614-277-3050 LOG ON STOP IN Parks and Recreation Office Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Elected Officials MAYOR
Richard L. “Ike” Stage
GROVE CITY COUNCIL Ward 1 Ted Berry Ward 2 Jeff Davis Ward 3 Christine Houk Ward 4 Roby Schottke At Large Steve Robinette, President
Our ever-expanding youth sports program includes baseball, volleyball and basketball. Both baseball and basketball programs serve more than 800 participants. Baseball was one of our earliest organized youth sports programs, beginning in the 1920s. When Little League® expanded to the Midwest, Grove City was quick to join. On May 31, 1950, the first Little League® game in central Ohio was played in Grove City on Wade Field on Stringtown Road. In 1983, the Grove City Baseball Association (GCBA) took over the organization of youth baseball in the community after the relationship with Little League® International was ended. In 1998, the Grove City Parks and Recreation Department took over operation of the league. In 2012, a new Little League® Board was formed and Grove City returned Little League® Baseball to our community on May 4, 2013. The Little League® Board decided its job wasn’t yet complete, so they began a two-year program to raise money to fund a field designed for children of all abilities. Three years later, May 21, 2016, Grove City held a grand opening for the Mirolo Dream Field at Mount Carmel Stadium. The field features a special rubberized surface to accommodate children who require wheelchairs, crutches and walkers. Today more than 100 players enjoy baseball—a game they previously only dreamed about playing. For our youth with a love of basketball, we provide recreational leagues for those in kindergarten through grade 12. More than 860 boys and girls focus on fundamentals and fun as they compete in separate leagues. Coordinating practice and game schedules for almost 90 teams is an exceptional task accomplished with help from a partnership with the SouthWestern City School District (SWCSD) that allows us to rent 10 first-rate facilities over a four-month period. Behind-the-scenes organization includes recruiting coaches and scheduling officials, ordering and distributing uniforms and equipment, collecting and organizing mountains of paperwork and coordinating with SWCSD facility custodians to ensure doors, lights and chairs are prepared before the first and secured after the last daily practice or game. We also utilize SWCSD facilities for our youth volleyball leagues, serving players in grades three through 12. Approximately 300 players compete on 30 teams, learning fundamentals and teamwork. Our Parks and Recreation program is operated by a highly skilled and engaged staff, committed to providing our youth with the highest level of instruction while forming a lifelong process of character building. With assistance from dedicated volunteers and partners such as SWCSD, we are keeping Grove City’s youth active and engaged.
Mayor Richard L. “Ike” Stage
Registration Online, phone and office registration begins Mon., 4/23
Payment Methods
• Cash or Money Order • Check Make checks payable to: City of Grove City. A customer with a returned check is assessed a $25 fee. Any customer with two returned checks within 12 months must pay all subsequent fees by cash or money order. • Credit Card MasterCard or Visa only
Once you have registered for a class, no other confirmations are made unless a change is made in the program details. It is the responsibility of the participant to be present on the date and time listed.
Registered participants may cancel from a program, but it is that participant’s responsibility to contact the Parks and Recreation Department. A credit is made to the participant’s account if a request is made in writing prior to the start of the program. To receive a full refund for sports, the request must be made before uniforms are ordered.
Class/Event Cancellation
All classes and events are subject to change or cancellation based on participation and instructor availability. A staff member will notify all registered class participants as changes occur.
Photos and Videos
The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph or record program and event participants for publicity purposes. Images may be used in catalogs, brochures, ads or other print or electronic public relations efforts (i.e., website, social media).
Five Easy Ways to Register!
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ONLINE registration is available for most Parks and Recreation offerings (sports excluded), providing 24-hour access to our exciting array of options for all ages.
Online registration begins Mon., 4/23. WALK-IN registration is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave., and at the Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave.
Walk-in registration begins Mon., 4/23. Use the silver DROP BOX located on the parking-lot side of the Kingston Center for after-hours registration. The box is opened at 8 a.m. each business day; registrations placed in the box after 8 a.m. are processed the next business day.
Drop-box registration begins Mon., 4/23. Registration by PHONE or FAX is accepted via Visa or MasterCard only and is treated as a drop-box/mail-in priority. Phone: 614-277-3050 | Fax: 614-277-3090
Phone/fax registration begins Mon., 4/23. MAIL your payment and completed registration form to: Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, City Hall, 4035 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123
Mail-in registration begins Mon., 4/23.
Residency Rates & Fair Share Policy
The lower “resident rate” provides credit to those paying municipal taxes that help support the programs and events offered by the City of Grove City. To qualify as a resident, a person must live or work in Grove City or Jackson Township. This does not include all of ZIP code 43123; ZIP codes are used by the U.S. Postal Service to designate the office that delivers mail to an address. Visit to check your address. Grove City parcel IDs start with 040; unincorporated Jackson Township with 160. Through the City of Grove City Fair Share Policy, non-residents who pay income tax to the City of Grove City are eligible to participate at resident rates. To be eligible, non-residents must annually provide proof of employment on company letterhead with the signature of the personnel director or a current pay stub showing the employer’s address.
Equal Opportunities and Special Populations
The Grove City Parks and Recreation Department is committed to serving the whole community. All persons regardless of age, sex, race, color, national origin or religion are encouraged to participate. Our goal is also to include individuals with special needs in our existing programs based on their need and ability. Groups or individuals serving special populations are welcome to contact the department to make program arrangements. The City of Grove City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to its programs or activities. An ADA Coordinator has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Justice regulations implementing Subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public agencies. The ADA Coordinator can be contacted at 614-277-3050.
the Source City News and Events City Contacts ........................................................................ 2 City Events ............................................................................ 3-7 City News .............................................................................. 8-11
Parks & Recreation Offerings The Big Splash .............................................................................12-14 Team Sports ................................................................................15-17 Preschool .....................................................................................18-21 Youth ............................................................................................22-31 Parks Map/Locations/Information ............................................32-37 Adult .............................................................................................38-44 55+ ..............................................................................................45-58 Registration Forms ......................................................................59-64
Registration Online, phone and office registration begins Mon., 4/23
This is the last edition of The Source. Starting September 2018, Grove City Parks & Rec. activities will appear in the new Discover Grove City magazine.
Grove City Source • Fall 2011
CITY OF GROVE CITY City Hall: 4035 Broadway Kingston Center: 3226 Kingston Ave. Grove City, Ohio 43123 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
City Contacts F IR E & P O L ICE EM ERGEN CY . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3015
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3000
Building Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3075
Our Mission
The Parks and Recreation Department of Grove City, Ohio, is committed to providing safe and enjoyable environments for parks, open spaces and high-quality, innovative and costeffective programs, while planning for the growth and diversity of current and future generations of our community.
City Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3065 Clerk of Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1715 Community & Business Relations Office . . . . 614-277-3040 Development Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3004 Evans Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1060 Finance Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3025 Grove City Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3061 Parks & Rec. Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3050 Police (Report accidents, crimes) . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1710
A resident of the City of Grove City is anyone with a home address for which municipal taxes supporting city programs are paid. A person who has a Grove City mailing address may not live within the city limits. Those paying Grove City municipal income tax are eligible for residency rates with proof of employment.
Police (Records) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1714
Visit the Grove City website for information on the Fair Share Policy.
Main Office (Kingston Center) . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3050
Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1100 Service Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1100
Parks & Recreation Contacts Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3090 Evans Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1060
These community-minded volunteers work to create a better recreation system for all residents.
Evans Center Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-1068
Sam Clark, Chair Jamie Hannon, Co-chair Alexis Fitzsimmons Brenda Hritz Alice Sweeley Ted Berry, City Council Liaison
Gantz Barn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-871-6330
Gantz Farmhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-871-6323 Fryer House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3064 Weather Update/Information Line . . . . . . . . . 614-277-3060
City Events
Operation Medicine Drop
Jackson Township Fire Department, 3650 Hoover Road Sat., 4/28; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 614-277-3058 • Make your home safer: turn in unneeded or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications for safe disposal. The City of Grove City, Grove City Division of Police, Jackson Township Fire Department, Keep Grove City Beautiful and Giant Eagle host this event to ensure safe, legal and environmentally conscious disposal of medicine in pill or powder form. Remove materials from containers, including blister packs, and place in a sealed plastic bag. Pet medicine is accepted, but not liquids or atomizers.
Community Environmental Day
Jackson Township Administration Building, 3756 Hoover Road Sat., 5/5; 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 614-277-3058 • 614-875-2742 • Show ecological responsibility and reduce your risk of identity theft: take advantage of this shared event offered by Jackson Township and Keep Grove City Beautiful. Dispose of unwanted items including documents with personal information, electronics and appliances as well as construction and landscape materials and tires (four per household limit). Ohio Mobile Shredding provides secure document destruction, and iRecycle LLC collects electronic items including computers, printers, cell phones and CPUs. Habitat for Humanity MidOhio Restore is collecting building materials; visit for accepted materials. Purchase food from the The Iacobucci Wood Fired Pizza food truck from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Household hazardous waste (e.g., flammable items, poisons, paints and chemicals) are not accepted; for disposal information, visit the SWACO website:
Gardens at Gantz Perennial Plant & Herb Sale/Tree Sale
Gantz Park, 2255 Home Road Sat., 5/12; 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 614-277-3058 • Frosty weather in Ohio usually melts away with the last days of April. The Gardens at Gantz volunteers are ready to help you obtain the plants you need to get your garden growing offering the public a large variety of culinary and landscape herbs. Select from many native perennials and rain garden plants. Pay by check, cash or credit card ($15 minimum). Purchase trees and bushes from various vendors.
Evans Center Open House
Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave. Fri., 4/20; 9 a.m.-Noon 614-277-1060 • Ever wondered if the Evans Center is right for you or a family member? Come see what the Center offers including healthy and lifelong learning opportunities that empower community members 55 and older. Experience drop-in activities, discussions and demonstrations on offerings such as crafts, cards, nutrition, functional fitness, day and overnight travel, financial education and law enforcement seminars. See page 47 for more details.
City offices including City Hall, Mayor’s Court, Grove City Museum, the Parks & Rec. Office, and the Service Department Office are closed the following dates: • Mon., 5/28 • Wed., 7/4 • Mon., 9/3
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
City Events Grove City Community Winds Summer Kickoff
George Edge Music Park on Broadway Fri., 5/25; 7-8:30 p.m. 614-277-3050 • Join the community in celebrating Memorial Day weekend, kicking off the summer season with Grove City Community Winds. This festive concert with a veteran salute features patriotic favorites.
Summer Sizzle Concert Series
George Edge Music Park on Broadway Fri., 6/1-8/17; 7-8:30 p.m. 614-277-3050 • The corner of Park Street and Broadway is energized with music and family activities Fridays throughout the summer as musicians representing a variety of styles take the stage for open-air concerts. Kickoff the Southwest Public Libraries Summer Reading Program, Fri., 6/1 with engaging, kid-friendly activities. DATE Fri., 6/1
ARTIST Endless Recess
Fri., 6/8
Conspiracy Band
Fri., 6/22
Agent 99
Fri., 6/29
Rezes Hall Band
Whiskey Would
Fri., 7/20
Robin Lacy & DeZydeco
Fri., 8/3
The Usual Suspects
Fri., 8/10
Fri., 8/17
The Russell Blue Band
Gantz Park Open House & Concert at the Gazebo
Gantz Park, 2255 Home Road Fri., 7/6; 6-8:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.: Concert by Central Ohio Brass Band 614-277-3050 • Celebrate National Parks and Recreation Month by exploring Gantz Park. Walk the paths, enjoy the playground, tour the Gantz Farmhouse and Gantz Barn, check out the improvements in the Gardens at Gantz Park and meet the Gantz volunteers and Garden Sprouts youth gardening group. The fun heats up when the Central Ohio Brass Band performs from the Gazebo.
Friday Night Grand Slam
Windsor Park, 4414 Broadway Fri., 5/4; 6-9 p.m. 614-277-3050 • The public is invited to attend this free celebration of the great American past time! Enjoy fun for the whole family including baseball skills competitions, bounce houses and entertainment as we celebrate the opening of another Grove City Little League® baseball season and the 2018 inductees for the Wall of Fame. A parade of players is followed by a ceremonial first pitch, then the fun begins.
Mayor’s Cup Golf Outing
Pinnacle Golf Club, 1500 Pinnacle Club Drive
Mon., 5/7; 10 a.m. shot-gun start
614-277-3050 • Make a drive against hunger to benefit LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program in Grove City. Experience an exciting, challenging and visually appealing golf course at the annual Mayor’s Cup Golf Outing. Sign up before Fri., 4/27 as a team for $450 or register as an individual for $125 and be assigned to a team. Businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring a hole or event insurance or in contributing door prizes should contact Grove City Parks & Rec..
Grove City Splash Pad Grand Opening
Fryer Park/YMCA, 3600 Discovery Dr. Sat., 5/19; Noon 614-277-3050 • Don't miss when the faucets turn on for Grove City's newest place to cool off on a hot day! The bright, colorful interactive water play structures follow Discovery Frontier's space theme and include a rocket slide and a variety of whimsical spray effects. The splash pad is a cooperative effort of Grove City Parks & Rec. and the Grove City YMCA. It is available for free use by the public 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. through Labor Day on days school is not is session.
City Events
City Events Heritage Celebration
Century Village at Fryer Park, 4185 Orders Road Sat., 6/2; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Vintage Baseball: 1 p.m. 614-277-3050 • Get a taste of everyday life in an emerging Ohio farm community in the late 1800s through building tours, interactions with re-enactors and demonstrations as history comes to life among the buildings of Century Village. Step into the blacksmith shop to see a blacksmith at work using customary metal forging techniques. Wander through log cabins and barns, a one-room school house original to the site, a general store and more to view artifacts and hear stories of how our ancestors lived as well as the history of Century Village from members of the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society (SWFCHS). Don't miss the big game Saturday at 1 p.m. as the Ohio Village Muffins challenge the Century Village Greyhounds to a vintage "base ball" game following the 1860s rules.
Memorial Day Parade
Grove City Town Center: City Hall & Grove City Cemetery Mon., 5/28 • Parade: 11 a.m. Step off 614-875-5106 The American Legion Paschall Post 164 and Veterans of Foreign Wars 8198 host the Memorial Day parade and services. The parade steps off from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church and travels down Broadway. After a short ceremony at City Hall, the parade continues to Grove City Cemetery for the Grove City Memorial Day service.
This annual event is presented by the City of Grove City and the SWFCHS. Admission is free, but donations to the Grove City Food Pantry are accepted. Food and drinks are available for purchase.
Ohio Flags of Honor
Grove City Town Center, Park Street and Arbutus Avenue Flags displayed 3 p.m., Fri., 6/15 to 3 p.m., Sun., 6/17 Musical Tribute: Tom Daugherty Orchestra, Fri., 6/15; 7-9 p.m. 614-277-3050 • This moving display, a labor of love organized by the parents of a fallen marine, honors soldiers from Ohio who gave their lives for our country around the world. More than 400 full-size flags adorn the grassy area located on the southeast corner of Park Street and Arbutus Avenue. Volunteers are needed to assist with flag installation Friday morning and removal Sunday afternoon; call the Parks & Rec. office for additional information.
Grant-Sawyer Home Open House & Bell Ringing Grant-Sawyer Home, 4126 Haughn Road
Fryer Flicks on the Hill
614-277-3050 • The Grant-Sawyer Home was built in the mid-1800s by one of Grove City's prominent families. The City of Grove City worked with the SWFCHS and professionals to restore the home to that period, allowing for a glimpse into the daily lives of 19th century Midwesterners. Don't miss the opportunity to take a free tour the home which appears on the National Register of Historic Places (donations accepted).
Fryer Park, 3899 Orders Road Thursdays, 6/7-7/26; Dusk 614-277-3050 • Grab a lawn chair or blanket and head to the sledding hill at Fryer Park to enjoy the fresh summer night air while viewing a popular family movie. Purchase refreshments from the concession stand or bring your own (no glass or alcohol).
Family Fishing Day
Event subject to cancellation due to weather, including for windy conditions.
Sat., 6/30; Open House: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. • Bell Ringing: Noon
Rotary Lake, Fryer Park 3670 Discovery Dr. (off Orders Road) Sat., 6/2; 8-11 a.m. 614-277-3050 • Head to Rotary Lake for a relaxing morning of fishing fun, free from daily distractions. Bring fishing gear and refreshments, but no glass. No fishing license is required, but there is a limit of one pole per person. This catch-and-release event is held rain or shine. A limited supply of child-sized equipment is available for loan.
DATE Thu., 6/7
MOVIE Despicable Me 3
Thu., 6/14 Beauty and the Beast (2017) Thu., 6/21 Wonder Woman (2017) Thu., 6/28 Peter Rabbit Thu., 7/5
Justice League
Thu., 7/12 Star Wars | The Last Jedi Thu., 7/19 Coco Thu., 7/26 Cars 3
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
City Events Independence Day Fireworks
Grove City High School, 4665 Hoover Rd. Wed., 7/4; Fireworks at 9:50 p.m. Rain Date: Thu., 7/5 614-277-3050 • Celebrate American independence with an inspiring pyrotechnic display in the skies over Grove City. Before the fireworks, enjoy family activities sponsored by the Grove City Church of the Nazarene.
Homecoming Celebration
Town Center, Park Street & Broadway Fri., 7/27; 7-10 p.m. • Concert by the RockHouse 614-277-3050 • Gather for this Grove City tradition and celebrate community and reminisce with friends and former classmates as local alumni hit the streets of the Town Center with live entertainment by RockHouse. For information on the softball
National Night Out
Neighborhood To Be Determined Tue., 8/7; 6-8 p.m. 614-277-1765
[email protected] Celebrate our strong police-community partnership with fun, family activities and visits from community organizations. Members of the community are encouraged to celebrate this evening with neighbors no matter where they live.
Town Center, Park Street & Arbutus Avenue Sat., 8/11; 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Mount Carmel Presents Bike with Mayor Ike starts at 9 a.m. 614-277-3058 • As summer draws to a close, the Town Center turns "green" to celebrate Grove City as a healthy, eco-friendly community with demonstrations, information booths and naturalliving products. Learn about green businesses and alternative energy production. Special zones feature kids' activities, healthy living, food trucks, recycled art and more. Discover ways to be active including learning the area trails good for biking and hiking. Participants are encouraged to walk or ride bikes to the event; the Yay! Bikes bike corral will be available for secure parking. Mount Carmel Presents Bike with Mayor Ike Registration: online at or day of at 8:30 a.m. Ride starts at 9 a.m. Kick off EcoFest by joining Mayor Richard L. "Ike" Stage on a family-friendly bike ride through the Town Center. Register online at After your ride, stay and enjoy the EcoFest, while YAY! Bikes parks your bicycle(s) in the secure corral.
