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Department of Computer Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4019 U.S.A.. Abstract. ... be scheduled so as to complete execution by a fixed deadline is known to be NP-hard (Garey .... However, the use of this tech-.
The Journal of Real-Time Systems, 3, 67--99 (1991) 9 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Stack-Based Scheduling of Realtime Processes T.P. BAKER* Department of Computer Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4019 U.S.A.

Abstract. The Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP) of Sha, Rajkumar and Lehoczky is a policy for locking binary semaphores that bounds priority inversion (i.e., the blocking of a job while a lower priority job executes), and thereby improves schedulability under fixed priority preemptive scheduling. We show how to extend the PCP to handle: multiunit resources, which subsumebinary semaphoresand reader-writerlocks; dynamicpriority schemes, such as earliest-deadline-first (EDF), that use static "preemption levels"; sharing of runtime stack space between jobs. These extensions can be applied independently, or together. The Stack Resource Policy (SRP) is a variant of the SRP that incorporates the three extensions mentioned above, plus the conservative assumption that each job may require the use of a shared stack. This avoids unnecessary context switches and allows the SRP to be implemented very simply using a stack. We prove a schedulability result for EDF scheduling with the SRP that is tighter than the one proved previously for EDF with a dynamic version of the PCP. The Minimal SRP (MSRP) is a slightly more complex variant of the SRP, which has similar properties, but imposes less blocking. The MSRP is optimal for stack sharing systems, in the sense that it is the least restrictive policy that strictly bounds priority inversionand preventsdeadlock for rate monotone (RM) and earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling.

1. Introduction Hard realtime computer systems are subject to absolute timing requirements, which are often expressed in terms of deadlines. They are often subject to severe resource constraints; in particular, limited memory. They are also expected to be reliable in the extreme, to that it is necessary to verify a priori that a system design will meet timing r e q u i r e m e n t s within the given resource constraints. Verifying timing and resource utilization properties of programs is inherently difficult. In fact, it is impossible without some constraints on program structure. This is a consequence of the Halting Problem, which is known to be undecidable. To get around the Halting Problem, it is customary to a s s u m e the p r o g r a m is divided into a set o f jobs, whose arrival times, execution times, and other resource requirements are k n o w n . Verification that the program satisfies timing and resource constraints then reduces to a scheduling problem. However, scheduling is also difficult. Specifically, determining whether a set of j o b s can be scheduled so as to complete execution by a fixed deadline is known to be NP-hard (Garey and Johnson 1979; L e u n g and Merrill 1980) unless severe restrictions are placed o n the problem. Practical schedulability analysis requires a simple model of software architecture. Liu and Layland (1973) were able to obtain very strong results from such a simple model. They assumed that for j o b s with hard deadlines: *This work is supported in part by grant N00014-87-J-U66from the U.S. Office of Naval Research.



1. there is a fixed set of such jobs; 2. requests for job executions are periodic, with a constant interval between requests; 3. relative deadlines are the same as the respective periods, i.e., a job need only complete by the arrival of the next request for it; 4. no synchronization or precedence requirements exist between jobs; 5. there is no control over phasing of periodic jobs; 6. processor time is the only resource that needs to be scheduled; 7. execution times are constant. Subject to these assumptions, they proved that rate monotone (RM) scheduling, in which the job with the shortest period is given highest priority, is optimal among static priority policies, and that earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling is optimal among dynamic priority policies. They also derived conditions for schedulability under these two policies, and for a mixture of the two. Other researchers have discovered that some of the restrictive assumptions made by Liu and Layland can be relaxed, generally without much change to the schedulability results or their proofs. Most of these extensions have been to the RM policy: Sha, Lehoczky, and Rajkumar (1986) outline approaches to dealing with transient overloads due to variable execution times; Sprunt, Sha, and Lehoczky (1989) describe techniques for handling an aperiodic server job; Sha, Rajkumar, and Lehoczky (1987) show that the schedulability results can be adapted to tolerate bounded blocking, such as may be due to scheduling exclusive access to shared data. The problem of bounded blocking has also been addressed for EDF scheduling, by Chen and Lin (1989). Liu and Layland's Theorem 5 (1973) says that a set of n periodic jobs can be scheduled by the RM policy if

Z 7r(J').


