Summer Camp Brochure - PRO Sports Club

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Jan 3, 2018 - performance at the end of camp. No dance experience required. - Pavilion. AgEs 6-10: June 25-29 | July 9-1
SoMeThInG FoR EvErYoNe! PrO yOuTh cAmPs oFfEr aN aMaZiNg aSsOrTmEnT oF aCtIvItIeS kIdS lOvE.

AlL-DaY CaMpS Registration deadline is one-week prior to the start date. After registration deadline, fee is an additional $10 for 1-2 day camps and $30 for 3-5 day camps. Unless otherwise stated, all-day camps are as follows:

DaYs: Monday-Friday TiMe: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. CoSt: $310 Member, $360 Child of Member, $410 Non-Member

LuNcH: (M) Turkey Dog, (T) Chicken Tenders, (W) Pasta, (TH) Cheese Quesadillas, (F) Pizza. Snacks: fruit, vegetables, and cookies.

NoTe: Athletic clothes/shoes required. Soccer

shoes/shin guards are required for Soccer camps. Swimwear is required for All Sport, PRO Leadership, and Aquatic camps. May include certificate award and giveaway. Late registration is not pro-rated. Prices do not include sales tax. M=Member, NMCM=NonMember Child of Member, NM=Non-Member


Visit the Front Desk Concierge, call (425) 885-5566, or enroll online. To enroll online, logon to with your username, select My PROClub, and then select Program Registration.

ExTeNdEd SpOrTs CaMp (AgEs 6-12)

Extend your camp experience with more time to hang out with friends and play sports. Registration is open for days that All-Sport, Soccer, Hoops, and Dance Camps are offered. Held in the Pavilion from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Cost per Day: $20/M, $25/NMCM, $30/NM. For more information, please e-mail [email protected].

ExTrA HoUr StAy & PlAy (AgEs 8 AnD UnDeR)

Offered through Discovery Bay with advance reservations (425) 861-6247. Camp coaches will escort children to Discovery Bay at the end of camp. Reservations required in order to guarantee availability and registration paperwork must be submitted prior to your child’s first visit. Pricing subject to change without notice. PRE-K: $9.00 per hour SCHOOL AGE: $8.50 per hour

ImAgInAtIoN VaCaTiOn (3-5)

Learn, play, and grow in our Learning Academy summer program. Enjoy a mix of science, art/music appreciation, and activities in our theme-based summer programs. Our qualified teachers will engage you in science, art, music and movement. - Discovery Bay

yOuTh c A mPs

Monday-Friday | 9:00AM-3:00PM April 2-6 | June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 23-27 July 30-August 3 | Aug 6-10 | Aug 13-17 | Aug 20-24 $375 M | $450 NMCM | $470 NM

AlL SpOrT CaMp (AgEs 6-12)

Basketball, soccer, kickball, dodgeball, floor hockey, inflatables, idance, swimming, and more! Swim test required daily. - Pavilion & Grass Lawn Park

OnE-DaY CaMp

June 20 (Wed, 12-6 p.m., $60/M, $70/NMCM, $80/NM) | June 21 (Thu, $70/M, $80/NMCM, $90/NM) June 22 (Fri, $70/M, $80/NMCM, $90/NM)

TwO-DaY CaMp (Thu/Fri, $140/M, $160/NMCM, $180/NM) July 2-3 | July 5-6 FiVe-DaY CaMp

June 11-15 | June 18-22 | June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 23-27 | July 30-Aug 3 | Aug 6-10 | Aug 13-17 | Aug 20-24 | Aug 2731 (NO SWIM)

ArOuNd ThE WoRlD SpOrTs CaMp (AgEs 7-14)

Have fun and make new friends. Play the most popular sports around the world including cricket, badminton, table tennis, field hockey, soccer, golf, lacrosse, handball, croquet and more. Also includes afternoon games at Grass Lawn Park. - Pavilion June 18-22 | Aug 6-10 | Aug 27-31

ChIlDrEn’S ThEaTeR (6-9)

Stories of all kinds fuel an active, lively camp as you develop creativity and performance skills. Think, speak, sing and act imaginatively in a safe, inclusive environment. - VFW Hall, 4330 148th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052 Monday-Friday | 9:00AM-3:00PM June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 23-27 | July 30-August 3 | August 6-10 | August 13-17 | August 20-24 | August 27-31 $375 M | $450 NMCM | $470 NM

DaNcE CaMp (AgEs 6-15)

