Structural Determination of Bacterial Nodulation Factors Involved in

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Jun 15, 2006 - root hair deformation specifically on alfalfa at a con- centration less than .... (1 mg/liter), thiamine (1 mg/liter) and a nod gene inducer (luteolin,. 10 p ~ ) . ..... products and not to a ketene loss (42 mass units) in the gas phase.

OF BIOLOGICALCHEMISTRY 1991 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

Vol. 266, No. 17, Issue of .June 15, pp. 10933-10940, 1991 Printed in U.S . A .

Structural Determination of Bacterial Nodulation Factors Involved in the Rhizobium meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis* (Received for publication, November 5 , 1990)

Philippe Roche$, Patrice LerougeS, Christian Ponthusg, andJean-Claude Prome$!l From the $Centre de Recherche de Biochimie et GenetiqueCellulaires d u Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 118 Route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse and the SSanofi-Recherche 195, Route d’Espagne 31036 Toulouse, France

Extracellular signals produced by Rhizobium meliEven though the Rhizobium-legumes symbiosis has received loti are able to induce roothair deformations and nod- a great deal of attention, relatively little is known about the ule organogenesis on alfalfa. The production of these molecular mechanisms of this interaction. Previous studies signals is controlled by bacterial nod genes. To enable have shown that common and specific nod genes determine their isolation in significant amounts, an overproducing strain was constructed. These Nod factors were the production of extracellular symbiotic signals involved in first extracted by butanol from the culture medium and the root hair deformation (Had’ phenotype) (and exhibiting further purified by reverse-phase high performance the same hostspecificity as the bacterium(5-7).) This paper describes the first isolation of symbiotic signals liquid chromatography, ion-exchange, and Sephadex LH-20 chromatographies. The structure of the major from the cell-free filtrate of R. meliloti and the determination signal, called NodRm- 1, was determined by mass spec- of their structure.A preliminary report concerningmainly the trometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, 35Slabeling, biological aspects of this work has been published (8). chemical analysis, and enzymatic degradation, and was shown to be a sulfated and acylated tetramer of EXPERIMENTALPROCEDURES glucosamine namely, @-~-GlcpN(2,9-hexadecadieAnalytical Methods noyl)-(1+4)-@-~-GlcpNAc-(1-,4)-@-~-Glc p NAc - (1 + 4)- D - GlcpNAc-6-SOsH. HPLC was carried out on Waters model 510 pumps, a Waters AnotherNod factor (called Ac-NodRm-1) was co- model 660 solvent programer, and a Sbimatzu model SPD-6A variable purified and identified as NodRm-1 acetylated on the wavelength detector. C-6 of the nonreducing end sugar. NodRm-1 elicits Gas chromatography was performed on a Girdel series 30 (He; 0.7 root hair deformation specifically on alfalfa at a con- atm) equipped with a OV1 capillary column (0.32 mm X 30 m, Spiral centration less than 10”’ M but has no effect on vetch France), a Rossinjector, and a flame ionization detector. (a heterologous host plant). MassSpectrometrJ.-Mass spectra were recordedon a ZAB-2E reverse geometry instrument by cesium ion-induced desorption(liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry). Inpositive mode of ionization, the matrix was a 1:l mixture of m-nitrohenzylalcohol and glycerol, containing 1% of trifluoroacetic acid. Thioglycerol was the matrix for Some microorganisms establish parasitic or symbiotic re- negativeionionization.Collision activation dissociation spectra lationships with plants. Gram-negative soil bacteria of the (CAD) were recorded using the B/E-linkedscan method. The location genus Rhizobium are able to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on of double bonds by remote charge fragmentation was carried out on the roots of leguminous plants (see Ref. 1 for recent review). a ZAB-HS instrument, coupled with capillary GC. The dissociative This partnershipis specific: a particular bacteriumwill invade electron capture of pentafluorobenzyl esters followed by CAD/MIKE and form nodules onlyon some host plants and not on others.spectrometry of the carboxylate ionswas performed as described (10). Thus Rhizobium meliloti can only nodulate Medicago, Meli- The reactant gas for negative chemical ionization was methane and lotus, and Trigonella species. The development of nitrogen- the collision gas was helium. N M R - ’H NMR was obtained on a Bruker AM-300WB spectromfixing nodules is a complex process including root hair deforeter (reference: tetramethyl silane; 293 K). A one-dimensional specmation,infectionthreadformationwithinroothairs,and trum was recorded by using 35 pulses and a repetition rate of 3 s. nodule organogenesis. Relatively few bacterial-encoded genes Sample was dissolved in CD:[OD at a concentration of 4 mg/0.3 ml, are required for the nodule initiationand development. and 128 scanswere accumulated. Two-dimensional correlation specAmong these genes, thenodulation ( n o d ) genes (2, 3) are troscopy (COSY) was performed using 256X (9O0-tl-90”-acquisiinvolved in the earliest stages of the infection process. Nod tion(t2)) sequences of 128 scans. The spectrum was recorded using a genes are classified into three groups: the common nod genes 256 X 1024 points time domain matrixover 1874 Hz along the t l and which are conserved in most Rhizobium species, the specific t2 directions.”IC NMR (’H decoupled) was obtained on a Bruker ACnod genes that determine the host specificity of nodulation, 200 spectrometer using 50 pulses and a repetition rate of 1 s. The and the regulatory nod genes nodD1, nodD2, nodD3, and sample was dissolved in D,O at a concentration of 10 mg/3 ml and 14,000 scans were accumulated.