This is equivalent to requiring that if J has higher priority than ~', but J arrives after J ', then J must have a higher preemption level than J'. Note that our preemption levels based on relative deadlines do satisfy condition (2.1) above for all the priority assignments mentioned in this article, and condition (2.1) is sufficient to guarantee that J can preempt J ' only if 7r(J') < r(J). Condition (2.1) and the other definitions enable us to prove the following lemma, which characterizes the relationships between allocation of processor time, preemption levels, priorities, and arrival times. LEMMA I. For every preempted job execution J:

1. p(J) < P(Jcur), 2. 7r(J) < r(Jcur); 3. Start(J) < Arrival(Jcur). Moreover, if Jcur 7~ Jmax, for every preempted or executing request J , including Jcur: 1. p(J) < P(Jm~); 2. 7r(J) < 7r(J.u~x);

3. Start(J) < Arrival(~max). Proof Recall from Section 2 that Jcur stands for the currently executing request and J,,~ stands for the oldest highest priority pending request. A request J cannot preempt another request J ' unless J arrives after J ' has started execution and J's priority is higher than J " s . By condition (2.1) this means the preemption level of J must also be higher than that of J'. These relations are transitive. It follows that p(J) < P(Jcur), 7r(J) < lr(Jcur), and Start(J) < Arrival(Jcur). From the definition of Jm~x, P(J) - P(Jmo.0, for every pending ~q. If Jc,r ~ Jmax we have p(J) < P(Jmax)- If ~qm~xarrived before Jc~r started, it would have been chosen to execute ahead of Jcur, so Start(Jcu~) < Arrival(~max). Given these two facts, from condition (2.1), we have r(Jcur) < 71"(Jmax). These three relations then apply to jobs preempted by J~,r, transitively.

3. Preventing deadlock and multiple priority inversion To strictly bound priority inversion, we want to require that the resource management policy not allow deadlock or multiple priority inversion--that is, situations where a job is blocked for the duration of more than one outermost nontrivial critical section of a lower priority



job. Given the model and assumptions described above, it is possible to derive general conditions that are sufficient to guarantee there is no deadlock or multiple priority inversion. (Moreover, we will show in Section 6 that these conditions are necessary if all jobs share a single stack.) The conditions are: To prevent deadlock, a job should not be permitted to start until the resources currently available are sufficient to meet the maximum requirements of the job.


To prevent multiple priority inversion, a job should not be permitted to start until the resources currently available are sufficient to meet the maximum requirement of any single job that might preempt it.


Note that condition (3.1) above is similar to Havender's collective allocation approach to avoiding deadlock (1968), but Havender proposes to actually allocate all the resources to the job before it starts. In contrast, condition (3.1) only requires that the resources be available. They need only be allocated to the job during the critical sections in which it actually needs to use them. A higher-priority job may preempt and use the resources between these critical sections, if the available quantities are sufficient to meet its requirements. LEMMA 2. Condition (3.1) guarantees that a job cannot block after it starts.

Proof. Suppose condition (3.1) is enforced. We have assumed there are only finitely many jobs, and that a second execution of a job is not permitted to start while an execution of the same job is active. Thus, an executing job can be preempted by only finitely many other jobs. We will prove by induction on N that if 05 is preempted by no more than N other jobs, 05 executes to completion without blocking. Suppose the induction hypothesis fails for some N; that is, suppose 05 is blocked making request (J, R, m), and N is the number of other jobs that preempt 05 during its lifetime. By the condition (3.1), at least m units of R were available when 05 started. If N = 0, no other job preempts 05, so these resources will still be available when 05 requests them, and 05 will execute to completion without blocking. If N > 0, suppose job 05n preempts 05. By condition (2), all the resources required by 05n are available when 05n preempts. Since any job that preempts 05H also preempts 05, the induction hypothesis guarantees that 05t~ executes to completion without blocking, as will any job that preempts 05H, transitively. Since all of the jobs that preempt 05 execute to completion without blocking, the priority inheritance policy will not permit 05 to resume execution until there are no higher priority pending jobs. At this point, since the completing jobs must have released all their resource holdings, the only resources outstanding will be those held by J and jobs preempted by 05. It follows that ~ cannot be blocked. THEOREM 3. Condition (3.1) is sufficient for preventing deadlock.