Get moving! Learn new dance styles which may include jazz/ ballet, cheer, gymnastics, Latin, Hip Hop, and more. There will be a performance at the end of camp. No dance experience required. - Pavilion

AgEs 6-10: June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 23-27 | Aug 6-10 AgEs 10-15: Aug 20-24

FlAg FoOtBaLl CaMp ( AgEs 7-12)

A fun way to develop football skills without the risk of injury from traditional tackling. A football jersey is included. Games will be played 5-on-5. Also includes outdoor play at Grass Lawn Park. - Indoor Soccer Arena TwO-DaY CaMp (Thu/Fri, $140/M, $160/NMCM, $180/NM) July 2-3 | July 5-6

FiVe-DaY CaMp

July 23-27 | Aug 13-17 | Aug 27-31

HoOpS CaMp (AgEs 7-15)

Learn the fundamentals of basketball in both drill stations and game situations. - Pavilion & Grass Lawn Park

TwO-DaY CaMp (Thu/Fri, $140/M, $160/NMCM, $180/NM) Ages 7-12: July 2-3 | July 5-6

FiVe-DaY CaMp

Ages 7-12: June 18-22 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3 | Aug 13-17 Ages 10-15: June 25-29 | July 23-27

LiFeGuArDiNg CaMp (AgEs 9-14)

Keep active as you learn valuable lifesaving skills. Get a taste of what it takes to be a lifeguard as you learn CPR, swimming, and first aid skills. Must be able to comfortably swim 50 yards. - Aquatic Center July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3 | Aug 13-17 $375/M, $450/NMCM, $475/NM

PrO LeAdErShIp CaMp (AgEs 10-15)

Learn what it takes to be a leader. Shadow a coach in All Sport Camp and engage in team building, mentoring, goal setting, conflict management, and more. - Pavilion & Grass Lawn Park July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3

RaCqUeT SpOrTs CaMp (AgEs 9-15)

Pick up a racquet and explore the fundamentals of tennis, badminton, table tennis, and squash. You’ll also play Wallyball, kickball and dodgeball to develop greater hand-eye coordination and agility. Have fun with your friends and make new ones. Players will be divided according to skill level. – Pavilion June 25-29 | Aug 6-10

SoCcEr CaMp (AgEs 7-12)

Join us for a fun-filled camp playing the world’s most popular sport! Improve your game with our expert coaching staff. Focus on fundamental skills, strategy, and lots of play. Also includes afternoon games at Grass Lawn Park. - Indoor Soccer Arena June 18-22 | June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 July 30-Aug 3 | Aug 6-10 | Aug 20-24

SyNcHrOnIzEd SwIm CaMp (AgEs 5-15)

Learn the fundamentals while enhancing your strength, endurance, and flexibility. Decorate accessories for a performance suit. Must be able to swim 50 yards continuously and tread water for 3-5 minutes (ages 8-15) or swim 20 feet and be comfortable under water (ages 5-7). All-black swimsuit suggested. - Aquatic Center

AgEs 5-7: July 23-27 AgEs 8-15: July 9-13 I Aug 6-10 I Aug 20-24 $375/M, $450/NMCM, $475/NM

StEm (3-5 & 6-9)

Combine problem solving with exploratory learning in a fun setting with highly qualified teachers. Technology, science equipment and hands-on activities engage your mind and make learning fun! Daily swimming included for ages 6-9 years. - Discovery Bay Monday-Friday | 9:00AM-3:00PM April 2-6 | June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 23-27 | July 30-August 3 | Aug 6-10 | Aug 13-17 | Aug 20-24 $375 M | $450 NMCM | $470 NM

SuPeR SaFe SiTtErS (11-15)

Become a safe and confident babysitter. CPR/emergency preparedness, interactive learning, role playing, and games provide a dynamic experience. -VFW Hall, 4330 148th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052 Monday-Friday | 9:00AM-3:00PM June 25-29 | July 23-27 | August 20-24 $425 M | $510 NMCM | $530 NM

n N eEw W!! cA mP s KiDpReNeUr CaMp (AgEs 9-15)

It’s never too early to spark your entrepreneurial spirit! Whether it’s a big idea inspired by Shark Tank or you just want to gain a good business sense, you’ll get a head start. You’ll learn basic skills about managing a budget, creating a business plan, economics, public speaking, leadership and much more – all in a kid-friendly manner. - Pavilion

