Sustainable water management in the tropics and

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Antenor de Oliveira Aguiar Netto, Robério Anástacio. Ferreira, Ariovaldo ... Watershed, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. Rodrigo Braga ... Pernambucano. Maurício Costa ...
Sustainable water management in the tropics and subtropics and case studies in Brazil

3 I

Organizers Carolina Bilibin

Oliver H-EFISE

I K A 5 5 E L _. _ n s I 1' ‘ac 1' f_'_Efi_t1 1 S-1.

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The heel-r Sustainable Water lutanagement in the trepics and subtrepics - and case studies in Brazil is the result ef a jeint initiative between the Federal

University ef Fampa {Jaguaréie Campus. Brazil] and University cf I-ta esel {Germany}. It is alse eupperted by the Culture and Eeciety Pestgraduate Pregramme ef the Federal University ef lillaranhae [PGCult l UFMA}, the Federal University cf Lavras. Brazil. and the

Gennan-Brazilian Chamber. The




gather scientific

erecluctien en water fre-m Brazil and ether parts ef the vmrld in a muttidisciplinaryr way. Its cernmen theme

sh euld ma he it a global beeh. The 53 articles efthe first velurne deal with Water and Agriculture. The 3-El articles ef file secend velume address Water and its

technelegies- The 5|] articles ef the third velu me shew research en Water and Envirenment. The E3 articles ef

the feurth and Management.





Twe years after its inceptien, the erganizers new present this beck, heping that the feur velumes will

centribute significantly te the engeing debate abeut 'l-l'||'-\'=ItE'l‘I‘l"l-&I'l