Proof. Observe that a job cannot hold resources until it starts, and by Lemma 2 it cannot be blocked after it starts. Since a job cannot be blocked while holding resources, there can be no deadlock.



THEOREM4. Assuming condition (3.1) is enforced, condition (3.2) is sufficient to prevent multiple priority inversion.

Proof Suppose there is multiple priority inversion. By Lemma 2, the only way a job ~n can be subject to such multiple priority inversion is if there are two or more lower priority jobs, ~ and ~ ', that execute while ~n = ~max. The priority inheritance policy only allows such lower priority jobs to execute if they are blocking ~n. Both ~ and ~' must have started executing before ~ arrives, and one of them must have preempted the other. Without loss of generality, suppose ~ preempted ~ '. Condition (3.2) must have been violated when was allowed to start. The Stack Resource Policy enforces conditions (3.1) and (3.2) indirectly, by imposing stronger conditions, that are simpler to check.

4. Stack resource policy

This section defines the SRP, and proves that it works; that is, it enforces direct blocking requirements, without allowing multiple priority inversion or deadlock.

4.1. Ceilings 4.LL Abstract ceilings. The SRP enforces conditions (3.1) and (3.2) in terms of preemption ceilings (ceilings). Each resource R is required to have a current ceiling, FR ~, which is an integer-valued function of the set of outstanding allocations of R. The correctness of the SRP does not depend on the exact definition of [-R ] , but only requires that ceilings be related to priorities and preemption levels by the following condition: If J is currently executing or can preempt the currently executing job, and may request an allocation of R that would be blocked directly by the outstanding allocations of R, then a'(J) _< ~R 7 .


The SRP will work with any definition of ceiling that satisfies these conditions. One specific definition of ceiling, that satisfies condition (4.1), is given below. However, freedom to choose a slightly different definition is a convenience when one implements the SRP. For this reason, the definition and proofs of the SRP are based on abstract ceilings, characterized only by condition (4.1).

4.1.2. Specif'u: ceilings. For a multiunit nonpreemptable resource R, rR 7 may be defined to be rR 7 ~R' where vR denotes the number of units of R that are currently available and ~R -] ~Rdenotes the maximum of zero and the preemption levels of all the jobs that may be blocked directly when there are vR units of R available. That is: FR7 .R = max({0} O {~(Y) I ~R < ~ ( J ) } ) ,





R1 R2

3 1 3

3 1 1



rRlo rR11 rRl 2 1 3

1 0 1

3 2 3

2 0 2

1 0 2

FRI 0 0 0

Figure 5. Ceilings of resources.

where/z R is the maximum requirement of job J for R. (Note that this definition satisfies condition (4.1).)

Example. The ceilings of the resources for the example shown in Figures 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 5, under the assumption that 7r(Ji) = P(~i) = i for i = I, 2, 3. 4,L3. Ceilings and deadlock prevention. Given condition (4.1), the following relationships can be established between the current ceiling of a resource and conditions (3.1) and (3.2) of Section 3. LEMMA 5. Suppose ~q = ~max, ~ is not executing, and R is a resource. (a) If VR < r ( J ) then there are sufficiently many units of R available to meet the maximum requirement of J. (Condition (3.1) is satisfied for J and R.) (b) If [-R _< r ( J ) then there are sufficiently many units of R available to meet the maximum requirement of every job that can preempt 3. (Condition (3.2) is satisfied for J and R.)

