arXiv:1708.06091v1 [math.LO] 21 Aug 2017
Abstract. We define a state as a [0, 1]-valued, finitely additive function attaining the value 1 on an EMV-algebra, which is an algebraic structure close to MV-algebras, where the top element is not assumed. We show that states always exist, the extremal states are exactly state-morphisms. Nevertheless the state space is a convex space that is not necessarily compact, a variant of the Krein–Mil’man theorem saying states are generated by extremal states, is proved. We define a weaker form of states, pre-states and strong pre-states, and also Jordan signed measures which form a Dedekind complete ℓ-group. Finally, we show that every state can be represented by a unique regular probability measure, and a variant of the Horn–Tarski theorem is proved.
1. Introduction Probability reasoning on MV-algebras has been started in [Mun] by states, where a state is a finitely additive and positive function s on an MV-algebra M that is normalized, i.e. s(1) = 1, and s(x ⊕ y) = s(x) + s(y) whenever x ⊙ y = 0 for x, y ∈ M . It means averaging the truth-value in Lukasiewicz logic. This is a special case of states on effect algebras because every MV-algebra can be studied also as an effect algebra. For more info about states on effect algebras see [DvPu], and about states on a non-commutative form of MV-algebras see [Dvu1]. We note that a state for effect algebras is a crucial notion because effect algebras introduced in [FoBe] have been used for modeling uncertainties in quantum mechanical measurements. There is also another approach to probability reasoning of MV-algebras. In [FlMo], the authors find an algebraizable logic whose equivalent algebraic semantics is the variety of state MV-algebras. In other words, they expanded MV-algebras by a unary operator, called an internal state or a state-operator, whose properties resemble the properties of a state. The probability methods used in MV-algebras have been expanded in the last 10–15 years. We note that a probability measure on a measurable space (Ω, S), where Ω is a non-void set and S is a σ-algebra of subsets of Ω, is by [Kol] a σ-additive probability measure P , however due to de Finetti, a probability measure has to be only a finitely additive measure. But due to [Kro, Pan], these approaches are more-less equivalent because every finitely additive measure even on an MV-algebra can be represented by a unique regular σ-additive probability measure. Such a result was extended also for effect algebras, see [Dvu3, Dvu4]. An analogous result will be established in the present paper also for EMV-algebras. In [DvZa], the authors introduced EMV-algebras (extended MV-algebras) which locally resemble MValgebras, but no top element is guaranteed. They extend generalized Boolean algebras, or equivalently, Boolean rings. We extended Lukasiewicz type algebraic structures with incomplete total information which is complete only locally: Conjunction and disjunctions exist but negation exists only in a local sense, i.e. negation of a in b exists whenever a ≤ b, but the total negation of the event a is not assumed. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 06C15, 06D35. Key words and phrases. MV-algebra, EMV-algebra, state, state-morphism, Krein–Mil’man representation, pre-state, strong pres-state, Jordan signed measure, integral representation of state, the Horn–Tarski theorem. The first author gratefully acknowledges the support by the grant of the Slovak Research and Development Agency ˇ 15-15286S. under contract APVV-16-0073, by the grant VEGA No. 2/0069/16 SAV as well as by GACR 1
The basic representation theorem for EMV-algebras, see [DvZa, Thm 5.21], says an EMV-algebra is either an MV-algebra or we can find an MV-algebra N where the original EMV-algebra can be embedded as a maximal ideal of the MV-algebra N . This result is crucial for our reasoning. The main aim of the paper is to introduce and study states for EMV-algebras even if they do not possess a top element. Then if s is a state on an EMV-algebra and a is an event, then s(a) will represent averaging the truth-value of the event a in Lukasiewicz logic with incomplete information. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we gather the basic notions and results on EMValgebras. In Section 3 we show how EMV-algebras can appear from different algebraic structures, namely from naturally ordered monoids and generalized effect algebras, respectively. In Section 4, we present a definition of a state, describe extremal states, prove a variant of the Krein–Mil’man theorem for states. We establish some topological properties of the state spaces. We define pre-states and strong pre-states in Section 5 as a weaker form of states, and Section 6 describes Jordan signed measures which form a Dedekind complete ℓ-group and which will be used for the integral representation of states by σ-additive regular probability measures in Section 7. Finally, in Section 7, we present a variant of the Horn–Tarski theorem showing that every state on an EMV-subalgebra can be extended to a state on the EMV-algebra. 2. Basic Notions on EMV-algebras In the section, we gather the main notions and results on EMV-algebras. We start with MV-algebras introduced originally in [Cha]. Let M = (M ; ⊕,∗ , 0, 1) be an MV-algebra, i.e. an algebra of type h2, 1, 0, 0i such that (M ; ⊕, 0) is a commutative monoid with a neutral element 0 and for x, y ∈ M , we have (i) x∗∗ = x; (ii) x ⊕ 1 = 1; (iii) x ⊕ (x ⊕ y ∗ )∗ = y ⊕ (y ⊕ x∗ )∗ . We define another total binary operation ⊙ by x ⊙ y = (x∗ ⊕ y ∗ )∗ . Then M is a distributive lattice for which x ∨ y = x ⊕ (x ⊕ y ∗ )∗ and x ∧ y = x ⊙ (x∗ ⊕ y). We note that x∗ = min{z ∈ M : z ⊕ x = 1}, x ∈ M. If a is a Boolean element of M or an idempotent, i.e. a ⊕ a = a or equivalently, a ∨ a∗ = 1, then the set B(M ) of Boolean elements of M is a Boolean algebra that is also an MV-subalgebra of M . If a is a Boolean element of M , then the interval Ma := [0, a] can be converted into an MV-algebra ([0, a]; ⊕,∗a , 0, a), where x∗a = a ⊙ x∗ for each x ∈ [0, a]. Then we have x∗a = min{z ∈ [0, a] : z ⊕ x = a}. In the paper, we will write also λa (x) := x∗a , x ∈ [0, a], i.e. λa (x) = min{z ∈ [0, a] : z ⊕ x = a},
and (Ma ; ⊕, λa , 0, a) is an MV-algebra. A prototypical example of MV-algebras is creating from unital Abelian ℓ-groups (G, u), where G is an Abelian ℓ-group with a fixed strong unit u. On the interval Γ(G, u) := [0, u] = {g ∈ G : 0 ≤ g ≤ u} we define for x, y ∈ [0, u], x ⊕ y = (x + y) ∧ u and x∗ = u − x. Then Γ(G, u) = ([0, u]; ⊕,∗ , 0, u) is an MV-algebra, and by Munduci’s result, see [CDM], every MV-algebra is isomorphic to some Γ(G, u). Inspired by these properties of MV-algebras, in [DvZa], the authors introduced EMV-algebras as follows. Let (M ; ⊕, 0) be a commutative monoid with a neutral element 0. All monoids in the paper are assumed to be commutative. An element a ∈ M is said to be an idempotent if a ⊕ a = a. We denote by I(M ) the set of idempotent elements of M ; clearly 0 ∈ I(M ), and if a, b ∈ I(M ), then a ⊕ b ∈ I(M ). According to [DvZa], an EMV-algebra is an algebra (M ; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) of type h2, 2, 2, 0i such that
(i) (M ; ⊕, 0) is a commutative monoid with a neutral element 0; (ii) (M ; ∨, ∧, 0) is a distributive lattice with the bottom element 0; (iii) for each idempotent a ∈ I(M ), the algebra ([0, a]; ⊕, λa , 0, a) is an M V -algebra; (iv) for each x ∈ M , there is an idempotent a of M such that x ≤ a. We notify that according to (2.1), we have for each a ∈ I(M ) λa (x) = min{z ∈ [0, a] | z ⊕ x = a},
x ∈ [0, a].
We note that the existence of a top element in an EMV-algebra is not assumed, and if it exists, then M = (M ; ⊕, λ1 , 0, 1) is an MV-algebra. We underline that every MV-algebra forms an EMV-algebra, every generalized Boolean algebra (or equivalently a Boolean ring) is an EMV-algebra. In addition, the set of EMV-algebras is a variety, see [DvZa, Thm 3.11]. Moreover, the operation ⊙ can be defined as follows: Let x, y ∈ M and let x, y ≤ a ∈ I(M ). Then x ⊙ y := λa (λa (x) ⊕ λa (y)). Let x, y ≤ a, b, where a, b ∈ I(M ). By [DvZa, Lem 5.1], we have x ⊙ λa (y) = x ⊙ λa (x ∧ y) = x ⊙ λb (x ∧ y) = x ⊙ λb (y).
An ideal of an EMV-algebra is a non-void subset I of M such that (i) if x ≤ y ∈ I, then x ∈ I, and (ii) if x, y ∈ I, then x ⊕ y. An ideal is maximal if it is a proper ideal of M which is not properly contained in another proper ideal of M . Nevertheless M has not necessarily a top element, every M 6= {0} has a maximal ideal, see [DvZa, Thm 5.6]. We denote by MaxI(M ) the set of maximal ideals of M . The radical Rad(M ) of M is the intersection of all maximal ideals of M . A subset A ⊆ M is called an EMV-subalgebra of M if A is closed under ∨, ∧, ⊕ and 0 and, for each b ∈ I(M ) ∩ A, the set [0, b]A := [0, b] ∩ A is a subalgebra of the MV-algebra ([0, b]; ⊕, λb , 0, b). Let (M1 ; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) and (M2 ; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) be EMV-algebras. A map f : M1 → M2 is called an EMVhomomorphism if f preserves the operations ∨, ∧, ⊕ and 0, and for each b ∈ I(M1 ) and for each x ∈ [0, b], f (λb (x)) = λf (b) (f (x)). As we already said, it can happen that an EMV-algebra M has no top element, however, it can be embedded into an MV-algebra N as its maximal ideal as it was proved in the basic result [DvZa, Thm 5.21]: Theorem 2.1. [Basic Representation Theorem] Every EMV-algebra M is either an MV-algebra or M can be embedded into an MV-algebra N as a maximal ideal of N such that every element x ∈ N either belongs to the image of the embedding of M , or it is a complement of some element x0 belonging to the image of the embedding of M , i.e. x = λ1 (x0 ). The MV-algebra N from the latter theorem is said to be representing the EMV-algebra M . An analogous result for generalized Boolean algebras was established in [CoDa, Thm 2.2]. For other unexplained notions and results, please consult with the papers [DvZa, DvZa1]. 3. EMV-algebras and Other Algebraic Structures In the section, we show how EMV-algebras can appear from different algebraic structures. The first result deals with naturally ordered monoids and the second one concerns generalized effect algebras. A monoid (M ; ⊕, 0) with a fixed partial order ≤ is said to be ordered if x ≤ y for x, y ∈ M implies x⊕z ≤ y ⊕z for each z ∈ M , and we write (M ; ⊕, 0, ≤) for it. We say that an ordered monoid (M ; ⊕, 0, ≤) is naturally ordered if, for x, y ∈ M , x ≤ y iff there is z ∈ M with x ⊕ z = y. We note that if such an order exists, is unique. Let (M ; ⊕, 0) be a monoid. An element a ∈ M is said to be an idempotent if a ⊕ a = a. If I(M ) is the set of idempotents of M , then (i) 0 ∈ I(M ), (ii) if a, b ∈ I(M ), then a ⊕ b ∈ I(M ). Proposition 3.1. Let (M ; ⊕, 0, ≤) be a naturally ordered commutative monoid with a neutral element 0 satisfying the following conditions
(E1) for all a ∈ I(M ), the algebra ([0, a]; ⊕, λa , 0, a) is an MV-algebra; (E2) for each x ∈ M , there is an idempotent a ∈ M such that x ≤ a. Then ≤ is a lattice order and M is a distributive lattice with respect to ≤ with the least element 0. Moreover, (M ; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) is an EMV-algebra. Proof. We start with a note that according to (2.1), we have that the element λa (x) = min{z ∈ [0, a] : x⊕ z = a} exists in M for all x ∈ [0, a]. (i) First we show that if x ≤ a ≤ c and a, c ∈ I(M ), then λc (x) = λa (x) ⊕ λc (a). Since [0, c] is an MV-algebra, using Mundici’s result, see e.g. [CDM], there is an Abelian unital ℓ-group (G, uc ) such that [0, c] ∼ = Γ(G, uc ) and without loss of generality, we can assume that [0, c] = Γ(G, uc ) and c = uc . Since [0, a] ⊆ [0, c], and [0, a] is also an MV-algebra, then [0, a] = Γ(G(a), a), where G(a) is an Abelian ℓ-group such that G(a) = {g ∈ G | ∃ n ∈ N, g ≤ na}, G(a) is an ℓ-subgroup of the ℓ-group G. If x ≤ a, then λa (x) = a − x, λc (x) = c − x, and c = x ⊕ λc (x) = x + (c − x), a = x ⊕ λa (x) = a + (a − c), where − and + is the group subtraction and the group addition taken from G(a) and G. Then λa (x) ⊕ λc (a) = (a − x) ⊕ (c − a) = ((a − x) + (c − a)) ∧ c = c − x = λc (x). In addition, c = a ⊕ λc (a) implies that a is a Boolean element of the MV-algebra [0, c], hence, λc (a) is an idempotent of [0, c], consequently, it is an idempotent of M . (ii) Let x, y ≤ a, b, where a, b ∈ I(M ). There is an idempotent c ∈ I(M ) with a, b ≤ c. In the MV-algebra [0, a], there is a distributive lattice structure with respect to ∨a and ∧a . Analogously, if x, y ≤ a ≤ c ∈ I(M ), we have a distributive lattice structure ∨c and ∧c . We define also x ⊙a y = λa (λa (x) ⊕ λa (y)). Similarly, let a ≤ c ∈ I(M ), and x ⊙c y = λc (λc (x) ⊕ λc (y)). Using (i), we have λc (λc (x) ⊕ λc (y)) = λc λa (x) ⊕ λc (a) ⊕ λa (y) ⊕ λc (a) = λc λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ⊕ λc (a) = λc λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ⊙c λc (λc (a)) = λc λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ⊙c a = λc λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ∧c a = λa λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ⊕ λc (a) ∧c a = λa λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ∨c λc (a) ∧c a = λa λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) ∧c a = λa λa (x) ⊕ λa (y) . In a similar way we have x ⊙b y = x ⊙c y, that is x ⊙a y = x ⊙c y = x ⊙b y which proves that we can define x ⊙ y as x ⊙ y = x ⊙a y whenever x, y ≤ a ∈ I(M ). (iii) Let x ≤ y ≤ a, b ≤ c for a, b, c ∈ I(M ). Then by (i) and using the distributivity of ⊕ with respect to ∨ and ∧ in any MV-algebra, we have y ⊙ λc (x) = y ⊙ (λa (x) ⊕ λc (a)) = y ⊙ (λa (x) ∨c λc (a)) = (y ⊙ λa (x)) ∨c (y ⊙ λc (a)) and y ⊙ λc (a) ≤ y ⊙ λc (y) = 0 because for y ≤ a ≤ c we have λc (a) ≤ λc (y). This implies y ⊙ λa (x) = y ⊙ λc (x). In the same way we have y ⊙ λb (x) = y ⊙ λc (x) establishing y ⊙ λa (x) = y ⊙ λb (x)
x ≤ y.