SyrM. Expression of common and specific nod genes is strongly enhanced in the presence of flavonoid compounds that are exuded from the roots of the host plants(4).

* T h i s work is funded by a ConseilRegionalde Midi-Pyrhees grant. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the paymentof page charges. This article must therefore hereby be marked “aduertisernent” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. ll T o whom correspondence should be addressed.

’ The abbreviations used are: Had, hair deformation; NodRm-1, nodulation factor of R. meliloti; Ac-NodRm-1, acetylated NodRm-1; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography; GC, gas chromatography; GC-MS, gas chromatography combined to mass spectrometry;GC-MS-MS, gas chromatography combined torandom wall spectrometry; CAD/MIKE, collision-activated dissociation-mass analyzed ion kinetic energy; LSIMS, liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry; COSY, correlation spectroscopy; GlcpNAc, 2-deoxy-2-acetamido glucopyranose.



Nodulation Factors

in the R. meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis

Cell Cultures Both wild type and overproducing Exo-EJ355(pGMI149) R. meliloti strains were grown on a liquid minimal medium (11) containing sodium glutamate (1 g/liter), sodium succinate (2 g/liter), a vitamin mixture containing biotin (0.5 mg/liter), inositol (0.5 mg/liter), nicotinic acid (1mg/liter), calcium pantothenate (1 mg/liter), pyridoxine (1 mg/liter), thiamine (1 mg/liter) and a nod gene inducer (luteolin, 10 p ~ ) Log . phase cultures (5 X lo8 colony-forming units/ml) were centrifuged and sterilized through a 0.45-pm filter membrane. For the '"S-labeling experiment, the culturemedium (250 ml) was supplemented with 25 pCi of [RsS]sodiumsulfate.

reagents were removed by evaporation. The perfluorobenzyl esters were dissolved in hexane (100 pl) and analyzed by negative ion GCMS-MS aspreviously described (10). Chemical Synthesis of ZE,SZ-Hexadecadienoic Acid

