Sustainable Development through Cooperatives and ...

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Gram Swaraj and Hind Swaraj, Gandhi imagined nearly before 100 years ago, such society who will cooperate with each other, there is no competition with ...
Sustainable Development through Cooperatives and Relevance of Gandhian thoughts in Present Era By

Dr. Lokesh Jain Professor- Rural Management, Centre for Studies in Rural Management Gujarat Vidyapith, rural campus-Randheja 382 620, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected], Mob. 09427026647 & Nishma Makwana, M.Phil Researcher Scholar, , Centre for Studies in Rural Management Gujarat Vidyapith, rural campus-Randheja 382 620, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) E-mail: [email protected], Mob. 9727391990 The article has structured in three parts. In the first part, the authors have tried to understand the relation between the working of cooperative and sustainable development. For more and further clarity about the nature of cooperative, we define briefly the identity of cooperative on the basis of cooperative values and principles. In second part, authors have tried to keep their views honestly about a fruitful relationship between sustainable development goals and contribution of cooperatives. While in last third portion of the article, we have tried to prove relevancy of Gandhian thoughts in present era for betterment of cooperative by inculcation of Gandhian value based approach of sustainable development. 1 Concept of Sustainable development and cooperatives: An Introduction..... There are three major institutions that work as strong pillar of development. These are Panchyat, Cooperatives and Educational Institutes. Panchyat is for empowerment of people politically; they could be able to manage their administration with active participation with democracy and decentralized value. Education is also a root for development of people. So that, they could be able to understand well that what is right and what is wrong in the interest of themselves and their society. While cooperatives are the most suitable institutions for economic development of people that work on the humanitarian and ethical value’s ground. Cooperative is not only an economy likes other economic system but it is a base of holistic development that has decentralization of economic fruits and manages justice in the society. It is a hope of poor people who are unable to run their business activity, who are exploiting in the area of production and consumption. It helps to bring positive change in standard of living and assures participation in main stream of Nation’s development. Cooperative makes them not only economically sustained but encourage them to take active part in panchayat. It also helps to avail educational facility for their family that open the way of career development. In the present world, we are approaching for sustainable development. An authorised body United Nations draws the concept of sustainable development concept and before us sustainable development goals. In the light of sustainable development we need to assess the contribution of cooperatives. 1

Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while at the same time sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resource use continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system and sustainable development can be classified as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation. While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived mostly from the 1987 Brundtland Report, it is also rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest management and twentieth century environmental concerns. As the concept developed, it has shifted to focus more on economic development, social development and environmental protection for future generations. It has been suggested that "the term "sustainability" should be viewed as humanity's target goal of human-ecosystem equilibrium (homeostasis), while "sustainable development" refers to the holistic approach and temporal processes that lead us to the end point of sustainability". The concept of sustainable development has been—and still is—subject to criticism. What, exactly, is to be sustained in sustainable development? It has been argued that there is no such thing as a sustainable use of a non-renewable resource, since any positive rate of exploitation will eventually lead to the exhaustion of earth's finite stock. This perspective renders the industrial revolution as a whole unsustainable. It has also been argued that the meaning of the concept has opportunistically been stretched from "conservation management" to "economic development", and that the Brundtland Report promoted nothing but a business as usual strategy for world development, with an ambiguous and insubstantial concept attached as a public relations slogan. Cooperative Institutions- towards identity..... Cooperative is the institution of people who associated voluntarily to run their business in democratic manner to achieve their common economic and social welfare goals. It is the organization of needy and poor people who come together to uplift their standard of living and assure fundamental facility to their family members as fruit of economic and productive activity. It is not only a structural framework but living institutions that have own values to run their business affairs or the set of cooperative & principles. These values are known as cooperative values. Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, selfresponsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. Co-operative members also believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. Cooperative principles are the part of its identity charter like values. Cooperative institutions followed its guiding principles that match with above defined cooperative values. These are1. Voluntary and Open Membership- Co-operatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination. 2. Democratic Member Control- Co-operatives is democratic organisations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. Men and women serving as elected representatives are accountable to the membership. In primary 2

co-operatives members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote) and co-operatives at other levels are also organised in a democratic manner. 3. Member Economic Participation- Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their co-operative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the co-operative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing their co-operative, possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the co-operative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership. 4. Autonomy and Independence- Co-operatives are autonomous, self-help organisations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organisations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their co-operative autonomy. 5. Education, Training and Information- Co-operatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their co-operatives. They inform the general public particularly young people and opinion leaders - about the nature and benefits of co-operation. 6. Co-operation among Co-operatives- Co-operatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the co-operative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures. 7. Concern for Community- Co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members. 2 Contribution of Cooperative towards Sustainable Development.... Measure significance of Cooperatives on scale of Sustainable Development GoalsIf we analysis all 17 Sustainable Development Goals that are to be achieve for a healthy nations are No poverty, Zero hunger, Decent work and economic growth, Responsible Consumption and Production, Reduce inequality Gender Equality, Quality of Education, Good health & wellbeing (quality of life), Industry, innovation and infrastructure, peace justice and strong institutions, affordable and clean energy, climate action, life on land ,life below water, sustainable cities and communities and partnership for the goals. All these are near to cooperative philosophy. Let we assess. - Cooperative works for weaker section of society and ensure employment and fruitful earning. It reduce poverty by encouraging the work opportunity. It prevents exploitation of them that was continued by the upper layer of society. It makes stronger to their members by collective small efforts to carry economic activities in fruitful manner. - It assures enough food for them and their family members. It directly contributes to reduce hunger from the society. It makes them self-sufficient by producing needed product and servicers according to the need of their members and the society. It helps to stop hunger. - Decent Work and economic growth is also necessary to sustain a society in planned manner. Cooperative is an efficient economic system for decentralize economy. It 3







