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footprint of hydropower is highly impacted by in-reservoir carbon ... Alqueva era. Barbosa P, Casotti C, ..... effects of dam removal on. Ecosystem Services using.
Sunday 24 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00


Monday 25 Auditorium Check-in

8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15

Room A Check-in

Tuesday 26 Room B Check-in

Room C Check-in

Auditorium Check-in

Room A Check-in

Wednesday 27 Room B Check-in

Room C Check-in

Thursday 28 Auditorium Check-in

Room A Check-in

Friday 29 Room B Check-in

Room C Check-in

Auditorium Check-in

Room B Check-in

Room C Check-in

Visits Pringle C. Climate-driven changes in hydrologic connectivity and emergent ecological effects in Neotropical streams: Long-term studies in Costa Rica and Puerto Rico

Maksimovic C. Advanced planning and management of urban lakes and ponds as a part of Integrated BGS (Blue Green Solution).

9:15 - 9:30

Danger M. Ecological stoichiometry in detritus-based headwater streams: current knowledge and perspectives.

Opening SE2 - Guilhermino L., Abrantes N., Gonçalves AMM

SR14 - Gonçalves V

SR2 - Gómez N

SE1- Filipe AF, Feio MJ, Almeida S

SR1 - Lopez-Doval J

SE11 - Encina L, Rodrigues Capítulo AR

SR15 - Elosegi A

SE3 - Obrador B, Catalán N, Marcé R, Gómez-Gener L

SE7 - Sánchez-Fernández D, Gutiérrez- SE6 - Aguiar FC, Fernandes Cánovas C, Bonada N MR

SR3 - Moretti M

9:30 - 9:45

Martins A, Guilhermino L. Effects and recovery of microplastics exposure over generations in Daphnia magna populations.

Anastácio PM, Marques M, Águas M, Wójcik-Fudalewska D, NormantSaremba M. The invasive Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in the Tagus estuary (Portugal).

Zaragüeta M, Álvarez-Troncoso R, Robles S, Barragán C, Rodríguez JM, Luque Y, Fernández J, Puig A, González I. iDIAT-ES. A new diatom index to assess the ecological status of Spanish rivers.

Filipe AF, Martins FMS, Ramião JP, Garcia-Raventós A, Paupério J, Ferreira S, Hermoso V, Monaghan MT, Magalhães MF, Beja P. Delineating freshwater monitoring networks using eDNA metabarcoding.

Cássio F, Carvalho F, Pradhan A, Abrantes N, Pascoal C. Ecotoxicological effects of wildfires on freshwater decomposers.

Obrador B, Gubau M, von Schiller Azevêdo DJS, Bezerra-Neto JF, D, Marcé R, Gómez-Gener L. Molozzi J, Feio MJ. Rehabilitation Encina L, Rodríguez A. Lecciones When size matters: net carbon scenarios for reservoirs: desde la biología pesquera: Evolución footprint of hydropower is highly predicting aquatic communities hacia el estudio de los embalses. impacted by in-reservoir carbon through machine learning. fluxes

Barbosa P, Casotti C, Costa L, Aguiar FC, Fernandes MR, Ferraz M, Kiffer Jr W, Moretti Bonada N, Dolédec S. Does the Tachet Martins MJ, Ferreira MT. M. Trophic interactions trait database report voltinism Surveying the past on between macroconsumers variability of aquatic insects between reliquial habitats: the and insect shredders: Mediterranean and Scandinavian Guadiana River in the postunderstanding the role of regions? Alqueva era. freshwater shrimps in leaf processing

9:45 - 10:00 Barboza LGA, Vieira LR, Guilhermino L. Acute Martín-Vélez V, Bouten W, Shamoun- Martínez Y, Pereira JM, Gutiérrez D, Silva effects of microplastics and mercury, Baranes J, Taggart M, Sánchez M, MI, Pousa A, Otero JC, Garrido J. Control y Clusa L, Miralles L, Basanta A, Escot C, individually and in binary mixtures, on the Green AJ. Connecting landfills with vigilancia entomológica de mosquitos García-Vázquez E. eDNA for detection of swimming performance of the juvenile natural wetlands: gulls as example of vectores de enfermedades humana y highly invasive molluscs in Europe. European seabass (Dicenthrachus labrax). toxicant transporters. animal en Galicia.

Araújo CVM, Roque D, Blasco J, Ribeiro R, Moreira-Santos M, Toribio A, Aguirre E, Barro S. Adding habitat selection responses to ecological risk assessments: the heterogeneous multi-habitat assay system (HeMHAS).

Céspedes V, Green AJ, Stoks R, Guilhermino L, Vieira LR, Ribeiro D, Tavares Sánchez MI. Higher phenoloxidase AS, Cardoso V, Alves A, Almeida JM. Single activity in invasive than in native and combined effects of microplastics and an water boatmen infected by water mite antimicrobial on the exotic invasive bivalve parasites and consequences for the Corbicula fluminea. invasion.

Vera-Vera V, Griffith DM, Jentzsch PV, Cervera L, Nieto B, Salvatierra D, Erazo S, Jaramillo R, Ramos L, Moreira-Santos M, Ribeiro R, Araújo CVM. Selección de hábitat como línea de evidencia para evaluar las perturbaciones ambientales en un sistema lótic.

González-Ferreras AM, Alonso C, Barquín J. Spatial variability of Salmo trutta at river network scale. What variables are influencing population structure?

Moulton T, Aguiar A, Lisboa L, Neres-Lima V. How much of the total allochthonous input and autochthonous production is incorporated into the A (metazoan) food chain of streams? Not much!

Belmar O, Bruno D, Guareschi S, Mellado-Díaz A, Millán A, Velasco J. Flow intermittence shapes the effect of flow regulation on macroinvertebrate functional structure and diversity in Mediterranean streams

Bergmann M, Caro C, Quirós R, Olivieri DG. Macroinvertebrados como catalizadores para la gestión ambiental de los ríos.

