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Swift fox disappeared entirely from Canada in the early 1900s. Reintroduction programs in the last 15 years have establi

SWIFT FOX Endangered species

Location • The swift fox lives in Alberta and Saskatchewan and in the us



Current status • Endangered. Swift fox disappeared entirely from Canada in the early 1900s. Reintroduction programs in the last 15 years have established a small population of 150200 in the southern prairies of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Causes for decline in population(s)

• The swift fox is be hunted it is known as a pest and other animals are kill it to



Efforts to protect and recover population(s) • They are putting swift foxes in zoo in Alberta an Saskatchewan when there little when there older they release them in the wild so there population can grow in numbers again

Things about the swift fox • Lifespan: In the wild, three to six years. In captivity, up to 14 years • Size: Smallest of the North American wild dogs. An adult weighs 2 to 3 kilograms • Breeding: Probably occurs in March in Alberta. Two to five pups are born in the den in midMay • the year designated as endangered was early 1900’s



Where it lives • The swift fox lives in tall grass, holes in the ground or in old trees

The web sites I used • http://raysweb.net/specialplaces/pages/fox.ht ml • http://www.hww.ca/hww2.asp?id=105&cid=8