City Events
around grove city Relay for Life
Fryer Park Sat., 5/5; 3-11 p.m. This continuous team event featuring live performances and activities raises funds to benefit the American Cancer Society. Contact: Kelsey Jones 888-227-6446, ext. 3011
[email protected]
ACTS in Grove City
Grove City High School, 4665 Hoover Rd. Sat., 5/19; 8:45 a.m.-4 p.m. Join in the annual day of service that unites hundreds of volunteers to assist those in need throughout the community. Contact: John Keating 614-875-2551,ext 219
[email protected]
Childhood Immunization Clinic
Jackson Township Administration, 3756 Hoover Road Mon., 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13 Make an appointment to receive vaccines for those 19 and younger for MMR, hepatitis, DTaP, Hib, chicken pox, Tdap, Polio, influenza, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal, Meningococcal and HPV. Bring the child's shot record, parent's photo ID, and insurance card OR $15 per shot (cash or check only). Franklin County Public Health 614-525-3719 •
Summer Reading Program
Grove City Library, 3959 Broadway Fri., 6/1 - Sat., 7/28 Young readers join the club and track their reading for prizes and raffles. Stop by the library for entertainers and other programs to stay engaged all summer. This year's theme is Libraries Rock. Grove City Library 614-875-6716
Safety Town
J.C. Sommer Elementary School Weekdays Thu., 6/7 - Thu., 6/14 Children entering kindergarten learn safety basics in morning (8:30-11:30 a.m.) or afternoon (12:15-3:15 p.m.) sessions. Register online or in person at 3650 Hoover Road, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Jackson Township Fire Department 614-875-5588
[email protected]
SWFCHS Century Village Open Houses
Century Village, 4185 Orders Road Sat., 5/26, 6/23, 7/28, 8/25, 9/22; 2-4 p.m. Groups and individuals are welcome to tour the historic log house and school the fourth Saturday of May through September. Call for information or to schedule a visit. SWFCHS Steve Jackson: 614-871-0081
Farmers’ Markets
Grove City Town Center Sat., 5/19 - 9/8; 8 a.m.-Noon Area farmers and local vendors bring the best of summer to the Town Center. Pick up delicious, fresh, homegrown fruits and vegetables, plants and homemade confections. Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce 614-875-9762
Rabies Clinic
Windsor Park Fri., 6/22; 1-3 p.m. Dogs and cats in Franklin County are required by law to be vaccinated against rabies. This low-cost clinic offers $5 rabies shots (cash only), microchips ($15) and dog licenses (varies). Pets must be leashed or in a carrier, under the control of the owner at all times, and not aggressive toward people or animals. Franklin County Public Health 614-525-3160
City Events Grove City Town Center Wine and Arts Festival
Grove City Town Center Fri., 6/15; 5-10 p.m. Sat., 6/16; 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Celebrate and support local producers: experience the best of the buckeye state with Ohio-produced wine, food and art. Grove City Town Center Inc. 614-539-8762
Grove City Town Center Bourbon Tasting
Grove City Town Center Sat., 8/11; 1-10 p.m. Have a barrel of fun whether you're just a beginner or well distilled while enjoying live entertainment. With eight samples for just $20, taste several varieties before investing in a bottle. Grove City Town Center Inc. 614-539-8762
Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing Oakhurst Country Club Mon., 7/16; 11 a.m. Support your local chamber of commerce with a leisurely round of golf. Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce 614-875-9762
Southwest Franklin County Historical Society (SWFCHS)
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 3220 Columbus St. Meetings: First Tue. of Month; 7 p.m. New members welcome! SWFCHS serves Franklin, Jackson, Pleasant and Prairie townships, working with the City of Grove City and community members to preserve and share the area’s history. SWFCHS Steve Jackson: 614-871-0081
Grant-Sawyer Home Tours
Grant-Sawyer Home, 4126 Haughn Road Tue., Thu. & Sat; hourly 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Take a guided tour of the rooms of the dwelling, once home to one of Jackson Township's founding families, restored to its mid-1800s finery. $5 per person donation to SWFCHS requested. Grove City Museum 614-277-3061
City News
Grove City Source • Fall 2011
City offices including City Hall, Mayor's Court the Service Department and Parks & Rec. Offices are closed: • Mon., 5/28 • Wed., 7/4 • Mon., 9/3
Stay Connected with Grove City
Parks & Recreation Offices Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. City Hall, 4035 Broadway 614-277-3050 @GroveCityOhio @GroveCityOhio @GroveCityOhio From the Grove, Grove City’s e-newsletter, shares information about road construction, service updates, events, programs, sports and more.
Discover Grove City Magazine
Grove City Business & Community Relations: 614-277-3040 • This June, watch your mailbox for the first edition of the new Discover Grove City magazine! This new publication, produced in coordination with CityScene Media Group, is the official magazine of the City of Grove City and will be distributed six times per year. Each edition of Discover Grove City offers in-depth features, personality profiles, previews of upcoming events and much more. Beginning in August, each edition also will include information on events, programs and other activities hosted by the Grove City Parks & Rec. Department formerly published in The Source. The magazine is mailed to residents and businesses in Grove City and Jackson Township. “We are thrilled to add Discover Grove City Magazine,” said CityScene President and CEO Kathy Gill. “Grove City is one of Central Ohio’s most exciting communities, and we look forward to keeping residents up to speed and letting them know about interesting stories right in their back yard.” “Discover Grove City Magazine offers us a fantastic means by which to get our message out to the residents regarding our wonderful city,” said Grove City Mayor Richard L. "Ike" Stage. “CityScene Media Group is known for its high standards of quality and commitment to the communities it serves.”
No Smoking in Parks
Grove City Parks & Rec.: 614-277-3050 Secondhand smoke contributes to a host of health problems. Help us make the playgrounds and parks in Grove City healthy for everyone, in particular children who can react to tobacco smoke with more frequent illness especially bronchitis and pneumonia, wheezing and coughing, frequent and severe asthma attacks, ear issues including infections and fluid buildup, increased tooth decay, greater risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and higher likelihood of becoming addicted to nicotine later in life.
Parks & Rec. Inclement Weather Policy
Grove City Parks & Rec.: Hot Line: 614-277-3060 • Office: 614-277-3050 Parks & Rec. programs, games and events may be canceled due to inclement weather including rain, lightning and high winds. For cancellation or delay information, call the Weather Update/Information Line at 614-277-3060. Updates also are posted to and the City's Facebook and Twitter pages @GroveCityOhio. The safety of participants is paramount. Due to the level of organization and schedules of entertainers, most events cannot be rescheduled.
Registration Online, phone and office registration begins Mon., 4/23
The hot line is updated for sports by 4:30 p.m. Decisions are made based upon field conditions at that time. Unfortunately, summer weather can be unstable especially in the early evening with storms popping up or breaking apart between 4 and 7 p.m. Be ready to call the hot line again before leaving for a game if weather conditions dictate. All efforts are made to reschedule games for sports leagues. The Big Splash Family Aquatics Center may close for all or part of the day due to weather conditions including cold air temperatures. Call 614-277-1818 for updates.
City News
service & parks Spring/Summer Construction Projects
Grove City Service: 614-277-1100 • It's construction season! Upcoming road construction projects may impact travel in Grove City. Updates on road construction and temporary and long-term closures are posted to the Grove City website and social media and shared via enews. Also visit the Ohio Department of Transportation websites for information including • Stringtown Road (through July 2018) Widening of Stringtown Road from Buckeye Parkway to SR 104 with ancillary improvements made to storm and sanitary sewers, waterline, sidewalks and multiuse path, and streetlights. • Seeds Road (Fall 2018 - Summer 2019) Widening of Seeds Road from South Meadows Drive to city limits with improvements made to the intersection at Enterprise Drive and to drainage systems. • Richard Avenue Waterline Improvements - Phase II (March - August 2018) Replacement of the six-inch water main with an eight-inch version on Richard Avenue between Dennis Lane and Southwest Boulevard; Jerome Court; Irwin Avenue from Michael Lane to Terry Lane; and Dennis Lane from Sheldon Place to Richard Avenue. Roadway resurfacing will occur after completion of the waterline replacement.
Spring/Summer Trash & Recycling Schedule
Local Waste Service: 614-409-9375 • Grove City Service: 614-277-1100 Local Waste Services observes Memorial Day on Mon., 5/28; Independence Day on Wed., 7/4; and Labor Day, on Mon., 9/3. There is no collection the day of the holiday and pickup is delayed one day for the remainder of the week. Routes normally collected on Fridays are serviced on Saturday that week.
Recycle Right: Make a Difference
SWACO • In 2016, residents and businesses in Franklin County produced more than 2 million tons of waste. Although nearly half was recycled or composted, that leaves more than 1 million tons being added to Franklin County's landfill in just one year. Recycling has never been more important, but it is not enough just to recycle, it is important to do it correctly. Grove City is the pilot community working with the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) on the Recycle Right initiative in Franklin County. Visit the Recycle Right website at to utilize the recycling and reuse search tool to guide you on what can be placed in curbside recycling, what needs to be taken to other collection sites and what should be put in the trash. Include in curb-side recycling: • Paper and flattened cardboard • Plastic bottles and jugs • Glass bottles and jars • Coated paper cartons (remove lids)
Grove City Art Concern
Do not include with curb-side recycling: • Plastic bags • Plastic other than bottles or jugs (e.g., yogurt tubs) • Foam (e.g., Styrofoam®) cups/food containers • Hoses, wires, chains, clothing or electronics • Light bulbs • Containers used to store hazardous material
Curator Ray Kline • 614-875-2423/614-203-9123 • The Art Concern offers a visual art experience featuring works from a variety of artists in Council Chambers in City Hall, viewable by the public during business hours. For exhibit schedules, details on artists and information on how to show artwork, visit the website.
City News Park Watch Please report all suspicious activities, vandalism and other crimes, and any unsafe conditions in our parks. Be safe: DO NOT handle problems on your own. Allow the proper authorities to manage the situation. • Emergency: 911 • Suspicious Activities/Crimes in Progress (non-emergency) Grove City Police: 614-277-1710 • Vandalism (not in progress) Grove City Parks & Rec.: 614-277-3050 • Broken Equipment/Unsafe Conditions Grove City Parks & Rec.: 614-277-3050
Park Rules to Remember Keep these basic rules in mind when visiting Grove City parks. Exceptions to some regulations may be made with express permission from the director of Parks & Rec.. • Follow the opening and closing hours posted at the park entrance. • Drive 15 mph or slower. Keep motorized vehicles on the roadways. • No one is to possess or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. • Stay off specialized surfaces (tennis courts, Dream Field, etc.) when wearing cleated shoes. • No pets/animals except cats and dogs. Keep pets on leashes (six feet or shorter) and clean up after them. • No camping. • Stay out of the water – lakes, ponds, streams, etc. • Do not hit golf balls. • Keep the sound down. Radios, musical instruments, etc. should only be audible in your immediate area. • No fires except in grills. No smoking. • Only climb on playground equipment. Stay off buildings, shelters, fences, flag poles, etc. • No hunting, trapping or otherwise interfering with wild animals. • Do not use abusive, profane or indecent language or engage in lewd or obscene conduct. Find park laws in Chapter 903 of the Grove City Codified Ordinances.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
City News For more information on City volunteer groups or boards and commissions, visit City Volunteer Groups Grove City organizes a number of groups with volunteers who donate many hours and plenty of effort to ensure that City programs and events operate smoothly. • • • • • • • • • • • •
Adopt-A-Street and Park groups Evans Center Seniors Gardens at Gantz Volunteers Grove City Citizens Police Academy Alumni Grove City Police Explorers Meals-On-Wheels RecSchool Advisory Board Teen Volunteer Involvement Program Youth Little League® Baseball Coaches Youth Basketball Coaches Youth Sports Advisory Board Youth Volleyball Coaches
Grove City Civic Groups Our community is fortunate to have so many citizens involved with service groups assisting Grove City citizens. • Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors • Grove City Civic Club • Grove City Community Club • Grove City Food Pantry • Grove City Kiwanis • Grove City Noon Lions Club • Grove City Lions Club • Grove City Rotary • Grove City Town Center • Mid-Ohio Foodbank • Southwest Franklin County Historical Society • Knights of Columbus • Southwest Christian Ministerial Society • Grove City Convention and Visitors Bureau • Grove City Kids Association • South-Western City Educational Foundation • Scouting organizations
Community Volunteers Drive Grove City Grove City's proud tradition of community involvement enables the city to maintain a close-knit, small-town feel even as it experiences significant growth. An indicator of the level of engagement is the sheer number of volunteers who step forward in Grove City to help those in need financially, keep our community clean and beautiful, safeguard and celebrate our history, make sure our youth stay active and healthy and so much more. Summer is when these organizations and the individuals who support them are most visible in the community. This is a great time to recognize them for all they do - or better yet, join them!
Boards and Commissions
Advisory boards and commissions enable citizens to participate in improving our community. Residents participate and make recommendations to City officials on a variety of topics. City staff members serve as coordinators with each of these groups. Audit Committee Paul Alexeeff Adam Borchers Joseph Merth Board of Zoning Appeals George Holinga, Chairperson John W. Brant Larry Titus Civil Service Commission Marjorie Brant, Chairperson Dr. Robert Gardner Keith Larsen Historical Commission Michael Lilly, Chairperson Barbara Howison Karen Lane Lisa Napier-Garcia Ginger Thrush Keep Grove City Beautiful Michelle Fulks, Chairperson Camille Kopczewski, Co-Chair Jennifer Eschbach, Secretary Sam Clark Wendi Faulkner Marc Fleming Dale Heiser Dennis Hunter Mike Lilly Mary LeStourgeon Bill Myers Staci Patzer Jamie Roberts Doug Swartz Tricia Zelenak Little League® Board Greg Adams Steve Bartunek Rick Ellis James Neiser Bob Wolfinger Bob Yono
Contractor Board of Review Erik Whitlock, Chairman Will Wilhelm, Vice-Chairman Donald Davis Rob Davis Mark “Tony” Haughn Park Board Sam Clark, Chairperson Jamie Hannon, Co-chair Alexis Fitzsimmons Brenda Hritz Alice Sweeley Council Liaison Ted Berry Planning Commission Julie Oyster, Chairperson Mike Linder, Vice Chair Dr. John Dubos Gary Leasure Jim Rauck Tree Commission Maureen Cahill Michael Esposito Laurie Fomby Randy Johnson Jim Lanman Mark Lowe Bill Metzler Jack Moore Dan Snyder Community Improvement Stephen Bowshier Larry Corbin Karen Evans Jeff Guminey Hugh Garside Julie Oyster Ed Fleming Jeff Davis Roby Schottke
City News
City News Contact Information EMERGENCY 911 Police Non-emergency 614-277-1710 Fire Non-emergency 614-277-1713 Anonymous Tip Line 614-277-1808 Administration 614-277-1700 Community Services 614-277-1740 Crime Prevention 614-277-1765
Grove City Division of Police Municipal Safety Complex, 3360 Park St.
Crime Prevention and Awareness
The Grove City Division of Police has developed many crime prevention and awareness programs designed to educate Grove City residents in all aspects of public safety. Residents and businesses have the opportunity to meet Division representatives and partner agencies to increase security awareness in our community. These programs provide the tools to create a safe environment in Grove City and Jackson Township. Taking part and participating in the various programs preserves and enhances the safety in all neighborhoods. Register to receive Crime Alerts by sending an email to
[email protected]. Crime Prevention Coordinator Tom Durflinger hosts monthly Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T.) meetings, the Distracted Driving Simulator and additional crime prevention events for community groups. Contact him for more information on crime prevention strategies including how to get involved with a Block Watch program.
Electronic Resources
Grove City Police know the power of assisting the community through electronic resources. One such tool is NextDoor, a private social network that helps neighbors connect and share information with each other. For Grove City neighborhoods participating in NextDoor, Grove City Police post crime prevention and safety updates regularly.
Safety Town
Safety Town is a joint effort with Jackson Township Fire Department that teaches children entering kindergarten school fire safety, stranger danger, poisons, water safety and other safety rules important to know once they begin school and move toward less constant parental supervision. The 2018 program is Thu., 6/7 - Fri., 6/8 and Mon., 6/11 - Thu., 6/14 in morning (8:30-11:30 a.m.) and afternoon (12:15 to 3:15 p.m.) sessions at J.C. Sommer Elementary School. Visit for details.
Citizens Police Academy
The Grove City Citizens Police Academy provides members of the public insight into the objectives and operations of the police. Participants are encouraged to share ideas and experiences with instructors and class members to improve community and police partnerships. Many graduates continue to volunteer to support police efforts. A new class starts in the fall: watch for information in mid-September. If interested in participating, visit for additional information.
Electronic Services/Media Website Facebook Twitter Online Reporting System Crime Alerts Send a request to be added to the distribution list to
[email protected]. Smart 911 Set up a profile so dispatchers can access details about your household. NextDoor Connect and share info with neighbors and receive Grove City police updates. A Rx Drug Drop Box is available in the Grove City Safety Complex lobby for anonymous disposal of medicine (solid only) day or night. Operation Medicine Drop is Sat., 4/28; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Fire Station 202, 3650 Hoover Road. See page 3. National Night Out is Tue., 8/7; 6-8 p.m. Neighborhood is to be determined. See page 6. S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) meets at 1 p.m. the second Tue. at the Evans Center. See page 45.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
The Big Splash The Big Splash 2831 Southwest Blvd. Grove City, OH 43123 Behind Brookpark Middle School For pre-season sales, visit: Parks & Recreation Offices Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. Grove City, OH 43123 Weather/Event Hotline: 614-277-1818 Big Splash Office: 614-277-1840 Parks & Rec. Office: 614-277-3050
Hours of Operation SEASON: Sat., 5/26 - Mon., 9/3 MONDAY-SATURDAY Season Pass Holders: 11 a.m.-8 p.m. General Admission: 11:30 a.m.-8 p.m. SUNDAY Noon - 7 p.m. The Big Splash is closed days when South-Western City Schools are in session including make-up days. • Tue., 5/29 - Thu., 5/31 • Wed., 8/22 - Fri., 8/24 • Mon., 8/27 - Fri., 8/31
Shelter Rentals The Big Splash offers a rentable shelter for season pass holders and resident patrons. Entrance fee discounts are available for large groups renting the shelter. Have a birthday party or other gathering for which you want to reserve the shelter? Contact The Big Splash after Sat., 5/26 at 614-277-1840. For more information, visit
Experience It!
Celebrate summer at Grove City’s water park. Season passes offer great value including early park entrance. Season Pass Holder Appreciation Day is Sun., 6/3: season pass holders can bring in one person per pass for free. Bring an ID or other proof of address to establish residency. Purchase your pass between Mon., 4/16 and Fri., 4/27 to save $10.
Theme Thursdays Visit The Big Splash on Thursdays based on a different theme each special guests like the Jackson 15-minute breaks. Check for themes
this summer to enjoy extraordinary fun week featuring games, decorations and Fire Department during the mandatory and specific dates at The Big Splash and
Important Rules & Reminders Please review all the facility’s rules at • Non-resident day passes are available only for guests of residents or season pass holders. • A season pass holder must present his/her card for entry and have a photo on file. Lost pass cards are replaced for $5. "Sharing" of passes may result in loss of privileges without refund. • The facility may close for the day due to extended inclement weather including low temperature or other issues. Call 614-277-1818 for updates. • Any child age 11 years or younger must be accompanied at all times by a person 16 or older. An adult may be responsible for up to eight children. • Outside food and drinks and small personal-sized coolers are permitted, but pizza boxes and glass containers are prohibited. • Alcohol and tobacco use is prohibited. Visitors may not be intoxicated. • Height requirements on attractions are for safety; no exceptions are made. • Outside flotation devices, chairs, awnings and umbrellas are prohibited. • Children and adults prone to fecal incontinence/accidents must wear swim diapers. Child-sized swim diapers are available in the Guest Relations Office for purchase ($1). Change diapers far from the water and wash hands well with soap. • For the health of all, please do not swim if experiencing diarrhea.
Parks & Recreation Offerings | The Big Splash
season pass sales
The Big Splash
Season Pass Sales Locations
Season Pass: First-time Purchase
Season Pass Renewal: Three Easy Choices
Mon., 4/16 - Mon., 9/3
• Complete the season pass registration form on page 64. • Bring the completed form with payment to the Parks & Rec. office. • Bring proof of residency (i.e. current utility bill) or Grove City employment (i.e. check stub showing payment of Grove City income taxes) to establish eligibility for lower rates.