A solution of methyl diethylphosphonoacetate (250 mg) in 5 ml of dry tetrahydrofuran was added dropwise to a suspension of sodium hydride (30 mg) in the same solvent (20 ml) under nitrogena t room temperature. After 20 min, a solution of 7Z-tetradecenal (210 mg, Sigma)in 2 ml of tetrahydrofuran wasadded, andthe reaction mixture was stirred for 2 h. After addition of 100 ml of water, the ester was extracted twice with 100 ml of diethyl ether. The organic phase was concentrated to dryness and the residue obtained chroNod Factors Purification matographed on a silica gel column. Methyl 2E,SZ-hexadecadienoate 10 liters of culture medium were extracted twice with 2 liters of was eluted with a 9:l hexane-ethyl acetatemixture. butanol. The butanol phasewas concentrated to dryness, theresidue 'H NMR (CDCl&O.87 ppm (t, 3H); 1.2-1.5 ppm (m, 14H); 2.00 was then dissolved in 0.5 liter of water, and washed twice with 0.5 ppm (m, 4H);2.18 ppm (m, 2H);3.71 ppm (s, 3H); 5.33 ppm (m, 2H); liter of ethyl acetate. The aqueous fraction was concentrated and 5.80 ppm (d, l H , J = 15.6Hz) and 6.96 ppm (dt, 1 H, J = 7.0 and 15.6 lyophilized. Nod factors were first purified by HPLC on a semipre- Hz). parative CISreverse-phase column (7.5 X250 mm, pBondapak, 10 pm, 13C NMR (CDClJ6 (ppm) 14.1 (C16); 22.7 (C15); 27.1 (C5); 27.3 Waters associates) using a linear gradient from water/ethanol(8020) (C6); 28.0 (C7); 28.8 (C12); 29.1 ('213); 29.5 (Cll); 29.8 (C8); 31.8 to ethanol, a t a flow-rate of 2 ml/min. The UV absorbance at 220 nm (C14); 32.3 (C4); 51.4 (OCH,); 120.9 (C2); 129.5 (C9); 130.3 (C10); was monitored (Fig. la). The biologically active fraction was then 149.8 (C3); 167.0 (Cl). applied toa 1 X 20-cm Sephadex LH-20column (Pharmacia, Sweden) Accurate mass measurementof the methyl esterby electron impact eluted with ethanol and previously calibrated with polyethyleneglymass spectrometry, M+. a t m/z = 266.2267. Calculated for CI7Ha,O2, cols. The flow rate was 4 ml/h (Fig. lb). Further purification was 266.2244. infrared spectrum, = o, : 1720 cm-'. done by HPLC ona DEAE column (4.6 X 150mm; Spherisorb 5 corresponding acid was obtained by alkaline hydrolysis (KOH SAX; Biochrom) with a lineargradientfrom lo-" to 5 X lo-' M 5%The methanol, 2 h, 70 "C) andextractedwithdiethyletherafter ammonium acetate in ethanol, a t a flow-rate of 1 ml/min (Fig IC). neutralization (negative Fab-MS, M-H- a t m/z = 251). Final purification was achieved on an analytical CI8 reverse-phase column(4.6 X 250 mm, 5 pm (Spherisorb,Sociiti!Francaise de Methylation Analysis of NodRm-l Chromato Colonne)usingisocratic conditions(water/acetonitrile Reduced NodRm-1 was desulfated by mild methanolysis using 0.05 (80:20); flow rate, 1 ml/min, UV detection 220 nm, Fig. Id). This last HPLC separation resolved the active fraction into two UV-absorbing N HC1 in methanol, overnight at room temperature (12). About 1 mg of desulfated and reduced NodRm-1 was permethylated according to peaks.From 4 liters of culture medium of R. meliloti Exo(EJ355)pGMI149, about4 mg of purified Nod factors were isolated . the Hakomori procedure (13). Hydrolysis, reduction, and acetylation were performed according to literature (14). The permethylated oligosaccharide was hydrolyzed in 0.3 ml of 0.5 N sulfuric acid in 95% Carbohydrate