6 Jul 2013 ... (South), CDA must accompany the tender application. ... Advertisement is also
available on CDA Website: www.cda.gov.pk and PPRA Website:.
TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are hereby invited on percentage basis from the approved contractors of CDA enlisted in appropriate class and as per following details. S #
Name of Work
NIT Cost
Earnest Money
Engagement of private tanker services
Rs.195320 /-
Date & Time of receiving of tender
Date & Time of Opening of tender
07-06-2013 11:30 am
07-06-2013 12:00 Noon
• •
Tenders can be obtained on cash payment of Rs. 2000/- for work at serial No.1, (Non refundable) from the office of the under signed. Application for issuance of tender will be received during working hours upto 2:00 Pm Earnest Money in the shape of deposit at call in favour of Deputy Director, Distribution Division (South), CDA must accompany the tender application. Cash / Cheque will not be accepted. No tender document will be issued without showing deposit at call. Application must accompany required documents as per clause-16[CDA-W-6] otherwise tender shall not be issued / entertained which includes Power of Attorney, Partnership deed, non relationship certificate, income Tax registration Certificate Non Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs. 10/- only, registration of firm, professional tax certificate ) No tender shall be sold on the opening date of the tender Authority letter in favour of person deputed by the contractor to submit the application and collect the tender form, is required from enlisted contractor along with copy of the CNIC subject to verification from the original CNIC Tender at Serial # 01 will be received and opened in the office of Director Water Supply at Room No. 173-A located at Room No. 155 Old Naval Head Quarter G-6 Markaz Islamabad, on the date & time mentioned above. CDA may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal, the CDA shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds. Advertisement is also available on CDA Website: www.cda.gov.pk and PPRA Website: www.ppra.org.pk
Deputy Director Distribution Division (South) CDA, Islamabad