Season pass cards from the previous seasons are renewable. Help us conserve resources and do not discard yours at the end of the season.
Grove City Parks & Rec. Office Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Sat., 5/26 - Mon., 9/3 The Big Splash 2831 Southwest Blvd. 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday-Saturday Noon-7 p.m., Sunday
2018 Big Splash Rates Family* Youth (3-17) Individual (18-54) Senior (55+)
Regular Season Pass Sales Mon., 4/30 - Mon., 9/3 Regular Season Pass Sales
Family* Youth (3-17) Individual (18-54) Senior (55+)
Day Pass Sales Sold daily from 30 minutes after opening until closing.
Drop off the completed form and payment in the 24-hour drop box on the parking-lot side of the Kingston Center.
Stop by the Parks & Rec. office in the Kingston Center during office hours or at The Big Splash once swim season begins.
Early Bird Season Pass Sales Mon., 4/16 - Fri., 4/27 Early Bird Season Pass Sales
Mail form with payment to: Grove City Parks & Rec., 4035 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123.
Youth (3-17) Individual (18-54) Senior (55+)
$180 $ 50 $ 75 $ 50
$190 $ 60 $ 85 $ 60
$6 $6 $5
$275 $ 80 $140 $ 60 NON-RESIDENT‡
$285 $ 90 $150 $ 70 NON-RESIDENT‡
$8 $8 $8
*A family season pass admits up to two adults and a maximum of three dependent children younger than 18 all living in the same household as the legal guardian. Additional dependent children in the household may be added for $10 per child (up to three). Babysitters, grandparents, grandchildren, extended family members and others are not included in the family season pass. Children younger than 3 years at the time of purchase are free. †To qualify for resident rates, a person must live within corporation limits or in Jackson Township (this does NOT include the entirety of 43123 ZIP code) or be able to provide proof of employment within Grove City limits (i.e. current pay stub). ‡Non-resident day passes are available only for guests of residents or season pass holders with a maximum of five non-resident guest day passes per group per day. Call 614-277-1840 for information on birthday parties or other large groups.
Questions? Call 614-277-3050 or 614-277-1840 (after Fri., 5/25)
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
The Big Splash Learn-to-Swim Program
Level - 4 Green (Ages 8-9)
The Big Splash Learn-to-Swim program takes a progressive approach to teaching swimming. Participants advance at their own pace, and the program uses specific, universal safety and technical standards. Three two-week sessions are offered for a variety of swimming abilities. Register online or in the Parks & Rec. office. Registration is accepted at The Big Splash once the season begins on Sat., 5/26. Any cancellations due to inclement weather are made up on Friday. Participants are not contacted before the lessons begin. If the swimmer needs to be placed in a level that does not correspond with his/her age, please call 614-277-3050.
Parent & Child Swim (Ages 2-3 with Adult)
Young children develop comfort in the water and readiness for learning to swim while parents develop the skills to supervise their children’s water activities. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $30 (NR $35) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon. & Wed. 6/11, 6/13, 6/18, 6/20 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 106331.01 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106331.02 SESSION II: Mon. & Wed. or Thu. 7/2, 7/5, 7/9, 7/11 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 107331.01 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107331.02 SESSION III: Mon. & Wed. 7/23, 7/25, 7/30, 8/1 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 107331.03 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107331.04
Level 1 - Red (Ages 4-6) Learn to feel comfortable in the water and enjoy it safely. Skills include supported kicking and floating on front and back, water-adjustment skills and experiencing buoyancy. No class Wed., 7/4. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $45 (NR $50) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon.-Thu., 6/11-6/21; A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 106131.01 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106131.02 SESSION II: Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri., 7/2-7/6 Mon.-Thu., 7/9-7/12 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 107131.01 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107131.02 SESSION III: Mon.-Thu., 7/23-8/2 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 107131.03 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107131.04
swim lessons
Level 2 - White (Ages 6-7) Learn to float without support and recover to a vertical position. Fundamental skills include kicking and arm movement on back and front, water-adjustment skills, turning over and proper breathing. No class Wed., 7/4. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $45 (NR $50) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon.-Thu., 6/11-6/21; A.M. 9:15-9:55 a.m. 106231.01 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106231.02 SESSION II: Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri., 7/2-7/6 Mon.-Thu., 7/9-7/12 A.M. 9:15-9:55 a.m. 107231.01 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.02 SESSION III: Mon.-Thu., 7/23-8/2 A.M. 9:15-9:55 a.m. 107231.03 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.04
Level 3 - Blue (Ages 7-8) Build on Level 2 with additional guided practice. Coordinate breathing personal safety skills with strokes like front and back crawls, elementary backstroke, treading water and safe diving. No class Wed., 7/4. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $45 (NR $50) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon.-Thu., 6/11-6/21; A.M. 9:15-9:55 a.m. 106231.03 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106231.04 SESSION II: Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri., 7/2-7/6 Mon.-Thu., 7/9-7/12 A.M. 9:15-9:55 a.m. 107231.05 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.06 SESSION III: Mon.-Thu., 7/23-8/2 A.M. 9:15-9:55 a.m. 107231.07 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.08
Improve front crawl and backstroke, learn basic breaststroke and sidestroke, and develop skills like wall turns, treading water, rescue breathing and CPR. No class Wed., 7/4. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $45 (NR $50) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon.-Thu., 6/11-6/21; A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 106231.05 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106231.06 SESSION II: Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri., 7/2-7/6 Mon.-Thu., 7/9-7/12 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 107231.09 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.10 SESSION III: Mon.-Thu., 7/23-8/2 A.M. 10-10:40 a.m. 107231.11 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.12
Level 5 - Purple (Ages 9-10) Coordinate and refine key strokes during an introduction to the butterfly, open turns and feet-first surface dives. Develop underwater swimming, breathing control and safety skills. No class Wed., 7/4. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $45 (NR $50) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon.-Thu., 6/11-6/21; A.M. 8:30-9:10 a.m. 106231.07 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106231.08 SESSION II: Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri., 7/2-7/6 Mon.-Thu., 7/9-7/12 A.M. 8:30-9:10 a.m. 107231.13 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.14 SESSION III: Mon.-Thu., 7/23-8/2 A.M. 8:30-9:10 a.m. 107231.15 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.16
Level 6 - Silver (Ages 10-17) Develop turns, pike and tuck surface dives, learn basic rescues and polish strokes to swim more efficiently and powerfully. No class Wed., 7/4. The Big Splash Wks: 2 Fee: $45 (NR $50) TIME ACTIVITY # SESSION I: Mon.-Thu., 6/11-6/21; A.M. 8:30-9:10 a.m. 106231.09 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 106231.10 SESSION II: Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri., 7/2-7/6 Mon.-Thu., 7/9-7/12 A.M. 8:30-9:10 a.m. 107231.17 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.18 SESSION III: Mon.-Thu., 7/23-8/2 A.M. 8:30-9:10 a.m. 107231.19 P.M. 8:15-8:55 p.m. 107231.20
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Team Sports
Team Sports BE READY TO REGISTER! Be prepared to provide the following at youth sports registration: • Full payment fee • Proof of residency (e.g., current utility bill, check stub, bank statement) to receive resident rate • Parent/guardian registration form
• Participant’s T-shirt size • Name and phone number for an emergency contact • Baseball Only Participant’s birth certificate if the child has not before participated in the Grove City youth baseball program (not JumpStart)
GROVE CITY YOUTH BASEBALL: FALL 2018 The Grove City Parks & Rec. Department is proud to offer a recreational baseball program for boys and girls ages 5 through 17, who live in Grove City or Jackson Township. Participants who reside outside the city/township corporate limits are eligible to play, but are required to pay an additional $10 non-resident fee. This program teaches basic skills, sportsmanship, teamwork and enjoyment of the game. Our goal is to make this a pleasurable experience for all children, parents and coaches. Register, in person only, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m., during June at the Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. Extended office hours are offered until 7 p.m. on Tue., 6/26. League Placement & Fees Age 5 by 8/31/2018 through age 17 on 4/30/2018.
Important Dates Dates are approximate and based on weather conditions
T-ball (Age 5 by 8/31)* $38 Resident $48 Non-Resident
Registration Fri., 6/1 – Fri., 6/29
Minors 6 (Age 6 by 8/31) $38 Resident $48 Non-Resident Minors 7-8 (Age 7 by 8/31) $38 Resident $48 Non-Resident Minors 9-10 (Age 9 by 8/31) $58 Resident $68 Non-Resident Majors (Age 11 by 8/31) $58 Resident $68 Non-Resident Junior (Age 13 by 4/30) $58 Resident $68 Non-Resident Big League (Age 15-17 on 4/30) $58 Resident $68 Non-Resident
Practices Mon., 7/30 – Fri., 8/17 Canceled practices are not rescheduled. Opening Day: Sat., 8/18 Season: Sat., 8/18 – end of September Make-up Games: Postponed games are made up on Saturdays. Sports Weather Update Line: 614-277-3060 Player Aging Dates: 4/30/2018 if born in 2004 or earlier 8/31/2018 if born in 2005 or later
*See page 19 for preschool T-ball opportunities
Photo: Rick Ellis
Weather Cancellations Call the Weather Hotline at 614-277-3060 to check the status of events, sports and activities when conditions are unfavorable. Updates are posted at: • • •
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Team Sports
Youth Volleyball - Fall (Grades 3-12) Fall indoor volleyball leagues are available for youth players in grades three through 12 in four age divisions: junior (grades 3-4), intermediate (grades 5-6), middle (grades 7-8) and senior (grades 9-12). Boys and girls compete together. Teams are determined by a blind draft conducted by the Parks & Rec. office. A tournament closes out the season in mid-December. Volunteer coaches are needed. South-Western City School Sites in Grove City Wks: 10 Practices start in late September for the junior division, early October for all others Games start in late October Fee: $60 per player (NR $65) Register by player during August
Grove City Basketball Coaches: Thank You!
Photo: Elaine Glass
Want to Make a Difference? The Grove City Buddy Ball League removes barriers that keep children and adults with mental and physical disabilities off the baseball field by modifying equipment and rules and using a tiled, rubberized surface. With the help of a “buddy,” players experience hitting, throwing and moving around the bases as part of a team. For information on volunteering for the upcoming season (May through July), visit
Without the support of volunteers, Grove City couldn't offer such successful programs for local youth. Thanks to all who participated in and supported the 2018 basketball season, including players, coaches, assistant coaches and parents. HEAD BASKETBALL COACHES Jaime Adrovet (2) Jamie Damron Keith Hume Dan Shook Greg Allmon Ben D'Angelo Jared Jones Scott Sigler Ty Baker Glenn Davis Dean Kerschner Sean Sigman Eric Beckstedt Jerry Dowell Greg Kirchner Nate Smarr Tom Bivens Doug Eberle Patrick Meldon Marty Smith Jonathan Blakesley Bryan Elliott Jay Miller Dylon Sparks (2) Denver Boling (2) Philip Foutty (2) Steve Moore Sean Steinhauser Derek Brown Robert Friesland Paul Morris Tim Tea Lyman Brown Matthew Fuchs William Nabarrette Dwaine Thames Jerry Buerkle James Fuqua Keith Partridge Joe Toadvine Brian Cahill Todd Fusner Joe Pennington Justin Webb Lisa Casto Don Gantt Rodney Potts Michael Whitted Grant Clark Russell Hill Don Ransburgh Bob Wolfinger Sam Clark Josh Hinkle Justin Rohm Jarod Wright Craig Crager Bryan Hobson Shannon Romans Tara Ysseldyke Ryan Hubbard Jason Russell Jacob Zeger Chuck Cunningham Michael Hull Nathaniel Samson
Codes of Conduct All participants including players, parents and spectators are expected to adhere to the Parks & Rec. Codes of Conduct for each sport, supporting our commitment to good sportsmanship and fostering a positive, supportive experience for participants. Spectators, coaches and participants shall support and show respect for all players, coaches and league officials: do not taunt or use abusive/profane language or attempt to humiliate; comply with the decisions of league officials; follow Parks & Rec. rules, policies and procedures; make every attempt to be on time and ready to play for games and practices; inform the proper person of safety risks including a child’s ailment or a hazardous playing surface; be drug and alcohol free at all athletic events; and not abuse Parks & Rec. or school equipment or property (e.g., throwing batting helmets). Parks & Rec. has a zero-tolerance policy for overly aggressive behavior, use of profanity/ slurs, belittlement of players and violations of substitution rules. Violations can result in an indefinite suspension up to a lifetime ban from Parks & Rec. activities. Visit for details.
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Team Sports
Team Sports Sport and Fitness Classes
Fall Adult Slow-Pitch Softball Prefer softball with a pitch count instead of the one-pitch format used in most fall leagues? Adult softball in Grove City is for you! Register as a team at the Parks & Rec. office. Depending on the number of teams in the league, some double-headers may be played. Fryer Park Games start the week of 8/5 Fee: $290 per team Register by team during July.
Wks: 8
Adult Summer Cornhole
TEAM SPORTS REGISTRATION DATES Registration is completed on business days during the assigned month. Youth sports participants register as an individual and receive a team jersey; registration must be completed in person at the Parks & Rec. office. Adult sports participants register by team; uniforms are not provided.
YOUTH SPORTS Sport Baseball (ages 5-17) Baseball (ages 5-17) Volleyball (grades 3-12) Basketball* (grades K-12)
Season Spring Fall Late Fall Winter
Registration Month February June August October
* Boys and girls compete in separate leagues.
ADULT SPORTS Sport Cornhole (21+) Softball† Cornhole (21+) Cornhole (21+) Softball † Volleyball ‡ Volleyball ‡
Season Spring Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Winter
Registration Month March March May July July September December
† Men’s, women’s, and co-rec options ‡Co-rec only league
Parks and Rec. partners with Plum Run Winery/Grove City Brewing Company to offer two-player cornhole from 6 to 8 p.m. Three games per night minimum (may vary by league size). Players must be age 21 or older. Plum Run Winery/ Wks: 6 Grove City Brewing Co. 3946 Broadway Matches start Thu., 6/7 Fee: $50 per team Register by team during May.
Adult Fall Cornhole Parks and Rec. partners with Plum Run Winery/Grove City Brewing Company to offer two-player cornhole from 6 to 8 p.m. Three games per night minimum (may vary by league size). Players must be age 21 or older. Plum Run Winery/ Wks: 6 Grove City Brewing Co. 3946 Broadway Matches start Thu., 8/9 Fee: $50 per team Register by team during July.
Senior Softball (Ages 60+)
Baseball Sponsorships
Official Wanted - Paid
Get high-profile exposure with your company name on team jerseys – we even make one for you. You can choose to sponsor your child’s team. Call the Parks & Rec. office at 614-2773050 for more information on how to support youth baseball and make the community better.
Grove City Parks & Rec. is accepting applicants for umpires for adult softball and youth baseball for ages 9 and older, officials for volleyball, and referees for youth basketball.
Visit for details.
Grove City Parks and Rec. offers opportunities for all ages and abilities to enjoy sports, improve techniques and learn new skills. Visit the age-based sections for courses and day camps that build skills in soccer, volleyball, quickness and more.
Officials must be certified by the Ohio High School Athletic Association. If interested, call the Parks & Rec. office at 614-277-3050.
Sports Weather Updates/Field Conditions: 614-277-3060, option 4
Grove City seniors join forces on the softball diamond to take on other Central Ohio teams Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15 or 7:15 p.m. Coached by Marty Barrett. Berliner Park, Wks: 24 325 Greenlawn Ave. Mon., & Wed.; Games start in May Call 614-277-1060 for details.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
early learning
Preschool Learning Together (Ages 2½-4 with adult)
Child and parent (or other caring adult) share hands-on learning activities promoting creative, academic and social skills as they paint, build with blocks, write, sing and dance. Everyone should dress for play and exploration. SESSION I Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 Gantz Barn Day: Wed., 6/13; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 106161.06 SESSION II Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 Gantz Barn Day: Wed., 7/11; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 107161.09
RecSchool Preschool RecSchool, operated by Grove City Parks & Rec. Department, is a child-centered preschool program for pre-kindergarten children ages 3 and older. RecSchool is committed to fostering each child’s feelings of competence, early social skills, independence, love of learning and appreciation for the natural environment. Curriculum is based on the Ohio Department of Education’s Early Learning Content Standards and takes place within the context of play: the way children learn best. The staff includes established professionals, with a variety of early childhood educational backgrounds. Classrooms are planned to support numerous art, literacy, music, science physical and social experiences. RecSchool is held at Gantz Barn in beautiful Gantz Park. The program operates September through May. Half-day classes are offered two or three days per week. Children enrolled in the program must be 3 years old by Sept. 30 of that school year. 2018-2019 RecSchool Registration Please call 614-871-6330 for enrollment details or to be placed on the mailing list to receive complete information. Registration takes place on a first-come basis and continues until the program is full.
PlayGroup (Age 2 with an Adult)
This is the last edition of The Source. Starting September 2018, Grove City Parks & Rec. activities will appear in the new Discover Grove City magazine.
👪 Parent & Child Activity
Two-year-olds and a parent or other caring adult enjoy preschool classroom experiences including art, sensory activities, self-directed play, singing and movement during this fun hour. Operates September through May with two different Friday morning class times: 9:15-10:15 a.m. and 10:30-11:30 a.m. 2018-2019 PlayGroup Registration Call Michele Demmy at 614-871-6330 for additional information or to be placed on the mailing list. PlayGroup registration for the next school year begins each May.
The South-Western City School District is registering students for kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year. Call your local school or visit for more information.
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Preschool
sports & fitness RecCamp (Ages 3-4) Preschoolers build a love of learning and feelings of competence and independence in a nurturing classroom setting as they work and learn with others at creative, sensory, cooperative play and art activities. Each day concludes with circle time: singing, fingerplays and reading. Parents are welcome to wait in the hallway or run errands while children are in class. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Gantz Barn Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 6/11; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $48 (NR $52) Activity #: 106161.03 SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Gantz Barn Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 6/25; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $48 (NR $52) Activity #: 106161.13
SESSION III Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Gantz Barn Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 7/9; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $48 (NR $52) Activity #: 107161.03 SESSION IV Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Gantz Barn Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 7/23; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $48 (NR $52) Activity #: 107161.15
Peewee Soccer (Age 3)
Jr. Pele Soccer (Ages 4-5)
Run off built-up energy while practicing soccer with an emphasis on building motor and socialization skills. Wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing. All participants receive a T-shirt. Heather Younkin instructs.
Make friends and learn soccer skills in a fun, safe environment while increasing motor and socialization skills. Wear athletic shoes, shin guards (optional) and comfortable clothing. All players receive a T-shirt. Heather Younkin instructs.