Solagaistua L, Larrañaga A. Consumption and postconsumption effects of Echinogammarus berilloni resource selection: relevance of the duration of the incubation.

Alonso M. Dos factores de gran valor Da Silva J, Matono P, Sousaestratégico para el desarrollo de la Santos C, Ilhéu M. Hidden threats Limnología en España: Ramón of sharing habitats: interactions Margalef y un amplio y diverso between native and invasive patrimonio de embalses. cyprinids

Messetta ML, Hegoburu C, Casas Ruiz JPC, Butturini A, Feijoó C. Characterization and transformation of disolved organic matter in a pampean stream.

Viza A, Garcia-Raventós A, Martín R, Maynou X, Prunier F, Riera JL, Múrria C. Predicting future species distribution of Odonata in Iberian Peninsula under Climate Change.

Zinke P, Dervo B. Implementation of fluvial hydraulics and structure parameters into the nature classification system “Nature in Norway”.

Ersoy Z, Bartrons M, Mehner T, Brucet S. Recovery rate of zooplankton community structure after stop of fish predation.

Escot C. Julia Toja Santillana: de la Limnología a la empresa.

10:00 - 10:15


Margalef Conference: Palmer M. Restoration, watershed context, and biogeochemical processes: from streams to wetlands.

Muniz D, Oliveira-Filho E, Lima J. Proposição de índice de qualidade da água para irrigação (IQAI) com base no monitoramento da água superficial em ambientes rurais do Distrito Federal, Brasil.

Gauthier M, Lefebure T, Elbrecht V, Konecny L, Nguyen A, Douady C, Datry T. Development of bait capture for DNA enrichment for metabarcoding purposes: a robust alternative to PCRbased methods?

10:15 - 10:30 Pacheco A, Martins A, Guilhermino L. Reproductive and developmental effects of microplastics, gold nanoparticles and their mixtures in the crustacean Daphnia magna.

Goldenberg-Vilar A, Zaragüeta M, Cabrerizo MJ, Helbling EW, Villafañe Rodríguez JM, Roldán V, Pérez-Bilbao A, VE, Medina-Sánchez JM, Villar-Argaiz San Juan J, Rebella D, Ortega A, Álvarez- Ardura A. The application of eDNA and M, Carrillo P. Cumulative impact of Troncoso R, Robles S, Santos S, Corral MV, HTS as tools. multiple global-change drivers on to analyze the biodiversity in fragile Yánez A. From science to practical primary production change their net ecosystems. applications: Diatom growth forms in effect along an optical gradient. relation to disturbance gradients in the Tagus basin.

Rodrigues MO, Gonçalves FJM, Nogueira H, Marques JC, Abrantes N, Gonçalves AMM. Abundance and distribution of microplastics in Antuã River (Portugal).

Bruno D, Belmar O, Maire A, Morel A, Dumont B, Datry T. Structural and functional responses of invertebrate communities to climate change and flow regulation in alpine rivers.

García-Trenza P, Saura-Campos A, Domínguez-Gómez JA. Drones y Limnología.

Rivera SF, Vasselon V, Tapolczai K, Rimet F, Bouchez A. Diatom metabarcoding for biomonitoring: an overview.





Santos M, Oliveira H, Pereira MJ, Gonçalves FJM, Vidal T. Bacterial community as a complementary tool to WFD in Ecological Quality Assessment of Caima River.

Granado C. Fishes and reservoirs

Morant D, Picazo A, Rochera C, Miralles-Lorenzo J, Santamans AC, Pinto R, Hein T, Diaz-Pines E, Castillo-Escriva A, Doña C, Brito AG. Understanding the Camacho A. Current Rates of effects of hydro-morphological Carbon Processes and their restoration measures on nitrogen Response to Climate Change in cycling in riverine landscapes. Mediterranean Coastal Marshes

Amaral SD, Branco P, Rubio-Ríos J, Fenoy E, Salinas Prat N, Acosta R, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Romão F, Viseu T, Ferreira MJ, Moyano-López FJ, Casas Castro D, Cid N, Fortuño P, Gutiérrez- MT, Pinheiro AN, Santos JJ. Coprophagia can mitigate Cánovas C, Múrria C, Soria M, Tarrats JM. Upstream movements low food quality for P, Verkaik I, Bonada N. Long-term of a potamodromous Echinogammarus in lowland changes in metacommunity assembly cyprinid past an headwater streams invaded mechanisms in Mediterranean rivers. experimental broad-crested by Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) small weir.

10:30 - 10:45

Women in Science

10:45 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:15


SE8 - Barbosa L, Datry T, von Schiller D


SR12/13 - Antunes S


SR2 - Cortes R


SR6 - Vellasco P

Simão F, Gravato C, Soares A, Pestana J. PAH effects on the sexual reproduction and offspring of a freshwater planarian. Coffee




SE7 - Sánchez-Fernández D, Gutiérrez- SE6 - Aguiar FC, Fernandes Cánovas C, Bonada N MR

Gutiérrez-Cánovas C, SánchezFernández D, Millán A, Velasco J, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Bonada N. Do all roads lead to Rome? Exploring community trajectories in response to anthropogenic salinisation and dilution of rivers.

SR1 - Cássio F

SR7 - Millán A

SR15 - Feio MJ

Gonçalves V, Pla S, Marques HS, Camacho A, Picazo A, Rochera C, Santamans Raposeiro PM, Vázquez-Loureiro D, Banha F, Anastácio P, Gago J, Verrísimo A, AC, Morant D, Miralles-Lorenzo J, Castillo- Hernández A, Pueyo JJ, Sáez A, Bao R, Ilhéu M, Diniz A, Gkenas C, Ribeiro F. OnEscrivà A. Current rates and potential effects Giralt S. The impact of recent global line “catches”: information collection changes on remote oceanic island of climate change effects on methane opportunities regarding fish invasions in lakes – a paleolimnological emissions in Spanish temporary saline lakes freshwaters. perspective.

Sáinz-Bariáin M, Vieites D, Barquín J. The use of eDNA in river ecosystems to design environmental indices.

