student participation in the leisure activities and the ...

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Nov 1, 2016 - Secondary school students are often the people who start looking for a ..... Pengisian Aktiviti Masa Senggang Belia Bandar Pelbagai Kaum.
International Conference on Education and Regional Development 2016 (ICERD 2016) “Cross-Cultural Education for Sustainable Regional Development” Bandung, Indonesia. 31 October & 1 November 2016


Faculty of Education, The National University of Malaysia,* [email protected]

Abstract The concept paper will discuss the relationship that exists between high school students' participation in leisure activities and social well-being of individuals. The participation of students with leisure activities is important in order to perform activities that have a positive impact on themselves. Free time filled with good help to calm and relax the human psyche mainly concerned with busy work or study. Furthermore, the involvement of individuals with positive leisure time affects the personality of the individual. Secondary school students are often the people who start looking for a suitable spare time to do them based on their interest. If teenagers are involved with a negative free time, this will affect the social welfare of their people. This is because the high school students of today are the generation that must be taken seriously in the establishment of social welfare based on participation and election activities in their spare time, especially when the personal formation of students who will be the leader and the continuation of the legacy of the country's administration. Keywords: leisure activities, social welfare, social wellbeing,

1. Introduction In five years' time our country to achieve developed nation status by the mold itself. However, whether all social groups in Malaysia are ready to face challenges as the developed nation status? Various aspects should be taken into account in steering our country towards a better future. The young generation today is an important asset in our country proceeds in the next 10-20 years. Unfortunately, the question is whether they will be able to continue the legacy of struggle and national heritage? According to statistics released by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), a total of 7816 cases were recorded in 2013 compared to 3700 cases in 2012 involving an increase of 4116 cases (Daily News: May 4, 2014). The rate of increase morality crisis in the country’s youth is increasingly awesome when the statistics show the number of criminal cases involving juvenile crimes increased by 111 per cent in the last year. (Kosmo: October 2, 2014) This activity is a virus that spreads all over the place. No matter the niche cities, towns, villages and remote communities though, that negative behavior among teenagers is a serious concern. The effects of the personality of the individual leads to the symptoms of other social problems. These young people should always be prepared to assume responsibility and trust to face the challenges of globalization. They should be provided with self-formed and more productive, creative and aggressive to the ability to achieve a prosperous country in the future. 2. Background Every man needs time to wind down with a rushing through the day. Time to relax and be filled with activities identified by time or in sociology called free time. From the sociological aspect, free time is the study of how humans fill and organize their leisure time (Mahzan and Razaq 2013). Leisure can be defined also with the use of free time to do fun activities and give satisfaction to the individual. This is because free time is free

