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Feb 8, 2016 - Bachelor degree in paramedical. Technology – OT Techniques / bachelor degree in Respiratory. Therapy / o
TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE ADVANCED CENTRE FOR TREATMENT, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN CANCER (ACTREC), Sector – 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410 210 Tel. No. 91-22-27405000 Email : recruitment@actrec.gov.in (Grant-In-Aid Institute of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India) No. ACTREC/ADVT-1/2016

8th February, 2016

The Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a Comprehensive Cancer Centre with a mission to achieve the highest standards in patients care, cancer prevention cancer research and professional development for oncology and allied disciplines. TMC is an autonomous Grant-InAid Institute of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. TMC is affiliated to Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI). The HBNI is a Deemed University of the Department of Atomic Energy with a mission to develop high quality postgraduate educational programs in science and technology including those related to Life and Health sciences. ACTREC invites applications from eligible candidates of Indian nationality who are keen to pursue a career in TMC. Full time positions in various departments available at the TMC are listed below: SPECIAL RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES (ST) Sr. No.

Name of the Post


Scientific Assistant ‘B’ (Research Labs)



Tech F1 (ICU / OT)



Technician ‘C’ (Composite Lab. / Histology)



Technician ‘C’ (Radio-diagnosis)



Technician ‘A’ (Plumbing)


No. of vacancies

Last date for online application is 08/03/2016 upto 5.45 p.m. & receiving hard copy of online applications within 7 days from last date of Online application i.e. 15/03/2016. It is mandatory to submit online application. Candidates must submit documentary evidence in support of the details furnished in the Online Application Form regarding date of birth, qualification, experience, caste etc., failing which such applications will be treated as incomplete. For details of the essential qualifications and experience for various positions, service conditions, emoluments and how to apply etc., visit our website http://www.actrec.gov.in

(Umeshkumar V. Mote) Sr. Administrative Officer


Sr. No. 02

Essential: Preferred: B.Sc. (Biochemistry / Chemistry / Minimum one year work experience in Microbiology / Life Sciences / Biotech research Laboratory after DMLT with 50 % plus DMLT from recognized Institute with 50 % marks. Minimum one year work experience after DMLT. Tech ‘F1’ (OT / ICU) : (1 – ST)

Sr. No. 03

Essential Preferred: B.Sc. with 50 % marks and one year certificate / Diploma course in ICU / OT Techniques / Respiratory therapy Techniques. OR One year work experience in ICU / Bachelor degree in paramedical OT Technician is desirable. Technology – OT Techniques / bachelor degree in Respiratory Therapy / or Equivalent with minimum 50 % marks in bachelor degree. OR B.Sc. with 50 % marks and one year work experience as ICU / OT Technician in a reputed Hospital is mandatory. Technician ‘C’ (Composite Lab / Histology) : (2 – ST) Essential: H.S.C. plus DMLT (full time regular Course) from the Institute recognized by Dept. of Technical Education or State Board for Technical Education. . Minimum 50% marks in either H.S.C. or DMLT.

Preferred: After HSC and DMLT 1 year experience in Modern diagnostic Lab / hospital preferred.

Sr. No. 04

Technician ‘C’ (Radio-diagnosis) : (1 - ST)

Sr. No. 05

Essential: Preferred: H.S.C. with 50 % marks plus minimum Experience in CR / MRI will be one year diploma in Medical preferred. Radiology / Medical Imaging Technology or equivalent with two years experience. Technician ‘A’ (Plumbing) : (1 – ST) Essential: Preferred: S.S.C. / NCTVT / ITI two years course Two years experience in building in plumbing from Govt. recognized maintenance will be preferred. Institute and having two years experience.


Sr. No.

Pay in Pay Band& Grade Pay

Approximate Total Emoluments

Pay Band

Upper age limit (with relaxation) in yrs


₹ 9,300 + 4,200

₹ 37,000/- p.m.

PB-2 (₹ 9,300-34,800)



₹ 9,300 + 4,200

₹ 37,000/- p.m.

PB-2 (₹ 9,300-34,800)



₹ 7,510 + 2,400

₹ 28,000/- p.m.

