Suvrushti: Validation of Rain Conception Rain ...

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The Ashram is situated in a small village at the outskirts of Barshi, Solapur District,. Maharashtra, India. Parallel to the Vedic studies. (Pathshala or school for ...

ISSN (Print) : 0971-7730 DOI: 10.18311/aah/2018/20094

Asian Agri-History, Vol 22(2), 2018

Suvrushti: Validation of Rain Conception Rain Delivery (RCRD) Theory of Varah Mihir for Monsoon 2016 Late Sri Nanaji Kale1, Anand Gaikwad2*, Raghunath Kale1 and Vidyadhar Vaidya3 Yadnyakarma Bungalow, Kasarwadi, Barshi Taluka, Solapur Dist., Maharashtra, India; Flat no. 1005/06, Mayflower Building, Everest World, Kolshet Road, Thane-W, Maharashtra, India; [email protected] 3 Department of Agro-Meteorology, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agriculture University, Anand - 388110, Gujarat, India; 1


(Received: 12 Feb 2018; Accepted: 3 March 2018)

1. Introduction The word ‘Monsoon’ has its origin in an Arabic word ‘Mausam’ which means ‘season’. The word which was originally referred to wind reversals in the Arabian sea, has come to mean the whole range of phenomena associated with annual weather cycles in Tropical and Sub-tropical Asia, Australia and Africa. Therefore, the study of Monsoon weather patterns is of great importance for farmers, students of environmental science and for all the citizens because Monsoon is the life-line of the countries, including India. Indian Monsoon is part of a much larger circulation, the Asian Monsoon. The great Rishis and Seers of India during Vedic period and post-Vedic period had studied the Monsoon weather patterns and encapsulated

*Author for correspondence

their findings and theories in scriptures such as the “Brihat Samhita” by Varah Mihir and, “Krishi Parashar” by Parashar. In addition to these shining examples of the Science of Rainfall Prediction and Rain Conception signals, there are many ancient books of Astrometerology of Vedic traditions such as the Rishi Parashar Samhita, Rishi Garg Samhita, Rishi Kashyap Samhita, Meghmala Samhita, Narad Samhita, etc., which have been mentioned in the reports and books published by Shri Yogiraj Ved Vidnyan Ashram, Barshi (Vedashram), Dist. Solapur, Maharashtra, India.

2. Yogiraj Ved Vidnyan Ashram (Vedashram)







Suvrushti: Validation of Rain Conception Rain Delivery (RCRD)....

Ashwamedhayaji Shri Nanaji Kale, is a charitable institute. Its goal is to rejuvenate the fast dwindling traditional branches and practices of all the four Vedas and to reestablish the glory of the Vedas. The Ashram is situated in a small village at the outskirts of Barshi, Solapur District, Maharashtra, India. Parallel to the Vedic studies (Pathshala or school for grooming pupils), Vedashram is also engaged in Applied Veda Research of Vedic techniques that would benefit the society at material (Bhautic) level. This research has revealed that Yajna processes can very effectively create agroecologies conducive for agricultural activities, including rain which is essential for agriculture. Suvrushti is a natural outcome of harmonized Seasons of Nature. Vedic Yajna (or Shrauta Yajna as it is called) brings about such harmonization. But it is a team activity and Vedashram has created such teams for performance of Shrauta Yajnyas. “Suvrushti” means timely, adequate, and well-distributed rainfall.

3. Yajna and its Relationship with Environment and Agriculture The gospel for creating and keeping ecological balance through Yajna is given in Bhagvad Geeta which states: अन्नाद भवननति भूतिनान् पर्जन्नाति अन् समभव:

्ज्नाति भवननति पर््जन्यो ्ज्:कर्ज सरभ ु दव: .......... ३.२४

(Annad Bhavanti Bhutani Parjanyat Anna Sambhavah

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Yajnyat Bhavati Parjyanyo Yajnyah Karma Samudbhava …3.14) With respect to Cloud Formation and Rain Induction, the techniques and processes mentioned in Satpath Brahmana of ShuklaYajurveda are as follows: अग्नैववे धर ु यो रना्तिे. (Agnerve Dhumo Jayate)