Now let x, y ≤ a, b for some a, b ∈ I(M ). Then x ⊙ λa (x ∧ y) = x ⊙ (λa (x) ∨a λa (y)) = (x ⊙ λa (x)) ∨a (x ⊙ λa (y)) = x ⊙ λa (y) = x ⊙ λb (x ∧ y) = x ⊙ λb (y), i.e. y ⊙ λa (x) = y ⊙ λb (x)
x, y ≤ a, b.
(iv) Finally, let x, y ≤ a, b, where a, b ∈ I(M ). We have for the suprema x∨a y taken in the MV-algebra [0, a], x ∨a y = (x ⊙a λa (y)) ⊕ y = (x ⊙ λa (y)) ⊕ y and for the supremum x ∨b y taken in the MV-algebra
[0, b], x ∨a y = (x ⊙b λb (y)) ⊕ y. Then by the latter equality, we have x ∨a y = (x ⊙a λa (y)) ⊕ y = (x ⊙ λa (y)) ⊕ y = (x ⊙ λb (y)) ⊕ y = (x ⊙b λa (y)) ⊕ y = x ∨b y. In a dual way, if x, y ≤ a, b ≤ c, where a, b, c ∈ I(M ), then we have x ∧a y = λa (λa (x) ∨ λa (y)) and x ∧c y = λc (λc (x) ∨ λc (y)). Since x ∧a y ∈ [0, a] ⊆ [0, c], we have x ∧a y ≤ x ∧c y. On the other hand, from x ∧c y ≤ x, y ≤ a, we get x ∧c y ≤ x ∧a x, so that x ∧a y = x ∧c y = x ∧b y. Whence, we can define ∨ and ∧ in the whole M as follows x ∨ y = x ∨a y and x ∧ y = x ∧a y whenever x, y ≤ a ∈ I(M ). Since ∧a and ∨a are distributive in the MV-algebra [0, a], we have (M ; ∨, ∧, 0) is a distributive lattice with the least element 0. In addition, for the original ordering ≤ on M , we have x ≤ y iff x ∨ y = y. We remind that according to [DvPu], an algebra (E; +, 0), where + is a partial operation on E, is said to be a generalized effect algebra (GEA for short) if, for all x, y, z ∈ E, we have (i) if x + y is defined, then y + x is defined and x + y = y + x; (ii) if x+y and (x+y)+z are defined, then y +z and x+(y +z) are defined an (x+y)+z = x+(y +z); (iii) x + 0 = x; (iv) if x + y = x + z, then y = z; (v) if x + y = 0, then x = y = 0. If a GEA E has a top element, (E; +, 0, 1) is said to be an effect algebra. The original axioms of effect algebras are as follows, see [FoBe]: (i) if x + y is defined, then y + x is defined and x + y = y + x; (ii) if x+y and (x+y)+z are defined, then y +z and x+(y +z) are defined and (x+y)+z = x+(y +z); (iii) for every x ∈ E, there is a unique element x′ ∈ E (called a orthosuplement of x) such that x + x′ = 1; (iv) if 1 + x is defined, then x = 0. We note that a non-void subset I of a GEA (E; +, 0) is said to be a GEA-ideal (simply an ideal) if (i) x ≤ y ∈ I implies x ∈ I, and (ii) if x, y ∈ I and x + y is defined in E, then x + y ∈ I. In every GEA (E; ⊕, 0) we can define an order ≤:=≤E by x ≤ y iff there is z ∈ E such that x + z = y; if such an element exists, it is unique and we write also z = y − x. We call ≤E also as a GEA-order induced from the GEA E. If E is under ≤=≤E a lattice, we call it a lattice GEA. A GEA (E; ⊕, 0) satisfies the Riesz Decomposition Property if, given elements x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ∈ E such that x1 +x2 = y1 +y2 , there are four elements c11 , c12 , c21 , c22 ∈ E such that x1 = c11 +c12 , x2 = c21 +c22 , y1 = c11 + c21 and y2 = c12 + c22 . In addition, let E satisfy RDP. If x ≤ u + v for x, u, v ∈ E, there are u1 , v1 ∈ E with u1 ≤ u and v1 ≤ v such that u = u1 + v1 . If (E; +, 0) is a GEA and x ∈ M is a fixed element, then Ex = ([0, x]; +, 0, x), where [0, x] = {y ∈ ′ E : 0 ≤ y ≤ x}, is an effect algebra; the orthosuplement of y ∈ [0, x] is the element y x = x − y. It is well-known, see e.g. [DvPu, Thm 1.8.12], that if an effect algebra E is a lattice effect algebra satisfying RDP, we can define a binary operation x⊕y = x+(y ∧x′ ) for all x, y ∈ E such that (E; ⊕,′ , 0, 1) ′ is an MV-algebra. In particular, if E is a lattice GEA with RDP, then every ([0, a]; ⊕a , a , 0, a) (a ∈ E), where ′ x ⊕a y := x + (y ∧ x a ) = x + (y ∧ (a − x)), x, y ∈ [0, a], (3.1) is an MV-algebra. Proposition 3.2. Let (M ; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) be an EMV-algebra. We define a partial operation + on M in such a way that x + y is defined iff x ⊙ y = 0, and in such a case, x + y := x ⊕ y. Then (M ; +, 0) is a generalized effect algebra satisfying the Riesz Decomposition Property where the order on M induced by ∧, ∨ and the GEA-order induced from (M ; +, 0) coincide. Proof. First we note that x ⊙ y = 0 iff there is an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x ≤ λa (y) with x, y ≤ a, consequently, iff x ≤ λa (y) for each idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x, y ≤ a.
The commutativity is evident. To prove the associativity, assume x + y and (x + y) + z are defined. Choose an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) with x, y, z ≤ a. Therefore, z ≤ λa (x+y) = λa (x⊕y) = λa (x)⊙λa (y) ≤ λa (x), λa (y). Hence, y + z is defined in M and y + z = y ⊕ z ≤ y ⊕ (λa (x) ⊙ λa (y)) = y ∨ λa (x) = λa (x). Therefore, x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z. Clearly, x + 0 is defined for each x ∈ M and x + 0 = x. Let x + y = x + z, and let x, y, z ≤ a ∈ I(M ). Then a = (x + y) ⊕ λa (x + y) = (x + y) + λa (x + y) = (x + z) + λa (x + y). Using the cancelation law holding for + in the MV-algebra [0, a], we have y = z. Finally, let x + y = 0. Then x, y ≤ x ⊕ y = x + y = 0. Let ≤ be the order generated by the lattice operations ∨ and ∧ defined in the EMV-algebra M . We set x y iff there is z ∈ M such that x + z = y. Take an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x, y, z ≤ a. Then x+z = x⊕z = y which means also x ≤ y. Now let x ≤ y, then y = x∨y = x⊕(y⊙λa (x)) = x+(y⊙λa (x)), i.e. x y and =≤, so that is a lattice order, and M is a distributive generalized effect algebra. If x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ∈ M satisfy x1 + x2 = y1 + y2 , there is an idempotent a ∈ M such that x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ≤ a. Then x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ∈ [0, a], and since ([0, a]; ⊕, λa , 0, a) is an MV-algebra, it satisfies RDP and the partial addition + coincides with the partial sum induced from the MV-algebra [0, a]. Moreover, the order in the MV-algebra [0, a] coincides with the original order on M restricted to [0, a], therefore, RDP holds in (M ; ⊕, 0). Now we show how from a GEA we can derive an EMV-algebra. Let (E; +, 0) be a lattice GEA with RDP. An element a ∈ E is said to be Boolean, if for each b ∈ E with b ≥ a, we have a ⊕b a = a, where ⊕b is defined by (3.1). Proposition 3.3. Let (E; +, 0) be a lattice GEA satisfying RDP and let, for every x ∈ E, there be a Boolean element a ∈ E such that x ≤ a. Then there is a binary operation ⊕ on E such that (E; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) is an EMV-algebra, and an element a ∈ E is Boolean if and only if a ⊕ a = a. Moreover, the partial addition derived from the EMV-algebra (E; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) coincides with the original + in the GEA E. Proof. We note that if a ∈ E, then in the effect algebra Ea = ([0, a]; +, 0, 1) we have for x, y ∈ [0, a], x ≤E y iff x ≤Ea y. Due to [Dvu2, Thm 3.2], an element a ∈ E with a ≤ b ∈ E is Boolean iff a∧(b−a) = 0. In addition, if a is a Boolean element of E and a ≤ b ∈ E, then for each x, y ∈ [0, b] with x + y ∈ [0, b], due to [Dvu2, Prop 2.5], we have (x + y) ∧ a = (x ∧ a) + (y ∧ a). If a GEA E has a top element 1, it is a Boolean element, and we set x ⊕ y = x + (y ∧ x′ ), x, y ∈ E, so that (E; ⊕,′ , 0, 1) is an MV-algebra, and (E; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) is an EMV-algebra. Now let E have no top element. The binary operation ⊕ is defined as follows. Given x, y ∈ E, there is a Boolean element a ∈ E such that x, y ≤ a. If there is another Boolean element b ∈ E with x, y ≤ b, there is a third Boolean element c ∈ E such that x, y ≤ a, b ≤ c. Then we have a ⊕a a = a = a ⊕c a, and x ⊕a y = x + (y ∧ (a − x)) and x ⊕c y = x + (y ∧ (c − x)). In addition, c = (c − x) + x so that a = c ∧ a = ((c − x) + x) ∧ a = ((c − x) ∧ a) + (x ∧ a) which yields a − x = (c − x) ∧ a. Hence, x ⊕c y
= x + (y ∧ (c − x)) = x + ((y ∧ a) ∧ (c − x) ∧ a) = x + (y ∧ (a − x)) = x ⊕a y.
In the same way we have x⊕b y = x⊕c y, which shows that we can define unambiguously ⊕ by x⊕y = x⊕a y whenever a is a Boolean element of E such that x, y ≤ a. It is clear that if a is a Boolean element of E, then a ⊕ a = a = a ⊕a a. Conversely, let a ⊕ a = a, then for each b ≥ a, we have a = a ⊕b a, so that a is a Boolean element of E.
Consequently, (E; ∨, ∧, ⊕, 0) is an EMV-algebra, and if x, y ∈ E and x, y ≤ a, where a is a Boolean element, then x ⊙ y = 0 iff x ≤ λa (y) = a − y, so that x + y ≤ a and x + y is defined in E as well as in [0, a]. Conversely, let x + y be defined in E and let a be a Boolean element such that x + y ≤ a. Then x ≤ a − y = λa (y), so that x ⊙ y = 0. 4. States on EMV-algebras In the present section, we introduce states. A stronger notion of states, state-morphisms, were introduced in [DvZa] and used in [DvZa1] for establishing the Loomis–Sikorski theorem for σ-complete EMV-algebras. A state, an analogue of a finitely additive measure, is defined here for EMV-algebras even if they have not necessarily a top element. If an EMV-algebra possesses a top element, the state is the same as that for MV-algebras. We show that state-morphisms are only extremal states. We establish that all state-morphisms generate in some sense all states, the Krein–Mil’man-type representation. In addition, some topological properties of the state space are investigated. We note that according to [DvZa], a mapping s : M → [0, 1] such that s is an EMV-homomorphism from M into the MV-algebra of the real interval [0, 1] is said to be a state-morphism if there is an element x ∈ M with s(x) = 1. We denote by SM(M ) the set of all state-morphisms on M . If M 6= {0}, M possesses at least one state-morphism, see [DvZa, Thm 4.2]. The basic properties of state-morphisms were established in [DvZa, Prop 4.1]: Proposition 4.1. Let s be a state-morphism on an EMV-algebra M . Then (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
s(0) = 0; s(a) ∈ {0, 1} for each idempotent a ∈ M ; if x ≤ y, then s(x) ≤ s(y); s(λa (x)) = s(a) − s(x) for each x ∈ [0, a], a ∈ I(M ); Ker(s) is a proper ideal of M , where Ker(s) = {x ∈ M : s(x) = 0}.
