Stroke A Journal of Cerebral Circulation - Stroke Journal

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Charles H. Tegeler, Fenglin Shi, and Terumi Morgan. 1124. Basilar Branch Pontine Infarction ... Michael P. Jones, Richard E. Kerber, and Harold P. Adams Jr.
Volume 22, Number 9 September 1991


A Journal of Cerebral Circulation EDITORIAL Nihilism and Stroke Therapy Josi Biller and Betsy B. Love


PROGRESS REVIEW A Methodological Appraisal of Research on Prognosis After Transient Ischemic Attacks Walter N. Kernan, Alvan R. Feinstein, and Lawrence M. Brass


ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS Clinical and Hemodynamic Aspects of Low-Flow Infarcts Cornelius Weiller, E. Bemd Ringelstein, Werner Reiche, and Udalrich Buell


Carotid Stenosis in Lacunar Stroke Charles H. Tegeler, Fenglin Shi, and Terumi Morgan


Basilar Branch Pontine Infarction With Prominent Sensory Signs Cathy M. Helgason and Andrew C. Wilbur


A Pilot Study of Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment of Human Stroke David C. Anderson, Anthony G. Bottini, Waclav M. Jagiella, Beryl Westphal, Sandra Ford, Gaylan L. Rockswold, and Ruth B. Loewenson


Ischemic Cerebrovascular Complications and Risk Factors in Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis James W. Russell, Josi Biller, Zina D. Hajduczok, Michael P. Jones, Richard E. Kerber, and Harold P. Adams Jr.


Assessment of Cerebral Autoregulation Dynamics From Simultaneous Arterial and Venous Transcranial Doppler Recordings in Humans RuneAaslid, David W. Newell, Renate Stooss, Wilhelm Sorteberg, and Karl-Fredrik Lindegaard


Use of Sonography to Evaluate Carotid Atherosclerosis in the Elderly: The Cardiovascular Health Study Daniel H. O'Leary, Joseph F. Polak, Sidney K. Wolfson Jr., M. Gene Bond, William Bommer, Sheila Sheth, Bruce M. Psaty, A. Richey Sharrett, and Ten A. Manolio


Hemorheological Factors in Cerebral Ischemia Mark Fisher and Herbert J. Meiselman


Effects of Nicardipine on Cerebral Vascular Responses to Hypocapnia and Blood Flow Velocity in the Middle Cerebral Artery Masahiko Kawaguchi, Hitoshi Furuya, Koukkhi Kurehara, and Man Yamada 1170 Cerebrovascular Disease in Saudi Arabia Basim A. Yaqub, Abdul Rahman Shamena, Taiyewo M. Kolawole, and Pravinchandra J. Patel


STROKE A JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL CIRCULATION (ISSN 0039-2499) is published monthly by the American Heart Association, 7320 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231-4599. For rates in Japan, contact Nankodo Co., Ltd., 42-6 Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. In the United States, individuals may subscribe for their personal use at the following annual rates: $74 for members of an American Heart Association scientific council and $92 for nonraembers. Outside the United States, add $42 for postage. Contact AHA for single-copy rates and subscription rates for medical professionals in training and for libraries, reading rooms, and other multiple-use institutions. Second class postage paid at Dallas, Texas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to STROKE A JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL CIRCULATION, American Heart Association, 7320 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231-4599.

Mechanisms of Impaired Endothelium-Dependent Cerebral Vasodilatation in Response to Bradykinin in Hypertensive Rats Shuh-Tsong Yang, William G. Mayhan, Frank M. Faraci, and Donald D. Heistad Activation of the Protein Kinase C-Mediated Contractile System in Canine Basilar Artery Undergoing Chronic Vasospasm Tohru Matsui, Makoto Sugawa, Hiroo Johshita, Yoh Takuwa, and Takao Asano Quicker Metabolic Recovery After Forebrain Ischemia in Rats Treated With the Antioxidant U74006F Olav Haraldseth, Terje Gr0nas, and Geirmund Unsgard Conjugated Superoxide Dismutase Reduces Extent of Caudate Injury After Transient Focal Ischemia in Cats Naoki Matsumiya, Raymond C. Koehler, Jeffrey R. Kirsch, and Richard J. Traystman





CASE REPORTS Severe Anemia Associated With Transient Neurological Deficits Amir Shahar and Menachem Sadeh Recurrent Embolic Stroke and Cocaine-Related Cardiomyopathy Curtis M. Sauer

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CURRENT CONCEPTS OF CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE AND STROKE Cardiac Imaging in Stroke Charles H. Tegeler and Thomas R. Downes


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cerebral Arterial Thrombosis Preceding Ulcerative Colitis Philippe G. Jorens, Colette R. Delvigne, Colette R. Hermans, Israel Haber, Jan Holvoet, Peter P. De Deyn Aspirin and Hemorrhagic Stroke Nancy E. Mayo, Adrian R. Levy, Mark S. Goldberg The Lacune Hypothesis Carlo Loeb ABSTRACTS OF LITERATURE NEWS FROM THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MEETINGS CALENDAR Domestic Abroad

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Announcement Mark L. Dyken, MD, will be Editor of Stroke for five years beginning January 1, 1992. Effective October 1, 1991, all new manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to Dr. Dyken at the following address: Mark L. Dyken, MD Stroke Editorial Office 326-B Scaife Pittsburgh, PA 15261 Until Dr. Dyken's Stroke office is in place in Indianapolis, the managing editor will receive all manuscripts in Pittsburgh and forward them to Dr. Dyken in Indianapolis.