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Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language ISBN: 9781111351694 Authors’ Biographies Neil J Anderson is Professor of Linguistics and English Language at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. His research interests include second language reading, language learner strategies, learner self-assessment, motivation in language teaching and learning, and leadership development for English language teaching. He is the author or co-editor of three teacher education texts in the area of second language reading: Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies (1999, Heinle/Thomson), Practical English Language Teaching: Reading (2008, McGraw Hill) and L2 Reading Research and Instruction: Crossing the Boundaries (2009, University of Michigan Press). He is the author of a reading series ACTIVE Skills for Reading (3rd ed.) (2012, Heinle Cengage). He served as President of TESOL (2001-2002) and was also a member of the Board of Trustees of The International Research Foundation (TIRF) from 2002 to2008. He has been a Fulbright Teaching/Research Scholar in Costa Rica (2002-2003) and Guatemala (2009-2010). Kathleen M. Bailey is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, and a professor in Anaheim University’s TESOL Masters Degree Program in Anaheim, California. She was the President of TESOL (1998-1999) and has also been serving as the President of the International Research Foundation for English Language Education (2009-present). Her research interests include teacher education, teacher supervision and development, second language acquisition, language testing, classroom research, and research methodology. She has published books and articles about language teacher supervision, professional development, language assessment, teaching speaking, research methodology, qualitative research, and diary studies in language teaching and learning. Among her recent publications are Language Teacher Supervision: A Case-Based Approach (2006, Cambridge University Press), Research on English as a Second Language in U.S. Community Colleges: People, Programs and Potential (2009, University of Michigan Press) co-edited with M. Santos, and Exploring Second Language Classroom Research: A Comprehensive Guide (2009, Heinle Cengage) co-authored with D. Nunan. She has received awards for excellence in teaching as well as the Alatis Award for Service to TESOL, and the Heinle Cengage Outstanding Achievement Award. David Bohlke has over 25 years experience as a materials writer, editor, and teacher trainer. He taught for over a decade in the Middle East, North Africa, and East Asia, and began a second career in publishing, working at Cambridge University Press and Heinle Cengage Learning, focusing on developing skills texts and adult course materials. David has worked as an editor on many popular publications, including Let’s Talk (2008), Passages (2008), Touchstone (2005-2006), and Interchange (3rd ed.) (2004)–all with Cambridge University Press; he has also worked on World Link (2005) and Active Skills for Reading (2002) with Heinle Cengage Learning. He is the series editor for Interchange (4th ed.) (2013, Cambridge University Press) and Next Generation Grammar (2013, Pearson). He has authored or co-authored numerous classroom textbooks, including
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Speak Now (2012, Oxford University Press), Four Corners (2012, Cambridge University Press), Skillful (2012, Macmillan), and Listening Power (2011, Pearson). David is actively involved in international teacher training, having trained teachers in many countries. Donna M. Brinton is an educational consultant. For over 30 years, she served as Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and as Academic Coordinator of the ESL support unit for matriculated students at the University of California, Los Angeles. She also served as Professor of TESOL at Soka University of America in Aliso Viejo, California and as Senior Lecturer in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Her areas of interest and expertise include content-based instruction, general TESOL methodology, the teaching of pronunciation, heritage language education, and the professional development of novice teachers. She has coauthored or co-edited numerous articles and teacher reference texts, including The Content-Based Classroom (1997, Longman), New Ways in Content-Based Instruction (1997, TESOL), New Ways in ESP (1998, TESOL), Content-Based Second Language Instruction (2003, University of Michigan Press), Heritage Language Education: A New Field Emerging (2008, Routledge), Teaching Pronunciation (2nd ed.) (2010, Cambridge University Press), and The Linguistic Structure of Modern English (2010, John Benjamins). Donna is active in the field of international teacher education, having worked in over 30 countries. Pat Byrd is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Applied Linguistics and English as a Second Language at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Her areas of special interest include English grammar and corpus linguistics, as