International Conference on Education and Regional Development 2016, Indonesia


time, which is time stops people from any routine work or used to make fun activities like playing music, sports, fishing, entertainment and others. Every man needs to have free time apart from work, study or busy with the affairs of another person without giving appropriate time to yourself. According Rusimah and Zakiyah (2002) is part of the leisure time in the life of every human being. This shows that every human being should have the time to do activities according to the interests and opportunities of time and also the chance to clear the mind and relax yourself. According Rusimah Sugianto and Zakiyah Jamaluddin (2002) free time or leisure is one of the indicators in the use of time. A person must have some free time for yourself because free time is the right of every human being for time management in daily routine or their lives. According to Awang Mahzan and Razaq Ahmad (2015), leisure time (leisure) including the wide variety of activities such as sports, travel and play. Leisure time is also divided into two types of active leisure and passive leisure time. Various spare time to do either active leisure time such as sports and recreation or leisure time passively, like shopping or surfing the internet (Mohd Salleh, 2004). Filling spare time with the right activities had a great impact on human life itself. This can be attributed to human behavior. It is time to reinvent, refocus, renew and change or be changed to the exploration of the individual (Nur Ain 2015). Hobbies can also be associated with leisure time. This is because when the free time or time itself, the individual can perform activities of interest to them they always do. The benefits that can be taken by individuals also aims to improve skills and provide maximum satisfaction to the personal. According to Nur Hadi, Ngo Jian Yee, Yap Seng Wing and Mohd Mahzan (2015), the management of leisure time in the life of mankind is very important, especially when it is in the university because it is a determinant of academic success of a student who depends on time management. This suggests that the selection of leisure activities to suit the time the man was able to affect a person's behavior and impact on academic achievement. Based on the understanding of concepts that have been proposed by researchers at the top, shows that the concept of leisure time has long existed decades ago. While actual indirect free time is already practiced by the ancients but this concept was first studied and introduced in the late 1960s. According Dumazedier (1967) in a study conducted by Lim Khong Chiu (2009) has categorized his spare time to the three functions of relaxation, entertainment and personal growth. Features free time to relax is a process of the body to recover from fatigue, function for entertainment also gives a feeling of pleasure and happy to get rid of the boredom of the routine activities of daily life and also functions to personal development is to further improve the human character. Concepts and definitions for leisure activities in the past with the present, but engagement, functions, types and methods related to the leisure time is different. According to a study conducted by Istimaria (2007) who have the resources of Pamphlet Book Publication Department of Culture, Arts and Heritage Johor said the ancients fill leisure time with various activities that can be comforting. Furthermore, the types of leisure activities they do are as traditional games, dances and performances. These activities are referred to as culture and arts. They do activities to fill their spare time as entertainment after tired doing subsistence farming (Istimaria 2007). In addition, the arts and culture is done when the harvesting season ends or the monsoon season arrives, farmers and fishermen spend their time to hold ceremonies and parties. Events during the festival crowds and is filled with traditional games, dances and performances. Culture and the arts that began in the days of our ancestors until now because uniformity sustainable way of life. Involvement with leisure activities during the week not only involve adults who take a break from work, but also teenagers and children. This creates social interaction in the community advance through involvement in leisure activities. Function and concept of leisure time immemorial to the present day is the same and not much difference. The ancients did leisure activities to amuse and relax with activities such as traditional games. Similarly, people today are engaging in leisure activities after a hard day's work and take their free time to their personal affairs. However, the differences that exist between past and present is based on the types of leisure activities that made their choice. If the first leisure time activities which they engage is the traditional games such as kite flying, top spinning, supercilious, five stones and others, but now there are many more sports and leisure options that can be chosen to fill spare time. These differences are due to the changing times and the entry of external elements of the culture in Malaysia. This can be supported by a study conducted by Samruhaizad, Jamaluddin and Azahar (2014) stated changes would affect the attitude, lifestyle, thinking, approaches, methods, practices and actions that are quite different from the usual. The clash that exists between the concept of free time ago and now affects the understanding of the sociological aspects of community environments. No doubt the concept and function of free time to do the same, namely to occupy the leisure time and relax amuse with activities according to their individual needs,

