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Stochastic Programming Tools with. Application to Hydropower. Production Scheduling. Bachelor's Thesis. Yves C. Albers. June, 2011. Academic Supervisor:.
Stochastic Programming Tools with Application to Hydropower Production Scheduling

Bachelor’s Thesis Yves C. Albers June, 2011

Academic Supervisor: Professor Thomas F. Rutherford, ETH Zurich Centre for Energy Policy and Economics Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Abstract This thesis illustrates the framework of stochastic programming as a decision support tool for a hydropower operator. Hydropower plant operators face uncertain reservoir inflows and electricity spot market prices. Therefore, they must constantly evaluate the opportunity to release the available water and produce electricity today against the opportunity to save the water and sell electricity at a later date in the hope of more favorable electricity prices. This thesis shows how the operator’s decision process can be modeled as a mathematical optimization program and how to achieve optimization using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). This thesis is aimed at undergraduate engineering students with no prior knowledge of GAMS, who should be able to follow the explanations with some additional reading of the references listed herein. The first chapter provides an overview of the main challenges faced by a hydropower operator acting in a liberalized electricity market. GAMS is introduced in a deterministic optimization to find the optimal production schedule for a previous year, ex post, assuming that the reservoir inflows and spot market prices are known with certainty. The second chapter introduces the fundamentals of stochastic recourse models to find an optimal reservoir release schedule with respect to uncertain water inflows. Two practical examples are used to illustrate the idea behind two-stage and multi-stage decision models and to demonstrate their implementation with GAMS. The chapter also shows how to model uncertainty with the help of a stochastic scenario tree and provides two different approaches to describe the structure of such a scenario tree: namely a node-based and a scenario-based notation. The third chapter focuses on computational issues that arise from large stochastic recourse problems, and shows how to speed up the GAMS model generation by introducing a treegeneration tool implemented with the C++ programming language. The chapter further illustrates how to use a scenario reduction tool within GAMS to reduce the size of a multi-stage model. The final chapter presents an extended model to find the optimal reservoir release decision for the following production day, taking into account possible future scenarios of water inflows and spot market prices during the following year. The chapter also shows how to incorporate risk into the model using an expected utility formulation. Finally, the thesis presents some model outcomes based on different input data and discusses the results with respect to their effect on the release decisions and the expected profit. In this thesis, the Grande-Dixence Dam in the Swiss canton of Valais (a picture of which is shown at the beginning of this thesis [4]) serves as a guideline for the physical reservoir constraints used in the model specifications.



Contents 1





Introduction 1.1 The Grande-Dixence Hydroelectric Dam . . . . . 1.2 Liberalized Electricity Market - an Overview . . . 1.3 Hydropower Release Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 GAMS - The General Algebraic Modeling System 1.5 Deterministic Release Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . Stochastic Programming 2.1 Two-Stage Pump Storage Example 2.2 Multi-Stage Problems . . . . . . . . 2.3 Clear Lake Dam Example . . . . . 2.3.1 Node-Based Notation . . . 2.3.2 Scenario-Based Notation . .

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1 2 4 6 8 9

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17 18 22 24 26 30

Implementation 3.1 Dynamic Set Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 GAMS Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Treegeneration tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Node-Based Treegeneration . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Scenario-Based Treegeneration . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Performance of Treegeneration tool . . . . . . 3.4 Scenario-Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Performance of SCENRED . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Computational Framework and Model Specification .

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37 39 42 43 43 44 46 47 50 51

Release Model 4.1 Risk aversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 GAMS Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Contents 4.3


Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A Appendix A.1 GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based Dynamic Set Assignment A.2 GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based with treegen.exe . . . . . A.3 GAMS Code Clear Lake Scenario-Based with treegen.exe . . . A.4 GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based with SCENRED . . . . . A.5 GAMS Code Release model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.6 C++ Code Treegeneration tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

69 70 72 74 76 78 82



Chapter 1


The ongoing liberalization of Europe’s electricity markets has fundamentally changed the managerial challenges facing Swiss hydropower production. The opening up of the markets has caused the energy sector’s political and economic reality to shift from a state-dominated, monopolistic system towards a market-driven and transnational environment. In a conventionally regulated market with fixed electricity prices, the operator’s main purpose was to minimize costs and guarantee security of supply. The old system sought to maximize social surplus, whereas the objective in the present environment is to maximize profits. In view of the reservoir’s physical constraints and the uncertain evolution of future electricity prices and water inflows, determining an optimal release schedule has become a challenging optimization task. Based on the available turbine power, discharge capacities, and inflow forecasts, an operator must constantly decide whether to generate electricity today or save the water in the hope of more favorable prices. This chapter outlines the crucial questions faced by a profit-seeking hydroelectric plant operator. The chapter shows how to use GAMS, an algebraic modeling language applied in large-scale stochastic optimization to determine the optimal release schedule ex post, given that the previous year’s electricity prices and reservoir inflows are known. The chapter briefly describes the Grand-Dixence hydropower system in the Swiss canton of Valais and uses the technical dimensions of the GrandeDixence Dam as a reference for the optimization models in this thesis.


1. Introduction


The Grande-Dixence Hydroelectric Dam

Hydropower systems like the Grande-Dixence Dam offer a unique opportunity to efficiently store vast amounts of energy. The dam weighs 15 million tones and withholds the enormous water masses of Lake Dix, which can contain up to 400 million m3 of water. From an engineering point of view, the Grande-Dixence Dam is a typical example of a gravity dam that holds back the thrust of the water masses solely with its own weight. Figure 1.1 shows a schematic triangular cross-section, where the broad basement becomes narrower as it approaches the top [4]. Lake Dix is an artificially formed reservoir that collects the water from a 357 km2 -wide catchment area that includes 35 glaciers. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Grande-Dixence is that only about 40 percent of the water inflows find their way to the reservoir by following the natural gradient. The remaining 60 percent are collected by a cleverly devised pipework and pumping system that includes a 24kilometer main water conduit.

Figure 1.1: Gravity Dam

Four pumping stations can be used to transport water from surrounding reservoirs to Lake Dix, which lies at 2364 meters above sea level: Z’Mutt, Stafel, Ferpe and Arolla. These reservoirs have a combined capacity of 186 MW of pumping power. In order to exploit the enormous potential of the stored water masses, four power plants are either directly or indirectly linked to Lake Dix: Fionnay, with a turbine capacity of 290 MW: Chandoline, with a turbine capacity of 150 MW: Bieudron, with a turbine capacity of 1269 MW: and Nendaz, with a turbine capacity of 390 MW. Together these four power plants have an installed capacity of over 2000 MW, which is roughly twice the capacity of a medium-sized nuclear power plant, such as Goesgen in Switzerland. The diagram on the next page illustrates the key elements of the Grande-Dixence system [4].


1. Introduction


Liberalized Electricity Market - an Overview

The difference between electricity and other commodities is that electricity cannot be stored directly as a physical good. Furthermore, in order to maintain a stable and secure supply, the frequency of the electricity grid must be kept at 50 Hertz. Essentially, this means that electricity consumption demand must be instantaneously met by production. The fundamental problem is that it is impossible to accurately predict electricity demand because it depends on several different factors, such as the prevailing weather conditions or the time of day. In addition, electricity demand is rather inelastic in the short-run, as the responsiveness of residential consumption to price changes is relatively low. To ensure a constant grid frequency, sophisticated regulating mechanisms help to balance the grid load (consumption) and the electricity infeed (production). In Switzerland, the transmission net operator (TSO) Swissgrid coordinates the matching of supply and demand. Even though electricity cannot be stored directly, hydroelectric dams offer an efficient way to store potential energy. The high operational flexibility of such dams allows the output of generated electricity to be easily adapted within a few minutes, at almost zero marginal costs. Compared to other energy sources, such as nuclear energy (which have limited output changes) or gas plants (which have relatively high marginal costs) hydroelectric power provides a unique opportunity to meet short-time demand fluctuations. A hydropower operator can sell his production through one of the following three channels: • The Spot Market • The Financial Market • The OTC Market The Swiss spot market SWISSIX at the EEX1 is a day-ahead market where electricity can be traded for each of the 24 hours of the following day. Buyers and sellers can enter their bids electronically. The system matches supply and demand and calculates a market clearing price for each hour. During the delivery day, each supplier is required to feed-in the exact amount of electricity he committed to. Likewise the buyer is required to consume exactly the amount of energy he bought the previous day. In the financial market, participants can trade standardized contracts through a common platform. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to exchange a certain amount of electricity at a predetermined price at a 1 European Electricity Exchange: The leading energy exchange for the German, Swiss, French, and Austrian markets.


1.2. Liberalized Electricity Market - an Overview future date. Each futures contract has its specific runtime and delivery volume, which is usually 1 MW. The party that agrees to buy the electricity has the long position. The other party, which agrees to deliver the electricity, enters the short position. The EEX offers standardized futures products, which mature on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. An important feature of the financial market is that it allows participants to settle their contracts not only on a physical level but also on a purely financial level. If the participants opt for physical delivery, the underlying energy of the futures contracts must be fed into the grid. On the other hand, a financial futures contract does not involve any physical electricity flows between the two parties. A financially settled contract requires the parties to exchange cash flows in order to compensate each other for the difference between the agreed delivery price and the actual spot market price during the contractual runtime. Most electricity exchanges also allow the trading of standardized option contracts. A buyer of a European call option has the right, but not the obligation to buy a certain amount of electricity at a predetermined date and strike price. Conversely, a buyer of a European put option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy a certain amount of electricity at a predetermined date and strike price. The buyer of an option must always pay a risk-premium to the seller. Finally, the operator can sell his production directly to his clients on a bilateral basis. The OTC market2 allows for tailor-made delivery contracts between the supplier and his customers, including full requirement contracts and swing-options.3 Compared to the financial market, the increased flexibility of the OTC market involves an increased counterparty and liquidity risk.


stands for over-the-counter. full requirement contract allows the buyer to obtain as much electricity as it needs, for a fixed price. A swing-option allows the buyer to obtain electricity within certain volume limits for a fixed price. 3A


1. Introduction


Hydropower Release Scheduling

From an engineer’s perspective, managing a multi-reservoir system like Grande-Dixence is a challenging control task. A thorough understanding of the system’s physical dynamics, especially of the interdependencies among the different reservoirs, pumping stations, and power plants, is vital in order to control the water flows. In addition to the technical control, the main entrepreneurial challenge in a liberalized market is to find an optimal release or discharge schedule that maximizes the value of the available water resources. Basically, the operator must answer the following question: How much electricity should I produce during each hour of the day in order to maximize profits? Stated another way: What is the optimal amount of water to release, in order to get the highest possible value for the stored water? The difficult part of answering this question is handling the uncertainty of water inflows and electricity spot market prices. A producer would naturally hope to sell electricity during peak hours when energy demand and prices are relatively high. However, without knowing the prospective prices and inflows, the operator must decide whether to release water today or wait and save the water in the hope of more favorable prices. In general, yearly demand for electricity reaches a maximum during the cold winter months, when there is an increased need for heating and electric lightning. Therefore, a basic strategy with which to approach the optimal scheduling question would be to save water during summer and maximize electricity production during winter. However, electricity market prices may fluctuate considerably during the course of a year depending on various factors, such as the availability of other production resources and the current state of the economy. If accurately predicted, a volatile market situation can offer a lucrative income potential. Therefore, to determine the optimal release moments, which maximize the reservoir’s water value, the operator needs a fundamental understanding of the prospective market dynamics. Statistical models are used to develop price forecasts that represent the basic guideline for the release scheduling decision. Additionally, reservoir inflows are estimated to get an idea about the available generation resources. Figure 1.2 [4] shows the evolution of the water level of Lake Dix in 2008. The hydrological pattern is typical for a reservoir in Switzerland. The dam fills up during snowmelt in the mild summer months and reaches its maximum charge by the middle of September. During winter, there is almost no inflow and the dam gradually empties until the end of spring. 6

1.3. Hydropower Release Scheduling

Figure 1.2: Content Lake-Dix 2008 Considering the reservoir’s physical framework, determining the release scheduling is a complex challenge. As the dam volume is limited, the operator risks a spill-over if the water level rises in an uncontrolled manner. Flooding of the reservoir can lead not only to serious infrastructure damage, but it also constitutes deficient planning, as is can involve wastage of potentially valuable water. In addition to a maximum level, a minimum water threshold must be maintained throughout the year to meet technological and ecological standards. In case of a shortfall, the operator might have to pay a penalty fee or import water. Based on the inflow and price expectations, the reservoir operator will set up a model that describes the hydro scheduling question in terms of a mathematical optimization problem. The basic idea will be to maximize an objective function, namely the expected profits, subject to a set of constraints.


1. Introduction


GAMS - The General Algebraic Modeling System

GAMS is an algebraic modeling language (AML). This high-level computational framework allows the user to solve large-scale optimization problems. Compared to traditional programming languages like C++ or FORTRAN, which require the user to deal with memory allocation and data types, AML’s provide a clear and simple algebraic syntax. The way a problem is formulated within GAMS is very similar to the mathematical description of an optimization problem, which makes the handling of GAMS rather intuitive. The first step is for the user to write down his or her model specifications. The system then interprets the model and calls an appropriate solver to handle the problem. GAMS is linked to a set of various powerful solvers that can deal with linear, nonlinear, and mixed-integer optimization problems. GAMS models are easily portable between different computer platforms. The basic composition of a model specification is given below. 1. Definition and assignment of sets 2. Specification of parameters and assignment of values. 3. Declaration of model variables 4. Definition and declaration of model equations 5. Solve instructions 6. Report generation (typically with the help of an Excel or Matlab interface) Depending on the solve instructions, GAMS produces a comprehensive solution report that contains all relevant model information and results. As the next example shows, a GAMS code is almost self-explanatory.