[Agni/ Yagnya creates Water Vapours (aerosol nanoparticles)] धुरनाति अभ्रर:. (Dhumat Abhramah)

[Water vapours (aerosol nanoparticles) form clouds] अभ्रनाति वषृ ्टी. (Abhrat Vrushti)

[Clouds give rains] Shri Vasant Paranjpe in his book, "Homa Therapy, Our last Chance" says heal the atmosphere and healed atmosphere heals you. Agnihotra is the basic Homa for all Homa fire practices given in the ancient Vedic Sciences of bioenergy, psychotherapy, medicine, agriculture, biogenetics, climate engineering and interplanetary communication. The relationship of Yajnyas and Agriculture and Environment is explained in Figure 1. Yajnas are tuned to the bio-rhythms of Sun

Asian Agri-History

Late Sri Nanaji Kale, Anand Gaikwad, Raghunath Kale and Vidyadhar Vaidya Late Sri Nanaji Kale, Anand Gaikwad, Raghunath Kale, and Vidyadhar Vaidya

Atmosphere/ Biosphere – Cosmos (��ाण्ड) Sun-Moon-Planets-Constellations (सूयर्, चं�, �ह, नक्ष�माला) स्व: (Space)

अ�ीतत्व, �ाणत�व, आकाशतत्व, मं�शा�, शब्दतन्मा�ा (नाद�म्ह)


Atmosphere/ Biosphere

पयार्वरण आिण पजर्न्य (पंचमहाभूते)

भूव: (Elements & Environment)


Agriculture भू:

Atmosphere/ Biosphere/ Rhizosphere Plant Life, Animal Life, Human Life (Earth)

Figure 1. Relationship of Yajnas, Agriculture and Environment as per ancient Indian Figure 1. Relationship of Yajnas, Agriculture and Environment as per ancient Indian scriptures. scriptures.

and Moon cycles and positions of constellations and Moon cycles and positions of constellations in the Zodiac. in the Zodiac. Yajnas heal the atmosphere and healed atmoYajnas heal the atmosphere and healed sphere heals the plant life, animal life and human atmosphere heals the plant life, animal life life. As per ancient Vedic Sciences, Yajnas have and human life. As per ancient Vedic Sciences, built-in Rain Induction techniques. Yajnas have built-in Rain Induction techniques. The inspirational Research Paper instruThe inspirational Research Paper mental in undertaking the performances of instrumental in undertaking the performances Somayagas and Parjanyayagas for validation of Somayagas and Parjanyayagas for validation of RCRD theory, was the paper submitted by a of RCRD theory, was the paper submitted by a

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Primary School Teacher to the then President of Primary School Teacher to the then President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad in 1950. The summary India Dr. Rajendra Prasad in 1950. The summary finding of this paper was that 12 Jyotirlingas are finding of this paper was that 12 Jyotirlingas are the original Holy Fire Places (Nodal Centres of the original Holy Fire Places (Nodal Centres of Sacred Fires) which attract and accelerate the Sacred Fires) which attract and accelerate the Monsoon cycles in Bharat Khand or Bharat Monsoon cycles in Bharat Khand or Bharat Varsh (India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan), Varsh (India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan), East Africa, Madagascar, West Indies, South East Africa, Madagascar, West Indies, South America, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri America, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, North Australia etc. These countries Lanka, North Australia etc. These countries get rains from Monsoon, and delayed or weak get rains from Monsoon, and delayed or weak Monsoon affects these countries adversely. If a Monsoon affects these countries adversely. If a

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series of Yajnya performances are undertaken at the 12 Jyotirlingas and other places before Monsoon activates, will get timely and sufficient Monsoon rains.

