Astfel s-a ajuns la crearea unei soluÈii capabile sÄ protejeze atât populaÈia cât Èi ecosistemul zonei umede care se interpune între cursul DunÄrii Èi localitÄÈi.
Technical solutions for protecting the wetlands’ ecosystems and population against floods (Patent application no. A/00759/2016)
Invention Authors: Laslo Lucian Augustin, Matei Monica Silvia, Boboc Mădălina Georgiana, Ciobotaru Nicu, Raischi Marius Constantin, Poteraș George, DEÁK György Invention awarded with the gold medal at: International Competition International Competition Thailand Inventors Day EUREKA/ Salon INNOVA Bangkok Brussels
The invention relates to a solution that provides flood protection of settlements located on the shores of water bodies, while maintaining the ecological status of wetlands. This solution was developed based on the project "Studies for achieving shore protection of wetland area Divici Pojejena" (contract Europe Aid/134910/4/SER/RO), beneficiary Caras-Severin County Council, Romania. Ca urmare a inundațiilor înregistrate în anul 2006 și a modelărilor hidraulice realizate ulterior pentru diverse scenarii a rezultat necesitatea implementării unei măsuri de protecție capabile să apere împotriva inundațiilor extreme localitățile din lungul malului stâng al Dunării la intrarea pe teritoriul românesc. Astfel s-a ajuns la crearea unei soluții capabile să protejeze atât populația cât și ecosistemul zonei umede care se interpune între cursul Dunării și localități. Zona umedă necesită o atenție deosibită având în vedere statutul de zonă protejată Natura 2000 și sit Ramsat în cadrul Parcului Natural Porțiele de Fier.
Serbian side
Flood in Pojejena 2006
Divici Pojejena wetland ecosystem
The technological solution consists of an assembly composed of a protective dam (1) which ensures connectivity to the river through viaducts (2) provided with gates (3), pumping stations (4) to control the water levels, monitoring stations type DKTB (5) performing online registration of water levels and quality, and a control and alarming system (6), aiming to control on the one hand the opening and closing of the gates and the pumps functioning on the other hand, by sending timely information to the relevant stakeholders. The novelty of the proposed solution lies in a combination of several elements aiming to ensure the connectivity of wetland with the main water course, during the periods of normal water level, blocking the connectivity only during periods when high or low water levels are recorded.
Flooding maps at 18.000 m3/s modeling scenario
Technical solutions to protect wetland ecosystems and population against floods
RESULTS FROM THE INVENTION EXPLOITATION IN DIVICI-POJEJENA WETLAND, ROMANIA The monitoring station type DKTB represents an invention developed by INCDPM experts, which was highly awarded at international exhibition shows. The functioning of the gates and pumping stations is controlled related to the information transmitted by the alarming and command system (6), based on monitoring stations type DKTB (5).
Localization of DKTB monitoring station in the wetland area Divici-Pojejena Data recovery from DKTB monitoring station by INCDPM expert
The envisaged solution adapts to the specific conditions of the rivers, the number of assembly components varying accordingly.
Based on the functioning of the solution’s components it results 3 cases: a) low water level: water pumped to wetland; b) normal water level: gates opened and pumps off; c) high water level: gates closed and water pumped from wetland if necessary to evacuate the discharges of tributary rivers.
Normal water levels on the Danube river - opened gates-
High water levels on the Danube river -closed gates-
The functioning of the hydromechanical system-models developed by INCDPM experts