Proof. To show (a), suppose ['R-] < ~r(J) but the maximum request of J for R cannot be satisfied. By condition (4.1), r ( J ) _< [-R-] --a contradiction. To show (b), suppose VR ~ _< r ( J ) , but for some job ~n that can preempt ~ the maximum requirement of ~H for R cannot be satisfied. By condition (4.1), 7r(Jn) 1 '

and sinceDi -< A f o r i = 1, . . , k ,

D--k + i = l




Dk +


~// > 1.

COROLLARY ll. A set of n (periodic and aperiodic) jobs with relative deadlines equal to their respective periods is schedulable by EDF scheduling if

vk k = l . . . . ,n


+ -~-~k~ 1.


Proof. Since Di = Ti, Ti/Di = 1. Note that this result is tighter than Chen and Lin's Theorem 4 (quoted in Section 1), since there is only one blocking term in the sum. However, the proof does not appear to depend on the use of preemption levels or early blocking. Thus, we believe it can also be applied to the dynamic SRP as described in (Chen and Lin 1989).

6. Stack sharing This section discusses the sharing of runtime stack space between jobs, and shows that the SRP supports stack sharing without allowing unbounded priority inversion or deadlock. Supporting stack sharing was the original motivation for the development of the SRP, and in particular for the choice of early blocking.

61. The motivation for stack sharing In a conventional process-based model of concurrent programming, such as Ada tasking, each process needs its own runtime stack. The region allocated to each stack must be large



enough to accommodate the maximum stack storage requirement of the corresponding process. Storage is reserved for the stack continuously, both while the process is executing and between executions. In some hard realtime applications there may be thousands of actions that are to be performed at different times in response to appropriate triggering events. In a conventional process model each action would be implemented by a process, which waits for a triggering event and then executes the action. A problem with this kind of design is that a great deal of storage may be required for the stacks of all the waiting processes--storage which is unused most of the time. For example, suppose that there are four processes (~1, (~)2, (~3, and (P4, with respective priorities 1, 2, 2, and 3 (3 is the highest priority). Figure 8 shows the stack usage of these processes during a possible execution sequence, assuming each process is allocated its own stack space. In the figure, (Pl is running at time tl; (P2 preempts at time h, and completes at time t3, allowing (Pl to resume; (P3 preempts at time t4; (94 preempts at time ts, and completes at time t6, allowing (P3 to resume; (P3 completes at time tT, allowing (P~ to resume. The top of each process's stack varies during the process's execution, as indicated by the solid lines. The regions of storage reserved for each stack remain constant, as indicated by the dashed lines. The requirement for stack space can be dramatically reduced by using the featherweight processes described in this article. A key feature of the featherweight process model is that when a job execution completes, all resources required by that execution may be released. In particular, stack space may be allocated when the job begins execution and completely freed when it completes.











[~[_ 1


I tl

1 t2

Figure 8 One stack per process.

t3 (time)







6 2. How stack sharing works One obvious way to allocate stack space is to partition jobs into groups that cannot preempt one another, and allocate a stack to each group. The SRP provides a more elegant solution than this, by allowing even jobs that preempt one another to share a single stack. Suppose all jobs share a single stack. When a job J is preempted by a job J', J continues to hold its stack space and J ' is allocated space immediately above it on the stack. Figure 9 shows what would happen to the jobs of Figure 8 if they shared a single stack. The space between the two dashed horizontal lines represents space that will no longer be needed, since the priorities of (92 and (P3 guarantee they will never need to occupy stack space at the same time. Stack sharing may result in very large storage savings if there are many more processes than preemption levels. For example, suppose we have 100 jobs, with 10 jobs at each of 10 preemption levels, and each job needs up to 10 kilobytes of stack space. Using a stack per job, 1000 kilobytes of storage would be required. In contrast, using a single stack, only 100 kilobytes of storage would be required (since no more than one job per preemption level could be active at one time). The space savings is 900 kilobytes; that is, 90%.

