Synchronized oscillation of Ca2+ entry and Ca2+ release in agonist ...

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ical Ctr., 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75235. Tel.: 214-688-. 2593. ..... Snyder, P. M., Krause, K.-H., and Welsh, M. J. (1988) J. Bid. Chem. 263, 11048- ...
THEJOURNALOF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 266, No. 3, Issue of January 25. pp. 1363-1366,1991 Printed in U.S. A.

Communication Synchronized Oscillation of Ca2+ Entry and Ca2+Release in Agonist-stimulated AR42 J Cells* (Received for publication, July 9, 1990)

Peggy A. Loessberg, Hong Zhao, and Shmuel Muallem$ From the Departmentof Physiology, The University of Teras Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75235

Oscillation in [Ca2+Iiinduced by agonists has been described in many cell types and is thought to reflect Ca2+release from and uptake into internal stores. We measured [Ca2+Iiand Mn2+entry in single cells of the pancreatic acinar cell line AR42J loaded with Fura 2 to examine the behavior of Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane (Ca2+entry) during agonist-evoked [Ca2+Ii oscillation. Addition of extracellular Ca2+ (C4:J to agonist-stimulated cells bathed in Ca2+-free medium resulted in a marked [Ca2+Iiincrease blocked by La3+.The use of Mn2+as a congener of Ca2+ to follow unidirectional Ca2+ movement reveals an oscillatory activation of Ca2+ entry by Ca2+-mobilizingagonists. The frequency at which Ca” entry oscillated matched the frequency of Ca” release from intracellular stores. Ca2+entry is activated after completion of Ca2+release and is inactivated within the time span of each [Ca2+Ii spike. These studies reveal a new aspect of [Ca2+]i oscillation in agonist-stimulated cells, that is the oscillatory activation of [Ca2+]ientry during [Ca2+]ioscillation.

the oscillation persists for some time in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (Cdit), albeit at reduced frequency (13) and amplitude (7-12). The behavior of Ca2+influx across the plasma membrane (Ca2+entry) during [Ca2+];oscillation is not known. Studies in cell suspension show that activation of this pathway coincides (14-16) or lags behind (17, 18) Ca2+release from intracellular stores(IS).Furthermore, the pathway appears to remain continuously activated as long as the cells are stimulated and the IS are depleted of Ca2+(19-22). To understand the role and behavior of Ca2+ entryduring [Ca2+]ioscillation, we measured [Caz+li insingle AR42J cells and Fura2 fluorescence quench by Mn2+. We report here the synchronized oscillation of both Ca2+release from IS and Ca2+entry across the plasma membrane during agonist-triggered [Ca2+];oscillation. Ca2+entry is activated after completion of Ca2+release and is inactivated within the time span of each [Ca2+],spike. MATERIALSANDMETHODS

Cell Culture and Loading of Fura 2-AR42J cells were plated on glass cover slips and cultured at 37 “C in a humidified 95% air, 5% C02 atmosphere in Ham’s F-l2/Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with 14.3 mM NaHC03, 1.2 mM L-glutamine, 7.5% fetal calf serum, 0.1 mg/ml streptomycin, and 100 units/ml penicillin. On the day of the experiments, thecells were washed twice with serumfree tissue culture medium and then incubated with the same medium containing 2 p M Fura 2/acetoxymethyl ester for 45-60 min at 37 “ c . Finally, the cells were washed once and maintained in serum-free medium at room temperature until use. Fluorescence Recording-Cover slips with Fura 2-loaded cells attached to them were mounted in an open perfusion chamber. The perfusate volume in the chamber was adjusted to 0.3 ml and thecells were perfused at a flow rate of 10-12 ml/min and maintained at 37 “C. The standardperfusion medium contained (in mM): NaCll40; KC1 5; MgC12 1; HEPES 10 (pH 7.4 with NaOH); glucose 10; and bovine serum albumin 0.1%. This medium was supplemented with 1 Agonist-evoked changes in intracellular free Ca2+([Ca”]J’ mM CaC12 unless otherwise specified. The recording system included initiates and regulates a variety of cellular functions (1).In a Nikon Diaphot inverted microscope equipped with a CL Fluor 40X pancreatic acini, an increase in [Ca2+Iiis the primary activator oil immersion objective attached to a Photon Technology Internaof digestive enzymes and fluid secretion (2, 3).[Ca2+Ii in tional-Delta Scan l spectrofluorometer which provided dual waveresting and stimulatedcells is regulated by Ca2+-transporting length excitation light. The excitation light (340 and 380 nm for [CaZ+li measurementsor 360 and 380 nm for Mn2+ entry measurepathways located in the plasma and intracellular membranes ments), was selected by a spinning mirror anddirected to thesample (4-6). Sequential activation of these pathways results in a by a dichroic mirror. The emitted light of 510 nm wavelength was transient increase in [Ca2+Ii(1, 5, 6). Monitoring [Ca2+Ii in monitored by a photomultiplier tube type R955. The light monitored different single cells (7-9), including pancreatic acinar cells a t excitation wavelengths of 340 and 380 nm was used to calculate using a K d ratio of 340/380 and the ratiowas converted to [CaZ+li (10-12), shows that the agonist-evoked transient change in the O f 224 nM (26).