TwO-DaY CaMp (Thu/Fri, $140/M, $160/NMCM, $180/NM) July 2-3 | July 5-6

FiVe-DaY CaMp

June 18-22 | Aug 13-17

NiNjA WaRrIoR CaMp (AgEs 6-12)

Train like a ninja warrior! Tackle obstacles, games, and inflatables that range from easy to hard for all ages and athletic abilities. Involves a lot of running, jumping, climbing, and maneuvering through obstacles. - Pavilion June 25-29 | July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3 Aug 13-17 | Aug 20-24

OuTdOoR AdVeNtUrE CaMp (AgEs 10-15)

Come explore the great outdoors! Hike, bike, paddle, swim, and play sports. Double your fun and sign up with a friend. Shuttles and detailed itinerary will be provided. - Pavilion 9 a.m.-6 p.m., July 9-13 | Aug 27-31 $350/M, $400/NMCM, $450/NM

CoDiNg FoR KiDs (AgEs 7-10)

Transform playing on video games and apps into creative thinking with our fun coding activities that teach basic and advanced skills. You won’t be sitting at the computer the entire day. You’ll also play games and sports that develop social interaction and are fun. - Apt. B104 Monday-Friday | 9:00AM-3:00PM June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 23-27 | August 6-10 | August 13-17 | August 20-24 $425 M | $510 NMCM | $530 NM

ThE GrEaT CoOk OfF (AgEs 6-9)

Are you a budding chef? Get creative and use your imagination to invent tasty, appealing meals from appetizers, side dishes, entrées and desserts. On the last Friday, create your masterpiece using everything you’ve learned to win a prize! - VFW Hall, 4330 148th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052 Monday-Friday | 9:00AM-3:00PM July 9-13 | July 16-20 | July 30-August 3 | August 6-10 August 13-17 | August 27-31 $375 M | $450 NMCM | $470 NM

DaIlY FuNdAmEnTaL SwIm CaMp (AgEs 6-12)

Develop and improve your swimming and have FUN through a combination of in-water and out-of-water activities. Camp includes a variety of swim instruction, free swim time, and games/activities both in/out of water. Activities vary daily for a unique experience. Swim experience not required, but should be comfortable in water to enjoy activities. - Aquatic Center One-day camps: June 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, July 2, 3, 5, 6 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $65/M, $75/NMCM, $85/NM

AqUaTiCs DeVeLoPmEnT CaMp (AgEs 9-14)

Love the world of Aquatics? Then dive deeper and fully immerse yourself! Campers will learn how to take care of a pool, test water levels, try different water games, perfect their stroke, and even learn the basics on how to lead a class. This camp will focus on teamwork, leadership skills, and problem solving with an Aquatic emphasis. - Aquatic Center 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,July 23-27 $375/M, $450/NMCM, $475/NM

CoMpEtItIvE SwIm LeSsOn CaMp (AgEs 6-12)

Get an in-depth look into the basics of competitive swimming. Water sessions will focus on developing each stroke and its associated drills and techniques. Classroom sessions will include education on proper athlete training, mental preparedness, and goal setting. Teamwork will be a core foundation of the camper’s experience. Suited for swimmers in Youth 4 group lessons or above. Ability to swim 25 yards in the deep pool required. - Aquatic Center June 25-29 (12-3 p.m. ) Aug 13-17 | Aug 20-24 (8 a.m.-11 a.m.) $175/M, $200/NMCM, $225/NM

o N ee-dAy dAy cA mP s RoBoTiCs (7-10)

ScIeNcE LaB (7-10)

Learning through robotics is experimental, exploratory, and exciting! It’s all about those “aha!” moments when you figure out how something works. Develop critical thinking skills, scientific knowledge, and enthusiasm for learning at school and beyond. -VFW Hall, 4330 148th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052

Mystery. Exploration. Discovery! Investigating everyday materials and objects, you’ll engage in hands-on science, learn how things work, and design your own creations. At the end of the week, participate in “the mystery box challenge” for the opportunity to win a prize! -VFW Hall, 4330 148th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052

Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays | 9:00AM-3:00PM $75 M | $90 NMCM | $95 NM February 15-16 & 19 | June 21-August 31 (no camps July 4-6)

Tuesdays/Thursdays | 9:00AM-3:00PM $75 M | $90 NMCM | $95 NM February 15-16 & 19 | June 21-August 31 (no camps July 4-6)

h A l F- dAy cA mP s GoLf CaMp (AgEs 7-12)