SESSION I Wks: 3 • Classes: 3 Westgrove Park Day: Tue., 5/8; 6:30-7 p.m. Fee: $17 (NR $22) Activity #: 405118.01
SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 12 Westgrove Park Day: Tue., Thu., 5/1; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $50 (NR $55) Activity #: 405118.02
Fitness Challenge Camp (Ages 3-7) Get up and moving at an energetic camp that promotes teamwork, good sportsmanship, healthy nutrition and self-confidence. Play fun games in teams or race against the clock in new fitness challenges each day. Children will have so much fun that they won’t realize they are exercising! SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 6/4; 9-11:30 a.m. Fee: $98 (NR $105) Activity #: 106143.02
Preschool Sporties for Shorties Minicamp (Age 3-5) JumpBunch coaches lead drills and skill instruction in soccer, golf, basketball, baseball and football, teaching coordination, social interaction and basic instruction. Preschoolers learn about Ohio teams and associated legends. Dress to be active. Bring a water bottle and healthy snack each day. AGE 3 Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 8/6; 9-9:45 a.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 108143.02 AGE 4 Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 8/6; 10-10:45 a.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 108143.03 AGE 5 Wks: 1 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 8/6; 11-11:45 a.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 108143.04
JumpStart T-birds T-ball (Ages 3-4) Preschoolers learn to bat off a tee, field, throw and catch, then apply those new skills in fun, non-competitive games. Parents are encouraged to assist. Includes MLB®-replica cap. Fee includes a team T-shirt and award. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Windsor Park Day: Fri., 5/4; 4:30-5:30 p.m. Fee: $65 (NR $65) Register at SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Windsor Park Day: Fri., 5/4; 5:30-6:30 p.m. Fee: $65 (NR $65) Register at SESSION III Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Windsor Park Day: Fri., 5/4; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $65 (NR $65) Register at
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
gymnastics & dance
Ballet: Baby (Ages 3-4)
Dancing Dolls (Ages 3-4)
New dancers get introduced to the fundamentals, developing coordination, balance and grace. Sign up according to age and ability. Must be toilet trained. Ballet shoes/slippers needed. Tami Kelly instructs. No class Thu., 5/17.
A new instructor leads this upbeat favorite of basic dance jam-packed with activities and exercises created just for preschoolers to help them develop coordination, rhythm and listening skills.
SESSION I Wks: 8 • Classes: 8 Kingston Center Day: Wed., 5/2; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $72 (NR $77) Activity #: 405121.02
Bear Cubs (Ages 2-3½ with Adult)
Active 2-year-olds spend quality time with their parents while learning coordination and body awareness in a fun environment safe for jumping, climbing and exploring. No class Mon., 5/28. MONDAY SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.01 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 7/9; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.01 TUESDAY SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.02 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.02
Due to limited space, parents and other non-participants may be required to wait outside the room during class. Thanks for your cooperation!
👪 Parent & Child Activity
SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $45 (NR $50) Activity #: 405122.01
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $45 (NR $50) Activity #: 107122.01
Pandas (Ages 3-4) Swing, bounce and tumble into fitness learning basic gymnastics skills while using parachutes, tunnels, beams and more. No class Mon., 5/28. MONDAY SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.03 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 6-6:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.04 SESSION III Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 7/9; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.03 SESSION IV Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 7/9; 6-6:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.04
TUESDAY SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.06 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.06 THURSDAY SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/10; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.08 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 7/12; 5-5:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.08
Polar Bears for Boys (Ages 4-5) In this all-boys class, young gymnasts build strength, cardio and muscular endurance and flexibility in a high-energy atmosphere. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 6-6:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405116.07
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 6-6:30 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107116.07
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Preschool
karate & nature
Karate Peewee (Ages 4-7) Students are taught basic punching, kicking and blocking techniques. Instructor evaluates participants at the beginning of each session for level placement. No class Wed., 7/4. MONDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 6/4; 5-5:30 p.m. Activity #: 106151.01 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 7/23; 5-5:30 p.m. Activity #: 107151.01 TUESDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 6/5; 6-6:30 p.m. Activity #: 106151.05 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 7/24; 6-6:30 p.m. Activity #: 107151.05 WEDNESDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 6/6; 5-5:30 p.m. Activity #: 106151.02 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 7/25; 5-5:30 p.m. Activity #: 107151.02 THURSDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 6/7; 6-6:30 p.m. Activity #: 106151.06 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 7/26; 6-6:30 p.m. Activity #: 107151.06
MONDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 6/4; 5:30-6 p.m. Activity #: 106151.03 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 7/23; 5:30-6 p.m. Activity #: 107151.03 TUESDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 6/5; 6:30-7 p.m. Activity #: 106151.07 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 7/24; 6:30-7 p.m. Activity #: 107151.07 WEDNESDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 6/6; 5:30-6 p.m. Activity #: 106151.04 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 7/25; 5:30-6 p.m. Activity #: 107151.04 THURSDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $45 (NR $50) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 6/7; 6:30-7 p.m. Activity #: 106151.08 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 7/26; 6:30-7 p.m. Activity #: 107151.08
Franklin County Public Health offers immunization clinics the second Monday of each month at the Jackson Township Administration Building, 3756 Hoover Road. An appointment is required. Call 614-525-3719 or visit for more information.
Nature Kids (Ages 3-6) Explore Grove City’s natural areas with a new adventure each week. Trek through the woods, fish, explore the creek and use natural items to create art. Dress to get messy. Michele Demmy instructs. CIRCLE OF LIFE Gantz Farmhouse Classroom Day: Fri., 6/29; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $5 (NR $6) Activity #: 106161.09 RIVERS TO THE SEA Gantz Farmhouse Classroom Day: Fri., 7/13; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $5 (NR $6) Activity #: 107161.07 HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT Gantz Farmhouse Classroom Day: Fri., 7/20; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $5 (NR $6) Activity #: 107161.10
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Youth Summer P.A.R.K. (Grades K-4) Summer P.A.R.K. is a full-day childcare program offered Monday through Friday during the summer modeled on the after-school program. Kids enjoy planned cooperative games, outrageous play, fitness, indoor and outdoor activities, free art, special-interest and free-choice activities, on-site mini-camps and more. Field trips and regular visits to the Big Splash are included. Completion of kindergarten is required. Program does not meet Wed., 7/4 or Thu., 7/5. 2018 Summer P.A.R.K. Registration REGISTRATION OPENS TUE., 4/17 Locations: Highland Park and Monterey Elementary Schools Day: Mon., 6/11 - Fri., 8/10 (9 wks) Time: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Fees: $100 non-refundable fee due at registration plus 4 payments of $296.
Summer Play Zone (Grades K-6) The plan for a ton of summer fun just got better! Jump into athletic shoes, pack a lunch and enjoy this super-fun day camp with your friends. Develop self esteem, independence and strong social skills through active games, outrageous play, special activities, free-choice art and adventurous off-site trips. Participants must have completed kindergarten.
2018-2019 P.A.R.K. (Grades K-4) Programmed After-school Recreation for Kids is committed to providing a safe, secure, enriching and affordable place to be after school. This school-age childcare program offers daily after-school activities for children in kindergarten through fourth grades staffed by qualified childcare providers at each site. P.A.R.K. operates in the school gymnasiums every day the South-Western City Schools (SWCS) are in session. The program is designed for, but not limited to, children of working parents. P.A.R.K. provides planned cooperative games, outrageous play, fitness, indoor and outdoor activities, free art, special-interest and free-choice activities and much more. Please pack a nutritious snack daily. REGISTRATION OPENS WED., 5/9 • SPACES ARE LIMITED Locations: Bolton Crossing, Buckeye Woods, J.C. Sommer, Highland Park, Monterey and Richard Avenue elementary schools. Spaces are limited. Time: 2:40-6 p.m. Fee: $187 monthly per child with a $30 non-refundable registration fee
No class Wed., 7/4 or Thu., 7/5.
2018-2019 Before-school P.A.R.K. (Grades K-4 & Intermediate)
SESSION I Wks: 8 • Classes: 30 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 6/18; 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Fee: $335 (NR $350) Activity #: 106283.01
Before-school P.A.R.K. creates a safe, fun environment for children in the morning before school starts. The fee includes breakfast and supervised recreational activities. This program meets every day the SWCS are in session. Transportation to the child’s home school is provided by the SWCS Transportation Department; Park Street Intermediate and J.C. Sommer students walk to school with P.A.R.K. staff. REGISTRATION OPENS WED., 5/9 • SPACES ARE LIMITED
This is the last edition of The Source. Starting September 2018, Grove City Parks & Rec. activities will appear in the new Discover Grove City magazine.
GRADES K-4: Bolton Crossing, Buckeye Woods, Highland Park, J.C. Sommer, Richard Avenue & Monterey Elementary Schools Location: Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. Time: 6 a.m. until buses transport to Buckeye Woods, Highland Park, Richard Avenue & Monterey elementaries; J.C. Sommer students walk accompanied to school Fee: $95 monthly per child with a $30 non-refundable registration fee ($30 fee is waived if child also registers for P.A.R.K. after-school program) INTERMEDIATE: Hayes, Holt Crossing & Park Street Intermediate Schools Location: Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. Time: 6 a.m. until buses transport to Hayes & Holt Crossing intermediate schools; Park Street participants walk accompanied to school Fee: $107 monthly per child with a $30 non-refundable registration fee
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Youth
gymnastics & dance
Grizzlies (Ages 5-7)
Kodiaks (Ages 9-13)
Young gymnasts can’t bear to miss this class covering basic tumbling and use of vault, beam and more. No class Mon., 5/28.
More experienced participants move past basic gymnastics with more advanced tumbling, vault, balance beam and more. Must be able to do a back walkover.
MONDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 6:30-7:10 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.01 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 7:15-7:50 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.02 SESSION III Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 7/9; 6:30-7:10 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.01 SESSION IV Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 7/9; 7:15-7:50 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.02
TUESDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 7-7:40 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.03 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 7-7:40 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.03 THURSDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/10; 6-6:40 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.07 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 7/12; 6-6:40 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.05
Koalas (Ages 8-10) Perfect gymnastics basics while practicing tumbling, vault, balance beam and more. TUESDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 7:50-8:30 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.04 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 7:50-8:30 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.04
THURSDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/10; 7-7:40 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.05 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 7/12; 7-7:40 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.06
Dancing Dolls (Ages 5-6) A new instructor leads this upbeat favorite of basic dance jam-packed with activities and exercises created just for preschoolers to help them develop coordination, rhythm and listening skills. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $45 (NR $50) Activity #: 405122.02
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $45 (NR $50) Activity #: 107122.02
SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/10; 7:40-8:20 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405216.06 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 7/12; 7:40-8:20 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107216.12
Polar Bears for Boys (Ages 6-7) In this all-boys class, young gymnasts build strength, cardio and muscular endurance and flexibility in a high-energy atmosphere. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 6:30-7 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405216.10 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 6:30-7 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107216.10
Due to limited space, parents and other non-participants may be required to wait outside the room during class. Thanks for your cooperation!
Registration Online, phone and office registration begins Mon., 4/23
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Youth Advanced Volleyball Camp (Ages 8-16) Improve overall skill levels in passing, setting, spiking, overhand serving and team defense to prepare for middle and high school volleyball. Instructed by Karly Kusan, assistant coach at Bishop Ready and former Akron University player and OHSAA first-team all-state selection. AGES 8-12 SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 3 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., 6/25; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $63 (NR $71) Activity #: 106214.03 AGES 12-16 SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 3 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., 6/11; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $63 (NR $71) Activity #: 106214.01 SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 3 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., 6/18; 9-11 a.m. Fee: $63 (NR $71) Activity #: 106214.02
Stay Connected with Grove City
Parks & Recreation Offices Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. City Hall, 4035 Broadway 614-277-3050 @GroveCityOhio @GroveCityOhio @GroveCityOhio From the Grove, Grove City’s e-newsletter, shares information about road construction, service updates, events, programs, sports and more.
athletics & fitness JumpStart Sports JumpStart Sports provides children with a foundation for growth while nurturing a love of sports. Through recreation-based programs, children learn character and life skills that lead to happiness and success with the fundamentals of athletics in a fun, organized environment. Dress in appropriate athletic clothing and shoes and bring a snack, water bottle and sunscreen. For details including information on extended hours and half-day options and to register, visit
Ultimate Warrior Camp (Ages 5-10) Come to camp for fitness, fun and team challenges (think Survivor)! Age-appropriate, safe activities designed to challenge, inspire and excite kids include games and tasks like obstacle courses, relays and tug-of-war that teach cooperation and teamwork while building self-esteem. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 6/4; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $140 Register at
Olympics Sports Camp (Ages 5-10) The Olympics are coming to Grove City! The Olympic spirit and true sportsmanship are emphasized as kids are grouped by age and divided into countries to compete in all types of Olympic sports! Learn the culture and history of your adopted country and make a flag to carry during "Closing Ceremonies" and "Presentation of Medals." SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 8/13; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $140 Register at
Fitness Challenge Camp (Ages 3-7) Get up and moving at an energetic camp that promotes teamwork, good sportsmanship, healthy nutrition and self-confidence. Play fun games in teams or race against the clock in new fitness challenges each day. Have so much fun you won’t realize you are exercising! SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 6/4; 9-11:30 a.m. Fee: $98 (NR $105) Activity #: 106143.02
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Youth
athletics & skate
Youth Skating Lessons (Ages 4-12) Learn basic roller skating skills at Skate America. Students receive free roller skates and may stay after lessons to practice. Register at Skate America, 4357 Broadway, or call 614-875-7606.
F.A.S.T.E.R. (Ages 8-21) Looking to improve your overall speed and running technique? Focus on flexibility, agility and speed training with extreme resistance to become quicker and faster. Choose to attend as many or few of the 12 classes per session. Mike Kusan instructs. AGES 8-18 SESSION I Wks: 3 • Classes: 12 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 5/7; 4:30-5:30 p.m. Fee: $75 (NR $83) Activity #: 405243.01 AGES 8-12 SESSION I Wks: 3 • Classes: 12 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 6/4; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $75 (NR $83) Activity #: 106243.03 SESSION II Wks: 3 • Classes: 12 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 7/9; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $75 (NR $83) Activity #: 107243.05
AGES 13-21 SESSION I Wks: 3 • Classes: 12 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 6/4; 10-11 a.m. Fee: $75 (NR $83) Activity #: 106243.02 SESSION II Wks: 3 • Classes: 12 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., 7/9; 10-11 a.m. Fee: $75 (NR $83) Activity #: 107243.04
Join the Grove City Library's Summer Reading Program for all ages! The club is in session Sat., 6/1 through Sat., 7/28. Track your reading for prizes and raffles and stop by the library for entertainers and other programs to stay engaged all summer. The 2018 theme is "Libraries Rock." For details, stop in the library or visit or call 614-875-6716.
SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Skate America, 4357 Broadway Day: Sat., 5/5; 10-11 a.m. Fee: $64 (NR $64) Register with Skate America SESSION II Wks: 5 • Classes: 5 Skate America, 4357 Broadway Day: Sat., 6/2; 12:15-1:15 p.m. Fee: $64 (NR $64) Register with Skate America SESSION III Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Skate America, 4357 Broadway Day: Sat., 7/7; 12:15-1:15 p.m. Fee: $64 (NR $64) Register with Skate America SESSION IV Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Skate America, 4357 Broadway Day: Sat., 8/4; 12:15-1:15 p.m. Fee: $64 (NR $64) Register with Skate America
Cheernastics (Ages 6-10) Gymnastics is one of the most important aspects of cheerleading today. Although cheerleaders do not use any of the apparatuses gymnasts do, they perform many of the same type of floor exercises. Focus on the most popular gymnastics stunts cheerleaders use including roundoffs, back handsprings and back tucks. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/10; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 405217.01 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 7/12; 5:30-6 p.m. Fee: $52 (NR $60) Activity #: 107217.01
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
dance & volunteering
Hip Hop Jazz (Ages 6-9) Do you feel like dancing whenever you hear music playing? Dance until you drop to hip hop jazz. Learn breaking, locking and popping plus jazz moves to upbeat music. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 6-6:30 p.m. Fee: $48 (NR $53) Activity #: 405226.01
Zumba Kids (Ages 5-11) Rock with friends in an ultimate dancefitness party for young Zumba fans that features age-appropriate music and highenergy moves to get kids groovin’ to the beat. Feel fearless on the dance floor - be yourself and dance like no one’s watching! Led by licensed instructor Chauntel Horaney. Wear athletic shoes and clothes; bring a water bottle. SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Mon., 7/16; 6-6:40 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $30) Activity #: 107245.01
Ballet: Princess (Ages 5-7)
Ballet: Basics (Ages 8-12)
Children sign up according to age and ability for this introduction to the fundamentals of ballet that develops coordination, balance and grace. Softsoled shoes or slippers are needed. Tami Kelly instructs.
Slightly older children just getting started are introduced to ballet fundamentals, developing coordination, balance and grace. Sign up according to age and ability. Ballet shoes or slippers needed. Tami Kelly instructs.
SESSION I Wks: 8 • Classes: 8 Kingston Center Day: Wed., 5/2; 6-6:30 p.m. Fee: $72 (NR $77) Activity #: 405221.01
SESSION I Wks: 8 • Classes: 8 Kingston Center Day: Wed., 5/2; 6:30-7 p.m. Fee: $72 (NR $77) Activity #: 405221.02
Ballet: Stretch & Toning (Ages 13+) Ease into exercise with ballet moves to improve your posture as well as elongate and tone muscles. This introductory classes uses basic moves to increase balance and bring out your inner ballerina.
Teens: Be a Part of the V.I.P. Program Teens in 7th through 12th grades are eligible to join the Volunteer Involvement Program (V.I.P.). Teen volunteers donate their time and expertise while gaining service hours and a great feeling of helping others. Hours are conveniently tracked through the program. Grove City offers many events and programs throughout the year, and participants in the teen V.I.P. volunteer program help make them successful. Join today to have fun and make a difference in the community. Applications can be picked up at Grove City Parks & Rec., 3226 Kingston Ave., or downloaded at
SESSION I Kingston Center Day: Wed., 5/2; 7-7:30 p.m. Fee: $55 (NR $63) Activity #: 405221.03
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6
Lyrical Age (Ages 10-13) Move with the beat of your heart and the rhythm of music while learning basic techniques, flexibility and coordination through a combination of ballet, jazz and contemporary dance methods performed to music with lyrics to inspire movements to express strong emotions. Athletic clothing and closed-toed shoes required. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/8; 6:30-7 p.m. Fee: $48 (NR $53) Activity #: 405226.02
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 6:30-7 p.m. Fee: $48 (NR $53) Activity #: 107226.02
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Youth
Youth Karate (Ages 8+) Build concentration and confidence with an emphasis on martial arts philosophy while learning karate basics, movement drills, kata (forms) and non-contact sparring. No class Wed., 7/4. MONDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 6/4; 6-7 p.m. Activity #: 106251.01 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 7/23; 6-7 p.m. Activity #: 107251.01 TUESDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 6/5; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 106251.05 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 7/24; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 107251.07 WEDNESDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 6/6; 6-7 p.m. Activity #: 106251.02 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 7/25; 6-7 p.m. Activity #: 107251.02 THURSDAY BEGINNER Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 6/7; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.08 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 7/26; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 107251.08 TWICE PER WEEK Kingston Center Fee: $80 (NR $85) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 12 Choose 2 from listed classes starting Mon., 6/4. Activity #: 106251.09
Looking for karate for ages 4 to 7? Check out page 21.
MONDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 6/4; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.03 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 7/23; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 107251.03 TUESDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 6/5; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.07 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 7/24; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 107251.05 WEDNESDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 6/6; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.04 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 7/25; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 107251.04 THURSDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 6/7; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 106251.06 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 7/26; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 107251.06
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 12 Choose 2 from listed classes starting Mon., 7/23. Activity #: 107251.09
Franklin County Public Health offers immunization clinics the second Monday of each month at the Jackson Township Administration Building, 3756 Hoover Road. An appointment is required. Call 614-525-3719 or visit for more information.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Youth Little Medical School (Ages 5-12) Discover medicine, science and health while exploring the inspiring world of medicine. Use interactive demonstrations, crafts and games to learn how the body works and use instruments real doctors use including a working stethoscope you keep. Tie knots like a surgeon and make models of the spine, brain, bones and eye! Receive a diploma at end of course. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 6/11; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $375 (NR $390) Activity #: 106261.10
Little Veterinarian School (Ages 5-12) Explore the exciting world of veterinarians and the importance of proper care and nutrition for animal health. Adopt a stuffed animal and use interactive demonstrations, crafts and games to learn to take care of a pet using instruments real vets do. Complete an assessment of a pet and learn safety rules for being around animals. This fun, hands-on summer camp covers topics like what to do if a pet is hurt and how to care for it; radiographs and the meaning of light and dark shades on them; and pesky parasites and how to treat infected animals. Receive a diploma upon course completion. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 7/16; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $375 (NR $390) Activity #: 107261.02
Engineering for Kids Engineering for Kids brings the excitement of STEM education to children through hands-on experiments, nurturing natural curiosity and developing problem-solving skills through engaging activities that show real-world relevance of theories learned in school and prepare them for the global economy.
Junior Electrical Engineering (Ages 4-7) Dream about seeing your name in lights? Explore the basics of electrical engineering through fun and interactive lessons including creating your own marquee!
Develop a basic understanding of robot design and programming then apply it to the creation of robots that move and perform jobs ranging from lifting simple objects to cleaning up large-scale natural disasters.
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 6/18; 1-3:30 p.m. Fee: $125 (NR $140) Activity #: 106243.05
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 8/13; 9-11:30 a.m. Fee: $125 (NR $140) Activity #: 108261.07
Apprentice Electrical Engineering (Ages 8-12)
Robotics: Robo Battles (Ages 8-12)
Use the engineering design process to design, create, test and refine basic electronics and circuits. Experiment with Snap Circuits® to discover the capabilities of major electronic components, build your own flashlights and explore the world of magnetic energy by building your own magnetic levitation vehicle. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 6/18; 9 a.m.-noon Fee: $150 (NR $165) Activity #: 106243.04
Create, program and control robots designed to perform challenges such as the SumoBots, Jousting and Catapult challenge, using LEGO® Robotics and computers to learn principles of robotics, computer programming and teamwork. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 5 Kingston Center Day: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 8/13; 1-4 p.m. Fee: $150 (NR $165) Activity #: 108261.08
Digging into Science (Ages 7-12) Play the role of geologists: excavate, dig in mud and sift through gravel to discover hidden gems in the rough! Become detectives to identify gems and marvel at your findings that you take home and share! Dress to get messy/wet. Presented by Class2Trail. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Kingston Center Day: Wed., 6/20; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $10 (NR $12) Activity #: 106261.06
Not sure where a park or building is? See pages 32-36 for maps, addresses and amenities.
Junior Robotics (Ages 5-8)
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Youth
nature & gardening
Youth Nature Explorers (Ages 10-14) Adventure awaits as you explore Grove City’s natural areas with help from Class2Trail! Dress to get messy.
Gantz Garden Sprouts Junior Gardeners (Ages 6-12)
Engage in the basics of starting and growing your own vegetable garden! Prepare the ground, plant seeds, water them and watch them grow into vegetables, then harvest your produce. Learn what else grows at the Gardens at Gantz and in the Arboretum. Dress to get messy. Gardens at Gantz volunteer Amy Weber instructs. Information Meeting: Wed., 5/9; 7-8 p.m.: Interested children with their parents learn about the program and determine the start date and meeting days for the program. Registration is required before attending the information meeting. Gantz Farmhouse Classroom Information Meeting: Wed., 5/9; 7-8 p.m. Day of the week and start date to be determined at Information Meeting Fee: $25 (NR $30) Activity #: 405278.02
Fairy Garden (Ages 5-12)
Take some miniature thyme, a few dainty fairy plants and create a special bower for the fairies that live in your garden. A pot and all the plants, plus decorative items like seashells, rocks and other natural materials are provided. Feel free to bring garden furnishings to make your fairy garden unique. Gloria Hartung instructs. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Wed., 6/6; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $28) Activity #: 106278.05
🌿 Gardens at Gantz Activity
Dinosaur Garden (Ages 5-12)
Wks: 16
Make your own Jurassic Park in a dish garden. Plants and decorations provided along with a dinosaur to get you started. A pot and all the plants, plus decorative items like seashells, rocks and other natural materials are provided. Feel free to bring your own additions. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Thu., 6/7; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $28) Activity #: 106278.06
ORIENTEERING Learn compass basics and use your new skills in a scavenger hunt in Gantz Park. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Park Day: Fri., 6/29; 10-11 a.m. Fee: $8 (NR $10) Activity #: 106219.02 CREEK EXPLORATION Discover the secrets of the stream in Gantz Park. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Park Day: Fri., 7/13; 10-11 a.m. Fee: $8 (NR $10) Activity #: 107219.02 NATURE STUDY Explore the forests in Grove City as you look and listen for signs of wildlife and make a cast of an animal track in the woods in Fryer Park. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Fryer Park Day: Fri., 7/20; 10-11 a.m. Fee: $10 (NR $12) Activity #: 107219.03
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
arts, crafts & life skills
Big Art Painting (Ages 6-10)
Enriching Kidz ™
Cover a variety of styles and techniques while focusing on the process, using quality materials and supplies found in an artist’s studio like pastels, watercolors, acrylics and more. Take home a finished piece each class. Art supplies furnished. Dress to get messy/bring a smock.
Enriching Kidz™ educates pre-teens on skills necessary to be successful, confident and creative individuals. Qualified nurses, teachers and specialists instruct interactively and offer students a fun learning environment where they gain knowledge needed to be responsible, educated and resourceful young adults.
SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/1; 6-6:45 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405262.01 SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 6/5; 6-6:45 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 106218.01 SESSION III Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 6-6:45 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107219.04
Do you watch younger siblings or want to earn money babysitting? Do you know what to do if a child in your care starts to choke? How to handle someone knocking at the door while you are watching several children? Learn the responsibilities of having a job, the rights of a babysitter, CPR for a child and infant, basic first aid, growth and development and appropriate toys and activities for kids as well as diaper changing, infant care and how to feed a toddler. Attend both classes to complete course. Bring a snack and lunch.
Amazing Artists Painting (Ages 8-12) Learn about renowned artists and study the techniques they used to create their famous work. Create artwork in your very own style by using quality materials like oil pastels, watercolors, acrylic and more. Take home a finished piece each class. All supplies included. Dress to get messy/ bring a smock. SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 5/1; 7-7:45 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 405245.02 SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 6/5; 7-7:45 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 106218.02 SESSION III Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 7-7:45 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107219.05
👪 🌿
Parent & Child Activity Gardens at Gantz Activity
Better Babysitters (Ages 10-14)
SESSION I Kingston Center Day: Mon., Wed., 8/6; 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Fee: $94 (NR $104) Activity #: 108261.01
Wks: 1 • Classes: 2
🌿 👪
Fairy Tea (Ages 5-12 with adult)
Midsummer’s Eve is the night the fairies come out to dance. Drink some fairy punch, nibble on some fairy cakes, listen to some fairy stories, and make a fairy wand and some fairy dust. Celebrate the start of summer with the Gardens at Gantz Farm Volunteers and the fairies at a tea designed for children accompanied by a parent; fee is per person. One of the Gantz Fairies may even come by to teach you a fairy dance. AGES 5-12 Gantz Farmhouse Classroom Day: Wed., 6/20; 7-9 p.m. Fee: $12 (NR $15) Activity #: 106278.03
ADULT (AGES 17+) Gantz Farmhouse Classroom Day: Wed., 6/20; 7-9 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $22) Activity #: 106378.04
Slime Time (Ages 5-10)
Beads & Baubles (Ages 8-13)
Slime time is any time! Avoid the mess at home - leave it for us as you explore a variety of slime recipes sure to stick, smell, glow and blow your mind.
Design and create a necklace and a beaded wrap bracelet using glass, ceramic and plastic beads.
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 7/19; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $10 (NR $12) Activity #: 107264.05
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Kingston Center Day: Tue., 8/7; 6-7:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 108261.05
Edible Art (Ages 5-10) Design and make tasty creations with sunny beach and under the sea themes for yummy fun. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 6/28; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $12 (NR $14) Activity #: 106264.02
SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 8/16; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $12 (NR $14) Activity #: 108178.01
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Youth
Beginner Cooks
Teen Cooks
Budding Chefs Camp (Ages 6-8)
Teens - Lets Cook (Ages 12-16)
Young chefs use fresh herbs and seasonal ingredients to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner entrées while learning basic kitchen safety and food preparation techniques. Children create personal cookbooks to take home at session’s end. SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., Wed., Thu., 7/17; 10-11:30 a.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 107279.01
Wks: 1 • Classes: 3
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., 5/8; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $30) Activity #: 405279.03
Elementary Cooks
Let’s Bake Bread (Ages 12-16)
No-cook Energy Balls (Ages 5-12)
Make & Take Biscuits (Ages 5-12)
Use oatmeal and a variety of other healthy ingredients to create quick, convenient and nutritious snacks for you or others.
Make an easy herbed biscuit using storebought biscuits in a tube and fresh herbs from our gardens.
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Wed., 5/16; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $10 (NR $12) Activity #: 405279.02
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Wed., 7/11; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $6 (NR $7) Activity #: 107279.02
Salsa! (Ages 5-12) In a mini-version of our popular adult class, junior chefs make regular tomato-based salsa and expand horizons to include other fruits and vegetables in salsas with heat adjusted for young, sensitive palates. Safe working habits are stressed. Make salsa in class and take it home with recipes for more. Gloria Hartung instructs. SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Wed., 8/22; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $12 (NR $14) Activity #: 108279.02
Build your confidence in the kitchen learning cooking techniques and terminology. Follow a recipe to prepare black-bottom cupcakes.
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Learn to work with bread dough by making bubble bread and an easy yeast bread you can make and bake in just one hour. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Tue., 6/5; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $30) Activity #: 106279.02
Farm to Table Dinner (Ages 12-16) Prepare a delicious meal using products available in a home garden or local farmers' market including entrée, salad, bread and dessert. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Sat., 8/18; 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Fee: $35 (NR $40) Activity #: 107279.04
Make Cinnamon Rolls! (Ages 12-16) Create tasty cinnamon rolls from scratch in a two-part class. On day one, make a sweet yeast dough that rises overnight in the refrigerator. On day two, make cinnamon rolls from the dough and bake them.
Don't Miss the Grand Opening of the new Splash Pad! Join us at noon, Sat., 5/19, when we turn on the water at Fryer Park's newest amenity. See page 4 for details.
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 2 Evans Center Day: Tue., Wed., 7/17; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $30 (NR $35) Activity #: 107279.03
" # $ % & ' ( )
Big Splash/Evans
2831 Southwest Blvd.
Breck Community
3005 Demorest Road
3899 Orders Road
' $ ("%+ &
2255 Home Road
2075 Mallow Lane
Pinnacle Area
2430 Holton Road
Skate Park
3728 Hoover Road
4 5 ) * )
4330 Dudley Ave. 4408 Broadway
Concord Lakes
Off Lake Mead Drive
Off Holton Road
Hoover Park
Off Haughn Road
Indian Trails
Off Buckeye Parkway
Keller Farms
Off White Road
Off Springhill Drive
Scioto Meadows
Off Scioto Meadows
Walden Bluff
Walden Bluff Court
Westgrove Park
3580 Magnolia St.
3 4 5 6
) ,
* + , . / 0 1 2
Blodwen Park
Off Blodwen Circle
Creed Lawless
Off Kingston Avenue
Sesquicentennial Off Park Avenue
Off Columbus Street
" # $ % & '
George Edge Music Park on Broadway
( ) * + ,
City Hall
Park St. at Broadway
Grant-Sawyer Home 4126 Haughn Road
Grove City Gold Star Memorial Columbus St. at Broadway
Grove City Museum 3378 Park St.
Town Center Gazebo
Grove City Road at Broadway
Town Center Promenade
Park St. to Grant Ave. (parking lot)
4035 Broadway
Evans Center (Parks & Rec. Offices for 55+) 4330 Dudley Ave.
Kingston Center (Parks & Rec. Offices) 3226 Kingston Ave.
Safety Complex (Police) 3360 Park St.
Service Complex
3262 Ventura Blvd.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Trails - Walk/Bike
Picnic Tables
Parking - On-street
Parking Lot
Outdoor Restrooms
Nature Areas
Drinking Fountains
Bikeway Accessible
Basketball Hoops
" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Big Splash/Evans
2831 Southwest Blvd.
Breck Community
3005 Demorest Road
2255 Home Road
2075 Mallow Lane
Pinnacle Area
2430 Holton Road
Skate Park
3728 Hoover Road
skate obstacles
4330 Dudley Ave. 4408 Broadway
ball diamonds, Dream Field, tennis courts, Evans Center
Concord Lakes
Off Lake Mead Drive
Off Holton Road
Hoover Park
Off Haughn Road
Indian Trails
Keller Farms
Off White Road
Off Springhill Drive
Scioto Meadows
Off Scioto Meadows
Walden Bluff
" # $ % & '
George Edge Music Park on Broadway
3899 Orders Road
Map No.
•• •••• •• • •• • • •••••• ••••• •••••••••• •• • •••••• •
Off Buckeye Parkway
Walden Bluff Court
Westgrove Park
3580 Magnolia St.
Blodwen Park
Off Blodwen Circle
Creed Lawless
Off Kingston Avenue
Off Park Avenue
Off Columbus Street
swimming pool off-leash dog areas ball diamonds, sledding hill, historical village, splash pad herb gardens, tennis courts, sledding hill veteran tribute area
soccer fields
Park Street at Broadway
Grant-Sawyer Home 4126 Haughn Road
Grove City Gold Star Memorial Monument Columbus Street at Broadway
Grove City Museum & Welcome Center 3378 Park St.
Town Center Gazebo
Grove City Road at Broadway
Town Center Promenade
Park Street to Grant Avenue (parking lot)
• •• •••• ••••• •• •• • •• • • • • • • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • • ••• • • •• • • • •• ••••••• • • • • • • ••• • • • •• ••• ADDITIONAL POINTS OF INTEREST
Special Feature
( ) * + ,
City Hall
4035 Broadway
Evans Center (Parks & Rec. Offices for 55+) 4330 Dudley Ave.
Kingston Center (Parks & Rec. Offices) 3226 Kingston Ave.
Safety Complex (Police) 3360 Park St.
Service Complex
3262 Ventura Blvd.
Parks & Facilities
town center area Map No.
4 " $ 5 & ' )
Grove City Road at Broadway
Town Center Promenade
Park St. to Grant Ave. (parking lot)
Windsor Park
4330 Dudley Ave./4408 Broadway
3262 Ventura Blvd.
' " ( &
Service Complex
3360 Park St.
Safety Complex (Police)
3226 Kingston Ave.
Town Center Gazebo
Kingston Center (Parks & Rec. Offices)
Park St. east of Dudley Ave.
3378 Park St.
Sesquicentennial Park
Grove City Museum & Welcome Center
Columbus St. at Broadway
4126 Haughn Road
Grove City Gold Star Memorial
Grant-Sawyer Home
Park St. at Broadway
4330 Dudley Ave.
George Edge Music Park on Broadway
3400 Ventura Blvd.
Evans Center
Mirolo Dream Field at Mount Carmel Stadium
( ) # % * + ,
4035 Broadway
Kingston Ave. at Arbutus Ave.
Map No.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Parks & Facilities
The Big Splash Family Aquatics Center (Seasonal) Purchase a season pass or pay for the day (residents or season pass holders and their guests only) and enjoy a variety of amenities including zero-depth entry, interactive water toys, a six-lane lap pool, a large body slide, a tot slide and two aquatic climbing walls. Out-of-the-water features include green space, lounge chairs, shade structures, presentation stage, a concession stand and a rentable shelter. Open daily Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day when South-Western City Schools are not in session.
Breck Community Park This park features walking and biking trails and a large pond. One-third of the park is reserved for fenced-in, off-leash dog areas divided into four sections, two each for larger (35 pounds and heavier) and smaller (34 pounds and lighter) dogs. These areas are rotated to maintain ground cover.
Fryer Park
This educational and recreational destination satisfies multiple interests in all seasons: be transported to the 1800s with authentic period buildings at Century Village, explore a space-themed play zone and a splash pad appropriate for all developmental abilities at Discovery Frontier; relax, fish and picnic by Rotary Lake; or enjoy a movie under the summer stars or coast down the sledding hill after a snowfall. Other features include eight softball fields, miles of trails, and the Eagle Pavilion at Rotary Lake, a four-season shelter available for rental by Grove City and Jackson Township residents. The Grove City YMCA is located on the grounds of the park.
Gantz Park
Walking paths through rolling terrain, a gazebo and wooded nature areas create the perfect setting for a stroll or picnic. This classroom of the natural world features professionally landscaped, themed herb gardens at the Gardens at Gantz. These gardens, anchored by the historic farmhouse, plus a meditative labyrinth and arboretum are key destinations in central Ohio. Shelter houses, a large playground and tennis and basketball courts keep families entertained. The Gantz Barn accommodates the RecSchool preschool program.
Grove City Skate Park This state-of-the-art skate facility for skateboarders and in-line skaters offers something for every interest and skill level. The bowl boasts smooth concrete walls spanning three to 18 feet in height. Those preferring a street style can take advantage of ramps, blocks, rails and boxes.
Henceroth Park This eco-friendly, “green” park features solar lighting, a wooded nature trail and playground equipment made from recycled materials. A walk/run/bike path with exercise equipment, a butterfly garden and bluebird boxes are also noteworthy features. Several military tributes are located in this park including the Purple Heart Memorial Walk.
Windsor Park
This popular Grove City destination features ball diamonds and batting cages serving preschoolers through adults of all skill levels in youth baseball and adult softball, four lighted tennis/pickleball courts, one traditional and one all-abilities playground and a large shelter house. It is also home to the Evans Center, the hub for a multitude of programs and services for individuals 55 and older, and a specialized baseball field for players of all abilities.
Other Facilities Augenstein-Spillman Blacksmith Shop
4185 Orders Road
Set up with a traditional forge and complete with period tools and equipment, this shop is home to a variety of smithing classes.
Eagle Pavilion
3670 Discovery Drive
This rentable indoor facility with a warming kitchen and restrooms offers residents the opportunity to host an event in a beautiful park atmosphere during any season.
Evans Center
4330 Dudley Ave.
Home to diverse, cost-efficient, recreational, educational and health services for adults 55+, this facility offers program space for all ages and is a hot-meal site for LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-onWheels program.
George Edge Music Park on Broadway
Town Center Plaza, Park St. at Broadway
Central to many activities in Grove City's historic heart, the plaza hosts the Summer Sizzle Concert Series and is home to the community Christmas tree each December.
Grant-Sawyer Home
4126 Haughn Road
Restoration of the interior of the historic Grant home continues, but visitors may experience the grounds during park hours. Lower floor is available for touring during special events.
Grove City Community Disc Golf Course
4770 Hoover Road
2259 Home Road
This 18-hole course on the grounds of the Grove City Church of the Nazarene allows groups of friends and families to experience the outdoors with a sport that can be enjoyed by all skill levels.
This two-story barn hosts a variety of youth programs including the RecSchool early childhood program and enrichment classes. The Gantz Barn is not available for general public use.
Home to the Parks & Rec. Office, this facility offers space for a monthly blood drive and a variety of recreational activities.
Gantz Barn
Gantz Farmhouse
2255 Home Road
Herbs rule this historic farmhouse, home to the Gardens at Gantz volunteers and site of plant-focused workshops and classes.
