Ashraf, Syed Ali 1998 “The Concept of Sex in Islam and Sex Education,” ......
Subono, Nur Iman dkk 1999 Catatan Perjalanan: Suara Ibu Peduli (Sketches
from a ..... Jabotabek : 75 kisah nyata yang sangat menyentuh bagi para remaja
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Team Bibliography: Ambivalent Adolescents in Indonesia References on Youth in General General Body, Sexuality and Health Education (General) Education (Islamic) Education (Sex) Friendship Gender Masculinity Parents, Family and Marriage Religion Social Life, Milieux Subcultures, Popular Culture Technology Work (also transitions) References on Youth in Indonesia and generally in Asia General Body, Sexuality and Health Education (General) Education (Islamic) Education (Sex) Friendship Gender Masculinity Parents, Family and Marriage Religion Social Life, Milieux Social Movements and Organisations Subcultures, Popular Culture Technology Work (also transitions) Note: NLA signifies that the work is held in the collection of the National Library, Australia, in Canberra.
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