Dec 2, 2013 ... What support will I get? 12. How long is the Programme level award valid for? 12.
First Steps. 13. Why not join the Change4life campaign? 13.
Step-by-step guide
What is the Nippers’ Nutrition Programme?
Programme criteria
What support will I get?
How long is the Programme level award valid for?
First Steps
Why not join the Change4life campaign?
14 14-17
Key Contacts
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Welcome The Nippers’ Nutrition Programme is a partnership between:
Eatsome, part of the NHS Health Promotion Service’s Healthy Weight Programme Cornwall Council’s Public Health and Protection Service
Cornwall Council’s Children’s, Schools and Families Service
The Programme is aimed at supporting early years settings in ensuring their food and drink provision is nutritious and safe to eat. This booklet is a guide to settings on how to apply for entry onto the Programme.
What is the Nippers’ Nutrition Programme? Nippers’ Nutrition is a Programme aiming to improve the quality of food and drink provision in early years settings across Cornwall, promoting local food procurement and good standards of food hygiene. It was developed as a result of a successful initiative by East Sussex County Council Trading Standards Service in 2007¹. ¹
Eligibility for the Programme All nurseries, childminders and pre-schools providing main meals and/or snacks to under 5s are eligible.
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Why introduce healthy eating in early years? To help children develop patterns of To help children develop patterns of healthy eating from an early age, it is important that the food and eating patterns to which they are exposed, are those which promote positive attitudes to good nutrition.
Growing children need plenty of energy and nutrients to ensure they grow and develop. A balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables can have a positive impact on children's growth, behaviour and long-term development and can reduce their risk of health problems, such as heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, asthma and obesity.
Positive health messages in early years settings are crucial in shaping children's eating habits and behaviours, not only in childhood but throughout their lives.
How will the Nippers’ Nutrition Programme benefit my business? •
Enhance your reputation by maintaining good hygiene practices
You will be able to assure parents/carers that your meals and other health related activities are of a high standard
By being part of the Programme you will have a competitive advantage over other establishments
The Programme supports your progression to achieving the Early Years Foundation Stage, and you can use the evidence towards your next Ofsted inspection with regards to healthy eating
You will be able to develop better links with parents/carers by providing them with information to encourage the follow on of healthier behaviours in the home
You will have the right to display the Programme level certificate and distinctive logo
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The name of your childcare setting will be added to Cornwall Council’s website to show the Programme level you have achieved
You will able to encourage better partnership working with parents/carers by encouraging feedback on menus and other health related activities, the sharing of recipes and other materials
You will be able to develop better links with your local community by taking the children on outings to your local market, farm, park, etc. to encourage physical activity and to gain knowledge and understanding of the world
Five Levels of Commitment There are five levels to the Programme allowing for progression at a pace that suits you, parents/carers and staff. •
Commitment Level 1, is about raising the awareness of good nutrition in early years children, commitment to improving food safety and the nutritional quality of the settings food provision.
Level 2, supports you to work towards meeting the School Food Trust Guidelines for children aged 1 to 5 years of age²
Level 3, supports you to further develop your menus
Level 4, supports you to meet the School Food Trust Guidelines for children aged 1 to 5 years of age² and promotes sustainable good practice in wider food and health-related areas (such as food policy, learning activities,
Level 5, in addition to the previous Programme levels, supports innovation, excellence in food provision including local food procurement, as well as very good standards of food safety.
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Programme Criteria *Note: Mandatory criteria are highlighted in bold pink in the nutritional assessment form. Criteria Nutritional Criteria - the setting has a food and drink provision that is nutritious
Level 1 Working towards meeting the nutritional criteria
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Minimum of 75 mandatory* points
Minimum of 100 mandatory* points plus not less than 125 total points
All 147 mandatory* points plus not less than 200 total points
All 147 mandatory* points plus not less than 225 total points
Key member(s) of staff have attended the Council’s Eating Well for Under 5s Training Compliance with Food Hygiene Regulations (Hygiene Score)
(Broadly compliant)
(Broadly compliant)
(Broadly compliant)
Promotion and provision of local food
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A. Compliance with Food Hygiene Regulations To progress further through the Programme settings must also have a reasonable to good record of compliance in terms of management/control systems e.g. hazard analysis or HACCP/Safer Food Better Business System.
A setting will be considered ‘broadly compliant’, if they score 10 or less in each category a) to c) below. a) Hygiene compliance record b) Structural compliance record c) Confidence in management
The table below shows the ‘maximum’ scores a setting must achieve across the following three sections to progress through the Programme: Hygiene compliance record
Structural compliance record
Confidence in management
Commitment Level
Maximum Score
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
To help you achieve these standards, the Food Standards Agency has produced a ‘Safer Food, Better Business’ (SFBB) pack for caterers which is free!