1.5. Deterministic Release Scheduling


Deterministic Release Scheduling

This section demonstrates the use of GAMS to find the optimal monthly release schedule for 2008. The optimization becomes a deterministic problem as all involved coefficients are known with certainty. Based on the spot market prices and reservoir inflows, the aim is to determine the optimal release schedule for 2008 that would have maximized profits. Note that this model only considers sales on the spot market. Given the optimal release schedule for 2008, it can be compared to the actually performed schedule in order to find out how much more could have gained if we had had perfect information about the future. Table 1.1 shows the spot market prices and reservoir inflows of each month during 2008. The example is limited to a single-reservoir (Lake Dix) without pumping facilities. All the reservoir inflows are natural. Furthermore, the reservoir is assumed to be connected to just one power plant (Bieudron). The order of magnitude of the given data roughly corresponds to the actual data of Grande-Dixence. Months t January February March April May June July August September October November December

Inflow in million m3 It 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 40.2 99.5 146.3 138.2 70.7 11.7 2.3 1.5

Price in CHF/MWh Prt 72.2 71 70.5 75.8 57.4 74.4 71.5 61 89.6 96.8 77.75 75

Table 1.1: Inflow and SWISSIX Spot Market Data 2008 A basic model is assumed, without direct variable costs of production or spill-over costs. The mathematical formulation of the deterministic optimization problem can be stated as: Maximize

∑ Rt · Prt · ε




1. Introduction Subject to Lt = Lt−1 + It − Rt − St


Ldec2007 = Lstart


Lmin ≤ Lt ≤ Lmax


0 ≤ Rt ≤ Rmax


0 ≤ St


Rt represents the amount of water released during month t, Lt is the amount of water stored in the dam at the end of month t, and St is the amount of water spilled over during month t. It is the monthly inflow as described in Table 1.1. Equation 1.1 describes the profit function to be maximized. The total profit is given by the sum of the monthly profits, whereas the monthly profit is given by the amount of electricity produced multiplied by the monthly averaged spot market price. Equation 1.2 describes the physical balance of a hydropower reservoir without pumping facilities. Constraints 1.3-1.6 represent the boundary conditions of the optimization and are explained in Table 1.2. Notation: Lmax : Lmin : Lstart : Rmax : ε:

Description: Maximum water level the dam can store Minimum water level that must be maintained in the lake Water level at the beginning of the optimization horizon (end of December 2007) Maximum amount that can be released per month Amount of energy (MWh) that can be produced per amount of water

Value: 400 million m3 40 million m3 200 m3 140 m3 4618 MWh/million of m3

Table 1.2: Physical Constraints Note that no target-reservoir level Lend has been specified for the end of the model horizon. With respect to the definition of the profit function, this will lead the solution of our optimization to release the whole reservoir by the end of the year. In reality, however, this may be undesirable because the operational horizon never really ends. It would be unwise to fully release the reservoir by the end of the year if high prices were expected for the subsequent year. In a more practical setting, in order to avoid so-called end-horizon effects, it would make sense to constrain the end-horizon level Lend or to extend the 10

1.5. Deterministic Release Scheduling profit function with a term V ( Lend ) that accounts for the potential future value of water at the end of the model horizon. Furthermore, note that the profit function, as well as the reservoir balance and the constraints, are all modeled in a linear way. In reality, the rate at which water can be converted to electricity is not constant, but depends on the head given by the height of the water column above the turbine. Therefore, power generation is generally a nonlinear function of the reservoir discharge q˙ and the reservoir head h(q˙ ), which depends on the discharge. The exact relationship is given by: P = η · ρ · g · h(q˙ ) · q˙


• P: Power [Watts] • η: turbine efficiency • ρ: density of water [kg/m3 ] • g: acceleration of gravity [9.81m2 /s] • h: head: height of water above turbine [m] ˙ Water stream [m3 /s] • q: To keep the model simple, we assume a constant head, which makes the power generation directly proportional to the water flow through the turbine. The example uses the energy equivalent value ε to represent the mean value of energy produced per amount of water assuming a constant head. Therefore, in the case of the power plant Bieudron (with an average head of 1883 m), the ε is given by:

EV =

η · ρ · g · h · q˙ · t q˙ · t

0.9 · 1000kg/m3 · 9.81m/s2 · 1883m · 75m3 /s · 1h 75m3 /s · 3600s 3 = 4.618KWh/m



The next page illustrates an implementation of the above model with GAMS. The logic closely follows the mathematical notation from equations 1.1-1.6. The linear model assumption enables the use of the method of linear programming (LP) to solve the equations. Note that GAMS allows for explanatory remarks at various parts within the source code, which makes it easy to read.


1. Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$title set

Deterministic, Single Reservoir Water Dispatch Model t Months /dec2007,jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec/ baset(t) Base Month /dec2007/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------parameters i(t) Inflow in time period t / jan 1.2, feb 1.0, mar 1.1, apr 1.2, may 40.2, jun 99.5 jul 146.3, aug 138.2, sep 70.7 oct 11.7, nov 2.3, dec 1.5/

10 11 12 13 14 15

p(t) /

Electricity price in period t quoted in CHF per MWh jan 72.2, feb 71, mar 70.5 apr 75.8, may 57.4, jun 74.4 jul 71.5, aug 61, sep 89.6 oct 96.8, nov 77.75, dec 75/

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

l_min Lower bound on reservoir level /40/, l_max Upper bound on reservoir level /400/, r_max Max release capacity per month in m^3 mio /140/, e Energy equivalent: MWh per million of m^3 /4618/, l_start Water in dam at beginning of the year /200/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------variables L(t) Reservoir volume at the end of period t in million m^3, R(t) Water release during period t in million m^3, S(t) Water spill during period t in million m^3, OBJ Objective (revenue); L.lo(t) = l_min; L.up(t) = l_max; L.fx(baset) = l_start; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------equations level(t) Reservoir level at the end of period t objdef Definition of revenue;

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


level(t+1).. L(t+1) =e= L(t) + i(t+1) - R(t+1) - S(t+1); objdef.. OBJ =e= sum(t, p(t)*R(t)* e); R.lo(t) = 0; R.up(t) = r_max; S.lo(t) = 0; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model waterplanning /objdef, level/; solve waterplanning using lp maximizing OBJ;

1.5. Deterministic Release Scheduling Sets set

t Months /dec2007,jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec/ baset(t) Base months /dec2007/;

Declare a set named t and assign the set elements {dec2007, jan, f eb, ...}. The declaration is followed by a description of the set (here, Months). The set baset(t) is a subset of set t and contains one element, namely dec2007, which represents December of the previous year. The set base(t) is used later to define the initial reservoir level at the beginning of the optimization horizon. Parameters parameters

i(t) /

Inflow in time period t jan 1.2, feb 1.0, mar 1.1, apr 1.2, may 40.2, jun 99.5 jul 146.3, aug 138.2, sep 70.7 oct 11.7, nov 2.3, dec 1.5/

p(t) /

Electricity price in period t quoted in CHF per MWh jan 72.2, feb 71, mar 70.5 apr 75.8, may 57.4, jun 74.4 jul 71.5, aug 61, sep 89.6 oct 96.8, nov 77.75, dec 75/

Declare an inflow parameter i (t), which depends on set t. Add values to the inflow parameter. Declare a price parameter pr (t), which depends on set t. Add values to the price parameter. These declarations correspond to Table 1.1. Variables variables

L(t) R(t) S(t) OBJ

Reservoir volume at the start of period t in million m^3, Water release during period t in million m^3, Water spill during period t in million m^3, Objective (revenue);

L.lo(t) = l_min; L.up(t) = l_max; L.fx(baset) = l_start;

Declare the decision variables L(t), R(t) and S(t) for each member of the set t. Declare an objective variable OBJ without any index. L.lo (t) = l min and L.up(t) = l max define a minimum/maximum value for the decision variable L(t) for all elements of the set t. L. f x (baset) = l start assigns a fix start value to the decision variable L(0 dec20070 ), which was previously declared in the set baset(t).


1. Introduction Equations equations

level(t) objdef

Resevoir level at the start of period t Definition of revenue;

level(t+1).. L(t+1) =e= L(t) + i(t+1) - R(t+1) - S(t+1); objdef.. OBJ =e= sum(t, pr(t)*R(t)* EV); R.lo(t) = 0; R.up(t) = r_max; S.lo(t) = 0;

Names are given to the objective function objde f and the balance equation level (t). GAMS creates the balance equations for all elements of the set t according to equation 1.2, except for the base month dec2007. The objective function OBJ is declared according to the profit function described in equation 1.1. R.lo (t) = 0 and R.up(t) = r max ensure that the variable R(t) is positive and below the maximum constraint. S.lo (t) = 0 guarantees that the spill over S(t) is always positive. Solve Statement model waterplanning /objdef, level/; solve waterplanning using lp maximizing OBJ;

Advise GAMS to create a model named waterplanning, including the equations objde f and level. Solve the model waterplanning by maximizing the variable OBJ. Use the solver LP, which solves linear problems. Output ---- VAR R

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec

Water release during period t in million m^3




. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . 140.000 . 88.700 . . 140.000 140.000 140.000 26.200

140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000


*** LP status(1): optimal *** Optimal solution found. *** Objective : 259334319.040000

-1.016E+4 -1.570E+4 -1.801E+4 6465.200 -7.851E+4 . -1.339E+4 -6.188E+4 67422.800 1.0067E+5 12699.500 . .


1.5. Deterministic Release Scheduling

160 140

Release in mio m^3

120 100 Actual Release: Optimal Release:

80 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 1.3: Optimal versus actual release schedule The output report of GAMS includes details on all model variables, such as the evolution of the reservoir’s water content or the spill-over. At this point, however, the focus is only on the optimal release schedule and the objective value. The deterministic optimization shows that the operator could have generated 259, 334, 319 CHF if he had perfectly anticipated the reservoir inflows and the spot market prices at the beginning of 2008. Figure 1.3 compares the schedule that was actually performed with the deterministically optimized schedule. According to the objective function 1.1, the actually performed schedule resulted in profits of 181, 351, 590 CHF, which is approximately 30 percent less (or, in absolute numbers, 77, 982, 729 CHF) than the optimal value.


Chapter 2

Stochastic Programming

Chapter one illustrated hydro scheduling using the example of a deterministic optimization. Considering the inflow and electricity prices of the last year, the operator reviewed his production profile ex post by comparing it to the optimal possible outcome the operator could have gained. The formulation of this deterministic optimization problem was straight-forward, as all the involved coefficients were known in advance. However, in respect to the next year’s production schedule, the optimization model must be adapted. Because the future inflows and spot prices are unknown, the operator must incorporate uncertainty into his model. The basic idea is to describe the unknown coefficients with the help of a probability distribution. The term stochastic programming refers to a mathematical framework that can be used to solve such a stochastic optimization problem. Note that stochastic optimization problems may differ widely depending on how they deal with uncertainty. The only thing they have in common is that they contain some kind of stochastic element. For example, the methods used to solve a model containing probabilistic constraints may be substantially different from a problem in which the stochastic elements are part of the objective function. This chapter will discuss an approach to solving a stochastic recourse problem. A recourse problem requires a decision to be made facing an uncertain future. After a while, the uncertainties are resolved and it is possible to take a recourse action to respond to the particular realization of the unknown stochastic element. A two-stage recourse problem contains a first stage decision before and a recourse decision after that we observe the future events. On the other hand, a multi-stage recourse problem involves decision making across several time periods. 17

2. Stochastic Programming


Two-Stage Pump Storage Example

The following example demonstrates how to solve a simple two-stage optimization problem with the help of GAMS. The problem was designed in the style of the so-called Newsvendorproblem, which is discussed in [7]. Example: A local hydropower reservoir is connected to a water pumping station. Facing a dry season, there are no natural reservoir inflows: therefore, pumping is the only way to get water. During nighttime, the operator can pump up a certain amount of water, X1 , into the reservoir at a price of pW . Each day, there is a certain energy demand, d, from the local community that may be served by the operator. However, the energy demand is unknown during the night when the operator must decide how much water to pump. During daytime, the operator can sell electricity at a price of p E . The amount of energy supplied can never exceed the amount of energy demanded. Furthermore, the reservoir must be empty by the evening due to maintenance works. Excess water in the evening may be sold to a local brewery for the price of p R . The operator’s primary target is to maximize profits. Note that the operator only plans for the next day, as the reservoir must be empty by the evening. Obviously, the best decision for each single day would be to pump up the exact amount of water needed to serve the community’s energy demand. However, because the daily demand is uncertain and different for each day, there is no fixed amount of water that will maximize the operator’s profit for each day. Therefore the operator will look for a strategy that maximizes his expected profits. This is a classical two-stage recourse problem. Not knowing the community’s electricity demand for the following day, the operator must decide how much water to pump up the night before delivery. As soon as the actual demand is observed, the operator decides how much water to release. 1. X1 : The first-stage decision: How much water to pump during the nighttime. This decision is made before the electricity demand is observed for the next day. 2. X2 : The second-stage decision: How much water to release in order to produce electricity. This decision is made after the actual electricity demand is observed and depends on the first-stage decision. The stochastic demand is described with a discrete probability distribution. Based on his future expectations, the operator generates three possible demand scenarios s ∈ S ={low, normal, high}. 18

2.1. Two-Stage Pump Storage Example Each scenario is associated with an electricity demand expectation ds and a particular probability Ps . Table 2.1 shows the operator’s expectations. It is assumed that the demand pattern for each day is the same concerning the probability distribution of demand for electricity. Scenarios Probability Ps : Demand ds [MWh]:

Low 0.25 80

Normal 0.5 100

High 0.25 120

Table 2.1: Demand Scenarios for the Next Day Theoretically, the demand could take on any continuous value from zero to infinity. However, in order to keep the model size within reach, it is necessary to develop a finite and discrete set of possible future scenarios. The mathematical formulation for maximizing the expected profit is given below: Maximize

∑ Ps · (X2s pE ε + pR (X1 − X2s ) − X1 pW )


X1 ≤ X Max


X2s ε ≤ Ds


X2s ≤ X1


0 ≤ X1 , X2s



Subject to

Equation 2.1 sums up the profits for each demand scenario, weighted with the particular scenario probability Ps . The constraints 2.2-2.5 represent the problem-specific boundary conditions. Table 2.2 provides details.