Silva C, Macário IE, Oliveira B, Gonçalves FJM, Castro BB, Pereira JL. Feeding behaviour of Corbicula fluminea: a sensitive endpoint for ecotoxicological assessment and refinement of chemical control.

Callisto M, Castro DMP, Solar R. Invertebrates conservation in headwater streams along an altitudinal gradient in a snow-free tropical mountain.

Elosegi A, Esnaola A, Arrizabalaga-Escudero A, González-Esteban J, Aihartza J. Un modo de vida frenético: selección de hábitat y de dieta por el desmán ibérico.

Gómez-Gener L , Lupon A, Leach J, Brekenfeld N, Krause S, Laudon H, Sponseller R. Carbon cycling in a boreal temporary stream: insight from an experimental hydrological manipulation

Rodríguez-Gómez V, Arranz JC, Alberruche ME, Fernández-Naranjo FJ, Rodríguez-Pacheco R, Vadillo L. Metodología para la evaluación del potencial de contaminación de las aguas superficiales de los residuos mineros abandonados.

Múrria C, Wangensteen OS, Somma S, Väisänen LOS, Arnedo MA, Prat N. Metagenomic analysis of macroinvertebrates along the Llobregat river (NE-Iberian Peninsula) and its use for biomonitoring.

Miralles-Lorenzo J, Morant D, Rochera C, Picazo A, CastilloEscrivà A, Santamans AC, Florín Gabriel A, Costa S, Henriques I, Pérez-Silos I, Álvarez-Martínez M, Mesquita F,Camacho A. Lopes I. Effects of continuous JM, Benda LE, Miller D, Barquín J. Pinheiro C, Oliveira U, Vieira N. exposure to increased salinity in the Assessment of Sousa River's Ecological Designing a Green Infrastructure Cambios en el perfil metabólico de las comunidades microbianas amphibian skin bacterium Erwinia Network (GIN) for three Quality. toletana. Cantabric mountain catchments. acuáticas de diferentes lagunas de España a lo largo de un gradiente de salinidad.

SR2 - Prat N



Light T, Catalán N, Marcé R. Carbon dynamics in drying sediment from the Siurana Reservoir, Catalonia, Spain

SE1- Filipe AF, Feio MJ, Almeida S

SR14 - Anastácio P

Lozanovska I, Ferreira MT, Aguiar FC. Predictors of functional change in riverine landscapes: multiple ways and approaches.

Machado A, Fragoso R, Duarte E. Use of different adsorption materials to remove the diuretic drug Furosemide.

SE3 - Obrador B, Catalán N, Marcé R, Gómez-Gener L

SE8 - Barbosa L, Datry T, von Schiller D

Castillo-Escrivà A, Pereira CL, Sroczyńska K, Faísca P, Araújo MB, Matias M. Zooplankton responses to environmental changes across a biogeographical gradient.

García de Jalón D., González del Tánago M. Are Large Dams responsible for Riparian Vegetation Encroachment in Mediterranean rivers?


SR3 - Moretti M

11:15 - 11:30 Raposeiro PM, Saez A, Giralt S, Datry T, Foulquier A, Corti R, von Costa AC, Gonçalves V. Causes of Cabecinha E, Hughes S, Cortes Conde-Porcuna JM, VeigaNeto J, Moreno E, Jiménez L, Schiller D, Shumilova O, Tockner T, spatial distribution of subfossil R. Consistent, congruent or Ramos-Rodríguez E, Pérezdiatom and chironomid 1000IRPteam. A global perspective redundant? Organisational assemblages in surface on carbon dynamics in intermittent response of lotic communities Martínez C. Phylogeny and genetic patterns over time sediments of a high gradient rivers and ephemeral streams. to disturbance. and space in the species lake. complex of Daphnia pulexpulicaria from Sierra Nevada lakes (Spain).

Fernandes MR, Santos A, Aguiar FC, Branco MR, Ferreira MT. Historical cartography as bases for studying changes of pollinator services in riverine landscapes.

Sroczyńska K, Pereira C, Faísca P, Araújo M, Matias M. Understanding trophic structure of freshwater ponds across macroecological gradients using stable C and N isotopes.

11:30 - 11:45

Arias del Real R, Muñoz I, Menéndez M. Increased flow intermittency reduces aquatic hyphomycetes richness affecting leaf litter decomposition.

Santofimia E, López-Pamo E, Ruiz JM, Mejías M. Modificaciones ambientales en el humedal del Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel propiciadas por la actividad de especies exóticas invasoras.

Gálvez A, Rueda J, Monrós JS, Álvarez-Troncoso R, Bonilla F, Sasa M, Morales L, Zaragüeta M, Robles S, Camacho A, Sahuquillo M, Barragán C, Rodríguez JM, Mesquita-Joanes F, Armengol Luque Y, Fernández J, Puig A, X. On the structure of rotifer González Idiat.Es: The new metacommunities in Spanish Diatom Index temporary ponds from Costa Intercalibration Exercise. Rica.

Munné A, Solà C, Mardina M, Garcia E, Sierra C, Cid N, Soria M, Gallart F, Prat N. A new Fernández VM,Tánago MG, Jalón DG. approach to assess ecological status in Assessment of macroinvertebrates intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in communites responses across a Mediterranean river basin district regulated and non regulated sites. (Catalonia, NE Spain).

Montagud D, Soria JM, Sendra MD, Soria X, Vicente Mesquita-Joanes F, Castillo-Escrivà A, Duarte G, Segurado P, E. Revisión del Índice Trofico Rueda J. Incorporating time effects Oliveira T, Haidvogl G, Pont del Fitoplancton en Embalses when analysing (aquatic) D, Ferreira MT, Branco P. (PRTI) en la cuenca del Ebro a metacommunities. The River Network Toolkit. partir de la densidad y biomasa algal.

