The current status and future perspectives of laparoscopic surgery for

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These MIS are represented by endoscopic resection, laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, single- ...... Multicentre study of the safety of laparoscopic subtotal.

J Korean Surg Soc 2011;81:151-162

Journal of the Korean Surgical Society

pISSN 2233-7903ㆍeISSN 2093-0488


The current status and future perspectives of laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer Hyung-Ho Kim1,2, Sang-Hoon Ahn1,2 1

Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, 2Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea

Gastric cancer is most common cancer in Korea. Surgery is still the main axis of treatment. Due to early detection of gastric cancer, the innovation of surgical instruments and technological advances, gastric cancer treatment is now shifting to a new era. One of the most astonishing changes is that minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is becoming more dominant treatment for early gastric cancer. These MIS are represented by endoscopic resection, laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, single-port surgery and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. Among them, laparoscopic gastrectomy is most actively performed in the field of surgery. Laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) for early gastric cancer (EGC) has already gained popularity in terms of the short-term outcomes including patient’s quality of life. We only have to wait for the long-term oncologic results of Korean Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery Study Group. Upcoming top issues following oncologic safety of LADG are function-preserving surgery for EGC, application of laparoscopy to advanced gastric cancer and sentinel lymph node navigation surgery. In the aspect of technique, laparoscopic surgery at present could reproduce almost the whole open procedures. However, the other fields mentioned above need more evidences and experiences. All these new ideas and attempts provide technical advances, which will minimize surgical insults and maximize the surgical outcomes and the quality of life of patients. Key Words: Gastric cancer, Future perspective, Laparoscopy, Sentinel lymph node navigation surgery, Minimally invasive surgery

mon malignancy in the world. Moreover, stomach cancer


is the second leading cause of cancer death in both sexes Gastric cancer is still a major health problem and lead-

worldwide (736,000 deaths a year, 9.7% of the total) [1].

ing cause of cancer death in spite of decreasing worldwide

Gastric cancer is also the most common cancer and annu-

incidence. About one million new cases of stomach cancer

ally affects over 25,000 patients in Korea, where the in-

were estimated to have occurred in 2008 (988,000 cases,

cidence is stationary or slightly decreased. In addition, it is

7.8% of the total cancer), making it the fourth most com-

the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer,

Received July 8, 2011, Revised July 12, 2011, Accepted July 18, 2011 Correspondence to: Hyung-Ho Kim Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 166 Gumi-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam 463-707, Korea Tel: +82-31-787-7095, Fax: +82-31-787-4055, E-mail: [email protected] cc Journal of the Korean Surgical Society is an Open Access Journal. All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Copyright © 2011, the Korean Surgical Society

Hyung-Ho Kim and Sang-Hoon Ahn

and is up to over 10,000 deaths a year [2,3]. There are nota-

patients. Since Kitano first performed laparoscopy-as-

ble changes over the past 20 years. The proportion of early

sisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) for EGC in 1991, it has

gastric cancer (EGC) and proximal gastric cancer has in-

been performed worldwidely, especially in Korea and

creased continuously from 24.8 to nearly 50% and from 5.3

Japan. According to the Korean Laparoscopic Gastrointes-

to 14.0%, respectively. Proximal EGC consisted of 30.3% of

tinal Surgery Study Group (KLASS) survey, 3,783 laparo-

total proximal gastric cancer while distal EGC consisted of

scopic gastric cancer surgeries (25.8% of total gastric can-

51.5% of total distal gastric cancer [4,5]. There is also in-

cer operations) were performed during 2009. The number

creasing trend of older gastric cancer patients due to in-

of surgeries in 2009 is almost five times more than that of

creased average life expectancy. Owing to early detection

2004. The cumulative number from 1995 to 2009 was about

of the disease, the results of treatment for gastric cancer

14,731. Laparoscopic procedures for gastric cancer were

have improved in Korea. The survival rate of gastric can-

widely adopted in Korea since 2006 because laparoscopic

cer has been increased from 64.0% in the late 1980s to

procedures could be reimbursed by health insurance [5].

