Test di verifica delle competenze di base INGLESE (40 mins)

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N.B. Il test si considera superato con un minimo di 15 risposte corrette su 25. ... 1. Read the article below and circle the letter (A, B, C, or D) next to the word that ...
N.B. Il test si considera superato con un minimo di 15 risposte corrette su 25. Il non superamento del test non preclude la frequenza del corso “English for Specific Purposes”, ma indica un debito formativo che il corso stesso si prefigge di colmare. Tuttavia, il non superamento del test mette in evidenza che il livello di competenza linguistica posseduto non è sufficiente per frequentare il corso con pieno profitto. Di conseguenza, si consiglia un approfondimento integrativo preliminare al corso, in particolare a chi ha dato da 0 a 10 risposte corrette. CORSO DI LAUREA IN SCIENZE E TECNICHE DI PSICOLOGIA COGNITIVA APPLICATA UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO – POLO DI ROVERETO

Test di verifica delle competenze di base INGLESE (40 mins) N.B. Non è ammesso l’uso di dizionari. 1. Read the article below and circle the letter (A, B, C, or D) next to the word that best fits each space (do not write your answers in the article). Example:

I am not very good


A for

C in

B at

D of

“Euro laundered” (adapted from The Independent Review, Monday 16 September 2002, p. 7)

euro-sceptics. The euro is indestructible. Some euro coins (2) be Bad news (1) faintly poisonous, according to scientific research (3) in the magazine Nature, but euro notes are as tough (4) old boots, according to scientific research conducted in our (5) machine. This brutal, 20-year-old machine once (6) a bath mat. The other day, we involuntarily (7) a € 10 note and a € 5 note to (8) the full spin and wash. Previous inadvertent exercises in DIY money laundering (9) destroyed francs, dollars and (10) pounds. The euro (11) emerged crisp and unscathed. 1.

A of

B in

C for

D about


A may

B should

C would

D will


A report

B reporting

C reportage

D reported


A like

B as

C so

D that


A washing

B cleaning

C bath

D shower


A eated

B ate

C had

D got


A have hallowed

B hallowed

C have allowed

D allowed


A go off

B go in

C go through

D go for


A have

B had

C has

D was


A either

B every

C ever

D even


A note

B notes

C coin

D coins

Pagina 1 di 3

2. Read the following passage and then answer the questions below (circle the letter next to the correct answer): “Top restaurant for sale, love of wilderness essential” (by Gordon Darroch, from The Independent, Monday 16 September 2002, p. 3)

A restaurant so remote it can only be reached by boat or a two-day hike through wild countryside is being put up for sale. The Doune Dining Room, on the Knoydart peninsula on the West coast of Scotland, was converted from a derelict crofting cottage 20 years ago by Alan and Mary Robinson. Having established it as one of Scotland’s leading seafood restaurants, the couple, now in their 60s, are planning to retire. The restaurant, which comes with three bedrooms, two adjacent plots of land, a powerboat and stunning views of the Isle of Skye, has been put on the market for £300,000. The Robinsons, who previously owned a shipbuilding business, moved to Scotland from Cornwall in 1982 after spotting the cottage from their yacht. Their two children, Toby and Jamie, who were 11 and 12 at the time, have since settled on the peninsula and started families of their own. Mrs Robinson said: “It’s the remote situation which is the make or the break of it. Whoever came in would have to love the place and want to live here. We are only accessible by the sea, you can’t drive here at all. There is a public road from Mallaig to Inverie, but that doesn’t come here. If you just wanted to run an extremely profitable and effective restaurant, you’d better be off in the centre of Edinburgh.” 12. Why is the restaurant defined as “remote”? A Because it is very old. B Because it is derelict. C Because it is on sale. D Because it is isolated. 15. Why has the restaurant been put on the market? A Because the Robinsons have retired. B Because the Robinsons are retiring. C Because the Robinsons are in their 60s. D Because the Robinsons are planning to sail to the Isle of Skye. 14. Where do the Robinsons come from? A Scotland. B The Isle of Skye. C Cornwall. D Edinburgh. 15. When did the Robinsons decide to found a seafood restaurant in Scotland? A When their children started families of their own. B When they saw the cottage, while on a sailing holiday. C After their shipbuilding business went bankrupt. D After selling their shipbuilding business. 16. How can you reach the restaurant? A By boat or car. B By boat. C By boat or a hike. D By boat or a hike or car. Pagina 2 di 3

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and form. Write your answers in the text, using the spaces provided. Remember that you may need more that one word is needed (for example, auxiliary, modal, or negative verbs), even when there is only one gap. Example:

She She


(TO LIKE – NOT) pop music. pop music.


You are overweight. You

on a diet.

You are overweight. You SHOULD GO on a diet.

17. All lights

(TO GO OFF) and we were left in the dark. (TO PUT) the light on.

18. It’s too dark in here; please, 19. She claims she is psychic; she claims she

(TO FORETELL) the future.

20. If you provoke the dog, it 21. I

(TO BITE) you! (TO HEAR - NOT) from Mark since he moved to Australia. (TO TALK) with a friend when she heard the fire alarm.

22. She 23. It’s 15 pounds.


24. What

you usually

25. They

Pagina 3 di 3

(TO PAY) in cash or by cheque? (TO DO) on Sunday?

(TO GO – NOT) for a walk because it started raining.