Determination acetic acid a t 80 "C overnight. The reaction mixturewas then mixed The active fraction was hydrolyzed by 3 N aqueous hydrochloric with 0.3 ml of water and heated at 80 "C for an additional 5 h. The acid a t 100 "C. After drying under nitrogen, the residue was treated hydrolysate was passedthrough a AG3X4A column, followed by with 1 N hydrogen chloride in anhydrous methanol for 1 h at 80 "C. NaBH4 reduction and acetylation. Partially methylated alditol aceThe methyl glycosides thus obtained were acetylated by an acetic tates were analyzed by GC-electrom impact mass spectrometry. anhydride/pyridine (1:l) mixture for 2 h a t 50 "C. The resulting 1OMe glycoside peracetates were analyzed by GC on an OV1 column. Deacetylation of Ac-NodRm-1 The a- and0-anomers were identified both by coinjection with 1 mg of the biologically active fraction, containing both NodRm-l standardcompoundsandfromtheelectronimpactmassspectra obtained by combined GC-MS. Glucosamine was assigned to the D- and Ac-NodRm-1,was treated with1 ml of 0.5 N NaOMe in methanol was acidifiedbyaceticacid and series by GC analysis of its peracetylated2-butyl glycosides prepared at 40 "C for 1 h.Themixture by using (-)-2-butanol or (+/-)-2-butanol insteadof methanol in the evaporated to dryness. The residue was dissolved in 1 ml of water and applied to a Clx Sep Pak cartridge. After washing with water, procedure described above. On nonchiral stationary phases, the enantiomeric (+)-2-butyl D-glycosides and (-)-2-butyl L-glycosides are NodRm-l was eluted with 3 ml of methanol. eluted together. Therefore, the peaksderived from the (+/-)-2-butyl Hydrolysis by Chitinase glycosides of D-glucosamine could be assigned as (-)-2-butyl glycosides of L - and D- glucosamine (9). Hydrolysate of NodRm-l reacted Chitinase from Streptomyces griseus(2 units, Sigma, 10 units/mg) with (-)-2-butanol to afford only (-)-2-butyl D-glycoside as shown was added to a solution of 1 mg of NodRm-l in 0.5 ml of a 0.05 M by coinjection with authentic compound. citric acid 0.1 N Na,HPO, buffer (pH = 6.6) a t 37 "C(15).The NaBH, Reduction and Hydrogenation-Nod factors (1 mg) were reaction was monitored by HPLC from aliquots taken up a t regular reduced by 1.0M sodium borohydride in a 1:l water/methanol mixture time intervals (C18reverse-phase column, linear solvent gradient from (300 pl) overnight at room temperature. The reaction was stopped by a 80:20 water/acetonitrile mixture to pure acetonitrile, UV detection addition of a few drops of glacial acetic acid and then coevaporated a t 220 nm). three times with 1 ml of methanol to remove methyl borate. The residue was dissolved in a small volume of water and applied to a Bioassays Sep-Pak cartridgepacked with C18reverse-phase (Waters associates). Specific root hair deformation (Had activity)was tested on alfalfa Washing with water removed sodium salts, and reduced NodRm-1 (Medicago sativa) (6) and on vetch (Vicia sativa subsp. nigra) (16). was subsequently eluted with methanol (5 ml). Catalytic hydrogenationwas performed over 10% Pd/C catalyst in Fractions were serially diluted and a minimum of 10 plants were observed for each dilution. methanol for 1 h a t 25 "C. The catalyst was filtered off, and the hydrogenated reduced NodRm-1 was collectedby solvent evaporation. tqC