73.2% in the early 2000s [4].

The purposes of laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer

As the proportion of EGC and the age of gastric cancer

are to minimize surgical insults and to maximize patient’s

patients have increased, accordingly, more and more sur-

quality of life, while not influencing radicality. A number

geons are interested in minimally invasive surgery repre-

of reports have presented the excellent short term out-

sented by endoscopic resection, laparoscopic gastrectomy.

comes; less postoperative pain, improved cosmetics, less

Among them, laparoscopic gastrectomy is most actively

inflammatory reaction, a good preserved immune func-

performed in the field of surgery. Laparoscopy-assisted

tion, a rapid recovery of bowel function, shorter hospital

gastrectomy in distal EGC has already gained an accept-

stay, and a rapid return to normal social activity [6-9]. Most

ance with respect to minimal invasiveness and a suitable

reports on laparoscopic distal gastrectomy were retrospec-

alternative method to open surgery. Recently, experienced

tive studies, and many retrospective multicenter studies

surgeons are trying to extend the application of this lapa-

about laparoscopic gastric surgery were conducted in

roscopic approach to certain advanced gastric cancer

Korea [10-13] (Table 1). According to Korean a retrospec-

(AGC) using more aggressive laparoscopic techniques. On

tive multicenter study, morbidity and mortality were

the contrary, there is a larger trend of adopting these tech-

13.1% and 0.7% [10]. Of course, there are 6 available pro-

niques to sentinel lymph node navigation surgery (SNNS)

spective randomized controlled trials (RCT) for preli-

for more minimizing surgical extent. On the other side, ro-

minary results worldwidely (Table 2). But even these stu-

botic surgery, single port surgery and natural orifice trans-

dies have many limitations (e.g. limited trial numbers,

luminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is gradually being

non-multicenter, small sample size, conflicting results

applied to clinical fields for investigational purposes. The

etc.). In Korea, two small sized RCTs comparing LADG

purpose of this article is to review these top issues and the

and open distal gastrectomy (ODG) already has been

current status with literature review to propose the future

reported [9,14] and KLASS trial, which is the first multi-

of laparoscopic gastric surgery.

center, large-scale, prospective, randomized controlled study is going on briskly. According to the interim analysis of KLASS trial including 179 LADG and 163 ODG


patients, there was no significant difference between two groups in terms of age, gender, and comorbidity. Postoperative complication rates of LADG and ODG groups

Considering the excellent prognosis of EGC, the quality

were 10.5% (17/179) and 14.7% (24/163), respectively (P =

of life after operation has been focused on these patients.

0.137). Postoperative mortality was 1.1% (2/179) in LADG

For the better quality of life, laparoscopic gastrectomy has

and 0% (0/163) in ODG patients (P = 0.497). There was no

emerged as an alternative treatment option for EGC

significant difference of morbidity and mortality between


2008 2009 2009 2010

94/60 197/45 (1-113) 106/21.5 (2-60) 1,417/41 (2-109)

cT1 cT1, 2 T2-4a cT1, 2

D1, D2 D1 + β, D2 D2 D1 + β, D2

7 (3.6%) 17 (16.0%) 50 (3.5%)

5-yr DFS (LADG) = 99.4% 5-yr OS = 90% 3-yr DFS = 96.9% 5-yr OS = 81.4%

0 0 1 (0.9%) 6 (0.6%)

D1 + α D1 D1 + α, β D1 + α, β, D2

cT1 T1 T1 T1

17 (20.4%) 1 (0.9%)

5-yr OS = 95.9%

83/23.5 (8-41) 105/58.2 ± 22.3

6 (13.3%) 1 (0.9%)


5-yr OS = 94.9% 0.371

5-yr OS = 55.7%


D1 + α, β, D2 D2

0 0



T1b-4a T1

0 0



5-yr OS = 58.9%


D1 + α D1 + α D1, 2

cT1 cT1 T1-4

14/18.8 ± 12.4 14/45 (34-53) 29/49.7 ± 5.2



LND, lymph node dissection; OS, overall survival; DFS, disease free survival; LADG, laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy; NS, not significant.

