Teaching and learning innovation practice: a case study from ... - Tekes

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E-mail: [email protected]. *Corresponding author .... question some of the basic assumptions of business-related teaching, learning and research. .... design, management, marketing and social innovation, as well as to public and third.
Int. J. Human Resources Development and Management, Vol. 13, Nos. 2/3, 2013

Teaching and learning innovation practice: a case study from Finland Tero Montonen* and Päivi Eriksson Department of Business, Kuopio Campus, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] *Corresponding author Abstract: The article explores the question of how to teach and learn innovation in higher education institutions. A case study from Finland, a world leader in innovation rankings, shows how a practice-oriented model for learning ‘innovation practice’ was developed and implemented at the business school of the University of Eastern Finland. The case study shows how university-level business degree teaching can be attuned to learning innovation through experiential learning and real-life projects with companies and other organisations. The results are encouraging. The understanding of innovation has accelerated when measured by course feedback. Also, business students’ interest in entrepreneurial action has increased within and outside coursework. Keywords: innovation; innovation practice; teaching; experiential learning; higher education; business education; case study; action research; Finland. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Montonen, T. and Eriksson, P. (2013) ‘Teaching and learning innovation practice: a case study from Finland’, Int. J. Human Resources Development and Management, Vol. 13, Nos. 2/3, pp.107–118. Biographical notes: Tero Montonen is a researcher and PhD candidate at the Department of Business, University of Eastern Finland. His research interests include research-based spin off companies and identities of managers with a background in academic research. Päivi Eriksson is a Professor at the Department of Business, University of Eastern Finland. She has authored a book, Qualitative Methods in Business Research. Her research interests include: innovation management, gender studies, discourse analysis, strategic management and ethnography. This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘Open innovation space’, presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, Delhi, India, 29–30 December 2012.

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T. Montonen and P. Eriksson


Providing new answers to the question of how to teach and learn innovation enables higher education institutions to effectively pursue their ‘third task’, i.e., to contribute to social and economic renewal (Youtie and Shapira, 2008). According to critics, however, not many higher education institutions pay due attention, or succeed well in performing their societal duties, including their roles in industrial, regional and national innovation systems. While higher education institutions are central actors of the national and regional innovation systems (Doloreux and Parto, 2005), it is considered as part of their job to be involved in teaching innovation. As Hampden-Turner (2009) notes there are good reasons to be sceptical about teaching innovation and a closely related activity, entrepreneurship. The main problem is that both of these are actually indefinable. The challenge is that innovation (and entrepreneurship), by definition, deviates from what existed earlier because the objective is to generate novel combinations, which outperform the previous ones. Because of these challenges, novel approaches to teaching and learning innovation are also needed. This article introduces a novel approach to teaching and learning innovation, which conceptualises innovation as ‘practice’. The practice-oriented view to innovation refers to an understanding according to which innovation is performed by innovation practitioners in a web of actors, activities, knowledge, and material artefacts. From this perspective the main task of teaching and learning innovation is to provide practical competence, which is based on an understanding about how and with whom innovation practitioners work; what kind of activities, tasks and routines do they perform; what are the bodily movements, emotions, knowledge, competence, norms and values embedded in these; and what are the artefacts needed to be able to perform the job. In this article, we explore how a practice-oriented model of teaching and learning innovation has been designed and implemented at one Finnish higher education institution, the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). Finland provides an interesting context for our case study because the country is consistently promoted as an example for other innovation aspiring countries. Kao (2009) has named Finland as an innovation ‘hot spot’, which outperforms larger countries in many international innovation and competitiveness rankings. To give an explanation for this, Kristensen and Lilja (2011) have provided a detailed description of the Finnish version of welfare capitalism. Referring to Castells and Himanen (2002), Miles et al. (2007) further emphasise that the social investments that have been done in the Finnish society during the last five decades have paid off in increased innovativeness. A key focus of the social investments made in Finland has been on education at all levels. When comparing the similar size Finnish and Albertan (Canada) innovation systems, Woiceshyn and Eriksson (2013) conclude that the Finnish education reforms are among the central issues making a distinction between these two regions, and giving Finland an upper hand compared to Alberta. Despite the success of the Finns in national level innovativeness, there has been a lot of recent effort to re-focus innovation teaching and learning in Finnish higher education institutions. This article tells one story of such developments. Even though the case study presented in this article tells about one university and its business school, we argue that

