tender amendment modification d'appel d'offres - Buyandsell.gc.ca

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Jun 13, 2016 - There is 100mm MDPE gas pipe on the drawings but not in the Schedule of Quantities, which document ... Se


Title: Tunnel Mountain Village II Utility Upgrades – Banff National Park 

RETURN BIDS TO: Parks Canada Agency  635 – 8 Avenue S.W., Suite 1300  Calgary, AB   T2P 3M3  Bid Fax: (403) 292‐4475      The referenced document is hereby amended: unless otherwise  indicated, all other terms and conditions of the contract remain the  same.      Issuing Office:  Parks Canada Agency  635 – 8 Avenue S.W., Suite 1300  Calgary, AB   T2P 3M3  ___________________________________________   

MODIFICATION D’APPEL D’OFFRES     RETOURNER LES SOUMISSIONS Á : Agence Parcs Canada  635 – 8 Avenue S.O., pièce 1300,  Calgary, AB   T2P 3M3  N° de télécopieur pour soumissions : (403) 292‐4475      Ce document est par la présente révisé; sauf indication contraire, les  modalités de l’invitation demeurent les mêmes.      Bureau de distribution : Agence Parcs Canada   635 – 8 Avenue S.O., pièce 1300  Calgary (AB)   T2P 3M3 

Solicitation No.: / N° de  l’invitation :  5P420‐16‐5014/A 

Amendment No.: / N°  de modification de  l’invitation :   006 

GETS Reference No.: / N° de référence de SEAG : PW‐16‐00731206  Solicitation Closes: / L’invitation prend fin :  At: 02:00 PM    Á :  14h00 

On: June 15, 2016    Le :  15 juin 2016 

Time Zone: Mountain Daylight Time  (MDT)    Fuseau horaire :  Heure avancée des Rocheuses  (HAR) 

Address Inquiries to: / Adresser toute demande de renseignements  à :  Nicole Levesque‐Welch  Telephone No.: / N° de  téléphone :  (403) 292‐4691 

Fax No.: / N° de  Email Address: /  télécopieur :  Courriel :  (403) 292‐4475  nicole.levesque‐ [email protected]  

TO BE COMPLETED BY THE BIDDER (type or print)   Vendor/Firm Name – Nom du fournisseur/de l’entrepreneur   Address ‐ Adresse   Name of person authorized to sign on behalf of the Vendor/Firm Nom de la personne autorisée à signer au nom du fournisseur/de  l’entrepreneur   Title ‐ Titre     Signature



Date: June 13, 2016    Date :  13 juin 2016 



  This amendment is being raised to respond to questions submitted in response to solicitation 5P420-16-5014/A: A.



Will the current design CAD or .dwg file be made available for the purpose of producing shop drawings?


The CAD drawing set in its entirety will not be made available, but yes, appropriate excerpts can be made available as necessary to expedite the completion of necessary shop drawings.


Detail 2; T3, for the multi-flow subdrain detail shows 100mm of 25mm gravel which varies from pay item 7.12 which specifies 150mm. Please clarify.


The design intention is for a roadside ditch approximately 150 mm deep (minimum 100mm deep), lined with a 50mm thick layer of 25mm (3/4”) Granular Base Course. Field depth fitting under direction from the Parks Canada Representative will be required to match existing conditions and ensure positive drainage.


There is 100mm MDPE gas pipe on the drawings but not in the Schedule of Quantities, which document incorrect?


The drawings are correct. Section 6 of the Schedule of Quantities is to be revised by Addendum to include mention and quantities for 100mm, 65mm, 30mm and 20mm gas pipe sizes. See amendment 005.


Same for 65mm MDPE gas pipe.



P.I. 6.2 has 300m of Remove and dispose existing gas branch lines; where are this on the drawings?


The existing gas lines inside/outside of each building are above ground; they are not shown on the drawings due to a lack of as-built information at each building. The contractor is responsible to verify on site before commencement of construction.


P.I. 6.9 I only see 14 gas service connections, I assume the last one is with the garage building?


Total 15, including the connection at gas meter station.


Specs section 32 16 15 calls for 28 MPa strength concrete and 03 30 00.01 calls for 32 MPa concrete, which is correct?


Section 03 30 00.01 calling for 32 MPa shall govern.


How many gas risers are to be installed?


As shown on drawings.


Please provide required qualifications for the gas line HDPE fusion contractor


As per , clause 5.6.3 .


Detail D1:T3 for the Trench and Spot repair detail specifies 80mm of Mix ‘B’, but item 7.25 lists Calgary mix ‘A’, please clarify.


Detail D1:T3 is correct. Bid item 7.25m should read as Calgary Mix ‘B’.

Solicitation No. 5P420‐16‐5014/A  Tunnel Mountain Village II Utility Upgrades – Banff National Park   

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Detail 3: T1&T3 for the asphalt overlay of campground roads specifies ‘40mm Mix B with leveling course as necessary.’ How is the leveling course to be paid? Is it included in item 7.26?


