'In Technology Strategy and Innovation Management, Leiblein and Ziedonis have
done a thorough job assembling a collection of papers at the heart of ...
RESEARCH COLLECTION New from Edward Elgar Publishing
Technology Strategy and Innovation Management Edited by Michael J. Leiblein, Ohio State University and Arvids A. Ziedonis, University of Oregon, US ‘In Technology Strategy and Innovation Management, Leiblein and Ziedonis have done a thorough job assembling a collection of papers at the heart of technology strategy and innovation management. The collection provides many of the seminal articles in technology and innovation and across multiple research arenas, including innovation typologies, value creation and capture, resource allocation, organizational and inter-organizational approaches and real options. The collection will certainly become a “must-have” for anyone interested in better understanding technology strategy and innovation management.’ – Jeffrey Macher, Georgetown University, US
‘A timely, well considered collection of influential articles that have, and continue to, shape the conversation in strategy and innovation.’ – Ron Adner, Tuck Business School, Dartmouth College, US‘
This volume should be on every professor’s and PhD student’s book shelf! Leiblein and Ziedonis have carefully covered the field with the most classic and important articles published in the last twenty years. Thus, Technology Strategy and Innovation Management will be the key reference source for this exciting field for years to come.’ – Christopher L. Tucci, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland This essential volume brings together contributions by leading scholars in strategic management, which analyse contemporary thought in complex, knowledge-intensive and dynamic environments. This set of scholarly articles examines the unique challenges posed in these settings and explores the logic that may be used to evaluate innovative investment proposals. It also considers how to capture value from assets in product or knowledge markets, and how to design organizations to assemble resources in innovative settings. This important collection, with an original introduction by the editors, will be of great value to academics and practitioners interested in technology strategy and innovation management. 25 articles, dating from 1986 to 2007 Contributors include: C. Christensen, R. Henderson, D. Levinthal, D. Mowery, J. Nickerson, D. Teece, M. Tripsas, M. Tushman, S. Winter, T. Zenger
April 2011 c 576 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 435 5 c £175.00 Strategic Management series
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Technology Strategy and Innovation Management Strategic Management Series Edward Elgar Publishing Michael J. Leiblein and Arvids A. Ziedonis An overview of topics in technology strategy and innovation management
1. Forecasting: Market & Technical Evolution
3. Generating: Ideation, Design thinking, & Slack search
2. Discovering: Open and User Innovation
12. Outsourcing & Collaboration
Technology Strategy & Innovation Management
11. Real Options, Portfolio Setting, & Risk Management
10. Incentives & Resource Allocation
4. Defining Innovation: Types & Levels
5. Intellectual Property & Legal Regime
6. Secrecy: Open, and Closed Systems
7. Complementary Assets 9. Leadership, Culture, & Organization Structure
8. Standards & Externalities