well as the design, publication, and use of materials. She is also interested in applications of technological innovation to the teaching and learning of ESL/EFL. With C. Schuemann and J. Reid, she is co-editor of the English for Academic Success series (2006, Heinle/Cengage) and the Michigan Series on Teaching Academic English in Two- and Four-Year Colleges and in Universities (University of Michigan Press, on-going). Marianne Celce-Murcia is Professor Emerita of Applied Linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her interests include English grammar and pronunciation (description and pedagogy), the role of discourse analysis in language pedagogy, and approaches to language teaching. She has been an editor on all four editions of this volume as well as co-editor of a five-volume grammar series Grammar Connection with M. Sokolik (2007-2009, Heinle Cengage). She has co-authored four teacher resource books: The Grammar Book (2nd ed.) with D. Larsen-Freeman (l999, Heinle); Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar with S. Hilles (l988, Oxford University Press), Teaching Pronunciation (2nd ed.) with D. Brinton & J. Goodwin (2010, Cambridge University Press), and Discourse and Context in Language Teaching with E. Olshtain (2000, Cambridge University Press). She served as Dean of English Programs at the American University of Armenia in Yerevan (2003-2007). JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall is former Co-Director of the MA TESOL Program and Director of the Language, Literacy and Culture Ph.D. Program at the University of Maryland,
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Baltimore County. She was also Vice President of the Center for Applied Linguistics (1986-1992). She is the author of more than 100 articles, books, and other publications, many focused on ESL/EFL teacher education and professional development. She is frequently invited as a speaker at national and international conferences and has provided professional development throughout the U.S. and in more than 30 countries. She has served as President of WATESOL (1981-1983), TESOL (l987-1988), and the American Association for Applied Linguistics (l995-1996), and was a founding member and served as Secretary-Treasurer of The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (1998-2004). She is currently a member of the Center for Applied Linguistics Board of Trustees. Zoltán Dörnyei worked for 10 years as a language teacher trainer and applied linguist at Eötvös University in Budapest, Hungary. In 1998 he moved to the U.K. and is currently Professor of Psycholinguistics at the School of English Studies, University of Nottingham. He has published widely on various aspects of second language acquisition and language teaching methodology, and is the author or co-author of several books, including Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom (2001, Cambridge University Press), Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom (2003, Cambridge University Press) with T. Murphey; The Psychology of the Language Learner (2005, Lawrence Erlbaum/Routledge), Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (2007, Oxford University Press), The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition (2009, Oxford University Press), and the Teaching and Researching Motivation (2nd ed.) (2011, Longman) with E. Ushioda. Patricia A. Duff is Professor of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Primarily working in the graduate TESL program in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, she also co-directs the Centre for Research in Chinese Language and Literacy Education. Patsy’s research interests and recent books are related to language socialization and education in bilingual and multilingual settings and to qualitative research methods. These recent publications include: Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics (2008, Lawrence Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis) and Language Socialization: Enyclopedia of Language and Education, (Vol. 8) (2008, Springer) co-edited with N. H. Hornberger. Earlier in her career, she taught English in Canada, Korea, Japan, and the United States and was involved in graduate English teacher education in China as well as research on innovative bilingual English teaching programs in Hungary. She gives lectures, conducts research, and publishes widely on the teaching and learning of English in Asia, Europe, and North America. Anne M. Ediger is Professor of TESOL and Applied Linguistics at Hunter College of the City University of New York. Her areas of interest and research include second language literacy, English grammar, and the acquisition of grammar and literacy knowledge by both novice teachers and English language learners. She has authored or co-authored a variety of articles and books, including Reading for Meaning (1989, Longman), and Reading Connections (Vol. 1 [2002] and Vol. 2 [1999], Oxford University Press). For more than 30 years she has worked with ESL/EFL teachers of school-age and adult students in the U.S., Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mexico.