Teaching and learning innovation practice


the practice-oriented model that we present has a wider relevance and can be adjusted for the needs of other universities, also in other countries. The article proceeds in the following way. Section 2 of the article presents the theoretical foundations for the ‘innovation practice’ concept. Section 3 describes the qualitative research approach, data and methods that have been used in our study. Section 4 outlines that Finnish higher education context and examines the process through which the new practice-oriented model for teaching and learning innovation was designed and implemented at one university. Section 5 offers a discussion of the lessons learnt and our recommendations. Section 6 summarises the contribution and the relevance of the study and suggests ideas for future research.


Theoretical foundations: what is innovation practice?

This section outlines the theoretical background for understanding innovation as a concrete real-life ‘practice’. Accordingly, we explain what ‘innovation practice’ means theoretically and how it can be approached in the context of higher education teaching and learning. Focusing on the current problems of business education, the relevance vs. rigour debate (Gulati, 2007; Tushman et al., 2007; Vermeulen, 2005) has encouraged business academics to become more interested in what business practitioners ‘do’ in everyday life, i.e., how they perform, how they work, how they achieve something?. Simultaneously, there has been a growing interest for the concept of ‘practice’ in organisation, management and strategic management studies (Golsorkhi et al., 2011; Nicolini, 2013; Tengblad, 2012). In order to explicate the specifics of the practice perspective, Sandberg and Tsoukas (2011) elaborated on the differences between ‘practical rationality’ (based on emergent and immanent bodily performance and doing) and ‘science rationality’ (based on causal and linear thinking and cognitive problem solving). While ‘science rationality’ has been dominant in higher education teaching and learning across different disciplines for a long time, ‘practice rationality’ offers an alternative way to understand the world and how people act on it. Overall, the interest in ‘practice’ has encouraged business scholars to question some of the basic assumptions of business-related teaching, learning and research. Connected to the practice-theoretical ideas discussed above, Yuan and Woodman (2010) suggest that innovation academics have had a strong tendency to rely on the efficiency perspective, which assumes that innovators make rational decisions. They also point out, however, that current innovation research has started to pay some attention to “how innovation is actually carried out rather than how it should be done” [Yuan and Woodman (2010), p.24]. The interest in how innovation is carried out in organisations connects with the conceptualisation of innovation as something that is accomplished and ‘done’ in innovation communities (Fichter, 2009) and in interaction of people, activities, artefacts and contexts (Nicolini, 2013). Therefore, concept of ‘innovation practice’ has a background in the more general ‘practice turn’ that has taken place in social sciences and organisation studies (Corradi et al., 2010; Gherardi, 2009).


T. Montonen and P. Eriksson

A key argument in current practice-theoretical discussion is that what practitioners do in practice is hard to understood with theories that are based on scientific rationality only and do not acknowledge the relevance of practice-rationality (Sandberg and Tsoukas, 2011). A long-term problem has been that the main stream management and innovation theories do not acknowledge practitioners as experts of their own work (Salaman and Storey, 2002) nor do they pay attention to work as ‘practice’ (Dougherty, 2006). When approaching innovation from a practice-theoretical perspective, we need to focus on the emergent and immanent nature of innovation practitioners’ work and ask: how and with whom innovation practitioners work; what kind of activities, tasks and routines do they perform; what are the bodily movements, emotions, knowledge, competence, norms and values embedded in these; and what are the artefacts needed to be able to perform the job. To us, this means that teaching and learning innovation practice needs an additional focus on emergent, immanent and self-reflective doing besides linear, causal and pre-determined thinking. While both aspects are needed, we argue for the urgency of putting more emphasis on the first mentioned aspects. In this article, we suggest that a practice-theoretical approach provides a good basis for teaching and learning innovation in higher education and business school contexts. In our case study, we explore how a practice-oriented model of teaching and learning has been injected into the business study curriculum of one Finnish business school.


