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TARGET ICSE SAMPLE PAPER 2011 (Biology). Copyright: ... Ph: +91 8013130928. Email: [email protected]. Page 26. ICSE Sample Paper (4). Biology.
TARGET ICSE SAMPLE PAPER 2011 (Biology) ICSE Sample Paper (4) Biology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Full Marks 80

Time 2 Hrs

You will not be allowed to write during the first two 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II Section I All Questions are Compulsory Question – 1 (a) Name the following: [5] (i)

The part of brain which is concerned with memory.


Light induced reaction in photosynthesis which leads to splitting of water.


The instrument measuring transpiration.


The type of inheritance, two traits express themselves equally.


Diagrammatic representation of chromosomes of an individual.

(b) Fill in the blanks: [5] (i)

During photosynthesis ADP gets converted to ATP with the help of …………….


The pairing of homologous chromosome is called…………


The foetus draws its oxygen from ………….


The other name of tear gland is …………….


Myopia can be corrected by ……………..

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TARGET ICSE SAMPLE PAPER 2011 (Biology) (c) Fill in the blanks in the following pairs to represent relationship between the structures and their special functions: [5] (i)

Myelin sheath and …………..


Seminiferous tubule and ………….


Upper eye lid …………


Amniotic fluid and ……………


Spinal cord and …………….

(d) Write true or false, and if false correct the sentences:[5] (i)

DNA contains the entire nitrogenous base of RNA except uracil.


All cells of plant undergo photosynthesis.


The ‘X’ linked chromosome is the only sex chromosome that passes from father to son.


The source of oxygen which comes out as by-product during photosynthesis is CO2


When raisin is placed in a hypotonic solution it swells up.

(e) Write the odd one out and give a reason for your answer: [5] (i)

Anaerobic, fermentation, oxygen, alcohol.


Hypothalamus, thymus, spleen, pancreas


Glycolysis, photolysis, photosynthesis, CO2 fixation.


Measles, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Cholera.


Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Plastids, Vacuole

(f) State one main function of the following: [5] (i)



Pituitary gland

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TARGET ICSE SAMPLE PAPER 2011 (Biology) (iii)

Ear ossicles




Mesophyll cells.

(g) Choose the correct alternative from the following:[5] (i) Bacteria found in the nodules of leguminous plants are (symbiotic, saprophytic , parasitic) (ii) (Pineal, pancreas, pituitary) gland is the master gland. (iii) All animals would die on the planet earth if there was no (chlorophyll, penicillin, haemoglobin) (iv)The allele which expresses itself phenotypically in presence of its contrasting allele is called (diploid, clone, dominant) (v)Chromosome constitution of a cell or an individual (gene, linkage, karyotype)


Where are the following produced in the human body?

(i)Lymph (ii) Thyroxin (iii) Insulin (iv) Calcitonin (v)Adrenaline

Section II - (40 Marks) (Answer any four questions from this section) Question – 2 (a) An experiment was set up as shown in the figure given below.

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(i) What is the aim of the above experiment? (ii) Identify the gas collected. (iii) How will you test this gas? (iv) What happens when a little sodium bicarbonate is added to the water?

(b) (i) Name three cytoplasm structures which are living parts of the cell and have some particular vital function to do. (ii) What is the importance of diffusion to a plant? (iii) Differentiate between diffusion through a filter paper and diffusion through the plasma membrane of living plant cell. (iv) What do you mean by turgid and turgidity?

Question – 3 fertilization of egg. (a) Given below are different stages of fertilizatio

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(i)Arrange the stages in correct order as they would have taken place. (ii) In female reproductive system where does this process take place? (iii) Distinguish between identical and fraternal twins.

(b) Complete the following table by filling in the blanks numbered 1 -8. Gland

Hormone secreted

Effect on body



Regulates basal metabolism

Pancreas (β cells)





Increases heart beat


Thyroid stimulating hormone


Question – 4 (a) In the following chart ‘R’, ‘r’, ‘Y’ and ‘y’ represent the following character respectively – round, wrinkled, yellow and green. Now study the chart ad answer the following questions:

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(i)Fill in the box labeled as 1- 8. (ii) What is genotype? State the genotypic ratio. (iii) What is Mendel’s law of independent assortment? (b) Explain briefly the following statements: (i)Medulla oblongata is the most important part of the brain (ii)The full-grown human embryo respires but does not breathe (iii) Insulin is injected into the body of a highly diabetic patient and not given orally. (iv) Most often only one embryo is formed at a time, although there are two ovaries in women. (v)Leguminous crops act as natural fertilizer.

Question- 5 (a) Give the difference between the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the bracket. (i) Sensory and motor neuron (function) Copyright: Ph: +91 8013130928 Email: [email protected]

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TARGET ICSE SAMPLE PAPER 2011 (Biology) (ii) Amitosis and mitosis (occurrence) (iii) Conditioned reflex and simple reflex (example) (iv)Ureter and urethra (function) (v)DNA and RNA (nitrogen base)

(b) Study the diagram below and answer the questions:

(i)Label the parts 1 – 6. (ii) What role does the portion mentioned as 3 and 4 play?

Question – 6 (a)

Define the following:

(i)Wall pressure (ii)Ovulatuion Copyright: Ph: +91 8013130928 Email: [email protected]

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TARGET ICSE SAMPLE PAPER 2011 (Biology) (iii)Fertilisation (iv) Plasmolysis (v)Transpiration stream

(b) Answer the following questions: (i)Expand the following: BCG, PPI and DPT. (ii) What is immunization? (iii) The practice of taking small pox vaccination has been given up. Explain why?

Question – 7 (a) Answer the following questions: (i)Why does one feel blinded for a short while on coming out of a dark room? (ii) Mention the location and function of Pinna, Eustachian tube and organ of corti.


Define the following:

(i)Synapse – The junction between two adjacent neurons (ii) Zona pellucida – A layer that surrounds the plasma membrane of the mammalian egg cells (iii) Uracil – A pyrimidine derivatives and a major nitrogenous base of RNA. (iv)Parental generation - The individuals that are selected to begin a breeding experiment and crosses between which yields the F1 generation. (v)Acromegaly- A chronic condition developing in adulthood due to over production of growth hormone.

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