The Environment #2

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of celebrating the Earth as we move into spring! I hope that .... earth. However, Katie is not sure she is a down to ear

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 1

A note from Dayne Hey, Superstars! Thanks for listening to episode 2 of This&Th@ English! Thanks for all the great answers too, you’re consistently putting a smile on my face. Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to read your poems for the next episode. I hope you had as much fun with episode 2 as I did. If you want to connect with me and chat about the show, you can find me at or Bring on episode 3! Dayne.

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 2

A note from Katie Welcome! In Japan we are headed into the season of celebrating the Earth as we move into spring! I hope that your year is going smoothly and that you are well into a comfortable groove. I learned about Australia from Dayne and where he goes when he wants to head into nature. I am very excited about the challenge that Dayne has given himself--GO DAYNE! A few of our letter writers made a beautiful connection about loving ourselves in order to be able to truly love the Earth and I concur. Please email us with any questions about the show at [email protected] Have a good one! Sincerely, Katie Adler

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 3

What are you doing to protect the environment?

Dayne and Katie discuss things they do to help protect the environment. Some ideas they shared are recycling and volunteering. Now we’ll have a look at your answers. For more of last month’s answers, check the bottom of the PDF!

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 4

be_cogitator (Twitter) –“during winter season I turn off the fridge. Still daytime temperatures in my hometown are up to zero degrees Celsius!” Kazuzuzu710 (Twitter) –“I try not to waste water. Because the water we can use is just 0.02% in whole water of the world.” Nadira (English Club) – “Feel for the earth and environment as one would for one’s own self.” Kavin (Facebook) –“If you travel by car or bike, then you travel by public transport. Plant more plants, don’t hunt animals for pleasure. On the top, love yourself.”

Thanks for your great answers. Next month we are talking about POEMS! Please send us your short poems for us to read on next month’s podcast. 

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 5

Reading Time! Let’s learn about Earth Hour! Follow along as Dayne and Katie read the information from Wikipedia’s description of Earth Hour.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Earth Hour is a worldwide grass-roots movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. It was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the one-hour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement. The event is held worldwide and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during participants' local time.[2] © Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 6

Do not forget to turn off your lights for Earth Hour!

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 7

It’s time for Good Answer v Bad Answer Remember, a conversation should be shared equally. It is important to keep the conversation flowing naturally by expanding on your answer. Expanding on your answer makes conversations much more interesting for everyone involved. Katie asks –“When you head out into nature, where do you go?” Dayne’s bad answer –“The Beach.” Because Dayne’s answer was so poor Katie had to ask more questions, prompting Dayne to give more information. This is a one sided conversation and Katie is doing all the work.

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 8

A good way to expand your answers is to prompt yourself. When giving your answer, think about the reasons why. “I like the beach. Why? Because…” Listen to Dayne expand on his bad answer and pay attention to how he does it.

(Torquay Beach)

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 9

Okay, now you know how it’s done. Listen to Katie answer the same question. Katie’s first answer is not so good, but check out how she expands her answer the second time. What a huge difference!

(Meiji Jingu Shrine)

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 10

Idiom! Down to Earth Katie’s fashion sense is down to earth. However, Katie is not sure she is a down to earth person. Dayne thinks he is more ‘far out’ than down to earth! Dayne doesn’t think politicians are down to earth. Some celebrities are actually down to earth in real life! Are you down to earth? © Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 11

Pronunciation The second n in environment. Is it silent? Is it soft? Katie grew up saying “Enviro-ment” Dayne pronounces the n sound. However, it falls on the unstressed syllable and is softened so that it doesn’t disrupt the following m sound. English is REALLY weird!

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 12

Thank you so much for joining us. We will be back next month with more This&Th@! Please send us your poems for next month and to write us with any comments you have about the show! Sincerely, Dayne and Katie

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 13

Here’s some more answer from last month’s question.

“What invention could you never live without?”

Reply by chandra .v

I think mentioning a single invention is not correct. It is numerous inventions made man happy to live.Right from the invention of wheels to atomic fusion , all the inventions are for the betterment of man kind. Barring some destructive inventions like weapons and bombs , all other inventions are aimed at welfare of mankind. 

Reply by Seeker

We can live without all inventions but the situations would be different we live in! Every invention brings various changes in the world. Some inventions of the past centuries was revolutionary. I would like to list some revolutionary inventions here. such as: Fire,Wheel and electricity! Maybe i would add some more. But i would add only basic inventions.

what about fire and wheel? what about electricity, Radio and television? Reply by Kanna Hồ

Hi Dayne, Well, when reading your question at the first time, I'd thought that my answer would be something related to electricity and information technology like TV, mobile phone, and computer, etc. However, I thought again and realised that I could live without them, and these inventions just made our life be more modern. I used to © Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 14

switch my mobile phone off about 1 week since I didn't want to be disturbed while I was studying for my exam. Also, I didn't have my own computer until my first year at college. Therefore, the invention that I can't live without must be something I need every day. And that's the fire, of course. We can't live without eating, and how can we cook our meals but don't need the fire? I know that some people can make some dishes without cooking, just using raw meat or fish (like sushi of Japan), but most of the time, we eat cooked food. Since our ancestor found out the way to make fire, we have had a better life. We eat more dilicious food and we have warmer atmosphere in Winter. Also, we use fire to burn forests to have soil for farming. If the fire didn't exist, we couldn't live till today, I think. Yeah, that's my opinion. :) Have a nice day, Kanna

Thanks for the great answers! Dayne.

© Dayne Collins and Katie Adler page 15