11:45 - 12:00 Firmiano KR, Cañedo-Argülles M,Gutiérrez-Cánovas C, Florín M, Campos A, Cerrillo I, León Rincón G, Alonso C, García de Llorente A, Seoane S. Macedo DR, Bonada N, I, Villanueva JM. Diffuse and point Jalón D, González G, SolanaPhytoplankton community Callisto M. Landscape pollution in the highly valuable Gutiérrez J. Measuring the composition and dominant resistance to dispersal and Mediterranean river Bullaque effects of dam removal on pigments during mixing period in local environment determine (Guadiana catchment, Central-SW Ecosystem Services using Lake Sanabria (NW Spain). metacommunity patterns of Spain). Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. neotropical headwater streams.

Rezende C. Intraspecific variability as a persistence mechanism of fishes in intermittent streams.

Fahd K, Martin I, Remesal JA. Distribución geográfica de especies exóticas invasoras acuáticas en Andalucía.

Gacia E, Bernal S, Carreras E, Nikolakopoulou M, Ribot M, Isnard M, Sabater F, Sorolla A, Martí E. Elemental stoichiometry and contribution to nutrient retention of four species of helophytes receiving water inputs from a wastewater treatment plant effluent.

Ramos-Fuertes A, Vega JC, Palau A, Armegol J, Casasola A, Rodríguez A, Dolz J. Thermal response of Sanabria Lake to global change (Duero catchment, Zamora, Spain).

Blanco Perez E, Oliveira AS, Augusto FG, Cordeiro RI, Luz R, Pimentel M, Cardoso Santos GD, Santos LAF, Neves EC, Mello A, Vasconcelos V, Gonçalves V, Fonseca ACP, Camargo PB. Aplicação de um plano A. Azorean extremophile cyanobacteria diretor em um campus universitário como and their cyanotoxin production instrumento de gestão visando o uso potential. racional de recursos hídricos.

Mesquita A, Gonçalves FJM, Marques JC, Gonçalves AMM. Impacts of Primextra Gold®TZ and copper sulphate on the fatty acids profile of the estuarine species Cerastoderma edule.

Fernández S, Rodríguez-Martínez S, Martínez JL, Borrell YJ, Ardura A, García-Vázquez E. Could eDNA really help in changing current assessment of freshwater quality bioindicators?

Atristain M, Larrañaga A, von León-Palmero E, MoralesSchiller D, Elosegi A. Baquero R, Reche I. CO2 and CH4 DESEMBALSE: effects of fluxes in Mediterranean decomissioning a large reservoir reservoirs: oxygen and methane (Enobieta, Navarre, Iberian sobresaturation coupled in Peninsula) on stream biodiversity epilimnion. and ecosystem functioning.

Pinto R, Mortágua A, Almeida SFP, Serra S, Feio MJ. Diatom size plasticity at the global and regional spatial scales

12:00 - 12:15 Santos JI, Vidal T, Mendes C, Ré A, Gonçalves FJM, Castro BB, Yu S, Bond N, Bunn S, Xu Z, Kennard Pereira JL. Influence of invasive M. Quantifying spatial and Asian clam distribution patterns temporal patterns of flow on macroinvertebrate intermittency using spatially assemblages and water contiguous runoff data ecological status in a semiartificial catchment.

González-Trujillo JD, Donato Moreira C, Mendes R, Gomes JC, Muñoz I, Sabater S. C, Vasconcelos V, Antunes A. Ecoregional features explain Occurrence of cyanobacteria invertebrate diversity at local and cyanotoxins in and regional scales in rivers Portuguese freshwater from the Colombian Orinoco systems. basin.

Castro D, Cardiel O, Guerra V, Prat N. Evaluation of the community of benthic macroinvertebrates. The first step to construct an overall protocol to determine the ecohydrological state of the Pesqueria River (NE, Mexico).

Martins FMS, Galhardo M, Teixeira A, Pinheiro P, Filipe AF, Alves PC, Beja P. Improving freshwater biodiversity assessment: application of molecular tools on preservative ethanol from macroinvertebrate bulks.

Martínez-Megías C, Santiago JM, Bordalo M, Gravato C, Fernandes S, García de Jalón D. Respuesta de las Rodrigues A, Lopes I, Pestana J. Are comunidades macrobentónicas al microbial insecticides environmental cambio de temperatura del agua en el friendly? Effects on a freshwater alto Manzanares y su posible relación insect species. con el cambio climático.

Reis L, Piccolo M, Camargo P, Gaudio F, Costa C, Figueiredo R. Análise isotópica como instrumento no estudo da restauração de nascentes.

Estévez E, Álvarez-Martínez JM, Barquín J, Singer GA. Effects of catchment land cover on fluvial dissolved organic matter composition.

Matias MG. IberianPonds: Predicting responses to climate change from genes to ecosystem services.

12:15 - 12:30

Toro M, Seisdedos P, Negro AI, Alonso R, Vega JC, Alonso M, Sánchez-Castillo PM, Monteoliva AP, Marco J, Valero B, Catalan J, Guareschi S, Mellado-Díaz A, Alonso AM, Arias S, Artíñano B, Puig MA, Sánchez-Fernández Barreales R, Barreiro F, Bermejo Soria-Perpinyà X, Urrego P, D. The last shall be first: Pereira-Sandoval M, RuízV, Calvete H, Cobo G, Hoyos C, potential distribution and Parra G, Gilbert JD, Jiménez-Melero Verdú A, Peña R, Soria JM, Díaz E, Domínguez A, Fanés I, conservation assessment of R, Ortega F, Guerrero F. Yes, tiny Delegido J,Vicente E, Moreno García H, González P, the Iberian endemism things are relevant: the use of Hernández N, Leira M, Lizana M, J. Ecological monitoring of a Eurylophella iberica zooplankton community in Moreno A, Morales J, Nuño C, hypertrophic lake (Albufera of Keffermuller and Da Terra Mediterranean temporary wetland Valencia, Spain) using Pahissa J, Peg M, Pérez ME, Pla1978 (Ephemeroptera, assessment and management. multitemporal Sentinel-2 Rabés S, Rasines A, Roblas N, Ephemerellidae) under images. Robles S, Salvador P, Valiño F, current and future climate Vargas JL. Estudio limnológico scenarios. del lago de Sanabria y su cuenca: un proyecto multidisciplinar para evaluar su estado y funcionamiento ecológico.

