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Mar 9, 2014 - Roger Mendelson ... The TBI Midsumma Service at the end of January was ... The installation of new phone a

March 2014

Table of contents President’s report - Refresh, refurbish and rebuild 1 Rabbi Gersh Lazarow’s reflections - Building and beyond 2 Temple Beth Israel (No. A0040666N) 76-82 Alma Road St Kilda / PO Box 128 St Kilda, Vic 3182, Australia T +613 9510 1488 F +613 9521 1229 [email protected]

Project Josiah - Our new website 3 A call to action 4 Our New Principal - Introducing Marc Light 5 Rabbi Kim Ettlinger A gathering of 5000 Jews 6

Publication of any/all material is at the discretion of the editor. Articles express the views of the author, not the Temple Beth Israel Board of Governance. Articles in Kol Yisrael may be reprinted but please acknowledge your source.

A wonderful learning experience


TBI acknowledges that we are assembled on land whose traditional custodians are the people of the Kulin Nation. TBI is proud to be affiliated with the Union for Progressive Judaism.

Tikkun Olam in action

Rabbi Gersh Lazarow: Rabbi Kim Ettlinger: Cantor Michel Laloum: Rachel Wundheiler (Communications Coordinator): Jenny Schulman (Executive Assistant): Rhonda Nirens (Lifecycle Coordinator): Sarah Barzel (Membership Coordinator): Aliza Factor (Administrative Assistant): Sue Silver (Events Coordinator): Josh Nezon (TBI Fellow) Sarah Edelstein (TBI Fellow)

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

History made for Jewish GLBTIQ in Melbourne


A Kehillat Chesed


TBI Board of Governance 2014 Robert Hershan (President) Dorothy Graff (Vice President) Robert Sward (Vice President) Rebecca Silk (Secretary) Jeffrey Leigh (Board Chair)

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Cantor Michel Laloum - The dark and light of Purim 9

Limmud 12 Community Events

Smachot 16 Michelle Lazarow’s Pesach Chocolate Nut Cake


Bereavements 18 B’nei Mitzvah


Calendar 20 Happy Snaps

Cover Art:

The refreshed logo symbolises the three cornerstones of TBI:


[email protected]

We are a house of prayer, learning and gathering.


artklass: [email protected]


[email protected]

Visit for a detailed explanation of each element of the logo.


Business Breakfast

Wednesday 26 March, 7.30am-9am


774 ABC Melbourne


Donations 14

BOARD MEMBERS Victor Appelboom [email protected] Jonathan Barnett [email protected] Alain Grossbard [email protected] Kate Delbridge [email protected] Judi Cohen [email protected] Joanne Loewy Irons [email protected] Rhys Roberts [email protected] Roger Mendelson [email protected] Ron Aarons [email protected] Rysia Rozen [email protected]

Rafael Epstein


76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda RSVP 03 9510 1488 or [email protected]


jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


President’s report

Refresh, refurbish and rebuild Over the Summer Rabbis Lazarow and Ettlinger travelled to the US where they attended the Union of Reform Judaism biennial conference and combined this with welldeserved holidays. They returned refreshed and reinvigorated and I know we are in for an exciting 2014. TBI benefits when our team of clergy participate in international conferences, engage with other clergy from around our progressive world, and represent us on the world stage of progressive Judaism and learning. Our two new TBI Tamid fellows Sarah and Josh have also returned from the conference and are now in Melbourne. I am sure they will contribute greatly to the further development of our youth programs and the attractiveness of TBI to young families. Other congregants and our board member Judi Cohen also attended the conference and reportedly were greatly enriched by the experience. In the month our rabbis were away Cantor Laloum did a remarkable job supporting our community. He led wonderful services that were well attended over the summer break. We held our second Volunteers’ Appreciation Shabbat on 14 December honouring our choirs, leyners and educators. There were approximately sixty people honoured and it was a most memorable service. I’d like to also thank Rabbis Emeritus Levi and Morgan who assisted Cantor Laloum during this period. When I look back, 2013 was a wonderful year for TBI. The transition of the senior rabbinic role was smooth and we now look forward to Rabbi Lazarow’s induction on 12 April, Shabbat HaGadol.

There is a great deal of building activity going on as part of our program to refresh and refurbish our facilities. The following projects have been largely covered by the funds we raised from our Yom Kippur Appeal. We are so grateful for the wonderful support we have received from our community enabling us to carry out these building improvements. I want to thank all those that have volunteered at the Sacred Heart mission over the summer holiday season. The Mission is extremely grateful for the magnificent support they have received from our progressive community. They would not have managed over summer without our support. We have had over 170 volunteer days over the 45 day period and that is an average of four volunteers per day. Thank you Reuben Urban for your leadership. The TBI Midsumma Service at the end of January was an incredible success. We received broad mainstream media coverage including: 3AW, Joy FM, SBS Radio News, Channel 31’s The Shtick, Herald Sun and the cover of the local Leader Newspaper. As TBI was the first Victorian Synagogue to celebrate the Midsumma Festival we state loud and clear that progressive Jews believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. In partnership with Keshet we attracted a huge number of both members and guests in support of the GLBTI community. I’d like to wish mazal tov to Marc Light, the TKDS new principal. We are delighted a fellow TBI member has been appointed to this role. I hope to see you at our Purim Carnival and Spiel and again over Pesach.

The President Robert Hershan, and the TBI Board together with Rabbis Emeritus Dr John S. Levi and Fred Morgan invite you to the induction of

Rabbi Gersh Lazarow

5-7.30pm Saturday 12 April You and your family are invited for Havdallah service and cocktails RSVP 1 April 03 9510 1488 for catering purposes

as Senior Rabbi 1

jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


Rabbi Gersh Lazarow’s reflections

Building and beyond Mark Twain once noted “history doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme”.

Through learning the lessons of the past we gain a clearer understanding of the present and a stronger foundation from which to build for the future. This was certainly our hope when Temple Beth Israel’s building committee, led by Sam Sharman, outlined the plans for Project Josiah to our Board of Governance some months ago. Josiah was a young Judean King who early in his reign announced plans to renovate and restore the ancient


Temple in Jerusalem. In tackling many grand projects simultaneously, he unified the people around a single focus. This approach was arguably the catalyst for one of the greatest cultural and religious revivals in Jewish history. While our plans are not nearly as bold as King Josiah’s, in his spirit we have developed a scope of works that are designed so TBI will once again meet the changing needs of our modern community. The first three stages of this project began last year and include the renewal of our current office entrance space, the enhancement and upgrade to the Friedlander Bet Midrash and Cultural Centre and the reorganisation of our storage and archiving spaces.

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The installation of new phone and computer systems and upgrades to our software, equips us with the necessary tools to communicate with, and support our growing community more effectively. Thanks to the generous support of our community through the Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund, we have added a state-of-the-art multimedia system into the Friedlander Bet Midrash. The space has been reconfigured so that it not only functions as a wonderful secondary prayer space, but it now serves as the ideal venue for cultural and education events. The Friedlander has been permanently closed off from the main Sanctuary to enable best use of both spaces. The growing interest in our library collection has led to the creation of a “Reading Room” in the upstairs foyer. These new spaces are bright, warm and welcoming, and well worth a visit. Aside from the obvious changes in the public areas of the Synagogue there has also been significant restoration of the old “Temple House” to open up spaces that were previously reserved for storage and archiving. These new spaces, which now open off the “Reading Room” and upstairs foyer, have allowed us to create a new office and meeting room for Netzer and a wonderful new boardroom that can be used for meetings and classes. As our carpet was laid some 30 years ago and was in desperate need of replacement we have begun the process of laying new carpet throughout the building. We have replaced it in the administrative entrance and office space, and in coming weeks we will lay new carpet in the Friedlander, the Synagogue and Slome Hall. The new carpet has been selected for its durability and to complement our existing fixtures and fittings while simultaneously refreshing our entire building.

Regular visitors have noticed that our Bimah, which was also constructed nearly 30 years, is ageing and in desperate need of work to ensure that it is accessible to our entire congregation. Thankfully our building committee, with the support of architect Monica Roberts, has overseen the design of a more functional Bimah which will include new ramps, balustrades and seating. Our hope is that our refurbished Bimah will not only ensure our services are accessible but that the Sanctuary continues to be an inspiring and engaging space for all. After Purim we embark on two of the largest and hopefully most significant stages of our renovation. The first will be the creation of an Educational Centre in the spaces previously occupied by Netzer. The Education Centre will comprise of four purpose-built classrooms for TBI Tamid classes, Netzer activities and a range of new educational programs and initiatives. The final stage of Project Josiah involves the installation of new sound and video streaming systems. This is an ambitious, yet vital initiative brought about by the following: a growing congregation, a full schedule of musical events, an increase in the number and type of services, and the desire to provide our children with an interactive, dynamic and stimulating learning experience. We are now securing TBI’s foundations so we can provide all our members, visitors and friends with a more pleasurable, memorable and spiritually fulfilling experience by Pesach. Now and always we welcome you to stroll through the building, enjoy the spaces and participate in services.

Our new website

“Project Josiah’, is our plan to develop a scope of works designed so Temple Beth Israel will once again meet the changing needs of our modern community. In line with the recent changes to our building, the installation of new computer hardware and software and the branding refresh, we recently rebuilt our website

The new website is easy to navigate, with more information and functions than it had previously. In the coming months we will roll out the next stage of our website redevelopment which will allow members, among other things, to renew membership, RSVP to events, download services and t’fillot. We are simultaneously updating our facebook page and moving to a facebook organisation page.



jxp q ohrup ,tmuv

A call to action

ABOVE left: Gary Samowitz and Lisa Buchner with the Sudanese leaders at Parliament House in Victoria, 2013. ABOVE RIGHT: Jewish Aid Run for Change.