Fatty Acid Analysis

Isolation of Nod Factors-Purification of the extracellular Fatty acids were released from Nod factors by saponification (KOH symbiotic signals NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1 from R. meliloti 696, 18 h, 80 "C), acidification, and extraction into diethyl ether. was followed by the specific root hair deformation on alfalfa Methyl esters were prepared by reaction with diazomethane. The (Had activity) (6). Our preliminary attempts to isolate Nod perfluorobenzyl derivatives were synthesized by dissolving fatty acids (0.1-0.5 mg) in a mixture of dry methanol (10 pl) and acetonitrile (50factors from thewild type bacterial strainwere unsuccessful. pl) followed by the addition of pentafluorobenzyl bromide (2 pl) and Although Hadactivity was detectedin several chromatodiisopropylethylamine ( 2 pl). After 1 h at room temperature,the graphic fractions no significant UV or light scattering detector

Nodulation Factors in the R. meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis


r . responses could be observed. Thus, an overproducing strain was constructed by genetic engineering (8). This Exo-EJ355(pGMI149) strain did notproduce acidic exopolysaccharides which can interfere with the isolation of Nod factors. The pGMI149 plasmid carries the common and specific nod genes, as well as three regulatorygenes, nodD1, nodD3, and syrM cloned in an Inc-P1vector present a t 5-10 copies/cell (1, 17, 18). The filtered culture medium from this strain exhibited a strong Had activity which was fully recovered in a butanol extract but remained water-soluble on ethyl acetate extraction. The butanol-soluble and ethyl acetate-insoluble extract from a 10-liter culturewas first fractionated ona preparative Clxreverse-phase column using a water-ethanol gradient(Fig. la). Theactivity corresponded toa wide UV-absorbing peak (220 nm). The pooled active fractions were submitted to gel permeation ona Sephadex LH-20column in ethanol. Activity was recovered in a broad peak, eluting with a molecular weight of 1100-1500 relatively to polyethyleneglycol calibration (Fig. 1c Id lb). This fraction was further purified on a DEAE-trisrzryl column, using an ammonium acetate gradient in ethanol (Fig. IC). FinalpurificationonananalyticalCl8reverse-phase HPLC column resolved Nod factors intwo close peaks, both exhibiting Had activity(Fig. Id). Chemical andspectroscopic analyses of these two peaks are described below. The direct evidence that UV-absorbing peaks are related to Nod factors was produced by a comparative purification from a culture medium of a R. meliloti mutant where the nodABC operon was inactivated by a nodA::Tn5 insertion. This mutant was unable to synthesize Nod factors. Neither of the two UVabsorbingpeaks were detected, nor did the corresponding HPLC fractions exhibited any Had activity. Constituent Analysis of Nod Factors-Complete acidic hydrolysis (3 N HCl, 3 h, 100 “C), followed by treatment with acidic methanol and acetylation (see “Experimental ProceL dures”), afforded an anomeric mixtureof methyl N-acetylgluI1 10 io m i n 0 20 40 m i n cosamine (GlcNAc) peracetate as determined by capillary GC. FIG. 1. Purification of Nod factors. Regions between arrows Glucosamine was assigned to the D-seriesfrom the GC analycorrespond to fractions leading toHadactivity. a, reverse-phase sis of its peracetylated (-)-2-butyl glycoside (9) (see “Exper- chromatography of the butanol extract at a preparative scale (7. 