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Rod Ellis is Professor in the Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, where he teaches postgraduate courses on second language acquisition and task-based teaching. He is also a professor at Anaheim University in Anaheim, California and a visiting professor at Shanghai International Studies University as part of China’s Chang Jiang Scholars Program. His published work includes articles and books on second language acquisition, language teaching, and teacher education. His latest books are Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in Language Learning, Testing and Teaching (2009, Multilingual Matters) and Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy (2012, Wiley-Blackwell). He has also published several English language textbooks, including Impact Grammar (1999, Pearson Longman). He is currently editor of the journal Language Teaching Research and has held university positions in five countries. He has also conducted numerous consultancies and seminars throughout the world. Janet L. Eyring is Professor of TESOL in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, California State University, Fullerton. She served her department as TESOL Coordinator from 1994 to 2003 and as Chair from 2003 to 2010. While Chair, she obtained a grant which assisted the department in becoming engaged in service-learning, and she helped initiate an agreement for a collaborative exchange program with Brazil. She has taught all levels of ESL in adult school and college settings as well as having trained teachers for work in the U.S. and abroad. She served on the Task Force for English Language Learners of the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates (ICAS ELL) to study ESL students in California public higher education. She is a current member of the English Language Advisory Panel for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, helping to define the standards for a new secondary credential in English Language Development: California World Languages. Her teaching and research interests include reading and writing methods, pedagogical grammar, second language curriculum, experiential learning, and service learning. Shannon Fitzsimmons-Doolan has taught secondary level English and ESL in public schools in Colorado and Arizona. Her research interests include language policy, language ideologies, second language reading, and content-based instruction. Now based in Corpus Christi, Texas, she is an independent consultant for organizations such as the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C., for which she provides professional development to K-12 teachers on sheltered instruction. In her dissertation research, she investigated language ideologies of Arizona voters, language managers, and educators, using corpus linguistics to examine state educational language policy. She has published articles in Language Policy, Language Awareness, and TESOL Journal. John Flowerdew is Professor of English at the City University of Hong Kong. He has taught ESP/EAP in the U.K., Venezuela, Libya, Kuwait, Oman, and Hong Kong. As well as writing and editing a number of books, including four edited collections on academic discourse, he has published widely in the leading Applied Linguistics and language teaching journals. In TESOL, three books of interest (all with Cambridge University Press) are Academic Listening: Research Perspectives (1994), Research Perspectives on
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English for Academic Purposes (2001) with M. Peacock, and Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice (2005) with L. Miller. Jan Frodesen is Director of the English for Multilingual Students Program in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She teaches academic writing for undergraduate and graduate multilingual students as well as courses for the Linguistics TESOL minor. Her research and teaching interests include second language writing, pedagogical grammar, and corpus linguistics. She has co-authored articles and chapters on the literacy development of Generation 1.5 writers, the role of grammar in writing instruction, and corpus-based approaches to grammar and writing. She is co-editor of The Power of Context in Language Learning and Teaching (2005, Heinle & Heinle) and co-author of textbooks for advanced level learners, including Insights: A Content-Based Approach to Academic Preparation, Books 1 and 2 (1998, Longman) and Grammar Dimensions: Form, Meaning and Use, Book 4 (2007, Heinle). Christine C. M. Goh is Professor of Linguistics and Language Education at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her areas of interest and expertise include the teaching and assessment of listening and speaking, metacognition in second language learning, the role of oracy in learning, teacher cognition, and in-service English language teacher education. She has written many single- and co-authored international journal articles, books and book chapters in these areas, including Teaching Listening in the Language Classroom (2002, RELC), Teaching Speaking in the Language Classroom (2008, RELC), Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening: Metacognition in Action with L. Vandergrift (2012, Routledge), Teaching Speaking: A Holistic Approach with A. Burns, (2012, Cambridge University Press) and Language Learning: Home, School and Society with R. Silver (2006, Pearson Education). She also co-edited Exploring Change in English Language Teaching with C. Kenny and P. Doyle (1999, Macmillan Heinemann) and Language Learning in New English Contexts: Studies of Acquisition and Development with R. Silver and L. Alsagoff (2009, Continuum). Janet Goodwin is Lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she