It is surely not by chance that the most frequently repeated verse in the Torah is that “you were slaves in the Land of Egypt”. The very core of our tradition - the story of our liberation from Egyptian slavery which we are celebrating - is a story about freedom and liberation. We are very lucky to live in a free country, but there are many in the world who do not enjoy such freedoms and who are experiencing harsh persecution. Many of these people are strangers who we will never know so why should we care about them? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explains: “Because you once stood where he stands now. You know the heart of the stranger because you were once a stranger in the land of Egypt. If you are human, so is he. If he is less than human, so are you. G-d made you into the world’s archetypal strangers so that you would fight for the rights of strangers.” Inspired by this exhortation to embrace the stranger and show compassion towards them, Jewish Aid Australia has been working closely with a group of newly arrived refugees from Darfur and the Nuba Mountains, two areas of Sudan that were decimated by the war. We started building the relationship with them eight years ago with monthly picnics and outings, and today we have homework clubs, women’s groups, holiday programs and offer a one on one mentoring program called Encounters. Every week over 65 Jewish Aid volunteers in Sydney and Melbourne work in one of our six programs with the aim of empowering the refugees to build their capacity and learn about Australian society. By building long term friendships, providing skills training and making the Sudanese feel welcome, we believe we are taking positive steps towards their integration and success in this lucky country. To paraphrase the Torah: “Welcome the refugees because you were refugees in the land of Australia.” 4

Over the next few weeks we will sing about how we were slaves in Egypt and will discuss how important freedom is; we will commemorate the Holocaust on Yom Hashoah and proclaim that Never Again should a situation occur where a group of people are murdered purely based on their ethnicity or religion. We do not remember our exodus from Egypt and our suffering at the hands of the Nazis just for the sake of it. Remembering for the sake of remembering is worthless! We remember so that we can learn from the past to ensure that injustices are not repeated, both to the Jewish people, and others. Others who might be complete strangers. Are we indifferent to the suffering that has engulfed Syria over the last two years? Are we bystanders who are allowing our government to dehumanise and degrade asylum seekers? Do we feel desensitised when we hear that 2 million children are exploited every year in the global commercial sex trade? At our seders this year let’s perhaps spend a few minutes talking about how we are going to help others get out of slavery. Pirkei Avot encourages us to get started by emphasising that “it is not upon you to finish the work, but neither are you free to desist from it”. Elie Wiesel made a solemn pledge which we should take heed of: “I swear never to be silent whenever, and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

GARY SAMOWITZ, CEO Jewish Aid Australia

jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


Introducing... Our new principal

Marc Light with his son Daniel at his barmitzvah at TBI.

Our new TBI staff

Following an extensive search, both nationally and internationally, attracting applications from the United States of America, United Kingdom, South Africa, Israel and Australia, The King David School has appointed Mr Marc Light as Principal of The King David School, commencing Term 2, 2014.

Marc’s previous role was as Assistant Principal - Curriculum at Bialik College where he worked for the past 4 years and prior to that spent 5 years at Mount Scopus Memorial College. Marc is highly regarded globally as a strong Jewish Educator. Having attended The King David School in his primary schooling, Marc is the first alumnus to become Principal of a Jewish School in Melbourne. Mark Harrison, President School Council says “This is an exciting time in the history of The King David School. After seven months and an extensive global search, we are delighted to have found a candidate of this calibre on our doorstep”. Marc Light says “The School has grown into an outstanding educational institution under the leadership of Michele Bernshaw and I feel privileged to inherit the responsibility of leading The King David School into this next exciting chapter of its history.” TBI is delighted that one of our members has been appointed to this role. We wish him mazal tov and behatzlacha.

Sarah Barzel Membership Coordinator The new role of Membership Coordinator recognises the importance of supporting our members. Through her current involvement in the Courage to Care program and the TBI Book Club, Sarah Barzel will be a familiar face to many of you. Sarah comes to us with a wealth of experience in community engagement and looks forward to being the key point of contact for our membership. Over the coming months Sarah hopes to engage with as many of our community as possible so please introduce yourself when the opportunity arises. Sarah can be contacted on [email protected] Fiona Zlotnik Administrative Assistant This new administrative assistant role supports TBI’s growing Community Relations Team. Our new administrative assistant joins Rachel Wundheiler, Community Relations Manager, Sue Silver, Events Coordinator and Sarah Barzel, Membership Coordinator. Recently graduated from university, Fiona has a background in retail, customer service and administrative duties. Fiona has worked for the National Council of Jewish Women and is excited to work for a progressive Jewish organisation where she can learn, and develop her skills. Fiona can be contacted on [email protected] * FREE

Purim according to


T w o P u r i m s p i e l p e r f o r m a n c e s : T B I : SATURDAY 1 5 MARC H 7 P M LEO B AEC K CENTRE : SUNDAY 1 6 MARC H 7 P M

f av o u r i t e s i n c l u d e : ‘ Y e l l o w S u b m a r i n e ’ , ‘A H a r d D ay ’ s N i g h t ’ ,

‘ Y e s t e r d ay ’ a n d ‘ Sh e L o v e s Y o u ’


0 3 9 5 1 0 1 4 8 8 OR INFO @ T B I . ORG . AU


jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


Rabbi Kim Ettlinger

A gathering of 5000 Jews Imagine 5000 reform Jews congregating to pray, talk, learn, eat, experience, teach, schmooze in Southern California at the San Diego Convention Centre. Rabbis, cantors, children, teens, lay leaders, presidents of congregations and organisations and members of boards. People who love music – those who could sing and those who couldn’t. Those who knew a little and those who knew a lot. The most prominent Jewish musicians from across North America and Israel were in attendance. And the most prominent Jewish scholars from different movements, such as Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and politicians such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ruth Caulderon from Israel. Past and current leaders of the Progressive Jewish world were present. The future leaders too, our youth, played a central part. Rabbi Jacobs said of our youth: “An essential piece of rebooting this system will be to attract, train, and retain a new generation of well-educated, innovative youth professionals. We must reboot, not just retool, transform, not just tinker. Toward that end, we need massive doses of investment.” The URJ is investing millions into our youth. We at Temple Beth Israel are investing in our youth with the arrival of our fellows Josh and Sarah. It was magical, it was vibrant, it was youthful yet it had a strong sense and respect for the past. I use words to describe this experience, yet there are no words to describe the URJ Biennial. I feel blessed to have been there with Rabbi Lazarow, Judi and Tammy Cohen, Leya Snider, our two new fellows Sarah Edelstein and Josh Nezon as well as TBI member Phyllis Dorey. The highlight of the Biennial always, is Shabbat. Erev Shabbat services and Shabbat morning with 5000 of your closest friends is inspiring. It is hard to imagine that this number of people in a convention centre could be intimate, but it was. When it comes to singing Mi Chamocha, the crossing of the Red Sea, congregants spontaneously rose and began to dance like Miriam and Moses did as they crossed the Red Sea with joy and laughter. When it came to reciting the Shema, the power of so many voices as one lifting together and uttering Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad truly brought us all closer to God. And, on Shabbat morning there wasn’t just one Torah to gather around on the main bimah, but another 10 “Torah Bimahot” around the congregation for people to read from. 6

Rabbi Lazarow and I were blessed to be called to Torah as alumnus of Hebrew Union College. We were close to Torah and we recited the blessing and heard Torah read. Eleven Sifrei Torah were read simultaneously. We truly felt that we are one community. The convention began on Wednesday and ended Sunday morning. There were difference tracks from Synagogue Management to Youth Engagement, to Rabbinic Focus, to Fundraising, to Music. There was a track for every mind, heart and soul. And, one could switch between them. Sessions began at 7am and ended at 10pm with a Jewish music concert. It was revitalising and exhausting all at the same time. The focus for this URJ was Youth Engagement. Since the last Biennial, the URJ has focused its energies learning and understanding the youth of today and the future. Who are ‘Millenials’ (people who are aged between 13 and 31) and what do they want? The URJ President, Rabbi Rick Jacobs gave the key note address and provided the vision and challenges for the Progressive/Reform Movement. We need to change the way we think about membership, youth, Jewish identity, prayer, music, and the list goes on. Our movement should continue to evolve. In some ways we at TBI have kept up, but in some ways, we have not. You will hear me and Rabbi Lazarow speak and teach about the things we have learnt. You will hear the board and committees develop new programs and strategies over time that are initiatives from the Biennial. Some things will work and will be amazing, some will not. Better we move forward and know than to not try at all. We have the energy and we will keep trying and experimenting until we find what works for the TBI Community.

jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


A wonderful learning experience I have a confession to make - or two. It’s possible that I learned as much about TBI by going to the biennial, as I did about what’s happening in the URJ. You might think that a bit strange, but as a first timer at such an event I gained a better understanding of what we do and why we do it. This report can’t do justice to the amazing speakers I heard, ideas that I was exposed to or the music that uplifted me. The energy of 5000 voices, 5000 minds and 5000 amazing people. Let’s start with this perhaps obvious observation, that our synagogue isn’t just a place for people to come and pray! In fact there are many, many Jews who don’t want or need the synagogue to pray in. Each person needs something different. It may be a place to help others- do some volunteering- a place to meet others with similar interests - a place to go to mark the death of a loved one- a place to feel important- a place to have a friend- a place to celebrate a milestone. Here’s a BIG IDEA for you- the synagogue provides the platforms and portals for finding meaning (internal) and purpose (external) of your life. Maybe the shul is actually a life cycle service station. And maybe that’s OK. There is something about being Jewish that makes people come back. They are tethered. They are tethered to some BIG IDEA that is different for each one - but in the same way it keeps drawing them back. Who am I talking about here? Everyone. Those who attend all the time, those who are here some of the time and especially the ones we call ‘once a year Jews’. Well, you know what I learnt? They really aren’t once a year Jews - they come at Yom Tov, they attend for Yahrtzeits, for their kid’s Bar Mitzvahs, their friends’ weddings. They come back - and we shouldn’t judge them or call them ‘once a year Jews’, because they are not. By offering alternative platforms or portals for them in their quest to find meaning and purpose - the more they will come. We are now doing this at TBI - book

club, alternative services, singing groups, kids programs, friendship club, Rosh Chodesh, movie nights, the list goes on. We need to be conscious however that changes in the needs of our members means we must respond and adapt where necessary. The eras of Judaism can be viewed as: • Judaism 1.0 - the era of the prophets • Judaism 2.0 - the time of the temple and the priests • Judaism 3.0 - 70 CE Eastern Europethe era of the Rabbi, the Cantor, shul, yiddish, art, music, and literature • Judaism 4.0 - The Shoah- Jews scattering throughout the world, creating the institutions of today leading to a renaissance of music, art and literature We are now on the threshold of Judaism 5.0 - this Judaism is the era of technology. The high energy, high emotion, song leading crowd are on their way. The clear message for those who find this strange or unacceptable is don’t judge, rather, build a bridge. We have to get comfortable with our discomfort. The idea of a black lesbian female pregnant rabbi was unimaginable 40 or 50 years ago. In the US today it is a simple reality. My other confession is that the music of reform Judaism, of the camps and songleaders of America- of Debbie Freidman, Josh Nelson and Dan Nichols - have swept me off my feet. Neshama Carlebach, a leading superstar in Jewish entertainment, and daughter of Orthodox Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach who revolutionised Jewish music in the latter half of last century, announced at the URJ Biennial at a concert she performed with Josh Nelson that she is ‘making Aliyah to reform Judaism’. We are on the verge of a new era of Judaism in Australia too and we at TBI have to lead that generational change. I encourage you listen to Gersh’s interview as he spoke to Joy FM. Generational change isn’t just about our building, it’s about every aspect of our Shul. Don’t be scared of the technology of the young. Don’t be scared of change. We must provide a place for the internal and the external - the platforms and portals to help our community find meaning and purpose. Understand that it’s not about where you are, it’s about the community that’s there with you. Judi Cohen, TBI Board Member 7

jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


Tikkun Olam in action Every day of the year Sacred Heart Mission produces 300-400 meals for the homeless, the destitute, those who have fallen upon hard times and lonely souls who are seeking some companionship. Throughout the year, every day, about 24 volunteers come to prepare the food, serve it and then clean up over a five hour shift. Every year many of the regular volunteers take some well-deserved time to holiday with their families. For that holiday period, an army of fresh volunteers heed the call for help to continue with the amazing non-stop work for which SHM is so well known in our community. TBI which has been involved in providing such volunteers for many years has been expanding its volunteer base and now the volunteers function under the banner of Progressive Judaism Victoria (PJV). Joining them are also many non-affiliated volunteers who are friends or

colleagues of PJV members. This year 90 volunteers filled 166 shifts between Boxing Day and 8 February. There are many who become so involved and passionate about the work and the effect on the clients that they volunteer many times – up to seven times over that period. Two PJV members give their views of the experience below. Thanks must go to everyone who has volunteered time and energy to make this program more successful each year. Reuban Urban, Volunteer Coordinator Sacred Heart Mission PJV roster

Reflections on being a Sacred Heart Mission volunteer “During January I volunteered again alongside many other Kedem and PJV congregants. Several years ago I remember being profoundly moved by the experience. As a social worker with many years in mental health I was surprised how powerful and humbling the experience was. We all decide to offer our services in different ways. Looking at the hundreds of people who received Sacred Heart’s services that day, my mind travelled quite a distance. I was surprised by the diversity in ages, gender, ethnicity and circumstance. “During the last two Fridays I have once again had the pleasure of assisting at the Sacred Heart Mission in St Kilda. I am fortunate in having come from a privileged background and my late parents instilled in my brothers and I, a right to give back to the community in whatever field we chose. Working at Sacred Heart is a small task but a rewarding task and an opportunity to experience how many in our local community are struggling to make ends meet. On the first Friday of my rostered duties I had the opportunity to meet with Jill Richardson, the Program Coordinator for Sacred Heart. I took the opportunity


I thought about my father, a Holocaust survivor, who spoke with such respect and appreciation of the people and organisations in his life who had opened their hearts and resources at the times of his greatest need. And I thought about the many other refugees from many countries who, shamefully, are being turned away from our bountiful borders. I was probably the most tired I have been for a very long time after that shift. But I was also the most satisfied.” Deb Absler

as President of PJV to thank her for allowing us to participate. She was full of praise for PJV and its volunteers and was amazed at the professional organisation of Reuben Urban which has made her task over this six week period much easier. On a personal level I have developed skills completely alien to my personality. I can wash dishes, peel and chop carrots and mop floors with the best of them. I am available for hire as long as it does not clash with meetings.” Brian Samuel PJV President

jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


Cantor Michel Laloum

The dark and light of Purim The most fun, and child-oriented holiday in the Jewish calendar is ironically also the darkest and most sexual and violent of Tanach stories. Megillat Esther which along with Megillat Ruth, are the only two books of the Bible to bear a woman’s name. Purim might be considered an historical fiction yet the recurring theme of genocide is all too real throughout history. Is Purim about the hidden or the revealed? Or the use or abuse of power? About celebration or commemoration? About the rights of women and of Jews? Is this a serious holiday about existential threats or a frivolous festival for children and celebration? Purim is all of these and more! While costumes, spiels and drinking may bring light to the festivities, our gifts to each other and the poor reflect themes of mutual responsibility and community. On Purim we hear de gantze megillah ‘the whole of the story/megillah’, we have a festive seudat mitzvah, give charity or matanot la’evyonim, and give mishloach manot to friends. We drown out Haman’s name as we both remember and try to eradicate the source of persecution, while also celebrating Esther and Vashti’s leading roles in the story. The story begins when Queen Vashti is banished for refusing to entertain the king’s guests, and Esther is chosen to be the new queen. Haman, the evil courtier, gets promoted to grand vizier, but Mordechai, Esther’s uncle, refuses to bow down to him.

Haman decides to take revenge on Mordechai and the Jews. He convinces King Ahashverosh to massacre the Jews throughout the kingdom. Purim means “lots” because Haman picked lots to decide precisely when to kill the Jews. Mordechai and Esther devise a plan to foil Haman’s evil plot. Esther courageously invites the king to a party in Haman’s honour and then reveals that she is Jewish, and pleads for the life of her people. Haman is hanged, and the Jews are saved. Purim reminds us of the periodic desire to eradicate Jews throughout history. Haman, is an historical manifestation of the biblical Amalek, who hates the Jews for no other reason than “sinat chinam” - hatred without reason. This reality has unfortunately been revisited upon us by more recent figures such as Hitler, and even contemporary figures such as Ahmadinejad in modern Iran (formally Persia). Purim celebrates the powers of light and goodness vanquishing the darker forces of evil, and yet also recognises that light and darkness are interwoven and necessary counterparts of one another. Today we celebrate Purim at TBI, with fancy dress, the carnival and the fun of the Purim Spiel according to the BEATLES (think of the melody of yesterday ... but the words will be “Esther-day”…), and yet in amongst all of the fun is also the reading of the megillah and the recognition that while we enjoy the celebration we also remain ever-vigilant against persecution. We must be realists, but should never lose the perspective of our children in their capacity to perceive the endless wonders of creation and the hope and optimism of life!


jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


History made for

Jewish GLBTIQ in Melbourne Many years ago, I created the saying that something is truly powerful and comes from one’s soul when a person feels like they are floating on clouds while simultaneously having the strength to body-slam Andre the Giant.

politicians, David Southwick, MLA Caulfield and Clem Newton-Brown MLA Prahran were in attendance. Both Clem (a nice Catholic boy) and David stayed for the service.

I recently had one of those powerful moments.

So many Jewish and GLBT friends were there. Some had come especially and missed their usual Friday night service elsewhere. I am extremely moved my dear friend Mandy and her partner were there. For Mandy’s nonJewish partner, it was his first ever Jewish service – well, always an experience. That Mandy attended was very special for 2 reasons: one being Mandy helped to achieve greater connection between my family and me a few years ago. The other, hold that thought...