6 3. Stack usage assumptions Let us now assume stack sharing is allowed, and consider how it affects scheduling. Each job may either have its own individual runtime stack, or share the use of a runtime stack





i i


t2 t3



r| t


Figure 9. Single stack, for all processes.







with a collection of other jobs. Although runtime stack space is a nonpreemptable resource, it must be treated differently from the other multiunit nonpreemptable resources we have considered so far. The big difference is that the location of the requested space, rather than the quantity, is what matters. Based on the way in which programming language implementations typically use the runtime stack, we make the following assumptions: 1. Every job requires an initial allocation of at least one cell of stack space before it can start execution, and cannot relinquish that space until it completes execution. This means the entire execution of each job is a critical section with respect to the stack which it is using. 2. After a job starts execution, if it makes any request that is blocked it must continue to hold its stack space while it is blocked. 3. A stack storage request can be granted to a job if and only if the job is not yet holding any stack space or it is at the top of the stack it is using. 4. Only a job at the top of a stack may execute, since an executing job may need to increase its stack size at any time. Due to these assumptions, the request for the initial stack allocation of each job may be treated as part of the request for job execution, and subsequent use of the stack by that job may be allowed without explicit request and release operations.

64. How the SRP avoids stack blocking The problem with stack sharing is that it can cause blocking. For a shared stack, a job J is directly blocked iff there is another job J ' holding the space immediately above J on the stack, so that J's part of the stack cannot grow without overflowing into the holdings of J'. For this situation to occur, J ' must have preempted J; J will be blocked until J ' completes and releases all of its stack space. That is, once a job is preempted by another job on the same stack it cannot be resumed until the preempting job completes. Such stack blocking effectively requires that use of the processor be allocated according to a LIFO policy. Fortunately, since any job that preeempts must have higher priority than the job it preempts, this requirement is consistent with priority preemptive scheduling. When there are other nonpreemptable resources, stack blocking can easily lead to deadlock. For example, suppose jobs ~n and ~r both use a nonpreemptable resource (e.g., binary semaphore) R. Suppose ~n preempts while ~r is holding R. Job ~n will start to execute, occupying the stack space above ~L, but will eventually try to obtain R. It cannot do this, since ~t. is still holding R. Unfortunately, ~H is now also blocking ~., by sitting on top of its stack space. Note that it is possible to solve the problem of stack deadlock without bounding priority inversion very strictly. For example, reconsider the jobs ~n and ~L described above. Suppose a deadlock prevention scheme is used, that prevents job ~n from preempting while R is in use. Now suppose there is an intermediate priority job ~M, which preempts while ~r is holding resource R, but before ~n arrives. Since ~r cannot execute while ~M is sitting



on its stack, ~t4 will suffer priority inversion until ~M completes its whole execution, and then until ~L completes the section in which it is using R. We showed in Section 4.3 that the SRP will prevent deadlock and bound priority inversion to the duration of a single critical section. It does this by enforcing conditions (3.1) and (3.2), using the preemption ceilings for all resources that can cause blocking. The only requirement for preemption ceilings is condition (4.1). If we can define the ceiling of a stack in a way that satisfies (4.1), the SRP will handle stack blocking. Because of the assumptions we have made about stack usage, the stack space held by a job J can only block jobs that it might preempt; that is, jobs with lower preemption levels. It follows that condition (4.1) imposes no restriction on the current ceiling of a stack. Therefore, the ceiling of a stack can be defined to be anything we want. We define it to be zero. By defining the ceiling of a shared stack to be zero, we can ignore stack usage in computation of if, and so stack usage can never cause blocking. Critical sections with respect to stack usage are therefore trivial, and can be ignored in the computation of the priority inversion bound, Bi. Note, however, that this does not mean stack resources can be ignored completely; where there is stack sharing, the preemption operation must be treated as a request for stack resources, and may block. 7. Comparison to PCP

Since the SRP is a refinement of the PCP it is natural to compare the two techniques, to see what the differences are and what consequences they have.