2. Stochastic Programming Notation: X1 : X2s : X Max : ε: pW : pE : pR :

Description: How much water to pump during nighttime. How much water to release under scenario s ∈ S ={low, medium, high} Maximum amount that can be pumped up during the night. Amount of energy that can be produced per amount of water. Pumping price Electricity price Water reselling price


60,000 m3 2.5 KWh/m3 0.075 CHF/m3 0.1 CHF/KWh 0.01 CHF/m3

Table 2.2: Constraints As shown in the GAMS solution output, the optimal first-stage decision maximizing expected profits would be to pump up 40,000 m3 of water each night. The recourse decision depends on the scenarios. In case of low demand, the operator will produce 32, 000 m3 · 2.5 KWh/m3 = 80, 000 KWh, the remaining 8000 m3 will be sold back to the local brewery company. In the case of normal or high demand, the operator will produce 40, 000 m3 · 2.5 KWh/m3 = 100, 000 KWh. The overall expected profit amounts to 6520 CHF. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAR X1 X1 First stage decision: How much water to pump LOWER LEVEL UPPER MARGINAL . 40000.000 60000.000 . ---- VAR X2 X2 Second stage decision: How much water to release LOWER LEVEL UPPER MARGINAL low . 32000.000 +INF . medium . 40000.000 +INF . high . 40000.000 +INF . ... ---- VAR Exp_Profit Exp_Profit Expected Profit of the whole day LOWER LEVEL UPPER MARGINAL -INF 6520.000 +INF . *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2.1. Two-Stage Pump Storage Example Of course, the recourse decision in the above example is trivial. The fixed electricity price means that the operator will release as much water as possible with respect to the electricity demand. The operator will be always better off producing electricity than by reselling the water back to the local beverage company. However, the recourse decision would become more complex in a model in which not only the demand but also the electricity price or the reselling price of the water were described with stochastic coefficients. The following code shows a possible GAMS implementation for the twostage pump storage problem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic Optimization, Two-Stage Pump Storage Model set s scenarios /low, normal, high /; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------parameters p(s) Probability of each scenario / low 0.25 normal 0.5 high 0.25 /

9 10 11 12 13

d(s) Demand under each scenario [KWh] / low 80000 normal 100000 high 120000 /

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

x_max Maximum amount of water that can be pumped per night [m^3] /60000/, pe Electricity price per KWh in CHF /0.1/, pw Price to pump up water per m^3 in CHF /0.075/, pr Price per m^3 when sold back to locale beverage company /0.01/, e Electricity [KWh] generated per m^3 of water /2.5/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------POSITIVE VARIABLES X1 First stage decision: How much water to pump, X2(s) Second stage decision: How much water to release;

23 24

X1.up = x_max;

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Profit(s) Profit under each scenario, Exp_Profit Expected Profit of the whole day; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUATIONS Constraint1(s),Constraint2(s), Eq_Profit(s), Eq_Exp_Profit;

32 33 34

Constraint1(s) .. X2(s) =L= X1; Constraint2(s) .. e*X2(s) =L= d(s);

35 36 37 38 39 40

Eq_Profit(s) .. Profit(s) =E= X2(s)*e*pe + (X1-X2(s))*pr - X1*pw; Eq_Exp_Profit .. Exp_Profit =E= sum(s, p(s)*Profit(s)); *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model two_stage /ALL/; solve two_stage using lp maximizing Exp_Profit;


2. Stochastic Programming


Multi-Stage Problems

In reality, most decision processes are not limited to only two stages. A multi-period setting requires several decisions to be made throughout a path of uncertain events. Because the events that take place in each time period are unknown by the decision maker, they are described with the help of stochastic quantities. Depending on one’s perspective, the decisions are taken either at the beginning or the end of a specific time period. At each decision stage, the best action is sought with respect to observed past events and in anticipation of as yet unknown future realizations. As in the two-stage case, the expectations for the future are captured by a finite and discrete set of possible scenarios S = {s1, s2, ..., s N }. In contrast to the two-stage problem, however, the final scenarios may develop over several time periods. Scenario trees are used to illustrate the evolution of different realizations.

t=1 Stage 1:

t=2 Stage 2:

t=3 Stage 3: s1




Figure 2.1: Three-stage binary scenario tree. The construction of a comprehensive and representative scenario set for the involved stochastic quantities is a challenging task. Depending on the underlying stochastic variable, there are several different approaches that can be used to generate a meaningful set of scenarios. For example, the inflow scenarios can be based on the previous year’s precipitation data, assuming that the inflow obeys a seasonal pattern. A more promising approach would probably be to use current meteorological forecasts, or even a combination of historical inflows and future weather prognoses. The question of how to assign probabilities to each scenario must also be considered. A thorough 22

2.2. Multi-Stage Problems discussion on scenario generation is beyond the scope of this text: please refer to [7] for a brief introduction to the subject.


2. Stochastic Programming


Clear Lake Dam Example

The following stochastic multi-stage optimization model was designed in the style of the Clear Lake Dam textbook example described in [1]. A solution to the original problem can be found in the GAMS model library. A reservoir operator faces the following costs: • Shortfall costs CS for each mm below a minimum reservoir height L Min • Flooding costs CF for each mm above a maximum reservoir height L Max Based on the inflow expectations for the next three months (January, February and March), the operator sets up a stochastic multi-stage model to determine the optimal recourse decisions that minimize the expected costs of all decisions made. As soon as the realization of the stochastic inflow has been observed for a given month, the operator makes a release decision that responds to this particular realization in consideration of its impact on later stages. It is assumed that there are three possible inflow realizations for each month low, normal, and high each of which has its own particular probability. The operator’s expectations are given below: Realizations: Probability PR : Inflow IR [m]:

Low 0.25 50

Normal 0.5 150

Table 2.3: Inflow scenarios


High 0.25 350

2.3. Clear Lake Dam Example Note that the inflow expectations are the same for each month, independent of one another. Table 2.4 describes the physical constraints of the Clear Lake Dam. Notation: R Max : L Max : LStart : cS : cS :

Description: Maximum amount of water that can be released per month Maximum reservoir height Reservoir height at the beginning of the planning horizon (end of December) Shortfall costs CS for each mm below minimum reservoir height L Min = 0 Flooding costs CF for each mm above maximum reservoir height L Max

Value: 200 [mm] 250 [mm] 100 [mm] 5000 CHF/mm 10,000CHF/mm

Table 2.4: Constraints: Note that the unit describing the fill quantity stands for [mm] reservoir height. From a mathematical standpoint, the stochastic optimization problem can be formulated and solved as a deterministic linear program (LP) similar to the example in the first chapter. However, with regard to the implementation with GAMS, a range of approaches are used to model the optimization problem. Here, a distinction is made between node-based and scenario-based scenario tree descriptions.


2. Stochastic Programming


Node-Based Notation


n12 n11 n10



n9 n8 n7


n6 n5

Stages: t: dec


1. jan

3. feb

s27 s26 s25


n40 n39 n38 n37 n36 n35 n34 n33 n32 n31 n30 n29 n28 n27 n26 n25 n24 n23 n22 n21 n20 n19 n18 n17 n16 n15 n14 4.



Realizations: 1: low 2: normal 3: high

s3 s2 s1


Figure 2.2: Node-Based Tree • Stages and Time Periods T: Each stage represents a discrete point in time, which stands at the end of a particular time period t. The model horizon involves T = 4 time periods, whereas the first interval dec has already elapsed. • Realizations: Each arc represents a particular realization of the uncertain variable inflow. Each stage has R = 3 possible inflow realizations per decision point: low, normal, and high. Table 2.3 gives the particular probability of each realization. • Node n ∈ N : Each box represents a decision node or state n, which stands for a particular evolution of inflows up to that point in time. The set N = {n1, n2, n3, ..., n40} contains all nodes in the tree. Each node n has its assigned probability Pn , which describes the likelihood of arriving at this state. This is calculated by multiplying the particular 26

2.3. Clear Lake Dam Example probabilities PR of the previous realizations that have resulted in state n. Pn10 , for example, is given by Pnormal · Phigh = 0.5 · 0.25 = 0.125, while Pn33 is given by Phigh · Plow · Pnormal = 0.25 · 0.25 · 0.5 = 0.03125. There are 40 nodes in our scenario tree.1 • Scenarios s ∈ S: A scenario s represents a particular path from the root node n1 to a lea f node at the end of the last time period. The number of scenarios is given by R T −1 = 33 = 27. The set S = {s1, s2, ..., s27} contains all scenarios. • Parent Nodes: For each node n (except for the first node), the function parent(n) points to its particular predecessor node. parent(n17), for example, is equal to n6. The mapping between parent and child nodes is required to formulate the reservoir balance for all states n. The above notation makes it possible to mathematically formulate the Clear Lake optimization problem as follows: Minimize

Pn cs Zn + c f Fn ) ,


n∈ N

Subject to Ln = L parent(n) + In + Zn − Rn − Fn ∀n ∈ N \ n = n1,


0 ≤ Rn ≤ Rmax ∀n ∈ N,


0 ≤ Ln ≤ Lmax ∀n ∈ N,


0 ≤ Zn , Fn ∀n ∈ N,


Ln1 = Lstart


Where Zn denotes the amount of water imported at node n, Fn denotes the amount of floodwater released at node n, and Rn denotes the amount of water released normally at node n. The unit of all these variables is ’[mm] reservoir height’. Equation 2.8 describes the physical reservoir balance for each state n. The water height at stage n is given by the water height at the predecessor state L parent(n) plus the water inflows In and the water import, Zn , minus the water released normally, Rn , and the floodwater released, Fn . The next page shows an implementation with GAMS of the described problem: 1

The total number of nodes TN in a symmetric scenario tree is given by: T −1

TN =

Ri ,


i =0

where R = number of realizations and T = number of time periods.


2. Stochastic Programming 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model, Node-Based Notation $ontext Designed in the style of the Clear Lake Dam example found in the GAMS model library $offtext *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Sets are defined

9 10


11 12 13 14

r t n base_t(t) root(n)

Stochastic realizations (precipitation) /low, normal, high/ Time periods /dec,jan,feb,mar/ Nodes: Decision points or states in scenario tree /n1*n40/, First period /dec/, The root node: /n1/;

15 16 17

* *

The alias command allows to define sets that act in the same way as an already defined set:




anc(child,parent) Set which maps each node to predecessor node

18 19 20 21 22 23

/(n2,n3,n4).n1, (n5,n6,n7).n2, (n8,n9,n10).n3, (n11,n12,n13).n4, (n14,n15,n16).n5, (n17,n18,n19).n6,(n20,n21,n22).n7, (n23,n24,n25).n8, (n26,n27,n28).n9, (n29,n30,n31).n10,(n32,n33,n34).n11,(n35,n36,n37).n12, (n38,n39,n40).n13/;

24 25 26 27 28 29


This is an ancillary set that is needed below to formulate the equations:


nt(n,t) Association of nodes with time periods

30 31 32 33

/n1.dec, (n2,n3,n4).jan, (n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13).feb, (n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30, n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40).mar/;

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

* *

This is an ancillary set that is needed below to assign the node specific inflows and probabilities:


nr(n,r) Association of nodes and realizations

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

/(n2,n5,n8,n11,n14,n17,n20,n23,n26,n29,n32,n35,n38).low, (n3,n6,n9,n12,n15,n18,n21,n24,n27,n30,n33,n36,n39).normal, (n4,n7,n10,n13,n16,n19,n22,n25,n28,n31,n34,n37,n40).high/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Parameters are specified

50 51 52 53 54




Probability distribution over realizations /low 0.25, normal 0.50 high 0.25 /,

2.3. Clear Lake Dam Example 55

inflow(r) Inflow under realization r /low 50, normal 150, high 350 /,

56 57 58 59 60

floodcost lowcost l_start l_max r_max

61 62 63 64 65

’Flooding penalty cost thousand CHF/mm’ /10/, ’Water importation cost thousand CHF/mm’ /5/, ’Initial water level (mm)’ /100/, ’Maximum reservoir level (mm)’ /250/, ’Maximum normal release in any period’ /200/;

66 67


Here we assign the node specific inflows:


n_inflow(n) Water inflow at each node; n_inflow(n)$[not root(n)] = sum{(nr(n,r)),inflow(r)};

* *

The probability to arrive at a specific node is calculated for each node, syntax is explained in Chapter three:

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80


n_prob(n) Probability of being at any node; n_prob(root) = 1; loop {anc(child,parent), n_prob(child) = sum {nr(child,r), pr(r)}*n_prob(parent);}; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Model logic:

81 82



’Expected costs’;

positive variable

L(n,t) Release(n,t) F(n,t) Z(n,t)

’Reservoir water level -- EOP’ ’Normal release of water (mm)’ ’Floodwater released (mm)’ ’Water imports (mm)’;

83 84 85 86 87 88 89

equations ecdef, ldef;

90 91 92

ecdef.. EC =e= sum {nt(n,t),n_prob(n)*[floodcost*F(n,t)+lowcost*Z(n,t)]};

93 94 95

ldef(nt(n,t))$[not root(n)].. L(n,t) =e= sum{anc(n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(n)+Z(n,t)-Release(n,t)-F(n,t);

96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Release.up(n,t) = r_max; L.up(n,t) = l_max; L.fx(n,base_t) = l_start; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model mincost / ecdef, ldef /; solve mincost using LP minimizing EC; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2. Stochastic Programming