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This pack has been developed to help small businesses such as nurseries or preschools, comply with food hygiene regulations.
You can download the full pack in pdf format at, as well as an introduction explaining how to use it at
A free DVD guide has also been produced to help you use your pack and train your staff on SFBB. The guide is divided into separate sections for staff or managers, which each take about 15 minutes to watch. You can view it online at or you can download a copy to your computer. Using this pack will help you to: •
comply with food hygiene regulations
make food safer
train staff
protect your business’s reputation
improve your business, for example, by reducing food waste
So why not order your free copy today!
If you would like to order a copy of the SFBB pack or the DVD contact your local Food Safety Officer or call the Food Standards Agency Publications on 0845 606 0667 or email
[email protected].
To find out your current score see your latest food safety inspection report or if you are unsure of your current score why not discuss any queries or concerns about food safety with your local Food Safety Officer on telephone: 0300 1234 212 or email:
[email protected]
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B. Nutritional Criteria - The setting has a food and drink provision that is nutritious The ‘Nutritional Criteria’ requires the setting to have a dood and drink provision that is nutritious, balanced and planned.
To assist you we have devised a Menu Planning Tool and supporting guidance to help develop your settings food and drink provision to ensure the following minimum standards are met:
Food and drink provision is based on the School Food Trust Guidelines for children aged 1 to 5 years of age and is reviewed regularly by staff
The setting has developed a food policy through consultation with parents/ carers, children and staff
The setting ensures that the eating environment is hygienic comfortable and relaxed to encourage positive social interaction between children and adults
The setting ensures that children have opportunities to learn about healthy eating
The setting can say how ethnic minority, religious, cultural and medical/allergy needs have been considered/incorporated in menu planning, where applicable
There is appropriate guidance promoting healthier options given to parents/carers in line with the setting’s food policy
The setting actively encourages children to drink water
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As part of this initiative, ’Eating Well for Under 5s’ training is provided for a nominal fee. For more information on courses running in your area please contact the Cornwall Council’s Learning and Development Team (Early Years) on telephone: 0300 1234 101 email:
[email protected]
The Nippers’ Nutrition Programme supports the national guidance on healthy eating including the Government's 5 A DAY message. The 5 A DAY campaign advocates consumption of at least five different portions of fruit and vegetables per day for better health. This includes fresh, frozen, canned, dried and juiced fruits and vegetables. Did you know that potatoes and other related vegetables do not count towards your 5 A DAY? This is because they are classed as starchy foods.
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C. Local Food Procurement To meet the ‘local food’ criteria settings must show they are sourcing a range of food locally. This includes growing food e.g. herbs and vegetables to use in making meals from scratch, choosing locally grown seasonal food, and using local suppliers (excluding supermarkets chains unless the products being purchased are manufactured or produced in Cornwall).
Settings must also demonstrate the promotion of local produce through their promotional literature, such as website, menus, advertising, and newsletters to parents.
Did you know that you can search for local food producers who are part of the Council’s “Made in Cornwall” approved origin scheme at Look out for the following logo:
Why promote local food? •
Environmental: Avoids extensive fossil fuel use, reduced food miles and non-industrially processed foods (fewer chemicals used and large machinery less necessary); biodiversity encouraged through increases in organic production
Social: Helps build community vibrancy and retain local traditions; aids tourism and associated regional identity formation; people want more locally grown foods
Economic: Short supply chains and farmers’ markets keep income and employment in locality; fosters tourism and niche markets
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Human: Fosters fresh, seasonal food intake; higher content of vital water-soluble vitamins (i.e. no transcontinental shipping); increased fibre and lower fat, sugar and salt content of non industrially processed foods
What support will I get? A Nippers’ Nutrition Support Officer will visit your setting and review your menus against the ‘Nutritional Criteria’. You will be provided with advice and support in the form of an action plan, detailing what you need to do to achieve the Programme level you are working towards.
We have developed a menu planning tool, self assessment nutritional criteria and supporting guidance to enable you to carry out regular independent reviews of your menus, food policies and practices.
The Programme is designed to enable settings to move through the different levels at their own pace. It will take time to develop your menus, policies and practices.
How long is the Programme level award valid for? The Programme level award is valid for 2 years. However, the award may be reviewed or revoked during this time if, for instance:
The premises change hands; there is no automatic right of transfer and a new award application must be made
There is enforcement action pending
An unannounced visit may also be made to the premises during this period in order to ascertain the award conditions are being adhered to.
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First Steps Register your interest in the Programme by telephoning: 0300 1234 191 or emailing
[email protected].
