Grisham C. Tablet PCs Find Home in Higher Ed. BizEd 2005; 4:48. 5. Linenberger M. ... Absolute beginner's guide to Tablet PCs. Indianapolis, Ind.: ... . 12. Out Go ThoseĀ ...
Teaching Teachers to Teach with Tablet PCs Selected Bibliography 1. Domermuth D. Creating a Smart Classroom. Tech Directions 2005; 64:21 2. Fitzgerald T. The Tablet PC takes its place in the classroom. The New York Times 2004. 3. Foster AL. Tablets sneak up on laptops. Chronicle of Higher Education 2003; 49 (30):A33-A4 4. Grisham C. Tablet PCs Find Home in Higher Ed. BizEd 2005; 4:48 5. Linenberger M. Seize the work day: using the Tablet PC to take total control of your work and meeting day. San Ramon, Calif.: New Academy Publishers; 2004. 6. Machado RL. An Introduction to Tablet PCs. Family Practice Management 2004; 11:36 7. Mann B. How to do everything with your Tablet PC. [Book; Internet Resource] 2003. 8. Mathews CF. Absolute beginner's guide to Tablet PCs. Indianapolis, Ind.: Que; 2004. 9. Mendelsohn J. Will Tablet PC replace laptops on college campuses? Bentley College News Release 2003. 10. Microsoft in Education. Using Tablet PC: A Guide for Educators 2004 [Accessed 2005 May 3]. 11. Mock K. Teaching with Tablet PC's 2004 [Accessed 2005 May 2]. 12. Out Go Those Spiral Notebooks. University Business 2005; 8:20 13. Stevenson N. Tablet PCs for Dummies. New York: Wiley Publishing, Inc.; 2003. 14. Svetcov E. A New Take on Tablets. Technology & Learning 2004; 25:4 15. Van West J. Tablet PC quick reference. Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press; 2003. 16. Williams J. Taming the wireless frontier: PDAs, tablets, and laptops at home on the range. Computers in Libraries 2003; 23 (3):10