4. RCRD Theory of Varah Mihir The Rain Conception Rain Delivery (RCRD) Theory of Varah Mihir (VM) is explained in detail in Chapter 21 to Chapter 28 of his book “Brihat Samhita (BS)”. The Concept of Vrushti Garbhadharana (Rain Conception) as explained in sloka 6 and 7 of Chapter 21 of Brihit Samhita is as follows: रनार्जशिर्ज िक ु ल पक्ष प्रथिपनाति प्रभनू तिक्ष पकनारे रनादनार |

पूवर ्ज वस रुपनारतिे रभ्ज्नार लक्षणर ज्े्र || (ब ृ सं -२१-६)

[Margshirsha Shukla Paksha Pratipat Prabhrutiksha Pakareshadham I Purvam Vas Mupagate Garbhanam Lakshanam Dneyam II (BS-21-6)] ्ं ्क्षत्र रुपनारतिे रभ्ज चंद्े भवेति स चंद् विति |

पंच ्वतिे दद् िना्तिे तित्रईव प्रसव रना्तिी || (ब ृ सं -२१-७)

[Yan Nakshatra Mupagate Garbha Chandre Bhavet sa Chandra Vashat I Panch Navate Din ShateTatraiv Prasav Mayati II (BS-21-7)] Meaning: When moon is in Purvashadha Nakshatra (constellation) in Margashirsha month, from that day Vrushti Garbhadharana (i.e. Rain conception) observations should be started. When rain conception has occurred in a particular Chandra Nakshatra (moon constellation) then rain delivery occurs after 122 Vol 22 (2) | 2018 |

195 days when moon (Chandra) comes in the same Nakshatra (constellation). So, there is a clear indication of conception of rain, gestation period, and rain delivery time precisely in above verses from Varah Mihir’s Brihat Samhita.

5. Area of Rain Delivery पंच न्शरट्े िति ्योर्नां तिदध्ज धनारवे कहनांन्ति: |

वरना्जनति पंच सरंतिना द्प ु े्नाइ के््यो रभ्ज: || (ब ृ सं -२१-३1)

[Pancha Nimittaih Shat Yojanan Tadardhadhamekahanyantah I Varshati Pancha Samanta Drupenai Kenayo Garbhah II (BS-21-31)] Meaning: Wind, light rain, lightening, thunder and cloud are five rain delivery signs. If all five occur at a time, then rain delivery will occur at 100 Yojan radius. If there are four signs together occurring, then rain delivery occurs at 50 Yojan radius; for three signs rain will occur at 25 Yojan radius; for two signs rain will occur at 12.5 Yojan radius and one sign will give rain in 5 Yojan radius area, after the gestation period of 195 days.

6. Current Suvrushti Project of Vedashram Inspired by the earlier Suvrushti Project undertaken in 2005-06 and considering the erratic nature of rains in 2014 and 2015 in India (i.e.; severe drought conditions in one part and excessive rains and floods in another part), Vedashram planned “Soumic Suvrusti Yojana” (SSY), for

Asian Agri-History

Late Sri Nanaji Kale, Anand Gaikwad, Raghunath Kale and Vidyadhar Vaidya

three years i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 and 201718 to overcome these erratic rain conditions. Although initial decision was made for a period of three years, SSY was implemented for the year 2015-16 (i.e Monsoon 2016) and it could not be implemented for subsequent years because of sudden demise of Ashwamedhayaji Shri Nanaji Kale. Therefore, this report relates to SSY 201516 and validation of RCRD Theory for Monsoon 2016. In this project 25 Somayagas (which included 12 Jyotirlinga places) were performed at various places. For the purpose of validation of RCRD Theory for Monsoon 2016 it was initially proposed to form Local Observation Groups of students, farmers, volunteers etc. to carry the process of validation on a much broader plat-

form. However, since the Local Observation Groups could not be activated to participate in the validation process, the validation of RCRD Theory for Monsoon 2016 was done on the basis of actual rainfall data maintained by Vedashram at Barshi, Newspaper reports and reports of Indian Meteorology Department ( IMD).

7. Rainfall Prediction of Monsoon 2016 The rainfall predictions given by Vedashram as per RCRD Theory and those given by IMD and Skymet are given below: A) Prediction given by Vedashram, Barshi as per RCRD Theory for Monsoon 2016 (see below).