Scenario-Based Notation

For some researchers, a scenario-based description offers a more intuitive approach with which to navigate through the scenario tree. Instead of numbering consecutively through all nodes, each state or decision point is uniquely identified with its particular time period, t, and a corresponding scenario path, s. As each node may be part of different scenario paths, a rule is needed to assign a specific scenario to each decision point. In the example below, the corresponding scenario was chosen to be the result of consistently following the low realizations (red lines). The leaf nodes at the last period have already been uniquely identified as they belong only to one scenario path. Note that, as in the node-based description, each arc represents a different inflow realization. n27.mar n26.mar n25.mar n24.mar n23.mar n22.mar n21.mar s20.mar s19.mar s18.mar s17.mar s16.mar s15.mar s14.mar s13.mar s12.mar s11.mar s10.mar s9. mar s8. mar s7. mar s6. mar s5. mar s4. mar s3. mar s2. mar s1. mar 4.

s25.feb s19.jan

s22.feb s19.feb s16.feb




s10.feb s7.feb s1.jan

s4.feb s1.feb

Stages: t: dec


2. jan

Figure 2.3: Scenario-Based Tree 30

3. feb


2.3. Clear Lake Dam Example Apart from notational differences, the mathematical model stays the same, regardless of whether a scenario-based description or a node-based tree description is used. However, in terms of the GAMS implementation, a different concept is used in order to keep track of the relationships between the decision points. • Equilibrium Set eq(s,t): As described above, each decision point or state in the tree is uniquely identified with its time period and a particular scenario path. The set eq(s, t) = {s1.dec, s1.jan, ..., s27.mar } contains all combinations of the sets time and scenario, which, together, identify a particular decision point. • Offset Pointer o(s,t): The offset pointer is the equivalent to the parent function parent(n) in the node-based case. It is used to map each decision point to its predecessor in order to formulate the reservoir balance equation. Due to the specific assignment rule that was used to define the equilibrium set eq(s,t), two adjacent equilibrium points may be labeled by different scenarios even though they are both part of the same scenario path. Therefore, a method is needed to keep track of the relation between the scenario of a specific equilibrium point eq(s,t) and the scenario of its predecessor point. The calculation of the offset pointer o(s,t) is based on an ordered scenario set. Each of the 27 scenarios in the example has a specific position number, as Table 2.4 shows. The offset pointer o(s,t) is given by the number that represents the offset of scenario s in time period t. By definition, the offset pointers for equilibrium points at the last stage are always equal to zero. Table 2.5 (together with Figure 2.3) illustrates the calculation of the offset pointer. Element:









s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s19

Position Nr:










10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

... ...

Figure 2.4: Ordered Set


2. Stochastic Programming Scenario s: s4 s4 s4 s4 s14 s14 s14 s14 s27 s27 s27 s27

Period t: mar feb jan dec mar feb jan dec mar feb jan dec

Offset Pointer o(s,t): 0 0 −(4 − 1) = −3 −(4 − 1) = −3 0 −(14 − 13) = −1 −(14 − 10) = −4 −(14 − 1) = −13 0 −(27 − 25) = −2 −(27 − 19) = −8 −(27 − 1) = −26

Table 2.5: Calculation of offset pointer o(s,t) The offset pointer makes it possible to formulate the relationships between the equilibrium points and their predecessors in a straight-forward manner. The scenario-based GAMS representation for the physical reservoir balance is given by: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------L(s,t)=e=L(s+o(s,t-1),t-1)+eq_inflow(s,t)+Z(s,t)-Release(s,t)-F(s,t); *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is very similar to the node-based representation, except that the relationship between the decision points and the predecessor points is specified differently: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------L(n,t)=e=sum{anc(n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(n)+Z(n,t)-Release(n,t)-F(n,t); *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The choice between the node-based or the scenario-based tree description is purely a matter of personal preferences, as the two are mathematically equivalent. From an computational perspective, the node-based tree generation is slightly faster, as there is no need for a time-scenario mapping rule for the equilibrium points. However, concerning the tangibility of the results, the scenario-based representation is much clearer. For example, if the intention was to display the evolution of the reservoir level, given that a specific scenario had occurred, simply write: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------parameter level(s,t); level(s,t) = L.l(s+o(s,t),t); display level; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2.3. Clear Lake Dam Example This results in the following well-arranged output: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------dec jan feb mar s1 100.000 50.000 s2 100.000 50.000 s3 100.000 50.000 250.000 s4 100.000 50.000 s5 100.000 150.000 s6 100.000 250.000 s7 100.000 150.000 200.000 s8 100.000 150.000 250.000 s9 100.000 150.000 250.000 s10 100.000 50.000 100.000 150.000 ... *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The generation of the same output with a node-based tree structure is more cumbersome as it is necessary to first determine the particular nodes that are part of a given scenario. The main drawback of the node-based representation is that the nodes themselves have no palpable meaning because they are assigned to the decision points by pure sequential numbering. The next chapter provides a more detailed discussion on implementational questions. The full scenario-based implementation of the Clear Lake model with GAMS is given below:


2. Stochastic Programming 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model, Scenario-Based Notation $ontext Designed in the style of the Clear Lake Dam example found in the GAMS model library $offtext *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Sets are defined set r Stochastic realizations (precipitation) /low,normal,high/, t Time periods /dec,jan,feb,mar/, s Scenarios /s1*s27/, base_s(s) First scenario /s1/ base_t(t) First period /dec/;

15 16

set eq(s,t)

Equilibrium points /s1.dec, (s1,s10,s19).jan, (s1,s4,s7,s10,s13,s16,s19,s22,s25).feb, (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15, s16,s17,s18,s19,s20,s21,s22,s23,s24,s25,s26,s27).mar/;

set root(s,t)

Root equilibrium point /s1.dec/;

* *

This is an ancillary set, which is needed below to assign the equilibrium point specific inflows and probabilities:

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

set str(s,t,r)

Maps equilibrium points to realizations: /(s1.jan,s1.feb,s10.feb,s19.feb,s1.mar,s4.mar,s7.mar,s10.mar, s13.mar,s16.mar,s19.mar,s22.mar,s25.mar).low, (s10.jan,s4.feb,s13.feb,s22.feb,s2.mar,s5.mar,s8.mar,s11.mar, s14.mar,s17.mar,s20.mar,s23.mar,s26.mar).normal (s19.jan,s7.feb,s16.feb,s25.feb,s3.mar,s6.mar,s9.mar,s12.mar, s15.mar,s18.mar,s21.mar,s24.mar,s27.mar).high/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Parameters are specified including the offset pointer: An automatic procedure *to assign the offset pointers is given in Chapter three. parameter o(s,t) Offset pointer

38 39 40 41

/(s1,s4,s7,s10,s13,s16,s19,s22,s25).feb 0, (s2,s5,s8,s11,s14,s17,s20,s23,s26).feb -1, (s3,s6,s9,s12,s15,s18,s21,s24,s27).feb -2,

42 43 44 45 46 47

s1,s10,s19).jan (s3,s12,s21).jan (s5,s14,s23).jan (s7,s16,s25).jan (s9,s18,s27).jan

0, (s2,s11,s20).jan -1, -2, (s4,s13,s22).jan -3, -4, (s6,s15,s24).jan -5, -6, (s8,s17,s26).jan -7, -8,

48 49 50 51 52 53 54


s1.dec 0, s2.dec -1, s3.dec -2, s4.dec -3, s5.dec -4, s6.dec -5, s7.dec -6, s8.dec -7, s9.dec -8, s10.dec -9, s11.dec -10, s12.dec -11, s13.dec -12, s14.dec -13, s15.dec -14, s16.dec -15, s17.dec -16, s18.dec -17, s19.dec -18, s20.dec -19, s21.dec -20, s22.dec -21, s23.dec -22, s24.dec -23, s25.dec -24, s26.dec -25, s27.dec -26/;

2.3. Clear Lake Dam Example 55



56 57 58

Probability distribution over realizations /low 0.25, normal 0.50, high 0.25 /,


inflow(r) inflow under realization r /low 50, normal 150, high 350 /,

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

floodcost ’Flooding penalty cost K$/mm’ /10/, lowcost ’Water importation cost K$/mm’ /5/, l_start ’Initial water level (mm)’ /100/, l_max ’Maximum reservoir level (mm)’ /250/, r_max ’Maximum normal release in any period’ /200/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Calculate probabilities for all equilibrium points, Syntax is explained * in Chapter three;

73 74 75 76 77 78 79

parameter eq_prob(s,t) Probability to reach equilibrium point ; eq_prob(base_s,base_t) = 1; loop(t, loop(str(s,t+1,r), eq_prob(s,t+1) = eq_prob(s+o(s,t),t)*pr(r););); *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Calculate water inflows at each equilibrium point:

80 81 82 83 84

parameter eq_inflow(s,t) Water inflow at equilibrium point; loop(str(s,t+1,r), eq_inflow(s,t+1) = inflow(r)); *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Model logic:

85 86



’Expected value of cost’;

positive variables

L(s,t) Release(s,t) F(s,t) Z(s,t)

’Reservoir water level -- EOP’ ’Normal release of water (mm)’ ’Floodwater released (mm)’ ’Water imports (mm)’;

87 88 89 90 91 92 93

equations ecdef, ldef;

94 95 96

ecdef.. EC =e= sum(eq(s,t),eq_prob(s,t)*(floodcost*F(s,t)+lowcost*Z(s,t)));

97 98 99

ldef(eq(s,t))$[not root(s,t)].. L(s,t) =e= L(s+o(s,t-1),t-1)+eq_inflow(s,t)+Z(s,t)-Release(s,t)-F(s,t);

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

Release.up(s,t) = r_max; L.up(eq(s,t)) = l_max; L.fx(root(s,t)) = l_start; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model mincost / ecdef, ldef /; solve mincost using LP minimizing EC; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Chapter 3


When dealing with multi-stage stochastic models, a crucial issue is the exponential growth of the scenario tree for each additional time period, t, which is added to the model horizon. This again results in the exponentially growing computation time it takes GAMS to solve the model. As shown in the solution report below, the Clear Lake model from the previous chapter (including 27 scenarios) was solved in roughly te = 0.1 seconds. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting compilation --- multi.gms(105) 3 Mb --- Starting execution: elapsed 0:00:00.004 --- ... --- Executing CPLEX: elapsed 0:00:00.009 --- multi.gms(101) 4 Mb:00:00.086 --- ... --- Executing after solve: elapsed 0:00:00.113 *** Status: Normal completion --- Job multi.gms Stop 05/03/11 15:05:40 elapsed 0:00:00.114 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

However, as shown in Figure 3.1 on the next page, the execution time rapidly increases if the model horizon is extended. Figure 3.1 also shows that the exponential growth is intensified if the number of possible stochastic realizations R is increased at each decision node. This chapter introduces measures to mitigate the exponentially growing execution time of stochastic multi-stage problems, focusing on the implementation with GAMS.


3. Implementation

Figure 3.1: GAMS execution time for the Clear Lake model: T=6 time periods.

Figure 3.2: GAMS execution time for the Clear Lake model: R=6 realizations.


3.1. Dynamic Set Assignments


Dynamic Set Assignments

The Clear Lake Dam model from the previous chapter explicitly named the members of each set in the source code. However, this can become tedious as the problem size grows, so GAMS allows the automatic creation of set members by defining an assignment rule. To allocate set memberships dynamically, the following syntax can be used: set_name(domain_name)$[condition] = yes | no

A detailed discussion on dynamic sets is given in [9]. Of course, the particular condition to assign set memberships depends on the model structure and the characteristics of the specific set. Considering a node-based tree description, conditions must be determined for the following three sets: (i) the ancestor set anc(child,parent), which links each node with its predecessor node: (ii) the node-time set nt(n,t), which links each node with its particular time period: and (iii) the node-realization set nr(n,r), which links each node with its particular inflow realization. The mathematical relationships for these sets are discussed below. Node-Predecessor Mapping: parent(n) The node number of the predecessor of node n is given by the following function:   ( n + R − 2) parent(n) = (3.1) R Where n is the node number as defined in Figure 2.2 and R is the total number of stochastic realizations per decision point. Note that the first node n1 has no predecessor node. Example: As shown in Figure 2.2 (R = 3), the predecessor of node n12 is n4, which is given by:   (12 + 3 − 2) parent(12) = =4 (3.2) 3 Note that the brackets b x c map the argument x to the largest previous integer, for example, b3.56c = 3 .