5 X imental Procedures”). Sodium borohydride reduction of the 250 mm, 10 p m , ClxpBondapak, Waters associates). Linear gradient Nod factors (mixtureof the two HPLC peaks)gave a product from A (H,O-EtOH:80-20) to B (EtOH) (flow rate of 2 ml/min; UV which behaved as a single peak on an analytical Clsreverse- detection, 220 nm). b, gel permeation chromatography on a Sephadex phase HPLC. Water-soluble compounds from a mild acidic LH-20 column (1 X 20 cm, Pharmacia) in EtOH at a flow rate of 4 ml/hand UV detection at 220 nm. The column was previously methanolysis of this reduced compound, followed by a water- calibrated using polyethyleneglycols (PEG)as size markers. c, HLPC methylene chloride partition, were identified as a mixture of on a DEAE column (4. 6 X 150 mm, Spherisorh 5 SAX, Biochrom). 1 - 0 methyl N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylglucosaminitol. Linear gradient from A:10-,’’M to B:5.10” M ammonium acetate in The methylene chloride-soluble compounds were pertrime- ethanol in 20 min (flow rate, 1 ml/min; UV detection, 220 nm). d, thylsilylated andanalyzed by electron impact-mass spectrom- reverse-phase C,, chromatography on an analytical column (4 6 X etry. The main characteristic fragments at m/z = 204 and m/ 250 mm, 5 pm Spherisorb); inject amount, 300 pg; (isocratic conditions: H20-CH:iCN:80-20 (flow rate, 1 ml/min; UV detection, 220 z = 365 were attributed respectively to the C3C4 and C2C3 nm) parts of an hexosamine moiety which was N-acylated by a bis-unsaturated CI6 fattyacid (19) (Fig. 2). The structure of In order to avoid any acid-catalyzed isomerization, fatty this N-acylated hexosaminewas confirmed by chemical deg- acids were releasedfrom NodRm-1 by alkaline hydrolysis. radations. After catalytic hydrogenationfollowed by complete Their carbon chain length and the number of double bonds methanolysis and acetylation both 1-0 methyl glucosamine were deduced from a GC-electrom impact mass spectrometry peracetateandmethylpalmitate were identified (a small analysis of their methyl esters (data not shown). A major amount of methyl stearate was also detected). doubly unsaturated CI6 fatty acid was identified. However, These chemical modifications showed that the two close other saturated and monounsaturated CI6 and Clx fatty acids peaks observedin thefinalHPLCpurification (Fig. I d ) were also detected as minor compounds. The location of the corresponded to wand p-anomers at thereducing end of the double bonds in the CIe2 fatty acid was deduced from the oligosaccharide. A similar separation of anomers of GlcNAc CAD/MIKE spectrum (Fig. 3) of its carboxylate anion. This oligomers has been previously observed (20). The monosac- ion was generated from dissociative electron capture ionizacharide analysis also clearly established the presence of re- tion of its perfluorobenzylester, after capillary gas chromatogducingandnonreducing glucosamines, and a nonreducing raphy (negative ion GC-MS-MS) as previously described (10). glucosamine which was N-acylated by a bis-unsaturated CI6 The fragmentation pattern allowed the location of the two fatty acid. double bonds on positions2 and 9, respectively (Fig. 3). From


Nodulation Factors in the R. meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis


sium ion-induced desorption (LSIMS) produced a pseudomolecular ion M+H' a t m/z = 1103 inthe positive ion spectrum (Fig. 4a) and a M+ H' ion at m/z = 1101 in the negative ion spectrum. Another ion of lower intensity was also detected at 42 mass units higher using both modes of ionization. After a mildbasic treatment (NaOMe/MeOH 0.5 N, 40 "C,1 h) of Nod factors, only m/z = 1103 was observed in the positive mode. Therefore, the ion at 42 mass units higher was attributed to an acetylated form. Because of the large variability