works from root level that is village. Villagers, farmers, artisans, skilled, semi skilled and unskilled members are beneficiaries who become unable to achieve to avail work opportunity at individual level and to meet their basic minimum needs. Cooperative associated them and their efforts and makes them strong economically at individual level. Thus this model is much near to this philosophy of development goals. Cooperatives are value based institutions that works in the interest of society. Like other usual economy, cooperative economy doesn’t work for massive production or profit but it ensure wellness of society by balancing in Consumption and production pattern. It is necessary for an economically healthy that Production must be mach with actual needs of society. It is meant for scarification of demand, not create the demand to meet the endless profit earning demand. It saves the interest of consumer and producer both. There is no space for the practices of exploitation anyway. When cooperatives form, it associates all weaker section or needy segment of society without any type of gender discrimination. In other words, cooperative sector promotes women and make fruitful efforts to join them with production system. Many milk cooperatives, weavers cooperative, labours cooperative, forest cooperatives and vegetable growers cooperatives etc are the landmark examples women empowerment in cooperative sector. Likewise gender equality, cooperative works to reduce socio-economic inequality and creates the opportunity to develop self-confidence, environment for self-respect and output for socio-economic and cultural enrichment as an indicator of quality of life. Quality of life includes the two sustainable goals i.e. quality of education and good health & well being. Cooperative is not an economic institution but it has desired sensitivity with society. It works not only for members but contribute in the wellbeing of society by promoting education and health facilities. It may count as CSR of Cooperative that provides an effective solution of education and health issue of society. Various cooperatives are also directly working very efficiently in the field of education and health. Industry, innovation and infrastructure is an important goal of sustainable development charter. It consists entrepreneurship among the people. In real way cooperative entrepreneur spirit among the members, develop creative vision for individual and common achievements. The journey of cooperative in India is full of innovations. As we know it had started in credit sectors now merely a single field will be in business work where we could not get the glimpse cooperative sectors. In present era cooperative is contributing in various newly fields which are in the interest of not only present generation but also are in favour of nature and forthcoming generation like bio-fertilizers etc. Cooperative works in democratic manner with active participation of its members. So, it seems very close to the community partnership goal of sustainable development. The main target of cooperative is not only associated the members mechanically but aware and assure active and fruitful participation to run its business activities as well as decision making process. It comes near them also to ensure participation in the main stream of nation’s development. 4


Cooperative works on humanitarian philosophy of communal harmony that contributes to make peaceful society. Even an economic system its values make possible this difficult but essential task in the interest of existence of society, world & nature. Thus, cooperatives are very near to the sustainable development goal peace justice and strong institutions. 3

ConclusionRelevancy of Gandhian thoughts in present era for betterment of cooperative by inculcation of Gandhian value based approach of sustainable development...... Our father of nation Mahatma Ganndhiji was not economist, but he is a authority in the world of sustainable development. Gandhi is not past but it is present and future our community. He expressed his economic thoughts on humanitarian ground that represents holistic development approach. These are able make stronger the roots of cooperative system towards sustainable development. Gandhian thoughts support to make society self-sufficient, karmsheel, non-violence, peaceful, justice base but free from fear & exploitation so that each unit of society meet their basic needs satisfactorily without harming the others (present & forthcoming generation with conservation of nature or environment) and contribute in achievement of individual and common goals. Cooperative is differ from other form of business organization because it is not only profit making organization but serves the interest of society by assuring the contribution of the goals of nation’s development. Economic growth is not prime indicator but equal work opportunity and distribution of income is the primary condition in cooperative structure. Active participation of members in decision-making process is one of the major symbols of the development of members in cooperative institutions. Gandhian way of living or working is very simple that assure existence of all by spreading of love. It comes through mutual cooperation spirit. Gandhiji strongly advocates the cooperative is must for local self development sustainably. In his vision there is creative productivity in which all members of society take active part to improve their living by following ethical business practices. His concept of self-sufficiency makes them more confidants towards their capacity. He said clearly that we should not expect more beyond the capacity of production. In the interest of save the nature wealth, he emphasis on limit of consumption of society. Organization needed to satisfy basic needs of the society not create the unnecessary needs for personal greed. It is not good for the health and social health as well as economic health of the nation. Gandhiji gave a valuable production principle “Not mass production but production by mass.” It can play significant role to generate employment or work opportunity for all by protecting the existence of nature which the main and essential component of life. No economic wealth is affordable on the cost of life. Thus, he also opposed such machinery that replace man from production system and make them unemployed that bring poverty, hunger and workless and unhealthy society that is unable to their basic developmental needs i.e. education, health, food shelter etc. In Gram Swaraj and Hind Swaraj, Gandhi imagined nearly before 100 years ago, such society who will cooperate with each other, there is no competition with other but form them to improve continuously in qualitative and quantitative manner. In real way, it will be civilized society where nobody will be out of boundary from production and consumption system according their need. Thus, for cooperative to maintain its original identity, Gandhian thoughts are completely relevant. In the sector of business growth vertically and horizontally, cooperatives have landmark achievement but it require compulsorily its own values where Gandhian thoughts are least alternative. Not only India, but whole world is looking towards this way to maintain sustainability of development. By adopting honestly,


these Gandian ideas, cooperative may reach on sustainable development goals and make true this fact that cooperative is a bridge between who have and who not have. Reference1. M. k. Gandhi: “Gram Swaraj”, Navajivan Prakashan, Ahmedabad 2. M. k. Gandhi: “Hind Swaraj”, Navajivan Prakashan, Ahmedabad 3. M. k. Gandhi: “Eleven Vows”, Navajivan Prakashan, Ahmedabad 4. ICA charter on Cooperative identity 5. Brundtland Report on Sustainable Development Goals :


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