3. Implementation Node-Realization Mapping: r(n) The realization r, which corresponds to node n, is given by: r ( n ) = ( n + R − 2)

(mod R) + 1


Note that the first node, n1, has no assigned realization r. Example: Assuming that there are R = 3 realizations per decision point (low (1), normal (2) and high (3)), as described in Figure 2.2, the realization r, which has resulted in node n26, is low (1) given by:

r (26) = (26 + 3 − 2)

(mod 3) + 1 = 1


Node-Time Mapping: t(n) The time period, t, which corresponds to node n, is given by the following algorithm: For each time period t: Check for node n whether condition 3.5 is true: R t −1 Rt ≤n< ; R−1 R−1


If the condition is true, Return t as the corresponding time period for n Example: Assuming that there are R = 3 realizations per decision point and T = 4 time periods (dec (1), jan (2), feb (3) and mar(4)), as described in Figure 2.2, the time period for node n11 is equal to t = f eb (3) as condition 3.5 is true for t = 3:

33 33 − 1 = 4.5 ≤ 11 < = 13.5 3−1 3−1


The described mathematical conditions can now be used to dynamically assign set memberships with GAMS as shown in the following code:


3.1. Dynamic Set Assignments *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------alias (n,child,parent); set anc(child,parent) Association of each node with corresponding parent node; anc(child,parent)$[floor((ord(child)+card(r)-2)/card(r)) eq ord(parent)] = yes; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------set nr(n,r) Association of each node with corresponding realization; nr(n,r)$[mod(ord(n)+card(r)-2,card(r))+1 eq ord(r)] = yes; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------set nt(n,t) Association of each node with corresponding time period; loop{t, nt(n,t)$[power(card(r),ord(t)-1)/(card(r)-1) le ord(n) and ord(n) lt power(card(r),ord(t))/(card(r)-1)] = yes; }; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------

By comparison, the following GAMS syntax was used to formulate the assignment rules: • card(set name): The cardinality operator gives back the number of elements of a specific set. In the case of the Clear Lake example, card(s) = 27, which means that the scenario set contains 27 elements. • ord(set name): The ordinality operator returns the specific position number of a set element. It can only be used together with an ordered, one-dimensional set. Example: The statements below will assign the following values to the parameter position: position(’low’) = 1, position(’normal’) = 2 and position(’high’) = 3. set s scenarios /low, normal, high/; parameter position(s); position(s) = ord(s);

• loop: The loop statement is a programming feature that is used to execute code repeatedly for a certain control domain. The basic structure of a GAMS loop is given by: loop(set_to_vary, Statement or statements to execute );

• mod(x,y): Remainder of the division x/y. Example: mod(7, 2) = 1. • floor(x): Gives back the largest integer which is greater or equal to x. Example: f loor (2.3) = 2 • le: less than or equal to • lt: strictly less than • eq: equal to Appendix A.1 provides a full implementation of the Clear Lake model with dynamic set membership assignments. 41

3. Implementation


GAMS Limitations

From a computational point of view, the dynamic membership assignment can become rather slow for large models, especially when the membership assignment statements are used within loops. The total execution time te to process a GAMS model is basically divided into two parts: • The model generation time t g , which is primarily given by the time it takes GAMS to assign set memberships and generate the equations. • The model solution time ts , which is needed to actually solve the generated equations with an appropriate solver and to find the optimal model variables. Considering a model that uses dynamic membership assignments to create the scenario tree structure, it is evident that the model generation time comprises the bulk of the total execution time. Table 3.1 illustrates the two different execution times for the Clear Lake model in relation to different time periods. The table shows that the model generation time increases much more quickly than the model solution time with each additional time step. T: 7 8 9 10

Generation Time t g [s]: 0.6 4.9 42.6 369

Solution Time ts [s]: 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.6

Total Time te [s]: 0.8 5.1 43.2 370.8

Table 3.1: Execution times for R = 3 realizations per decision node in relation to different numbers of time periods T. To speed up the model generation time (that is, the membership allocation of the involved sets) a treegeneration tool was introduced to generate the scenario tree structure that was implemented in the programming language C++. The tool can be used for both the node-based and the scenario-based tree notation. In the scenario-based case, the tool generates the offset parameter o(s,t). The tool can also be used to generate the nodal probabilities (the parameters n prob(n) in the node-based and eq prob(s, t) in the scenario-based notation), which again speeds up the model generation time.


3.3. Treegeneration tool


Treegeneration tool

The treegeneration tool is a command line application that communicates through a GDX file with GAMS. A GDX file is a platform independent binary file that can contain information regarding sets, parameters, variables, and equations [6]. GDX files offer a fast and efficient way to pass data from GAMS to another program or vice versa. The tree generation tool was programmed in C++ and builds upon the API files that can be found in the GAMS home directory.1 The source code of the treegeneration tool is provided in Appendix A.6.


Node-Based Treegeneration

The communication with the tree generation tool involves three steps. Firstly, the user has to save the two sets containing the time periods and the realizations (in the above example t and r) into a GDX file. To save these sets into a GDX file named cl in.gdx2 , we can use the following statement: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------$gdxout cl_in.gdx $unload t=time_set r=realization_set pr=prob $gdxout *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The second step is to call the treegeneration tool to create the sets. This is done with the GAMS statement $call, which allows the command line to be accessed through GAMS. The correct syntax to start the tree generation is: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------$call treegen.exe cl_in.gdx cl_out.gdx "%gams.sysdir%\" *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The first parameter specifies the input file that contains the time set, the realization set, and the probabilities (cl in.gdx in our example). The second parameter denotes the output file in which the treegeneration tool will save the tree structure. The last parameter is used to pass the path of the GAMS directory to the program. The third step is to advise GAMS to import the generated sets from the GDX output file cl out.gdx. This can be done using the following syntax: 1 API stands for stands for Application Programming Interface.

An API code is a software interface between different programs that allows them to communicate with each other. API examples for GAMS can be found in the directory /API files in the GAMS home directory. 2 The file is saved in the GAMS working directory.


3. Implementation *------------------------------------------------------------------------------$gdxin cl_out.gdx set n Nodes set; $load n=n set anc(n,n) Predecessor-mapping for node set; $load anc=anc set nr(n,r) Node-realization-mapping; $load nr=nr set nt(n,t) Node-time-mapping; $load nt=nt parameter n_prob(n) Nodal probabilities; $load n_prob=n_prob $gdxin *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The definition of the model variables and the equations stays exactly the same as in the case without the treegeneration tool. A full implementation of the node-based Clear Lake model with the treegeneration tool can be found in Appendix A.3.


Scenario-Based Treegeneration

The treegeneration tool also creates the offset pointers o(s,t) and the sets that are necessary for a scenario-based tree description. To use the tool for a scenario-based tree, the user simply needs to import the scenario-based sets and probabilities in the third step, as shown below: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------$gdxout cl_in.gdx $unload t=time_set r=realization_set pr=prob $gdxout *------------------------------------------------------------------------------$call treegen.exe cl_in.gdx cl_out.gdx "%gams.sysdir%\" *------------------------------------------------------------------------------$gdxin cl_out.gdx set s Scenarios - Leaves in the event tree; $load s=s set eq(s,t) Equilibrium points - Equivalent to nodes; $load eq=eq set str(s,t,r) Association of scenarios with realizations; $load str=str parameter o(s,t) Offset pointer; $load o=offset parameter eq_prob(s,t) Probability to reach equilibrium point eq; $load eq_prob=eq_prob $gdxin *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The rest of the GAMS model (that is, the definition of the model variables and the equations) is exactly the same as in the model without the treegen44

3.3. Treegeneration tool

Figure 3.3: GDXviewer. eration tool. A full implementation of the scenario-based Clear Lake model with the treegeneration tool is provided in Appendix A.2. A handy tool with which to visualize the binary GDX files is the so-called gdxviewer, which can be started through the command line. The following command can be used to show the output of the treegeneration tool: C:\models\scenario-based>gdxviewer cl_out.gdx


3. Implementation


Performance of Treegeneration tool

The treegeneration tool helps make a significant improvement in the speed of the GAMS model generation. Figure 3.4 shows the model generation time, the model solution time, and the total execution time in relation to the number of involved time periods T, while the treegeneration tool was used to to create the tree structure (node-based). The treegeneration tool makes it possible to solve a model with R = 3 realizations and T = 13 time periods (resulting in 797161 nodes) in roughly 85 seconds. This is a remarkable improvement compared to the results in Table 3.1, where 370 seconds were required to solve a model with T = 10 and R = 3 realizations (resulting in 29524 nodes) without the treegeneration tool. Execution Time

Time in Seconds

Time to solve Clear Lake model for R=3 realizations 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Model Generation Time: Model Solution Time: Total Execution Time:








Number of Time Periods T

Figure 3.4: GAMS model execution time Figure 3.4 also shows that as the number of time periods T is increased, the share of the total execution time made up of the model solution time eventually becomes bigger in relation to the model generation time. This is contrary to the case without the treegeneration tool, where the model generation time accounted for the bulk of the total execution time. Note that the treegeneration tool only speeds up the GAMS model generation. The model solution time (time to execute CPLEX) stays the same in both cases.


3.4. Scenario-Reduction



One approach to speeding up the solving (model solution time) of multi-stage recourse problems, which are based on large scenario trees, is to make use of a tree reduction tool. The idea is to compress the problem size by reducing the number of scenarios involved. Of course, the reduction follows a systematic approach based on statistic principles. The challenge is to reduce the number of involved scenarios in such a way that the solution of the reduced problem resembles the solution of the original problem to a high degree. An interesting scenario reduction tool that can be easily linked to a nodal problem description is the SCENRED tool, which is part of the GAMS utility library. SCENRED reduces the original problem with the help of one of three reduction algorithms. The reduced problem can then be solved normally with a GAMS solver. A detailed discussion on SCENRED is provided in [8]. SCENRED usage is straight-forward and can be implemented easily within the Clear Lake example. The first step is to create additional sets and parameters in which the new tree structure will be saved after the scenario reduction. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------set r_n(n) Nodes in reduced tree r_anc(child,parent) Predecessor mapping for reduced tree parameter r_n_prob(n) Probabilities for reduced tree; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The second step is to specify a number of parameters that will be used by SCENRED to perform the reduction. The following parameters are used to describe the original scenario tree: • ScenRedParms(’num leaves’) = card(r)**(card(t)-1); This parameter contains the number of scenarios or leaves of the original model. • ScenRedParms(’num nodes’) = card(n); This parameter contains the number of nodes in the original scenario tree. • ScenRedParms(’num random’) = 1; The number of random variables associated with a node or scenario. The present case has only one random variable: the inflow. • ScenRedParms(’num time steps’) = card(t); The number of time steps in the scenario tree. 47

3. Implementation SCENRED provides the option of choosing between two different criteria to specify the degree of reduction: • ScenRedParms(’red percentage’) = 0.5; This parameter specifies the desired reduction in terms of the relative distance between the initial and reduced scenario trees (a real number between 0.0 and 1.0)[8] • ScenRedParms(’red num leaves’) = 15; This parameter makes it possible to directly specify the number of leaves in the reduced tree. Having specified the reduction parameters, these are saved together with the data that describes the scenario tree in a GDX file. We then advise the SCENRED tool to reduce the tree according to our specifications. The last step is to read the reduced sets and parameters back into GAMS. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Unload the scenario reduction parameters, the node set n, the predecessor * mapping set anc, the node probabilities n_prob and the inflows at each * node n_inflow into the GDX file lakein.gdx execute_unload ’lakein.gdx’, ScenRedParms, n, anc, n_prob, n_inflow; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*create a text file scenred.opt where we specify the location of the SCENRED *input file lakein.gdx, the output file lakeout.gdx and the log file lakelog.txt file opts / ’scenred.opt’ /; putclose opts ’log_file = lakelog.txt’ / ’input_gdx lakein.gdx’ / ’output_gdx = lakeout.gdx’; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Run the scenario reduction using the files specified in scenred.opt execute ’scenred scenred.opt %system.redirlog%’; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Read back the reduced scenario tree data from the SCENRED output file *lakeout.gdx. Save the reduced probabilities in the parameter r_nprob and save *the parent-child mapping of the reduced tree in the set r_anc. execute_load

’lakeout.gdx’, ScenRedReport, r_n_prob=red_prob, r_anc=red_ancestor; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* To assign the members of the new node set r_n(n) we can simply use the * following statement r_n(n)$[r_n_prob(n)]= yes; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The reduced sets and probabilities can now be used to formulate the equations for the reduced tree. All that is required is to replace the sets that 48

3.4. Scenario-Reduction describe the initial tree with the sets that describe the reduced tree. The node set n is replaced by r n, the ancestor set anc(n, parent) is replaced by r anc(r n, parent) and the probabilities n prob(r n) are replaced by r n prob(r n). *------------------------------------------------------------------------------equations ecdef, ldef; ecdef.. EC =e= sum {nt(r_n,t),r_n_prob(r_n)*[floodcost*F(r_n,t)+lowcost*Z(r_n,t)]}; ldef(nt(r_n,t))$[not root(r_n)].. L(r_n,t)=e=sum{r_anc(r_n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(r_n)+Z(r_n,t)Release(r_n,t)-F(r_n,t); Release.UP(r_n,t) = 200; L.UP(r_n,t) = 250; L.FX(r_n,base_t) = 100; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Appendix A.4 provides a complete implementation of the Clear Lake model with SCENRED.


3. Implementation


Performance of SCENRED

Because the original tree structure was changed, the results of the reduced optimization will obviously be different from those of the initial optimization. However, a robust tree reduction method should generate results that are relatively close to the original solution. Of course, the extent to which the two results diverge fundamentally depends on the degree of the reduction. Figure 3.2 shows the expected costs (EC) and the run-times needed to perform the reduction calculations by the SCENRED tool for the Clear Lake model, whereas we choose the reduction degree to be 30 percent (ScenRedParms(’red percentage’) = 0.3). Periods T: 4 5 6 7

EC without SCENRED: 187.5 269.5 347.7 429

EC with SCENRED: 179.7 308.6 383.8 501.5

Run-time with SCENRED [s]: 0 0 1 56

Table 3.2: Expected costs [thousand CHF] and Run-time [s] to perform the scenario reduction for the Clear Lake model in relation to different numbers of time periods T. The fact that the expected costs (EC) diverge by an average of approximately 11 percent represents a relatively robust result of the scenario reduction method (for a tree reduction of 30 percent). However, with regard to the computational efficiency of the SCENRED tool, it is important to note that the run-times needed to perform the reduction steps are much bigger than the actual time gain that results from the reduced tree size. Table 3.1 illustrated that the GAMS model solution time ts for the Clear Lake model (R=3 realizations, T=7 time periods resulting in 1093 nodes) is given by roughly 0.2 seconds (without SCENRED). It takes SCENRED approximately 56 seconds to perform the scenario reductions for the same model size (without the time used to generate and solve the model). The time needed to reduce the scenario tree is too long in relation to the model solution time for it to have a positive effect on the overall performance, especially due to the fact that the SCENRED reduction time also increases in an exponential manner with each additional time period. Therefore, it may be concluded that the SCENRED tool is not a practical way of improving the model solution time of large models. The figures below graphically illustrate the reduction of a scenario tree.