May 17 to 21 pre-monsoon rains *


May – 27, 28, 30, 31 , June – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 *


June 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20


June 22, 23, 24, 28


July 8, 11, 12, 16, 18


July 25, 26, 27, 28


August 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


August 17, 19, 21, 28, 29


August 30, 31, September – 5, 6, 7, 8, 11


September 15, 16, 19


October 3


October 12, 15

* Rainfall Prediction Dates useful for pre-monsoon agricultural operations

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B) Rainfall Prediction for Monsoon 2016 by IMD

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C) Rainfall Prediction for Monsoon 2016 by Skymet

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8. Validation Process of RCRD Theory

From the above methodologies of prediction, it is clear that the prediction methodology as per RCRD, is more farmer and user friendly. Predictions as per RCRD Theory are given Nakshatrawise and datewise whereas IMD/ Skymet predictions are given only as percentages above or below Long Period Average (LPA). IMD/Skymet predictions were given in the month of April 2016 followed by revised predictions in June, whereas RCRD predictions were given well in advance from November 2015 for Monsoon 2016 (see Table 1). As per RCRD, pre-monsoon showers, which are essential for agricultural operations, are also predicted but IMD/Skymet predictions do not include them.

Table 1. India.



Kritika (10 May to 23 May 2016)




Subsequent Validation Reports: Subsequently two reports were prepared and after receipt of the actual rainfall data at Barshi the Final Report was finalized.

Comparison of Rain Fall Prediction and actual Rain Fall in 2016, at Vedashram, Barshi, Maharashtra,

Sr. No.


First Validation Report was prepared on the basis of Reports from Vedashram, Barshi and IMD/ Skymet weekly actual Rainfall Reports of Monsoon 2016. As per this Report, most of the dates of actual Rainfall match with RCRD predicted dates for the period from 17th May to 20th June 2016 and it indicates 75% accuracy of predictions given by Vedashram as per RCRD Theory.

Rohini (24 May to 6 June 2016) Mriga (7 June to 20 June 2016) Ardra 21 June to 4 July 2016) Punarvasu (5 July to 18 July 2016)

No. of days predicted

Actual Rainfall Total Days

YY* Days

Quantity (mm)

Observations / Remarks

*YY Days means Predicted Dates and Actual Rainfall Dates match. Simple Average Skill Score (SASS) = 4/4 = 100%





























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Late Sri Nanaji Kale, Anand Gaikwad, Raghunath Kale and Vidyadhar Vaidya

Table 1 Continued


Pushya (19 July to 1 August 2016 Ashlesha (2 August to 15 August 2016












































Chaitra (10 October to 22 October 2016)






Swati (23 October to 5 November 2016)






Vishakha (6 Nov. to 18 November 2016)










Magha (16 August to 29 August 2016) Poorva (30 August to 12 September 2016) Uttara (13 September to 25th September 2016) Hastha (26 September to 9 October 2016)

The highlights of the Final Report about Rainfall Prediction are as under: i) The accuracy of Skill Score of Rainfall Prediction under RCRD Theory is about 83% as can be seen from Table 1. ii) The General Predictions made under RCRD Theory by Vedashram have come to be Vol 22 (2) | 2018 |


Record keeping, Coordination & follow-up disturbed due to demise of Ashwamadhayaji Shri Nanaji Kale.

true in respect of the following: (Note that such type of qualitative predictions are not made by IMD or Skymet). These predictions were validated on the basis of News Paper reports and the reports of IMD about the actual rainfall. a) Early and strong monsoon arrival: Monsoon 2016 arrived at Andman on 18th May and although it was sluggish in Konkan Asian Agri-History


Suvrushti: Validation of Rain Conception Rain Delivery (RCRD)....

and Western Coast, it was early and strong in Vidarbha, Marathwada and Central India.

temperature it still rained after performance of ParjanyaYaga.

b) Above Normal to Excess rainfall will occur: Maharashtra received 116% rainfall and Central India 106%

Independent Agency Skymet also reported the Rainfall at the relevant time at Latur.

c) All dams, water reservoirs, rivers, nallahs and water tanks will overflow: By last week of September more than 90% of water reservoirs and dams were full in Maharashtra. Manjira dam of Latur was full for the first time since 2011. d) Jalyukta Shivar, Nallah Training, small water dams, Pool cum Bandhara schemes will be very successful and Govt./ farmers will be happy: Jalayukta Shivar Schemes of Maharashtra were successful, water tables in Latur, Marathwada and Vidarbha regions improved considerably and these regions received excessive rainfall from retreating Monsoon.

