Mar 7, 2017 - backlog vacancies of B.T Assistants for the Department of School. Education and ... website http://www.trb
Teachers Recruitment Board College Road, Chennai-600 006 TNTET PAPER II – Data verification and updation
Teachers Recruitment Board has decided to proceed with the recruitment process to fill up the 286 current vacancies and 623 backlog vacancies of B.T Assistants for the Department of School Education and 202 B.T Assistants (IEDSS) for RMSA from among all the previous TNTET qualified candidates. In this regard, based on the repeated representations received from the candidates who have (i) qualified and participated in the previous Certificate Verification process for the relevant TNTET and acquired an additional UG degree, (ii) qualified but absent for the previous Certificate Verification process, (iii) obtained their B.Ed. degree after the previous TNTET Certificate Verifications, but within the academic year in which the relevant TNTET was taken by the candidate and (iv) participated in the previous certificate verification process but treated as ineligible by the Certificate Verification Board for various reasons, the Board has decided to give one more chance to such candidates to update their details. Now the details of TNTET 2012, TNTET 2013 and special TNTET 2014 candidates available with TRB (merit list / absentees list / ineligible list of candidates) are hereby uploaded in the TRB official website Individual candidates can login and access their details by entering their relevant TNTET Roll Number for paper II & their Date of Birth. If candidates do not know their Roll Number, they can enter their Name and Date of Birth and login.
The candidates are advised to verify their details given therein. They are advised to verify the data and if any updation is required, candidates are hereby allowed to update their data only in certain relevant columns. Candidates are requested to personally verify their original certificates and then enter the relevant data with declaration certificate, photo and signature. The window for data verification and updation will be kept open from 10.00 am on 10.03.2017 up to 10.00 pm on 20.03.2017. Only online updation of data will be allowed -no written representation will be entertained in this regard. It is hereby informed that no more chances will be given to the candidates for this purpose at any cost after this date. The data entry done personally by the candidates will be provisionally considered for generating the merit list. After collecting all the data, a final merit list will be prepared, which alone will be used for further processing.