Fujiwara et al. [58] Hwang et al. [8] Lee and Kim [41] Song et al. [59]

Randomized controlled trial Kitano et al. [51] 2002 14/24.3 ± 9.6 Hayashi et al. [52] 2005 14/39 (5-49) Huscher et al. [7] 2005 30/52.2 ± 26.5 Retrospective case controlled study Hwang et al. [40] 2009 45/23 (9-40) Lee et al. [53] 2009 106/58.2 ± 22.3 Retrospective case series Kitano et al. [54] 2002 116/45 (2-120) Yasuda et al. [55] 2004 99/48 Sakuramoto et al. [56] 2006 111/36 1,294/36 (13-113) Kitano et al. [57] 2007


No. of patients/follow-up periods (mo)

Table 1. Recurrences and survival after laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer (mean or median follow-up period > 20 months)

Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer


Hyung-Ho Kim and Sang-Hoon Ahn



above studies, there is little evidence of long-term oncoment modality for gastric cancer. Even in a revised 2011 English version of the Japanese gastric cancer treatment rd

guideline 3 edition, to be published 15 years after the first LADG, laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy; ODG, open distal gastrectomy; LND, lymph node dissection; LNs, lymph nodes; NS, not significant.

14/24.3 ± 9.6 24/median 14 14/39 (5-49) 30/52.2 ± 26.5 82/≥12 179

14/18.8 ± 12.4 23/median 14 14/45 (34-53) 29/49.7 ± 5.2 82/≥12 163

cT1 cT1 cT1 T1-4 cT1 ≤cT2N0

D1 + α D2 D1 + α D1, 2 D1 + β, D2 D1 + β, D2

20.2 31.8 28.0 30.0 39.0 -

24.9 38.1 27.0 33.4 45.1 -

NS NS NS NS 0.003

No recurrence No recurrence No recurrence 58.9% No recurrence -

No recurrence No recurrence No recurrence 55.7% One recurrence -

logical outcome of laparoscopic gastrectomy as a treat-

2002 2005 2005 2005 2008 2010


However, despite of the favorable results of all of the

Kitano et al. [51] Lee et al. [14] Hayashi et al. [52] Huscher et al. [7] Kim et al. [9] Kim et al. [6]


No. of retrieved LNs

LND Indication No.of patients/follow-up periods (mo)

Table 2. Six prospective randomized controlled trials about laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer


Recurrence or 5-yr overall survival


LADG and ODG patients [6].

case of laparoscopic gastrectomy, laparoscopic gastrectomy is still classified as an investigational treatment eligible for EGC [15]. In the early 2000s, phase III evidence began to emerge in Western countries for colon cancer demonstrating that the oncologic outcomes of laparoscopic colon operation are similar to those of open colon operation and the new procedure is associated with less pain and shorter hospital stay. Undoubtedly, most surgeons have now accepted laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer. In contrast, the long-term results of multi-center randomized controlled trials of laparoscopic versus open gastrectomy are needed to establish the future role of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of patients with gastric cancer. The KLASS trial completed the enrollment of patients in 2010. We now have to wait for the long-tern results of KLASS study in 2015. Another RCT to compare long- term survival after open and laparoscopic gastrectomy for EGC are currently ongoing in Japan (JCOG 0912 trial). If the result of these two trials will be positive, the laparoscopic gastrectomy will be a standard method for distally located EGC like the clinical outcomes of surgical therapy (COST) study group trial did in colon cancer [16]. In the view of laparoscopic techniques for distal gastric cancer, there are some trends of moving from extra- corporeal anastomosis to an intra-corporeal fashion to get rid of mini-laparotomy for improving the quality of life of patients. Totally laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (TLDG) with delta-shape anastomosis is a representative procedure. In one retrospective study, it was suggested that TLDG contributes to the improvement of early surgical outcomes, more interestingly, TLDG in obese patients could be the best way to improve early surgical outcomes, including the bowel movement, pain score, overall complication rate [17]. In another study which was prospective, non-randomized with small numbers of cases, no significant difference was found in mean operative

Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer

time, estimated blood loss, or immunologic or inflam-

in Korea. It is originally treatment option in gastric ulcer

matory markers between TLDG and LADG. However,

surgery, which has several benefits compared to distal gas-

time to first meal was significantly shorter in the TLDG

trectomy like the lower incidence of dumping syndrome,

group than either LADG or ODG but TLDG needed more

bile reflux, gall stone, and the significant decrease in post-

cost [18]. Intra-corporeal anastomosis without mini-lapa-

operative weight loss [23]. But these benefits have not yet

rotomy is gaining more popularity. However, to prove su-

been proven by prospective randomized trials. Park et al.

periority of this procedure over LADG, phase III trials are

[24] reported PPG has many advantages than Billroth I


such as the gastric emptying, bile reflux and gall stone,

In the aspect of reconstruction methods, the Billroth I

which was mostly due to the preservation of hepatic

procedure was most frequently performed after distal gas-

branch of vagus nerve and pylorus. PPG patients also had

trectomy (63.4%), followed by Billroth II (33.1%) in Korea

fewer subjective postprandial symptoms than Billroth I

in 2009. Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy was only perfor-

patients. Another report on laparoscopy-assisted pylo-

med in 3.3% [5]. When we choose the reconstruction meth-

rus-preserving gastrectomy (LAPPG) concluded that

ods, we should consider whether the patient suffers from

LAPPG is a safe operation with minimized complications

type 2 diabetes or not. Recently, in the management of type

based on Clavien-Dindo classification for the middle third

2 diabetes, bariatric surgery (Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

EGC. But surgeons need to ensure an extra learning curve

Procedure [RYGBP] and Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric

for LAPPG [25]. In Korea, cases of PPG are so very rare that

Banding) was added to the treatment guidelines of Inter-

the data of PPG is not available to some conclusions. In the

national Diabetes Federation for type 2 diabetes [19]. The

laparoscopic gastric surgery era, PPG could be another

proposed mechanism is that by bypassing duodenum and

fascinating treatment option for middle third EGC. But we

proximal jejunum, loss of the signals causing insulin re-

need a greater level of evidence. It is necessary to give

sistance is achieved (foregut hypothesis) and fast reach to

more regards to LAPPG and organize multicenter pro-

hindgut cause early signal for glucose control (hindgut hy-

spective RCTs in Korea.

pothesis) [20]. In the patients of gastric cancer with type 2

For proximal EGC, total gastrectomy is regarded as a

diabetes and high body mass index, Roux-en-Y gastro-

standard method in Korea. But even laparoscopy-assisted

jejunostomy method is expected to be better than Billroth

total gastrectomy has not been performed widely due to

I methods to resolve type 2 diabetes and obesity [21]. In


one study from Japan, they reported that Roux-en-Y re-

scopy-assisted total gastrectomy has increased in the

construction after distal gastrectomy seems superior to

number of cases in Korea (20 cases in 2003, 112 cases in

Billroth-I reconstruction for preventing both bile reflux in-

2004 and 231 cases in 2008). By comparison, laparo-

to the gastric remnant and postoperative complications.

scopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy (LAPG) has been

They concluded R-Y reconstruction was a feasible and safe

performed rarely to this day. Even including the cases of

method for LADG [22].

open gastrectomy, proximal gastrectomy were performed







only in 141 (1.0%) patients in Korea [5]. In the concept of minimally invasive surgery and function-preserving pro-


cedure, LAPG is theoretically ideal. A lot of functional benefits have been reported in the several reports; improved postoperative fat absorption, improved nutrition,