Kingston Center
Town Center Promenade
3226 Kingston Ave.
3442 Park St.
The parking area east of Broadway between Park Street and Grant Avenue transforms into an event space during celebrations.
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Parks & Facilities
Parks & Facilities Shelter & Gazebo Rentals Gantz and Windsor Parks
614-277-3050 • Windsor and Gantz parks feature shelters large enough for family and company gatherings available for public rental. Windsor Park has large shelter houses and Gantz Park has a gazebo, and one large and one small shelter house. Shelters are available to the public yearround, dawn to dusk, and are open to use if not already reserved. Check the reservation sheets mounted on the shelters for walk-up availability.
Baseball & Softball Field Rentals Windsor, Evans and Fryer Parks
614-277-3050 • Grove City Parks & Rec. offers baseball and softball diamonds for rent for travel baseball and softball organizations or tournaments when not in use by the City. Each January a draft is held for Windsor and Evans park rentals. Following the draft, reservations are determined on a firstcome basis at the discretion of department personnel. Teams not affiliated with Grove City Parks & Rec. interested in renting fields at Windsor Park for multiple dates should call 614277-3050 for details on requirements and other information.
• A key to turn on electric in reserved shelters is available with a refundable $25 deposit. • Water is turned off to outdoor rest room facilities Oct. 15 - April 15, to prevent damage from frozen pipes (may change based on weather). • Shelters not on this page (see page 26) are available on a firstcome basis. • Food trucks require prior approval. • Inflatable structures and tents are not permitted.
Rental reservations for all outdoor shelters and the gazebo are accepted each year beginning in mid-January and are offered on a firstcome basis. Make reservations in either or both of two time slots. Rental fees are due at the time of reservation and are subject to change. Weddings in the Gardens at Gantz are by special permission only. Renters wanting to use a shelter’s electricity can obtain an access key up to three days before the reserved date for a $25 deposit due at pickup; this fee is refunded upon return of the key. To reserve a shelter or gazebo, call the Parks & Rec. office. All other gazebos and shelters at City parks are available to the public for walk-up use on a first-come basis, as are the rentable shelters when not already reserved except the shelter at The Big Splash.
GANTZ & WINDSOR PARKS FEES* Gantz Park Large Shelter 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 4-8 p.m. 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
$55 ($70 NR) $55 ($70 NR) $95 ($125 NR)
Gantz Park Gazebo 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 4-8 p.m. 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
$45 ($60 NR) $45 ($60 NR) $75 ($105 NR)
11 a.m.-3 p.m. 4-8 p.m. 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
$45 ($60 NR) $45 ($60 NR) $75 ($105 NR)
11 a.m.-3 p.m. 4-8 p.m. 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
$45 ($60 NR) $45 ($60 NR) $75 ($105 NR)
Gantz Park Small Shelter
Windsor Park Large Shelter
Windsor Park Dream Field Shelter
11 a.m.-3 p.m. $45 ($60 NR) 4-8 p.m. $45 ($60 NR) 11 a.m.-8 p.m. $75 ($105 NR) *Subject to change without notice.
Eagle Pavilion Rental 3670 Discover Dr., Fryer Park 614-277-3050 • Eagle Pavilion offers Grove City residents an opportunity to host an event in the beautiful natural surroundings of Fryer Park while enjoying year-round protection from the elements. The facility features an open design with generous natural lighting, an outdoor patio area, a warming kitchen and large bathrooms.
FRYER PARK FEES* Eagle Pavilion 8 a.m.-Noon $175 1-5 p.m. $175 6-10 p.m. $175 Any 2 time slots $350 8 a.m.-10 p.m. $475 Damage Deposit $150 (refundable) *Subject to change without notice.
Reservations are offered on a first-come basis within a year of the requested date. Reservations are limited to Grove City residents age 21 or older (must live within the corporation limits of Grove City or unincorporated Jackson Township or be employed in Grove City as outlined in the Fair Share Policy). Proof of eligibility is required at the time of reservation. The reservation is final once all fees are paid and the renter agreement application is complete; a copy of the signed reservation form and receipt serve as confirmation. A host is assigned to each event. Some holidays are unavailable. This is a smoke-free and alcohol-free facility.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Adult Stay Connected with Grove City
Parks & Recreation Offices Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. City Hall, 4035 Broadway 614-277-3050 @GroveCityOhio @GroveCityOhio @GroveCityOhio From the Grove, Grove City’s e-newsletter, shares information about road construction, service updates, events, programs, sports and more.
Are you 55 or older? Stop by the Evans Center Open House between 9 a.m. and noon, Fri., 4/20 to see all the great programs and activities available to you. See page 48 for details.
This is the last edition of The Source. Starting September 2018, Grove City Parks & Rec. activities will appear in the new Discover Grove City magazine.
Greeting Cards Handmade greeting cards are economical and appreciated. Learn new card creation techniques featuring Close to my Heart products. Make three cards with different themes each session. Papers stamps and inks supplied. Melissa Corbin Ball instructs. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Wed., 5/9; 6:30-9 p.m. Fee: $8 (NR $10) Activity #: 405361.06 SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Wed., 6/13; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $8 (NR $10) Activity #: 106361.12
SESSION III Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Wed., 7/11; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $10 (NR $50) Activity #: 107361.08 SESSION IV Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Wed., 8/15; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $8 (NR $10) Activity #: 108361.01
Scrapbooking Store your pictures in style making two-page scrapbook layouts featuring a different "Close to my Heart" paper pack each session. Receive all papers, embellishments, inks and My Acrylix stamp set to complete layouts. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 405361.07 SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Mon., 6/11; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 106361.1
SESSION III Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Mon., 7/9; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 107361.05 SESSION IV Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Mon., 8/13; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $22) Activity #: 108361.17
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Adult
Adult Blacksmithing Safely: Personal Safety Equipment Blacksmithing is an art, but it involves fire and hot metal. Safety is important and certain equipment necessary. Wear/bring the following equipment to every class; do NOT wear loose or synthetic clothing. Many of these items are available for loan. • • • • • •
Leather shoes Tight leather gloves Safety glasses/full-face shield Long-sleeve cotton shirt Ear protection Optional: full-front leather apron and beanie/skull cap
Blacksmith Classes (Ages 15+) Learn the timeless art and skill of this fascinating craft that turns lumps of metal into beautiful and useful items at the Augenstein-Spillman Blacksmith Shop in Century Village, 3899 Orders Road. Participants provide their own personal safety equipment. Do not wear loose or synthetic clothing. Participants take a finished product home. A $25 material fee is due instructor at class.
Blacksmith: Intro (Ages 15+) Learn the fundamentals of moving and shaping metal. Build confidence working with fire and using traditional tools to make simple products. $25 material fee due instructor at class. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Blacksmith Shop Day: Sat., 5/5; 8 a.m.-noon Fee: $50 (NR $55) Activity #: 405361.14 SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Blacksmith Shop Day: Sat., 7/14; 8 a.m.-noon Fee: $50 (NR $55) Activity #: 107361.09
Intermediate Blacksmithing (Ages 16+) Move on to more in-depth shaping techniques including twist variations, controlled bending, scrolls and organic forms once a grasp of safety and the basics is established. Make decorative items and traditional household items. Prereq.: Beginning Blacksmithing. FLINT STRIKERS' KIT Blacksmith Shop Day: Sat., 6/9; 8 a.m.-noon Fee: $80 (NR $88) Activity #: 106361.03 TOMAHAWK Blacksmith Shop Day: Sat., 8/11; 8 a.m.-noon Fee: $80 (NR $88) Activity #: 108361.03
Southwest Franklin County Historical Society: New Members Welcome The Southwest Franklin County Historical Society (SWFCHS) is dedicated to preserving and educating younger generations on the history of Franklin, Jackson, Pleasant and Prairie townships. They work with the City of Grove City and other community groups on events and in the development of the Grant Homestead, the Grove City Museum and the Century Village complex, re-creating a mid-19th century experience.
SWFCHS Meetings St. John’s Lutheran Church, 3220 Columbus Street 1st Tuesday of Each Month Steve Jackson • 614-871-0081
Want to see a blacksmith at work? Come to the Heritage Celebration at Century Village Sat., 6/3. See page 4 for details.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
cooking & herbs
Bread Baking Made Easy
Learn to make a variety of easy breads for summer meals including preparing refrigerator dough as well as one-hour, basil and bubble breads. Come prepared to handle dough. SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., 5/15; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $30) Activity #: 405379.01
Herbal Cocktails & Coolers (Ages 21+)
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Make fabulous basil, lavender and lemon verbena simple syrups to add to "high-test" cocktails and refreshing warm-weather coolers. Take home syrups and recipes. Mary Jane LaLonde instructs. SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Mon., 5/21; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $15 (NR $20) Activity #: 405378.03
Jams & Pickles
Use the beautiful, fresh produce from your garden or a farmers' market to make easy refrigerator pickles and jam from fresh lavender, berry and vanilla. Mary Jane LaLonde instructs. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Wed., 6/13; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $15 (NR $18) Activity #: 106378.01
Roasted Tomato Sauce & Marinated Olives
Dispose of unneeded items responsibly the first Saturday in May at Community Environmental Day. See page 3.
Gardens at Gantz Activity
Use those gorgeous, ripe garden tomatoes and herbs to make a roasted tomato sauce. Go home with a quart of sauce after watching a demonstration of sauce-making and canning techniques. Also make and bottle up some yummy herb-marinated olives. Mary Jane LaLonde instructs. SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Mon., 8/6; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $25) Activity #: 108378.01
Holy Zucchini! (Ages 17+) We’ll even take the kitchen sink!
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Learn what to do with the fruits and vegetables that are abundant in farmers' markets and gardens. How do you select or pick the produce? How should it be stored? Prepare and sample foods and take home recipes. SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., 8/14; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fee: $25 (NR $30) Activity #: 108378.04
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Adult
garden & environment Eight Herbs We Can’t Live Without
Succulent Dish Garden
Adult 🌿
Discover the eight most useful herbs for the home gardener including how to cultivate them, their histories, uses and associated folklore. Receive a plant with a handout to take home.
New! Put together a succulent dish garden using a colorful variety of sedums and sempervivums. These fleshy, textured plants, some of which bloom early in the season, spread quickly and thrive in poor soils with a minimum of care.
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Mon., 5/14; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $7 (NR $8) Activity #: 405378.04
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Sat., 6/9; 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $20 (NR $25) Activity #: 106378.02
Make & Take Herbal Favors
Tired of the same old party games for baby or wedding showers and birthday parties? Host a new activity by fashioning make-and-take herbal favors. Have your guests create peppermint bath bags, scented shower gel or a mini-facial spa kit. Make all three as examples to take home along with directions. Mary Jane LaLonde instructs. Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
SESSION I Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., 7/17; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $20 (NR $25) Activity #: 107378.01
Bug Repellent Lotion Bars
Summer is here and so are the bugs. Make a chemical-free natural lotion that can be turned into easy-to-use bars you can toss in a tote to take to the pool or soccer. Receive a bar to take home with a recipe including how to make it in a crock pot. Gloria Hartung instructs. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., 6/12; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $8 (NR $10) Activity #: 106378.07
Pamper Your Feet Party
Make an herbal foot soak (bring a basin and towel), make and use an exfoliating herbal salt scrub and a rich, homemade lavender lotion to soften and heal your feet. Bring soft socks to wear home. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Tue., 8/21; 7-8 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 108378.02
Rain Barrel Workshop (Residents Only) Rain barrels are a great way to capture the pure rain water plants need. Learn the importance of water conservation, the benefits of rain barrels and how they are made and installed. Fee includes a 50-gallon rain barrel with diverter ready to be installed; be prepared to bring it home with you. For first-time rain barrel participants who are residents of Grove City or Jackson Township. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Thu., 5/17; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Black (Basic) Fee: $55 Activity #: 405361.10 Granite (Decorative) Fee: $65 Activity #: 405361.11 SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Gantz Farmhouse Day: Thu., 5/24; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Black (Basic) Fee: $55 Activity #: 405361.16 Granite (Decorative) Fee: $65 Activity #: 405361.17
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
dance & karate
Adult Karate (Ages 8+) Build concentration and confidence with an emphasis on martial arts philosophy while learning karate basics, movement drills, kata (forms) and non-contact sparring. No class Wed., 7/4. See page 27 for more dates and times. MONDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 6/4; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.03 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Mon., 7/23; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 107251.03 TUESDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 6/5; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.07 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Tue., 7/24; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 107251.05 WEDNESDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 6/6; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 106251.04 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Wed., 7/25; 7-8 p.m. Activity #: 107251.04 THURSDAY ADVANCED Kingston Center Fee: $60 (NR $65) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 6/7; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 106251.06 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Day: Thu., 7/26; 5-6 p.m. Activity #: 107251.06 TWICE PER WEEK Kingston Center Fee: $80 (NR $85) SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 12 Choose 2 from listed classes starting Mon., 6/4. Activity #: 106251.09 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 12 Choose 2 from listed classes starting Mon., 7/23. Activity #: 107251.09
Line & Ballroom Dance Beginner and intermediate dancers meet new friends and learn country and ballroom line dances like the waltz, rumba, cha-cha and more for an hour, followed by a ballroom lesson, set to fun and beautiful music. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that slide easily across the floor. Laura Landolt instructs. SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 5/1; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 405323.01 SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 6/5; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 106323.01
SESSION III Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 7/3; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 107323.01 SESSION IV Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 8/7; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 108323.01 SESSION V Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 9/4; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 209323.02
Connect with Grove City's History Culture and history are created by everyday people. Help tell Grove City’s story! The Grove City Historical Commission and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society want to record anecdotes behind photographs and memorabilia. Share the narrative of your family with the Grove City Oral History Project in writing or by telling it to a museum employee. Genealogical records, family histories and old photos are accepted - images will be scanned and returned. Grove City Welcome Center & Museum 3378 Park Street Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Tue. until 8 p.m. 614-277-3061 •
Parks & Recreation Offerings | Adult
yoga & ballet
Adult Adopt-A-Street/ Park Program Join Keep Grove City Beautiful in ensuring Grove City stays clean, safe and beautiful. Civic organizations, families, churches, school groups, and individuals have the opportunity to lend a hand in collecting litter from City streets and parks and planting flowers in public areas. Citizens of all ages can make a difference and enhance Grove City’s quality of life. In recognition of your efforts, signs are installed identifying the group as a contributor in its designated area. Interested or have questions?
Yoga Learn to relax the body and calm the mind by achieving balance by freeing spiritual elements of the mind through physical poses. Melt away tension and stress by combining hatha yoga posture with breathing techniques and deep relaxation. Wear loose, comfortable clothing, bring a towel/mat and water bottle, and come with an empty stomach. Toni Weeks, registered yoga instructor, leads. No class Mon., 5/28, Wed., 6/6 or 7/4.
SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 6-7 p.m. Fee: $34 (NR $39) Activity #: 405341.01 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Mon., 7/2; 6-7 p.m. Fee: $34 (NR $39) Activity #: 107341.01 SESSION III Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Mon., 8/20; 6-7 p.m. Fee: $34 (NR $39) Activity #: 108341.01
SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Wed., 5/9; 6-7 p.m. Fee: $34 (NR $39) Activity #: 405341.02 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Wed., 6/27; 6-7 p.m. Fee: $34 (NR $39) Activity #: 106341.02 SESSION III Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Wed., 8/22; 6-7 p.m. Fee: $34 (NR $39) Activity #: 108341.02
Ballet: Stretch & Toning (Ages 13+) Ease into exercise with ballet moves that improve your posture as well as elongate and tone muscles. This introductory classes uses basic moves to increase balance and bring out your inner ballerina. SESSION I Kingston Center Day: Wed., 5/2; 7-7:30 p.m. Fee: $55 (NR $63) Activity #: 405221.03
Wks: 6 • Classes: 6
Contact Linda Rosine at 614-277-3058.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Adult Drop-in Zumba® & STRONG by Zumba™ Latin and international music and cardio-based dance movements are incorporated into a dynamic fitness system featuring easy-to-follow steps that sculpt and strengthen. No dance experience is needed - just the desire to have fun and build relationships. STRONG by Zumba™ combines highintensity interval training with the science of synchronized music motivation. Push past perceived limits to reach fitness goals faster using body weight to improve muscular endurance, tone and definition. Bring a mat. Dana Olshefski instructs. For more information, visit ZumbawithDanaO or call 614-595-8130.
CPR Training (Ages 16+)
STRONG BY ZUMBA™ Evans Center Day: Thu., 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee: $8 at the door Drop in - no registration needed ZUMBA® Evans Center Day: Sat., 10:15-11:15 a.m. Fee: $5 at the door Drop in - no registration needed
SESSION I Jackson Township Station 202 Day: Thu., 8/16; 6-9 p.m. Fee: $40 (NR $45) Activity #: 108361.02
Learn to save a life. Indol Moore, Jackson Township firefighter and American Heart Association-certified instructor, teaches aid to a choking victim, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and CPR techniques. as well as special methods for unconscious victims and choking infants/children. Receive a certification card upon successful completion of the course. Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
TRX Improve cardiovascular and muscular fitness with TRX body-suspension training! Build muscle, increase flexibility and tighten the core to create a more powerful body, increase mobility and prevent injuries, always at the intensity YOU choose! For all fitness levels, ages, shapes and sizes. Jeff Pearson instructs.
Mayor’s Cup Golf Outing
The Mayor’s Cup is at Pinnacle Golf Club on Mon., 5/7, with a 9 a.m. shot-gun start. Donate to benefit LifeCare Alliance or register to play. See page 4 for more.
SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/3; 6-6:45 p.m. Fee: $30 (NR $35) Activity #: 404343.03
SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Kingston Center Day: Thu., 5/31; 6-6:45 p.m. Fee: $30 (NR $35) Activity #: 405343.04
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
daily activities Fitness Room | Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Use this great resource to stay fit by accessing elliptical machines, treadmills, NuStep, recumbent and upright bikes, hydraulic weight machines and free weights. Fee: $15 per month
Bead Class - Drop in | Mon., 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Join Linda Miller to make unique beaded decorations including fun holiday themes while building friendships. Choose your own projects, and pay the instructor for materials. Pack a lunch or order one by calling 614-278-3153 the Friday before class.
Chair Volleyball | Mon., 1 p.m. & Thu., 10:30 a.m. Played with a beach ball while seated, this game is enjoyable for anyone. No need to be athletic, but be ready to laugh and work on upper-body mobility. Newcomers welcome. Occasional home or away matches played against other centers (travel by minibus). Barb Holbrook coaches.
S.A.L.T. | 2nd Tue., 1 p.m. During S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) meetings, representatives from Grove City Police and Jackson Township Fire share information about community services and crime and safety issues important to seniors. For information, contact Crime Prevention Coordinator Tom Durflinger at 614-277-1765.
Alzheimer’s Support Group | 4th Tue., 7 p.m.
The everyday challenges faced by those dealing with Alzheimer’s and related diseases can be overwhelming. Caregivers get a sense of belonging by interacting with those facing similar challenges. Under the guidance of Paula Taliaferro.
Wood Carving Group - Drop in | Tue., 2-3 p.m.
All skill levels are welcome to meet weekly to share tips, learn something new or spend time together creating one-of-a-kind decorative items from wood. Gary Gardner leads.
Wii Bowling – For Exercise & Fun | Tue., Wed. & Thu.
55+ The Evans Center in Windsor Park is available to all persons ages 55 and older. Residents and non-residents benefit from the many services and activities.
Online Registration Seminar
Thu., 4/19; 1 p.m. Evans Center Auditorium Join Traci Burley for easy instruction on completing online registration for Parks & Rec. activities.
