Pay online at Page 4 of 8. Summer 2017 Flyer (K-6).pdf. Summer
Pictured: 3rd graders Will Iudice (Dolbeare), David Rocca (Walton), Danny Kidder (Dolbeare). CAPE ANN WHALE WATCH – JULY 2016
OUR PROGRAM’S MISSION: ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT Academic Enrichment for students involves reinforcement and enhancement of the skills learned during the regular school year. In this program, certified teachers will work closely with students to build on those skills in a fun and engaging way. While the courses students participate in will be challenging, they do not carry the same rigorous demands of the typical school year. Their work is not graded and homework will not be assigned. Academic Enrichment is an opportunity for students to explore different subject areas in a more relaxed, fun environment with teachers who have a genuine passion for their craft. Every day during our program, students will receive 45 minutes of instruction in the areas of ELA/literacy, math/technology, and physical education. A new unit in these areas will begin each week. Students will also participate in two specialist classes every day that will alternate on a daily basis. This will give students exposure to and build skills in the areas of fine arts and technology. Our Academic Enrichment program is extremely structured and students will follow a schedule similar to what they would have during a typical school day. Students will have access to additional support from adult and high school/college staff in every class. *PLEASE NOTE THAT LUNCH WILL NOT BE SERVED. STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING A SNACK.
FRIDAY EXCURSIONS Every Friday during the Summer Program, parents can sign their children up to attend field trips. Registration for field trips is separate from registration for the Monday through Thursday program. Children do NOT have to be registered for the Monday through Thursday program in order to attend a field trip. Field trips are open to all WPS students entering Kindergarten through 7th grade. Space is limited for field trips and reservations are secured on a first-come-first-serve basis. Discounts are available for students registered for the Summer Program (see registration page for more information).
Friday, July 14th
Cape Ann Whale Watch
Friday, July 21st
Franklin Park Zoo
Friday, July 28th
Boston Duck Tours
Friday, August 4th
Old Sturbridge Village
Friday, August 11th
Canobie Lake Park
*Deadline to register for all field trips is Friday, May 26th.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration is open to all Wakefield Public School students entering Kindergarten through 7th grade. The early registration deadline is Friday, March 31st, 2017. The cost to register before this deadline is $120 per week. The late registration deadline is Friday, May 26th, 2017. The cost to register between April 1st and May 26th is $140 per week. No registrations will be accepted after May 26th, 2017. No refunds will be given once the program has started. Enrollment is limited to the first 200 students that register each week. All registration fees must be paid in full by the registration deadlines above. Registration will be cancelled if payment is not received by these dates. Families that enroll multiple children in our Monday through Thursday program receive a $20/week discount for each additional child. There is no discount for multiple children attending field trips. Daily registration is not offered. Instruction in our program is ongoing each week; by registering your child for a week you are committing them to the entire week. Registrations and payments should be sent to: Wakefield Academy 60 Farm Street Wakefield, MA 01880 Checks should be made payable to Wakefield Academy. Pay online at
EXTENDED DAY OPTIONS Wakefield Academy is able to offer families extended day options through our partnership with the Wakefield Recreation Department. Parents may drop off their children as early as 7am Monday through Friday for an additional $10 per day (due upon arrival). Parents may also register for an afternoon camp provided by the Wakefield Recreation Department that will offer childcare until 5:30pm. At the conclusion of Wakefield Academy’s program, staff from Wakefield Academy and Wakefield Recreation will transition those children participating in the afternoon camp over to the Recreation Department. This afternoon camp will be held on-site at the Galvin and students participating in both programs will be given time to eat a bagged lunch between programs. This afternoon program will also run on Fridays and can be attended by students when returning from field trips. Please visit the Wakefield Recreation Department’s website at or contact Recreation Director, Dan McGrath, at (781) 246-6389 or email at
[email protected] for more information.
CHILD’S NAME:____________________________________________________________
CURRENT SCHOOL:_________________________________________________________
CURRENT GRADE:______________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S):___________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BEST PHONE #:_______________________________________
ALT. PHONE #:_______________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL:____________________________________________________________________________ DOCTOR/HEALTH CLINIC:___________________________________________________
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CHILD (i.e. allergies, physical limitations, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that Wakefield Academy does not dispense medication. The only exception to this is an epi-pen or inhaler. If your child requires an epi-pen or inhaler, he/she is required to bring it to the program.