teaches courses in speaking and pronunciation, coordinates the International Teaching Assistant (ITA) program, serves as a consultant for UCLA’s Test of Oral Proficiency, and co-directs the ESL summer program. She is co-author of Teaching Pronunciation (2nd ed.) (2010, Cambridge University Press) with M. Celce-Murcia and D. Brinton and regularly publishes and presents on topics related to pronunciation and ITA preparation. In addition to training ESL teachers at UCLA, she spent two years on a Fulbright grant training Italian middle school teachers of English (1983-1985). In 1992 she received the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award. William Grabe is Regents’ Professor of Applied Linguistics in the English Department at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, where he teaches in the MA-TESL and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics programs. He is interested in reading, writing, literacy, written discourse analysis, and content based instruction. His most recent book is the second edition of Teaching and Researching Reading (2011, Pearson Longman), co-authored
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with F. Stoller. He also authored Reading in a Second Language: Moving from Theory to Practice (2009, Cambridge University Press), co-authored Theory and Practice of Writing (1995, Longman) with R. B. Kaplan, and co-edited Directions in Applied Linguistics (2005, Multilingual Matters). He served as editor of the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Cambridge University Press) from 1990 to 2000. He is a past President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) (2001–2002). In 2005, he received the Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award for lifetime achievement from the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Kirby Grabowski is Lecturer in Linguistics and Language Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City where she teaches courses in second language assessment, generalizability theory, pedagogical grammar, classroom practices, and teaching practica. Her Ed.D. dissertation on the assessment of grammatical and pragmatic knowledge in the context of speaking was awarded the 2011 Jacqueline Ross TOEFL Award for the outstanding dissertation in second/foreign language testing by the Educational Testing Service. She was a 2008 Spaan Fellow at the University of Michigan English Language Institute, and also received a research grant from the Office of Policy and Research at Teachers College, Columbia University that same year. She was Managing Editor of Working Papers in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (2007-2009), and is currently a member of the editorial advisory board of Language Assessment Quarterly. Kathleen Graves is Associate Professor of Education Practice at the School of Education, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Previously she was a professor of second language teacher education at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont. She started her career as an English teacher in Taiwan and later taught in the U.S., Japan, and Brazil. She has worked on curriculum renewal and language teacher education in the U.S., Algeria, Bahrain, Brazil, Japan, and Korea. Her research focuses on understanding teaching and learning as the heart of curriculum development and on supporting teachers’ professional development as the key to successful educational and curricular reform. She is the editor/author of two books on course design, Teachers as Course Developers (1996, Cambridge University Press) and Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers (2000, Heinle & Heinle) and is the series editor of the TESOL Language Curriculum Development series. Eli Hinkel is Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Seattle University in Washington State, where she teaches courses in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. She has taught ESL and Applied Linguistics, as well as trained teachers, for more than 30 years, and she has published numerous books and articles on learning a second culture, and second language grammar, writing, and pragmatics in such journals as TESOL Quarterly, Applied Linguistics, Journal of Pragmatics, and Language Teaching Research. Her books include Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning (1999, Cambridge University Press); New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching, (2001, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates); Second Language Writers' Text (2002, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates); Teaching Academic ESL Writing, (2004, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates); Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning: Volume 1 (2005, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) and Volume 2 (2011, Routledge); and Effective
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Curriculum for Teaching Second Language Writing (in press, Routledge). She is also the editor of the ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional series of books and textbooks for teachers and graduate students, published by Routledge. Ann M. Johns is Professor Emerita of Linguistics and Writing Studies at San Diego State University in California. She has centered her teaching and research interests on the principles of English for Specific Purposes throughout her career. She has edited five books and authored one. She has published more than 60 articles and book chapters, principally about academic literacies and teaching genres. In addition to her four Fulbright grants (China, 1980-81; South Africa, 2007; Lebanon, 2009 & 2012), she has consulted overseas in 25 countries, presenting plenaries, assisting