This story starts way back in October 1978, when I was barmitzvahed at Temple Beth Israel. Obviously, back then, I didn’t know what I know about myself now. I knew at that point there was “something going on re gender” but couldn’t explain or understand it. I remember being very nervous that day and someone going off to get peppermint tic-tacs. I remember Rabbi John Levi pulling a pocket compass out and saying that I would find my direction in life. And I remember the party in our back yard and that the weather was a perfect 25C for a week for the visiting relatives from England, Texas and elsewhere. I also remember feeling a little strange and not understanding why at the time. With hindsight, I now know why. A ritual that was about my coming of age as a man wasn’t really going to cut it for this person. I’ve written in Tiffany Jones and Luke Gahan’s pioneering Australian book “Heaven Bent,” published last October about my experience re religion and spirituality. Now there needs to be an addendum. The compass mentioned by Rabbi Levi has honed in more finely on my true direction i.e. being closer to my soul. Ever since I was contacted by Jonathan Barnett of Keshet, to say this service was happening, I felt incredibly excited on many levels. I had only been back to TBI twice since that day in 1978. I actually read from the Torah for 2 weeks in a row. The first week I read the final passage from Deuteronomy, the next week was the opening words of Genesis. The week after was the barmitzvah for my best mate at Sunday school. Apart from weddings and funerals, I have not been to a formal shul service since then. 35 years ... Until a few weeks ago. Like the opening words of Genesis at the time of Simchat Torah, I began again. Everyone had a sense of, in the words of Gorilla Monsoon, “history made” as we gathered for preservice wine, cheese and nibblies. It sure as heaven was historical. I rang my mum from the TBI grounds just before everyone arrived in excitement. A 90-year old Jewish gay man was in attendance – how awesome. I would love to meet and talk with him. Two state


The service was just right. It went for an hour in length, with respect for all, humour and acoustic guitar music. This kosher bisexual transgender cowgirl found that last bit highly acceptable. And then came my turn to give a short reading. No nerves this time. I deliberately took time to pause and smile before reading and did so at the end too. The smile was on my face the next morning. The Rabbi’s address at the end of the service was beautiful. I feel more connected within myself after that night. I hope that connectedness within me can radiate outwards in helping my efforts to ensure GLBTI people, Jewish or otherwise, feel more connected within themselves and more connected to their community. Something says this was the Bat Mitzvah (coming of age ritual for a Jewish woman) I had thought about but had never had... until now. Completeness. As someone who works better with quiet thought, the saying “my temple is within” is one that works for me. I may or may not ever go to another shul service again. That’s not the point. To know I am part of a community where I am welcomed is the point. We can only have too much of that in our lives. And last...take that earlier thought off hold. For me, this was the first time I had voluntarily attended a shul service in 48 years of living. For others, including Mandy, it was the same or similar e.g. their attendance was for weddings etc – sort of semi-voluntary. That night, the fact we all went voluntarily, comfortably, proudly and happily to shul perhaps says it all.

Sally Goldner

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A Kehillat Chesed: A caring congregation of support and inclusion It is not good for a person to be alone (Genesis 2:18) All too often we find ourselves isolated. In times of greatest need we may need support but be cut off from community. How can Temple Beth Israel create an environment in which each and every individual is noticed, understood, cared for and supported in times of pain as well as in joy? In developing and expanding our “Caring Community” TBI is modelling a way of life which underscores the power of creating ‘sacred relationships’, among all the members of our congregation. Through our Caring Community, we open our hearts, minds and spirits, and affirm the Jewish values that link generation to generation. TBI currently has many activities to support our community: Stans Shmooze – first Tuesday of every month 1:30-3pm. An opportunity to discuss current events with Stan Marks facilitating. Friendship club - first Wednesday of every month 11am-2pm. Share music, entertainment, good food and good company with friends from TBI and the wider community.

Drop in and Chat group – Second and fourth Wednesday of every month 10:30am12:30pm. Come in and share good company and a cup of tea with like-minded friends. TBI Book club –Alternating Wednesday and Thursday nights every month throughout the year. Join in reading, exploring and discussing books you might otherwise never have thought to read. Facilitated by Sarah Barzel, a fun and vibrant group with great wine, cheese and of course…books! Jewish Care Holocaust Survivors Program English speaking– Monday 12-3pm. A program that offers survivors the opportunity to socialise, be entertained and informed. Jewish Care Holocaust Survivors Program Russian speaking – Monday 11am-2pm. A program that offers survivors the opportunity to socialise, be entertained and informed. Ruach community choir – Rehearses on the third Tuesday night of each month from 6-8pm, and officiates at the 3rd Friday night and 3rd Saturday morning of every month. You do not need to read music or be a trained singer – just contact Cantor Michel Laloum on 9510 1488 and join us as we celebrate the beauty of our musical tradition!

TBI cares about our members Our community cares about you. We want to know what is happening in your life. Let us know how we can support you and celebrate with you. Our clergy are committed to providing pastoral guidance and support through the joys and struggles of life’s journey. If there is a life cycle event you would like to share with us contact Rhonda Nirens on [email protected] or 03 9510 1488. Help us to be present and responsive for you and your family.

TBI Family Second Seder Tuesday 15 April 6pm Bring your family to a seder led by Rabbi Gersh and Michelle Lazarow and TBI fellows Josh and Sarah. A great night of community fun and participation with delicious catered dinner, drinks and all the classic fare. Cost: Adult $50 members / $65 non members. Children under 13 yrs $23. Young TBI $40. Concessions available on request. There is a non-refundable fee per person by Monday 7 April. Contact Sue Silver on 03 9510 1488.


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Limmud On Sunday Pesach Workshop Dates: 23, 30 March Presenter: Rabbi Gersh Lazarow Pesach is a holiday built around food, song, and storytelling. Join Rabbi Gersh Lazarow in this two-part series to explore the symbolism and ritual of this holiday of freedom. Along the way, you will be sure to pick up more than a few creative suggestions to make your family’s celebration meaningful and accessible (and even learn how to make your own matzah!). Remembering Yom Hazikaron How collective memory affects our personal identity

Date: 4 May Presenter: Nadav Shachamon Remembering Yom Hazikaron - Each year, before we celebrate Israel’s day of Independence, we pause to reflect on those whose lives have been lost in the creation and protection of this nation. Join Nadav Shachmon, our PJV community shaliach, to explore the origins and meaning of Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s national day of remembrance.

CELEBRATing Yom Ha’atzmaut The journey to independence Date: 11 May Presenter: Nadav Shachamon Celebrating Yom Ha’Atzmaut - Israel is a small country that knows how to throw a big party, and Yom Ha’Atzmaut is no exception. Bringing us a taste of this incredible day of celebration is Nadav Shachmon, our PJV community shaliach. We invite you to join us in learning about the history and ritual surrounding Israel’s Day of Independence.

On Tuesday Introduction to Judaism at 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism is a two-semester course for those seriously interested in confirming their place among the Jewish people with a foundation level course of study covering Jewish source literature, history, customs and how to pursue a Jewish lifestyle. For those studying with a view to becoming Jewish by choice, the level of instruction is aimed at students with little or no formal learning in Jewish tradition. Individuals and partnered couples make for a mixed and interesting group. Introduction to Judaism meets at TBI most Tuesday evenings through the year. There are two intake points for the course each year - late Jan/early Feb and late July. Parashat Hashavua at 7.30PM Exploring the Parashat of the week. Meetings take place in the Friedlander Bet Midrash. All welcome.

On Thursday Aleph Isn’t Tough Beginner Hebrew classes with Karen Rosauer. Conducted as a weekly series of 10 one-hour sessions held on Thursday’s. This course is offered twice yearly. Aleph Isn’t Enough Intermediate Hebrew classes with Albert Bentata. Conducted as a series of 10 one-hour sessions. This course assumes you have an understanding of Hebrew word structures and an elementary vocabulary of key prayer terms. It builds on the fundamentals to establish a more comprehensive understanding. This course is offered twice yearly. Tav is for Torah Advanced Hebrew classes with Albert Bentata. This 10 week course is designed for people who are comfortable with Siddur Hebrew. 12

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Community Events DROP IN AND CHAT / KNITTING CIRCLE 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 10.30am - 12.30pm For those who are sixty and over, looking for a couple of hours of companionship in a very low key relaxed atmosphere. $2 to cover costs, includes tea, coffee, biscuits. New people always welcome. MEN’S GROUP On the 3rd Sunday of the month at 8pm in private homes. Contact Albert Bentata at 9555 2527 LIVING WITH DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP 24 Mar, 12 May, 23 Jun, 7.30-9pm in the Friedlander Bet Midrash A Jewish support group for family carers of a person with dementia. Please bring any questions or topics you would like to discuss. STAN’S SHMOOZE-MAKING NEWS WITH THE LATEST VIEWS On the 1st Tuesday of each month 1.30pm – 3pm Well known journalist, author and humorist, Stan Marks, runs monthly News and Views sessions. These cover all recent local, national and international news on a diversity of topics and the reasons for being optimistic or sceptical of current events. All laced with Stan Marks’ engaging humour and a touch of gossip. All senior members, especially the young at heart are welcome! RUACH COMMUNITY CHOIR Ruach Community Choir sings on the 3rd Shabbat of every month from 6.15pm - 7.45pm. Everyone is welcome. TBI CHOIR TBI Choir sings on the 4th Shabbat of every month We are always looking for new choristers. If you’d like to express yourself vocally contact Cantor Michel Laloum at TBI. TBI BOOK CLUB Monthly on Thursdays at 7.30pm. Facilitated by Rhonda Nirens, this gathering has grown and is now a very popular and regular event at TBI. New members always welcome. Next meeting 20 March.