We recall that a partial operation +, that is commutative and associative, on an EMV-algebra M was defined in Proposition 3.2. We say that a mapping s : M → [0, 1] is a state on M if (i) s(x+y) = s(x)+s(y) whenever x + y is defined in M , and (ii) there is an element a ∈ M such that s(a) = 1. A state is an analogue of a finitely additive probability measure, and states for MV-algebras were defined in [Mun] as averaging the truth-value in Lukasiewicz logic. We denote by S(M ) the set of states on M . The basic properties of states are as follows: Proposition 4.2. Let s be a state on an EMV-algebra M . For all x, y ∈ M , we have (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
s(0) = 0; if x ≤ y ≤ a ∈ I(M ), then s(x) ≤ s(y) and s(y ⊙ λa (x)) = s(y) − s(x); s(x ∨ y) + s(x ∧ y) = s(x) + s(y); s(x ⊕ y) + s(x ⊙ y) = s(x) + s(y); Ker(s) = {x ∈ M : s(x) = 0} is an ideal of EMV-algebra M as well as an GEA-ideal of the GEA (M ; +, 0); (vi) if s1 , s2 ∈ S(M ) and λ ∈ [0, 1] is a real number, then the convex combination s = λs1 + (1 − λ)s2 of states s1 , s2 is a state on M . (vii) If we define a mapping sˆ on the quotient EMV-algebra I/Ker(s) by sˆ(x/Ker(s)) := s(x), (x ∈ M ), then sˆ is a state on M/Ker(s), and M/Ker(s) has a top element. Proof. (i) Since 0 = 0 + 0, we have s(0) = 0. (ii) If x ≤ y, then there is an element z ∈ M such that x + z = y, so that s(z) = s(y) − s(x) ≥ 0. In addition, since x + (y ⊙ λa (x)) exists in M and x + (y ⊙ λa (x)) = x ⊕ (y ⊙ λa (x)) = y, we conclude the result.
(iii) Given x, y ∈ M , there is an idempotent a ∈ M with x, y ≤ a. Then in the MV-algebra [0, a], we have (x ∨ y) ⊙ λa (x) = x ⊙ λa (x ∧ y) which by (ii) gives (iii). (iv) If x, y ≤ a ∈ I(M ), using [GeIo, Prop 1.25], we have x = ((x ⊕ y) ⊙ λa (y)) ⊕ (x ⊙ y). Hence, (ii) implies the result. (v) From (ii), we have that Ker(s) is a down-set. From the identity x ⊕ y = x + ((x ⊕ y) ⊙ λa (x)) = x + (y ∧ λa (x)), we get Ker(s) is closed under ⊕. (vi) It is clear. (vii) Let x, y ∈ M . Then x/Ker(s) = y/Ker(s) iff s(x) = s(x ∧ y) = s(y). Therefore, sˆ is correctly defined. For each x ∈ M , let [x] = x/Ker(s). Given x, y ∈ M , there is an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x, y ≤ a and s(a) = 1. Hence, λa (x)/Ker(s) = λ[a] ([x]). Assume that [x] ≤ [λa (y)]. For x0 = x ∧ λa (y), we have x0 ≤ λa (y) and [x0 ] = [x ∧ λa (x)] = [x] ∧ [λa (y)] = [x] ≤ [λa (y)] = λ[a] ([y]). Then sˆ([x] + [y]) = sˆ([x ⊕ y]) = sˆ([x0 + y]) = s(x0 + y) = s(x0 ) + s(y) = sˆ([x0 ]) + sˆ([y]) = sˆ([x]) + sˆ([y]). In addition, sˆ([a]) = s(a) = 1, so that sˆ is a state on M/Ker(s). Since there is an element a ∈ M such that s(a) = 1, and s(x) ≤ 1, we have that the element [a] is the top element for M/Ker(s). We say that a state s is extremal if from s = λs1 + (1 − λ)s2 , for λ ∈ (0, 1) and s1 , s2 ∈ S(M ), we have s = s1 = s2 . We denote by ∂S(M ) the set of extremal states on M . In what follows, we show that ∂S(M ) = SM(M ). Proposition 4.3. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Every state-morphism on M is a state. Let s be a state on M . The following statements are equivalent: (i) s is a state-morphism. (ii) s(x ∧ y) = min{s(x), s(y)}, x, y ∈ M . (iii) s(x ∨ y) = max{s(x), s(y)}, x, y ∈ M . (iv) s(x ⊕ y) = min{s(x) + s(y), 1}, x, y ∈ M . Proof. Let s be a state-morphism on M . For x, y ∈ M , we can find an idempotent a ∈ M such that x, y ≤ a and s(a) = 1. Since s is an EMV-homomorphism, we have s(x ⊙ y) = s(x) ⊙ s(y). Therefore, if x ⊙ y = 0, then s(x) ⊙ s(y) = max{s(x) + s(y) − 1, 0} = 0 which yields s(x + y) = s(x ⊕ y) = s(x) ⊕ s(y) = min{s(x) + s(y), 1} = s(x) + s(y) which shows s is a state on M . Now let s be an arbitrary state on M . Similarly, for all x, y ∈ M there is a ∈ M such that s(a) = 1. (i) ⇒ (ii). Since s is an EMV-homomorphism, (ii) holds. (ii) ⇔ (iii). It follows from the equalities λa (x ∨ y) = λa (x) ∧ λa (y) and λa (x ∧ y) = λa (x) ∨ λa (y). (ii) ⇒ (iv). We have x⊕y = x+((x⊕y)⊙λa (x)) = x+(λa (x)∧y). Then s(x⊕y) = s(x)+s(λa (x)∧y) = s(x) + min{1 − s(x), s(y)} = min{s(x) + s(y), 1} = s(x) ⊕ s(y). (iv) ⇒ (i). First we show that s(x ⊙ y) = s(x) ⊙ s(y). Indeed, s(x ⊙ y) = s(λa (λa (x) ⊕ λa (y))) = s(a) − s(λa (x) ⊕ λa (y)) = 1 − s(λa (x)) ⊕ s(λa (y)) = s(x) ⊙ s(y). Therefore, s(x ∧ y) = s(x ⊙ (λa (x) ⊕ y)) = s(x) ⊙ ((1 − s(x)) ⊕ s(y)) = min{s(x), s(y)}. Similarly, s(x ∨ y) = max{s(x), s(y)}. Hence, s preserves ⊕, ∨, ∧, ⊙. In addition, s(λa (x)) = 1 − s(x) = λs(a) (s(x)), i.e. s is an EMV-homomorphism. Since every state-morphism is a state on M , if M 6= {0}, M possesses at least one state because it has at least one state-morphism, see [DvZa, Thm 4.2, Thm 5.6]. Proposition 4.4. A state s on an EMV-algebra M is a state-morphism if and only if Ker(s) is a maximal ideal of M . Proof. If s is a state-morphism, by [DvZa, Thm 4.2(ii)], Ker(s) is a maximal ideal of M . Conversely, let Ker(s) be a maximal ideal of M . Take x, y ∈ M ; there is an idempotent a ∈ M such that x, y ≤ a and s(a) = 1. Then in the MV-algebra [0, a], we have (x ⊙ λa (y)) ∧ (y ⊙ λa (x)) = 0. Every maximal ideal
is prime, so that s(x ⊙ λa (y)) = 0 or s(y ⊙ λa (x)) = 0. In the first case we have 0 = s(x ⊙ λa (y)) = s(x ⊙ λa (x ∧ y)) = s(x) − s(x ∧ y), where we have used a fact x ⊙ λa (y) = x ⊙ λa (x ∧ y), see (2.2), and in the second case, we have s(y) = s(x ∧ y), i.e. s(x ∧ y) = min{s(x), s(y)}, which by Proposition 4.3 means s is a state-morphism. We note that in [DvZa, Thm 4.2], the following important characterization of state-morphisms by maximal ideals was established. Theorem 4.5. (1) If I is a maximal ideal of an EMV-algebra M , then there is a unique state-morphism s on M such that Ker(s) = I. (2) If s1 and s2 are state-morphisms, then s1 = s2 if and only if Ker(s1 ) = Ker(s2 ). Proposition 4.6. A state s on an EMV-algebra M is extremal if and only if s is a state-morphism. Proof. Let s be an extremal state on M and define a state sˆ on M/Ker(s) by Proposition 4.2(vii). We assert that sˆ is an extremal state on M/Ker(s). Indeed, let m1 , m2 be states on m/Ker(s) and λ ∈ (0, 1) such that sˆ = λm1 + (1 − λ)m2 . There exist two states s1 and s2 on M such that si (x) = mi ([x]) for each x ∈ M and i = 1, 2. Then si (x + y) = si (x) + si (y). For mi there is an element a ∈ M such that mi ([a]) = 1, so that si is a state on M . In addition, s = λs1 + (1 − λ)s2 which implies s = s1 = s2 , so that m1 = m2 . Due to Proposition 4.2(vii), M/Ker(s) is an EMV-algebra with a top element, alias, M/Ker(s) is an MV-algebra and sˆ is an extremal state on the MV-algebra M/Ker(s). Hence, by [DvPu, Thm 6.1.30], sˆ is a state-morphism, consequently so is s on M . Conversely, let s be a state-morphism on M and let s = λs1 + (1 − λ)s2 for some s1 , s2 ∈ S(M ) and λ ∈ (0, 1). Then Ker(s) = Ker(s1 ) ∩ Ker(s2 ) and the maximality of Ker(s) entails Ker(s) = Ker(s1 ) = Ker(s2 ), so that Proposition 4.4 says that s1 and s2 are state-morphisms and by Theorem 4.5, s = s1 = s1 . Consequently, s is an extremal state on M . Theorem 4.7. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then ∂S(M ) = SM(M ). Proof. If M = {0}, then S(M ) = ∅ = SM(M ). If M 6= {0}, the result is a direct corollary of Proposition 4.6. w
We say that a net {sα }α of states on M converges weakly to a state s on M , and we write {sα }α → s, if limα sα (a) = s(a) for each a ∈ M . Hence, S(M ) is a subset of [0, 1]M and if we endow [0, 1]M with the product topology which is a compact Hausdorff space, we see that the weak topology, which is in fact a relative topology (or a subspace topology) of the product topology of [0, 1]M , yields a non-empty Hausdorff topological space whenever M 6= {0}; if M = {0}, the set S(M ) is empty. In addition, the system of subsets of S(M ) of the form S(x)α,β = {s ∈ S(M ) | α < s(x) < β}, where x ∈ M and α < β are real numbers, forms a subbase of the weak topology of states. The weak topology can be defined also for the set of state-morphisms in the same way as it was done for states. Due to Proposition 4.3, SM(M ) is a closed subset of S(M ), and SM(M ) is also a Hausdorff space. The spaces S(M ) and SM(M ) are not necessarily compact sets because if, for a net {sα } of states (state-morphisms), there is s(x) = limα sα (x), x ∈ M , then s preserves + (⊕, ∧, ∨), but there is no guarantee that there is an element x ∈ M with s(x) = 1 as the following example shows. Example 4.8. Let T be the system of all finite subsets of the set N of natural numbers. Then SM(T ) = {sn : n ∈ N}, where sn (A) = χA (n), A ∈ T . Given A ∈ T , there is s(A) = limn sn (A) = 0, but s is not a state on T . In the following result we show conditions when the spaces S(M ) and SM(M ) are compact in the weak topology of states. Proposition 4.9. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) M has a top element. (ii) S(M ) is compact. (iii) SM(M ) is compact. Proof. If M = {0}, then 0 is the top element and S(M ) = ∅ = SM(M ). Thus let M 6= {0}. (i) ⇒ (ii),(iii). If 1 is the top element of M , then s(1) = 1 for each state s on M . Therefore, S(M ) and SM(M ) are closed in the product topology on [0, 1]M , so that both sets are compact in the weak topology. (ii) ⇒ (iii). If S(M ) is compact, then SM(M ), which is a closed subset of S(M ), has to be compact, too. (iii) ⇒ (i). Given x ∈ M , let S(x) = {s ∈ SM(M ) : s(x) > 0}. Then each S(x) is an open set of SM(M ). Given s ∈ SM(M ), there is an idempotent a ∈ M such that s(a) = 1, so that s ∈ S(a) which means that {S(a) : a ∈ I(M )} is an open cover of S SM(M ). The compactness of SM(M ) entails there are elements a1 , . . . , an ∈ M such that SM(M ) = ni=1 S(ai ) = S(a0 ), where a0 = a1 ∨ · · · ∨ an . Let Ia0 be the ideal of M generated by a0 . If we set S(Ia0 ) = {s ∈ SM(M ) : Ker(s) 6⊇ Ia0 }, then S(Ia0 ) = S(a0 ). We assert that Ia0 = M , if not then Ia0 is a proper ideal of M , and there is a maximal ideal I of M containing Ia0 . Due to Theorem 4.5, I = Ker(s) for some s ∈ SM(M ), which implies s ∈ S(a0 ) and s∈ / S(Ia0 ) = S(a0 ), a contradiction. Therefore, Ia0 = M which means that for each x ∈ M , x ∈ Ia0 and consequently, x ≤ n.a0 = a0 , confirming a0 is a top element of M . P P If s1 , . . . , sn ∈ S(M ) and real numbers λ1 , . . . , λn ∈ [0, 1] satisfy ni=1 λi = 1, then s = ni=1 λi si is also a state of M and s is said to be a convex combination of s1 , . . . , sn . If X is a non-empty set of states, then Con(X) means the convex hull generated by X, i.e. Con(X) is the set of all convex combinations of states from X. We denote by (Con(X))− the closure of Con(X) in the weak topology of states. If M has a top element, i.e. M is in fact an MV-algebra, then due to Krein–Mil’man theorem, see [Go, Thm 5.17], S(M ) = (Con(∂S(M )))− . Since the Krein–Mil’man theorem is formulated for compact convex sets, if M has no top element, as we have seen in Proposition 4.9, S(M ) is not compact, so that we cannot apply directly the Krein–Mil’man theorem for S(M ). In what follows, Theorem 4.12 below, we show that anyway we have S(M ) = (Con(SM(M )))−M ,
where −M denotes the closure taken in the weak topology of states on M . To prove that, we use the Basic Representation Theorem, see [DvZa, Thm 5.21] or Theorem 2.1, which says that for any EMV-algebra, there is an MV-algebra N such that either M = N (if M has a top element) or M is a maximal ideal of N (if M has no top element), and each element x of N is either x = x0 ∈ M or x = λ1 (x0 ) for some element x0 ∈ M , where 1 is the top element of N . States and state-morphisms on N we can describe as follows. Proposition 4.10. Let M be an EMV-algebra without top element. For each x ∈ M , we put x∗ = λ1 (x), where 1 is the top element of the representing MV-algebra N . Given a state s on M , the mapping s˜ : N → [0, 1], defined by ( s(x) if x ∈ M, s˜(x) = x ∈ N, (4.2) 1 − s(x0 ) if x = x∗0 , x0 ∈ M, is a state on N , and the mapping s∞ : N → [0, 1] defined by s∞ (x) = 0 if x ∈ M and s∞ (x) = 1 if x ∈ N \ M , is a state-morphism on N . If s is a state-morphism on M , then s˜ is a state-morphism on N . Moreover, SM(N ) = {˜ s | s ∈ SM(M )} ∪ {s∞ } and Ker(˜ s) = Ker(s) ∪ Ker∗1 (s), s ∈ SM(M ), where ∗ Ker1 (s) = {λ1 (x) | x ∈ Ker1 (s)}.