in ESP curriculum development, and conducting teacher workshops. Her recent work includes a threesemester EAP curriculum for secondary students, sponsored by Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), a non-profit organization to help first-generation students succeed in college: AVID College Readiness: Working with sources (2009, AVID Center). She also co-edited New directions in ESP Research (2011, University of Michigan Press) with D. Belcher and B. Paltridge and contributed to the special issue of the Journal of Second Language Writing (Vol. 20, 2011) an article entitled “The Future of Genre in L2 Writing: Fundamental, but Contested, Instructional Decisions.” Lía D. Kamhi-Stein is Professor of Education in the TESOL M.A. program at California State University, Los Angeles, where she teaches courses in educational sociolinguistics, using computers in the language classroom, methods in teaching second languages, and English as an international language. She is editor of Learning and Teaching from Experience: Perspectives on Nonnative English-speaking Professionals (2004, University of Michigan Press), co-editor (with M. A. Snow) of Developing a New Course for Adult Learners (2006, TESOL), and author of a forthcoming book titled English Language Teachers Narrating their Lives: From the Construction of Professional Identities to the Construction of the Language Classroom (University of Michigan Press). She was a founding member of the TESOL’s Caucus for Non-native English Speaking Teachers (NNESTs) with G. Braine and J. Liu, and served as President of CATESOL (2002-2003) and as Member-at-Large on TESOL’s Board of Directors (2004-2007). Anne Katz has worked for over 25 years in second language education with a focus on assessment, curriculum design, and standards development. At the Graduate Institute of the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont and at the New School in New York City, she has taught graduate courses in curriculum development and learner assessment. Her research and publications have centered on classroom assessment, academic English, standards, and effective classroom practices for second language learners. In addition to qualitative studies of effective bilingual education practices, her most recent research has explored the relationship between English language proficiency and student performances on achievement tests in English. In her work, she promotes linkages between research and school contexts to support active and collaborative professional development.
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Antony John Kunnan is Professor of Education and TESOL at California State University, Los Angeles, where he teaches courses in language assessment and research methods. He has published articles and book chapters in the areas of test fairness, differential item functioning, the use of structural equation modeling, and assessment for immigration and citizenship. He has given talks and conducted workshops for teachers and researchers in 25 countries and has taught courses at various universities in Argentina, Armenia, the U.K., Egypt, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, and the U.S. He served as president of the International Language Testing Association (2004), was the founding editor of Language Assessment Quarterly (Routledge), and also edited The Companion to Language Assessment (2013, WileyBlackwell). Diane Larsen-Freeman is Professor of Education, Professor of Linguistics, Research Scientist at the English Language Institute, and Faculty Associate at the Center for the Study of Complex Systems at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She is also a Distinguished Senior Faculty Fellow at the Graduate Institute of the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont. She has been a conference speaker in over 65 countries and has published more than 100 articles in her areas of interest: second language acquisition, language teacher education, Applied Linguistics, English grammar, language teaching methodology, and complexity theory. She has written two books on English grammar: The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course (2nd ed.) coauthored with M. Celce-Murcia (1999) and Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring (2003). She is also Series Director for the textbook series Grammar Dimensions: Form, Meaning, and Use (4th ed.) (2007). All these books were published by Heinle Cengage. Anne Lazaraton is Associate Professor of Second Language Studies at the University of Minnesota, where she teaches courses and advises graduate students in ESL methods, ESL practicum, language analysis, language assessment, and discourse analysis. She has published in TESOL Quarterly, Modern Language Journal, Language Learning, and Language Assessment Quarterly, and is the author of A Qualitative Approach to the Validation of Oral Language Tests (2002, Cambridge University Press). Her areas of interest include discourse analysis, spoken grammar, oral language assessment, and research methodology. Currently she is working on projects involving language use in political blogs and the teaching philosophy statements of pre- and in-service ESL teachers. Michael McCarthy is Professor Emeritus of Applied Linguistics, University of Nottingham, U.K., Adjunct Professor of Applied Linguistics, University of Limerick, Ireland, and Visiting Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Newcastle, U.K. He is author/co-author of more than 80 articles and the author/co-author/editor of more than 40 books (including Touchstone (4 volumes, 2005-2006), the Cambridge Grammar of English (2006), English Grammar Today (2011) and several titles in The English Vocabulary in Use series. All of these books are with Cambridge University Press. Michael is co-director (with R. Carter) of the 5-million word Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Spoken Discourse in English (CANCODE) and the one-million