3.5. Computational Framework and Model Specification

Figure 3.5: SCENRED Visualization: Initial Tree

Figure 3.6: SCENRED Visualization: Reduced Tree


Computational Framework and Model Specification

The treegeneration tool helps to significantly improve the GAMS performance of our model. However, the inherent problem, which is the exponential growth of the model size with each additional time period, cannot be avoided. 51

3. Implementation Of course, another way to speed up the solving process is to use a more powerful computational framework. An interesting possibility would be to implement the Clear Lake model using the GAMS multi-grid facility. The main idea of multi-grid computation is to run calculations in parallel on a system of multiple CPUs. Obviously, the tasks can only be calculated in parallel if their results do not depend on each other. The parallelization of the tasks must be coordinated by the programmer in a qualified manner. An introduction to GAMS multi-grid computation can be found in [10]. Another way to avoid an uncontrolled growth of the problem size is to cleverly choose the length of the time periods. Suppose that we wanted to figure out an optimal release schedule for the next week with respect to the inflow prognosis for the whole next year. Instead of choosing a weekly resolution involving 52 time periods, we could define the time periods to have different lengths. For example, we could say that the first two time periods are single weeks, the third period is 10 weeks and the two last periods are each 20 weeks. In this case, the model horizon would still be one year, but the number of involved time periods could be reduced to five. Choosing time periods of different lengths makes sense in most practical settings anyway, as the quality of the inflow prognosis decreases over time. It is obviously much easier to create significant inflow scenarios for the next week than for a particular week in the final quarter of the next year.


Chapter 4

Release Model

This chapter illustrates the use of stochastic programming to solve the hydro scheduling problem in a more realistic setting. The following model determines an optimal production schedule for the next day, taking into account our expectations about future reservoir inflows and electricity prices. It is assumed that the operator plans to sell his production on the day-ahead spot market. The basic idea is to find a one-day production plan that balances current profits with expected future profits [3]. By observing the current spot market price for physical delivery on the next day, the operator must decide how much electricity he is willing to sell, in consideration of possible future price and inflow developments. The model aims to evaluate the opportunity to sell electricity at the current spot market price against the possibility to sell the production in a future period. The model includes T = 6 = six time periods (six stages), comprising a total time span of roughly one year. The time periods vary in length: the first period t1 is a single day, the second and the third period t2 and t3 are single weeks, the fourth and fifth periods t4 and t5 are 10 weeks each and the last period t6 is 30 weeks.







Figure 4.1: Scenario-Based Tree The first-stage decision represents the one-day production plan for the following day. The first time period is assumed to be deterministic as the spot market prices for delivery on the next day has already been observed. Fur53

4. Release Model thermore, the reservoir inflows for the first period are assumed to be certain. However, because reservoir inflows and electricity prices during the remaining five periods are uncertain, they are described with stochastic quantities. The decisions subsequent to the first-stage are believed to evaluate the consequences of the one-day production plan on the future production [3]. Note that, in contrast to the Clear Lake example which only included one stochastic variable (namely in f low), a second stochastic variable price has now be added to the model. The uncertainty of price and inflow is described with a joint discrete distribution and represented with the help of a scenario tree. At each decision point, there are assumed to be R = 3 possible realizations for the stochastic variables. Therefore, the total number of scenarios s is given by R T −1 = 35 = 243. The total number of nodes n in the tree is given by:

T −1


i =0

i =0

∑ Ri = ∑ 3i = 364


Each node n represents a decision point or state that stands for a particular realization of inflows and prices up to the period of state n, denoted with t(n) [2]. The decisions at node n are assumed to be taken after the realization of the stochastic inflow and spot market price are observed for the particular period t(n). Figure 4.2 shows the first four time periods of a possible scenario tree describing our inflow and price expectations. Each node has a particular conditional probability, an assigned inflow, and an average spot market price for its particular period t(n).


n13, 0.25, 18, 60 n4, 0.25, 15, 70

n12, 0.5 10, 75 n11, 0.25, 3, 120 n10, 0.25, 18, 60

n1,1.0, 1.5, 100

n3, 0.5, 7, 90

n9, 0.5, 10, 75 n8, 0.25, 3, 120 n7, 0.25, 18, 60

n2, 0.25, 5, 110

n6, 0.5, 10, 75 n5, 0.25, 3, 120

n40, n39, n38, n37, n36, n35, n34, n33, n32, n31, n30, n29, n28, n27, n26, n25, n24, n23, n22, n21, n20, n19, n18, n17, n16, n15, n14,

0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.25,

80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22, 80, 50, 22,

45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80 45 50 80

Figure 4.2: Scenario Tree: Only the first 4 stages are shown. The first number after the node index is the conditional node probability, the second number represents the reservoir inflows in million m3 , and the third number represents the average spot market price in CHF for the period t(n). Note that the periods have different lengths. The model variables and parameters are described below: Decision Variables • Rn : Amount of water released at decision node n • Ln : Reservoir level at decision node n • Sn : Amount of water spilled at decision node n • Pro f it: Expected profit for the entire planning period Sets and Indices • N: Set containing indexed nodes n of the event tree • Parent(n) : Index of predecessor node to node n, as described in equation 3.1 55

4. Release Model • t(n) : Index of the time period that corresponds to node n, as described in equation 3.5 • Nend : Set containing all nodes that correspond to the last stage: that is, where t(n) = t6 Parameters • In : Reservoir inflow at node n • Prn : Electricity price at node n • Pn : Probability of being at node n • cs : Spill over costs • Lmax : Maximum reservoir capacity • Lmin : Minimum reservoir capacity • Lend : Reservoir level at end of model horizon • Lstart : Initial reservoir level at beginning of model horizon • Rmax,t : Maximum reservoir release during period t • ε: Energy equivalent value of water: how much electricity can be produced per amount of water • Tt : Years from now until time period t The mathematical formulation to maximize the expected profit is given by: Maximize Pro f it =

Pn (1 + d)−Tt(n) ( Prn Rn ε − cs Sn ) ,


n∈ N

Subject to Ln1 = Lstart + In1 − Rn1 − Fn1 ,


Ln = L Parent(n) + In − Rn − Fn ∀n ∈ N \ n = n1, ,


0 ≤ Rn ≤ Rmax,t(n) ∀n ∈ N,


0 ≤ Ln ≤ Lmax ∀n ∈ N,


Ln = Lend,n ∀n ∈ Nend ,


0 ≤ Sn ∀ n ∈ N


The profit function 4.2 represents the expected profit by summing up the nodal profits weighted by their particular node probabilities Pn . There are no direct variable costs of production. However, spill-over costs in each node are represented through the term cs Sn in the profit function. Furthermore, 56

each cash flow is adapted with the help of the discount interest rate d to discount all cash flows to the present value (PV). The interest rate d is adapted for periods of unequal lengths [2]. The initial reservoir level is given by LStart . Equation 4.3 represents the physical reservoir balance for the deterministic first stage. Equation 4.4 represents the physical reservoir balance for the other nodes, whereas the function Parent(n) describes the mapping of each node to its predecessor node. To avoid end-horizon effects, a target reservoir level, Lend , was specified for all the nodes, n, at the end of the model horizon. The numerical values of the constraints correspond approximately to the Grande-Dixence reservoir, assuming that only the power plant Bieudron is used for electricity generation and that pumping facilities are ignored. Constraints: Lmax : Lmin : Lend : ε:

Value: 400 million m3 40 million m3 0.5·Lmax = 200 million m3 4618 MWh per million m3

Table 4.1: Physical Constraints The maximum release capacity, Rmax , of the power plant Bieudron is given by 6.48 million m3 /s. Hence the maximum release capacity per time period Rmax,t is given by d · Rmax , whereas d is the duration of time period t. Release Constraints for t: Rmax,t1 : Rmax,t2 : Rmax,t3 : Rmax,t4 : Rmax,t5 : Rmax,t6 :

Duration of d: 1d 7d 7d 70 d 70 d 210 d

Value: 6.48 million m3 45.36 million m3 45.36 million m3 453.6 million m3 453.6 million m3 1360.8 million m3

Table 4.2: Physical Constraints In reality, the model would be applied dynamically meaning that the operator just uses the first stage decision and then reruns the model based on new market information. In other words, it is necessary to generate a new scenario tree each day, such as the one described in Figure 4.2, which serves as input data for the model. This guarantees that decisions are always taken based on the latest price and inflow expectations [2].


4. Release Model


Risk aversion

The example below illustrates different attitudes towards risk: Example: A gambler has two alternatives: • Alternative 1: He can play safe and receive 50 CHF with 100 percent certainty. • Alternative 2: He can gamble and receive either 0 CHF or 100 CHF with 50 percent certainty of each occurring. For a risk-neutral player, both alternatives are equivalent as they both offer the same expected payoff, namely 50 CHF. On the other hand, a risk-averse player would also accept a guaranteed payment of less than 50 CHF, rather than take alternative 2 and risk receiving no payment at all. Finally, the riskseeking player, who hopes to win 100 CHF, would only take the guaranteed payment if he received more than 50 CHF, as he prefers to take the gamble. In the hydro scheduling model described above, the operator was assumed to have a risk-neutral attitude towards his production. The objective function 4.2, which is to be maximized, implies that the operator’s utility is directly proportional to the expected profit. However, considering a risk-averse producer, the model can be adapted to account for the operator’s risk preferences. Instead of maximizing the expected profits, we would maximize a utility function that, based on the operator’s risk attitude, represents the operator’s perceived satisfaction with the expected outcome. The isoelastic function for utility is used to describe a decision-maker’s utility in terms of a specific economic variable: in our case, this is the operator’s profit π. The utility function is given by: ( u(π ) =

π 1− γ −1 1− γ ,

if γ is unequal to 1

ln π,

if γ is equal to 1


Where γ is a measure of the operator’s degree of risk aversion; if γ is equal to 0, the operator is risk neutral, a positive γ implies risk aversion and a negative γ represents risk-seeking behavior. The graph on the next page illustrate the utility function u(π ) for different values of γ.


4.1. Risk aversion

Figure 4.3: Risk-averse utility function for different values of γ The formulation of our hydro scheduling optimization for a risk-averse producer (γ ≥ 0), which maximizes the expected utility rather than the expected profit, is given by: Maximize Expected Utility =

Pn u(πn ),


n∈ Nend

Whereas πn = π Parent(n) + (1 + d)−Tt(n) ( Prn Rn ε − cs Sn )


πn represents the discounted present value (PV) of the cumulative profit at each node n as described in 4.11, and u(πn ) is the utility function as specified in equation 4.9 having πn as an argument. Because the cumulative profits are used at the leaf nodes (or scenarios), we simply sum over the nodes that correspond to the last stage (n ∈ Nend ). The constraints are the same as those described in equations 4.3-4.8 in the original model.


4. Release Model


GAMS Implementation

The GAMS implementation code for our model is attached in Appendix A.5: the treegeneration tool was used to create the scenario tree structure. The operator was allowed to specify his risk preferences γ with the parameter gamma. In the risk-neutral case, where gamma = 0, the objective function is linear as we simply maximize the expected profits. In the risk-averse case, however, where gamma > 0, the objective function becomes nonlinear as the expected utility of the profits is maximized according to the utility function specified in equation 4.9. Therefore, GAMS will be advised to use a nonlinear solver NLP. The model is a basic extension of the Clear Lake dam example discussed earlier. Special attention must be paid to the scaling, as most NLP solvers may not find an optimal or even feasible solution if the involved variables are poorly scaled. We know from the deterministic optimization that the yearly profits are of order 108 , so we will introduce a parameter piscale = 10−8 to scale the variable Profit(t,n) that represents the cumulative profit πn . Furthermore, it is useful to set a starting point in order to help the solver find a solution: the GAMS default starting point is zero, which is often not a good choice. The statement Profit.L(t,n) =√1 sets the starting level to 1. As our utility function is of the form log x or x, it makes sense to set a lower level for the profit variable (Profit(t,n).LO = 0.001) to ensure that all functions can be properly evaluated [5].


4.3. Results and Discussion


Results and Discussion

As mentioned above, evaluating the real performance of the model would simply involve using the first-stage release decision and then rerunning the model based on the latest inflow and price expectations. In reality, this would require us to adapt the scenario tree described in Figure 4.2 on a daily basis. Having applied the model in a dynamic way during a certain time period, we could then evaluate the actual performance by comparing the results to the best possible outcome, which can be derived in a deterministic optimization. Of course, the performance would fundamentally depend on the quality of the price and inflow forecasts. However, to simplify matters, our evaluation is limited to a description of the model outputs for different inflow and price predictions and changes in the system’s constraints. Sensitivity of first-stage decision to expected prices and inflows: Using different scenario trees as input data, various simulations support the intuition that the first-stage release decision fundamentally depends on the difference between the price level of the first stage and the price level of the future stages. If the prices for the future stages are expected to be high in relation to the currently observed day-ahead price for the first stage, the generation is low or even zero in the first period. On the other hand, if the currently observed day-ahead price is high compared to the future stages, generation is maximized in the first stage. The described effect becomes particularly apparent if the prices of the second stage are significantly different from the first stage, as the probability of reaching such a state is relatively high. The same behavior can be observed for the reservoir inflows. If the inflows in the first period are relatively high compared to the expected inflows of the following stages, generation is increased in the first stage. However, the sensitivity of the first stage decision to high inflows is not as strong as the sensitivity towards high prices. This is due to the different lengths of the time periods; if inflows are high in the first period, which involves just one day, there is no urgent need to release water as the daily inflow is usually too small compared to the reservoir’s volume to cause a spill-over. The first-stage decision also depends on the initial reservoir level Lstart ; if the reservoir is almost full at the beginning of the model horizon, the first-stage decision will increase generation, even if prices are comparatively low with respect to future periods. Of course, there are also interlocking effects among reservoir inflows, price expectations and boundary conditions. For example, if the prices are ex61

4. Release Model pected to be very high at one stage and the reservoir inflows have also been high up to this stage, the model will risk a spill-over (depending on the spillover costs) at prior stages in order to profit from the interplay between high prices and a fully charged reservoir. Expected profit in relation to maximum release capacity: The simulations show that the expected profit increases if the model’s daily maximum release capacity Rmax is changed. This seems reasonable given that the bigger the release capacity, the more flexibility is available to store the water in the hope of more favorable future prices without risking a spill over. Figure 4.4 illustrates the exact relationship between the expected profit and the daily maximum release capacity Rmax . If the maximum release capacity is equal to zero, the expected profit will be negative, as the entire reservoir content must be spilled over, which incurs spill-over costs. As Rmax increases, the expected profit increases as well. However, at a certain release capacity, the expected profit reaches a maximum because there is no more additional benefit for an increased flexibility. The reservoir operator already has the optimal release capacity (Bieudron can release up to 6.48 million m3 per day). The averaged expected profit was calculated on the basis of five different scenario trees.