Research strategy

The main research question of our study concerns the development and implementation of a practice-oriented model for teaching and learning. Both authors of this article were involved in the model building and implementation process. Good empirical methods for answering our research questions are based on qualitative data and analysis, which enable the production of a longitudinal description and interpretation of the action and events that have taken place. This is why the research strategy of the study draws from a combination of intensive case study approach and action research (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2008). The intensive case study strategy allows for a longitudinal analysis pertaining to the interest in understanding one case in its context (teaching and learning innovation at a higher education institution in Finland) and learning from the unique aspects of the case. With the intensive case study approach, our aim is to tell a good story worth hearing (Dyer and Wilkins, 1991) rather than test hypothesis or develop new theoretical constructs, which would be the goal of an extensive case study based on several cases and their systematic comparison [Eriksson and Kovalainen, (2008), pp.122–125]. The action research strategy refers to the fact that both of the authors of the article work and teach at the organisation, which has been studied and were involved in designing and implementing the new model. Therefore, we are partly studying our own actions and activities which is typical to the action research approach [Eriksson and Kovalainen, (2008), pp.193–197]. The field work for the case study has been conducted over an extended period of six years. This article offers an analysis of the longitudinal data collected over this period. In the analysis, we have used various types of materials including documents, minutes of

Teaching and learning innovation practice


meetings, feedback reports from teaching as well as our own notes from formal and informal discussions with the innovation management teaching group at the UEF and the cooperating partners. The analysis of the material follows the guidelines of qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis.


The case

Teaching and learning innovation is a hot topic in the Finnish university and business school context. Innovation issues have been traditionally taught at the technical higher education institutions as part of the engineering degree. Much of the teaching has addressed research and development (R&D) activities and traditional product development. The focus has been more on technological innovation and product-based industries than service and social innovation. The ongoing discussion concerning the broad-based innovation view among the Finnish innovation policy actors (Niinikoski, 2011) has changed the innovation landscape during the past decade. The broad-based innovation view directs attention to service, design, management, marketing and social innovation, as well as to public and third sector innovation. In this context, the Finnish universities have also started to re-consider their roles as active players of the regional and national innovation systems.

4.1 The UEF and its business school The UEF is an active player in the Eastern Finland regional innovation system, the functioning of which largely determines how innovation, learning and competitiveness evolve locally. The UEF is a ‘new’ university, which was established in 2010 as the result of the merger of two universities in neighbouring towns: the University of Joensuu in Northern Carelia and the University of Kuopio in Northern Savo. In its web pages the UEF describes itself in the following way: “With approximately 15,000 students and 2,800 members of staff, the University of Eastern Finland is one of the largest universities in Finland. The university’s campuses are located in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna. The University of Eastern Finland is a multidisciplinary university, which offers teaching in more than 100 major subjects. The university comprises four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science and Forestry, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. The well-being of students is among the primary concerns of the university and, in addition to the high standard of teaching, the university offers its students a modern study environment, which is under constant development. With its extensive networks, this multidisciplinary and international university constitutes a significant competence cluster, which promotes the well-being and positive development of eastern Finland.”

When the UEF was established, it formulated its main strategic goal as “being among the best 200 universities in the world by 2015”. In the 2011, QS World University Rankings of the world’s top 500 universities, the UEF was ranked 305th. In 2012, the same organisation ranked the UEF among the 100 best universities in medicine; among the 150 best in English language and literature; and among the 200 best in geography and pharmacy.