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word Cambridge and Nottingham Spoken Business English Corpus (CANBEC). His current research involves the creation and analysis of spoken learner corpora in connection with the English Profile project, a cross-disciplinary project which uses corpora to investigate learners’ writing and speaking across proficiency levels of the Common European Framework. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, has lectured on language and language teaching in 42 countries, and has been actively involved in language teaching and applied linguistics for 46 years. Mary McGroarty is Professor of English at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, where she received the 2006 Teaching Scholar Award for disciplinary achievement and integration of research into teaching. A past president of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (1997-1998), she served as editor-in-chief of the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (2001 to 2006) and on editorial boards for professional journals in the U.S., U.K., and Canada. Her research and teaching interests include bilingualism, language policies, and second language pedagogy and assessment. A Fulbright lecturer in Peru in the mid 1970s, she has trained second language teachers in the U.S. and overseas and conducted research on assessments for English, Spanish, and Navajo, with articles published in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Applied Linguistics, Canadian Modern Language Review, Language Learning, Language Policy, Language Testing, TESOL Quarterly, and other journals, handbooks, and edited collections. Sandra Lee McKay is Professor Emeritus of English at San Francisco State University in California. Her books include Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking Goals and Approaches (2002, Oxford University Press), Researching Second Language Classrooms (2006, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) and International English in its Sociolinguistic Contexts: Towards a Socially Sensitive Pedagogy (2008, Taylor & Francis) with W. Bokhorst-Heng. Her newest book is Sociolinguistics and Language Education (2010, Multilingual Matters), co-edited with N. Hornberger. She has also published widely in international journals. Her interest in using literary texts in the classroom developed from her own use of literature in her advanced writing classes, as well as from her book At the Door (1984, Prentice Hall) with D. Pettit, a collection of literary texts for use with ESL students. Susan Finn Miller has been working in English language teaching for over 20 years. As a facilitator of professional development, she has led teacher research, study circles, workshops, and seminars on many topics for adult and K-12 ESL teachers, both face-toface and online. She currently serves on the design team for English Language Learner University, a national on-line professional development network for adult ESL teachers in the U.S. who work with English language learners. The network provides these teachers with academic support and access to libraries, faculty, and to other teachers who work with English language learners. Susan also teaches graduate courses at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She has published articles and book reviews in TESOL Quarterly, Essential Teacher, ESL Magazine, and Family Literacy Forum. She also serves as
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consulting editor for the Journal of Research and Practice for Adult Literacy, Secondary, and Basic Education. Lindsay Miller is Associate Professor in the Department of English at City University of Hong Kong. He has been responsible for designing, developing, and teaching a wide variety of courses. In the area of ESP he has taught mainly English for Engineering, English for Building and Architecture, and English for Biology and Chemistry. In the Department's undergraduate courses he teaches mostly listening and speaking skills and conceptual courses such as those dealing with corporate training. The postgraduate courses he teaches are mainly concerned with such topics as learner autonomy and critical pedagogy. His main areas of research have focused on self-access language learning, and academic listening, and he has co-authored two books in these areas for Cambridge University Press: Establishing Self-Access: From Theory To Practice (1999) with D. Gardner and Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice (2005) with J. Flowerdew. John M. Murphy is Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics and English as a Second Language at Georgia State University in Atlanta. His published books include: Understanding the Courses We Teach: Local Perspective on English Language Teaching (2001, University of Michigan Press), co-edited with P. Byrd, and Essentials in Teaching Academic Oral Communication (2005, Houghton Mifflin). John has published numerous articles in leading Applied Linguistics journals and chapters in edited collections. His research interests include the teaching of ESL/EFL listening, speaking, and pronunciation; second language teacher education; and methods of second/foreign language instruction. He currently serves on the TESOL Quarterly editorial board. David Nunan is Professor Emeritus of Applied Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Anaheim University in California, and Professor of Education at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He has published over 100 scholarly books and articles on teacher education, curriculum