A net {sα }α of states on M converges weakly to a state s on M if and only if {˜ sα }α converges weakly to s˜ on N , and the mapping φ : S(M ) → S(N ) defined by φ(s) = s˜, s ∈ S(M ), is injective, continuous and affine. Proof. Due to Mundici’s result, there is an Abelian unital ℓ-group (G, u) such that N ∼ = Γ(G, u). Without loss of generality, we can assume N = Γ(G, u). Then if x = x∗0 for some x0 ∈ M , then x = u − x0 , where − is the group subtraction taken from the group G. Let s be a state on M and define s˜ by (4.2). Then s˜(1) = 1. Let x, y ∈ N and x⊙y = 0. There are three cases: (i) x = x0 , y = y0 ∈ M . Then s˜(x + y) = s(x0 + y0 ) = s(x0 ) + s(y0 ) = s˜(x) + s˜(y). (ii) x = x0 ∈ M and y = y0∗ where y0 ∈ M . x ⊙ y = 0 implies u − y0 ≤ u − x0 , i.e. x0 ≤ y0 . There is an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x0 ≤ y0 ≤ a and s(a) = 1. Since x+y = x⊕y = x0 ⊕y0∗ = (y0 ⊙x∗0 )∗ = (y0 ⊙λa (x0 ))∗ , see (2.2), it yields by Proposition 4.2(ii) s˜(x ⊕ y) = 1 − s(y0 ⊙ λa (x0 )) = 1 − s(y0 ) + s(x0 ) = s˜(x) + s˜(y). (iii) x = x∗0 , y = y0∗ for some x0 , y0 ∈ M . Then x ⊙ y = 0 entails x∗0 ≤ y0 , i.e. u − y0 ≤ x0 and u ≤ x0 + y0 ∈ M , so that u ∈ M which is absurd. So that this case is impossible. Therefore, s˜ is a state on N . If s is a state-morphism, we proceed in a similar way as for states. Let x, y ∈ N . We have again three cases: (i) x = x0 , y = y0 , x0 , y0 ∈ M , which is trivial. (ii) x = x0 , y = y0∗ for x0 , y0 ∈ M . Then there exists an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x0 , y0 ≤ b and s(a) = 1. Since x ⊕ y = x0 ⊕ y0∗ = (y0 ⊙ x∗0 )∗ = (y0 ⊙ λa (x0 ))∗ which yields s˜(x ⊕ y) = 1 − s(y0 ⊙ λa (x0 )) = 1 − (s(y0 ) ⊙ (s(a) − s(x0 )) = (1 − s(y0 )) ⊕ s(x0 ) = s˜(x) ⊕ s(y). (iii) Let x = x∗0 , y = y0∗ for x0 , y0 ∈ M . Then x ⊕ y = (x0 ⊙ y0 )∗ , so that s˜(x ⊕ y) = 1 − s(x0 ⊙ y0 ) = 1 − s(x0 ) ⊙ s(y0 ) = s˜(x) ⊕ s˜(y). The mapping s∞ is evidently a state-morphism on N . Now let s be any state-morphism on N . There are two cases: (i) For each idempotent a ∈ M , we have s(a) = 0. Then s(x) = 0 for each x ∈ M , i.e. s = s∞ . (ii) There is an idempotent a ∈ M such that s(a) = 1. Then the restriction of s onto M is a state-morphism on M , say s0 , so that that s = s˜0 . The rest properties are straightforward. According to [DvZa1, Thm 4.10], if M has no top element, then SM(M ) is locally compact but not compact. For the state space S(M ), we have it is even not locally compact as it follows from the following result. Theorem 4.11. Let M be an EMV-algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (i) The state space S(M ) is locally compact. (ii) The state space S(M ) is compact. (iii) M has a top element. Proof. If M has a top element, then S(M ) is compact, so that it is locally compact, i.e. (iii) ⇒ (ii) ⇒ (i), and by Proposition 4.9, (ii) and (iii) are equivalent. (i) ⇒ (ii) Now, assume that X = S(M ) is locally compact but not compact in the weak topology of states, therefore, M has no top element. Let N be the MV-algebra representing M such that M is a maximal ideal of N , and every element x ∈ N either belongs to M or λ1 (x) ∈ M . According to the Alexander theorem, see [Kel, Thm 4.21], there is a compact space X ∗ = X ∪{x∞ }, where x∞ ∈ / X. Define a mapping φ : S(M ) → S(N ) given by φ(s) = s˜, s ∈ S(M ), where s˜ is defined by (4.2). Then a net of states {sα }α converges weakly to a state s ∈ S(M ) iff {˜ sα }α converges weakly to s˜ on N . Therefore, φ maps X onto the set φ(X) = {˜ s : s ∈ S(M )}, so that φ is a homeomorphism from X onto φ(X). Then also φ(X) has the one-point compactification (φ(X))∗ = φ(X) ∪ {x∗∞ }, where x∗∞ ∈ / φ(X). But for the state-morphism s∞ on N given by s∞ (x) = 0 if x ∈ M and s∞ (x) = 1 for x ∈ N \ M , there is a net {tβ }β of state-morphisms on M , such that {t˜β }β converges weakly to s∞ on N , for more details see [DvZa1, Thm 4.13]. Therefore, tβ ∈ X and t˜β ∈ φ(X) for each index β and limβ tβ (x) = 0 for each x ∈ M and s˜0 = s∞ . On the other hand, since (φ(X))∗ is compact, there is a subnet {t˜βα }α of the net {t˜β }β which converges to some point x∗ ∈ φ(X) ∪ {x∗∞ }. Then x∗ = x∗∞ = s∞ .
Now let s be any state-morphism on M and for each λ ∈ (0, 1) we set tλβ = λs + (1 − λ)tβ . Then tλβ ∈ X and φ(tλβ ) = λ˜ s + (1 − λ)t˜β ∈ φ(X) for each index β. Since {φ(tλβ )}β converges weakly on N to λ˜ s + (1 − λ)s∞ so that λ˜ s + (1 − λ)s∞ ∈ (φ(X))∗ = φ(X) ∪ {s∞ }. But λ˜ s + (1 − λ)s∞ gives for each λ ∈ (0, 1) countably many mutually different states on N not belonging to φ(X), which says that there is no one-point compactification of S(M ). Hence, our assumption that S(M ) is not compact was wrong, and S(M ) has to be compact. Now we establish (4.1) for each EMV-algebra. Theorem 4.12. [Krein–Mil’man Representation of States] Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then S(M ) = (Con(SM(M )))−M where
denotes the closure in the weak topology of states on M .
Proof. If M has a top element, then S(M ) is a compact set in the weak topology. A direct application of the Krein–Mil’man theorem to Theorem 4.7 gives the result. If M = {0}, then S(M ) = SM(M ) = ∅, so that the result holds also in this case. Finally, let M 6= {0}. Now, let M have no top element. Using the Basic Representation Theorem for EMV-algebras, see Theorem 2.1, there is an MV-algebra N such that M is its maximal ideal and every element x ∈ N is either x ∈ M or x∗ ∈ M . Then for the state space of N we have S(N ) = (Con(SM(N )))−N , where −N is the closure in the weak topology of states on N . Take an arbitrary state s on M that is not extremal, equivalently, s is not a state-morphism on M . There is a net {sα }α of convex combinations from SM(N ) such that {sα }α converges weakly to s˜ on N . Since also s˜ is not an extremal state on N , without loss of generality we can assume that each Pnαsα αis αnot a state-morphism. Pnα α s + In addition, let sα = λα ˜i , where all λ’s are from [0, 1], i=0 λi = 1, and sα ∞ 0 i ∈ SM(M ) i=1 λi s for i = 1, . . . , nα and for each α. If there is an index α0 such that for each α > α0 , we have λα 0 = 0 which gives s ∈ (Con(SM(M )))−M . Therefore, we can assume also that each λα 0 > 0, or to pass to its subnet with such a property, if necessary. In addition, we can assume λα 0 < 1 for each α, otherwise sα = s∞ , sα (x) = 0 and s(x) = 0 for each x ∈ M , which is impossible. Pnα α α s is a state on M , there is an element a ∈ M such that s(a) = 1. Then sα (a) = i=1 λi s˜i (a) ≤ PnSince α α α α α λ = 1 − λ ≤ 1. Then 1 = lim inf s (a) ≤ lim inf (1 − λ ) ≤ 1, so that lim sup λ = 1 and α α α α 0 0 0 i i=1 α similarly, 1 = lim supα sα (a) ≤ lim supα (1 − λα i.e. lim inf α λα 0 ) ≤ 1, P 0 = 1. Whence, limα λ0 exists nα α α α α α and limα λ0 = 1. In addition, tα := sα /(1 − λ0 ) = i=1 λi /(1 − λ0 )si and tα ∈ Con(SM(M )). Moreover, the net {tα }α converges weakly to s on M , so that s ∈ (Con(SM(M )))−M and finally, S(M ) = (Con(SM(M )))−M . Proposition 4.13. Let M be an EMV-algebra. If S(M ) = SM(M ), then S(M ) and SM(M ) both are either empty sets or singletons and, in addition, M is an MV-algebra. Proof. If S(M ) is empty, then M = {0} and M is a degenerate (= one-element) MV-algebra. Now let S(M ) 6= ∅, then M 6= {0}. By Theorem 4.7, ∂S(M ) = SM(M ), so that both sets S(M ) and SM(M ) are singletons. Due to Theorem 4.5, M has a unique maximal ideal which by [DvZa, Thm 3.25] means that M is an MV-algebra. Now we describe those states on N whose restrictions to M are not states on M . Proposition 4.14. Let M be an EMV-algebra without top element. Then the restriction of a state s ∈ S(N ) to M is a state on M if and only if s ∈ φ(S(M )), where φ : S(M ) → S(N ) is given by φ(s) = s˜, which is defined by (4.2). In particular, there is uncountable many states on N whose restriction to M is not a state on M . Proof. If s ∈ φ(S(M )), then there is a state s0 on M such that s = s˜0 . Therefore, s|M = s0 is a state on M . Now let s0 := s|M ∈ S(M ), then clearly φ(s0 ) = s.