Pylorus-preserving gastrectomy (PPG) has not been

preventing anemia, releasing of gut hormones and re-

widely performed in Korea. In the Korean national survey

ducing postoperative complaints [26,27]. Oncologic con-

2009, PPG was only performed in 86 cases (0.6%), which

cerns have also been solved to some degree by several re-

was less than PG [5]. There has been no consensus about

ports in proximal gastrectomy, showing the similar

PPG in Korea mainly because of extremely rare operations

long-term oncologic outcomes even in AGC [28]. But most


Hyung-Ho Kim and Sang-Hoon Ahn

gastric surgeons are afraid of performing proximal gas-

proach and the technique has not been standardized. The

trectomy because of the infamous complications such as

incidence of complications is reported to be higher com-

anastomotic stricture and reflux esophagitis [29-31]. To

paring with LADG, and a reliable method of esoph-

overcome these complications, various reconstruction

ago-jejunostomy is still key issues [33]. So, some gastric

methods have been developed so far. These methods were

surgeons prefer open total gastrectomy to laparoscopic

mainly classified into two categories (esophago-gastro-

methods. This preference mainly comes from the diffi-

stomy versus esophago-jejunostomy). The incidence of

culty of esophago-jejunostomy (E-Jstomy) in laparoscopy

anastomotic stricture was mainly higher in gastro-esoph-

settings. There are several methods for reconstruction af-

agostomy methods than in esophago-jejunostomy, espe-

ter LATG. Reconstruction methods for bowel continuity

cially in end-to-end esophago-gastrostomy. The mecha-

are largely two kinds. One is extracorporeal method using

nisms of anastomotic strictures are not known. Proposed

conventional open purse-string clamp and circular stapler

mechanisms are causation by reflux esophagitis and the

through mini-laparotomy at epigastrium, which is similar

discrepancy of wall thickness between esophagus and

to conventional open surgery and has been commonly

stomach. In the case of reflux esophagitis, rates were re-

performed after LATG [34]. But, in this method it is quite

ported in a wide range from 7 to 50% mainly because of the

difficult to apply conventional purse-string clamp and to

different diagnostic criteria of reflux esophagitis and the

obtain enough proximal resection margin due to poor vis-

selection bias of retrospective studies. Actually, there are

ualization of fields, especially in obese patients. The other

no prospective reports analyzing the incidence and patho-

is the intracorporeal method, which means the transection

physiology of reflux esophagitis after proximal gastrec-

of esophagus is performed under laparoscopy vision. The


esophagus transection is made by linear stapler or laparo-

Our recent data showed a feasibility and acceptability of

scopic purse-string clamp (Endo-PSI, Hope Electronics,

LAPG by retrospective analysis in LAPG of 52 cases com-

Chiba, Japan; Lap-Jack, Eterne, Seongnam, Korea) or semi-

paring with LATG of 82 cases. In this study, early compli-

automatic suturing device (Endostitch, Covidien, Man-

cation rates after LAPG and LATG were 23.1% and 17.1%,

sfield, MA, USA). In the case of linear stapler transection,

respectively, which was insignificant. The overall inci-

the E-Jstomy is done by linear stapler in side to side fash-

dence of reflux esophagitis were about 30.8% in the overall

ion or by OrVil (Covidien) and circular stapler. In the case

LAPG group and about 3.7% in the LATG group (P <

of using laparoscopic purse-string clamp, the E-Jstomy is

0.001). But the clinical outcomes of late phase of LAPG (n

done by circular stapler. Transoral introduction of the an-

= 13) were superior to LATG (shorter operative time, 198.0

vil head of the circular stapler seems to be a recent in-

vs. 242.2 minutes P < 0.001; similar early complication

novation that is promising [35]. Another group reported

rate, 15.4% vs. 17.1% P = 0.880; similar reflux symptoms,

the initial experience of application of the delta-shaped

7.7% vs. 3.7% P = 0.083; less body weight loss, -3.4 vs. -6.3

anastomosis to E-Jstomy, which is intracorporeal anasto-

kg P = 0.026). Recently, esophago-jejunstomy with a dou-

mosis, without mini-laparotomy. [36].