Campo R, Guerrero M, Freixinos Z, Guerrero C, Martí E, von Schiller D, Gómez R. Preconditioning of leaves during the dry period alters ecosystem functioning in intermittent streams upon rewetting: an insitu BACI experiment

Baptista GM, Pereira MJ, Vieira Alonso C, Calleja M, Rincón G, Campelo PH. Declínio MN, Marques JC, Gonçalves García de Jalón D. Temporal populacional de cetáceos AMM. Spatio-temporal variability of stream neotropicais dulcícolas composition of phytoplankton macroinvertebrate promovidos pela implantação community in the Mondego community size-spectra. de usinas hidrelétricas. estuary, Portugal.

Morales EA, Trujillo I, Rodríguez I, Novais MH, Barbosa LC, Morais MM. The use of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) as indicators of water quality in an intermittent, urban and highly polluted river in Bolivia.

Gama M, Banha F, Anastácio P. Invasive species distribution modelling: efectiveness of different environmental/antropogenic variables and forecasts of climate change impacts.

Doña C, Morant D, Picazo A, Rochera C, Sánchez JM, Camacho A. Monitoring hydrological patternsin Lake Alcahozo byremote sensing techniques and meteorological data.

Garcia-Raventós A, Martins FMS, Magalhães MF, Ramião JP, Ferreira M, Carona S, Carvalho F, Sousa R, Froufe E, Teixeira A, Varandas S, Lima M, Beja P, Filipe AF. Multiple introductions and first record of Phoxinus phoxinus in the Douro Basin revealed by molecular data.





Oficialdegui FJ, Roessink I, Biron DG, Lejeune AH, Boyero L, Clavero M, Delgado J, Cillero C, Juncosa R, Cereijo JL, Green AJ, Peeters ETHM, Sánchez MI. Vidal R, Vázquez R. Embalse de Fais M, Duarte S, Sousa R, Hajibabaei M, A multidisciplinary study to Abegondo-Cecebre. Un sistema de Canchaya CA, Costa FO. Metabarcoding understand inter- and intraspecific abastecimiento humano monitorizado en of meiobenthic estuarine communities: agonistic interactions between two continuo mediante sondas de alta optimization of protocols. invasive species of freshwater frecuencia. crayfish.

Vieira R, Marques SM, Neto JN, Gutiérrez D, García D, Martínez Breda M, Milesi SV,Restello RM, Hepp Barría P, Marques JC, Gonçalves Y, Álvarez-Troncoso R, Méndez G, LU. Spatial position and riparian FJM, Gonçalves AMM. Biomarkers Soto B, Pombal MA, Garrido J. vegetation affect the functional response of three commercial fish Preservation and environmental feeding groups of stream Trichoptera species from a southern estuarine assessment of the Minho river in Southern Brazil. system to drought and flood events. cross-border

Khan H, Marcé R, Laas A, Obrador B. Effects of alkalinity and trophic state on the relationship between metabolism and carbon fluxes in lakes

Jeremias G, Barbosa J, Marques SM, Gonçalves S, Kahlert M, Figueira E, De Schamphelaere K, Van Almeida SFP. Assessing Zn and Cu Nieuwerburgh F, Deforce D, Gonçalves impacts on freshwater diatoms: FJM, Pereira JL, Asselman J. physiological, biochemical and Transgenerational effects of salinity metabolomic responses of Tabellaria stress in Daphnia magna: the role of flocculosa (Roth) Kützing, epigenetic mechanisms.

Catalán N, Attermeyer K, Freixa A, Szeckely A, Groeneveld M, Hawkes JA, Eirnarsdóttir K, Tranvik LJ. Organic matter ageing in lakes: exploring the link between water residence time and microbial function

Campo R

Closing session

AGRHYDROM project 12:30 - 12:45 Crabot J, Datry T. Temporal variability of metacommunities structure in intermittent rivers: interaction with the spatial drying pattern.

12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30


13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45









SE11 - Encina L, Rodrigues Capítulo AR

SE10 - Boavida I, Costa MJ

SE5 - Pereda O

Boavida I, Rivaes R, Santos JM. Transferability of environmental flows: a case-study in a Mediterranean river.

Pereda O, Acuña V, Casellas M, Romero F, Sabater L, von Schiller D, Sabater S, Elosegi A. Effects of waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents on stream ecosystem functioning: insights into the Subsidy-Stress hypothesis.



Modenutti B. Aquatic deserts and the success of mixotrophic ciliates

Miró A, Ventura M. (Thesis Award). Fish as local stressors of Pyrenean high mountain lakes: arrival process and impact on amphibians and other organisms

Cañedo M. Emerging questions in freshwater salinization.

14:45 - 15:00 SE8 - Barbosa L, Datry T, von Schiller D

SR12/13 - Raposeiro P

SR4 - Dolédec S.

SR6 - Conde-Porcuna J

SE8 - Barbosa L, Datry T, von Schiller D

SR14 - Menéndez M

SR4 - Marcé R

SE1- Filipe AF, Feio MJ, Almeida S

SR1 - Pereira JL

15:00 - 15:15 Menezes RF, Costa M, Junior CJFC, Antunes SC, Sousa-Pinto I, Fernandes I, Lisi PJ, McIntyre Costa SY, Ramos TPA, Sternberg Nogueira S, Almeida R, Formigo PB, Pascoal C, Cássio F. Abelho M, Canhoto C. Is CNP LSL, Becker V, Attayde JL. Extreme NE. Assessing the water quality ratio in leaves a main driver of Freshwater fungal diversity drought may homogenize in reservoirs: use of zooplankton along an anthropogenic leaf litter decomposition? freshwater assemblages in semias biological element, the gradient in Hawaiian streams arid reservoirs. forgotten link in WFD.