TBI COMMUNITY DINNER This successful event occurs the first Friday of each month. Please feel free to invite your friends and family and bring a vegetarian dish to share. Please contact the TBI office for more information. GESHER Occurs 2nd Saturday of every month at 9.45am in the Friedlander Bet Midrash. Intimate service led by lay members. SHABBAT MISHPACHA Occurs 2nd Saturday of every month at 9am in the main Sanctuary. Geared to pre-schoolers and their families, come and celebrate Shabbat with your children through songs, stories, and fun. Join other young families in a warm and relaxed atmosphere. SHABBAT B’YACHAD FAMILY SERVICE Join us for a Shabbat Service at 6.15pm specifically for primary school aged children and pre- and post- B’nai Mitzvah students. The services include songs, stories and regular Shabbat Service elements with participation from your children and Netzer. SHABBAT SHIRA 6 Dec, 3 Jan and 7 Feb at 6.15pm Run in conjunction with Shabbat B’yachad, Shabbat Shira is an alternative minyan - an intimate, musical, interactive service held in the Friedlander Bet Midrash. ROSH CHODESH GROUP 6 Apr, 4 May, 1 Jun and 29 Jun at 7.30pm Led by Rabbi Kim Ettlinger We would like to extend a warm invitation to all women to come along and join a lovely group to meet, chat, learn and celebrate the monthly new moon as so many women in our tradition have done before us. Call the office for location. TBI FRIENDSHIP CLUB 1st Wednesday of each month For the 55’s and over, sit, chat and listen to music - lunch is served at 11.45am. $10 entry includes lunch.

For more information on events , please contact the TBI office 03 9510 1488 (unless otherwise specified)


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Donations There are countless ways you can help our community Please consider: • Promoting a TBI event by allowing a billboard to be placed outside your property if you live on a main road • Sponsoring a Kiddush or an edition of Kol Yisrael to celebrate a loved one • Volunteering your time Please contact [email protected] General Fund

Aliyot, Yahrzeit and Self assessed A • Mr Henri & Mrs Rosi Alkalai • Mr George and Mrs Kathy Altman • Mr Basil Arkles • B • Mr Roger Bancroft JP • Mrs Gerda Bandman •

Mrs Steffi Bando • Dr Victor & Mrs Sally Barnes • Prof Jonathan Barnett

Ph.D. • Dr Paul & Mrs Eve Bartrop • Mrs Adrienne Basser • Mr Howard

& Mrs Barbara Bellin • Mrs Norma Benjamin • Mr Albert & Mrs Carol Bentata • Mr Itiel & Mrs Maureen Bereson • Dr Michael James Best •

Norman and Vicki Black • Ms Frankie Blei • Mr Geoffrey Blick & Ms

Lorraine Weiner • Dr Philip & Mrs Andrea Bliss • Mrs Beryl Blode • Mrs

Ida Borodulin • Mr Yakov & Mrs Raissa Borovik • Ms Elaine Bourne • Mr

Arnold & Mrs Mary Bram • Mrs Susi Breit-Learmont • Mrs Olga Brooke

• Mr Joel Brown • Mrs Mary Burger • C • Mrs Naomi Carrick • Mr George Cass • Mr Joe & Mrs Helen Chakman • Mrs Rayleen Chanesman • Mr Jason Chester and Ms Kylie Chester • Mr Raymond & Mrs Mary Cohen • Dr Julie Contole & Dr Colin Riess • Mr Ken County • Lady Anna Cowen • D • Mrs Debra & Raphael Dascal • Ms Ruth Davidson • Mrs Marie Davis • Dr Ron & Mrs Andrea Dorey • Mr George & Mrs Marlene Dryen • Ms Judi Dubiner • Mr Jonathan Duler • Mrs Pamela Durra • E • Mr Peter & Mrs Greta Eisfelder • Ms Roslyn Eldar • Mr Peter Erczmann • Dr Max Esser • F • Mr John & Mrs Jenny Fast • Mrs Nina Fih • Mrs Sara Finch • Mr Tom Firestone • Mrs Erika Fisher • Mrs Jan Flash • Mrs Sue Freadman • Mr David & Mrs Katarina Freedman • Dr Joseph & Mrs Sonia Freidin • Ms Susan Friedman • G • Ms Ilana Gelbart & Ms Kristen Adriaan • Mr Henry & Mrs Annette Gladwin • Jeffrey Goldman • Ms Jenny Goldsmith • Mr Frank & Mrs Fliss Goldstein • Mr Yossi & Mrs Fran Goodman • Mr Greg & Mrs Nellie Goodvach • Ms Sandra Gordon • Mr Tom & Mrs Jenny Gorog • Mr Eric & Mrs Beverley Gorr • Mrs Katie Gould • Mrs Rita Greiner • Mrs Robyn Griffin • Mr Alexander & Mrs Nikki Grinstein • Dr David & Mrs Helen Grodski • Mr Simon Gross & Ms Natalia Blecher • Dr Garry & Mrs Julie Grossbard • Mr Alain Grossbard JP & Mrs Judi Grossbard • Mrs Felicity Guthrie • H • Mrs Maxine


Haeata • Dr Dennis & Mrs Suzanne Hain • Dr Paul Hall • Mrs Elfine

Halphen and Mr Ashley Halphen • Ms Muffy Hand • Mrs Mary Harber

• Mrs Fella Harbig • Mrs Jill Harris • Ms Eleanor Hart • Mr Rodney & Mrs Jessie Hartman • Mr Gary & Mrs Susan Hearst • Mr Andrew & Mrs Joan Hegedus • Mrs Sharon & Mr Daryl Herbert • Mr Robert & Mrs Yvonne Hershan • Mr Tony Heselev & Dr Sian Hughes • Ms Odile Higgins • Ms Jadzia Holcdorf • Mr Ronald Hurwitz • Mrs Marilyn Hyams • Mr Greg & Mrs Jo Hyde • I • Mrs Ruth Inwald • Mr Peter Isaacson AM,DFC,AFC,DFM & Mrs Anne Isaacson • J • Mr Tom & Mrs Anna Jacobi • Mr Nathan Jacobson OBE • Mrs Magdi Jakobovits • Mrs Barbara Joffe • Mr Morgan Jonas • Mrs Emelie Josephs • Mrs Brenda Kahan • Mrs Diana Kahn • Mrs Jill Karp & Mrs Lore Schenk • K • Mrs Joan Katz • Mr John Kaufman • Mr Victor & Mrs Margaret Kay • Ms Leah Kaye • Lara & Suzanne Kimmel • Rabbi Aviva Kipen & Mr Philip Kreveld • Mrs Doris Klein • Virginia Jane Klooger • Ms Yehudit Koadlow • Mr Peter Kohn • Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie Kolliner • Mrs Judy Kolt • Mr Andrew & Mrs Diana Kopatsy • Dr Maurice & Mrs Joan Korman • Dr Margit Korn • Mr Tony Kosky OAM & Mrs Vicky Kosky • Dr Harry & Mrs Renee Krane • Dr Henryk & Mrs Emily Kranz • Mr Neville Kruss • Mr Nathan & Mrs Jo Kuperholz • L • Ms Rena Langberg • Mr Samuel & Mrs Gertie Langer • Mr David Langsam • Mrs Marian Lawrence • Mrs Eva Lehner • Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Danielle Leigh • Rabbi Dr John AM DD Ph.D & Mrs Robyn Levi • Justice Greg Levine & Dr Barbara Kamler • Mr Marcus & Mrs Melanie Levit • Mr Hal & Mrs Roslyn Levy • Mr Thomas & Mrs Diana Lew • Mr Joe Lewit & Dr Ruja Varon • Mrs Maria Lewit OAM • Mr Ross Liebmann • Dr Larry & Dr Helen Light AM • Dr Peter & Mrs Carole Loewy • Mr Stephen Lucas • Mr David & Mrs Anita Lurie • Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig • Miss Gabrielle Lysy • M • Mr Arnold & Mrs Dani Mahemoff • Dr Victor Majzner & Mrs Marion Majzner • Mr Ernie Malinek & Mrs Malvina Malinek OAM M.Sc. • Mrs Judy Margis • Mr Richard Margolis • Mr Robert & Mrs Helen Mark • Mrs Eve Markov • Mr Stan Marks OAM & Mrs Eva Marks • Mr Lindsay & Mrs Rosie Matthews • Mr Richard & Mrs Margot Melzak • Dr

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George & Prof Danuta Mendelson • Mr Julian Mitchell • Inge Mohrer •


Zimmet • Mrs Frances Zucker • Mr Michael Zylberman OAM & Mrs

Mrs Evi Morawetz • Rabbi Fred & Mrs Sue Morgan • Ms Rachel Morley

Bobbi Zylberman

Ada Moshinsky QC • Ms Shelley Moskowitz • Mr Marcus Moss • Mr


& Mr Jeff Sharp • Ms Miriam Morris • Mr Sam Moshinsky OAM & Mrs Michael & Mrs Tamara Mote • Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller • Mr

The Council for Jewish Education in Schools (CJES) is a tax deductible fund which supports TBI Tamid

Mr Paul & Mrs Dorothy Nathan • Mrs Estelle Newmark •

• Mr Maurice & Mrs Astrid Elijah • Mrs Vera Freidin • Mrs Sandra Masel • Mr Mark Sobey