development, classroom-based research, and the teaching of grammar in the communicative classroom. Recent books include: Task-Based Language Teaching (2004, Cambridge University Press), Practical English Language Teaching: Grammar (2003, McGraw-Hill); What is This Thing Called Language? (2005, Palgrave Macmillan); Learners’ Stories: Difference and Diversity in Language Learning (2005, Cambridge University Press) with P. Benson; Exploring Second Language Classroom Research (2009, Heinle Cengage) with K. Bailey; and Language and Culture: Reflective Narratives and the Emergence of Identity (2010, Routledge) with J. Choi. Anne O’Keeffe is Senior Lecturer at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland. She is author of numerous books and papers on spoken and written grammar, teaching vocabulary, and using corpora. These include the co-authored books: Introducing Pragmatics in Use (2011, Routledge), English Grammar Today (2011, Cambridge University Press) and From Corpus to Classroom (2007, Cambridge University Press). She teaches in an initial teacher education program in English Language Teaching and supervises doctoral research in areas such as spoken grammar, corpora, and pragmatics. Her current research involves the analysis of learners’ spoken Copyright © National Geographic Learning. All rights reserved. 10
and written grammar for the English Profile project, a cross-disciplinary project which uses corpora to investigate learners’ writing and speaking across proficiency levels of the Common European Framework. Elite Olshtain is Professor Emeritus of Language Education at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From 1990 to 1992 she was Head of the School of Education at Tel Aviv University, and from 1992 to 1997 she was Director of the National Council of Jewish Women’s Research Institute for Innovation in Education at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where she also held the Wollens Chair for Research in Education. Her interests have focused on second language acquisition, discourse analysis, course design, language policy, classroom research, and reading. Her most recent book-length publications include Discourse and Context in Language Teaching with M. Celce-Murcia (2000, Cambridge University Press), Language, Identity, and Immigration, coedited with G. Horenczyk (2000, Magnes Press), Discourse in Education, co-edited with I. Kupferberg (in Hebrew, 2005, Mofet), and The Hebrew Language in the Era of Globalization, co-edited with N. Nevo (in English and Hebrew, 2007, Magnes Press). Donna Price is Associate Professor of ESL in the Continuing Education Program at San Diego Community College in California. She has taught all levels of adult ESL since 1979 and has been the Vocational English as a Second Language coordinator in her school district since 2001. Donna has presented at national and international conferences on integrating the world of work into ESL classes, integrating technology and ESL, teaching the writing process to less literate writers, and using alternative measures of assessment. She is the author of Skills for Success (1998, Cambridge University Press), a textbook based on the 1990 report prepared by the U.S. Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. She is also a co-author of Ventures, (2008, Cambridge University Press), an integrated-skills ESL textbook series. Kitty B. Purgason is Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL in the Cook School of Intercultural Studies at Biola University in La Mirada, California. She brings to her classes in TESOL methodology, curriculum, materials, and intercultural communication her years of experience living, studying, serving, and teaching in India, Russia, Korea, China, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Mauritania, Oman, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Her professional interests include methodology in local contexts and professional ethics. James E. Purpura is Associate Professor of Linguistics and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. His areas of interest include second and foreign language assessment and second language acquisition. He is the author of Learner Strategy Use and Performance on SFL Tests: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (1999, Cambridge University Press) and Assessing Grammar (2004, Cambridge University Press). He is also the series co-editor of New Perspectives in Language Assessment (Routledge). He is associate editor of Language Assessment Quarterly, and has published articles in journals and chapters in books, handbooks, and encyclopedias. He was the President of the International Language Testing Association
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(2007-2008), and currently serves on the TOEFL Committee of Examiners and the Department of Defense Language Testing Advisory Board. Cynthia Schuemann is Professor of ESL and Linguistics at Miami Dade College in Florida, where she has taught courses in ESL and linguistics for over 20 years. In addition, she is a textbook author, editor, and conference presenter. Her work centers on materials designed to integrate language learning with corpus-informed knowledge about vocabulary and grammar linked to general education content for college students. Recent publications include College Reading Book 4 in the English for Academic Success series (2006, Heinle Cengage) and a chapter on plagiarism in Ten Writing Myths: Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching (2008, University of Michigan Press). She has also worked on special teaching assignments in China, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, and Spain, and has served as president of the Sunshine State TESOL Organization (2009-2010). Joan Kang Shin is Director of