SYLLABUS. Fall 2012. CODE: FASH 225. TITLE: Survey of Historic Costume.
DIVISION: Business & Technology. DEPARTMENT: Fashion Merchandising/ ...
INSTITUTE: Business and Social Science
Survey of Historic Costume
DEPARTMENT: Fashion/Marketing
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will analyze historic costume of the Western World, from antiquity to the 21st Century, through illustrated lectures. The costume of each period will be viewed within its historical, cultural, and economic context.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Survey of Historic Costume with STUDIO access card by Phyllis Tortora and Keith Eubank ISBN# 9781501395253
Identify costumes and style features of selected historical periods of the Western world from the time of the Egyptians to the 1990s.
Understand costume as an expression of the cultures of various historical periods.
Relate historical costume design to contemporary dress.
Describe, define, and/or identify clothing forms associated with various ancient civilizations and time periods of selected Western civilizations.
Recognize similarities and differences in clothing forms used by selected civilizations and the effect of technological and natural resources on the development of clothing patterns.
GRADING STANDARD: TESTING AND GRADING POLICY: Attendance, homework and class participation are required. This course is divided into five units. Following each unit there is an exam. Exams must be taken in class on the day and time they are scheduled. Unexcused absences do not waive the student’s obligation to take the exam on the scheduled day. Students who do not take the test on the scheduled day will receive a grade of 0. Students are required to maintain a minimum test average of 65% or above on all required exams and meet the attendance requirements as outlined in this syllabus. ATTENDANCE AND LATENESS POLICY: Class attendance is mandatory. Students cannot miss more than 2 classes per semester. Class will begin on time and students are expected to be in attendance. Attendance will be taken at the start of each class; students who arrive late must see the instructor at the end of the lecture. No credit for attendance will be given to students who arrive more than fifteen minutes late, leave during the break, or leave before class is dismissed. Students are responsible for all work missed; no instructor notes or PowerPoint slides will be available – notes can be obtained from the textbook. If a student cannot adhere to the attendance policy, the student must officially withdraw from class to avoid a failing grade. If a student is late, he or she must see the instructor at the end of class. Excessive lateness does not excuse the student or allow for extensions on assignments. Fall 2015
SYLLABUS ELECTRONIC DEVICES: All electronic devices are expected to be turned off during class and will not be used in the classroom. GRADING POLICY: A:
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 93 -100. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 90 -92. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 87 -89. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 83 -86. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 80 -82. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 75 -79. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 70 -74. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
The student must maintain an overall average of tests and projects between 65 -69. This grade is not attainable with more than 2 missed classes.
If the student does not maintain an overall average of tests and projects of 64 points and submit term projects as assigned, or exceeds 2 absences, a final grade of F will result.
Exams must be taken in class on the day and time they are scheduled. Students must arrive on time for the exam – no exams will be handed out once the test is in progress. Students who do not take the test on the scheduled day will receive a grade of 0 and will not successfully complete the class. If an unavoidable circumstance prohibits you from attending an exam at the time it is scheduled, you must notify me on or before the day of the exam. I reserve the right to decide what constitutes “unavoidable circumstances” on a case by case basis. If such circumstances arise, I strongly suggest acquiring proper documentation for the situation (e.g. if you miss for medical reasons, you need a note from your physician). An unacceptable excuse, failure to notify me, and/or failure to document your absence will result in a grade of zero (0) for the exam. Deadlines are deadlines and no exceptions will be made for late assignments or tests.
Fall 2015
SYLLABUS Course Outline: Week
Course Introduction The Ancient Middle East
1 2
Crete and Greece Etruria and Rome
3 4
Unit 1 Exam
The Early Middle Ages The Late Middle Ages
5 6
The Italian Renaissance The Northern Renaissance
7 8
Unit 2 Exam
The Seventeenth Century The Eighteenth Century
9 10
The Directoire and Empire Periods The Romantic Period
11 12
Unit 3 Exam
The Crinoline Period The Bustle Period and the Nineties
The Edwardian Period and World War I The Twenties, Thirties and World War II
13 14 15 16
Unit 4 Exam
Fall 2015
The New Look: Fashion Conformity Prevails The Sixties and Seventies: Style Tribes Emerge
17 18
The Eighties, Nineties and Twenty-First Century Unit 5 Exam
SYLLABUS SEMESTER PROJECT: Each student will be paired with another student to complete the following history of costume research project. All projects must be typed, double spaced, 12 point font and must include a bibliography. What has to be included in your research? 20 vocabulary terms related to your time period PowerPoint presentation of the style of dress of that time period with vocabulary related to the garments What was happening socially, politically and economically during your assigned time Segments from a movie that depicts that time period and an analysis of the accuracy of the costume of that movie to the time period Visual representation of three current designs that are influenced from that time period Typed research paper with bibliography Each pair of students will be responsible for presenting their research on the week assigned to the lecture of that time period. This is your major project for this class and will count for 20% of your course grade. If you miss your presentation date, a grade of 0% will be averaged in. Student Assessment: Research Paper and Presentation 5 Unit Exams (lowest grade dropped) Metropolitan Museum Trip Movie Analysis
20% 40% 20% 20% 100% There is a mandatory trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Transportation is provided. The trip is scheduled in November. The trip to the Met and accompanying report counts for 20% of your grade. I will set the date now so that it does not interfere with your job. This trip will replace the evening class during that week.
COLLEGE POLICIES: For information regarding: Brookdale’s Academic Integrity Code Student Conduct Code Student Grade Appeal Process Please refer to the STUDENT HANDBOOK AND BCC CATALOG.
NOTIFICATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Brookdale Community College offers reasonable accommodations and/or services to persons with disabilities. Students with disabilities who wish to self-identify must contact the Disabilities Services Office at 732-224-2730 or 732-842-4211 (TTY), provide appropriate documentation of the disability, and request specific accommodations or services. If a student qualifies, reasonable accommodations and/or services, which are appropriate for the college level and are recommended in the documentation, can be approved.
Fall 2015