1802 1103 I


FIG. 2. Characteristic fragments in the electron impact mass spectrum from the pertrimethylsilyl derivative of the 10 methyl N-acylated glucosamine obtained by methanolysis of NodRm- 1. 900





599 396

400 I



100 200






1103 1023








FIG. 3. CAD/MIKE spectrum of the deprotonated molecular anion from the bis-unsaturated Cle:2 fatty acid isolated by alkaline hydrolysis of Nod factors. T h e deprotonated molecular





ion was generated from electroniccapture of pentafluorobenzyl esters in a GC-MS-MS experiment.

right to left are five regularly spaced signals corresponding to 641 the group of five methylenes between the terminal methyl group and the first double bond. The five signals, after the 438 set of three weak ones, indicated the presenceof five successive methylene groups between the two double bonds. The intense ion a t m/z = 83 was attributed to theallylic cleavage at the conjugated double bond. To confirm this structure, the 2E,SZ-hexadecadienoic acid was synthesized. The methyl ester of this synthetic compoundbehaved similarly on capillary FIG. 4. a, positive ions cesium-induced desorption mass spectrum GC. Moreover, its carboxylate ion exhibited the same frag- (LSIMS) of purified Nod factors. b, metastable fragmentation (B/E mentation pattern in negative CAD/MIKE spectrometry. linked scan) of protonated NodRm-l ( m / z = 1103). c, metastable Mass Spectrometry-Ionization of the Nod factors by ce- fragmentation of protonated Ac-NodRm-l ( m / z = 1145).


Nodulation Factors

in the R. meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis


le between the relative abundance of the acetylated and unacet452 6 97 ylated molecular ions according to theorigin of the sample, it "lek 1257 seems likely that these two ions correspond to two different products and not to a ketene loss (42 mass units) in the gas .e phase. Moreover, no ketene loss was observed in the CAD spectrum of theprotonatedacylatedproduct.Wenamed NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1 the corresponding Nod factors. IC IC I. Two intense fragments at m/z = 1023 and m/z = 1065 were observed in the positive ion spectrum arising from the decomo lo position of the protonated molecularions,respectively, of NodRm-1 and its acetylated formAc-NodRm-1. These 80 452 mass unitlosses were confirmed by metastable fragmentation (B/E linked scan;Fig. 4b). This suggested a lossof a SO3(21). T h e presence of a sulfate group was further demonstrated by growing thebacteriain amedium containing ["S]sodium E sulfate whichled to ahigh incorporation of "'S into Nod factors (8). Other fragment ions were also observed both in (M+Nai the positive ionspectrum (Fig. 4a) and in the collision-induced 1257 697 dissociation of the protonated molecular ions (Fig. 4b). The 942 ions at m/z = 396, 599, and 802, arising from thedecomposition of NodRm-1, were attributed to the cleavages of glycosisic bonds from a N-acetylglucosamine sequence: the difference of 203 mass units between these fragments corresponded to 500 700 900 GlcNAc residues (22). The fragment ion at m/z = 396 was FIG. 5. Positive ion LSIMS of permethylated, reduced, and assigned to the oxonium ion from a glucosamine residue N- desulfated NodRm- 1. acylated by a CIe2 fattyacid. A similar pattern, shifted upby 42 mass units was observed in the collision-induced dissociation spectrum of the MH' from Ac-NodRm-1 (Fig. 4c). This result allowed the location of the acetyl group on the glucosamine at the nonreducing end. These fragmentation patterns a linear glucosaminyl sequence possessing are consistant with a sulfate function on thereducing sugar, a N-acylated glucosamine at the nonreducing end and three consecutive Nacetylglucosamine moieties. This structure was confirmed by the negative ion spectra. This spectrum exhibited cleavages at each glycosidic linkage leading to fragment ions at m/z = 300,503, and 706 for both products. Because of the acidity of ! j ! I I ! the sulfategroup, charge retentionoccurs at thereducing end residue. Ion at m/z = 300 corresponded toa deprotonated and sulfated N-acetylglucosamine and the other ions successive to additions of anhydro N-acetylglucosamine moieties. The reducing character of Nod factors was confirmed by positive ion LSIMS of their sodium borohydride reduction products. Thus, NaBD4 reactionled to both complete reduction of theanomericcarbonsand0-deacetylation of Ac! NodRm-1. The mass spectrum of reduced Nod factors showed B =".- !m a shift of three mass units for both the pseudomolecular ion I of NodRm-1 and for the fragment corresponding to the loss of SO, from this ion, whereas all other fragment ions remained at the same m/z values. Acetylated analogues were no longer detected. FIG. 6. One-dimensional and two-dimensional 'H NMR of Location of the linkages sites between the glucosamine the mixture of NodRm- 1 and Ac-NodRm- 1 in CD,OD. residues was determined by methylation analysis. The permethylation reaction was carried out on the desulfated and substituted glucosamine at the reducing end, (1, 4) linked reduced NodRm-1 (see "Experimental Procedure") (13).The glucosamines as intermediarysequence, and a glucosamine at permethylated oligosaccharide analyzed by Fab-MSspecthe nonreducing end. trometry, showed a pseudomolecular ion M+Na' at m/z = NMR Analysis-The one-dimensional IH NMR spectrum 1257 (Fig. 5) corresponding to the introductionof 15 methyl was realized on the mixture of NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1 groups. Fragment ions corresponding to glycosidic cleavages (Fig. 6). Sugar ring protons appeared between 3.4-3.9 ppm. at m/z = 942, 697, and 452 were also detected. Hydrolysis of Five downfield signals were assigned to protonsdeshielded by the permethylated product,followed by the formation of the either the acetateor the sulfate function. The three signals at alditol acetates (14) afforded three partially methylated N- 6 = 3.90, 4.07, and 4.26 ppm which remained unchanged after acetylated glucosaminitol acetates which were identified by 0-deacetylation were assigned respectively to H5, H6a, and GC-electron impact mass spectrometry, as 0-methylated on H6b of the sugar bearing the sulfate function as determined positions 1, 2, 3, 6; 2, 3, 6; and 2, 3, 4, 6. These partially by the connectivity pattern of the two-dimensional-COSY methylated and acetylated sugars indicatedrespectively a 4- spectrum (24, 25) (Fig. 7). The two signals at 6 = 4.16 and