[Ca2+],is periodically repeated to give [Ca2+];oscillation. [Ca’+]; oscillation is thought to involve the repetitive Ca2+ release from and reuptake into intracellular stores (7-9), since


Continuous stimulation of AR42J cells with carbachol resulted in a long lasting [Ca2+Iioscillation. In a first attempt DK 38938 and AR 39245 and by an Established Investigatorship to determine the role and properties of Ca2+ entry during Award from the American Heart Association. The costs of publication on [Ca2+Iiin cells of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. oscillation we tested the effect ofCd:, whose IS were depleted of Ca2+.Fig. 1 (upper panel) shows This article must therefore be hereby marked “aduertisement”in that in the absence of carbachol caused a rapid [Ca2+]i accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. $ T o whom correspondence and reprint requests should be ad- rise from a resting level of 105 (96 f 19) to 960 nM (915 f dressed Dept. of Physiology, University of Texas Southwestern Med- 103). In 12 out of 14 experiments, no oscillation was observed ical Ctr., 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, T X 75235. Tel.: 214-688in the absence ofCd:,. In two experiments, oscillation with 2593. decreased amplitude occurred during the first 6 min of stim’ The abbreviationsused are: [Ca”],, free cytosolic Ca2+concentration; Ca%,, extracellular Caz+;IS, intracellular stores; HEPES, 4-(2- ulation. To demonstrate that theagonist-mobilizable IS were hydroxyethy1)-1-piperacineethanseulfonic acid; EGTA, [ethylene depleted of Ca2+by the first stimulation,the cell wasperfused bis(oxyethylinenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid. with Ca2+-freesolution in the absence of carbachol for 7.5 * This work was supported by National Institutesof Health Grants



Oscillation of ea2+Entry 10 min

EGTA 0.2mM Ca2'lmM Carbachol 50 uM




10 min


EGTA+ca2+ +Carbachol

entry is required to maintain the oscillation. It is therefore possible that Ca2+entry, and not only Ca2+release from IS, oscillates. To obtain direct evidence for this we followed Fura 2 fluorescence quench by Mn2+.Mn2+was shown to act as a congener of Ca2+ inpassive Ca2+pathways, thereby entering cells through an agonist-activated Ca2+entry pathways and quench Fura 2 fluorescence when excited at 380 nm (Ca2+sensitive) and 360 nm (isosbestic point, Ca2+-insensitive)(17, 25). Hence, measurements of Fura 2 fluorescence quenching in single cells which report the unidirectional Mn2+ influx across the plasma membrane, should reveal the behavior of Ca2+ entry during [Ca2+Iioscillation. Fig. 2, a and c, shows that Mn2+ entered relatively slowly and at a constant rate into an unstimulated cell. When a cell was stimulated with 50 ~ L Mcarbachol to initiate [Ca2+];oscillation, Mn2+ entry alternated between fastand slow rates with a frequency matching that of the [Ca2+];oscillation (Fig. 2, b and d ) . Thus, recording at 380 nm shows that [Ca"]; oscillated also in the presence of Mn2+at a frequency of 1.43 -+ 0.21 min" ( n= 4). Recording at 360 nm (to follow Mn2+ entry independent of [Ca2+];changes) showed the time course of change between the slow and fast rates of Mn2+entry, which occurred at a frequency of 1.40 f 0.34 min" ( n = 4). To obtain further evidence for the intimate relationship


