Dr. Novruz Allahverdi, Department of Electronics & Computer Education ... Education, Technical Education Faculty, Selçuk University, Konya/TURKEY,.
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09
The Application of Fuzzy Expert Cooling System for Multi Core Microprocessors and Mainboards
Abstract: The aim of this study is to construct an effective fuzzy logic based control system for multi core (core2duo) microprocessors and mainboards. Fuzzy Expert System (FES) software was developed in C#.net programming language for controlling the cooling mechanisms of the microprocessor and the mainboard cooling systems. Fuzzy Expert Systems were constructed for controlling the power delivered to CPU and mainboard cooling fans. The CPU cooling FES consists of three inputs named as CPU temperature, CPU Frequency and CPU Core voltage. The output of this FES calculates the optimum speed of microprocessor fan and sends the speed value to the electronic fan driver circuit via serial port. The mainboard cooling FES consists of two inputs named as CPU temperature and the Mainboard temperature. This FES calculates the optimum fan speed and controls the power delivered to the chassis fans via electronic fan driver circuit connected to the serial port of the computer. Safe, effective and silent cooling systems were realised by using the FES. In addition to all of these, CPU can be used more efficiently and the effective performance (speed) of the computer can be raised Keywords: Microprocessor cooling, mainboard cooling, Fuzzy Expert System, Microprocessor and Mainboard Fan Speed Control
1. The General Structure of the Fuzzy Expert Cooling System for Multi Core Microprocessors & Mainboard
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09
Fuzzy Rule base CPU Temperature CPU Frequency CPU Core voltage
Mamdani inference system
Fuzzy Rule base CPU Temperature FUZZIFIER CPU Frequency
Mamdani inference system
Serial port
Serial port
PIC 16F877
PIC 16F877
PWM Signal
PWM Signal
Electronic fan driver circuit
Electronic fan driver circuit
CPU cooling fan
Mainboard cooling fan
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
CPU Tem perature (ºC)
CPU Frequency (M Hz)
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09
CPU Cor e Voltage (V)
CPU Fan Speed (rpm )
d. Figure 3.
2.1 The Membership Functions of the Mainboard and Computer Case Cooling System
CPU Temperature (ºC)
Board Tem perature (ºC)
b. Figure 4.
Mainboard Cooling Fan Speed (rpm)
Figure 5.
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09
Figure 6
2.2. The Rule Bases of the Fuzzy Expert Systems
Rule 1 …….. Rule 4 ……..
Rule 1 …….. Rule 8 ……..
2.3. The Defuzzification Method
z n
z. z*
ck ( z ).dz
k 1 n
ck ( z ).dz z k 1
3. Conclusions
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09
Figure 7.
Figure 9.
Figure 8.
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09