Novais MH, Penha MA, Morales EA, Oliveira Feijoó C, Hegoburu C, Messetta ML, A, Bouchez A, Barthès A, Usseglio-Polatera P, Anselmo J, di Franco L, Gómez A, Várbíró G, Morais MM. Effects of water Falabella A, Guerra-López J. Changes intermittency on diatom (Bacillariophyta) in land use and nutrient level in and invertebrate (aquatic and terrestrial) streams from a region subjected to communities in streams of southern agricultural intensification (Argentine Portugal. Pampas) between 2003 y 2015.

Jesus T, Monteiro A, Abreu I, Pires-Zottarelli CLA, Jesus AL, Guerreiro MJ. Estudo do Ventura PO, Boro MC, efeito da descarga de duas Colombo DRS. Diversidade de ETAR’s na estrutura da fungos (sensu lato) comunidade de zoospóricos de corpos d’ água macroinvertebrados do Mosaico de Unidades de bentónicos do rio Tinto Conservação Juréia-Itatins, (Portugal). São Paulo, Brasil.

Smeti E, von Schiller D, Lashou S, Vardakas L, Puche E, González A, Martínez R, Tornés E, Theodoropoulos C, Vourka A, Martínez N, Sánchez-Carrillo S, Andriopoulou A, Koutsodimou M, Álvarez-Cobelas M, Rodrigo MA, Rojo Anastasopoulou E, Karaouzas I, Sabater S, C. Modulation of the horizontal food Elosegi A, Skoulikidis NT & Kalogianni E. web mediated by the response of Effects of agro-industrial pollution on biota charophytes to global change and ecosystem functioning in an intermittent stressors: a mesocosm experiment. river (Evrotas, Greece).

Pujante AM, González R, Rojo V, Vierna Pascoal C, Cássio F. Biodiversity and J, Nieminen M, Hammers M. stream ecosystem functioning under Development of novel metabarcoding global change: insights from detrital food approach to benthic macroinvertebrates webs. species identification.

Rodrigues Capítulo A. Actividades Seena S, Olimpia S, Ainara C. Impact científico- académicas de la Dra. Julia of metals on aquatic fungal Toja Santillana en el cono sur de metabolites and gene expression. América.

15:15 - 15:30

Paredes I, Ramírez F, Forero MG, Garcia Bravo A, Bouchet S, Tolu Green AJ. Nitrogen stable isotopes J, Mateos-Rivera A, Peura S, (δ15N) in halophytes as a proxy for Buck M, Björn E, Bertilsson S. anthropogenic nitrogen pollution in Biological and chemical intermittent Mediterranean interplays: The role of organic wetlands matter in mercury methylation.

Medeiros AO, Hepp LU, Almeida JSD, Rezende RS, Junior JFG, Moretti MS, Moretto Y, Loureiro RC, Medeiros CC, Leite G, Kiffer Junior WP, Costa LC, Lourenço DK. The colder best: in Brasil, subtropical zones increase the aquatic hyphomycetes diversity compared to tropical zones.

Calapez AR, Elias C, Pereira A, Alves A, Almeida S, Feio MJ. Molecular evidences of biofilm responses to multiplestressors: community shifts induced by flow stagnation, organic loads and grazing.

Sobral O, Ribeiro R, Rebelo M. Effects of copper stress on three metabolic pathways in Daphnia magna: a gene expression profile.

von Schiller D, Atristain M, Jesus J, Teixeira A, Natário S, Barrado M, Guzmán I, González Carrola J, Varandas S, Pereira LT, JG, Larrañaga A, Pereda O, PérezSoria JM, Soria X, Urrego P, PereiraCortes RMV. Efeitos de barreira Calpe AV, Solagaistua L, Elosegi A. Sandoval M, Ruíz-Verdú A, Peña R, comportamental seletiva com Polluting a stream for the sake of Delegido J, Vicente E. Estima de la estímulos acústicos, luz e bolhas, science: an ecosystem calidad en masas de agua oligotróficas no salmonídeo: S. truta e manipulation experiment on the mediante imágenes de Sentinel-2 ciprinídeos: P. duriense e L. ecological effects of Bocagei WWTP effluents.

15:30 - 15:45

Gómez R, Sánchez-Montoya MM, Guerrero M, Miñano J, Tockner K. Debris piles as hotspots of nutrients, microbial activity and ground-dwelling arthropod biodiversity in ephemeral rivers

15:45 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:15 16:15 - 16:30

Santos L, Brotto D, Araújo F. Artificial habitats as attracting devices (FADs) for alien game fish control in a Neotropical reservoir.

Gonçalves AL, Carvalho A, Bärlocher, F Canhoto C. Are fungal strains from salinized streams functionally more efficient than their conspecifics from reference streams?

Valle-Artaza JM, FernándezGonzález A, Fernández-López J, Rodríguez-García N, Menéndez-Pérez D, Sergi Munné S, Silva-Mendez G, Doblas-Bajo M, RodriguezArribas D, De-La Puente AB, Castresana J, Menéndez DF. Ecological profile of the Pyrenean Desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the Sistema Central (Spain).

López-Rojo N, Pérez J, Pozo J, Basaguren A, Elosegi A, Tonin Pandeirada MS, Craveiro SC, Durán C, Martinez-Sanz C. AM, Swafford AJ, CorreaCalado AJ. Recent advances Laini A, Bolpagni R, Burgazzi G, Macroinvertebrados y diatomeas Araneda FJ, Pearson RG, to our knowledge of Palmia B, Viaroli P. Drought effects como herramientas en la gestión Boyero L, GLoBE partners. dinoflagellate diversity in on the macroinvertebrate de la calidad del agua Decomposition and Diversity fresh waters of continental community in Northern Italy desembalsada. in streams: a global Portugal experiment (GLoBE-DecoDiv).