Let s be a state-morphism on N different of s∞ onto M , λ ∈ (0, 1), and let sλ = λs + (1 − λ)s∞ . Then for the restriction of sλ onto M , we have sλ |M = λs|M which is not a state on M , and the system {sλ : λ ∈ (0, 1)} gives an uncountable system of mutually different states on M whose restriction to M is not a state on M . Given an element x ∈ M , we set 0x = 0, 1x = x and nx = (n − 1)x + x, n ≥ 2, if (n − 1)x and (n − 1)x + x are defined in M . We say that an element x ∈ M is said to be an infinitesimal if the element nx is defined in M for each integer n ≥ 1. We denote by Infinit(M ) the set of all infinitesimal elements of M . Proposition 4.15. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then Infinit(M ) is a proper ideal of M and Infinit(M ) = Rad(M ) = {x ∈ M : s(x) = 0 for each s ∈ SM(M )}. Proof. By Theorem 4.5, Rad(M ) = {x ∈ M : s(x) = 0 for each s ∈ SM(M )}. Let x ∈ Infinit(M ), then s(nx) = ns(x) ≤ 1 and s(x) ≤ 1/n for each n ≥ 1, so that s(x) = 0 for each state-morphism s on M , i.e. Infinit(M ) ⊆ Rad(M ). Now let x > 0 be not infinitesimal, and let x ≤ a ∈ I(M ). There is an integer n such that nx 6≤ λa (x). Using (2.2), we have c := (nx) ⊙ λa ((nx) ∧ λa (x)) = (nx) ⊙ λa (λa (x)) = (nx) ⊙ x > 0. There is an ideal P which is maximal under the condition c ∈ / P . By [DvZa, Thm 5.12], P is prime and is contained in a unique maximal ideal I of M , see [DvZa, Prop 5.9]. There is a unique state-morphism s on M such that I = Ker(s), in addition, there is an idempotent b ∈ I(M ) such that x ≤ a ≤ b and s(b) = 1. Then nx 6≤ λb (x), otherwise,(nx) ⊙ x = 0. Therefore, c = (nx) ⊙ x = (nx) ⊙ λb (nx ∧ λb (x)) = (nx) ⊙ λb (λb (x)). Then (nx)⊙λb (λb (x)) ∧ λb (x)⊙λb (nx) = 0 which implies λb (x)⊙λb (nx) = λb (x⊕nx) = λb ((n+1).x) ∈ P ⊆ I. Then s(λb ((n + 1).x)) = s(b) − s((n + 1).x) = 0 and 1 = s(b) = s((n + 1).x) = (n + 1).s(x) which entails s(x) > 0, x ∈ / I, and x ∈ / Rad(M ). Therefore, Rad(M ) ⊆ Infinit(M ), which gives the result Infinit(M ) = Rad(M ). Since clearly Rad(M ) is an ideal so is Infinit(M ) and Infinit(M ) is a proper ideal of M . Proposition 4.16. Let M be an EMV-algebra. The state spaces of M and M/Rad(M ) are affinely homeomorphic. Proof. For any x ∈ M , let [x] := x/Rad(M ). Let s be a state on M . Then the mapping sˆ on M/Rad(M ) defined by sˆ([x]) = s(x) (x ∈ M ) is a state on M/Rad(M ). Indeed, assume [x] = [y], then s′ (x) = s′ (x ∧ y) = s′ (y) for any state-morphism s′ on M so that by Theorem 4.12, s(x) = s(x ∧ y) = s(y) for any state s on M . Then sˆ is well defined, and sˆ([x]) = 1 whenever s(x) = 1. Assume [x] + [y] is defined in M/Rad(M ), and let x, y ≤ a ∈ I(M ) with s(a) = 1. To prove sˆ([x] + [y]) = sˆ([x]) + sˆ([y]), we use the same steps as those in the proof of (vii) of Proposition 4.2. Consequently, sˆ is a state on M/Ker(M ). From the characterization of extremal states on EMV-algebras, Theorem 4.5 and Theorem 4.7, we see that if s is extremal so is sˆ. Conversely, if µ is a state on M/Rad(M ), then the mapping sµ (x) = µ([x]) for x ∈ M is a state on M , and if µ is extremal so is sµ . Moreover, c sµ = µ. The mapping s 7→ sˆ is therefore injective, surjective, continuous, open, and affine. 5. Pre-states
Besides states on EMV-algebras we define pre-states, strong pre-states, and pre-state-morphisms. They are of a weaker form than states state-morphisms and they are important mainly when an EMV-algebra has no top element, but in such a case, they can be extended to states on the representing MV-algebra. Let M be an EMV-algebra. We say that a mapping s : M → [0, 1] is (i) a pre-state if s(x + y) = s(x) + s(y) whenever x + y is defined in M , and (ii) a pre-state-morphism if s(x ⊕ y) = s(x) ⊕ s(y), x, y ∈ M , where u ⊕ v := min{u + v, 1} for all u, v ∈ [0, 1]. Properties: (i) s(0) = 0, and (ii) if x ≤ y,
from y = x + (y ⊙ λa (x)) = x ⊕ (y ⊙ λa (x)), where x, y ≤ a ∈ I(M ), we conclude that s(x) ≤ s(y) and s(y ⊙ λa (x)) = s(y) − s(x). We denote by PS(M ) and PSM(M ) the set of pre-states and pre-state-morphisms, respectively, on M . For example, if M has no top element and N is its representing MV-algebra, then the restriction of any state on N onto M is a pre-state on M . The restriction of s∞ onto M is the zero function on M . It is clear, that the set PS(M ) is a convex set; we note that extremal pre-states are defined in the same way as do extremal states and they are described in Theorem 5.4 below. A pre-state s on M is said to be a strong pre-state if there is an element x0 ∈ M such that s(x0 ) = sup{s(x) : x ∈ M }. Then every state on M is a strong pre-state and if M is a σ-complete EMV-algebra, i.e. every sequence of elements in M has a supremum, then every pre-state on M is strong. Indeed, let r = sup{s(x) : x ∈ M }. W There is a sequence {xn } of elements of M such that x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · and r = limn s(xn ). Put x0 = n xn , then r ≥ s(x0 ) ≥ s(xn ) so that r = s(x0 ). If M has a top element, then every pre-state is strong, and if s0 is a pre-state, there is a state s on M and a number r ∈ [0, 1] such that s0 = rs. If s0 is non-zero, there is a unique state s and unique number r ∈ (0, 1] such that s0 = rs. Below, see Theorem 5.4, it will be proved that every pre-state-morphism is a strong pre-state, more precisely, we show that every pre-state-morphism on M is either the zero function or a state-morphism. We denote by PS s (M ) the set of strong pre-states on M . The sets PS(M ) and PS s (M ) are convex sets containing PSM(M ). The restriction of any convex combination of state-morphisms on N onto M is a state on M . On the other hand if s is a state-morphism on N different of s∞ , then the restriction of sλ := λs + (1 − λ)s∞ onto M , where λ ∈ (0, 1), is a strong pre-state on M such that the maximal value of the restriction of sλ onto M is λ. This follows from the fact, see [DvZa1, Prop 4.4], that SM(N ) = φ(SM(M )) ∪ {s∞ }, where φ was defined in Proposition 4.10. We note that the restriction of any state on N onto M is not necessarily a strong pre-state on M as it follows from the following example. Example 5.1. Let T be an EM V -algebra from Example 4.8. Then T is an EMV-algebra without top element and T is not σ-complete. Its representing MV-algebra is N := {A ⊆ N : either A is finite or N \ A is finite}. Then SM(T ) = {sn : n P ∈ N}, where sn (A) = χA (n), A ∈ T , and SM(N sn : n ∈ P∞ ) = {˜ ∞ N} ∪ {s∞ }. Take a state s = λ0 s∞ + n=1 λnP s˜n , where each λ is from (0, 1) and n=0 λn = 1. Then ∞ the restriction of s onto T is the function s0 = n=1 λn sn which is a pre-state but not a strong pre-state on T because if Ak = {1, . . . , k} for each k ≥ 1, we have, given A ∈ T , there is an integer k ≥ 1 such Pk P∞ that A ⊆ Ak which gives s0 (A) ≤ s0 (Ak ) = i=1 λi < i=1 λi = sup{s0 (A) : A ∈ T }.
Further properties of states and pre-states on T are presented in Examples 7.5–7.6, Theorem 7.7, and Corollary 7.8. If s is a state on M and r is a real number r ∈ [0, 1), then sr (x) = rs(x), x ∈ M , is a strong pre-state which is not a state. In particular, the zero function s0 on M is both a pre-state and a pre-state-morphism as well. Clearly, if s is a strong pre-state not vanishing on M and r = sup{s(x) : x ∈ M }, then sr := 1r s is a state on M . For pre-states on an EMV-algebra, we define the weak topology in a standard way. Then PS(M ) is a compact set in the weak topology. Proposition 5.2. Let M be an EMV-algebra without top element and N be its representing MV-algebra. Every pre-state on M is a restriction of a unique state on N . That is, if s is a pre-state on M , the mapping s˜ : N → [0, 1] defined by ( s(x) if x ∈ M, s˜(x) = x ∈ N, (5.1) 1 − s(x0 ) if x = x∗0 , x0 ∈ M, is a unique state on N whose restriction to M coincides with s. Moreover, the spaces PS(M ) and S(N ) are affinely homeomorphic in the weak topologies.
Proof. Let s be a pre-state on M . Let us define a mapping s˜ : N → [0, 1] by (5.1). We assert s˜ is a state on N whose restriction to M is s. Indeed, s˜(1) = 1, and similarly as in the proof of Proposition 4.10, for x, y ∈ N with x ⊙ y = 0, we have three cases: (i) x = x0 , y = y0 ∈ M , (ii) x = x0 ∈ M and y = y0∗ where y0 ∈ M , and (iii) x = x∗0 , y = y0∗ for some x0 , y0 ∈ M . The first case is straightforward, and the third one is impossible. Check for (ii) x ⊙ y = 0 implies u − y0 ≤ u − x0 , i.e. x0 ≤ y0 . There is an idempotent a ∈ I(M ) such that x0 ≤ y0 ≤ a. Since x + y = x ⊕ y = x0 ⊕ y0∗ = (y0 ⊙ x∗0 )∗ = (y0 ⊙ λa (x0 ))∗ which yields s˜(x ⊕ y) = 1 − s(y0 ⊙ λa (x0 )) = 1 − s(y0 ) + s(x0 ) = s˜(x) + s˜(y). Therefore, s˜ is a state on N whose restriction to M coincides with s. We note that if s is the zero function, then s˜ = s∞ . From (5.1) we conclude that s˜ is a unique state on N whose restriction to M is s. The mapping κ : PS(M ) → S(N ) given by κ(s) = s˜, s ∈ PS(M ), is continuous, affine, and since the restriction sˆ of a state s on N to M is a pre-state, we have s˜ˆ = s, so that κ is invertible. Since a net {sα }α of pre-states on M converges weakly to a pre-state s on M iff {˜ sα }α converges weakly to s˜ on N , we see that κ is an affine homeomorphism. Proposition 5.3. If M is an EMV-algebra which has no top element, there is another way of extension of strong pre-states on M . Proof. If s is the zero function on M , then s is the restriction of the state-morphism s∞ , which was defined in Proposition 4.10. Now let s be a non-vanishing strong pre state on M , and let r = sup{s(x) : x ∈ M }. Then r ∈ (0, 1] and sr := r1 s is a state on M , so by Proposition 4.10, there is a unique state s˜r on N defined by (4.2). If we define a mapping s˜, a convex combination, s˜ = r˜ sr + (1 − r)s∞ ,
then s˜ is a state on N such that its restriction to M is s. It is interesting to note that formula (5.2) works also for the zero function s0 on M ; then s˜0 = s∞ . We note that if s is a state on M , then s˜ coincides with the state on N defined by (4.2). Let κ be a mapping from PS s (M ) into S(N ) defined by κ(s) = s˜, s ∈ PS s (M ), where s˜ is defined by (5.2). Then κ is injective. Indeed, let κ(s1 ) = κ(s2 ) for s1 , s2 ∈ SMs (M ). Let ri = max{si (x) : x ∈ M } for i = 1, 2. Then there is an element x ∈ M such that si (x) = ri so that r1 = r2 which yields s1 = s2 . Now let s1 , s2 be two strong pre-states and let ri = max{si (x) : x ∈ M } for i = 1, 2. There is an element x ∈ M such that ri = si (x). Then for the convex combination s = λs1 + (1 − λ)s2 , where λ ∈ [0, 1], we have that s is also a strong pre-state such that for r = sup{s(x) : x ∈ M } we have r = λr1 + (1 − λ)r2 , PS s (M ) is a convex set, and κ(s) = λκ(s1 ) + (1 − λ)κ(s2 ). Theorem 5.4. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then any pre-state-morphism is either a state-morphism or the zero function s0 on M , that is, PSM(M ) = SM(M )∪{s0 }, and every pre-state-morphism is a strong pre-state. The space PSM(M ) is compact and homeomorphic to SM(N ), where N is the representing MV-algebra for M . The set PS(M ) is compact and the closure of SM(M ) in the weak topology of pre-states is equal to PSM(M ). The set ∂PS(M ) of extremal pre-states on M is the set of pre-state-morphisms, i.e. ∂PS(M ) = PSM(M ) = SM(M ) ∪ {s0 }. Moreover, PS(M ) = (Con(PSM(M )))−M .
Proof. If {sα }α is a net of pre-states on M and s(x) = limα sα (x) for each x ∈ M , then s preserves partial addition +, so that PS(M ) is a compact set in the product topology. Similarly, the set PSM(M ) is compact. Let s be a pre-state-morphism on M . There are two cases: (i) There is an idempotent a such that s(a) = 1, then s is a state-morphism. (ii) For each idempotent a ∈ M we have s(a) < 1. In view of s(a) = s(a ⊕ a) = min{s(a) + s(a), 1} = s(a) ⊕ s(a), we have s(a) = 0 because the MV-algebra of the real interval [0, 1] has only two idempotents, namely 0 and 1. Since every pre-state-morphism is monotone,
we have s(x) = 0 for each x ∈ M , i.e. s is the zero function s0 which proves PSM(M ) = SM(M ) ∪ {s0 }. By Proposition 4.3, each pre-state morphism is a strong pre-state. Now let {sα }α be a net of pre-state-morphisms on M and let s(x) = limα sα (x) exists for each x ∈ M . Then s is clearly a pre-state-morphism because it preserves ⊕. Due to the preceding paragraph, we have that the closure of SM(M ) is the set of pre-state-morphisms on M . If M has a top element, then M = N and clearly S(M ) = S(N ) and SM(M ) = SM(N ). Now let M have no top element. We note that according to [DvZa1, Thm 4.13], the set of state-morphisms SM(N ) is the one-point compactification of SM(M ) and the mapping s 7→ s˜, s ∈ SM(M ), where s˜ is defined by (4.2), is a continuous embedding, and the zero pre-state s0 maps to s∞ . Whence, we have that PSM(M ) is homeomorphic to SM(N ). By Proposition 5.2, the mapping κ : PS(M ) → S(N ), given by κ(s) = s˜, s ∈ SM(M ), and by (5.4), is an affine homeomorphism, and by Theorem 4.7, ∂S(N ) = SM(N ) = {˜ s : s ∈ SM(M )} ∪ {s∞ } which gives the result ∂PS(M ) = SM(M ) ∪ {s0 }, where s0 is the zero function on M . Since PS(M ) is convex and compact in the weak topology of pre-states, applying the Krein–Mil’man theorem [Go, Thm 5.17], we obtain immediately (5.3). As it was already said, in [DvZa1, Thm 4.13], it was shown that SM(N ) is the one-point compactification of SM(M ) whenever M has no top element. Of course, this is not true for the state-spaces S(N ) and S(M ) because if we take a state-morphism s on M , then sλ = λ˜ s + (1 − λ)s∞ for each λ ∈ (0, 1) is a state on N . We have uncountably many different states on N and sλ (x) = λs(x) if x ∈ M is not a state on M ; it is only a pre-state. 6. Jordan Signed Measures In the section, we define Jordan signed measures and strong Jordan signed measures on EMV-algebras. We show that they form a Dedekind σ-complete ℓ-groups. We extend the notion of a state and a pre-state as follows. A mapping m : M → R is said to be a signed measure if m(x + y) = m(x) + m(y). If a signed measure m is positive, then m is said to be a measure, and if m is a difference of two measures, m is said to be a Jordan signed measure. Whence a pre-state is a measure with values in the interval [0, 1]. We denote by J (M ) the set of Jordan signed measures. Proposition 6.1. Let M be an EMV-algebra and let d : M → R be a subadditive mapping, i.e. d(x+y) ≤ d(x) + d(y). For all x ∈ M , assume that the set D(x) := {d(x1 ) + · · · + d(xn ) : x = x1 + · · · + xn , x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M } (6.1) W is bounded above in R. Then there is a signed measure m on M such that m(x) = D(x) := sup D(x) for all x ∈ M . W Proof. By (6.1), m(x) := D(x) is a well-defined mapping for all x ∈ M . It is clear that m(0) = 0 and now we are going to show that m is additive on M . Let x, y ∈ M with x + y ∈ M be given. For all decompositions x = x1 + · · · + xn and y = y1 + · · · + yk with all xi , yj ∈ M , we have x + y = x1 + · · · + xn + y1 + · · · + yk , which yields X
d(xi ) +
d(yj ) ≤ m(x + y).