9.2 Second ParjanyaYaga at Nainital, Uttarakhand, India ParjanyaYaga was performed as a unique experiment in Nainital district of Uttarakhand for dousing of Wild Forest Fires. The forest fire scorched nearly 2269 hectares of forest area. This experiment of ParjanyaYaga

9. Validation of Payjanya Yaga as a Rain Induction Technique Various experiments of ParjanyaYaga were made during the period for its validation as a proven Rain Induction Technique of Vedic Sciences.

9.1 First ParjanyaYaga at Latur, Maharashtra, India This was performed during April 2016 and inspite of most adverse conditions of very high

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proved its utility as a Tool of Disaster Management for dousing the forest fires.

technique for immediate rain and augmenting the process of Monsoon.

9.3 Third ParjanyaYaga at Nashik, Maharashtra, India

9.4 Fourth ParjanyaYaga at Kalamb (Latur), Maharashtra, India

During 25th to 30th June 2016: This experiment of ParjanyaYaga proved its utility as a proven

This was performed for immediate rains in the catchment areas. The experiment proved successful for cloudseeding and precipitation for immediate rains in the catchment areas to ensure water in Manjara River and water reservoir Manjara Dam. Success rate of ParjanyaYaga was about 90% as compared to about 35–40% success rate of the modern Artificial Rain Technique (Cloud

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Seeding) which is not useful for formation of rain clouds or for augmenting the monsoon. The Artificial Rain Experiment carried out for rainfall during the previous year (July –August 2015) in Vidarbha and Marathwada region incurred the cost of nearly Rs. 27Crores with no substantial Benefits to the region as reported by Sakal-Agrowon News Paper Report.

9.5 Fifth ParjanyaYaga at Bhagmandala in Catchment Area of Cauveri River, Coorg District, Karnataka, India The 5th ParjanyaYaga was performed at Bhagmandala near Tala Cauveri in the catchment area from 11th to 15th September 2016. A detailed report (in Marathi) received from Vedashram, Barshi is given in the picture. It rained heavily on 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, day of ParjanyaYaga in the catchment area as per Sankalp.

9.6 Sixth ParjanyaYaga at the same Catchment Area of River Cauveri, Coorg, Karnataka, India The 6th ParjanyaYaga was also performed in the same catchment area of River Cauveri. Although there were some signals present at the time of Yajnya, it was not as successful as the earlier Parjanya Yagas.

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10. 2016 Southwest Monsoon: End of Season Report by IMD The following are the features of the Final Report

published by IMD for Monsoon 2016 [Source: IMD Press Release dated 10 October 2016]. Highlights • The rainfall during monsoon season (June-September) over the country as a whole was 97% of its long period average (LPA). Seasonal rainfalls over Northwest India, Central India, South Peninsula and Northeast India were 95%, 106%, 92% and 89% of respective LPA. • Out of the total 36 meteorological subdivisions, 23 sub-divisions constituting 72% of the total area of the country received normal rainfall and 4 sub-divisions received excess rainfall (13% of the total area) during the season. However, 9 sub-divisions


LPA (mm)


constituting 15% of the total area of the country received deficient seasonal rainfall. • Monthly rainfall over the country as a whole was 89% of LPA in June, 107% of LPA in July, 91% of LPA in August and 97% of LPA in September. • Southwest monsoon advanced into south Andaman Sea and Nicobar Islands on18th May (2 days ahead of its normal date). However, further advance was sluggish. It set in over Kerala on 8th June (7 days behind the normal schedule of 1st June) and covered the entire country by 13th July (against the normal date of 15th July).