Sarremejane R, Cid N, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Cordero-Rivera A, Csabai Z, Datry T, Díaz de Quijano D, Kolmakova O, Silva FA, Giani A. Population dynamic Mejías M, Santofimia E, López-Pamo E, Gutiérrez-Cánovas C, Heino J, Millán A, Trusova M, Ivanova EA. Phytoplankton of bloom-forming Microcystis Ruiz JM. Hidrología del humedal del Paillex A, Paril P, Stubbington R, Figueroa JM, community before and after ice-andaeruginosa in the presence of the Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel Usseglio-Polatera P, Zamora-Muñoz C, snow cover formation in a South Central (Ciudad Real, España). Bonada N. Biological traits reveal contrasting invasive bivalve Limnoperna fortunei. Siberian mountain lake. aquatic invertebrate dispersal strategies in perennial and intermittent rivers.

Jesus F, Gonçalves AMM, Schamphelaere KD, Pereira J, Ventura S, Coutinho JAP, Gonçalves FJM. Toxicity of binary mixtures of ionic liquids and salts to the microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata.

Vicente E, Soria-Perpinyà X, Soria JM, Sendra MD, Kramer O, Rodríguez MJ, Sancho-Tello V. Evolución del estado trófico en embalses de la cuenca del Ebro: veinticinco años de estudios.

Benassi RF, Jesus TA, Coelho LHG, Mortágua A, Vasselon V, Oliveira R, Elias Hanisch WS, Domingues MR, Pompêu C, Chardon C, Bouchez A, Rimet F, Feio MLM, Carlos VM. Fluxos de CH4 e CO2 e MJ, Almeida SFP. DNA metabarcoding suas relações com poluição urbana em approach as a complementary technique reservatório da região metropolitana de for assessment of Portuguese rivers São Paulo, Brasil using diatoms.

Sossey K, Tychon B, Joachim S, Nott K, Porcher J, Geffard A, Beaudouin R, Baudoin P, Rober C, Fauconnier ML, Matthew S. Effects of 5 pharmaceutical substances on bryophyte Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw biomarkers and growth.

Toja J. La satisfacción que da la experiencia de hacer ciencia y aplicarla.

Sánchez-Montoya MM, Ruhí AA, von Schiller Ferrarez L, Franca R, Vendramini B, D, Miñano J, Catarinau C, Lencia JL, Barberá Brandimarte A. Chironomidae na GG, Tockner K. Metacommunity dynamics of colonização de detritos em riachos de ground-dwelling arthropods in intermittent Mata Atlântica e Cerrado. streams over the drying phase

Alexandre CM, Almeida PR, Costa JL, Quintella BR. Impact of flow regulation on the composition and functional structure of fish assemblages.

Guzman I, Solagaistua L, Barrado M, Larrañaga A, von Schiller D, Elosegi A. Effects of wastewater treatment plant effluent on the detrital Pathway.

Romero F, Acuña V, Casellas M, Pereda O, Sabater L, Font C, Fuentes-Pérez JF, Tuhtan JA. Measuring flow complexity from Sabater S. Subsidy-stress response of river biofilm communities to fish perspective: Challenges and wastewater treatment plant opportunities to impact (WWTP) effluent and its assessment. interaction with desiccation.













SE8 - Barbosa L, Datry T, von Schiller D

SE9 - Cauvy-Fraunié S, Niedrist G

SR4 - Abelho M.

SR6 - Fernandes I.

SR9/10 - Felpeto AB

SR14 - Feijoó C

SR4 - Pascoal C

SR5 - Barquín, P

SR1 - Sahadevan S.

SR7 - Callisto M

SE10 - Boavida I, Costa MJ

SE5 - Pereda O

Barbosa LG, Oliveira DL, Silva FS. Phytoplakton communities in stone tanks in the Brazilian semiarid region

Cauvy-Fraunié S. Mountain freshwater metacommunity response to multiscale flow alteration.

Dolédec S, Feio MJ. Do the socalled functional traits relate to ecosystem functions?

Pallarés S, Lai M, Abellán P, Ribera I, Sánchez-Fernández D. Latitudinal variation in species body size: does Bergmann’s rule rule apply to aquatic insects?

Costa MJ, Boavida I, Pinheiro A. The consequences of pulsed flows to freshwater fish: challenges and solutions.

Lemes-Silva AL, Lemes WP, Lopes M, Petrucio MM. Change of a stream ecosystem function along a forest-to-urban gradient transition: Integrating riparian and in-stream characteristics.

16:30 - 16:45

Pérez-Martínez C, Jiménez L, Moreno E, Ramos-Rodríguez E, Conde-Porcuna Marcé R, von Schiller D, Aguilera R, Martí Felpeto AB, Roy S, Ferreira C, Vasconcelos V. E, Bernal S. Contribution of hydrologic JM. Cladoceran and diatom The interplay of allelopathy and nutrient opportunity and biogeochemical assemblage distribution in alpine lakes competition as drivers of phytoplankton reactivity to the variability of nutrient of Sierra Nevada (Spain) and its community dynamics. retention in river networks. relationship to environmental variables.

Verkaik I, Fortuño P, Gallart F, Espelta JM, Prat N. Managed ecosystems in the Mediterranean: is it possible to have it all?

Serpa K, De Martin G, Penha L, Rangel López-Doval JC, Romero F, Sabater S. J, Kiffer Jr. W, Moretti M. Do seasonal changes in leaf vertical inputs Responses of ciliates and influence the composition of leaf micrometazoans to chemical and physical stressors in artificial rivers. patches and invertebrate assemblages in Atlantic Forest streams?

16:45 - 17:00 Nizzoli D, Azzoni R, Viaroli P. Short term influence of sediment drying and organic matter enrichment on benthic metabolism, nitrogen and phosphorus recycling.

Niedrist GH, Psenner R, Sommaruga R. Climate change increases vertical and seasonal water temperature differences, and inter-annual variability in a mountain lake.

Alves AS, Gonçalves AL, Lírio AV, Canhoto C. Leaf litter decomposition: drivers in estuarine systems.

Padovesi-Fonseca C, Silva MJM, Costa DF, Rezende RS. Microinvertebrados planctônicos de riachos de cabeceiras do Cerrado, Brasil central.

Oliveira U, Pinheiro C, Vieira N. Assessment of the microphytobenthic community dynamics in Sousa River.