ble tract reconstruction or jejunal interposition after prox-

In our retrospective study, which was a relatively large

imal gastrectomy showed acceptable rates of anastomotic

number of cases, comparative analysis of short-term out-

stricture and reflux esophagitis comparing with total gas-

comes between extracorporeal end-to-side E-Jstomy and

trectomy [32].

intracorporeal side-to-side E-Jstomy was done. We concluded by this study that end-to-side E-Jstomy using circular stapler could be recommended after LATG because


E-Jstomy leakage rates (14.3% vs. 2.2%, P = 0.043) after side-to-side E-Jstomy by linear stapler & intracorporeal suture was higher than end-to-side E-Jstomy [37]. Based

LATG remains challenging under the laparoscopic ap-


on these results, we changed the anastomosis methods to

Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer

intracorporeal end-to-side E-Jstomy using by laparo-

advanced gastric cancer, the completeness of the D2 LND

scopic purse-string clamp (LapJack, Eterne) and circular

during laparoscopic surgery has not been evaluate and no

stapler. After the application of LapJack, there has been no

standardized procedure exists. Soon, a multicenter, pro-

anastomotic problems, including leakage, in the consec-

spective randomized study about LADG for AGC in

utive 50 cases, which is very promising.

Korea (KLASS-02 study) is to start. To conduct a clinical

However, the optimal procedures for reconstruction

trial comparing laparoscopic D2 LND to the open ap-

methods after LATG have yet to be established [36]. And

proach, quality control of D2 LND is necessary. Only expe-

there have been a few reports on this subject. We need

rienced laparoscopic gastric surgeons will have been in-

more advanced, novel instruments such as deployable sta-

vited to participate in KLASS-02 trial. They must be vali-

pler and techniques for the application for LATG or totally

dated by peer reviewer’s evaluation of unedited video re-

laparoscopic total gastrectomy.

cording of three open gastrectomies and three laparoscopic gastrectomies to predetermined criteria, which is finally approved by review committee. This trial was regis-


tered as KLASS-02-QC trial at (NCT00452751). After the confirmation of the results of

Open surgery has been the standard method for AGC for over 100 years. There are no evidences of the applica-

this study, main KLASS-02 study of LADG for AGC can be started without the criticism of appropriacy of D2 LND.

tion of laparoscopic approach in AGC at present. Technical feasibility of laparoscopy gastrectomy for AGC largely depends on the applicability and safety of D2 lymph node


dissection, which is regarded as a standard for AGC in Korea and Japan. Recently, several experienced surgeons

Stage I gastric cancer accounts for approximately 50% of

have tried to extend the application of laparoscopy- as-

all surgically resected cases in Korea [4]. Because lymph

sisted gastrectomy for AGC. In some studies, the short-

node metastases occur in only 5 to 20% of patients with

term and the long-term outcomes after laparoscopy-as-

early gastric cancer, reduction of the extent of lymph node

sisted gastrectomy for AGC were non-inferior to open

dissection and gastric resection would be beneficial if it

surgery. But these were small size, retrospective studies

were possible to predict the direction of lymph node

with many biases [38,39]. One RCT and one retrospective

metastasis. SNNS is now widely available as reduction

case controlled study including advanced gastric cancer

surgery for breast cancer. But SNNS is still in its infancy in

showed that there was no significant difference between

gastric cancer area. A sentinel node (SN) is defined as the

two groups in terms of the number of resected lymph no-

lymph node that is first to receive the flow of lymphatic

des, recurrence and survival [7,40]. One retrospective sin-

fluid from the area containing the primary tumor of an

gle center study demonstrated that five-year overall sur-

organ. According to the SN hypothesis, lymph node dis-

vival rate was 81.4% [41]. These retrospective data has se-

section can be omitted when no metastasis are detected in

lection bias that preoperative stage was cT2 or less than

SNs. Sentinel basin represent all the lymphatic stations to

cT2 but final pathologic stage was T2 or more than T2.