T. Montonen and P. Eriksson

While the UEF has clearly advanced on its way to become a world class university, at least when measured by the number of research publications and the quality of teaching, there are still many challenges ahead. One of the big challenges concerns the ‘third task’ or the ‘third role’ of higher education institutions, referring to the wider benefits that the university produces for the society. As Srinivas and Viljamaa (2005) note, the media and policy discussions in Finland, Europe, and elsewhere refer to the pressures that are put on higher education institutions to take on economic development mandates in addition to the more traditional teaching and research activities. In the Finnish higher education context, universities located in the periphery, i.e., outside the southern Finland economic centres, have experienced an increased pressure to perform the third task even better than the universities located in the prosperous south. The ability of the predecessors of the UEF (Kuopio and Joensuu universities) to perform their third role has been evaluated several times (see e.g., Goddard et al., 2003). Every time, there have been a number of recommendations on how to improve the situation. At the UEF, innovation issues are currently taught at the business school, which belongs to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies and confers business degrees at the Bachelor, Master and Doctor levels. The business school has more than 900 students and around 50 employees, working in four different substance based teaching and research areas: accounting and finance; business and law; innovation management; and service management. The innovation management theme area focuses on teaching innovation to business students as well as to any other students at UEF who are interested in the subject. When establishing the innovation management theme area as a new field of expertise in 2008/2009, we had to ask ourselves questions such as: How is it possible to teach innovation and innovativeness to university and business school students? How teaching can inspire young business students in particular to become entrepreneurs? Starting with these types of questions, we started to discuss and develop a practice-oriented model for teaching and learning innovation in the business school context. In 2008, the UEF was requested by the Ministry of Education to renew its business education and research as a precondition for further funding and the legitimation for conferring business degrees. The solution suggested by the business school was to integrate the traditional business disciplines (accounting, finance, marketing, management and entrepreneurship) into four wider theme areas: accounting and finance, business and law, innovation management, and service management. The theme areas would then be the basis for most of the teaching in the business school. This solution was accepted by the ministry and the legitimation for conferring business degrees was granted.

4.2 Foundations for the new model The innovation management (INNO) theme area represented a somewhat more radical change from the past compared to other theme areas in the business school. The INNO theme area combined specific elements of management, marketing, entrepreneurship and international business to form a clearer focus on innovativeness, renewal and change in business contexts. In addition, there was an extended emphasis on considering innovation as a practical accomplishment (Ellström, 2010), which could be taught and learned through the involvement of students in practical doing. Accordingly, the pedagogy of

Teaching and learning innovation practice


experiential learning (Kolb, 1984) and reflection-in-action (Yanow and Tsoukas, 2009) became central in all teaching. The establishment of the INNO theme area at UEF in 2009 was based on the extensive analysis of the future needs of Finnish small and medium-sized companies. Furthermore, the analysis covered the benefits of the new model for the university. The main points of the analysis were outlined through three inter-related issues: 1

the current problems of the Finnish university education in the area of innovation and the closely related issue of entrepreneurship


new practice-oriented solutions to every problem


key benefits of each solution for the university (see Table 1).

Table 1

Analysis of the problems, solutions and benefits of teaching innovation at the university




Competence produced at the university does not focus on ‘practice’

Teaching and learning ‘practice’ in addition to traditional academic topics

Intensifies the relationship between the university and the society (third task)

Academic knowledge does not contribute to the development of new products, services and businesses

Broad-based innovation view: not only products, services and businesses, but also social innovation

All university students and researchers are considered as prospective innovators

The traditional idea of technology transfer is product-oriented and demands resources, results are highly uncertain

More emphasis on the development of services, service businesses and service-related social innovation

Provides opportunities for innovating in other than traditional science disciplines (e.g., sociology, education)

Traditional ways of enhancing innovation and academic entrepreneurship have failed

Multidisciplinary cooperation, customer orientation, practice-oriented learning-by-doing

Innovation practice becomes familiar to a wide range of university students

Innovation is difficult to learn and understand, it can only be done by qualified experts

Practical projects, cooperative team work involving students, teachers and stakeholders

Innovation practice becomes a way of life in the university context

Based on the analysis presented in Table 1, the leading professor of the INNO theme area started to develop the new model on paper already in 2008. Simultaneously, the whole innovation management teaching group, about 15 teachers and researchers, started to design the new curriculum for the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies in innovation management. The two professors working in the INNO theme area had a keen interest in practice-theoretical issues and they had already used the theoretical ideas in their research. Other teachers had pedagogical training, but were not thoroughly familiar with the practice-theoretical approaches. Therefore, practice theoretical issues were introduced as a joint learning goal for all teachers. In order to reach this goal, we have had a training course for our teachers and researchers on practice-theory, introduced practice-theory into our doctoral degree and the doctoral theses, and started an extensive research project on innovation practice. The university has been very supportive towards our goal. In 2011, the UEF granted us a large


T. Montonen and P. Eriksson

amount of strategic research money for the innovation practice research project. The combining of teaching and research under the same theoretical umbrella has been a key to success in formulating the new practice-oriented model in teaching.