Rikki & Mrs Susan Myers •

N • Ms Brin Nadler • Mrs Elaine Nassau • O • Mr Sam

& Mrs Rochelle Obel • Mrs Ilona Oppenheimer • Mr Michael & Mrs Kimberley Orner •

P • Mr Brian & Mrs Marylin Parkin • Mrs Anna Paul • Mrs Edith Peer • Mr Daniel Poll • Mr Ron & Mrs Madeleine Popper • Mr Peter & Mrs Bette Pulver • Q • Mrs Barbara Quinn • Mr Darren Binstock & Ms Lisa Quittner • R • Mrs Rodika Reich • Mr Daniel & Mrs Neomy Reuben • Mr Emile & Mrs Kathy Rochman • Dr John & Mrs Margot Rogers • Mr Clive Rosenberg • Mr John Rosenbloom & Ms Kathryn Earp • Mrs Paula Rosin • Mrs Kitty Ross • Mr Peter Rossdale • Mrs Susan Rosta • Mr Alan & Mrs Lilliane Rotman • Mrs Rysia Rozen OAM • Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan • S • Mr Arnold Sackville • Mrs Edith Sadlon • Mrs Minnie Sadman • Mr Colin Sakinofsky & Ms Vanessa Gautier • Mrs Sandra & Mr Stan Saks • Mr Sam & Mrs Sheryl Salcman • Mr Alan & Mrs Dianne Samuel • Mrs Martha Sanders • Mr Geoff Sandler & Dr Natalie Taft • Mrs Lore Schenk • Mr Michael Schonfeld • Ms Jennifer Schulman • Mrs Tess Schwarz • Dr Ron & Mrs Kay Schweitzer • Mrs Marion Segal • Mrs Jean Segaloff • Mr Bernard Shafer & Ms Caren Lubofsky • Mr John & Mrs Monica Shalit • Mr Ron & Mrs Evelyn Sharp • Mr Leonard & Mrs Marie Shenker • Mrs Judy Sher • Mrs Betty Silber • Ms Natasha Silberberg & Mr Charles Prejean • Mr Jack & Mrs Lesley Silberscher • Ms Rebecca Silk • Mr Gert & Mrs Rifka Silver • Mr Jeff & Mrs Marion Simmelmann • Ms Monika Skladowski • Dr Maurice Slonim • Ms Leya Snider • Mr Mark Sobey • Mr Oscar Sokolski • Dr Norman & Dr Sue Sonenberg • Mr Stuart Southwick OAM JP • Mrs Catherine Soveny • Mrs Rose Stach • Mr Frank & Mrs Sarah Steen • Mr Jeff Stone • sundry • Rafail Sverdlin • Dr Robert & Mrs Jennifer Sward • Mr Neville & Mrs Vivien Swinnerton • T • Ms Lillian Tarry • Mrs Magdee Taryan • Mr Pinchas Tidor • Mrs Lorraine Topol • Mr Eric Trainor • Mrs Rebecca Tuszynski • U • Mr John & Mrs Sally Unglik • Mr Reuben & Mrs Pat Urban • V • Mr Simon Vagana & Ms Nelly Katsnelson • Dr Renata Valentine • Mrs Manya Van Aken • Mrs Lina Varon • W • Mrs Joy Waller • Mrs Ingeborg Warden • Dr Mark & Mrs Stefanie Weis • Mr George & Mrs Ruth Wengier • Ms Sophie Willer • Mrs Bronia Witorz • Mr Arnold & Mrs Evelyn Wittner • Mr David & Mrs Tamara Wolff • Mr Simon Wollan & Ms Arianna Wilson • Mr Lewis & Mrs Deborah Woolf • Z • Mrs Ilse Ziffer • Mr Israel & Mrs Meshi Zilberman • Dr Hendrik

Music Foundation

• Mr Albert & Mrs Carol Bentata • Mrs Felicity Guthrie pjcf

The Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund (PJCF) is a tax deductible fund for the promotion of Jewish cultural events • Mr Martin Brumer • Dr Julie Contole & Dr Colin Riess • Mr Peter &

Mrs Mirri Curtis • Mr Barry Fradkin OAM & Dr Pam Fradkin • Mr Barry

Fradkin OAM & Dr Pam Fradkin • Miss Dorothy Graff & Mr Felix Wyss

• Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie Kolliner • Mr Ron & Mrs Evelyn

Sharp • Mr Stan & Mrs Eva Skrabal • Mr Stan & Mrs Eva Skrabal •

sundry • sundry • Mrs Lorraine Topol • Dr Renata Valentine • Dr Renata

Valentine • Mrs Ruth Zimmerman

Kol Nidrei

• Prof Jonathan Barnett Ph.D. • Mr Peter & Mrs Anna Berkovits • Ms Elaine Bourne • Mr Mervyn & Mrs Leila Cohen • Mr David and Mrs Pixie Cohen • Mrs Susie Cymbalist • Dr Max Esser • Dr Adam & Mrs Tracy Frederick • Mrs Barbara Fredman • Dr Howard Freeman OAM & Mrs Lorraine Freeman • Dr Garry & Mrs Julie Grossbard • Dr David Irons & Ms Joanne Loewy Irons • Dr Simon & Mrs Suzanne Jakobovits • Mrs Magdi Jakobovits • Mr Victor & Mrs Margaret Kay • Ms Regina Kaye • Mr Andrew & Mrs Kath Kolb • Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie Kolliner • Mr Eddie & Mrs Rena Komesaroff • Ms Rena Langberg • Mr Eliezer Lesman & Ms Oonagh Thomas • Mr Peter Cohen & Ms Janet Levi-Cohen • Mr Stan Marks OAM & Mrs Eva Marks • Mr Philip & Mrs Rhona Mayers • Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Mendelson • Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller • Mr Saul & Mrs Lauren Ryan • Ms Reva Same • Mr Laurence & Mrs Anne Sharpe • Ms Susan Silberberg • Mr Leslie Sive • Mr Neil & Mrs Kerri Slonim • Mr Graeme & Mrs Chris Smith • Dr Norman & Dr Sue Sonenberg • sundry • Mr Tevita & Mrs Barbara Tauelangi • Mr Luke & Mrs Joanna Wajsbrem

On behalf of the Rabbis, Cantor and the Board of Governance we thank our generous donors for their thoughtfulness and kindness in supporting all that we do at TBI.


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Mazal tov

Smachot On behalf of the Rabbis, Cantor and the Board of Governance we offer a hearty mazal tov to the following members on the occasion of their simcha: BIRTHS: 11 Oct 13 – 31 Jan 14

MEMBER BIRTHDAYS: 1 Feb 14 – 30 Jun 14

• Jasmine Leigh – baby girl to Jeffrey and Danielle Leigh • Lily Mahemoff – baby girl to Jonathan and

“Milestone” is defined as an anniversary ending in 5 or 0 from 25 to 85 and then after 85 every year.

Fairlie Mahemoff • Ezra Nirens-Grey – baby boy to Jordy Nirens and Matthew Grey

ENGAGEMENTS: 11 Oct 13 – 31 Jan 14 • Masha Lezaic and Eugeny Vizelman • Josh Fast and Felicity Rhodes WEDDINGS: 11 Oct 2013 – 9 MAR 14 • January 26 – Gali Lenko and Simon Schenkel • February 9 – Ophelia Erhlich and Yair Frid • February 9 – Amy Marin and Deborah Zaks • March 2 – Patrick Gorr and Hannah Neven • March 9 – Ashley Singer & Lisa Rosenfeld WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: 1 Feb 14 – 30 Jun 14 “Milestone” is defined as an anniversary ending in 5 or 0 from 25 to 85 and then after 85 every year. • Mrs Dorothy Bihary • Mr Geoffrey Blick & Ms Lorraine Weiner • Mr Joe & Mrs Helen Chakman • Mr David & Mrs Pixie Cohen • Mr Leon & Mrs Gaby Cohen • Mr Howard & Mrs Yvonne Elton • Mr Alan & Mrs Anne Faiman • Dr Simon & Mrs Louisa Frenkel • Mr Gary & Mrs Susan Hearst • Mr Tom & Mrs Anna Jacobi • Mr Ivan & Mrs Julie Jarny • Mr David & Mrs Daniela Klempfner • Mr Ray & Mrs Daniele Magid • Mr Robert & Mrs Helen Mark • Mr Simon & Mrs Leonie Marks • Mr Ross & Mrs Lyn Maver • Mr Richard & Mrs Margot Melzak • Mr Alan & Mrs Esther Michael • Mr Michael & Mrs Tamara Mote • Mr Ron & Mrs Linda Newman • Mr Uriel & Mrs Nili Palti • Mr Mark & Mrs Clare Pomeroy • Mr Patrick & Mrs Sarah Quin • Mr Jeffrey Sher QC & Mrs Diana Sher OAM • Mr David Southwick MP & Mrs Hayley Southwick • Mr Sam & Ms Frances Stiglec • Dr John & Mrs Tanya Tescher • Mr Morris & Mrs Freda Trytell • Mr Reuben & Mrs Pat Urban • Mr Luke & Mrs Joanna Wajsbrem • Mr Barry & Mrs Nancy Wicks • Mr Israel & Mrs Meshi Zilberman • Mr Robert & Mrs Kathy Zucker


