26.6. 2016. Marco Aiello (Univ. Groningen). Tom Brown (FIAS Frankfurt) ... Joachim Peinke (Univ. Oldenburg). Thomas Walter* (Easy Smart Grid, Karlsruhe).
Stability of Electricity Grids CoNDyNet Summerschool and Workshop Jacobs University Bremen
22.6. - 26.6. 2016
Invited Speakers include (* to be confirmed) Marco Aiello (Univ. Groningen) Tom Brown (FIAS Frankfurt) Martin Greiner (Aarhus Univ.) Jobst Heitzig (PIK Potsdam) David Kleinhans (Next Energy Oldenburg) Günter Knieps (Univ. Freiburg) Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs (FZ Jülich) Jürgen Kurths (PIK Potsdam)
Albert Moser (RWTH Aachen) Antonio Scala (Univ. La Sapienza, Roma) Rudolf Sollacher (Siemens AG München) Pierre-Andre Noël (Univ. of California Davis) Joachim Peinke (Univ. Oldenburg) Thomas Walter* (Easy Smart Grid, Karlsruhe) Dirk Witthaut (FZ Jülich) Yang Yang (Northwestern Univ. Evanston)
The energy transition towards an increased supply of renewable energy raises concerns that our existing electricity grids, built to connect few centralized large power plants with consumers, may become more difficult to control and stabilized with a rising number of decentralized small scale generators. The fluctuations in the generated power by wind turbines and solar cells — both in time and geographically — demand to explore new strategies to store energy on all time scales and to distribute the power in the grid smartly. In order to guarantee their sustainable stability the electricity grids have to be extended in such a way that the generated power can be transmitted whenever and wherever power is consumed. At the same time, the spreading of disturbances throughout the grid has to be prevented to ensure the stability of the entire grid. We shall have both introductory lectures (summer school) and talks on current research (workshop). The event will start with an industry day with speakers actively involved in power industry including Amprion, EWE Netz, TransnetBW, 50 Hertz, e-bridge and policy-makers. We invite applications from graduate students, PhD students, postdocs and interested colleagues with a background in physics, electrical engineering, energy economics, renewable energy, environmental sciences, or participants from applied mathematics with an interest in these applications.
Organizers Gert Brunekreeft (Jacobs University Bremen), Stefan Kettemann (Jacobs University Bremen/ POSTECH), Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns (Jacobs University Bremen) Hosted by Jacobs University Bremen Supported by BMBF Apply Online at http://condynet.user.jacobs-university.de