9- I



Nodulation Factors in the R. meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis



! ! !


FIG. 8. Fully decoupled 13C NMR of NodRm-1 in D,O.

and 6C1(1P) = 97.8 ppm). The linkage modes between the glucosamine residueswere deduced fromthe down-field chemical shift of linked C4 (6C4 = 81.8-82.0 ppm). All the other m 0 L ring-carbon resonanceswere in agreement with the literature 5.0 4.5 4.0 ppm data except C6 of the sugar bearing the sulfate group which FIG. 7. One-dimensional and two-dimensional 'H NMR of appeared 5 ppm downfield (6C6(1) = 68.7 ppm) as already the 3.30-5.30 ppm region. reported (26). Enzymatic Hydrolysis by Chitinme-From permethylation 4.46 ppm disappeared completely after mild basic treatment. analysis and NMR data, NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1 were From the connections observed in thetwo-dimensional-COSY shown to possess P(1-4) N-acetylglucosaminelinkages as spectrum, they were assigned to the H6a' and H6b' of the chitin. Exochitinase fromStreptomycesgriseus cleaved seacetylated nonreducing end sugar of Ac-NodRm-1. After 0- quentially P(1+4)GlcNAc bonds. However, it was known that deacetylation, nochange was observed in thesignals assigned the replacement of a N-acetyl group by a N-fatty acyl one t o aliphatic and anomeric protons. Thus, all others assigments precludes the correspondinghydrolysis of the glycosidic bond are common to NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1. Four olefinic (15). In order to present an additionalevidence for the proprotons were assigned to thetwo doublebonds of the aliphatic posed structure, NodRm-1 was submitted to chitinase hychain.Two signals were attributedtoan Edouble bond drolysis. The degradation was monitored by reverse-phase conjugated with the carbonyl functionof the fattyacid amide HPLC (see "Experimental Procedures"). After 18 h of reac(6H2' = 5.95 ppm, "J = 15 Hz, and 6H3' = 6.83 ppm, dt, ' J tion time, NodRm-1 disappeared completely and two more hydrophobic and UV-absorbing compounds were detected. = 7 and 15 Hz). Thetwo magnetically equivalent protons of the internal double bond appeared as a single signal (6H9'- The positive ion mass spectrum (LSIMS) of these two products showedpseudomolecular ions at m/z = 617 and 820, H10' = 5.32 ppm, 2 H, t). Thefatty acid chainproton assignments were achieved by two-dimensional 'H NMR corresponding respectively to the di- and trisaccharide bearing COSY (Fig. 6). From olefinic protons, successive correlations the nonreducing endof NodRm-1. After 2 days of enzymatic were observed with allylic methylene protons ("H8',Hll' = digestion, only the disaccharidecould be detected. This result 2.05 and "H4' = 2.30 ppm), other aliphatic protons(" = 1.30- confirmed both the presence of P ( 1 4 ) G l c N A c linkages in of the sulfate function on the reducing 1.60 ppm) and terminal methyl protons(" = 0.90 ppm). Such NodRm-1, the location GlcNAc, and the presence of a N-acyl group on the glucosaa connectivity pattern was in agreement with the bis-unsaturated C16structure of the side chain. The resonances from mine at the nonreducingend. Biological Actiuity-Both the purified NodRm-1 and the anomeric protons showed three doublets ( " = 4.50-4.65 ppm, mixture NodRm-1/Ac-NodRm-1 exhibited specific root hair "J = 8.5 Hz) assigned to three H1 of P-interglycosidic linkages (Fig. 7) and a doublet at = 5.05 ppm (3J= 3.4 Hz) attributed deformation on alfalfa from lo-' M to lo-" M concentrations. t o H - l a of the reducing sugar, according to data previously However, all attempts toget pure Ac-NodRm-1 were unsuccessful; thus, we cannot define the contribution of this signal reported on 'H NMR assigment of GlcNAc oligomers (23). The structure of NodRm-1 was confirmed by the analysis in the effects observed on plants. of the fully decoupled 1'3CNMR spectrum after O-deacetylaDISCUSSION tion (Fig. 8). Chemical shifts of all carbons of the aliphatic sidechain were in agreement with the proposed strucNodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1 are the first structurally identure:conjugateddouble bond (6C2' = 125and 6C3' = 155 tified Rhizobium nodulation factors. Their production is conppm) and internal double bond (6C9' and C10' = 133 ppm). trolled by the nod genes of R. meliloti. A nod A::Tn5 insertion Assignments for the oligosaccharidic carbons were proposed completely suppressed both biological activity of the culture according to a previous report on 13C NMR studies of P(1supernatant and Nod factor production. An enzymatic hy4)GlcpNAc oligomers (23). Nonreducing sugarswere charac- drolysis by chitinase also destroyed both the Nod factors and terized by asinglesignaldue to C1 (6Clp = 103.9 ppm), biological effects. We conclude that contaminants are unlikely whereas reducing GlcNAc appeared asa mixture of a- and p- t o account for the observed effects on plants. From chemical analysis, "S-labeling, mass spectrometry, anomers as indicatedby two C1 signals (6Cl(la) = 93.1 ppm O D

Nodulation Factors in the R. meliloti-Alfalfa Symbiosis


nodule organogenesis on plants. What is the role of the peculiar structural details in the activity of these Nod factors? NodRm-1 exhibits a specific activity on alfalfa (homologous host) and not on vetch (heterologous host). It elicits root hair deformation at concentrations from lo-' to lo-" M (8) and induces cortical cell divisions and root nodule organoganesis even in the absence of bacteria (28). The sulfate group controls the host specificity on alfalfa. Its removal by chemical modification or by inactivation of nodH completely supresses activity onalfalfa. However, the desulfated compound (NodRm-2) is able to induce FIG. 9. Structures of NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1. The oligoroot hair deformation on vetch (28). Relationships between saccharide chain is numbered from the reducing to the nonreducing structure and biological effects are now under consideration end. Thus,Cx(9 refers to theCx carbon of the ithsaccharide unit. The and will be published soon. It is also interesting to point out side chain is numbered from the carbonyl to the terminal methyl group. Thus, Cx' refers to the xth carbonof the fatty acyl chain. that plants possess a chitinase activity which is elicited as a defense reaction (38). Since NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm-1 are NMR, and enzymatic hydrolysis, NodRm-1 and Ac-NodRm- hydrolyzed by chitinase, a control phenomenon of the nodu1were determined to be sulfated and N-acylated glucosamine lation process may act by this way. tetramers, asshown in Fig. 9. The 0-acetylated derivativeAcAcknowledgments-We thank J. Denarie and G. Truchet, Centre NodRm-1 was copurified with NodRm-1. A nodL gene has National de la Recherche Scientifique-INRA BP27 31326 Castanetbeen found in R. meliloti and its putative product exhibits Tolosan Cedex, France) for helpful discussions. We are grateful to N. homologies both with theRhizobium leguminosarumbv viciae P. J. Price for reviewing the manuscript. 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