Learn the game of golf with our experienced coaches and SNAG (Staging New At Golf) equipment. Classes will be held in a fun, controlled, indoor environment. Players will use two golf clubs, Launchers and Rollers, to focus on a variety of shots while keeping it simple. - Indoor Soccer Arena

AgEs 7-9

July 23-27 | Aug 6-10

AgEs 9-12

July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3 12-3 p.m., $150/M, $175/NMCM, $200/NM

KaRaTe CaMp (AgEs 5-10)

Develop a strong self-image and positive attitude by learning safety, awareness and specialty karate skills. Have fun while expanding your understanding of karate beyond the techniques and drills of regular class. No previous experience required. Instructor Brent Hartwig is a 6th degree black belt with the International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Federation. - Group Fitness, Reformer Studio 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., June 25-29 I July 23-27 $167/M, $200/NMCM

MeRmAiD CaMp (AgEs 3-12)

Put your best fin forward and experience the magical life of a mermaid! We’ll start with a 30-minute group swim lesson to practice your swimming technique. Then you’ll learn about mermaids through numerous activities. Create your mermaid name, swim with a tail, and enjoy crafts, games and a mermaid make-over! Arrive in your swimsuit ready for a swim lesson. Required to be potty trained. Snacks included. -Aquatic Center

FoUr-DaY CaMp (Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri, $140/M, $160/NMCM, $180/NM) Ages 6-12: July 2, 3, 5, 6

FiVe-DaY CaMp ($175/M, $200/NMCM, $225/NM) Ages 3-5: July 16-20 | Aug 13-17 Ages 6-12: July 30-Aug 3 9-11:30 a.m.

ShArK CaMp (AgEs 3-5)

Lions. Tigers. Sharks. Oh My! You’ll start with a 30-minute group swim lesson to practice your swimming technique. Then explore swimming with a shark fin and play shark games during open swim. After chomping through a snack, continue the adventure on dry land learning about sharks and enjoy fun activities. Arrive in your swimsuit ready for a swim lesson. Required to be potty trained. - Aquatic Center June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 23-27 | Aug 6-10 | Aug 20-24 9-11:30 a.m., $175/M, $200/NMCM, $225/NM

SpOrT & InFlAtAbLe CaMp (AgEs 4-6)

Learn how to play a variety of sports and have fun on inflatables galore in this half-day camp! - Pavilion July 9-13 | July 23-27 | Aug 13-17 | Aug 20-24 | Aug 27-31 9-11:30 a.m., $125/M, $150/NMCM, $175/NM

TeNnIs CaMp (AgEs 4-18)

Led by our USPTA staff, this week of fun includes intensive practice on stroke mechanics, the ball machine, rules, scoring, and much more! All levels welcome. - Tennis

AgEs 4-7

June 25-29 | July 9-13 | July 23-27 | Aug 6-10 9-10 a.m., $180/M, $212/NMCM, $255/NM

AgEs 8-12

June 18-22 | July 2-6 | July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3 | Aug 13-17 9-10:30 a.m., $200/M, $236/NMCM, $275/NM

AgEs 13-18

June 18-22 | July 2-6 | July 16-20 | July 30-Aug 3 | Aug 13-17 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., $200/M, $236/NMCM, $275/NM

VaRsItY HoOpS SkIlLs CaMp (AgEs 10-15)

Must have AAU or Select experience or advanced skills based on age to qualify.

BaLl HaNdLiNg CaMp

Strengthen your off hand, develop your passing ability and court vision, and learn the mental aspects that you need to lead your team. You’ll learn how to improve handling the ball under pressure, during traps, and double teams. Create more assists and lower your team’s turnovers as you learn the types of passes to throw under various conditions. - Pavilion 1:45-4:15 p.m., Aug 20-24, $150/M, $175/NMCM, $200/NM

ShOoTiNg CaMp

Get equipped with a practice routine guaranteed to help you find success at scoring and becoming an offensive threat. Players will fine-tune their technique with concentrated repetition and simulated game conditions, practicing shots from game spots at game speed. The Shoot-A-Way machine and other top level training tools are used to maximize results. - Pavilion 1:45-4:15 p.m., Aug 27-31 $150/M, $175/NMCM, $200/NM

fInD a c A m P CaMpS By DaTe

JUNE 11-15

JUNE 18-22

JUNE 25-29

JULY 2-6

JULY 9-13

JULY 16-20

JULY 23-27


AUG. 6-10

AUG. 13-17

AUG. 20-24

AUG. 27-31



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Revised: 1/3/2018