Why not join the Change4life campaign and become a supporter? Change4Life is the biggest ever movement against obesity anywhere in the world. It aims to help us all, but especially our children, to eat well, move more and live longer, and is backed by a major communications campaign.
Change4Life is spreading fast and is reaching across every part of our society. People are already talking about it at the school gates and the shops, on TV and the internet, and we would like you to be part of it so you can spread the word too. The tools and materials available are free and full of information and ideas on how to get involved, from putting up a poster or distributing Change4Life materials, to holding your own Change4Life events. Some of the tools can be given directly to people you work with; others provide you with advice on how to talk about Change4Life.
There is a Change4Life Early Years Local Supporter’s guide, specifically geared towards those working with toddlers and pre-school children. Register now as a Local Supporter and you will receive regular updates about the campaign and new resources that become available. You will also have access to Change4Life logos and images for use in your own materials. Plus, you will be making a difference to children in your community.
Register today at Author: Julie Benson Review date: 02.12.2014
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If you do not have access to a computer, you can also register via the Change4Life Local Supporter helpline on 0300 123 3434.
Resources 1.
Cornwall Council Public Health and Protection Service Nippers’ Nutrition website at
Health Promotion Service Resource library
Tele: 01209 314218 Website:
Browse and book online – books, training packs, leaflets, equipment.
• •
Get Cooking Kit – cooking equipment Large and small size food related books e.g. “Artie Beat’s Picnic”, or “I will not ever never eat a tomato”
Fruit and Vegetable large piece jigsaw
Early Years Teaching pack – activities around farming, healthy eating, milk and teeth
Interactive games such as: − Gastronomic Game: large Eatwell plate mat with replica foods and activity sheets. − Grandma’s Garden: fruit and vegetable beanbag characters and story book − Food Snap: For playing snap and pairs using healthy food groups. − Eating Well For Under Fives: a photo resource guide for eating well for the under fives produced by the Caroline Walker Trust ³. − Ready Steady Eat! (DVD): A parent’s guide to starting babies on solid food.
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Healthy Weight Programme
Telephone: 01209 310062 Website: •
Guidance on healthy eating and physical activity for children under five years old
Meal plans
Healthy snacks poster for Early Years settings
Healthy lunch box poster
LEAF Programme Oral Health Promotion, Demelza Bowden Email:
[email protected]
Change4life website at
Made in Cornwall members at
Food Standards Agency Safer Food Better Business (SFBB) information at es/sfbb
Food Standards Agency SFBB on-line training at
The Food Standards Agency has produced a 'Safer Food, Better Business' (SFBB) pack especially for childminders. The pack gives simple, straightforward advice on food safety, including information on feeding babies and children, cooking, cleaning, chilling and looking after a child with a food allergy. It is designed to help childminders: •
make safer food
protect the health of the children they look after
comply with food hygiene regulations
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15 es/sfbb/sfbbchildminders
Caroline Walker Trust website at
Caroline Walker Trust CHEW (New photo resources which have been designed to help children eat well (CHEW)) website at
The Children’s Food Trust
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Key Contacts Nippers’ Nutrition Support Officer Liz Whitworth Cornwall Council Public Health & Protection Service Unit 6 Threemilestone Industrial Estate Truro Cornwall TR4 9LD Tel: 0300 1234 191 Fax: 01872 324683 Email:
[email protected] Website: Nippers’ Nutrition Support Officer Shelley Jamieson Health Promotion Service Kernow Building Wilson Way Pool Cornwall TR15 3QE Tel: 01209 310062 Fax: 01209 314491 Email:
[email protected] Website: Cornwall Council’s Environmental Health Food Safety Teams Telephone: 0300 1234 212 Email:
[email protected] Learning and Development Team (Early Years) Children, Schools and Families Cornwall Council West Wing, Floor 2 Council Offices Dolcoath Avenue Camborne TR14 8SX Tel: 01872 326314 Email:
[email protected]
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Acknowledgements Thanks are due to all those who were involved in developing the Nippers’ Nutrition Programme.
Special thanks go to Holly Hawkey, Rachael Brandreth and Demelza Bowden for their expert input.
Holly Hawkey Registered Dietitian Health Promotion Service Kernow Building Wilson Way Pool, Cornwall Rachael Brandreth Children's Weight Management Dietitian Children's Community Therapy Service Pendragon House Royal Cornwall Hospital Truro, Cornwall Demelza Bowden Dental Therapist PCT Dental Service St Austell Community Hospital St Austell, Cornwall
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(at least once a year) to monitor its progress and evaluate its impact? Your policy should be shared and reviewed regularly (at least once a year), with staff, parents, carers and children, as the information included within food policies can vary.