In recent years, 'diabetic foot' has become the common name given ... Diabetic Peripheral Arteriopathy: A Tale of Two Diseases: Edmonds, M.E.; Shanahan, C.;.
Connecting the systemic pathologies and the clinical patterns
The Diabetic Foot Syndrome Editors: Alberto Piaggesi, Jan Apelqvist In recent years, ‘diabetic foot’ has become the common name given to chronic complications of diabetes mellitus in the lower limb. This book provides an up-to-date picture of the clinical scenario, the latest understanding of the mechanisms in regard to pathology, the current standards of therapy, and the organizational tasks that a modern approach to such a complex pathology warrants. All contributors have delivered articles that are as informative and straight-to-the point as possible, including not only their own experience in the field, but also giving a wider picture to link each article to the other. The Diabetic Foot Syndrome is not only relevant to specialists, but also to all the caregivers involved in the management of the patients at risk for developing the pathology, those affected, and those who are at risk of recurrences. CONTENTS Preface: Piaggesi, A.; Apelqvist, J. The Diabetic Foot Syndrome Today: A Pandemic Uprise: Apelqvist, J. A Complication of the Complications: The Complexity of Pathogenesis and the Role of Co-Morbidities in the Diabetic Foot Syndrome: Meloni, M.; Izzo, V.; Giurato, L.; Uccioli, L. Re-Evaluating the Outcomes in Diabetic Foot Management: Clerici, G.; Iacopi, E.; Caminiti, M.S.; Casini, A.; Curci, V.; Faglia, E.; Piaggesi, A. The Charcot Foot Revisited: How the New Pathogenetic Findings Explain the Clinical Course of the Disease: Petrova, N.L. Diabetic Peripheral Arteriopathy: A Tale of Two Diseases: Edmonds, M.E.; Shanahan, C.; Petrova, N.L. Does Microangiopathy Contribute to the Pathogenesis of the Diabetic Foot Syndrome?: Coppelli, A.; Abbruzzese, L.; Goretti, C.; Iacopi, E.; Riitano, N.; Piaggesi, A. The Organization of Care for the Diabetic Foot Syndrome: A Time-Dependent Network: Piaggesi, A.; Abbruzzese, L.; Coppelli, A.; Iacopi, E.; Riitano, N.; Goretti, C. Offloading the Diabetic Foot: The Evolution of an Integrated Strategy: Bus, S.A. Surgical Management of the Charcot Foot: Dalla Paola, L.; Scavone, G.; Carone, A.; Vasilache, L.; Boscarino, G. Indications to Revascularization in the Ischaemic Diabetic Foot: Ferraresi, R.; Losurdo, F.; Lorenzoni, R.; Ferraris, M.; Caminiti, M.S.; Casini, A. An Integrated Approach for the Effective Management of Limb-Threatening Ischaemia in the Diabetic Foot: Mills, J.L. Resistant Infections in the Diabetic Foot: A Frightening Scenario: Tascini, C. Antibacterial Treatment in Diabetic Foot Infections: Senneville, E. The Role of Surgery in the Management of the Infected Diabetic Foot: Aragón-Sánchez, J. Local Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Dressings and Other Local Treatments: Game, F.L. Towards Extending Ulcer-Free Days in Remission in the Diabetic Foot Syndrome: Boghossian, J.A.; Miller, J.D.; Armstrong, D.G. Author Index / Subject Index
Further publications in the field
Frontiers in Diabetes Editor: M. Porta Vol. 26
Frontiers in Diabetes Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky Vol. 25
Diabetes Associated with Single Gene Defects and Chromosomal Abnormalities
The Diabetic Foot Syndrome
F. Barbetti L. Ghizzoni F. Guaraldi
A. Piaggesi J. Apelqvist
Chronic Metabolic Disturbance
Diabetes Atherosclerosis
Frontiers in Diabetes
Cardiac Failure
Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky
Vol. 24
Visual Impairment
Technological Advances in the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes
Nephropathy Ulcer
Progressive Retinopathy
Dialysis Editors
Vol. 25 Diabetes Associated with Single Gene Defects and Chromosomal Abnormalities Editors: Barbetti, F. (Rome); Ghizzoni, L.; Guaraldi, F. (Turin) X + 192 p., 20 fig., 11 in color, 10 tab., 2017 CHF 178.00 / EUR 166.00 / USD 209.00 (hard cover or online*) CHF 214.00 / EUR 199.00 / USD 251.00 (online**) ISBN 978–3–318–06024–9 e-ISBN 978–3–318–06025–6
D. Bruttomesso G. Grassi
Progressive Cognitive Disorders
Frontiers in Diabetes, Vol. 26 The Diabetic Foot Syndrome Editors: Piaggesi, A. (Pisa); Apelqvist, J. (Lund) X + 224 p., 36 fig., 14 in color, 12 tab., 2018 CHF 192.00 / EUR 179.00 / USD 226.00 (online**) CHF 230.00 / EUR 215.00 / USD 271.00 (hard cover or online*) ISBN 978–3–318–06144–4 e-ISBN 978–3–318–06145–1 FIELDS OF INTEREST Endocrinology; Infectious Diseases; Cardiovascular System, Diabetes, Microcirculation, Neurology, Nursing, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Public Health, Surgery
Frontiers in Diabetes Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky Vol. 23
Genetics in Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes and Related Traits Editors
A.L. Gloyn M.I. McCarthy
Frontiers in Diabetes
Frontiers in Diabetes
Frontiers in Diabetes
Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky
Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky
Vol. 22
Vol. 21
Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky Vol. 20
Experimental Approaches to Monogenic Diabetes Secondary to Endocrine andHyperinsulinemic Diabetic Retinopathy Pancreatic Disorders Hypoglycemia Disorders Editors Editors
E. Ghigo M. Porta
C.A. Stanley D.D. De León
H.-P. Hammes M. Porta
Vol. 24 Technological Advances in the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Editors: Bruttomesso, D. (Padua); Grassi, G. (Turin) VIII + 264 p., 43 fig., 30 in color, 27 tab., hard cover, 2015 CHF 78.00 / EUR 73.00 / USD 92.00 (hard cover or online*) CHF 94.00 / EUR 88.00 / USD 110.00 (online**) ISBN 978–3–318–02336–7 e-ISBN 978–3–318–02337–4
Vol. 23 Genetics in Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes and Related Traits Editors: Gloyn, A.L.; McCarthy, M.I. (Oxford) VIII + 192 p., 27 fig., 7 in color, 14 tab., 2014 CHF 198.00/ EUR 185.00/ USD 233.00 (hard cover or online*) CHF 238.00/ EUR 222.00/ USD 280.00 (online**) ISBN 978–3–318–02699–3 e-ISBN 978–3–318–02700–6
Book Series Frontiers in Diabetes Series Editor: Porta, M. (Turin) ISSN 0251–5342, e-ISSN 1662–2995 Vol. 1–25 available, please ask for details *online prices for personal customer **online prices for institutional purchase Prices subject to change, VAT not included EUR price for eurozone countries, USD price for USA and Latin America only
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