LATE REGISTRATION FEE (due by 5/26/17)
FIELD TRIP FEE (due by 5/26/17)
1 July 10 - July 13 $120 $140 July 14 – Cape Ann Whale Watch $35 ($30 if registered for week) 2 July 17 - July 20 $120 $140 July 18 – Franklin Park Zoo $35 ($30 if registered for week) 3 July 24 - July 27 $120 $140 July 28 – Boston Duck Tour $35 ($30 if registered for week) 4 July 31 - August 3 $120 $140 August 4 – Old Sturbridge Village $35 ($30 if registered for week) 5 August 7 - August 10 $120 $140 August 11 – Canobie Lake Park $35 ($30 if registered for week) NOTE: Prices indicated are for a single child. To register more than one child in the same household, a $20 discount will be applied for each additional child. ($100 per additional child if registering early; $120 per additional child if registering late). No discount for additional children for field trips.
CHECK IF ATTENDING THIS WEEK’S FIELD TRIP ($35 if not registered for the week. $30 if registered for the week)
TOTAL FEE OWED FOR WEEK (Registration fee plus field trip fee)
1 (July 10-July 13) 2 (July 17-July 20) 3 (July 24-July 27) 4 (July 31-August 3) 5 (August 7-August 10) TOTAL:
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: _____________________ (Checks made payable to Wakefield Academy) Online payment confirmation #:__________________________________________________
REGISTRATION-The appropriate program fee must be paid with a registration form. Checks should be made payable to Wakefield Academy and returned to the main office at your child’s school. ENROLLMENT- is based on a first-come, first-served basis. INSUFFCIENT ENROLLMENT-In the event a program does not reach full enrollment, Wakefield Academy reserves the right to cancel it. Notification will be given and checks returned. OVER ENROLLMENT-In the event the course selected exceeds the enrollment limit when the registration form and check are received, you will be notified and your check will be returned. CANCELLATIONS-If the Wakefield Public Schools are closed, classes will not be held. If the weather worsens as the day progresses, an announcement will be made in school to cancel classes. All attempts will be made to make-up missed classes. TRANSPORTATION-It is the parent’s responsibility to see that his/her child is picked up at the end of the program. If students are to remain with afternoon programming, that must be indicated below. DISCIPLINE-Wakefield Academy takes pride in offering boys and girls worthwhile and interesting activities. Parents should review proper school conduct and the Anti-Bullying Rules with their child at home. The students and staff are asked to treat each other with respect, tolerance, kindness and consideration. In the event a child’s misbehavior disrupts a class activity, or he/she does not follow the School Rules his/her parent will be contacted with the appropriate action to be taken. We reserve the right to dismiss any student from participation in the program. There will be no refunds.
I give my child permission to participate in the Wakefield Academy Summer Program. I authorize the Wakefield Academy to act for me in any emergency requiring attention. I understand that the school system and anyone associated with Wakefield Academy will not be held responsible for accident, illness, or hospital, laboratory, or doctor’s fees. I understand that my registration will only be processed once the registration fee has been paid. I also understand that no refunds will be issued once the program has started. I understand that daily registrations will not be accepted and that by signing up for a week of Academic Enrichment I am committing to that entire week (Monday through Thursday). I understand that Friday field trips must be paid for separately and the cost to attend is not included in the Monday-Thursday program. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:__________________________________________________ DATE:____________________ WILL YOUR CHILD BE PARTICIPATING IN THE AFTERNOON RECREATION CAMP? MULTIPLE CHILDREN REGISTERING FOR PROGRAM?
MY CHILD WILL BE PICKED UP BY:_______________________________________________________________ MY CHILD MAY ALSO BE PICKED UP BY:_______________________________________________________________ Should you need this information translated, please contact the principal of your child's school. En caso de necesitar esta información traducida, por favor comuníquese con el director de la escuela de su hijo. Se você precisar de informações traduzido, por favor, entre em contato com o diretor da escola do seu filho.