The 2nd International Workshop on - IEEE Xplore

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Hiroshi Uno, NTT, Japan. Hong-Taek Ju, Keimyung University. Kenji Leibnitz, Osaka University, Japan. Lisandro Zambenedetti, UFRGS, Brazil. Makoto Takano ...
Welcome Message from the Workshop Co-Chairs BcN 2011 6th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Broadband Convergence Networks Telecom ecosystems are composed by a set of heterogeneous wireless and cellular networks as well as multi-interface user terminals capable to connect and communicate with many types of networks. The design of products or services for such heterogeneous environments requires the seamless integration of different network architectures which are ultimately implementing many communication mechanisms. Enabling user terminals to select the most suitable access network according to various access network characteristics (mobile, cellular, sensor, fiber, etc.) remains a challenging endeavor. The business perspectives of successfully achieving such a convergence are only matched by the complexity of the resulting solutions. As new technologies meet old ones, many need to be revisited to fit into this complex scenario. In this workshop, we will look at the latest advances in broadband access technologies including IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN, 802.16 Wireless MAN (WiBro, WiMax) and 3G/4G wireless cellular networks and their SIP based IMS platform, broadband access networks, such as xDSL, FTTH and Cable, and examine their use for emerging streaming, multicast, and broadcast applications such as IPTV. Sharing research and development experiences towards next generation architecture design and management is very important. Architectural issues such as naming and addressing, routing and service scalability, late binding, cross layer design, mobility and heterogeneous support, service orchestration, among others are encouraged into the broadband context. These different visions on how carriers will deliver voice, data and video services - with less network complexity and efficient control - are crucial information for operators and carriers. This 6th edition of the International Workshop on Broadband Convergence Networks (BcN) builds on the success of its previous editions, which could be successfully held in conjunction with the IEEE/IFIP NOMS and IM conferences since 2006. The main goal of the BcN workshop is to draw researchers with different backgrounds to share their experience and knowledge of the current status of standardization and technology development of BcN, to discuss challenges and present possible solutions and innovations for the challenges that broadband networking is facing today and more over tomorrow. Contributions from academia, industry, international standards organization, and research institutes met these challenges with 15 paper submissions, from which 7 high-quality papers were selected for technical sessions as full papers. The diverse topics in this year’s program covered topics of advanced services and networking in the area of broadband wired networks & wireless networks, applications on broadband convergence network, traffic engineering, QoS management and provisioning, accounting & billing, regulatory issues in BcN. The workshop co-chairs would like to thank all those authors who contributed to the outstanding BcN2011 workshop, and thank the TPC and OC members and reviewers for their support throughout the paper review and program development process. Also, we appreciate KICS KNOM, Korea, for their sponsorship, as well as IEEE CNOM, IFIP WG 6.6 for their support for BcN2011. We wish you should have a great chance to discuss and to share the ideas on BcN throughout the workshop. BcN2011 Workshop Co-Chairs Young-Tak Kim, Yeungnam Univ., Korea Mikael Salaun, IRISA, France Benoit Radier, France Telecom R&D, France

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Workshop Co-Chairs Young-Tak Kim, Yeungnam Univ., Korea Mikael Salaun, IRISA, France Benoit Radier, France Telecom R&D, France Advisory Committee Nazim Agoulmine [email protected] Fabiano Fernandes, Brazil Telecom, Brazil [can't find it] Idir Fodil, [email protected] Chieteuk Ahn, ETRI, Korea: [email protected] Kyung-Hyu Lee, ETRI, Korea: [email protected] Yoshiaki Tanaka, Waseda Univ., Japan: [email protected] Doug Zuckerman, Telcordia, USA: [email protected] James Hong, POSTECH, Korea: [email protected] Djamel H. Sadok, UFPE, Brazil: [email protected] Technical Program Committee Alan Marshall, Queen University of Belfast, UK Carlos Westphall, Santa Catalina Federal University, Brazil Carlos Kamienski, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Brazil Chi-Shih Chao, Feng Chia University, Taiwan Choong-Seon Hong, Kyung Hee University, Korea Djamel H. Sadok, UFPE, Brazil: [email protected] Elyes Lehtihet, eFolia, France Hans-Joerg Kolbe, NEC, German Hiroshi Uno, NTT, Japan Hong-Taek Ju, Keimyung University Kenji Leibnitz, Osaka University, Japan Lisandro Zambenedetti, UFRGS, Brazil Makoto Takano, NTT West, Japan Makoto Yoshida, University of Tokyo, Japan Mehmet Ulema, Manhattan College, USA Raouf Boutaba, U. of Waterloo, Canada Seung Yeob Nam, Yeungnam University, Korea Wang-Cheol Song, Jeju National University, Korea Younho Lee, Yeungnam University, Korea