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but the differences that exist with diversity activities of free time which can be selected by the community is now giving rise to problems for understand today's society. Each time leisure activities, whether active or passive gave additional purpose to the different people involved. Different aspects of the environment that now affects the development of the individual. Leisure activities participated by students often involve hobbies and outside school hours. The participation of students with leisure activities are free to the interests and abilities of students themselves no matter where the activity takes place. Usually, leisure activities involving outdoor activities can strengthen family ties, promote healthy lifestyles and improve welfare (Welfare Malaysia Report 2013). When students choose and engage in leisure activities that are appropriate, this can help them to become a human being more proactive, creative and aggressive in their own field in the future. The selection of leisure time activities for the students and the impact of positive and negative effects either to themselves. This is because the types of leisure activities undertaken very important to ensure that positive youth development and quality (Malaysian Youth Index 2011). According to Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, peace, security and prosperity means that refers to an adjective or an adjective. About welfare refers to the state of peace, prosperity, prosperous and secure. Order exists a certain situation or thing as well. According to Anthony Cole, being defined as a way in which a society can meet the requirements and needs of the community itself. The requirements and needs that can be met by the individual and it can give the impression of a positive impact on the individual so the welfare of society. According Soetarso, 1980 social welfare is a system that organized the service and members of the social is meant to help an individual or individuals and communities to achieve the standard of living and satisfactory health and social relationships and personality that allows them to develop the ability to fully and improve their prosperity, in line with their needs. In sociology, social welfare is often seen as an academic discipline that can be learned about social education, social work and matters relating to the social community. Not only that, in the context of the art also, social welfare can identify social problems, social problems and the level of social behavior that goes on in society in general. Social welfare is also associated with the development of the situation that is happening around the community. Social welfare of individuals is only dedicated to the personality and potential in the individual and the impact that can be given to the development of individual and community development. Furthermore, the concept of social welfare of individuals can also be identified with social relevance can be explored with individual factors such action. This refers to the activity or activities undertaken by the individuals themselves. Social welfare of a human being depends on the selection, engagement and their natural environment. The efforts in the establishment of social welfare undertaken to eradicate and control the widespread social problem (Report of Social Welfare and Community Development). When someone selects and engage with leisure activities appropriate time, the impact and the positive impact towards social well-being of individuals. The study conducted by Harris (2010), entitled Social Welfare and Community Development: Approaches and Indicator emphasize three important elements in the development of a community. The key element of the management of social problems, fulfilling the necessities of life and opportunities of social mobility in society (Midgley 1995). Aspects of life refers to meeting the needs of filling his spare time. Based on the concept of free time has been described, the involvement of leisure activities correlate with social wellbeing of individuals. A prosperous man shows that people involved are in a quiet, peaceful and secure. They and prosperous personality affects the environment or social individual. 3. Theory and Sociological Perspective Participation in leisure activities can be viewed through the Theory of Ecology. In this theory we can associate the relationship between participation in leisure activities and social well-being of individuals. Ecological theory introduced by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1978, 1989, 1998, 2005) describes this theory can help to understand how individuals grow in different layers in the context of environmental or ecological uniqueness. This theory also helps in understanding how culture and socialization experiences shaped the development of the individual. According to Rita (2008) introduced the term ecology focuses on the context of the individual in various situations provide relationship or social interaction as well as the rules and agreements that are beneficial to the formation of social behaviors (Guerra, Boxer, Kim, 2005). Anita and Azizah (2013) stated Ecology theory takes into account the environment in human life. Based on the theory of

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ecology, we can correlate the leisure activities that are experiential aspect of socialization can affect the development of the individual and social well-being of individuals. From the perspective of functionalism of free time states that every individual has their respective roles and interact with each other to form a social system. So, leisure activities play a variety of roles in a social system that is a bridge connecting area between the individual and the surrounding social system (Mahzan, Razaq, 2015). This can be seen when engaging in leisure activities of students affects social relationships with people who comprise the social welfare of students. 4. Issues High school students were given serious consideration in shaping a noble personality by ensuring that their behavior is positive and beneficial to others. That is why the education system in our country lead to further moral and character formation of students who excel. In the National Education Philosophy it stressed to produce a virtuous citizen by contributing towards oneself, family, community and country. These relate to the behavior of the individuals themselves. Charging leisure activities related to the social welfare of individuals and revealing the behavior of the students. With regard to leisure time activities performed by students, social welfare positive and negative individuals can be assessed through the participation and the choice of their leisure time activities. According to a study conducted by Abdullah Sulong and Mawadah (2010) has identified that the problem of morality exists as a result of filling free time with activities in the form of entertainment and less advantageous through electronic media influence that causes the formation of adolescent moral character and bad. Negative behavior affects individual and social well-being is closely linked to the choice of filling his spare time activity the student. Negative behavioral problems that often involve students are loitering, fights, theft, robbery, theft, truancy, drug addiction and prostitution. When students use their spare time doing activities that do not provide benefits, they will involve fun activity but a negative impact on themselves and others. Individual social welfare state they have an adverse effect on society. Positive leisure time activities is to provide benefits such as reading books, sports and games, travel to places of interest, mutual cooperation and various other interesting activities. To fill spare time with positive activities, could help to shape an individual's social welfare and behavior with positive attitude among students. Most cases of misconduct, social problems or social problems of adolescents involves activities that are not healthy. Factors such as family problems, school or mass media is undeniable affect social problems but when teenagers or students fail to engage and choose leisure activities that are good and convenient, this will affect the welfare of the individual self and the individual will suffer from the interaction and social relations in society. Rafiqa Husin (2010) in his study said there are still many among the students or university students do not use their free time with beneficial and useful things for himself or another person involved in such behavior or activity delinquency. This suggests that participation in leisure activities have an impact and have a clear connection with the social welfare of individuals. Furthermore, studies conducted by Nur Hadi, Ngo, Yap and Mahzan (2015) states that the use of free time is not fully utilized by students in IPT resulted in the use of leisure time, which is not efficient cause unhealthy social phenomenon. Previous studies have shown that the relationship between leisure time and social well-being of individuals is very closely linked and should be taken seriously by all parties to improve the social welfare of secondary school students. Participation in leisure activities is done by human impact on their lives. Mahzan and Razaq in the module book Sociology of Education (2015) explains that leisure time is more closely bound up with the sociology of work for each activity in their free time to explore the different parts of the employment-recreation. In other contexts, the employment-recreational intended not only involves working adults still can engage students. Students who are involved in the selection of leisure time activities have an impact on social welfare of individuals. This is because the ultimate goal of leisure time activities is to achieve the welfare of human life. When the involvement of students with positive leisure time, this will also impact positively on the social welfare of students. Issues in the social problems that exist among students need to be addressed immediately. The choice of leisure activities are always done by students must be constantly monitored. Involvement of leisure time activities can help to shape student behavior should be highlighted by all parties to curb social ills among students. Generally, students often find fun to fill their leisure. During this time students are always looking for things that help in the formation of their identity. During this time students get to know the world, a crisis