TESOL Professional Training Programs at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. In this position she administers numerous online professional development programs for EFL teachers in over 100 countries, including her own course called Teaching English to Young Learners. At UMBC, she is also Assistant Professor of Education and Project Director of the Secondary Teacher Education and Professional Training for teaching English Language Learners Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. In addition, she is an English Language Specialist for the Office of English Language Programs in the U.S. Department of State, conducting numerous face-to-face EFL teacher training programs every year in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as well as large scale online teacher training events through webinars and digital videoconferencing to hundreds of English teaching professionals worldwide. Marguerite Ann Snow is Professor of Education at California State University, Los Angeles, where she teaches in the TESOL M.A. program. She is co-author of ContentBased Second Language Instruction (2003, University of Michigan Press), and co-editor of The Multicultural Classroom: Readings for Content-Area Teachers (1992, Longman) and The Content-Based Classroom: Perspectives on Integrating Language and Content (1997, Longman). She is also editor of Implementing the ESL Standards for Pre-12Students in Teacher Education (2000, TESOL) and co-editor of Academic Success: Strategies for K-12 Mainstream Teachers (2005, Longman) and Developing a New Course for Adult Learners (2006, TESOL). She serves as a series consultant for Q: Skills for Success, published by Oxford University Press. She was a Fulbright scholar in Hong Kong (1985) and Cyprus (2009). In addition to working closely with public school teachers in the U.S., she has trained EFL teachers in many countries in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America. Maggie Sokolik is Lecturer in the College Writing Programs at the University of California, Berkeley. Her areas of expertise include reading instruction, educational technology, writing in interactive environments, and digital media production. She has authored and co-authored numerous articles as well as several textbooks, including the
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three-volume series Rethinking America (2nd ed.) (1999, Heinle & Heinle) and several volumes in the Tapestry series (Thomson Heinle): Tapestry Reading 1 (2000) with V. L. Guleff, Tapestry Reading 4 (2000), and Tapestry Writing 4 (2000). She also co-edited the five-volume Grammar Connection series (2007-2009, Heinle Cengage) with M. CelceMurcia. She is a founding editor of TESL-EJ (, a scholarly online journal for teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, and works as a consultant and teacher educator in various countries, most recently in China, Mexico, and India. Fredricka L. Stoller is Professor of English in the MA-TESL and Applied Linguistics Ph.D. programs at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. She is co-author of the second edition of Teaching and Researching Reading (2011, Pearson Longman), coeditor of the second edition of A Handbook for Language Program Administrators (2011, Alta Book Center), coauthor of Javier Arrives in the US: A Text for Developing Readers (1997, Longman), and author of on-line EFL civic education lessons ( She is also co-author of Write like a Chemist (2008, Oxford University Press), the outcome of an interdisciplinary Chemistry-Applied Linguistics project. She was a Fulbright Senior Lecturer at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey (2002-2003). She has trained teachers in the areas of second language reading, project work, content-based instruction, vocabulary, and interdisciplinary writing in the U.S. and in Central America, South America, Asia, Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Sara Cushing Weigle is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Chair of the Department of Applied Linguistics and English as a Second Language at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She has conducted research in the areas of assessment, second language writing, and teacher education, and is the author of Assessing Writing (2002, Cambridge University Press). She has taught EFL in Vienna, Austria, and Budapest, Hungary and is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences. Her most recent research has focused on the validity of automated scoring of ESL writing and the use of integrated tasks in writing assessment. Her research has been published in journals such as Language Testing, Journal of Second Language Writing, Assessing Writing, and TESOL Quarterly. Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman is Professor of TESOL in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at California State University, Fullerton, where she teaches graduate courses in second language acquisition, culture, and language learning as well as vocabulary teaching and learning. Specializing in second language vocabulary acquisition, her publications have appeared in a variety of journals including Text, TESOL Quarterly, CATESOL Journal, and Studies in Second Language Acquisition as well as in edited collections. She is the author of Word Knowledge: The Vocabulary Teacher’s Handbook (2009, Oxford University Press) and editor of the five-volume series, Inside Reading: The Academic Word List in Context (2nd ed.) (2012, Oxford University Press). She also served as the vocabulary consultant for the Q: Skills for Success series (2011, Oxford University Press). She is frequently an invited speaker on topics related to vocabulary teaching and learning.
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