5. What is Supply Strategy ? Distinguish between push and pull supply chain. process. 6. Explain the factors influencing
PG – 688
III Semester M.B.A. (Day) Examination, January 2013 (2007-2008 Scheme) MANAGEMENT P1 : Supply Chain Management Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 75
SECTION – A 1. Answer any six from the following. Each sub-question carries two marks. (6×2=12) a) What is Supply Chain drivers ? b) What is Integrated logistics ? c) Define Demand forecasting. d) What is distribution channel ? e) What is Bull whip effect ? f) Define ERP. g) What is 3PL ? h) What is e-Commerce ? SECTION – B Answer any three from the following. Each question carries 8 marks.
2. Explain the various activities of logistics management. 3. Explain the role of Safety Inventory in SCM. 4. Explain the time based control techniques of logistics. 5. What is Supply Strategy ? Distinguish between push and pull supply chain process. 6. Explain the factors influencing distribution network design.
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SECTION – C Answer any two from the following. Each question carries twelve marks.
7. Explain importance of aggregate planning as supply chain activity. 8. Is supply chain management is feasible for SME’s ? Justify your answer with appropriate concepts. 9. Discuss the various obstacles for achieving co-ordination in Supply Chain Management. SECTION – D 10. Compulsory : Case Study :
In April 2008 ‘Airbus’, a subsidiary of EADS, has signed a multi-million dollar contract with IBM Corporation and OATS system to help Airbus to setup the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System, that would stream line its supply chain and manufacturing operations. Airbus expected significant gain from world’s largest RFID- enabled project, including greater accuracy and automation of its supply chain, as well as reduced supply chain costs. Airbus was the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer in 2009 by number of deliveries. One key objective of Airbus was to continuously improve its supply chain by mastering the Supplier’s approval and Surveillance of their manufacturing capabilities. Airbus’s manufacturing, production and sub-assembly of parts were distributed to around sixteen sites in Europe with final assembly Hamburg in Germany. It hand centers for engineering design, sales and support in North America and sales and customer support centers in Japan and China.
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As on September 2009, Airbus had 1500 suppliers spread across 30 countries. According to its power 8 restructuring plan target, the number of suppliers was expected to come down to 500 by 2010, the bottom line is to find the balance between keeping as few spare parts as possible in stock and avoiding delivery bottlenecks, that is the only way to avoid investing millions in spare parts at a time when they donot really need them. Questions : 1) Discuss the inventory management issues in Supply chain. 2) Explain the role of IT in effective Supply Chain Management (SCM).