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that occurred in the students of secondary schools increased age as a teenager that will arise and lead youth moral bias towards either positive or negative (Junoh Husin, 2011). If they do not make a permanent, this will lead to the identity of their behavior towards the negative and destructive social welfare of individuals. 5. Future Enhancement In addressing the issues and challenges posed by social problems high school students, the selection of leisure time activities be monitored by teen mothers, fathers, teachers, authorities and society. This is to ensure that they use their time properly and not succumb to the leisure time activities that lead to social wellbeing of individuals who are not good. Parents monitor their current home. When the leisure activity they do at home, parents are responsible for all their movements. Make sure they use the time with beneficial activities. If they want to leave home, parents need to know the direction and friends who participate in activities in their spare time. Therefore, negative behavior can be avoided if parents always play their part in educating children Furthermore, teachers should always provide advice and guidance at school so do not do leisure activities so that the students may not doing activities that can lead to social individual problems. Show students activities that give a good influence on them. Extra-curricular activities at the school is also able to curb negative behaviors of students. The application of moral values in co-curricular activities give a good impression to be forwarded by them when they are out of school. Teachers also need to guide students to choose appropriate leisure activities. Thus, they are constantly reminded of leisure time activities that help to establish positive behaviors. In addition, the authorities such as residents' committee and the police can help to monitor the activities of their spare time. With warning and decisive action from the police to the students who try to unproductive activities, is able to ensure that their behavior in good condition. Each activity outside the home or outside the school, authorities and members of the community is very important and serves to monitor the activities of teenagers. If all parties play a role, negative behavior among students can be eradicated in turn help to the establishment of the present generation of advanced forward. 6. Conclusion Free time can be attributed to changes in the social welfare of the individual secondary school students. Involvement in spare time with activities can help to develop appropriate social welfare of individuals who either have a positive impact in society. The ultimate goal of engaging in leisure activities is to give pleasure and fun to be actively and positively in turn have an impact on the quality of individual social welfare. In fact, the social welfare of individuals is able to affect social welfare in society as well. This is because students who will be contributing a very important asset to our country in the future should have a very good relationship with the community. Social interaction in the community legacy connector shown national leadership must be on a positive level. This can be evidenced by a study by Renwick (2006), what makes a person feel good, feel happy and meaningful life is a part of social welfare. So, high school students are very important in selecting and engaging with a good leisure activities thereby improving the quality of social welfare of individuals.

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