FIG. 1. Effect of Ca% on carbachol-evoked [Ca2+Iiincrease. Single AR42J cells loaded with Fura 2 were continuously perfused (37 "C). The cells in the upper and lower panels were perfused with standard solution containing either 1 mM Ca2+or 0.2 mM EGTA and as indicated, 50 p~ carbachol, and 50 p~ La3+.

min. Under these conditions restimulation with carbachol had no effect on [Ca2+Ii.Similar results were obtained when the second stimulation was with other Ca2+-mobilizingagonists such as cholecystokinin octapeptide, substance P, and bombesin (not shown). Raising C&it to 1 mM now resulted in a rapid [Ca2+];increase to 635 nM (622 f 48) which was completed within 2.5 f 0.4 s ( n = 12), and wasfollowedby continuous [Ca2+Iioscillation. None of the voltage-operated Ca2+ channel blockers tested (nitrendipine and nisoldipine) prevented the marked initial [Ca2+];increase. La3+is the most effective blocker of agonist-activated Ca2+ influx (19).Accordingly, when the stimulated cell was perfused with Ca2+-free Ca:, in the presence of medium and then exposed to 1 mM 50 p~ La3+,the rapid increase in [Ca2+];was inhibited. Removal of La3+ wasfollowedby rapid [Ca2+];increase and sustained oscillation as expected from the resumed Ca2+ entry. Therefore, the Ca2+ responsible for the marked and rapid increase in [Ca2+Iiupon Cd;, addition must have been due to Ca2+influx across the plasma membrane. Fig. 1 (lower panel) also shows that thesurge of Ca2+across the plasma membrane required the presence of agonist. Thus, when the agonist wasremoved prior to addition of Cdi,, 100 to 240 nM (262 12, n = 5), [Ca2+];roseonlyfrom although the IS were depleted of Ca2+.During the incubation with C&:, the IS were reloaded with Ca2+(19-25), as evident from the [Ca2+Iiincrease and the oscillation observed on restimulation with carbachol. The marked increase in plasma membrane permeability to Ca2+observed during agonist-stimulated [Ca2+];oscillation (Fig. 1, upper panel) is unlikely to persist continuously since the cytosol willrapidly become saturated with Ca2+.Yet, Ca2+

'tr FIG. 2. Time course of Fura 2 fluorescence quench by Mn2+. Traces a, c and b, d were recorded from the same cell at excitation wavelengths of 380 (a,b)and 360 nm ( c , d ) ,respectively. Traces a and care from unstimulated cell. For traces 6 and d the cell was stimulated with 50 p~ carbachol and when [Caz+],oscillation became uniform (Fig. 1) the cell was exposed to standard medium containing 50 /LM carbachol, 1 m M CaC12,and 100 p~ Mn2+.Similar behavior was seen in four control and four stimulated cells. Additional experiments ( n = 6) showed similar oscillation of Caz+entry in cells stimulated with another Caz+-mobilizingagonist, JMV-180. Oscillation of Caz+entry always correlated with oscillation of [Ca2+Ii.

Oscillation of Ca2+Entry between oscillation of [Ca2+]iand Ca2+ entry, we measured the rateof Mn2+ entry into stimulated cells in the absenceof [Ca2+], oscillation (Fig. 3). This was achieved by perfusing AR42J cells with standardmedium t o which no Ca" or EGTA was added. Fura 2 fluorescence quench in control and stimulated cells wasmeasured in the presence of 25 p~ Mn2+.Mn2+ concentration was reduced to 25 p~ to better resolve the rate of fluorescence quench in the absence of Ca:., Stimulation with carbachol resulted in a single transient [Ca2+Ii increase with no furtheroscillation (Fig. 3b). Fluorescence quench due to Mn" monitored a t 380 and 360 nm followed smooth curves with no apparent alterationbetween fast andslow rates. Cell stimulation increased the rate of Mn2+ influxby 6.1 k 0.73fold (n = 4). As expected, the stimulatedMn'+ entry was not inhibited by the voltage-operatedCa2+channel blockers, but was inhibited by La3+(not shown)as was foundfor Caz+ entry (Fig. l a ) . Hence, when [Ca2+Iioscillation was prevented by preventing reloading of the IS, the Ca2+ entry pathway remained continuously activated. This experiment also demonstrates the abilityof the Mn2+ quench technique resolve to oscillations in Ca2+ entry (compareFig. 3 with Figs. 2 and 4) when Fura 2 fluorescence is recorded from single cells. While this work was in progress, a similar approach was used to study Ca2+ influx in single human umbilicalvein endothelial cells stimulated with histamine (22). In contrast to what is reported here, it was suggested that Ca'' entry remained continually activated even when [CaZ+lioscillated, although at least one endothelial cell showed oscillation of Ca2+ entry during [Caz+li oscillation (22). One possible explanation for the difficulty in observing oscillation of Ca'+ entry in endothelialas compared to AR42J cells (10 out of 10 cells) 2