Therefore, u + v ≤ m(x + y) for all u ∈ W D(x) and v ∈ D(y). Since R is a Dedekind complete Abelian ℓ-group, + distributes over an existing = sup: _ _ (u + m(y)) m(x) + m(y) = D(x) + m(y) = u∈D(x)
_ _ u+ D(y) =
≤ m(x + y).
(u + v)
u∈D(x) v∈D(y)
Conversely, let x + y = z1 + · · · + zn , where each zi ∈ M . Then RDP holding also in M implies that there are elements x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn ∈ M such that x = x1 +· · ·+xn , y = y1 +· · ·+yn and zi = xi +yi for i = 1, . . . , n. This yields ! ! X X X X d(yi ) ≤ m(x) + m(y), d(xi ) + (d(xi ) + d(yi )) = d(zi ) ≤ i
and therefore, m(x + y) ≤ m(x) + m(y) and finally, m(x + y) = m(x) + (y) for all x, y ∈ M .
We remind that for two Jordan signed measures m1 and m2 on M , we write m1 ≤ m2 if m1 (x) ≤ m2 (x) for all x ∈ M . Now we exhibit the lattice properties of the set of Jordan signed measures on M with respect to the partial order ≤+ . Theorem 6.2. Let M be an EMV-algebra. For the set J (M ) of Jordan signed measures on M we have: (a) J (M ) is a Dedekind complete ℓ-group with respect to ≤+ . W (b) If {mi }i∈I is a non-empty set of J (M ) that is bounded above, and if d(x) = i mi (x) for all x ∈ M , then ! _ _ mi (x) = {d(x1 ) + · · · + d(xn ) : x = x1 + · · · + xn , x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M } i
for all x ∈ M . V (c) If {mi }i∈I is a non-empty set of J (M ) that is bounded below, and if e(x) = i mi (x) for all x ∈ M , then ! ^ ^ mi (x) = {e(x1 ) + · · · + e(xn ) : x = x1 + · · · + xn , x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M } i
for all x ∈ M .
Proof. Let g ∈ JW(M ) be an upper bound for {mi }. For any x ∈ M , we have mi (x) ≤ g(x), so that the mapping d(x) = i mi (x) defined on M is a subadditive mapping. For any x ∈ M and any decomposition x = x1 + · · · + xn with all xi ∈ M , we conclude d(x1 ) + · · · + d(xn ) ≤ m(x1 ) + · · · + m(xn ) = g(x). Hence, g(x) is an upper bound for D(x) defined by (6.1). W Proposition 6.1 entails there is a signed measure m : M → R such that m(x) = D(x). For every x ∈ M and every mi we have mi (x) ≤ d(x) ≤ m(x), which gives mi ≤+ m. The mappings m − mi are positive measures belonging to J (M ), which gives m ∈ J (M ). If h ∈ J (M ) such that mi ≤+ h for any i ∈ I, then d(x) ≤ h(x) for any x ∈ M . As above, we can show that h(x) is also an upper bound for D(x), whence m(x) ≤ h(x) for any x ∈ M , which gives m ≤+ h. Alias, we have proved that m is the supremum of {mi }i∈I , and its form is given by (b). Now if we apply the order anti-automorphism z 7→ −z in R, we see that if the set {mi }i∈I in J (M ) is bounded below, then it has an infimum given by (c). It is clear that J (M ) is directed. Combining (b) and (c), we see that J (M ) is a Dedekind complete ℓ-group.
For joins and meets of finitely many Jordan signed measures, Theorem 6.2 can be reformulated as follows. Theorem 6.3. If M is an EMV-algebra, then the group J (M ) of all Jordan signed measures on M is an Abelian Dedekind complete lattice ordered real vector space. Given m1 , . . . , mn ∈ J (M ), n _
i=1 n ^
(x) = sup{m1 (x1 ) + · · · + mn (xn ) : x = x1 + · · · + xn , x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M },
(x) = inf{m1 (x1 ) + · · · + mn (xn ) : x = x1 + · · · + xn , x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M },
for all x ∈ M . Proof. Due to Theorem 6.2, J (M ) is an Abelian Dedekind complete ℓ-group. It is evident that it is a Riesz space, i.e., a lattice ordered real vector space. Take m1 , . . . , mn ∈ J (M ) and let m = m1 ∨ · · · ∨ mn . For any x ∈ M and x = x1 + · · · + xn with x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M , we have m1 (x1 ) + · · · + mn (xn ) ≤ m(x1 ) + · · · + m(xn ) = m(x). Due to Theorem 6.2, given an arbitrary real number ǫ > 0, there is a decomposition x = y1 + · · · + yk with y1 , . . . , yk ∈ M such that k X
max{m1 (yj ), . . . , mn (yj )} > m(x) − ǫ.
If k < n, we can add the zero elements to the decomposition, if necessary, so that without loss of generality, we can assume that k ≥ n. We decompose the set {1, . . . , k} into mutually non-empty disjoint sets J(1), . . . , J(n) such that J(i) := {j ∈ {1, . . . , k} : max{m1 (yj ), . . . , mn (yj )} = mi (yj )}. P and Then J(i) = {jt1 , . . . , jtni }. For every i = 1, . . . , n, let xi = {yk : k ∈ Ji }, then x = x1 + · · · + xn , n X i=1
mi (xi ) =
n X X
i=1 j∈J(i)
mi (yj ) =
k X
max{m1 (yj ), . . . , mn (yj )} > m(x) − ǫ.
This implies m(x) equals the given supremum. The formula for (m1 ∧ · · · ∧ mn )(x) can be obtained applying the order anti-automorphism m 7→ −m holding in J (M ). If we denote by Jb (M ) the set of bounded Jordan signed measures, then Theorems 6.2–6.3 hold also for Jb (M ). We note that if M is a σ-complete EMV-algebra, then every measure m on M is bounded, and there is an element x0 ∈ M such that m(x0 ) = sup{m(x) : x ∈ M }. Indeed, let r = sup{m(x)W : x ∈ M }. Then there is a sequence of elements {xn } of M such that r = supn m(xn ). Then for x0 = n xn , we have r ≥ m(x0 ) ≥ m(xn ) so that r = m(x0 ) and r is a finite number. A special interest is devoted to measures m with the following property: There is an element a ∈ M such that m(a) = sup{m(x) : x ∈ M }; such measures are said to be strong measures. Clearly, if s is a state on M and r ∈ [0, ∞), then sr is a strong measure. Conversely, if m is a not-vanishing strong measure, then r1 m, where r = sup{m(x) : x ∈ M }, is a state on M . Difference of two strong measure is said to be a strong Jordan signed measure; we denote by Js (M ) the set of strong Jordan signed measures on M . Theorem 6.4. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then Js (M ) is an ℓ-group which is also a Riesz space.
Proof. Let m1 and m2 be strong measures on M . Since mi ≤+ m1 + m2 , i = 1, 2, according to Theorem 6.3, there exists a measure m = m1 ∨ m2 . We show that m is a strong measure. Being m1 and m2 strong measures, there is an element ai ∈ M such that mi (ai ) = sup{mi (x) : x ∈ M } for i = 1, 2. Since M is an EMV-algebra, we can assume that there is an idempotent a ∈ M with a ≥ a1 , a2 such that mi (a) = mi (ai ) for i = 1, 2. Let r = sup{m(x) : x ∈ M }. Given ǫ > 0, there is an element x ∈ M such that r < m(x) + ǫ. For this x, there are elements x1 , x2 ∈ M with x = x1 + x2 and m(x) < m1 (x1 ) + m2 (x2 ) + ǫ. Then r
< m(x) + ǫ < m1 (x1 ) + m2 (x2 ) + 2ǫ = m1 (x1 ∧ a) + m2 (x2 ∧ a) + 2ǫ = m((x1 + x2 ) ∧ a) + 2ǫ ≤ m(a) + 2ǫ,
where we have used a fact that (x1 ∧ a) + (x2 ∧ a) = x ∧ a for a ∈ I(M ). Then r ≤ m(a), so that r = m(a), and m is a strong measure. Since m1 , m2 ≤+ m, we have m − m1 , m − m2 are strong measures on M , so that m0 = (m − m1 ) ∨ (m − m2 ) is a strong measure, so that m − (m1 ∧ m2 ) = (m − m1 ) ∨ (m − m2 ) which yields m1 ∧ m2 is also a strong measure. − + − + − + Now let m1 , m2 ∈ Js (M ). Then mi = m+ i − mi , so that mi ≤ m1 + m1 + m2 + m2 , giving Js (M ) is directed with the positive cone consisting of all strong measures. Therefore, Js (M ) is an ℓ-group which is also a Riesz space. 7. Integral Representation of States In the section, we show that every state on an EMV-algebra, which is a finitely additive function, can be represented by a unique regular Borel probability measure which is a σ-additive measure on the Borel σ-algebra on some locally compact Hausdorff space. First such a result for MV-algebras was established in [Kro, Pan] and for effect algebras in [Dvu3, Dvu4]. In addition, we extend this result also for pre-states. First we present some notions about simplices. For more info about them see the books [Alf, Go]. We recall that a convex cone in a real linear space V is any subset C of V such that (i) 0 ∈ C, (ii) if x1 , x2 ∈ C, then α1 x1 + α2 x2 ∈ C for any α1 , α2 ∈ R+ . A strict cone is any convex cone C such that C ∩ −C = {0}, where −C = {−x : x ∈ C}. A base for a convex cone C is any convex subset K of C such that every non-zero element y ∈ C may be uniquely expressed in the form y = αx for some α ∈ R+ and some x ∈ K. We recall that in view of [Go, Prop 10.2], if K is a non-void convex subset of V , and if we set C = {αx : α ∈ R+ , x ∈ K}, then C is a convex cone in V , and K is a base for C iff there is a linear functional f on V such that f (K) = 1 iff K is contained in a hyperplane in V which misses the origin. Any strict cone C of V defines a partial order ≤C on V via x ≤C y iff y − x ∈ C. It is clear that C = {x ∈ V : 0 ≤C x}. A lattice cone is any strict convex cone C in V such that C is a lattice under ≤C . A simplex in a linear space V is any convex subset K of V that is affinely isomorphic to a base for a lattice cone in some real linear space. A simplex K in a locally convex Hausdorff space is said to be (i) Choquet if K is compact, and (ii) Bauer if K and ∂K are compact, where ∂K is the set of extreme points of K. Theorem 7.1. Let M be an EMV-algebra. Then the state space S(M ) is a simplex. In addition, the following equivalences hold: (i) M has a top element. (ii) S(M ) is a Choquet simplex. (iii) S(M ) is a Bauer simplex.
Proof. By Theorem 6.4, the space Js (M ) of strong Jordan signed measures on M is an ℓ-group. The space of strong Jordan measures is its positive cone whose base is the set of states on M . Therefore, S(M ) is a simplex. Since ∂S(M ) = SM(M ), see Theorem 4.7, due to Proposition 4.9, we have that (i)–(iii) are all mutually equivalent statements. Nevertheless the state space S(M ) is not always a Bauer simplex, ∂S(M ) = SM(M ) is always a Baire space, i.e. the intersection of any sequence of open dense subsets is dense. This was established for EMV-algebras in [DvZa1, Cor 4.12]. Let B(K) be the Borel σ-algebra of a Hausdorff topological space K generated by all open subsets of K. Every element of B(K) is said to be a Borel set and each σ-additive (signed) measure on it is said to be a Borel (signed) measure. We recall that a Borel measure µ on B(K) is called regular if inf{µ(O) : Y ⊆ O, O open} = µ(Y ) = sup{µ(C) : C ⊆ Y, C compact}
for any Y ∈ B(K). For example, let δx be the Dirac measure concentrated at the point x ∈ K, i.e., δx (Y ) = 1 iff x ∈ Y , otherwise δx (Y ) = 0, then every Dirac measure is a regular Borel probability measure whenever K is compact, see e.g. [Go, Prop 5.24]. Let K be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space. Due to the Alexander theorem, see [Kel, Thm 4.21], there is the one-point compactification of K, which is a space K ∪ {x∞ }, where x∞ ∈ / K. In [DvZa1, Thm 4.13], it was shown that if M has no top element, the one-point compactification of SM(M ) is homeomorphic to the set SM(N ). Theorem 7.2. [Integral Representation of States] Let M be an EMV-algebra and let s be a state on M . Then there is a unique regular Borel probability measure µs on the Borel σ-algebra B(S(M )) such that Z xˆ(t) dµs (t), x ∈ M, (7.2) s(x) = SM(M)
where x ˆ (x ∈ M ) is a continuous affine mapping from S(M ) into the interval [0, 1] such that xˆ(s) := s(x), s ∈ S(M ). Morevover, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of regular Borel probability measures on B(S(M )), and the set of regular Borel probability measures on B(S(N )) vanishing at {s∞ }. Proof. Let M 6= {0} be an EMV-algebra and let N be its representing MV-algebra. Then S(M ) is a non-empty convex set closed in the weak topology of states which is not compact whenever M has no top element. If M has a top element, the statement follows from [Kro, Pan]. In what follows, we show that the statement is valid also in the case that M has no top element. Given x ∈ M , we define a mapping xˆ : S(M ) → [0, 1] by x ˆ(s) := s(x), s ∈ S(M ). Then x ˆ is continuous and affine, i.e. it preserves convex combinations. Every x ˆ can be uniquely extended by Proposition 4.10 ¯ to a continuous affine mapping x ˆ defined on the compact convex set S(N ). In a similar way, for each y ∈ N , we define yˆ : S(N ) → [0, 1] such that yˆ(s) = s(y), s ∈ S(N ). If y ∈ M , then y¯ ˆ(˜ s) = yˆ(s), s ∈ SM(M ). Since N is an MV-algebra and S(N ) is a convex compact set, by [Kro, Pan], see also [Dvu3, Dvu4], for every state s ∈ S(N ), there is a unique regular Borel probability measure µs such that Z s(y) = yˆ(u) dµs (u), y ∈ N. SM(N )
Define a mapping φ : SM(M ) → SM(N ) by φ(s) = s˜, s ∈ SM(M ), where s˜ is given by (4.2). Then φ is injective, affine, continuous, and open. In this case, X := SM(M ) is a locally compact Hausdorff space and X ∗ := SM(N ) is a compact Hausdorff space. Therefore, for the Borel σ-algebra B(SM(M )), we have B(SM(M )) = φ−1 (B(SM(N ))).