Averaged Expected Profit 300000000 200000000 100000000 0 -100000000

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8

-200000000 -300000000 -400000000 Maximum Release Capacity in million m^3

Figure 4.4: Relationship between expected profit and maximum release capacity.


4.3. Results and Discussion Expected profit in relation to maximum reservoir volume L Max Similar to an increased release capacity, a greater reservoir volume offers flexibility to store water in the hope of higher future prices without risking a spill-over. Figure 4.5 shows the relationship between the expected profit and the maximum reservoir volume L Max . Obviously, as the reservoir’s volume increases, so does the expected profit. At a certain reservoir volume, however, the expected profits reach a maximum as there is already enough volume available to store all reservoir inflows, which means an increased reservoir volume provides no additional benefit. In absolute numbers, the operator of the power plant Bieudron could increase the expected profit by 1, 533, 517 CHF if it increased the reservoir’s volume from 400 million m3 to 550 million m3 . However, with respect to the total expected profits of 214, 746, 551 CHF, such an extension would not be reasonable. The average expected profit was calculated on the basis of five different scenario trees.

Averaged Expected Profit 220000000

Expected Profit

215000000 210000000 205000000 200000000 195000000 190000000 200








Maximum Reservoir Height [m]

Figure 4.5: Expected profit in relation to maximum reservoir height. Expected profit in relation to risk aversion γ Figure 4.6 shows the relationship between the total expected profit and the degree of risk aversion γ. The results are based on the average numbers of five simulations involving different scenario trees. For the risk-neutral case, where γ = 0, the expected profit is maximized. For risk-averse preferences (γ > 0), the expected profit decreases. With reference to the definition of our profit function 4.9, this is reasonable. Figure 4.7 shows the normalized standard deviation (NSD)1 of the expected 1 The normalized standard deviation (NSD): the standard deviation of the expected profit divided by the expected profit.


4. Release Model

Expected Profit - Risk Aversion Averaged Expected Profit

Expected Profit

240000000 235000000 230000000 225000000 220000000 0










Risk Aversion: Gamma

Figure 4.6: Relationship between expected profit and risk aversion factor γ. profit in relation to the degree of risk aversion γ. Taking the NSD as an intuitive risk indicator, the risk (normalized standard deviation) decreases for risk-averse preferences (γ > 0), which is consistent with our expectations. However, the NSD in our simulations is rather small, so the relative reduction from the risk-neutral case (γ = 0 where the NSD is approximately 2 percent) to the risk-averse case (γ = 4.5 where the NSD is approximately 1.65 percent) seems to be of minor relevance. The small standard deviations are probably due to the underlying scenario trees used in our simulations. It would be interesting to run our model based on a representative number of realistic scenario trees to further investigate the effect of the risk aversion factor γ on the expected profit and the standard deviation. However, substantial modeling of future electricity market prices and reservoir inflows is beyond the scope of this thesis. Figure 4.7 shows the average results for five different scenario trees.


4.3. Results and Discussion

Standard Deviation - Risk Aversion

Normalized Standard Deviation

Normalized Standard Deviation: 2 1.95 1.9 1.85 1.8 1.75 1.7 1.65 1.6 1.55 1.5 0










Risk Aversion: Gamma

Figure 4.7: Relationship between standard deviation of expected profit and risk-aversion factor γ. Expected Profit in relation to end-of-horizon reservoir level Lend The specification of the reservoir level Lend at the end of the model horizon clearly has a significant influence on the expected profit. The smaller Lend is, the greater the expected profit becomes as the model will release more water until the end of the horizon and hence generate more profits. Depending on the future inflows and prices in the periods after the model horizon, the operator must specify an end reservoir level Lend that somehow accounts for the water value for the time after the model horizon. In a practical environment, however, we would dynamically rerun the model each day based on an updated scenario tree. Therefore, we would also have to adapt Lend on a daily basis, which is a complex task. Instead of specifying an end reservoir level Lend , we could extend our profit function 4.2 with a value function V ( Ln ), whereas n ∈ Nend 2 could account for the potential future value of the water at the end of the model horizon. The definition of the function V ( Ln ) could be derived from a long-term estimation of water values. Another approach to deal with end-horizon effects would simply be to extend the model horizon. This way, the longer the model life becomes, the less influence the exact specification of Lend has on the expected profit.


Nend is the set of nodes n that is in the last stage at the end of the model horizon.


4. Release Model Conclusion (Summary) This thesis has provided step-by-step instructions for using the framework of stochastic programming to approach hydropower production scheduling. The paper focused especially on the practical implementation with the algebraic modeling language GAMS. As shows the first chapter, there is usually a significant gap between the actual profit generated by a hydropower operator and the theoretical maximum profit the operator could have gained if he had perfect information about reservoir inflows and electricity prices at the beginning of the year. This generates the need to develop effective production scheduling models. The second chapter showed how to use stochastic recourse models to solve an optimization problem that involves decision making under uncertainty. The basic example provided was an adapted version of the Clear Lake model, which is part of the GAMS model library. Based on our future expectations about the evolution of the reservoir inflows, we illustrated two different approaches to describe a stochastic scenario tree: namely a node-based notation and a scenario-based notation. Each approache offers specific advantages. A node-based model can be solved slightly faster than a scenario-based model, while the solution report of a scenario-based model may be interpreted in a straight-forward manner. The third chapter discussed computational issues concerning stochastic programming and showed how the model execution time rises exponentially with each additional time step added to the model horizon. We showed how the performance of GAMS is limited in creating large scenario trees by assigning memberships to dynamic sets. Therefore, the thesis introduces a treegeneration tool written in the programming language C++, which significantly speeds up the GAMS model generation phase. By outsourcing the generation of the scenario tree to the treegeneration tool, we were able to use much larger stochastic multi-stage models than would have been possible by creating the scenario tree structure within GAMS. This chapter also showed how to use the scenario reduction tool SCENRED from the GAMS standard model library, which scales down the size of a node-based multi-stage model, thereby attempting to reduce the model solution time. However, we conclude that SCENRED fails to speed up the total solution time of large multi-stage models, as the reduction time is greater than the time gain that results from the reduced scenario tree. Finally, the fourth chapter extended the Clear Lake example to a more realistic release model (”Release Model”) that determines the optimal reservoir release decision for the following production day with respect to future inflow and price expectations. The analysis showed that the Release Model produces reasonable outputs for 66

4.3. Results and Discussion a range of different input parameters and is suitable for quantifying the influence of these parameters on the expected profit and the first-stage release decision. Furthermore, the Release Model can be used to analyze the effect of different risk attitudes on the production schedule. Based on five different scenario trees as input data, the analysis showed that both the expected profit and the normalized standard deviation of the expected profit were reduced if risk-aversion was incorporated into the model. However, some aspects remain to be developed if the Release Model is to become more realistic. For example, the model could be expanded to a multi-reservoir system that includes pumping facilities, or it could take into account the nonlinear relationship between water release and power generation that was discussed in the first chapter. Furthermore, the Release Model presented in this paper included six time periods, resulting in 243 different stochastic scenarios: this allowed for three stochastic realizations per decision node. Depending on the available price and inflow forecasts, it would be interesting to compare the relative performance among models that have different model lives, including different numbers of stochastic realizations per decision node. Moreover, the thesis did not evaluate the actual performance of our Release Model (which would result from the actual yearly profit generated by applying the model for production scheduling). Such computations would have to be based on daily generated scenario trees describing the latest inflow and price expectations. This would be beyond the scope of this thesis.


Appendix A


All models used in this thesis and the treegeneration tool can be downloaded under:


A. Appendix


GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based Dynamic Set Assignment

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model, Node-based Notation $ontext Designed in the style of the Clear Lake Dam example found in the GAMS model library $offtext *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Sets are defined sets

r t n base_t(t) root(n)


Stochastic realizations (precipitation) /low,normal,high/ Time periods /dec,jan,feb,mar/ Nodes: Decision points or states in scenario tree /n1*n40/, First period /dec/, The root node: /n1/;


Probability distribution over realizations /low normal high

0.25, 0.50, 0.25/

inflow(r) Inflow under realization r /low normal high

50, 150, 350/

floodcost ’Flooding penalty cost thousand CHF/mm’ /10/, lowcost ’Water importation cost thousand CHF/mm’ /5/, l_start ’Initial water level (mm)’ /100/, l_max ’Maximum reservoir level (mm)’ /250/, r_max ’Maximum normal release in any period’ /200/; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------alias (n,child,parent); set anc(child,parent) Association of each node with corresponding parent node; anc(child,parent)$[floor((ord(child)+card(r)-2)/card(r)) eq ord(parent)] = yes; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------set nr(n,r) Association of each node with corresponding realization; nr(n,r)$[mod(ord(n)+card(r)-2,card(r))+1 eq ord(r)] = yes; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------set nt(n,t) Association of each node node with corresponding time period; loop{t, nt(n,t)$[power(card(r),ord(t)-1)/(card(r)-1) le ord(n) and ord(n) lt power(card(r),ord(t))/(card(r)-1)] = yes; }; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------set base_t(t) Define set containing first time period; base_t(t) = yes$(ord(t) =1); set root(n) Define set containing first node; root(n) = yes$(ord(n) = 1);


A.1. GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based Dynamic Set Assignment *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Calculate water inflows at each node: parameter n_inflow(n) Water inflow at each node; n_inflow(n)$[not root(n)] = sum{(nr(n,r)),inflow(r)}; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Calculate water inflows at each node: parameter n_prob(n) Probability of being at a node; n_prob(root) = 1; loop {anc(child,parent), n_prob(child) = sum {nr(child,r), pr(r)} * n_prob(parent);}; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Model logic: variable


’Expected costs’;

positive variable

L(n,t) Release(n,t) F(n,t) Z(n,t)

’Reservoir water level -- EOP’ ’Normal release of water (mm)’ ’Floodwater released (mm)’ ’Water imports (mm)’;

equations ecdef, ldef; ecdef.. EC =e= sum {nt(n,t),n_prob(n)*[floodcost*F(n,t)+lowcost*Z(n,t)]}; ldef(nt(n,t))$[not root(n)].. L(n,t) =e= sum{anc(n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(n)+Z(n,t)-Release(n,t)-F(n,t); Release.up(n,t) = r_max; L.up(n,t) = l_max; L.fx(n,base_t) = l_start; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model mincost / ecdef, ldef /; solve mincost using LP minimizing EC; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Appendix


GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based with treegen.exe

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model, Node-based Notation $ontext Designed in the style of the Clear Lake Dam example found in the GAMS model library $offtext *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Sets are defined sets

r t


Stochastic realizations (precipitation) /low,normal,high/, Time periods /dec,jan,feb,mar/; pr(r)

Probability distribution over realizations /low normal high

0.25, 0.50, 0.25/

inflow(r) Inflow under realization r /low normal high

50, 150, 350/

floodcost ’Flooding penalty cost thousand CHF/mm’ /10/, lowcost ’Water importation cost thousand CHF/mm’ /5/, l_start ’Initial water level (mm)’ /100/, l_max ’Maximum reservoir level (mm)’ /250/, r_max ’Maximum normal release in any period’ /200/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Unload the time and realization sets "t", "r" and the realization specific * probabilities "pr" into a GDX file and start treegeneration tool: $gdxout cl_in.gdx $unload t=time_set r=realization_set pr=prob $gdxout $call treegen.exe cl_in.gdx cl_out.gdx "%gams.sysdir%\" *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Read data structures describing the node-based tree: $gdxin cl_out.gdx set n $load n=n set anc(n,n) $load anc=anc set nr(n,r) $load nr=nr set nt(n,t) $load nt=nt parameter n_prob(n)


Nodes set; Predecessor-mapping for node set; Node-realization-mapping; Node-time-mapping; Nodal probabilities;

A.2. GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based with treegen.exe $load n_prob=n_prob $gdxin *------------------------------------------------------------------------------alias (n, child, parent) set base_t(t) Define set containing first time period; base_t(t) = yes$(ord(t) =1); set root(n) Define set containing first node; root(n) = yes$(ord(n) = 1); *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Calculate water inflows at each node: parameter n_inflow(n) Water inflow at each node; n_inflow(n)$[not root(n)] = sum{(nr(n,r)),inflow(r)}; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Model logic: variable positive variables

EC L(n,t) Release(n,t) F(n,t) Z(n,t)

’Expected costs’; ’Reservoir water level -- EOP’ ’Normal release of water (mm)’ ’Floodwater released (mm)’ ’Water imports (mm)’;

equations ecdef, ldef; ecdef.. EC =e= sum {nt(n,t),n_prob(n)*[floodcost*F(n,t)+lowcost*Z(n,t)]}; ldef(nt(n,t))$[not root(n)].. L(n,t)=e=sum{anc(n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(n)+Z(n,t)-Release(n,t)-F(n,t); Release.up(n,t) = r_max; L.up(n,t) = l_max; L.fx(n,base_t) = l_start; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model mincost / ecdef, ldef /; solve mincost using LP minimizing EC; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Appendix