but = lOuM



is that the experiments reported for endothelial cells were performed in the absence of Cd:, (22), while in our experiments Ca:, was present in the perfusion medium. In the absence ofCd:t, the amplitude of the oscillation decreased with time (22). The results in Fig. 3 suggest that theincrease in [Ca2+Ii during oscillation is probably responsible for the periodic inhibition of Ca2+ entry. Hence, it is possible that the reduced amplitude observed in the absence of Ca% precluded the periodical inhibition of Ca2+ entry(22). Additional effect of removing Cd:, is that theIS were never completely reloaded with Ca2+between the [Ca2+Iispikes. As was shown previously for several cell types (20, 21), including pancreatic acinar (19, 23, 24) andendothelial cells (22), Ca2+entry IS are not completely reremains activated as long as the loaded with Ca'+. This probably also hampered the ability to observe oscillation of Ca2+ entry in endothelial cells. The experiments with Mn2+clearly demonstrate the oscillation of CaZcentry during oscillation of [CaZ+li.Fig. 4 shows the relationshipbetween the time course of Ca" release from IS and Ca2+ entry. In this experiment the signals recorded at 380 and 360 nm excitation from the same stimulated cell were superimposed. It can be seen thatexposing the cell to MnZ+ when [Ca2++li was a t resting level was followed by slow quench ( i e . Mn2+ entry). The fast rate of Mn2+ entry commenced only when [Ca2+]; reached maximal level during each spike, and lasted for approximately 8.8 s. Hence, it appears that Ca2+ release from IS preceded the activation ofCa'+ entry and mostof the rapid Ca2+ entry occurred during theelevated phase of [Ca2+Ii.This accounts for the stair-shape signal at 380 nm excitation in the presenceof Mn'+ (Figs. 2 and 4). In this case Mn'+ entry is reflected in reduced levels of fluorescence between the [Ca2+Iispikes. It is also clear from the recording at 380 nm that during the time interval between spikes the rate of Mn2+ entrywas slow and corresponded to that measured in unstimulated cells. AR42J cells, agonist-evoked Ourresults show thatin [Ca2++Ii oscillation is due to the synchronizedoscillatory activation ofCa'+ release and Ca2+ entry. The oscillating Ca" entry contributes to the magnitude and in particular to the duration of [Ca2+], increase, and probably serves to reload the IS with Ca2+ during oscillation. The nature of the agonistactivated Ca'" entry pathway is notwell understood (1,4-6). MnZ+lOO pM 380nrn



@ Control


Carbachol 50 pM

1 fin


Excitation 360 nm


FIG. 3. Fura 2 fluorescence quench by Mn2+ inthe absence of [Ca2+Iioscillation. Traces a, c and b, d were recorded from the same cell a t excitation wavelength of 360 (a,b) and 380 nm (c,d), respectively. The cells were perfused with standard solution towhich no CaY+or EGTA were added. Traces a and c are from a resting cells. For traces b and d the cell was stimulated with50 p~ carbachol prior t o perfusion with Ca*+-free standard solution containing 50 pM carbachol and 25 p~ Mn2+.

1 min


FIG. 4. Time course of Ca2+release and Ca2+entry. The cell was stimulated with 50 p~ carbachol. Where indicated,100 p~ Mn2+ The signals recorded a t was includedinthe perfusionmedium. excitation wavelengths of 360 and 380 nm from the same cell are superimposed. Solid lines indicate initiation of [Ca"], increase and dashed lines indicate initiation ofCa2' entry. Note that entry lags behindCa2+ release. Similarrelationship between [Ca"Ii increase and Ca2+ entrywas observed in 10 experiments (four with carbachol and six with JMV-180).


Oscillation of Ca2+Entry

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Acknowledgment-We thank Constance Johnson for excellent administrative assistance.

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