Now let s be a state on M and let s˜ be its unique extension to a state on N defined by (4.2), and let x ∈ M . Then there is a unique regular Borel measure µs˜ on B(SM(N )) such that we have for all x ∈ M s(x)
= =
s˜(x) = Z
¯ x ˆ(u) dµs˜(u) =
x¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u) +
{s∞ }
SM(N )
¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u) x
SM(N )\{s∞ }
x¯ ˆ(u) dµs˜(u),
¯(s∞ ) = s∞ (x) = 0. when we have used the fact x ˆ Now let a ∈ M be an idempotent such that s(a) = 1. Define S(a) = {s ∈ SM(M ) : s(a) > 0} = {s ∈ SM(M ) : s(a) = 1}. Then S(a) is compact and open by [DvZa1, Thm 4.10]. Similarly, if SN (a) = {s ∈ SM(N ) : s(a) > 0}, then SN (a) is also compact and open, φ(S(a)) = SN (a), and s∞ ∈ / SN (a). ¯ˆ = χS (a) , so that Therefore, a N 1 = s(a) =
¯ a ˆ(t) dµs˜(t) =
SM(N )
χSN (a) (t) dµs˜(t) = µs˜(SN (a)),
SM(N )
which implies µs˜({s∞ }) = 0 for each s ∈ SM(M ). Now let µ be a regular Borel measure on SM(N ) such that µ({s∞ }) = 0. Define a mapping µφ : B(SM(M )) → [0, 1] by µφ (A) = µ(φ(A)), A ∈ B(SM(M )). Since A = φ−1 (AN ) for some AN ∈ B(SM(N )), we have φ(A) = AN \ {s∞ } ∈ B(SM(N )), which shows that µφ is a Borel probability measure on B(SM(M )). Now we show that µφ is a regular measure. Let Y ∈ B(SM(M )). If ON is an open set in SM(N ) such that φ(Y ) ⊆ ON , then Y ⊆ φ−1 (ON ) and if Y ⊆ O, where O is an open set in SM(M ), then φ(Y ) ⊆ φ(O) and φ(O) is open in SM(N ). Therefore, µφ (Y ) =
µ(φ(Y )) = inf{µ(ON ) : φ(Y ) ⊆ ON , ON open in SM(N )}
inf{µ(ON \ {s∞ }) : Y ⊆ φ−1 (ON ), ON open in SM(N )}
inf{µφ (φ−1 (ON )) : Y ⊆ φ−1 (ON ), ON open in SM(N )}
inf{µφ (O) : Y ⊆ O, O open in SM(M )}.
Now let C be a compact subset of SM(M ). Then X \ C is open in X and therefore, s∞ ∈ / φ(X \ C) = φ(X) \ φ(C) is open in X ∗ which means X ∗ \ (φ(X) \ φ(C)) = {s∞ } ∪ φ(C) is closed in X ∗ . In addition, φ(C) is also closed in X ∗ . Whence, if C ⊆ Y , then φ(C) ⊆ φ(Y ). Now let CN be a closed subset of X ∗ such that CN ⊆ φ(Y ), then s∞ ∈ / φ(CN ) ⊆ φ(Y ), and s∞ ∈ X ∗ \ CN which means −1 ∗ ∗ −1 C := φ (X \ (X \ CN )) = φ (CN ) is a compact subset of X, and C ⊆ Y . Therefore, µφ (Y ) =
µ(φ(Y )) = sup{µ(CN ) : CN ⊆ φ(Y ), CN closed in SM(N )}
sup{µ(CN ) : φ−1 (CN ) ⊆ Y, CN closed in SM(N )}
= =
sup{µ(φ(C)) : C ⊆ Y, C compact in SM(M )} sup{µφ (C) : C ⊆ Y, C compact in SM(M )},
which proves that µφ is a regular Borel probability measure on B(SM(M )). If we put µs (Y ) = µs˜(φ(Y )), Y ∈ B(SM(M )), then µs is a regular Borel probability measure on B(SM(M )). Using the transformation of integrals, [Hal, p. 163], and the equalities xˆ(φ−1 (t˜)) =
φ−1 (t˜)(x) = t(x) = t˜(x) = x¯ ˆ(t˜), where t ∈ SM(M ), we have Z Z x ˆ(t) dµs˜(φ(t)) x ˆ(t) dµs (t) = φ−1 (φ(SM(M)) SM(M) Z x ˆ(φ−1 (t˜)) dµs˜(t˜) = φ(SM(M)) Z ¯ˆ(t˜) dµs˜(t˜) x = φ(SM(M)) Z ¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u) = s(x). x = φ(SM(M))
In what follows, we show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between regular Borel probability measures on B(SM(M )) and ones on B(SM(N )) vanishing at {s∞ }. Let µ be an arbitrary regular Borel probability measure on SM(M ). Define a mapping µφ (A) := µ(φ−1 (A)), A ∈ B(SM(N )). Then µφ is a Borel probability measure on B(SM(N )) such that µφ ({s∞ }) = 0. For every A ∈ SM(N ), we have µφ (A) = µ(φ−1 (A))
inf{µ(O) : φ−1 (A) ⊆ O, O open in SM(M )}
inf{µ(O)(A) : A ⊆ φ(O), O open in SM(M )}
inf{µ(φ−1 (ON )) : A ⊆ ON , ON open in SM(N )}
inf{µφ (ON ) : A ⊆ ON , ON open in SM(N )},
and µφ (A) = µ(φ−1 (A))
= sup{µ(C) : C ⊆ φ−1 (A), C compact in SM(N )} = sup{µ(C) : φ(C) ⊆ A, C compact in SM(N )} = sup{µφ (CN ) : CN ⊆ A, CN compact in SM(N )},
which proves that µφ is regular. Due to the above, we get µ = (µφ )φ , and (νφ )φ = ν for every regular Borel probability measure ν ∈ B(SM(N )) vanishing at {s∞ } which establishes a one-to-one correspondence in question. Finally, we show the uniqueness of µs in formula (7.2). Let there be another regular Borel probability measure ν on B(SM(M )) for which (7.2) holds, and define ν φ by the above way. Then ν φ is a regular Borel probability measure on B(SM(N )) vanishing at {s∞ }. Then in a similar way as it was already used for integral transformation, we obtain for each x ∈ M Z Z ¯ˆ(u) dν φ (u) x x ˆ(t) dν(t) = s˜(x) = s(x) = φ(SM(M)) SM(M) Z Z φ ¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u). x x¯ ˆ(u) dν (u) = = SM(N )
SM(N )
If x = λ1 (x0 ) for x0 ∈ M , we have Z s˜(x) = 1 − s(x0 ) = 1 −
¯ x ˆ0 (u) dν φ (u) =
SM(N )
which yields µs˜ = ν φ , i.e. µs = (µs˜)φ = (ν φ )φ = ν.
SM(N )
x¯ˆ(u) dν φ (u) =
¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u), x
SM(N )
Formula (7.2) is interesting in the following point of view: de Finetti in a large number of papers, published as early in the Thirties, “has always insisted that σ-additivity is not an integral part of the probability concepts but is rather in the nature of a regularity hypothesis”, see [BhBh, p. vii]. On the
other hand, by Kolmogorov [Kol], a probability measure is assumed to be σ-additive. The mentioned formula shows that there is a natural coexistence between both approaches. Remark 7.3. If an EMV-algebra M has no top element, then for every state-morphisms s ∈ SM(M ), the unique regular Borel probability measure µs corresponding in formula (7.2) to s is the Dirac measure δs concentrated at the point s which is a regular Borel probability measure nevertheless SM(M ) is only a locally compact and not compact space. Proof. Let s˜ be the extension of s onto the representing MV-algebra N , i.e. φ(s) = s˜ ∈ SM(N ). There exists a unique regular Borel probability measure which is the Dirac measure δs˜ on B(SM(N )) corresponding to s˜ through formula (7.2). Then from the proof of the latter theorem, we have µs = δs˜ ◦ φ = δφ−1 (˜s) = δs . Remark 7.4. Let M be an EMV-algebra without top element and let µ be a regular Borel probability measure on B(SM(M )). Define a mapping sµ : M → [0, 1] given by Z sµ (x) = xˆ(t) dµ(t), x ∈ M. (7.3) SM(M)
Then sµ is a pre-state on M . If M has a top element, sµ is a state on M , if M has no top element, then sµ is a state on M if and only if there is an idempotent a ∈ M such that µ(S(a)) = 1, where S(a) := {s ∈ SM(M ) : s(a) > 0}.
Proof. It is evident that sµ is a pre-state on M , and if M has a top element, sµ is a state. Now let M have no top element. Then sµ is a state iff there is an idempotent a such that sµ (a) = 1. Given an idempotent a ∈ M , the set S(a) is both open and compact, see [DvZa1, Thm 4.10]. Then Z Z χS(a) (t) dµ(t) = µ(S(a)), a ˆ(t) dµ(t) = sµ (a) = SM(M)
which establishes the result.
A converse to the latter remark will be given in Theorem 7.7. Now we exhibit Example 4.8 with respect to the latter remark. Example 7.5. Let T be the system of all finite subsets of N. Then there are infinitely many regular Borel probability measures µ on B(SM(T )) such that formula (7.3) defines a pre-state that is not strong. In addition, for there is the least finite subset A of N such that s(A) = 1, and s is of P every state s on T , P the form s = {λn sn : n ∈ A} and {λn : n ∈ A} = 1. Therefore, S(T ) = Con(SM(T )).
Proof. By Example 4.8, SM(T ) = {sn : n ∈ N}, where sn (A) = χA (n), A ∈ T . Since every A ∈ T is an idempotent, S(A) = {s ∈ SM(T ) : s(A) > 0} = {sn : n ∈ A}, which means that for every finite subset A of N, the set S(A) is compact and open, so that SM(T ) is homeomorphic to N with the discrete Ptopology. Therefore, B(N) = 2N . Let µ be any Borel probability measure on B(N). Then 1 = µ(N) = n µ({n}). P If we set λn = µ({n}) for each n ≥ 1, then µ = n λn µn , where µn (Y ) = χY (n), Y ∈ B(N) and n ≥ 1. Since every set Y ⊆ N is open, we have µ(Y ) = inf{µ(O) : Y ⊆ O, O open in N}. On the other hand, every compact set C of 2N is only a finite subset of N, we show easily that µ(Y ) = sup{µ(C) : Y ⊆ C, C compact in N}, so that every Borel probability measure on B(N) is regular. P If we take a sequence {λn } of numbers from the real interval (0, 1) such that ∞ n=1 λn = 1, we have µ(S(A)) < 1 for each A ∈ T , so that sµ defined by (7.3) is a pre-state, and since sup{sµ (A) : A ∈ T } = 1, we see that sµ is not strong. In addition, every pre-state on T which is not strong is of the form sµ for the just described measure µ, and there is infinitely many of such regular Borel probability measures µ. The characterization of states on T follows now from Remark 7.4. Now we characterize states in Example 5.1 defined by (7.3).
Example 7.6. Let N = {A ⊆ N : either A is finite or N \ A is finite}. Then N is an MV-algebra representing T from the previous example and SM(N ) = {˜ sn : n ∈ N} ∪P {s∞ }, where s˜n (A) = χA (n) for A ∈ N . Every state s on T can be uniquely expressed in the form s = n λn s˜n + λ∞ s∞ , where each λ is from the interval [0, 1] such that the sum of all λ’s is 1. P P In particular, if s is a state on T , then s can be uniquely expressed in the form s = n λn sn , where n λn = 1, λn ∈ [0, 1] for each n ≥ 1, and only finitely many of λn ’ s is non-zero. If s is a non-zero strong pre-state on T , then there is a sequence of real numbers {λ Pn } from the interval [0, 1] which is P zero for all but finite numbers of n with n λn ≤ 1 such that s = n λn sn ; the representation of s via non-zero λ’s is unique. P P A mapping s on T is a pre-state that is not strong if and only if s = n λn sn , λn ∈ [0, 1], n λn ≤ 1, and infinitely many of λn ’s are non-zero.