• Mr Leonard Abrahams • Mr Charles Akkerman • Mr Marc Akkerman • Mr David Artenstein • Miss Jasmin BadeBoon • Mrs Corinne Bader • Mr Jeremy Bader-McDowell • Mrs Eva Balogh • Mr Allan Barger • Dr Philip Basser • Mr Barry Batagol • Mr Phillip Benjamin • Miss Lucy Benjamin • Mrs Irene Benjamin • Mr Samuel Benjamin • Mr Robert Bennett • Mrs Carol Bentata • Mr Daniel Birner • Mrs Raquella Birner • Ms Vanessa Black • Mr Norman Black • Mr Adam Black • Ms Natalia Blecher • Mr Jack Bock • Mrs Helene Boon • Mrs Raissa Borovik • Mr Myer Brott • Ms Lahra Carey • Miss Rachel Cashmore • Mrs Tonya Cashmore • Mr George Cass • Mr Brian Chaitman • Ms Yoko Chapman • Mrs Schima Cohen • Mr Raymond Cohen • Mrs Gerda Cohen • Mrs Serena Cohen • Mr Nicholas Cozens • Mrs Susie Cymbalist • Mrs Marie Davis • Miss Jessica Dean • Mr Martin Dodge • Mrs Judy Dodge • Mr Jonathan Duler • Mrs Lilian Efron • Mrs Lotti EisingerPhilipp • Miss Leora Erlichman-Gross • Mrs Jenny Fast • Mrs Beryl Feldman • Mr Joel Feldman • Mrs Eva Felts • Mr Malcolm Fox • Miss Celine Foxman • Dr Pam Fradkin • Mr Michael Frajman • Mrs Sue Freadman • Dr Adam Frederick • Mrs Karen Fuerst • Dr Susanna Geiro • Mrs Marie Gold • Mrs Ethel Goldin • Mr Gary Goldsmith • Mr Frank Goldstein • Dr David Goodman • Mrs Jenny Gorog • Mr Leon Gouzenfiter • Mrs Pauline Green • Mr Geoffrey Green OAM • Miss Bonnie Greenberg • Mr Samuel Griffin • Mr Alexander Grinstein • Mrs Suzanne Hain • Mrs Sharon Hamilton • Ms Diane Harari • Mrs Mary Harber • Mrs Esther Hartman • Mrs Natalie Hearst • Mrs June Helmer • Mr Sol Hendler • Mrs Bella Hiler • Mr Gabriel Hoenig • Mrs Ruth Holan • Dr Sian Hughes • Mrs Ruth Inwald • Mr Nathan Jacobson OBE • Mrs Penny Jakobovits • Mrs Magdi Jakobovits • Mr Ivan Jarny • Mr Graham Joel • Miss Madeleine Jones • Mrs Dina Jones • Mrs Emelie Josephs • Mr Peter Kahan • Mrs Diana Kahn • Mrs Anneke Kangisser • Mr Justin Kanowitz • Mr John Kaufman • Mrs Leila Kleiman • Mr Geoff Kohn • Mrs Frieda Kolieb • Miss Stephanie Komesaroff • Mr Myer Eddie Komesaroff • Mr

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Daniel Komesaroff • Mrs Diana Kopatsy • Miss Georgina Korman • Mrs Elaine Kovkin • Mrs Renee Krane • Mrs Emily Kranz • Miss Jessica Kruss • Mr Mark Kuperholz • Mrs Eve Landman • Mr Samuel Langer • Mrs Judith Lawrence • Mrs Lynette Lehrer • Mrs Rose Lester • Mr Bruce Levin • Mrs Basja Levy • Miss Rebecca Lew • Miss Sabrina Lewis • Mr Ross Liebmann • Mrs Helen Light • Mrs Violet Loewenstein • Mrs Frances Lowe • Mr Ron Lowe • Ms Carolyn Luntz • Mrs Anita Lurie • Mrs Sadie Lurie • Miss Gabriella Lysy • Mr Ray Magid • Mrs Judy Margis • Mr Stan Marks OAM • Mrs Rosie Matthews • Mrs Lyn Maver • Mr Richard Melzak • Dr Oliver Mendelsohn • Miss Arielle Minette Meretz • Mrs Susan Minc • Mrs Stella Mitchell • Mrs Inge Mohrer • Mrs Sue Morgan • Dr Carl Muller • Mrs Tammy Musman • Mr Rikki Myers • Mrs Molly Nathan • Mr Adam Needleman • Mrs Michelle Olesh • Mr Danny Olesh • Dr Klaus Oppenheimer • Mr Daniel Orbach • Mr Les Pahoff • Mrs Michelle Palti • Mr Aviv Palti • Mr Uri Palti • Mrs Nili Palti • Mrs Edith Peer • Mrs Lesley Pilcer • Mrs Marion Pizer • Mrs Hanna Popiolek • Mrs Ilse Priester • Ms Lisa Quittner • Mrs Rena Rabin • Mrs Sylvia Radolnik • Mrs Bronia Raynor • Miss Amy Rich • Mrs Ruth Riess • Mr Rhys Roberts • Mrs Esta Rose • Mr Asher Rose • Ms Stella Rosenthal • Mr Theodore Rosenthal • Mr Phillip Rosenwax • Mr Ken Rossdale • Mrs Ruth Rossdale • Mrs Sylvia Rothman • Mr Norman Rothman • Mr Anthony Rotman • Mrs Yoko Ryan • Mr Adam Ryan • Mrs Edith

Sadlon • Mrs Martha Sanders • Ms Rachel Sandler • Mrs Deborah Sandler • Mrs Lala Saunders • Mr Fred Seligmann • Mr Bernard Shafer • Ms Amanda Sharp • Mr Leonard Shenker • Mrs Diana Sher OAM • Mr Joe Shneider OAM • Mrs Lesley Silberscher • Mrs Susan Slowo • Mr Oscar Sokolski • Mrs Catherine Soveny • Mr Daniel Star • Dr Michael Starr • Mr David Steinhardt • Mr Keith Steinhardt • Mrs Irene Stern • Ms Frances Stiglec • Mr Andrew Sward • Mrs Lydia Swart • Mr Bernard Sylvan • Miss Lisa Tescher • Mrs Tanya Tescher • Mr Matthew Thurin • Dr David Thurin • Dr Marion Titterton • Mrs Olga Tramer • Master Ben Wallace • Mrs Ingeborg Warden • Mrs Martha Weiner • Mr Lionel Werbeloff • Mr Russell Whytcross • Mrs Janis Whytcross • Mrs Nancy Wicks • Mrs Trude Wieder • Mr Russell Wiese • Mr Arnold Wittner • Mrs Sonia Zimmermann • Mrs Emma Zipper • Dr Marcus Zipper

RECENT B’NEI MITZVAH: 1 Nov 13 – 7 Mar 14 • Jamie Borenstein • Sarah Kirsner • Muffy Hand • Helen Shardey • Mark Sobey • Margaret Kay • Monica Tam • Brin Nadler • Les Sive • Spencer Jelinek • Gabrielle Arnheim • Brandon Zalcman • Sarah Irons • Joshua Cohen

UPCOMING B’NEI MITZVAH: 7 Mar 14 – 30 Jun 14 • Michael Sakinofsky • Joshua Brill • Jacob Tsyrlin • Freya Boltman • Adam Freedman • Ella Freeman • Jeremy Zivin • Adrian Rosenwax • Miles Urbinder

Michelle Lazarow’s Pesach Chocolate Nut Cake Ingredients: • 250g almond meal • 3/4 cup sugar • 1/2 cup milk

Method: • 250g block good quality dark chocolate • 4 eggs

1. Mix all ingredients (except eggs) - then cook in a saucepan on a low flame

2. Set aside to cool 3. Separate the eggs yolks and whites 4. Beat the egg whites until stiff 5. Add the egg yolks to the cooled chocolate mixture 6. Fold in the egg whites 7. Pour into a well-greased 20cm baking tin 8. Bake in moderate oven (175º) for about 45 minutes 9. Cool on tray - enjoy!

“This was my grandmother Lily Lustig’s recipe. Pesach is the time I bake this deliciously simple cake and enjoy it with family.” Enjoy with your family and have a kosher and happy Pesach! 17

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Bereavements Barbara Bigio Cousin of Robert Hershan & Russell Basser, Cousin of Adrianne Basser (Passed away in New York)

Wanda Lindner

Mother of Stephen and Benjamin

John Malady

Father of David

Leonid Bronshtein

Jadzia Opat Mother of Fay Bock and Anita Lewit (dec), step mother of Fran Goodman and Judy Sher

Husband of Anna, father of Zorik

Vitaly Chernega Son of Luba, brother of Vladimir Chernyega, brother-in-law of Larisa Chernyega Sam Daniels

Son of Belinda and Edwin

George Dryen Husband of Marlene, father of Lindy Weizman, Louise Rubenstein and Peter Dryen Wilma Esser Mother of Kurt and Max Esser and Miriam Kochanski Helen Ferber

Mother of Jenny and Sarah

Erika Fisher Mother in law of Helen, grandmother of Ben and Simon Ivy Fried Mother of Barry and Rodney Vera Fuerst

Mother of Alex

Mara George

Friend of congregation

Ann Gild

Sister of Saul Cohen and Jo Landau

Eugene Goodvach Husband of Ettie, father of Vida, Mark and Louise Paul Heisler

Partner of Alla Petrov

Edith Jacobs

Mother of Lorraine Kindler

Robert Kamener

Father of Larry and Martin

Maurice Katz

Uncle of Phil

Regina Kempler

Sister of Paula Cohen

Jean Kleinhandler

Mother of Roger Fay

Serge Kunstler Partner of Celina, Father of Steven and Jane Elisabeth Lehman

Mother of Lisa and Marion

Rex Patkin Husband of Faye, father of Ruth, Leo, Carolyn and David Edward Perlman Husband of Rosa, father of Sharon, Barbara Lasky, Carol Richards and Joanne Schott Harry Quittner Husband of Deborah, father of Mark, Nicolas, Damian and Jeremy Hannelore Rothenberg