GAMS Code Clear Lake Scenario-Based with treegen.exe

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model, Scenario-Based Notation $ontext Designed in the style of the Clear Lake Dam example found in the GAMS model library $offtext *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Sets are defined sets

r t


Stochastic realizations (precipitation) /low,normal,high/, Time periods /dec,jan,feb,mar/; pr(r)

Probability distribution over realizations /low normal high

0.25, 0.50, 0.25/

inflow(r) Inflow under realization r /low normal high

50, 150, 350/

floodcost ’Flooding penalty cost thousand CHF/mm’ /10/, lowcost ’Water importation cost thousand CHF/mm’ /5/, l_start ’Initial water level (mm)’ /100/, l_max ’Maximum reservoir level (mm)’ /250/, r_max ’Maximum normal release in any period’ /200/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Unload the time and realization sets "t", "r" and the realization specific * probabilities "pr" into a GDX file and start treegeneration tool: $gdxout cl_in.gdx $unload t=time_set r=realization_set pr=prob $gdxout $call treegen.exe cl_in.gdx cl_out.gdx "%gams.sysdir%\" *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Read data structures describing the scenario-based tree: $gdxin cl_out.gdx set s $load s=s set eq(s,t) $load eq=eq set str(s,t,r) $load str=str parameter o(s,t) $load o=offset parameter eq_prob(s,t)


Scenarios - Leaves in the event tree; Equilibrium points - Equivalent to nodes; Association of scenarios with realizations; Offset pointer; Probability to reach equilibrium point eq;

A.3. GAMS Code Clear Lake Scenario-Based with treegen.exe $load eq_prob=eq_prob $gdxin *------------------------------------------------------------------------------set root(s,t) Define the first equilibrium point; root(s,t) = yes$(ord(t) = 1 and ord(s) =1); *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Calculate water inflows at each equilibrium point: parameter eq_inflow(s,t) water delta at each node; loop(str(s,t,r)$[not root(s,t)], eq_inflow(s,t) = inflow(r)); *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Model logic: variable


’Expected value of cost’;

positive variables

L(s,t) Release(s,t) F(s,t) Z(s,t)

’Reservoir water level -- EOP’ ’Normal release of water (mm)’ ’Floodwater released (mm)’ ’Water imports (mm)’;

equations ecdef, ldef; ecdef.. EC =e= sum(eq(s,t),eq_prob(s,t)*(floodcost*F(s,t)+lowcost*Z(s,t))); ldef(eq(s,t))$[not root(s,t)].. L(s,t)=e=L(s+o(s,t-1),t-1)+eq_inflow(s,t)+Z(s,t)-Release(s,t)-F(s,t); Release.up(s,t) = r_max; L.up(eq(s,t)) = l_max; L.fx(root(s,t)) = l_start; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model mincost / ecdef, ldef /; solve mincost using LP minimizing EC; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Appendix


GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based with SCENRED

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model, designed in the style *------------------------------------------------------------------------------sets

r t


Stochastic realizations (precipitation) /low, normal, high/ Time periods /dec,jan,feb,mar/;


Probability distribution over realizations /low 0.25, normal 0.50, high 0.25 /,

inflow(r) inflow under realization r /low 50, normal 150, high 350 /, floodcost lowcost l0

’Flooding penalty cost K$/mm’ / 10 /, ’Water importation cost K$/mm’ / 5 /, ’Initial water level’ /100/;

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Unload the time and realization sets "t", "r" and the realization specific * probabilities "pr" into a GDX file and start treegeneration tool: $gdxout cl_in.gdx $unload t=time_set r=realization_set pr=prob $gdxout $call treegen.exe cl_in.gdx cl_out.gdx "%gams.sysdir%\" *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Read data structures describing the node-based tree: $gdxin cl_out.gdx set n Nodes set; $load n=n set anc(n,n) Predecessor-mapping for node set; $load anc=anc set nr(n,r) Node-realization-mapping; $load nr=nr set nt(n,t) Node-time-mapping; $load nt=nt parameter n_prob(n) Nodal probabilities; $load n_prob=n_prob $gdxin *------------------------------------------------------------------------------alias (n,child,parent) set base_t(t) Define set containing first time period; base_t(t) = yes$(ord(t) =1); set root(n) Define set containing first node; root(n) = yes$(ord(n) = 1);


A.4. GAMS Code Clear Lake Node-Based with SCENRED *------------------------------------------------------------------------------parameter n_inflow(n) Water inflow at each node; n_inflow(n)$[root(n)] = 0; n_inflow(n)$[not root(n)] = sum{(nr(n,r)),inflow(r)}; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------variable EC ’Expected value of cost’; positive variable

L(n,t) ’Level of water in dam -- EOP’ Release(n,t) ’Normal release of water (mm)’ F(n,t) ’Floodwater released (mm)’ Z(n,t) ’Water imports (mm) ’; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Create sets and parameters to save the reduced tree set r_n(n) Nodes in reduced tree r_anc(child,parent) Predecessor mapping for reduced tree parameter r_n_prob(n) Probabilities for reduced tree; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Start the scenatio reduction tool SCENRED $libinclude scenred2.gms ScenRedParms(’num_leaves’) = card(r)**(card(t)-1); ScenRedParms(’num_random’) = 1; ScenRedParms(’num_nodes’) = card(n); ScenRedParms(’num_time_steps’) = card(t); ScenRedParms(’red_percentage’) = 0.3; execute_unload ’lakein.gdx’, ScenRedParms, n, anc, n_prob, n_inflow; file opts / ’scenred.opt’ /; putclose opts ’log_file = lakelog.txt’ / ’input_gdx lakein.gdx’ / ’output_gdx = lakeout.gdx’; execute ’scenred scenred.opt %system.redirlog%’; execute_load ’lakeout.gdx’, ScenRedReport, r_n_prob=red_prob, r_anc=red_ancestor; r_n(n)$[r_n_prob(n)]= yes; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Solve the model with the reduced sets equations ecdef, ldef; ecdef.. EC =e= sum {nt(r_n,t),r_n_prob(r_n)*[floodcost*F(r_n,t)+lowcost*Z(r_n,t)]}; ldef(nt(r_n,t))$[not root(r_n)].. L(r_n,t)=e=sum{r_anc(r_n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(r_n)+Z(r_n,t)Release(r_n,t)-F(r_n,t); Release.UP(r_n,t) = 200; L.UP(r_n,t) = 250; L.FX(r_n,base_t) = 100; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------model mincost / ecdef, ldef /; solve mincost using LP minimizing EC; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Appendix


GAMS Code Release model

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------$title Stochastic, Multi-Stage Reservoir Release model *------------------------------------------------------------------------------sets r Stochastic realizations (inflow and price) /r1, r2, r3/ t Time periods /t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter pr(r) Probability distribution / r1 0.25, r2 0.50, r3 0.25/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Unload the time and realization sets "t", "r" and the realization specific * probabilities "pr" into a GDX file and start treegeneration tool: $gdxout cl_in.gdx $unload t=time_set r=realization_set pr=prob $gdxout $call treegen.exe cl_in.gdx cl_out.gdx "%gams.sysdir%\" *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Read data structures describing the node-based tree: $gdxin cl_out.gdx set n Nodes set; $load n=n set anc(n,n) Predecessor-mapping for node set; $load anc=anc set nr(n,r) Node-realization-mapping; $load nr=nr set nt(n,t) Node-time-mapping; $load nt=nt parameter n_prob(n) Nodal probabilities; $load n_prob=n_prob $gdxin *------------------------------------------------------------------------------set base_t(t) First period; base_t(t)$(ord(t)=1) = yes; set last_period(t) Last time period; last_period(t)$(ord(t) =card(t)) = yes; set root(n) First decision node; root(n)$(ord(n)=1)=yes; alias (n,child,parent); set s scenarios /s1*s243/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------set last_stage(n,t) Set containing decision nodes at the last stage; scalar tmp1; tmp1 = sum(t,power(card(r),ord(t)-1)) - power(card(r),card(t)-1); last_stage(n,t)$[ord(n) gt tmp1 and (ord(t) eq card(t))] = yes; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------set sn(n,s) linking of each scenario to its final node; scalar tmp1; tmp1 = sum(t,power(card(r),ord(t)-1)) - power(card(r),card(t)-1);


A.5. GAMS Code Release model sn(n,s)$[ord(s) = (ord(n) - tmp1)] = yes; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter duration(t) Duration of time period t in hours /t1 1 t2 7 t3 7 t4 70 t5 70 t6 210/; Parameter discount(t) Interest rate for period t /t1 1 t2 0.999465 t3 0.998531 t4 0.993409 t5 0.984157 t6 0.965939/; Table inflow_t(t,r) Changes in reservoir level for each season million [m^3] r1 r2 r3 t2 1 2 3 t3 2 3 4 t4 22 33 40 t5 30 40 50 t6 100 150 300; Table price_t(t,r) Electricity prices under each scenario per month r1 r2 r3 t2 90 88 30 t3 90 75 60 t4 80 50 45 t5 70 65 40 t6 60 55 50; Parameter

floodcost l_start inflow_1 price_1 l_max r_max_d e gamma

Flooding cost per million [m^3] /1000000/, Initial water level million [m^3] /200/, Inflow during first period t1 in million [m^3] /0.5/, Electricity price during first period t1 per MWh /90/, Maximum reservoir level million [m^3]’ /400/, Release capacity per day million [m^3]’ /6.48/ Amount of Energy per MWh /4618/ Risk aversion factor /0/;


r_max(t) Maximum release per months in million [m^3]; r_max(t) = duration(t)*r_max_d; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter n_inflow(n) Water inflow at each node; n_inflow(n) = sum{(nt(n,t),nr(n,r)), inflow_t(t,r)}; n_inflow(n)$[root(n)] = inflow_1; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter n_price(n) Price at each node; n_price(n) = sum{(nt(n,t),nr(n,r)), price_t(t,r)}; n_price(n)$[root(n)] = price_1; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------parameter piscale Profit scale factor /1e-8/; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Model logic:


A. Appendix Variable

Total_Profit U Profit(n,t)

Expected Total Profit Expected Utility Sum of profits up to node n period t;

Positive variable

L(n,t) Release(n,t) F(n,t)

Reservoir water level at node n period t Normal release of water node n period t Floodwater released node n period t;

*Constraint to avoid end-horizon-effects L.FX(last_stage) = 200; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Assign initial values to help NLP solver find solution Profit.lo(n,t) = 0.001; Profit.l(n,t) = 1; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------equations l_first_node, l_node, n_profit_1, n_profit_2, profdef, utility; *Physical reservoir balance for first node: l_first_node(nt(n,t))$[root(n)].. L(n,t) =e= l_start + n_inflow(n) - Release(n,t) - F(n,t); *Physical reservoir balance for the other nodes l_node(nt(n,t))$[not root(n)].. L(n,t) =e= sum{anc(n,parent),l(parent,t-1)}+n_inflow(n)-Release(n,t)-F(n,t); *Profit function for the first node n_profit_1(nt(n,t))$[root(n)].. profit(n,t) =e= piscale*discount(t)*[Release(n,t)*e*n_price(n)-F(n,t)*floodcost]; *Profit function for all the other nodes: Total profit up to node n time t: n_profit_2(nt(n,t))$[not root(n)].. profit(n,t) =e= sum{anc(n,parent),profit(parent,t-1)}+piscale*discount(t)* [Release(n,t)*e*n_price(n)-F(n,t)*floodcost] ; *Total expected profit profdef.. Total_Profit =e= sum {last_stage(n,t),n_prob(n)*profit(n,t)}; *Expected Utility utility.. U =e= sum(last_stage(n,t), n_prob(n)*[(profit(n,t)**(1-gamma)-1)/(1-gamma)]); *Constraints for Maximum release and reservoir height Release.up(n,t) = r_max(t); L.up(n,t) = l_max; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*model maxprof / l_first_node, l_node, n_profit_1, n_profit_2, profdef/; *solve maxprof using LP maximizing Total_Profit; model maxutil / l_first_node, l_node, n_profit_1, n_profit_2, utility/; solve maxutil using NLP maximizing U; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Display results: standard dev: *Calculate standard deviation;


A.5. GAMS Code Release model parameter standard_dev, expected_profit; expected_profit= sum{last_stage(n,t),n_prob(n)*(profit.L(n,t)/piscale)}; standard_dev = sqrt((1/(power(card(r),card(t)-1)))*sum(last_stage(n,t),n_prob(n)* power((expected_profit-(profit.L(n,t)/piscale)),2))); display standard_dev; display expected_profit; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Appendix


C++ Code Treegeneration tool

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The following procedure creates a scenario tree and unloads the structure */ /* into a gdx files. The procedure uses the GAMS API libraries which can */ /* be found in the directory apifiles in the GAMS home directory. The */ /* following command is used to compile the code wit Microsoft C/C++ compiler:*/ /* cl.exe treegen.cpp gdx/gdxco.cpp gdx/gdxcc.c opt/optco.cpp opt/optcc.c */ /* gamsx/gamsxco.cpp gamsx/gamsxcc.c -Igdx -Iopt -Igamsx -Icommon */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

"gclgms.h" "gamsxco.hpp" "gdxco.hpp" "optco.hpp"

using namespace std; using namespace GAMS; /* GAMSX, GDX, and Option objects */ GAMSX gamsx; GDX gdx; OPT opt; #define optSetStrS(os,ov) if (opt.FindStr(os,optNr,optRef)) \ opt.SetValuesNr(optNr,0,0.0,ov) #define gdxerror(i, s) { gdx.ErrorStr(i, msg); \ printf("%s failed: %s\n",s,msg); return 1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* In this section we define functions which are used to describe the /* relationship between the tree nodes and certain tree characteristics. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The following function calculates the total number of nodes in the tree: /* Input: number of periods, number of realizations /* Output: Total number of nodes /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int total_nodes(int time_steps, double realizations) { int sum=0;


A.6. C++ Code Treegeneration tool int temp1=0; for(int x=0; x