Proof. The state-morphism space SM(N ) is homeomorphic to the one-point compactification N∗ = N ∪ {n∞ } (n∞ ∈ / N) of N, where N is endowed with the discrete topology. Since A ⊆ N∗ is open iff either A ⊆ N or n∞ ∈ A and N \ A is finite, the one-point compactification N∗ of N coincides with the discrete ∗ topology on N∗ , so that B(N∗ ) = 2N . Inasmuch as it is compact, every Borel P probability measure on ∗ ∗ B(N ) is regular. Moreover, if µ is a Borel probability measure, then 1 = µ(N ) = n µ({n})+µ({n∞ }) = P n λn µn + λ∞ µ∞ , where λn = µ({n}), λ∞ = µ({n∞ }), µn (Y ) = χn (Y ), and µ∞ (Y ) = χY (n∞ ) for each Y ∈ B(N∗ ) and for n ≥ 1. R ˆ(t) dµ(t) for x ∈ N , is a state on N . Since the Clearly, the function sµ defined by sµ (x) := SM(N ) x P function xˆ is defined on a countable set, x ˆ can be expressed the form x ˆ(t) = P i xi χ{i} (t), t ∈ SM(N ). P in P P P P Whence sµ (x) = i fi µ({i}) = i fi n λn µn ({i}) = n λn i fi µn ({i}) = n λn sµn (x). Now let s be a state on T . Due to Theorem 7.2, there is a unique )) P regular Borel measure on B(SM(T P such that (7.3) holds for each x ∈ T . As we have have seen µ = λ µ + λ µ giving s = λ s ˜ + n n ∞ ∞ n n P n P λ∞ s∞ . Let s = n λ′n s˜ + λ′∞ s∞ and some λn 6= λ′n . Then for the Borel measure µ′ = n λ′n µn + ′ ′ ′ ′ R = λn 6= λn′ = µ ({n}) which yields µ 6=′ µ . This is absurd because s(x) = Rλ∞ µ∞ , we get µ({n}) ˆ(t) dµ(t) = SM(T ) xˆ(t) dµ (t). The same holds if λ∞ 6= λ∞ . SM(T ) x The uniqueness of expression of a state s on T as a finite convex combination of state-morphisms on T follows from Example 7.5, the extension of s onto N , and from the uniqueness of its expression in N . If s is a non-zero strong pre-state on T , then there is a real number r such that rs is a state on T which implies the representation of s in question. The characterization of pre-states on T follows from Proposition 5.2, Theorem 5.4, and a representation of states on N in the upper part of the present proof. In the following theorem we show that also for pre-states there is their representation by regular Borel measures via (7.2). We note that a regular Borel measure on a Borel σ-algebra B(K) of a Hausdorff topological space K is a σ-additive positive valued mapping on B(K), that satisfies the regularity condition (7.1). Theorem 7.7. Let M be an EMV-algebra without top element. The set of pre-states on M is a Bauer simplex, and for each pre-state s on M , (i) there is a unique regular Borel probability measure µs˜ on B(SM(N )) such that Z ¯ˆ(t) dµs˜(t), x ∈ M, s(x) = x SM(N )
¯ where x ˆ : S(N ) → [0, 1] is a continuous mapping defined by x¯ˆ(t) = t(x), x ∈ N ; (ii) there is a unique regular Borel measure µs on B(SM(M )) such that Z s(x) = xˆ(t) dµs (t), x ∈ M, SM(M)
where x ˆ : PS(M ) → [0, 1] is a continuous affine mapping defined by x ˆ(s) = s(x), s ∈ PS(M ). Proof. Let s be a pre-state on M and let s˜ be its extension to a state on N given by (5.1) and let κ : PS(M ) → S(N ) be given by κ(s) = s˜, s ∈ PS(M ). By Proposition 5.2, κ is an affine homeomorphism, therefore, [Kro, Thm 22] implies PS(M ) is a Bauer simplex. By Proposition 4.10, the restriction of κ onto SM(M ) is the function φ given by φ(s) = s˜ for each s ∈ SM(M ). ¯ Given x ∈ N , we define a function x ˆ : S(N ) → [0, 1] given by x¯ˆ(s) = s(x), s ∈ S(N ). By [Kro] or Theorem 7.2, there is a unique regular Borel probability measure µs˜ on B(SM(N )) such that Z ¯ˆ(t) dµs˜(t), x ∈ N, s˜(x) = x SM(N )
which proves (i). (ii) Similarly as in the proof of Theorem 7.2, we have for each x ∈ M Z s(x) = s˜(x) = x¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u). φ(SM(M))
Define µs (Y ) = µs˜(φ(Y )) for each Y ∈ B(SM(M )). Using the proof of Theorem 7.2, µs is a regular Borel measure on B(SM(M )) which is not necessary a probability (i.e. µs is only σ-additive and positive). If x ˆ : PS(M ) → [0, 1] is given by xˆ(t) = t(x), t ∈ PS(M ), using the equalities x ˆ(φ−1 (t˜)) = φ−1 (t˜)(x) = ¯ t(x) = t˜(x) = xˆ(t˜), where t ∈ SM(M ), we have Z Z x ˆ(t) dµs˜(φ(t)) x ˆ(t) dµs (t) = φ−1 (φ(SM(M)) SM(M) Z = x ˆ(φ−1 (t˜)) dµs˜(t˜) φ(SM(M)) Z ¯ˆ(t˜) dµs˜(t˜) x = φ(SM(M)) Z ¯ˆ(u) dµs˜(u) = s(x). = x φ(SM(M))
Let µ be another regular Borel measure on B(SM(M )) which satisfies (7.4). We define a mapping µ ˜ on B(SM(N )) as follows ( µ(φ−1 (A)) if s∞ ∈ / A, µ ˜(A) = A ∈ B(SM(N )). −1 µ(φ (A)) + 1 − µ(SM(M )) if s∞ ∈ A, Then µ ˜ is a Borel probability measure and, due to fact that B(SM(N )) = {B ∈ B(SM(N )) : either B = φ(A) or B = φ(A) ∪ {s∞ } for some A ∈ B(SM(M ))}, we have µ ˜ is also regular, and µ ˜ (φ(Y )) = µ(φ−1 (φ(Y ))) = µ(Y ) for each Y ∈ B(SM(M )). Given x ∈ N , we have Z Z Z ¯ˆ(u) d˜ ¯ ¯ x µ(u) x ˆ(u) d˜ µ(u) + xˆ(u) d˜ µ(u) = SM(N )\{s∞ } {s∞ } SM(N ) Z x¯ˆ(u) d˜ µ(u). = (1 − µ(SM(M )))s∞ (x) + φ(SM(M))
If x ∈ M , then
SM(N )
¯ x ˆ(u) d˜ µ(u) =
¯ˆ(u) d˜ x µ(u)
and check s(x) = s˜(x)
= = =
x ˆ(t) dµs (t) = SM(M)
xˆ(t) d˜ µ(φ(t))
φ−1 (φ(SM(M))
x ˆ(φ−1 (u)) d˜ µ(u) = φ(SM(M))
¯ˆ(u) d˜ x µ(u)
x¯ˆ(u) d˜ µ(u). SM(N )
If x = λ1 (x0 ), where x0 ∈ M . Then Z Z ¯ ¯ˆ(u) d˜ x ˆ(u) d˜ µ(u) = (1 − µ(SM(M )))s∞ (x) + x µ(u) SM(N ) φ(SM(M)) Z ¯ˆ0 (u)) d˜ (1 − x = (1 − µ(SM(M ))) + µ(u) φ(SM(M)) Z ¯ˆ0 (u) d˜ = (1 − µ(SM(M ))) + µ(SM(M )) − x µ(u) φ(SM(M))
1 − s(x0 ) = s˜(x).
Combining both last cases, we have µ ˜ = µs˜ which yields µ = µs , and the proof of (ii) is finished.
Finally, we present an integral representation of pre-states on an EMV-algebra with a top element. Corollary 7.8. Let M be an EMV-algebra with top element. For each state-morphism s on M there is a unique regular Borel measure µs on B(SM(M )) such that Z xˆ(t) dµs (t), x ∈ M, s(x) = SM(M)
where xˆ(t) = t(x) for each t ∈ PS(M ). Proof. If s is the zero pre-state on M , then for the zero measure µ0 we have the result. If s is a non-zero pre-state, then s is strong, and s/s(1) is a state on M , where 1 is the top element on M R . Using Theorem ˆ(t) dµ(t). 7.2, there is a unique regular Borel probability µ on B(SM(M )) such that s(x)/s(1) = SM(M) x If we set µs = s(1)µ, we obtain the result in question. 8. The Horn–Tarski Theorem A famous result by Horn and Tarski [HoTa] states that every state on a Boolean subalgebra A of a Boolean algebra B can be extended to a state on B, of course not in a unique way. E.g. the two-element Boolean subalgebra, {0, 1} has a unique state, 0-1-valued, and it can be extended to many distinct states on B, in general. This result was generalized for MV-algebras in [Kro1, Thm 6] and in [Dvu3, Thm 6.9] for effect algebras. In what follows, we generalize this result also for EMV-algebras. Theorem 8.1. [Horn–Tarski Theorem] Let M0 be an EMV-subalgebra of an EMV-algebra M . Then every state on M0 can be extended to a state on M , and every state-morphism on M0 can be extended to a state-morphism on M . Proof. There are three cases. (i) M0 and M have the same top element 1, then M0 and M are in fact MV-algebras, and the result follows from [Kro1, Thm 6]. (ii) M has top element 1 and 1 ∈ / M0 . Let N0 = {x ∈ M : either x ∈ M0 or λ1 (x) ∈ M0 }. Then N0 is an MV-algebra representing M0 , for more details, see [DvZa, Thm 5.21]. By Proposition 4.10, s can be extended to a state s˜ on N0 defined by (4.2). Applying [Kro1, Thm 6], s˜ can be extended to a state on M which gives the result.
(iii) M has no top element. Let M0 be an EMV-subalgebra of an EMV-algebra M . Let N be the representing MV-algebra for M where each element of N is either from M or λ1 (x) is from M . Define N0 = {x ∈ N : either x ∈ M0 or λ1 (x) ∈ M0 }. Then N0 is an MV-algebra representing M0 and N0 is an MV-subalgebra of N . Let s be a state on M0 , we define a state s˜ on N0 by (4.2). By [Kro1, Thm 6], s˜ can be extended to a state s′ on N . The restriction s′′ of s′ onto M is a state on M because there is an element a ∈ M0 such that s(a) = 1. Now let s be a state-morphism on M0 . Also in this situation, we have three cases. (i) M0 and M have the same top element 1. Let I0 = Ker(s), then I0 can be extended to a maximal ideal I on M . There is a state-morphism s′ on M such that I = Ker(s′ ). The restriction s′′ of s′ onto M0 is a state-morphism such that Ker(s) ⊆ Ker(s′′ ) implying s = s′′ . Therefore, s′ is a state-morphism on M that is an extension of the state-morphism s on M0 . (ii) M has top element 1 and 1 ∈ / M0 . Then N0 = {x ∈ M : either x ∈ M0 or λ1 (x) ∈ M0 } is an MV-algebra representing M0 . Hence, by Proposition 4.10, the extension s˜ of s onto N0 given by (4.2) is a state-morphism. Using case (ii), we see s˜ can be extended to a state-morphism s′ on M . The restriction s′′ of s′ onto M0 gives a state-morphism such that Ker(s) = Ker(s′′ ), so that s = s′′ and s′ is an extension of s onto M . (iii) M has no top element and let s˜ be its extension to s˜ on N0 . It is easy to verify that s˜ is a state-morphism on N0 , see also [DvZa1, Prop 4.4]. Moreover, Ker(˜ s) = Ker(s) ∪ Ker1 (s)∗ , where ∗ A = {λ1 (a) : a ∈ A}, and Ker(˜ s) is a maximal ideal of N0 . Let I0 be the ideal of N generated by Ker(˜ s). Then 1 ∈ / I0 and there is a maximal ideal I of N containing I0 , so there is a state-morphism s′ on N such that Ker(s′ ) = I. The restriction s′′ of s′ onto M is a state-morphism and the restriction s′′′ of s′ onto M0 is a state-morphism on M . Then Ker(s) ⊆ Ker(s′′′ ) and the maximality of Ker(s) and Ker(s′′′ ) gives Ker(s) = Ker(s′′′ ), so that by Theorem 4.5, s = s′′′ and s′′ is an extension of s onto M . 9. Conclusion EMV-algebras are new algebraic structures introduced by authors in [DvZa] which resemble MValgebras locally but the top element is not assumed. In the paper we have introduced a state as a [0, 1]-valued additive function on an EMV-algebra M which attains the value 1 at some element x ∈ M . A special kind of states are state-morphisms which are EMV-homomorphisms on M with value in the interval [0, 1]. The state space of any EMV-algebra is non-void whenever M has at least one non-zero element, and it is a convex subset whose extremal states are exactly state-morphisms, Theorem 4.7. Under the weak topology of states, the state space of an EMV-algebra is a convex Hausdorff space which is compact or locally compact iff M possesses a top element, Proposition 4.9 and Theorem 4.11. Nevertheless the state space is not compact, every state lies in the weak closure of the convex hull of state-morphisms, this is a Krein–Mil’man-type theorem for states, Theorem 4.12. A weaker form of states are pre-states and strong pre-states. We have defined Jordan signed measures and strong Jordan signed measures, and we have showed that they form a Dedekind complete ℓ-groups, Theorem 6.2 and Theorem 6.4. This allows us to show that every state on an EMV-algebra is represented by a unique regular Borel probability measure on the Borel σ-algebra of the state space, Theorem 7.2. Finally, we show a variant of the Horn–Tarski theorem showing that every state on an EMV-subalgebra can be extended to a state on the EMV-algebra, Theorem 8.1. References [Alf] [BhBh] [Cha] [CDM]
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