Mother of Ron

Santen Mother of Bunty Davis and Ron Santen Klara Schwartz

Mother of Katerina Llorente

Eva Schwartz Mother of Madelaine Popper and Judy Leiva Ariel Sharon

PM of Israel

Adam Simmonds

Son of Michael and June

Bettina Sist

Wife of Don (dec), mother of Lowan

Hans Tiepermann Husband of Jacqueline, Father of Lee Tiepermann and Georgia Solomon Vlad Torgan

Grandfather of Gabrielle Lysy

Meda Volkova Mother of Leonid Amelia Weinfeld Claire Wynn

Mother of Philip & Roseanne

Robert Yallouz Husband of Barbara, father of Roger and David Baby Lucy Young

Daughter of Anita and Steve Young

Ilse Ziffer Mother of Robert Ziffer and Kath Kolb

Philip Levy Father of Gillian and Judith Cohen (Israel)

Training for Caring Community Pastoral Volunteers We are offering special pastoral care training sessions to current and prospective volunteers. Five sessions of training will be facilitated by professional pastoral care hospital chaplains. If you are interested in learning more about pastoral care or wish to join our team of pastoral volunteers this is an opportunity for further learning free of charge.

Training includes: 1. Introductory Unit: Why are we here? 2. Our Stories, our Journeys, our Spirituality 3. The Caring Relationship 4. Spiritual Care in Practice 5. Review of Visiting Experience

No experience is required – only an interest in people and a desire to help. To participate in the course contact Cantor Michel Laloum 03 9510 1488 or [email protected]

This course is recognised and accredited by the Health Care Chaplaincy Council of Victoria.


jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


B’nei Mitzvah


Sarah Irons 15/1/2014 Parashat Ki Tissa Sarah attends The King David School. Her hobbies include gymnastics, art and dancing. She enjoys performing dance routines for her family. Sarah is a 2014 Magid Campus Arava House Captain. She volunteered at SZC Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations face painting with a friend. In lieu of gifts Sarah has kindly requested donations to TBI and TKDS.

Brandon Zalcman 25/1/2014 Parashat Mishpatim


Brandon attends Bialik College, and in the future would like to play soccer for Manchester City. He plays tennis and soccer, and his favourite subject at school is sport. He participated in Clean Up Australia Day, helped at Posh Oppe Shoppe, and Munzer House Aged Care. His favourite television show is Hawaii Five O, and he dislikes tomatoes.

Joshua Cohen 1/3/2014 Parashat Pekudei Josh attends Glen Eira College, and in the future he would like to study computer engineering and programming. Josh started to play basketball from 7 years old, and for the past three years has been playing rep level basketball. Recently his team won the largest junior basketball tournament in the southern hemisphere. Josh enjoys anything technical related, including Xbox, computer programming, building robots and leaning about technology. Josh likes listening to music, hanging out with friends and playing sport. He also loves animals, especially his dog Monty.



jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


2014 Calendar March Friday 7 March 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner Saturday 8 March 9am Shabbat Mishpacha 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Vayikra Monday 10 March OFFICE CLOSED - Labour Day Tuesday 11 March 4pm TBI Tamid 6.15pm Ruach Rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 12 March 10.30 Drop in and Chat 7.30pm Maccabi Toastmasters 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 13 March 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 14 March 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 15 March 10am Shabbat Zachor Bar Mitzvah Michael Sakinofsky 6.30pm Purim Spiel Sunday 16 March 10am Purim Carnival Monday 17 March 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 18 March 10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 19 March 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 20 March 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm TBI Book Club 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 21 March 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 22 March 10am Shabbat Shemini Bar Mitzvah Joshua Brill Sunday 23 March 10am Limmud on Sunday 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 8pm Men’s Group (off site) Monday 24 March 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Living with Dementia Tuesday 25 March 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism


7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 26 March 7am Business Breakfast 10.30am Drop in and Chat Thursday 27 March 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 28 March 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 29 March 10am Shabbat Tazria Sunday 30 March 10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site Monday 31 March 10am Holocaust Survivors

April Tuesday 1 April 10am TBI Archive Group 1.30pm Stans Shmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 2 April 11am Friendship Club 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 3 April 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 4 April 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6.15pm Shabbat Shira 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner Saturday 5 April 10am Shabbat Metzora Bar Mitzvah Jacob Tsylin Sunday 6 April 10am Limmud on Sunday 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (off site) Monday 7 April 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 8 April 6.15pm Ruach Rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 9 April 10.30am Drop in and Chat 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 10 April 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 11 April 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday 12 April 9am Shabbat Mishpacha 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Hagadol Bat Mitzvah Freya Boltman Monday 14 April 6pm Erev Pesach Service Tuesday 15 April 1st DAY PESACH 6.30pm 2nd night Pesach Dinner Wednesday 16 April 2nd DAY PESACH Thursday 17 April 3rd DAY PESACH Friday 18 April 4th DAY PESACH - OFFICE CLOSED 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 19 April 10am Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach Sunday 20 April 6pm Erev 7th Day Pesach Service Monday 21 April 7th DAY PESACH Tuesday 22 April 8th DAY PESACH Wednesday 23 April 10.30am Drop in and Chat 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 24 April 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 25 April 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 26 April 10am Shabbat Kedoshim Sunday 27 April 5pm Kol Simcha (off site) Monday 28 April 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 29 April 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua” Wednesday 30 April 7.30pm Trope Class

May Thursday 1 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 2 May 6.15pm Shabbat Ha’atzmaut 6.15pm Shabbat Shira 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner Saturday 3 May 10am Shabbat Metzora Bar Mitzvah Adam Freedman

jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


2014 Calendar Sunday 4 May 10am Limmud on Sunday 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 6.45pm ZCV Yom HaZikaron Memorial Service - Robert Blackwood Hall Monash 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (off site) Monday 5 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) 6pm Yom Ha’Atzmaut Concert Melb Recital Centre Tuesday 6 May 1.30pm Stans Shmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 4.30pm Yom Ha’Atmaut Family Festival Lamm Library 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 7 May 11am Friendship Club 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 8 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 9 May 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 10 May 9am Shabbat Mishpacha 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Behar Bat Mitzvah Ella Freeman Sunday 11 May 10am Limmud on Sunday 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) Monday 12 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Living with Dementia Tuesday 13 May 4pm TBI Tamid 6.15pm Ruach rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 14 May 10.30am Drop in and Chat 7.30pm Trope Class Thursday 15 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 7.30pm TBI Book Club 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 16 May 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 17 May 10am Shabbat Bechukotai Volunteers Appreciation Shabbat 4pm Lag B’omer Bonfire Sunday 18 May 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 8pm Men’s Group (off site) Monday 19 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 20 May 10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua

Thursday 22 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 23 May 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 24 May 10am Shabbat Bamidbar Bar Mitzvah Jeremy Zivin 4pm Lag B’omer Bonfire Sunday 25 May 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) Monday 26 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 27 May 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 28 May 10.30am Drop in and Chat Thursday 29 May 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 30 May 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 31 May 10am Shabbat Naso Bar Mitzvah Adrian Rosenwax

June Sunday 1 June 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (off site) Monday 2 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 3 June 1.30pm Stans Shmooze 4pm Erev Shavuot Family/Kids Service 6.15pm Erev Shavuot Service 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 4 June OFFICE CLOSED 10am Shavuot Morning Service Thursday 5 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 6 June 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6.15pm Shabbat Shira 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner Saturday 7 June 10am Shabbat Beha’alotcha Bar Mitzvah Miles Urbinder Monday 9 June OFFICE CLOSED - Queens Birthday Tuesday 10 June 4pm TBI Tamid 6.15pm Ruach rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua

Wednesday 11 June 10.30am Drop in and Chat Thursday 12 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 13 June 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 14 June 9am Shabbat Mishpacha 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Shelach Sunday 15 June 8am Interfaith Concert at TBI Monday 16 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) Tuesday 17 June 10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 18 June 11am Friendship Club 7.30pm TBI Book Club Thursday 19 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 20 June 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 21 June 10am Shabbat Korach Sunday 22 June 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 8pm Mens Group (off site) Monday 23 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care) 7.30pm Living with Dementia Tuesday 24 June 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Wednesday 25 June 10.30am Drop in and Chat Thursday 26 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group Russian speaking (Jewish Care) 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 27 June 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday 28 June 10am Shabbat Chukat Sunday 29 June 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (off site) Monday, 30 June 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Jewish Care)


jxp q ohrup ,tmuv


Happy Snaps

Tu B’Shvat Seder in action

TBI Midsumma Service

Rabbi Kim Ettlinger, Sue Morgan and Joanne Loewy-Irons

Ezra Nirens-Grey

Joel and Margalit Freedman

Amy Marin and Deborah Zaks

Jasmine Ann Leigh

When celebrating a simcha please forward your high resolution photos as jpegs to [email protected] 22

Temple Beth Israel (No. A0040666N) 76-82 Alma Road, St Kilda, Vic, Australia 3182 PO Box 128 St Kilda, Vic, Australia 3182 T +613 9510 1488 F +613 9521 1229 [email protected]