PB-1 (₹ 5,200-20,200)



₹ 7,510 + 2,400

₹ 28,000/- p.m.

PB-1 (₹ 5,200-20,200)



₹ 5,830 + 1,900

₹ 20,500/- p.m.

PB-1 (₹ 5,200-20,200)


Age is relaxable by 10 yrs. for PWD for Group C posts & 5 years for Group B posts. Age relaxation for Ex-servicemen as per rules. Age may be relaxable in cases of additional qualifications, higher experience and special needs for the development of the department and for departmental candidates. Age and experience will be reckoned as on 08/03/2016.

GENERAL CONDITIONS In addition to pay, other allowances including DA, HRA, etc will be admissible as per the prevailing rules of TMC. All officers will be covered by a Contributory Health Service Scheme for self and dependants. All are eligible for retirement benefits and pension under the New Pension Scheme. Candidates may be offered a higher or lower grade than what is advertised based on their experience, and overall assessment at the time of interview and recommendation of the Selection Committee. Candidates appointed will be rotated based on the needs of the concerned TMC Units at the Tata Memorial Hospital (Parel Campus) or ACTREC (Kharghar campus) as and when necessary. They shall also submit a recent passport size photograph, attested copies of all certificates regarding Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Experience Certificates, Caste/Tribe Certificate (in the Government of India format), Physically Handicapped Certificate etc. alongwith the copy of online application form on or before the last date of receiving the applications to the Senior Administrative Officer, Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer, Sector – 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai – 410210. It is mandatory to submit a copy of online application along with copies of relevant certificates; otherwise the candidature will be treated as cancelled. Persons working under Central / State Government / Autonomous Body / Semi Government Organizations and other Public Sector Undertakings must submit their application forwarded through proper channel.

-4Separate applications should be submitted for each post. Tata Memorial Centre also reserves the right not to call any candidate to appear for interview without assigning any reason there for. Tata Memorial Centre reserves the right to fix minimum eligibility standard/ bench mark and restrict no. of candidates to be called for written examination and / or interview taking into account various factors like no. of vacancies, percentage of marks etc. The Tata Memorial Centre also reserves the right to fix minimum eligibility standard / cut-off marks while finalizing such candidates to be called for interview as well as selecting the candidates for final selection after the interview. The decision of the Director, ACTREC in this regards shall be final and binding and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained with the candidates. In case it is found at any stage of recruitment that the candidates does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and / or, the candidate has furnished any incorrect / false / incomplete information or has suppressed any material fact (s), his / her candidature will be cancelled. If any shortcoming is detected, even after appointment, the services of the candidate are liable to be terminated forthwith. Therefore, before applying for any post, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills all the eligibility criteria under the norms mentioned in the advertisement. The Tata Memorial Centre does not take any responsibility for non receipt of application through Online / by post for whatsoever be the reason. Late and incomplete applications will be rejected. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature. The Tata Memorial Centre reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates called for the written examination and / or interview to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualifications and experience of the applicants. Mere fulfilling the prescribed qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for written examination and / or interview.

(U.V. Mote) Sr. Administrative Officer

-5How to apply Eligible applicants would be required to apply online through the link on our website viz. http://www.actrec.gov.in No other mode of application will be accepted. For applying Online, the applicant must possess valid email ID and a facility to take printout of the Acknowledgement Receipt. All correspondence with the applicant will be done through email only. Information regarding call letters etc. will be provided through email. Responsibility for receiving, downloading and printing of related documents will be of the candidate. Tata Memorial Centre will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid / wrong email ID provided by the candidate or delivery or emails to spam / bulk mail folder etc. The candidate must submit a recent passport size photograph, attested copies of all certificates regarding Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Experience Certificates, Caste / Tribe Certificate (in the Government of India format), Physically Handicapped Certificate etc. alongwith the copy of online application form by post / courier before the last date of receiving the applications to the Senior Administrative Officer, Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer, Sector – 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai – 410210. The application can only be submitted after entering the Registration Slip No. Only Committed applications will be accepted. The candidate will be responsible if the application is not committed online and submitted to Sr. Administrative Officer, ACTREC.