Marques HS, Raposeiro PM, Hernández A, Pueyo JJ, Sáez A, Giralt S, Bao R, Gonçalves V. Diatom-based environmental reconstruction in Lake Caveiro (Azores archipelago) during the Mid and Late Holocene: preliminary results.

Ferreira V, Boyero L, Calvo C, Correa F, Figueroa R, Gonçalves Jr. JF, Goyenola G, Graça MAS, Hepp LU, Kariuki S, LópezRodríguez A, Mazzeo N, M’Erimba C, Monroy S, Peil A, Pozo J, Rezende RS, Teixeira-de Mello F. Streams in eucalyptus plantations – still heterotrophic but no longer the same.

Ávila-García D, Morató J. Sistemas naturales de tratamiento de agua para disminuir la vulnerabilidad climática en el Departamento del Cauca, Colombia.

Macek M, Medina XS. Spirostomum teres planctónico en el hipolimnion anóxico.

Genua-Olmedo A, Alcaraz C, Temmerman S, Ibáñez C. Evaluating nature-based adaptation options to sea level rise and benefits to agriculture in a deltaic area.

Arenas Ibarra JA. Dinámica limnológica en un tramo transicional de la cuenca del río Huallaga (Huánuco-Perú).

Portela AP, Vieira C, Carvalho-Santos C, Gonçalves J, Honrado J. Integrating habitat conservation and hydrological services for improved river management: assessing spatial congruence and trade-offs in N Portugal.

Fenoy E, Pradhan A, Batista D, Pascoal C, Cássio F, Moyano FJ, Casas JJ. Effects of taxonomic and functional diversity of hyphomycetes on leaf litter decomposition.

Pereira A, Ferreira V. Litter decomposition and associated fungal decomposers are affected by forest streams invasion by Acacia spp.

Carvalho e Silva I, Lycarião TA, Costa DF, Dantas EW. Turnover ficoperifítico: influência do substrato ou dos fatores abióticos? Posters


Batista D, Pascoal C, Cássio F. Dietary exposure and temperature affect the toxicity of AgNPs to aquatic invertebrate shredders.

Estragnat V, Mermillod-Blondin F, Jully M, Lemoine D, Lassabatère L, Volatier L. Grazer introduction to restore and preserve the hydraulic performance of infiltration basins clogged by benthic biofilms.

Belmar O, Vila N, Ibáñez C, Caiola N. Linking fish-based biological Herrero Ortega S, Gessner MO, indicators with Singer G, Casper P. Mineralization hydrological dynamics in a of sediment organic matter to Mediterranean river: CH4 and CO2 in urban freshwater relevance for environmental flow bodies. regimes.

17:00 - 17:15 Colls M, Timoner X, Acuña V, Sabater S. Effects of non-flow period on pigment composition, physiology and resistance structures of permanent and temporary streams.

Álvarez-Cabria M, Sainz M, Pérez I, Estévez E, González-Ferreras A, Rodrígez T, Peñas F, Barquín J. Multiannual monitoring in streams from the Picos de Europa National Park (northern Spain).

Pérez-Calpe AV, González JM, Pradhan A, Fenoy E, Cássio F, Guzman I, Larrañaga A, von Casas JJ, Moyano FJ, Pascoal Schiller D, Elosegi A. C. Leaf litter decomposition DIVERSION: Multi-scale and fungal biodiversity consequences of water assessed by high-throughput diversion and its interaction sequencing across with pollution on river Mediterranean streams ecosystems.

Márquez FJ, Ortega F, ÁlvarezHayes DS, Greimel F, Haslauer M, Ré A, Saraiva M, Puga J, Campos I, González-Paz L, Almeida SFP, Feio Manzaneda I, Guerrero F. Fuhrmann M, Zeiringer B, Höller Pereira JL, Keizer JJ, Gonçalves FJM, MJ, Pardo I, Oliveira R, Delgado C. Caracterización de los humedales de N, Friedrich T, Hauer C, Ferreira Abrantes N. Assessment of wildfires Succession of biofilm colonization montaña de las cordilleras Béticas T, Schmutz S. Response of Fish impacts on aquatic ecosystems: in during an experiment in a andaluzas a partir de las comunidades Communities to Hydropeaking situ bioassays. eutrophic urban pond. de macroinvertebrados along a Morphological Gradient.

17:15 - 17:30


17:30 - 17:45

17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00


18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15

Zoppini A, Melita M, Casentini B, Laratta B, Pescatore T, De Girolamo AM. In situ observations of temporary rivers dry sediments: chemical quality and microbial properties.

Scotti A, Füreder L, Marsoner T, Lycarião T, Moura A, Carvalho Tappeiner U, Bottarin R. A Pérez J, López-Rojo N, I, Costa D, Dantas E. Modelos "riverscape" study: effects of Basaguren A, Pozo J, Boyero L. de equações estruturais para alpine land covers on How phylogenetic diversity comunidades de plantas assemblages and functional influences litter aquáticas em ecossistemas traits of stream benthic decomposition. rasos tropicais. macroinvertebrates

Gasith A. Revival of rain-pool habitats in Israel Posters

Check-in & reception

Posters GetTogether: young researchers & editors Young AIL researchers assembly



D'Alessandro ME, Collins P. González del Tánago M. Manipulación nutricional en el camarón Hydromorphological conditions of rivers Macrobrachium borellii como recurso en in Madrid Region (Central Spain) la alimentación humana.



Arenas-Sánchez A, López I, Nozal L, Saito VS, Pereira RC, Santos E, Bini Díaz-Redondo M, Marchamalo Vighi M, Rico A. Combined effects of LM, Pavoine S, Siqueira T. The unmet M, Morcillo F. Biogeomorphic increasing temperatures, drought promise: Tackling problems in effects of the renaturalization of and an insecticide on freshwater predicting aquatic insect abundance an urban river: the Manzanares zooplankton communities: a and distribution using functional traits River in the city of Madrid (Spain) microcosm study.




AIL General Assembly Taichi & 5 km run