Regular Center hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. The Evans Center is closed • Mon., 5/28 • Wed., 7/4 • Mon., 9/3 The transportation program does not operate days the Center is closed or when SWCS is canceled due to inclement weather.
If you don’t care about the competition and just want to have fun, then sign up to Wii bowl on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings. Register at the front desk.
This is the last edition of The Source. Starting September 2018, Grove City Parks & Rec. activities will appear in the new Discover Grove City magazine.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
daily activities
55+ Daily Activities at the Evans Center MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:45 a.m. Lunch MONDAY 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. TUESDAY 11:45 a.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.m.
Chair Movements Bead Class Senior Exercise Bridge Chair Volleyball Yoga S.A.L.T. Meeting (2nd Tue.) Wood Carving Alzheimer Support (4th Tue.)
WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. Ceramics 9:30 a.m. Chair Movements 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise 1 p.m. Senior Meeting (1st Wed.) Bingo Bonanza Cards & Bingo (2nd, 4th & 5th Wed.) Parkinson's Support (3rd Wed.) THURSDAY 9 a.m. Yoga Rummikub 10:30 a.m. Chair Volleyball 12:30 p.m. Progressive 500 FRIDAY 9 a.m. Chorus 12:30 p.m. Tripoley Bridge 1 p.m. Canasta
Online Registration Seminar Thu., 4/19; 1 p.m. Evans Center Auditorium Join Traci Burley for easy instruction on completing online registration for Parks & Rec. activities.
Club Meetings | 1st Wed., 1 p.m. Gather with other members for fellowship. A short business meeting is followed by bingo. This is a great way to meet other members.
Ceramics Class - Drop in | Wed., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Join Nancy Ritter in the Evans Center Classroom for camaraderie and fine arts. Bring your greenware projects; paint and brushes are provided. Bring $7 to each class to cover supplies. Pack a lunch or call 614-278-3153 the previous day to order one.
Blood Pressure Checks & Medicine Q&A | 1st or 3rd Wed. Aspire Home Healthcare performs blood pressure screenings monthly. No appointment is necessary – just drop in. 2nd Wed.; 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; No fee Amity Home Healthcare sends a nurse to check blood pressure. No appointment is necessary – just drop in. 3rd Wed.; 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; No fee
Farmers’ Market | 3rd Wed., 7/18, 8/15, 9/19; 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Buy local! Support area farmers while accessing fresher, tastier and more nutritious products. Hoffman’s Farm Market offers fresh-picked produce in front of the Center during the peak growing season. Cash, credit and Senior Farmers’ Market coupons accepted.
Parkinson's Disease Support | 3rd Wed., 1-2 p.m. The National Parkinson's Foundation - Ohio offers support, sharing information about living with Parkinson’s disease, what families should know and resources available to patients and loved ones. Open to community members living with Parkinson’s and their loved ones.
Vocal Chorus | Fri., 9 a.m.
New singers always are welcome to join this group of music lovers without auditioning. Call 614-277-1060 to confirm. Carol Barnick directs.
Evans Center Art Guild - Drop in | Fri., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Spend time with others who share your interest in the visual arts while drawing, painting and working in other media. Share your talents and techniques with fellow artists. Bring your own supplies and meet in the Classroom. Nancy Ritter and Jim Lawton lead.
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
Lunch Program | Mon.-Fri., 11:45 a.m.
Senior Options
Enjoy a nutritious, hot lunch five days a week at the Evans Center. The daily menu is listed in the local newspapers and posted at the Center. Call 614-278-3153 one day in advance to make a reservation. Van transportation is available and must be requested. Prepackaged cold, vegetarian and hot served meals are available. Meals-on-Wheels provides meals for the home-bound. Call 614-277-1060 for more information. Reserve a lunch (1 day before): 614-278-3153
Senior Options provides in-home services to maintain independence for Franklin County residents aged 60+ not qualified for PASSPORT services. Payment is based on a sliding income scale. COAAA provides in-home assessments and case management for the program. Available services include: personal care, homedelivered meals and emergencyresponse systems. Information: 614-525-6200
Transportation Transportation services are provided to Grove City/Jackson Township residents for Grove City-area destinations. Members can receive transportation to grocery stores, banks or medical appointments. The buses provide non-driving members with transportation to and from Center activities. Two buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts, but all participants must be able to board the bus without assistance from the driver. Schedule an appointment at least three days in advance including for Evans Center outings: call 614-277-1066 from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. Please be patient! We keep our buses busy. Transportation is canceled when SWCS are closed for inclement weather. Schedule an appointment (at least 3 days before): 614-277-1066
Meals-on-Wheels: Volunteer to Help a Needy Neighbor Share your time and visit the home-bound to deliver a hot meal and a message of loving concern from the community: volunteer for a Meals-on-Wheels route picked up daily at the Evans Center. Each 90-minute route visits 12 to 15 elderly or disabled persons. Training is provided. Weekend opportunities are also available. Call LifeCare Alliance if you can help at least once per month or want more information. Information: LifeCare Alliance Volunteer Services, 614-437-2859
Volunteer Program
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program The Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) provides free information and other health insurance services for Ohioans covered by Medicare. Schedule an appointment: 614-277-1060
LifeCare Alliance Senior Wellness Center The Senior Wellness Center offering foot care and blood sugar and pressure checks has moved to the Grove City Church of the Nazarene. Schedule an appointment: 740-360-4132
The Center owes much of its success to the dedicated patrons who contribute their time and talents. The volunteer program provides many meaningful service opportunities. Share your special talent, craft or game with others. Ask about the rewards offered to Senior Partners. Information: 614-277-1060
Computer Lab The Evans Center is fully equipped with desktop computers to meet your technology needs. Services are free and open to Center members. You must sign up for a user ID and password at the front desk. Ask at the front desk about occasional free classes.
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Produce from local farmers is accessible to Central Ohioans age 60 years and older with an annual income at or below 185% of poverty level. Call 614-277-1060 the first week in May for information on applying. The Center will arrange transportation to pick up coupons.
Important Phone Numbers Evans Center Front Desk 614-277-1060 Parks & Rec. Office 614-277-3050 Lunch Program Orders 614-278-3153 Transportation Reservations 614-277-1066
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
55+ The Evans Center is closed the following dates: • Mon., 5/28 • Wed., 7/4 • Mon., 9/3 The transportation program does not operate days the Center is closed or when SWCS is canceled due to inclement weather.
Grove City Area Senior Citizens The Grove City Area Senior Citizens Club (GCASC) supports the Evans Center through fundraising to offset the cost of Grove City Parks & Rec. Department programs and activities. This allows seniors opportunities to gain meaningful social, recreational and educational experiences. In 2017, these funds helped to pay for: • Supplies for the popcorn machine • Food, drinks and paper goods for events • Entertainment for parties • Gifts for volunteers • Party decorations • Community donations including to LifeCare Alliance Want to contribute to this great organization? Call or stop by the front desk for information on how you can participate! GCASC Club Meetings - All Welcome! Evans Center 1st Wednesday of Each Month 614-277-1060 Club Officers 2017-2019 • President: Nowell Ritter • 1st Vice President: Elaine Moody • 2nd Vice President: Kate Rogers • Secretary: Jean Dandrea • Treasurer: Dorothy Stewart
Senior Club Annual Dues are $5 per year, $10 for non-residents. See page 59 for an application.
Evans Center Open House: Public Welcome! Join us for drop-ins, discussions and demos as you to experience a variety of options to help you be active and energized while having fun! The Evans Center offers a variety of healthy living and lifelong learning opportunities that empowers the people we serve. Stop by to learn about on-going classes and programs such as beading, painting, crafting, ceramics, fitness and training, senior trips, the S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) program, and much more. Don’t miss this chance to experience some of the many things the center offers: try tai chi or functional fitness, tour our fitness center, and consult with our “tech guru.” Have a great time and meet some new friends along the way. Evans Center Day: Fri., 4/20; 9 a.m.-Noon
July 4th Bash with Carter & Cash Celebrate American independence with a good, old fashioned Fourth of July picnic with good food, entertainment, games and fun! Carter and Cash offer entertainment with a patriotic feel. SESSION I Evans Center Day: Fri., 6/29; 12:30-3 p.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 106464.02
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
55+ Minibus Shopping & Lunch Enjoy the luxury of door-to-door service to area shopping malls. It is a great way to shop, grab lunch (on your own) or people watch without the parking hassles. Shop from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., then eat. POLARIS & BRIO Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 7/2; 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107464.13
Be a Kid Again! Snooty Fox Shopping Enjoy discount shopping in these Cincinnati shops full of gently used designer goods from thousands of consignors including stylish furniture, decorative items, jewelry, handbags and other accessories, outerwear, and women’s business, casual and special-occasion clothing. Includes morning coffee and mimosas, baked goods, boxed lunches (Panera) and dessert. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 5/24; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Fee: $35 Activity #: 405464.06
SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 7/26; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Fee: $35 Activity #: 107464.11
Golden Hobby Gift Shop Browse an eclectic selection of one-of-a-kind, handcrafted goods created by local seniors at the Golden Hobby Gift Shop in German Village. From the perfect piece of jewelry to ceramic and wearable art, you are sure to find something to delight and inspire. Lunch at Barcelona follows (on your own). SESSION I Departs the Evans Center Day: Tue., 7/31; 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107464.10
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Tour Al’s Delicious Popcorn shop on Bethel Road and taste lipsmacking flavors such as bubble gum, pizza and cookies and cream. Enjoy lunch at the Winking Lizard then top off the day with a scoop (or two) of Graeter’s ice cream. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Fri., 7/6; 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107464.15
Southwest Franklin County Historical Society: New Members Welcome The Southwest Franklin County Historical Society (SWFCHS) is dedicated to preserving and educating younger generations on the history of Franklin, Jackson, Pleasant and Prairie townships. They work with the City of Grove City and other community groups on events and in the development of the Grant Homestead, the Grove City Museum and the Century Village complex, re-creating a mid-19th century experience.
SWFCHS Meetings St. John’s Lutheran Church, 3220 Columbus Street 1st Tuesday of Each Month Steve Jackson • 614-871-0081
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
games & crafts
55+ ABCs of Writing
Do you have a story to tell? This workshop presented by Susan Kay Box Brunner will help you record your narrative for others to enjoy. Learn to organize your thoughts, how to compile your biography and photographs, what the critical points of story layout are, and proper marketing targets and timing. A question-and-answer session follows the presentation. Includes a light breakfast. SESSION I Evans Center Classroom Day: Thu., 5/17; 9 a.m.-noon Fee: $34 Activity #: 405461.11
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Greeting Cards Handmade greeting cards are economical and appreciated. Learn new card creation techniques featuring “Close to my Heart” products. Make three cards with different themes each session. Papers stamps and inks supplied. Melissa Corbin Ball instructs.
Joker Fun
Can’t find your marbles? We can help! Join the staff and meet new friends playing this marble-filled game with a challenging and exciting twist! No experience needed. Bring a snack to share. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Fri., 5/18; 1-3 p.m. Activity #: 405464.19
Bunko Party
Join staff members in a progressive dice game that allows for visiting during play. Bring $1 for prizes for high score, low score and most Bunkos rolled. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Thu., 7/12; 1-3 p.m. Activity #: 107464.02
Free/Registration Required
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Thu., 5/3; 10-11:30 a.m. Fee: $8 Activity #: 405461.08
SESSION III Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Thu., 7/5; 10-11:30 a.m. Fee: $8 Activity #: 107461.03
SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Thu., 6/7; 10-11:30 a.m. Fee: $8 Activity #: 106461.12
SESSION IV Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Thu., 8/2; 10-11:30 a.m. Fee: $8 Activity #: 108461.05
Eldorado Scioto Downs Racino Enjoy gaming fun with friends from the Evans Center: hop on the minibus for at-the-door drop off. Includes $20 worth of free play and a half-price buffet for seniors. If the waiting list reaches 20, a second bus will be added. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Wed., 5/9; 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 405464.08
SESSION III Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Wed., 7/18; 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107464.04
SESSION II Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Wed., 6/20; 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106464.08
SESSION IV Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Wed., 8/8; 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 108464.14
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
55+ Lunch Bunch Enjoy no-hassle transportation right to the restaurant door as you benefit from the companionship of new and old friends while dining at Central Ohio eateries for lunch (on your own). QUAKER STEAK & LUBE
Departs the Evans Center Day: Fri., 5/4; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 405479.01 DAVINCI'S
Departs the Evans Center Day: Fri., 6/1; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106479.01 WINDWARD PASSAGE
Supper Club Don’t eat alone! Join our gourmet diners and head to different restaurants for a variety of dining experiences (on your own) including door-to-door transportation via minibus. BONEFISH GRILL Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 5/7; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 405479.02
BRAVO Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 7/16; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107479.02
BJ’S BREWHOUSE Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 5/21; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 405479.03
MILLER’S ALE HOUSE Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 8/6; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 108479.02
DING HO Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 6/11; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106479.02
EDDIE GEORGE’S GRILL Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 8/27; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 108479.03
J. ALEXANDER’S Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 6/25; 4-8 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106479.03
Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 7/19; 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107479.01 WOODY’S WING HOUSE
Departs the Evans Center Day: Tue., 8/21; 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 108479.01
Online Registration Seminar Thu., 4/19; 1 p.m. Evans Center Auditorium Join Traci Burley for easy instruction on completing online registration for Parks & Rec. activities.
Evans Center Lunch Program Enjoy a nutritious, hot lunch five days a week at the Evans Center. Van transportation is available and must be requested ($2). Prepackaged cold, vegetarian and hot served meals are available. Reserve a lunch (1 day before): 614-278-3153
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
yoga, dance & athletics
55+ Wii Bowling League
Up to 15 teams of four compete Tuesdays through Fridays for 12 weeks in a Wii Bowling League with handicapped scoring and updated standings. Barb and Bill Morris lead. League play ends with an awards luncheon. Evans Center Wks: 16 Day: Tue., Thu., 5/1; 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Register at the front desk using Activity #: 405464.16
Senior Softball (Ages 60+) Grove City seniors join forces on the softball diamond to take on other Central Ohio teams Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15 or 7:15 p.m. Coached by Marty Barrett. Berliner Park, Wks: 24 325 Greenlawn Ave. Mon., & Wed.; Games start in May Call 614-277-1060 for details.
Senior Bowling League For fun and great exercise, head to Stardust Lanes, 2434 Old Stringtown Road. Choose open bowl or bowl in a league - newcomers welcome. Register with Stardust Lanes; call 614-875-4343
Mayor’s Cup Golf Outing The Mayor’s Cup is at Pinnacle Golf Club on Mon., 5/7, with a 10 a.m. shot-gun start. Donate to benefit LifeCare Alliance or register to play. See page 4 for more.
Yoga for Seniors Reap the benefits of yoga in classes designed for seniors. Learn breathing techniques and deep relaxation to melt away tension and stress while coaxing your mind and body to health. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and bring a mat or towel to sit on. If unable to lie on the floor, use a chair. Toni Weeks instructs. No class Tue., 6/5, 7/3; or Thu., 6/7, 7/5. YOGA FOR SENIORS: TUESDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Tue., 5/29; 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Fee: $22 Activity #: 405441.01
YOGA FOR SENIORS: THURSDAYS SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Thu., 5/31; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $22 Activity #: 405441.02
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Tue., 7/24; 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Fee: $22 Activity #: 107441.01
SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Thu., 7/26; 9-10 a.m. Fee: $22 Activity #: 107441.02
Line & Ballroom Dance Beginner and intermediate dancers meet new friends and learn country and ballroom line dances like the waltz, rumba, cha-cha and more for an hour, followed by a ballroom lesson, set to fun and beautiful music. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that slide easily across the floor. Laura Landolt instructs. SESSION I Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 5/1; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 405323.01
SESSION III Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 7/3; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 107323.01
SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 4 Evans Center Day: Tue., 6/5; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 106323.01
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4
Evans Center Day: Tue., 8/7; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 108323.01 SESSION V
Wks: 4 • Classes: 4
Evans Center Day: Tue., 9/4; 7-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18 (NR $20) Activity #: 209323.02
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
Chair Movements Fight arthritis and joint pain with exercises designed for seniors who find it difficult to work out while standing or have trouble getting up and down for floor exercises. Bring light one or two pound weights. No class Mon., 5/28; Wed., 6/6, 7/4. SESSION I Wks: 5 • Classes: 8 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 5/2; 9:30-10:15 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 405442.01
SESSION III Wks: 5 • Classes: 8 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 7/2; 9:30-10:15 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 107442.01
SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 7 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 6/4; 9:30-10:15 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 106442.01
SESSION IV Wks: 5 • Classes: 9 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 8/1; 9:30-10:15 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 108442.01
Senior Exercise Keep those joints and muscles moving with exercises designed for active seniors who can move around on their own and are able to do floor exercises. Bring an exercise mat and weights (optional) of three pounds or lighter. No class Mon., 5/28; Wed., 6/6, 7/4. SESSION I Wks: 5 • Classes: 8 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 5/2; 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 405443.01
SESSION III Wks: 5 • Classes: 8 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 7/2; 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 107443.01
SESSION II Wks: 4 • Classes: 7 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 6/4; 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 106443.06
SESSION IV Wks: 5 • Classes: 9 Evans Center Day: Mon., Wed., 8/1; 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 108443.01
Benefits of Staying Active
Tai Chi Fall-related injuries are serious for people age 50+. Reduce your risk: improve balance and strengthen muscles through this martial art often described as meditation in motion. Margaret Quamme instructs. No class Wed., 6/6, 7/4. SESSION I Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Wed., 5/30; 2-3 p.m. Fee: $22 Activity #: 405461.12 SESSION II Wks: 6 • Classes: 6 Evans Center Day: Wed., 7/25; 2-3 p.m. Fee: $22 Activity #: 107461.05
Join Laura Simpson of StoryPoint Senior Living for an informational seminar on the benefits of staying active throughout your life. SESSION I Evans Center Day: Mon., 7/30; 2-3 p.m. Activity #: 107461.12
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Free/Registration Required
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
local trips
55+ The Culinary Experience What a treat! Travel to StoryPoint Senior Living via minibus for a mouth-watering cooking demonstration with tasting. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 5/21; 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 405464.13
Ice Cream Social Join us for an evening of live music and cool treats at StoryPoint Senior Living. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 8/30; 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 108464.05
Canal Winchester Tour & Dessert Join us on a tour of The MacIntosh Company’s brand new, beautiful Canal Winchester Rehabilitation Center, Skilled Nursing & Assisted Living. Includes a delicious dessert. SESSION I Departs the Evans Center Day: Mon., 6/4; 1:30-3:30 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106464.13
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
The Health Benefits of Wine Have you heard that wine can be good for your heart? Enjoy a full wine experience at StoryPoint Senior Living as you learn the details on how and why this ancient beverage can benefit your health. SESSION I Departs the Evans Center Day: Wed., 6/13; 1:45-3:30 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106464.03
Evans Center Transportation Program The Evans Center offers a convenient, in-town transportation service for Grove City and Jackson Township residents to local appointments and the Center. Transportation includes a $2 fee and must be requested three days in advance. See page 47 for details. Reserve a ride (at least 3 days before): 614-277-1066.
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Summertime Hop Enjoy a hot time in the good ol’ summertime! Take a trip with friends to Monterey Care Facility for breakfast then head to StoryPoint and Columbus West Park for fun, games and entertainment. SESSION I Departs the Evans Center Day: Tue., 8/14; 9 a.m.-noon Fee: $5 Activity #: 108464.04
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
Lunch 'n' Learn Spend an afternoon at the Evans Center learning about topics important to senior health, wellness and security while enjoying lunch.
