T he Keren Hayesod - Genealogy Indexer

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78. K E R E N H A Y E S O D. T he Keren Hayesod (Palestine. Foundation Fund) established in. 1 g 2 0 i s t h e m a i n f i n a n c i a l i n s t r u - ment of the Jewish ...


T hF1 eog u 2 n 0dK aie t sr i eot nnh e mFH uaa n iy d nef) s i o n d ea s nt ca (bi Pl a ia lisl hne ess dtt ir ni u ne ment of the Jewish Agency for the purpose of covering its budget. The basic idea of the Keren Hayesod is that of voluntary self-taxation of Jews all the world over. The Fund does not call for occasional donations, nor for donations under a certain minimum, but for the discharge of an annually-recurring self-imposed obligation in keeping with the contributor'sincome. The Keren Hayesod headquarters were transferred in October1Q26 from London, where its registered offices are still situated, to Jerusalem. Practically every country in the world contributes its quota to the Keren Hayesod, the U. S. occupying first place, followed by South Africa, Germany, U. K., Canada, Poland, Roumania, Argentine, etc. Keren Hayesod funds are disbursed by the Executive of the Jewish Agency in accordance with the budget fixed at the meetings of the Administrative Committee of the Jewish Agency and the Zionist Congress. The Fund is administered by a Board of Directors, nominated by the Council of the Jewish Agency. In all countries where Keren Hayesod work is carried out special committees exist maintaining offices and adequate administrative machinery for fund-raising activities. In order to supplement this largely autonomous system, the Board of Directors sends out visiting delegates on special missions to the various countries.


During the ten-year peiod19211931, the Keren Hayesod expended a t o t a l s u m o f L P . 4,470,961. T h e m a i n item of expenditure was agricultural c o l o n i s a t i o n o n w h i c h L P . 1,428,928 were expended. Settlements established or supported by the Keren Hayesod were as follows: Number of Settlers

15 Small-holders'co-operative s e t t l e m e n t s 10,036 20CommunalSettlements (Kvutzot) 2,143 4 Y e m e n i t e S e t t l e m e n t s 9 S u p p o r t e d S e t t l e m e n t s8 4 9 1 AgriculturalExperimental Station The following table shows details of the allocation of Keren Hayesod funds for the past decade. Allocation of Keren in




From April I, 1921 to June 30, 1931 Amount LP.

Agricultural [,438,857 U r b a n CC o o l l o o n n i i s s a at ti io on n , Investments and P u b l i c W o r k s 98 36 59 -, 28 62 08 3• Education 4• 413-155 I m m i g r a t i o n 5• P u b l i c H e a l t h a n d S a n i t a t i o n 286,138 6. R e l i g i o u s a n d C o m - 265,026 munal Institutions 7• A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , M i s c e l l a n e o u s 262,697

in %




209 19 5 9-2 6.4 6.0 5-8

L P . 4,470,961 1 0 0 . 0