Bid Item 7.26 shall be used. Bid Item should read as Calgary Mix ‘B’. At time of construction, necessity and use of leveling course for each area identified is to be confirmed by Parks Canada Representative.


What are the specifications of the Gas Line? Are the listed pipe sizes ID or OD as they are not typical ATCO gas sizes.


Spec. section 33 11 17; the listed pipe sizes are ID.


Please confirm if the Gas contractor is responsible for supply of all piping.


Yes, the Gas contractor is responsible for supply of all piping and associated fittings, valves.


Is the scope of work for the Gas service under inspection from ATCO or Parks Canada?


Parks Canada. Work on the metering station may be subject to inspection by ATCO gas as well.


Please clarify the requirement for the as-built survey and record drawings required for the Fortis electrical installation.


As built survey is required for record drawings.


Section 01 35 43 1.10.9 specifies no refuelling is allowed within the project area, please clarify the required expectations for refuelling.


Refuelling is allowed to occur on site with the following restrictions. Refuelling must be completed in designated refuelling areas only; designated refuelling areas must be at least 100 m away from any water body. Refuelling sites must be bermed with an impermeable liner to contain 125% of the anticipated fuel quantity. Any contained rainwater will be removed from the Park by the contractor. Designated refuelling areas must not be located where run-off could carry contaminates into drainage pathways (including drainage ditch and storm sewers).


Section 01 52 00 1.5.1 specifies site security personnel is required after hours and holidays, please clarify expectations as the pre-tender meeting stated fencing and covering open excavations was adequate.


Parks Canada will not require site security personnel after hours and on holidays given the contractor fences/covers open excavations and secures all construction hazards from humans and wildlife. It will be to the contractor's discretion whether any additional security is required; additional security is considered incidental to the work.


Please confirm that the gas and electrical trench restoration is included in the trench road rehab items.


Gas trench compaction and backfilling is incidental to bid items 6.1 to 6.9 inclusive. Electrical trench compaction and backfilling to be included under bid items 5.8 and 5.9. Surface restoration is to be included under bid items 7.17 to 7.28 inclusive and also bid items 8.1 to 8.8 inclusive where applicable.


Please clarify the requirement for the Performance Grade Asphalt Binder for Mix A and B asphalt.


PG 58-31 will be sufficient for Mix A and Mix B asphalt.


Section 32 00 03 3.6.1 states that asphalt shall not be laid in lifts exceeding 60mm, the minimum lift thickness for A mix is 60mm, items 7.9 and 7.26 cannot be paved in two lifts without exceeding the overall design thicknesses of 90mm and 80mm. Please clarify if it will be acceptable to pave those items in a single lift which is consistent with City of Calgary standard practice.

Solicitation No. 5P420‐16‐5014/A  Tunnel Mountain Village II Utility Upgrades – Banff National Park   

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Two lifts of 50mm thickness each will be acceptable for Bid Item 7.9. Bid item 7.26 to be revised to read Calgary ‘B’ mix.


Section 32 93 10 3.10.6 states that any replacement trees will be warrantied 2 years from installation date, is there a limit to the re-occurrence of the 2 year warranty period for tree replacements.


Replacement will be limited to 2 times per tree with the total project warranty period limited to 2 years.


Please confirm/clarify the following price table items. a. Item 5.18 – There are only 6 kitchens not 7. Cable feed length is different for each kitchen, therefore the cost required for each will be average (Total price divided by 6). b. Item 5.26 – There are 13 street light poles instead 9 according drawings. c. Item 5.28 – The Lump Sum should be provided for remove/disposal all 188 existing pedestals.


a. The total kitchen count is 6, however to maintain consistency, contractor must provide a price based on the schedule count. Item 5.18 is to cover the work required within the kitchen building to complete the task. Cable and trench counts from the source to the building is accounted under the separate line items. By all means under the unit rate contract, the contractor will be compensated for all work based on the associated line item for measurement of payment. b. Under the unit rate contract, the contractor will be compensated for all work based on the associated line item for measurement of payment. c. Yes. All RV pedestal/base removal in addition to the CDP panel/base removal is covered under the Lump sum designation


What is the procedure/specs for decommissioning the existing gas main (B.I. 6.1)?


Per CSA Z662 Clause, the attachment is for reference only. See DSP 4 folder.


Can a summary be provided for the existing appliances inside of the buildings that will have a new gas services connections or can access be granted into the building for the contractors to inspect? (B.I 6.9)?


The contractor is only required to connect to the main gas feed for the building; this may include internal rerouting to move the new regulator to outside of the building or installing a new gas line into the mechanical room where the entry location has changed. New connections to individual appliances should not be required. Access into mechanical rooms will not be granted until after contract award.

All other terms and conditions remain the same.

Solicitation No. 5P420‐16‐5014/A  Tunnel Mountain Village II Utility Upgrades – Banff National Park   

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