Lunch & Learn: Preparing Your Estate
Get an overview of estate planning, account registration, beneficiary designation, wills, trusts, tax information, life insurance and transfer-upon-death accounts. Sponsored by Chris Gourley of Edward Jones. SESSION I Evans Center Day: Thu., 5/17; 1-2:30 p.m. Activity #: 405461.03
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Organize Your Home
Letting go of things can be difficult, but keeping too much can affect your wellbeing. Downsizing means different things to different people, but it is never too early to start making plans. This seminar features speakers who specialize in organizing, financial planning and downsizing. They share tips and tricks on organizing homes and obtaining needed resources. SESSION I Evans Center Day: Tue., 5/22; 1-3 p.m. Activity #: 405461.13
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Lunch & Learn: Health Care & Your Retirement
Get informed on the potential impact of rising health care costs on retirement savings including Medicare coverage and costs, long-term care costs, options for supplemental health care and long-term care insurance. Sponsored by Chris Gourley of Edward Jones. SESSION I Evans Center Day: Thu., 7/19; 1-2:30 p.m. Activity #: 107461.09
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Diabetes & Your Feet
The attention diabetics pay to their feet helps them monitor and avoid problems affecting their overall health. Learn the risks of poor diabetes management and the value of proper shoes, receive accurate foot measurements including foam impressions or scan. Ben Dutton of Dr. Comfort Shoes with American Healthcare Supplies assists with obtaining free shoes utilizing insurance and Medicare benefits, if you qualify. Please bring a prescription from your doctor for diabetic shoes to expedite the process. Register for one of four appointments per hour. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Evans Center Day: Thu., 4/26; 10 a.m.-Noon Activity #: 404461.07
Free/Registration Required
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Senior Moments: A Showstoppers' Original Production Join the Showstoppers for the first-ever production of a comedy written by member John Schall that explores some typical "trials and errors" that seniors experience. Aging is a part of life, but it has its own set of rules that teach us to laugh at ourselves. Join the Evans Center thespians as they take you on a laughable jaunt through the golden years as experienced by those who know it well. Evans Center Auditorium Day: Wed., 6/6; 1 p.m. & 7 p.m.; Thu., 6/7; 1 p.m. Fee: Donation to Grove City Food Pantry. Donations also accepted for Showstoppers Drama Group to offset costs.
Friday Flicks
Enjoy a variety of films on the big projector screen with friends and plenty of popcorn. Bring your own folding chair if it is more comfortable.
Jazz Under the Stars Head to the Dublin Retirement Village for an evening of great music, food, wine and beer and the chance to bid on silent auction items. Bring $5 donation to Alzheimer’s Association day of the trip. Travel by minibus. SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 6/21; 5-9 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 106464.10
ALL SAINTS (PG; 2017) An Anglican pastor is at his wit’s end when told to shut down his church. But when Burmese refugees move to the community and join the church, he gains new hope. With help from his new friends, will he be able to keep his church and all he holds dear? Based on a true story. Evans Center Day: Fri., 5/11; 12:15-2:30 p.m. Activity #: 405462.01 THE POST (PG13; 2017) The Washington Post staff, led by Kay Graham, America’s first female publisher, and editor Ben Bradlee, enters into an unprecedented power struggle with the government over release of the Pentagon Papers that document U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict and expose a cover up spanning four American presidencies. Evans Center Day: Fri., 6/15; 12:15-2:30 p.m. Activity #: 106462.02
Free/Registration Required
THE GLASS CASTLE (PG13; 2017) Raised amid chaos by an imaginative, alcoholic father and artistic, depressed mother, Jeannette faced the instability of moving around the country, as well as poverty, near homelessness and bullying. But, her father did inspire hope in his children, and she holds her dreams for the future close, through good times and bad. Evans Center Day: Fri., 7/20; 12:15-2:30 p.m. Activity #: 107462.02 QUESTION OF FAITH (PG; 2017) Three families share a common theme: lives unexpectedly struck by tragedy. Fate converges their paths as each family questions their convictions amid challenges. To defy life’s obstacles, each is tasked with resurrecting their faith to conquer the trauma. Evans Center Day: Fri., 8/3; 12:15-2:30 p.m. Activity #: 108462.01
Parks & Recreation Offerings | 55+
55+ LaComedia Dinner Theatre Travel via minibus to Springboro for a delicious buffet meal and premium seating for a “Taste of Broadway.” ANNIE
Leapin' lizards! Everyone's favorite optimistic orphan comes to town in one of Broadway's most popular musicals of all time full of comic villains, adorable girls and billionaires. Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 8/9; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fee: $50 Activity #: 108462.02
Villa Milano Der Dutchman Dinner & Show Travel via minibus to Plain City's Der Dutchman for a family-style lunch featuring chicken, roast beef and all the trimmings including dessert. Shop at the bakery and the Carlisle Gift Shop (20% discount coupon included) before heading back. MICHAEL CARLUCCIO The “Man of a Thousand Voices” performs his Rat Pack-style show, recreating nostalgic memories. Don’t miss his renditions of Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, George Strait, Dean Martin, Neil Diamond and more. Departs the Evans Center Day: Tue., 5/2; 10:15 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $56 Activity #: 405464.07
IN PRAISE OF PATSY Kathleen Bressler delights audiences, keeping alive the memory of Patsy Cline with songs like Crazy, Walking After Midnight and I Fall to Pieces. Departs the Evans Center Day: Tue., 7/10; 10:15 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $56 Activity #: 107464.14
Travel via minibus for entertaining dinner theater at an award-winning venue designed with European style that portrays elegance and history. MUSIC OF ABBA
Arrival from Sweden, the world’s most popular ABBA show band, has exclusive rights from the original band to copy their costumes. Don’t miss the production that has played with dozens of symphony orchestras and awed fans in more than 60 nations. Departs the Evans Center Day: Fri., 7/13; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $75 Activity #: 209464.15
Connect with Grove City's History Culture and history are created by everyday people. Help tell Grove City’s story! The Grove City Historical Commission and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society want to record anecdotes behind photographs and memorabilia. Share the narrative of your family with the Grove City Oral History Project in writing or by telling it to a museum employee. Genealogical records, family histories and old photos are accepted - images will be scanned and returned. Grove City Welcome Center & Museum 3378 Park Street Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Tue. until 8 p.m. 614-277-3061 •
The Evans Center is closed the following dates: • Mon., 5/28 • Wed., 7/4 • Mon., 9/3
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
regional trips
55+ Piatt Castles Tour
Built by the heirs of Judge Benjamin and Elizabeth Piatt, Logan County’s Castle MacA-Cheek and Castle Mac-O-Chee are historical landmarks celebrating more than 200 years of Ohio history. Join us for this fascinating tour of the castles followed by lunch at The Liberty Gathering Place. SESSION I Departs the Evans Center Day: Wed., 5/16; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee: $35 Activity #: 405464.10
Important Phone Numbers Evans Center Front Desk 614-277-1060 Parks & Rec. Office 614-277-3050 Lunch Program Orders 614-278-3153 Transportation Reservations 614-277-1066
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Rickenbacker Air Base Tour
Motorcycle Hall of Fame
Calling all veterans! Join us on a backlot tour of Rickenbacker Air Base complete with the opportunity to board a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker, a military aerial refueling aircraft.
Created in 1982, the American Motorcycle Heritage Foundation in Pickerington celebrates and preserves the rich tradition of motorcycling in America. Tour the American Motorcyclist Association Hall of Fame then head to Herb’n Café for lunch.
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 5/31; 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 405464.05
SESSION I Wks: 1 • Classes: 1 Departs the Evans Center Day: Tue., 7/24; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fee: $5 Activity #: 107464.03
Motts Military Museum The Motts Military Museum in Groveport celebrates our military past through the documentation, collection, interpretation and preservation of artifacts and personal stories of those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Lunch follows at Los Mariachi’s Mexican Restaurant (on your own). SESSION I Departs the Evans Center Day: Thu., 8/16; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fee: $15 Activity #: 108464.08
Wks: 1 • Classes: 1
Trips depart from the Evans Center. Those attending over-night or all-day trips are asked to park in the lot west of the water tower. This allows the handicapped and close spots to remain available for those participating in activities during the day.
2018 Grove City Area Senior Club Membership HOUSEHOLD MEMBER 1 MEMBER LAST NAME
APT. #
❑ Resident of City of Grove City or Jackson Township ❑ Non-resident (outside of Jackson Township) ❑ Honorary membership (age 90 and older)
❑ Cash or money order
❑ Check made payable to Grove City Area Seniors
Check #
Please return the completed form with payment to: Grove City Area Senior Citizens The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph or record program and event participants for publicity purposes. These images may be used in future catalogs, brochures, pamphlets, advertisements or electronic public relations pieces such as the Grove City website.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Online Registration Activation Form The Grove City Parks and Recreation office offers online registration for activated users for recreation programs other than team sports and Big Splash memberships. To activate an account, return a completed registration form or set up with a City representative. Registration is by household and each member over 18 must personally sign the form; parents/guardians sign for minors. Online payment is by Visa and MasterCard only; refunds and transfers cannot be issued online. Visit for more details. In-person registration is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in City Hall. In consideration of acceptance as a member of the Grove City Parks and Recreation program, I do hereby, for myself, executors and administrators, waive, release and forever discharge all claims for any and all damages, which may be sustained and suffered by the above named child in connection with his/her said association with and/or entry into games, exhibitions and/or practice sessions which may herein after occur to me against the Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, its sponsors, administrators, all their respective officers, agents, representatives, successors and/or assigns. In further consideration for such recreation and training being afforded my child, I do hereby release and discharge the Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, its officers, coaches, assistants and their appointees any and all of them, from any claims, liabilities, damages or demands for any injuries to person or property, sustained by the above named child and resulting from their participation, practice, or play for the aforementioned organization. Should the above named child become ill or injured and a parent or guardian cannot be contacted, permission is hereby granted to call a licensed physician for treatment or to transport said child to a hospital emergency room for treatment. Further the undersigned will identify and hold harmless, the City of Grove City, its officers, employees, sponsors, administrators, agents and all other persons, whoever, from any and every claim or demand of every kind of character, which may be asserted by reasons of any injuries or the effects or consequences thereof. I agree to abide by the written rules, policies and spirit of Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, and that all programs are for the sole benefit of the children participating. I acknowledge the authority of the Administrator of the Sports. I further agree to abide by any decisions made by the administrator not specifically covered by the Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, written rules, by-laws or policies. I further understand that photographs and videos are occasionally taken of programs and class participants associated with The City of Grove City. These photographs and videos may be used in a variety of City of Grove City publications.
❑ Male ❑ Female
❑ Male ❑ Female
❑ Male ❑ Female DATE
❑ Male ❑ Female DATE
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
Parks & Recreation Registration Form PARTICIPANT’S NAME
Please select method of payment
❑ Cash or money order ❑ Check made payable to City of Grove City ❑ Credit Card MasterCard
The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph program and event participants for publicity purposes. Please be aware that these photos and videos may be used in future catalogs, brochures, pamphlets, advertisements or electronic public relations pieces such as the Grove City website.
Parks & Recreation Registration Form PARTICIPANT’S NAME
Please select method of payment
❑ Cash or money order ❑ Check made payable to City of Grove City ❑ Credit Card MasterCard
The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph program and event participants for publicity purposes. Please be aware that these photos and videos may be used in future catalogs, brochures, pamphlets, advertisements or electronic public relations pieces such as the Grove City website.
Grove City Source | SPRING/SUMMER 2018
The Big Splash 2018 Season Pass Form Please select method of payment
Please select the type of season pass you are purchasing
❑ Family
❑ Youth (3-17)
❑ Adult (18-54)
of ❑ Resident Grove City or
❑ Non-Resident
❑ Pays Grove City Income Tax
Jackson Twp.
❑ Senior (55+)
Employer: _____________________________
❑ Cash or money order ❑ Check made payable to City of Grove City ❑ Credit Card MasterCard Visa ACCOUNT NUMBER
List names and birth dates of all immediate family members
Family pass additions ($10 per child, up to three):
How many years have you held a season pass to the Big Splash?
No refunds will be given after the facility opens. The facility is subject to closing due to weather or water concerns. * A ”Dependent Child” must live in the same household as the legal guardian/adult pass holder.
2018 Big Splash Rates Early Bird Season Pass Sales Mon., 4/16 - Fri., 4/27 Early Bird Season Pass Sales
Family* Youth (3-17) Individual (18-54) Senior (55+)
Regular Season Pass Sales Mon., 4/30 - Mon., 9/3 Regular Season Pass Sales
Family* Youth (3-17) Individual (18-54) Senior (55+)
Day Pass Sales Sold daily from 30 minutes after Youth (3-17) opening until closing. Individual (18-54) Senior (55+)
$180 $ 50 $ 75 $ 50
$190 $ 60 $ 85 $ 60
$6 $6 $5
$275 $ 80 $140 $ 60 NON-RESIDENT
$285 $ 90 $150 $ 70 NON-RESIDENT‡
$8 $8 $8
*A family season pass admits up to two adults and a maximum of three dependent children younger than 18 all living in the same household as the legal guardian. Additional dependent children in the household may be added for $10 per child (up to three). Baby sitters, grandparents, grandchildren, extended family members and others are not included in the family season pass. Children younger than 3 years at the time of purchase are free. †To qualify for resident rates, a person must live within corporation limits or in Jackson Township or be able to provide proof of employment within Grove City limits (i.e. current pay stub). ‡Non-resident day passes are available only for guests of residents or season pass holders. There is maximum of five non-resident guest day passes per group per day.
Youth Sports – Another Community Point of Pride
Youth sports have been an important part of our community’s small-town charm for nearly a century and continue to assist in the positive development of our community’s children. Our Parks and Recreation Department, beyond teaching sport skills, consciously instills in each program, sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility, discipline and friendship development.
Call 614-277-3050 LOG ON STOP IN Parks and Recreation Office Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Elected Officials MAYOR
Richard L. “Ike” Stage
GROVE CITY COUNCIL Ward 1 Ted Berry Ward 2 Jeff Davis Ward 3 Christine Houk Ward 4 Roby Schottke, President At Large Steve Robinette
Our ever-expanding youth sports program includes baseball, volleyball and basketball. Both baseball and basketball programs serve more than 800 participants. Baseball was one of our earliest organized youth sports programs, beginning in the 1920s. When Little League® expanded to the Midwest, Grove City was quick to join. On May 31, 1950, the first Little League® game in central Ohio was played in Grove City on Wade Field on Stringtown Road. In 1983, the Grove City Baseball Association (GCBA) took over the organization of youth baseball in the community after the relationship with Little League® International was ended. In 1998, the Grove City Parks and Recreation Department took over operation of the league. In 2012, a new Little League® Board was formed and Grove City returned Little League® Baseball to our community on May 4, 2013. The Little League® Board decided its job wasn’t yet complete, so they began a two-year program to raise money to fund a field designed for children of all abilities. Three years later, May 21, 2016, Grove City held a grand opening for the Mirolo Dream Field at Mount Carmel Stadium. The field features a special rubberized surface to accommodate children who require wheelchairs, crutches and walkers. Today more than 100 players enjoy baseball—a game they previously only dreamed about playing. For our youth with a love of basketball, we provide recreational leagues for those in kindergarten through grade 12. More than 860 boys and girls focus on fundamentals and fun as they compete in separate leagues. Coordinating practice and game schedules for almost 90 teams is an exceptional task accomplished with help from a partnership with the SouthWestern City School District (SWCSD) that allows us to rent 10 first-rate facilities over a four-month period. Behind-the-scenes organization includes recruiting coaches and scheduling officials, ordering and distributing uniforms and equipment, collecting and organizing mountains of paperwork and coordinating with SWCSD facility custodians to ensure doors, lights and chairs are prepared before the first and secured after the last daily practice or game. We also utilize SWCSD facilities for our youth volleyball leagues, serving players in grades three through 12. Approximately 300 players compete on 30 teams, learning fundamentals and teamwork. Our Parks and Recreation program is operated by a highly skilled and engaged staff, committed to providing our youth with the highest level of instruction while forming a lifelong process of character building. With assistance from dedicated volunteers and partners such as SWCSD, we are keeping Grove City’s youth active and engaged.
Mayor Richard L. “Ike” Stage
Registration Online, phone and office registration begins Mon., 4/23
Payment Methods
• Cash or Money Order • Check Make checks payable to: City of Grove City. A customer with a returned check is assessed a $25 fee. Any customer with two returned checks within 12 months must pay all subsequent fees by cash or money order. • Credit Card MasterCard or Visa only
Once you have registered for a class, no other confirmations are made unless a change is made in the program details. It is the responsibility of the participant to be present on the date and time listed.
Registered participants may cancel from a program, but it is that participant’s responsibility to contact the Parks and Recreation Department. A credit is made to the participant’s account if a request is made in writing prior to the start of the program. To receive a full refund for sports, the request must be made before uniforms are ordered.
Class/Event Cancellation
All classes and events are subject to change or cancellation based on participation and instructor availability. A staff member will notify all registered class participants as changes occur.
Photos and Videos
The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph or record program and event participants for publicity purposes. Images may be used in catalogs, brochures, ads or other print or electronic public relations efforts (i.e., website, social media).
Five Easy Ways to Register!
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ONLINE registration is available for most Parks and Recreation offerings (sports excluded), providing 24-hour access to our exciting array of options for all ages.
Online registration begins Mon., 4/23. WALK-IN registration is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave., and at the Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave.
Walk-in registration begins Mon., 4/23. Use the silver DROP BOX located on the parking-lot side of the Kingston Center for after-hours registration. The box is opened at 8 a.m. each business day; registrations placed in the box after 8 a.m. are processed the next business day.
Drop-box registration begins Mon., 4/23. Registration by PHONE or FAX is accepted via Visa or MasterCard only and is treated as a drop-box/mail-in priority. Phone: 614-277-3050 | Fax: 614-277-3090
Phone/fax registration begins Mon., 4/23. MAIL your payment and completed registration form to: Grove City Parks and Recreation Department, City Hall, 4035 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123
Mail-in registration begins Mon., 4/23.
Residency Rates & Fair Share Policy
The lower “resident rate” provides credit to those paying municipal taxes that help support the programs and events offered by the City of Grove City. To qualify as a resident, a person must live or work in Grove City or Jackson Township. This does not include all of ZIP code 43123; ZIP codes are used by the U.S. Postal Service to designate the office that delivers mail to an address. Visit to check your address. Grove City parcel IDs start with 040; unincorporated Jackson Township with 160. Through the City of Grove City Fair Share Policy, non-residents who pay income tax to the City of Grove City are eligible to participate at resident rates. To be eligible, non-residents must annually provide proof of employment on company letterhead with the signature of the personnel director or a current pay stub showing the employer’s address.
Equal Opportunities and Special Populations
The Grove City Parks and Recreation Department is committed to serving the whole community. All persons regardless of age, sex, race, color, national origin or religion are encouraged to participate. Our goal is also to include individuals with special needs in our existing programs based on their need and ability. Groups or individuals serving special populations are welcome to contact the department to make program arrangements. The City of Grove City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to its programs or activities. An ADA Coordinator has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Justice regulations implementing Subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public agencies. The ADA Coordinator can be contacted at 614-277-3050.
the city of
GROVE CITY, OHIO 4035 Broadway Grove City, OH 43123
SPRING-SUMMER 2018 614-277-3050 • • 3226 Kingston Ave., Grove City, Ohio 43123 • • City Ohio