which SNs belong. Sentinel node identification is usually

If the same extents of resection and lymph node dis-

performed with radioactive tin colloid and/or indoc-

section (LND) comparing with open surgery could be per-

yanine green (ICG). To use SNNS in clinical practice, skip

formed, the oncological results theoretically would be the

metastases and false negative rate are crucial points. In

equivalent to open surgery. In the aspect of technique, lap-

gastrointestinal malignancies, the appearance of lymph

aroscopic surgery could reproduce almost the whole of

node metastasis is not constant mainly because of the ex-

open procedures. Although laparoscopic gastrectomy

istence of multiple and complex lymphatic routes. There is

with D2 LND is being performed for patients with locally

a report in which skip metastases is occurred in 20 to 30%


Hyung-Ho Kim and Sang-Hoon Ahn

of gastric cancer [42]. In one large prospective multicenter

function [44]. In the near future, most of EGC patients will

trial of sentinel node mapping for gastric cancer, Kitagawa

be treated by one-stop intraoperative endoscopic sub-

et al [43]. reported at ASCO in 2009 that the detection rates

mucosal dissection plus SNNS rather than the extensive

was 97.5% (387/397), the mean numbers of SNs 5.6 and the

resection and lymph node dissection in the way modified

sensitivity and the accuracy was 93% (53/57) and 99% (383/

radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection

387), respectively. There were 4 cases of false-negative cas-

has migrated to the lumpectomy with SNNS in breast can-

es; among them, 2 cases were T2 and 3 cases were on same

cer [44].

basin. Their eligible criteria were that patients had clinically T1-2N0M0 single tumor with diameter of primary lesion less than 4 cm without any previous treatment.


They used radioactive tin colloid and isosulfan blue for dual traces.

Robotic surgery has recently emerged as a newer mini-

In our series, we initially used indocyanine green and 99m

Tc-tin colloid (separate injections in the first phase, n = 99m

mally invasive technique that may offer surgeons technical solution to the limitations of conventional laparoscopy

Tc-ASC (simulta-

surgery. These solutions consist of a steady camera plat-

neous injections in the second phase, n = 52) (Fig. 1). The

form with 3D imaging, surgical instrument with high de-

SNs were identified in 62 of the 68 patients (91.2%; mean

gree of angulation, filtration of resting tremor and an ergo-

3.3 per patient) with gastric cancer, and the sensitivity and

nomically comfortable surgeon’s position. Another most

specificity of SNNS was elevated to 100% by using the dual

important aspect of robotic surgery is that it enables per-

dye methods and basin dissection. If there are no meta-

formances of so called “telesurgery” or “remote surgery”.

stasis in SNs in basins, no further dissection is necessary,

It promises to allow the expertise of specialized surgeons

which means that the hepatic and celiac branch of vagus

to be available to patients worldwide, without the need for

nerve and parasympathetic nerve to small bowel can be

patients to relocate.

16) and later indocyanine green and

saved, so it guarantee gastric and small bowel motility

Robotic surgery was applied to the fields of gastric cancer in Korea earlier than in other country. There have been installed about 50 da Vinci systems in 20 institutions until now. Robotic gastrectomy’s greatest advantages are in fine manipulations as in D2 lymph node dissection and intracorporeal anastomosis. But there are many disadvantages. Not only the lack of tactile sense, but also its macroscopic manipulation speeds and shift of scene are not quick enough. Experienced surgeons accustomed to laparoscopy speeds, dexterity, and tactile sense may feel that robot gastrectomy have no advantages over laparoscopy gastrectomy. Currently, there are little evidences supportive of robotic gastrectomy. Some retrospective studies with early experiences in Korea have been reported gradually. There were no significant differences in the complication rate amongst the open, laparoscopic, or robotic group. Howev-

Fig. 1. Protocol of sentinel lymph node navigation surgery in Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. EUS, endoscopic ultrasonography; CT, computed tomography; RI, radioisotope; H&E, hematoxylin & eosin; IHC, immunohistochemistry.


er, while the estimated blood loss and post-operative hospital stay were significantly less than in the robotic group, the operative time was significantly longer. Furthermore,

Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer

with respect to performing D2 lymphadenectomy, sur-

bly be used in single port, for example, it will be the time

geons found the dissection around major vessels to be eas-

that SILS become the optional treatment for gastric cancer.

ier robotically due to the stability of the camera, the articu-

It currently remains in experimental stages.

lation of the operating arms, and the 3-D, magnified view [45].

Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery has increasingly been reported as the future new technique to

We must try to identify the beneficial aspects of patients

laparoscopic surgery. A few reports have emerged report-

but its cost is too high to study large number of patients.

ing a hybrid approach using transvaginal NOTES techni-

So, to begin with, we should focus on cost-cutting of cur-

que with laparoscopic assistance in the partial gas-

rent robotic surgery, such as localization of laparoscopic

trectomy of submucosal tumor, with removal of the speci-

robot to abolish the monopoly of da Vinci. We must lead in

men through the vagina [49]. Several proposals for trans-

the field of robotic gastrectomy and make the evidences of

gastric resection or lymph node biopsy or dissection have

robot gastrectomy by balancing costs with its effective-

also been proposed via NOTES technique [50]. But there

ness, as there are a few cases of robotic gastrectomy out-

are many criticisms of this proposal for which oncologic

side Korea. The Multi-institutional prospective study on

safety needs to be considered. There is no role for NOTES

the assessment of robotic surgery for gastric cancer in

for gastric cancer yet.

Korea is now proceeding according to plan. It is certain that robotic surgery will become an additional option in minimally invasive surgery.

CONCLUSION Gastric cancer treatment is now moving on to a new era.


This is a major evolution since Billroth performed the first successful gastrectomy in 1881. Present data indicate that

Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) was devel-

the treatment of gastric cancer has more and more in-

oped to reduce the minimal invasiveness of laparoscopy to

dividualized with various tailored therapies. As laparo-

an ultra-minimal invasiveness and to achieve excellent

scopic experience has been accumulated, the indications

cosmesis. The SILS has been performed in various sur-


geries such as cholecystectomy, appendectomy, colec-

broadened. Advanced laparoscopic techniques for gastric

tomy, sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity [46,47]. Very

cancer, such as laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy,

recently, there was the first report on successful single-in-

laparoscopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy, laparoscopic

cision laparoscopic gastrectomy for EGC [48]. They used a

SNNS, and laparoscopic D2 lymph node dissection for

vertical 2.5-cm intraumbilical incision with two 2-mm

AGC will have been more broadly performed in the near

mini-loop retractor. All seven cases with single-incision

future. Additionally, robotic surgery, single port surgery

laparoscopic distal gastrectomies (SIDG) were performed

and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery

without conversion to LADG or open gastrectomy. The

(NOTES) will become additional options in minimally in-

median operative time was 344 minutes (range, 282 to 385

vasive surgery much as the validation needs to be used in

minutes). They showed that SIDG was a feasible and safe

clinical fields.






procedure for EGC and gives a favorable cosmetic result.

Another important thing is education. As the number of

Further research is warranted to evaluate the safety and

laparoscopic gastric surgeries has increased rapidly, the

feasibility of SIDG. Our team also had the experiences of

importance of education for laparoscopic skills became

two SIDG cases followed by experimental study “SIDG vs.

higher. Because many active domestic training workshops

LADG in a porcine model” which is going to be published

have been actively held in Korea, novices can easily and

soon. Eventually, after further development of smart in-

quickly overcome the learning curve in laparoscopic gas-

struments with 5-mm flexible scopes, which could possi-

tric surgery. More refined domestic training workshops


Hyung-Ho Kim and Sang-Hoon Ahn

and international collaborations including animal or cadaveric surgical models will promise to progress advanced laparoscopic gastric surgery. All these efforts and technical advancements will finally improve the survival and the quality of life of patients suffering from gastric cancer.

CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

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