4.3 The new business degree curriculum The design of the new model has taken place incrementally during the past six years at the same time as we have designed and implemented the business degree curriculum focusing in innovation. Our work with the business degree curriculum started in 2008, and it still continues with incremental changes taking place every year. The basic pillars of the curriculum, however, have remained the same. At the bachelor and doctoral levels, the INNO courses have been integrated into the more general business degree programmes. At the master level, we have had a specialist Master’s degree programme in innovation management from the start. In 2013, we have extended the teaching of innovation into a new multidisciplinary master’s degree on health and business. At the bachelor level, the basic issues of innovation practice (e.g., the need for continuous change and renewal at all levels of the organisation, the role of creativity, the skills required for working as a change agent) have been integrated into the management, marketing and entrepreneurship courses. This means that these courses emphasise the importance of broad-based innovativeness in all businesses as well as in the public and third sector organisations. All courses include practical assignments, which are mostly based on real-life projects and cooperation with local companies. The courses are most often based on team work combined with some individual assignments. In addition to the integrative courses, the bachelor degree includes two specialist courses on innovation management. The first course, the basics of business and entrepreneurship, focuses on exploring the logic of business models, and the students will familiarise themselves with the variety of business models used in various industries. The course work includes a real-life project in which the students analyse the business models of specific companies and give recommendations about how to make them even more innovative. The second specialist course, innovation management, focuses on the development of customer-oriented innovation. The whole course is an extended hands-on exercise in which the students invent and develop new products and services for cooperating companies and other organisations (public and third sector organisations). At the master level, the curriculum includes three compulsory courses, two selective courses, research seminar and master’s thesis, methodology courses and a minor area of study. The first of the three compulsory courses, innovation cultures, focuses on organisational innovation and learning as well as solutions, processes and practices resulting from human cooperation within organisations. The course work deals with the diagnosis of the innovation culture of a chosen company. The second compulsory course, commercialisation of knowledge, develops the students’ understanding about how knowledge and competence can be commercialised and new businesses developed, particularly in customer-centred ways drawing on the ideas of design thinking and design doing. The course work includes intensive cooperation with the companies whose knowledge and competence the students aim to commercialise.

Teaching and learning innovation practice


Two of the selective courses focus on extending knowledge and skills in the areas in innovation cultures and commercialisation of knowledge. The others address the issues of leading and managing change and developing the business in specific industries. The student can also include a course on practical training in companies into her Master’s degree. The most innovative of the selective courses has been living lab, which allows the students to develop their own real life projects (individually or in a group). This course is student-led and the teacher acts as a personal or team coach. The most popular self-selected project in the Living Lab course is the students’ own start-up company. In addition to the courses described above, the Master’s degree programme in innovation management includes a master’s thesis and a related research course and thesis seminar. The research course is a reading seminar in which the students analyse scientific innovation management articles and present their findings to the class. The master’s theses are typically done as part of the research projects led by the faculty and in close cooperation with business companies and other organisations. It is also possible for the student to do action research in her thesis: for instance, to study and develop her own (or somebody else’s) start up company in her master’s thesis.

4.4 The practice-oriented model The actual development of the practice-oriented model has been an incremental process which started in 2008. The development of the model has required continuous analysis of teaching activities and results, reflection on the development of course contents, as well as student, teacher and company feedback. As a result of all this work, the practice-oriented model that we implement in our teaching includes six guiding principles. 1

Innovators as key actors Teaching and learning innovation is directed to initiate intensive cooperation between students, teachers and practitioners. During the studies, these actors become innovators who are interested in using academic knowledge and competence for the purpose of solving practical problems and providing new solutions.