11. Realised Rainfall Realised rainfall during southwest monsoon 2016 over the country as a whole are shown below.

Actual Rainfall for 2016 SW monsoon Season Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (% of LPA)
















August + September




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‘Yoga’ and ‘Yajna’ are the two fundamental concepts of Vedic Culture and Heritage, for establishing harmony and equilibrium at ‘Pindi’ and ‘Brahmandi’ and for restoration of individual, public and environmental health, hygiene, peace, harmony and well being. ‘Yoga’ got its recognition after thousands of years. ‘ Yajna’ may also get recognition for its revival. The sooner it gets the better it would

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be for the mankind and mother earth. The validation process of RCRD Theory of Varah Mihir for Monsoon 2016 proved to be a very successful exercise. The accuracy score of rainfall prediction as per RCRD Theory was about 83% for the Monsoon 2016 as a whole. Other qualitative predictions3as per RCRD Theory also proved to be true. The experiments of ParjanyaYaga brought forth many facets of this Rain Induction Technique as per Vedic Sciences.

Asian Agri-History

Late Sri Nanaji Kale, Anand Gaikwad, Raghunath Kale and Vidyadhar Vaidya

This was the unique feature of Suvrushti Project 2015-16 as compared to the earlier Suvrushti Project 2005-06.

12. References 1. Nanaji K, Vaidya V, Sharma R. Report on rain conception rain delivery theory of Varah

Mihir in 31 Somayagas performed in Madhya Pradesh in Years-2008, 2009 and 2010; 2011. 2. Paranjpe VV. Homa Therapy, Our Last Chance. Dhule: Fivefold Path Publications; 1989. 3. Panditabhushana, Sastri VS, Bhat MRV. Varahmihira's Brihat Samhita. Bangalore: V.B. Soobbiah & Sons; 1946.

Glossary of Sanskrit Words and Terms Some of the readers may not be familiar with Sanskrit words or terms used in the paper. Therefore, only brief meanings and explanations of such words and terms are given. 1)Ashram : Hermitage or cottage of a saint. Huts / Cottage/ Premises of a Vedic School. 2)Agnihotra : A small daily Yajnya (or Yagna, see below) performed as per circadian cycle at the time of sunrise and sunset with offerings or oblations of full grain rice smeared with cow-ghee to the sacred fire created, in a copper pyramid of a specific size, using dry cow-dung cakes and cow-ghee accompanied by chanting of specific Sanskrit mantras. 3) Havan/Homa /Yajnya/ Yagna/ Yaga: These are synonymous terms with some variatons in their performances. The general practice followed in all these Yajnyas, is offering of oblations of certain materials prepared from aromatc/ herbal /medicinal plants, cow –ghee, cereals or food –preparations etc., (Havi Dravya ), to the sacred fire created in an inverse pyramid shaped metal container or constructed pit/platorm (made of bricks, mud, sand, soil and cow-dung) of specific size and shape, accompanied by chanting of Sanskrit mantras. Some differences/ variations are: (i) Havan is a small Yajnya usually performed by an individual without the help or assistance from qualified priest(s), such as Agnihotra, Havans on certain Vedic Suktas or Atharvashirshas like Purush- Sukta, Sri-Sukta, Devi –Atharvashirsha, Ganesh-Atharvashirsha etc. (ii) Homa is a small Yajnya performed with the help of a qualified priest for an individual/ family or at a particular place or temple e.g. Homa performed at the time of Hindu Marriage, first entry in a new house(Vastu Shanti) etc.. Also included in this category are Homas performed by individuals without the help of priests such as Tryambakam Homa and Vyahrut Homa. (iii) Yajnya of any particular type is organized and performed with the help of qualified priests for a common good such as removal of any obstacle/calamity, and for health, wealth, peace, prosperity, harmony, ecological balance and general well being of the community or