7.1. Review of the PCP As a basis for the comparison, we review the definition of the PCE Each job is assumed to be requested cyclically, with a fixed priority. There is a fixed set of semaphores, each of which has a priority ceiling. Sha, Rajkumar, and Lehoczky (1987) define the priority ceiling of a semaphore to be "the priority of the highest priority job that may lock this semaphore." They refine this concept for readers and writers in (Sha, Rajkumar and Lehoczky 1988), defining the "absolute priority ceiling" of an object to be the priority of the highest priority job that may lock the object for reading or writing, and the "write priority ceiling" of an object to be the priority of the highest priority job that may lock it for writing. Chen and Lin (1989) define the "dynamic priority ceiling" of a semaphore to be "the priority of the highest priority task that may lock S in the current effective task set." If S is a semaphore, let c(S) denote its priority ceiling. Let S* be the semaphore that has the highest priority ceiling among all semaphores locked by jobs other than ~cur, if there are any. For notational simplicity, let c(S*) be defined to be zero when S* is undefined (i.e., when there are no locked semaphores). The Priority Ceiling Protocol consists of the following policy: When a job ~ requests a semaphore S it will be blocked unless

c(S*) < p(~).



(That is, ~ is blocked until it has strictly higher priority than all the priority ceilings of all the semaphores locked by jobs other than 3.) If ~ blocks, the job that holds S* is said to be blocking ~q and inherits ~'s priority. A job ~ can always preempt another job executing at a lower priority level as long as ~q does not request any semaphore.

7.2. Differences of the SRP In most respects, the SRP is a consistent extension of the PCP. The SRP relaxes restrictions of the PCP in the following ways: 1. The PCP assumes that the preemption level of each job is the same as its priority, which is fixed, except for mode changes (Sha, Rajkumar and Lehoczky 1989). With the SRP, the preemption level of a job may be different from its priority, and while the preemption level of a job is required to be static, the priority may be dynamic. Ceilings are based on preemption levels, rather than priorities. This allows the SRP to be applied directly to EDF scheduling without resort to dynamic recomputation of ceilings. 2. The PCP model views each process as a sequence of requests for the same type of job. We make the same assumption for the purposes of EDF schedulability analysis, but do not make this assumption in the other proofs. Thus, an SRP process may consist of requests for several different jobs, with different preemption levels. 3. The original PCP handles binary semaphores, and has been extended to handle readerwriter locks by distinguishing two kinds of priority ceilings. The SRP allows multiunit resources, by treating the ceiling of a resource as a function of the number of units currently available. 4. The PCP does not allow stack sharing. The SRP treats a shared stack as a resource with ceiling zero. The only way in which the SRP is not a consistent extension of the PCP is in earlier blocking. When the PCP blocks a job it does so at the time it makes its first resource request, which is some time after it has started execution. In contrast, the SRP schedules every job as though it starts by requesting use of a shared stack (whether or not it actually does). This eliminates the possiblity of a job blocking after it has started execution, and eliminates the extra context switches associated with blocking and unblocking. (This issue of context switches is discussed further in Section 7.5.) A technical difference between the SRP and PCP is Theorem 8, which says that if a job is blocked by the SRP, it is blocked while trying to preempt, and only by the one job it is trying to preempt. In contrast, the PCP only guarantees that if a job is blocked it will be blocked at its first resource request and then will not be blocked again.

7.3. A comparative example To illustrate the differences between the PCP and SRP, we present an example, involving three jobs with the structure shown in Figure 10. Consider the following scenario, in which the jobs execute under the PCP:







r e q u e s t ( J H , S, 1); ... release;

r e q u e s t ( J L , S, 1); ... release;

Figure 10. The jobs Jtl, JM, JL.

1. A high priority job, JR preempts the processor from a lower priority job, Ju, and executes for a while. 2. JR is forced to allow a lower priority job JL (preempted earlier by JM) to resume execution, because JL is holding a resource needed by JH3. JL releases the resource needed by JR, and JH resumes execution. 4. JR completes, and JM resumes execution. This is illustrated in Figure 11. The solid horizontal lines indicate which job is executing. The barred horizontal lines indicate the relative value of c(S*), the current ceiling as defined for the PCP. For comparison, consider the corresponding scenario under the SRP:

1. Jn waits until ,r(Jn) > ~', then begins execution, preempting JL. (Note that JM and JH are forced to wait until JL releases S, since Ir(Jn)