Innovating through practice Besides reading academic texts on innovation, the students will be offered the chance to do concrete real-life projects. The projects are as open as possible and the new knowledge will be shared among the participants. The main goal is to inspire the participants to become more innovative. Teaching and learning is based on a methodology and pedagogy that forces the combination of analytic and creative work.


Real-life projects Working in real-life projects which are initiated by students or cooperating business companies accelerates the learning process. The projects can last for some hours or for several months. Fast and concrete results inspire to learn more.

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T. Montonen and P. Eriksson Customer orientation The students learn to know the needs of the users and the customers of the new products, services and businesses that are initiated and developed. Meeting with the users and customers personally or virtually, or through stories, drama and other creative methods increases the understanding of their problems and needs.


Cooperation without limits The teaching of innovation utilises the expertise of a multitude of actors (teachers, supervisors, students, practitioners) in various creative ways. Opening up the innovation process within the team and the course emphasises the value of diversity of people and ideas, different points of views, and creativity.


Management and reflection The teachers, students and other cooperating partners learn how to work in diverse teams, how to lead cooperative processes and how to reflect upon the innovation process. The main goal is to become more knowledgeable about the strategies that the participants can use for guiding the innovation process into a desirable direction.



After five years of operation, the results of the practice-based model have been encouraging. The students’ interest and understanding in innovation practice has clearly accelerated when measured by formal and informal course feedback. The increasing capability in the area of innovation practice has a clear link to increased entrepreneurial action. Furthermore, students’ excitement towards establishing their own companies has accelerated. The highly practical course work has lowered the threshold to start a company during university studies or right after graduation. Traditionally, Finnish business school students’ interest towards entrepreneurship has been very low. We have been working with the practice-oriented model and the new curriculum based on this for about five years now. During this time, we have learned three main lessons that we want to share. Based on our experiences, we strongly recommend that the teaching of innovation is rooted in the pedagogy of experiential learning (Kolb, 1984) and learning-by-doing. Accordingly, teaching and learning starts with practical doing and then proceeds to reflection and conceptualisation. This means that a course starts with a real-life project implemented in cooperation with companies and other organisations, and the theoretical issues at hand are discussed thereafter. Learning practice first and theory second makes students much more interested and receptive to new issues, even they are complex and difficult to understand. The second lesson that we have learned concerns the involvement of companies and other organisations as course cooperators. Involving companies and other organisations in university teaching is demanding and requires a lot of extra effort, but the results pay-off for both parties. It can be challenging at first to get business companies interested because of the stereotypes concerning dry lecture-based university teaching and professors in ivory towers. However, all the companies that we have worked with have been positively surprised about the pedagogical solutions used in our courses, which encourage students to take lead of their learning processes.

Teaching and learning innovation practice


Another advantage is that involving companies and other organisations as customers of the course, or as supervisors, coaches and other active cooperators opens up the otherwise invisible side of innovation practice. Not all aspects of innovation practice are easily identifiable, but being intensively involved increases the possibility to get a grasp of some of the invisible aspects, too. In addition, intensive cooperation usually brings out the diversity of the innovation processes and gives better chances to discuss and reflect upon them together with all parties. The third lesson is to be ready to experiment with different course designs and to be open with continuous development of the curriculum. Furthermore, we have found it crucial to let students to be involved in course design and course management. This means that the teacher is not the central figure or the ultimate experts of what should be learnt and how. Many of our courses give students a lot of freedom and responsibility to make choices, lead classes, and present their practical accomplishments in the way they have figured out themselves. We argue that becoming the master of your own studies paves way to the increased interest in innovative and entrepreneurial modes of action.



In this article we have explored the case of teaching and learning innovation at the UEF business school. Although the lessons learnt are based on one case only, we suggest that they have wider relevance. The practice-oriented model that we have presented is both general and flexible enough to be adjusted to different national and regional contexts. The fact that the case is from a leading innovation country, which has maintained its position as such for a long time, should provide increased credibility for the recommendations we have given. When analysing the case, we have concentrated more on how the new model has been developed than the actual learning that takes place when teaching based on the model is performed. Therefore, further research should be focused on the specific learning processes that take place among students, teachers and other cooperators when becoming immersed in innovation practice.

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