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society at large. Yajnyas are also performed for individual achievement or fulfillment of certain objectves 4) Jyotirlingas: Temples of God Shiva. There are twelve such reputed and well recognized Shiva temples in India which are regarded as Holy Fire Places. These twelve Jyotrlinga places are: Bhimashankar (Maharashtra), Parli-Vaijyanath (Maharashtra), Ghrushneshwar (Maharashtra), Trymabkeshwar (Maharashtra), Dwarka(Gujarat), Somanath (Gujarat), Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), Onkareshwar (Madhya Pradesh),Varanashi (Uttar Pradesh), Badri Kedarnath (Uttarakhand), Sri Shailam (Andhra Pradesh), and Rameshwaram ( Tamil Nadu). 5) Parjanya: Rain, Rain-cloud, or Rain-God. 6) Parjanya Yaga (Parjanyayag) : Yajnya performed for the purpose of getting immediate rainfall with chanting /recitaton of Parjanya Sukta from Rigveda and offering oblatons of Lavala (Cyperus rotundus) and cow-milk. 7) Rishi: Seer, Sage. 8) Sankalp: A spiritual resolve, positive affirmation, intention to achieve or perform something with conviction. 9) Samidha: Dry stcks from certain trees generally Yajniya Vrikshas (trees). Yajniya Vrikshas are Vat/Banyan Tree (Ficus bengalensis), Peepal (Ficus religiosa), Palash (Butea monosperma), Oudumber/Goolar (Ficus recemosa), Bilva/Bael Fruit Tree (Aegle marmelos). The dried twigs of these trees are dipped in or smeared with cow-ghee are offered as oblatons during the performance of Yajnya. 10) Samhita : Sanskrit text of a specific type, subject or author. Collection or compilation of hymns, prayers etc. on the basis of rules of grammar or intonatons are called as Stotras, Suktas etc., which are chanted at the time of Homa, Havan or Yajnya. The four Vedic Texts are also called as Samhitas. 11) Soma Yaga ( Somyaga): Yajnya performed for the purpose of ecological balance, atmospheric order, avoidance of natural disaster/calamity, health , wealth, peace, prosperity and general well-being of mankind. The oblations of extracted juice of Somalata or Somvalli (Ephedra / Sarcostemma brevistigma Wight) are offered to the Sacred Fire of Yajnya with chantings of mantras from all Vedas i.e. Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda. 12) Soumic : Of or pertaining to Soma Yaga. 13) Soumic Suvrushti: Performance of Somayagas for the purpose of timely, well-distributed , balanced and adequate rainfall. 14) Suvrushti: A good well-distributed, timely, and adequate rainfall that is neither deficient nor excessive. 15) Samart Yajnya : Generic term for Yajnyas based on Smirit texts, Puranas, Tantra Shastra. 16) Shrout Yajna : Generic term for Yajnyas based on a system of tenets prescribed by Shrutis (Vedas). 17) Shruti Texts : The Four Vedas - Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda. 134 Vol 22 (2) | 2018 |

Asian Agri-History

Late Sri Nanaji Kale, Anand Gaikwad, Raghunath Kale and Vidyadhar Vaidya

18) Vrushti : Rainfall, atmospheric conditons suitable for Rain Concepton and Rain Delivery. 19) Vrushti Garbhdharana : Concepton of Rain (the appropriate cloud formaton). 20) Yoga : Yoga means harmony between thought and action. It means the process of establishing harmony within Self for peace, tranquility, wisdom and self-realisation through meditaton. It does not merely mean physical positons or postures or physical exercises for physical health and well-being of body only. 21) Pindi and Brahmandi: 'Pindi' means within the Self, i.e. Individual physical body and Soul Consciousness. "Brahmandi” means in the Universe/Cosmos i.e. Physical phenomena and Universal Consciousness. Vedanta Advait (Non-dual) philosophy is that what is there at/in Pindi is the same at/in Brahmandi and vice versa. 22) Yojan, Drona, Adhak etc. These refer to measurements of distance. a) 1 Yojana = 4 Kroshas = 8 miles = 13 kilometers. b) 50 Palas = 1 Adhak, and c) 4 Adhaks = 1 Drona = 6.4 cm or 64 mm.

Vol 22 (2) | 2018 |

Asian Agri-History