The Falcon Flyer

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Dec 5, 2013 ... Pages 10-16. Falcons Sports News ... This edition of the Falcon Flyer highlights ..... Lastly, Antigone made me think of the true sense of fighting for our ideals, without thinking about .... Ludovica F., a freshman impressing the audience with her wonderful ..... digital image, a video or PowerPoint presentation.
The Falcon Flyer An AOSR Community Publication with writing submitted by students, faculty and parents.

U.S. Embassy Tree Lighting, Thursday, December 5, 2013

AOSR choir members performed at the ceremony. They were accompanied by teacher, Ms. Jen Heemstra, and secondary school principal, Mr. Ken Kunin.

Special Edition This edition of the Falcon Flyer highlights the voice and writing of our students. The elementary grade level descriptions are written by our elementary Computer Club students under the guidance of Ms. Waite. The high school Desktop Publishing class submitted articles on recent school events. Other students have contributed reflections and summaries of events they participated in during this fall and early winter season. The Falcon Flyer is a community publication and we thank all those who contributed to this issue.

In this Edition: News from the Elementary School

Pages 2-9

News from the Secondary School

Pages 10-16

Falcons Sports News

Pages 17-20

Annual Corporation Report

Page 21

Annual Fundraiser Gala

Pages 22-23

Tribute Ms. Fabris

Pages 24-25

winter 2013

Elementary News! The elementary grade level news has been written by elementary students with the support of their grade level teachers and Ms. Waite in the Computer Club.

Pre K

Grade 1


st The sixth graders asked us questions about what books we like to read. They will write stories for us !


n math we have pumpkin math packets with a lot of activities. When you finish a page you color in a pumpkin. When you finish the whole thing you will get a turkey math packet! It is nice to do math.


re K AOSR preschoolers had a great time creating their costumes for Halloween. Each group dresses as the mascot they have chosen as a class, and they make their costumes in the classroom using as many recycled materials as possibe. This year the pre-K three year old class decided to be frogs. Pre-K four year olds chose to be butterflies. The project is designed to build group identity and also helps the children to be more invested in the Halloween festivities. The children enjoyed performing their songs for the parents and AOSR community.



indergarten e took a field trip to a farm because we wanted to go to a farm and have fun and learn new things. We learned how to make flour. We turned the mill to make the seeds smaller. Then we used the dough to make cookies! They were yummy and great! hen we took a walk on the farm to see the plants and trees. We used the iPads to take photos of the things we liked. We saw olive trees and caterpillars that ate the leaves. We saw tractors too! Then we went to see the animals. The donkey made noise to say hi to us. There were chickens and ducks and birds. e played on the playground and then went back to school.



Quote from the bus ride homeMs. D’Aquanni, can I tell you something? Today was the best day ever! ~Scout


Grade 2

nd grade students planted a lot of plants in the garden. We used shovels and hand rakes for digging in the dirt to put in the roots. Then we replaced the soil over the roots and put water on them. The plants need sun and water to grow.


earning about the rock cycle was fun! We learned that rocks change and some kinds are called sediment. The 7th graders made books about the rock cycle and came to our classes to share them with us.


e are studying about archeologists too. They find old things like pots in the dirt and they try to put them back together. This helps them know about the people from the old days.

Grade 3

3 P

Gladiator School

Grade 5





umpkin seeds - We did pumpkin math. It is like how many seeds are in each pumpkin? In Ms. Stewart`s class all of the pumpkins floated, because compared to water, pumpkins are much lighter.

e first put on our gladiator cloaks. We used wooden swords to practice first. Then we used big gladiator shields to block from big swinging bags. Then we fought and stabbed with wooden swords. It was so much fun! We charged bean bags with long javelins. We shot arrows with ancient bows at targets! Then we ate a delicious lunch that we all loved! Last but not least we bought souvenirs. At last we went back to our wonderful school!


hankful trees - In Ms. Stewart’s class each day we write something on the leaves then stick them on the tree. In Ms. Antinucci’s class we color them, write on them and stick them on the tree also.


reek myths- Maisarah likes the one where Athena turns Arachne to a spider.


he ancient Greeks painted and drew frescos on plaster walls in palaces. We took a picture of a fresco we liked and tried to copy it on a thick piece of paper.

Grade 4


th - We’ve been working in music for a concert at F.A.O. We sang the song “Tue Tue” and we liked taking a tour of F.A.O. We read the book “Out of My Mind” for the Global Read Aloud . We skyped with a class in New York to talk and ask questions about the book. We created sailors’ logs after reading some Columbus stories which have been hanging in our windows for a few weeks. For Halloween we wrote poems about a ghost or a haunted house or a black cat. Now we have big papers full of leaves on the window. We brought leaves from home and we put leaves under the paper and made leaf rubbings. We had a little party for Thanksgiving and everyone will brought a dessert! We are going to do a secret Santa!


Grade 5

5 T th

he first day we went to the bee farm and we ate honey out of the bee hive . There was a person that taught about the bee life cycle ! The second day we went in a big forest with two guides. In the afternoon we went to a national park of Abruzzo called Val Fondillo and while walking we saw a bear scat and that was really exciting because maybe a bear came in the night! Afterwards we went to the animal sanctuary, and we saw a Marsican Brown Bear, two Apennine Wolves, and three deer. We also saw a baby deer, and two adults. We had an AWESOME trip!

Elementary Library News

AOSR Edible Garden News

Ms. Maria Falgoust, Elementary School Librarian


he school year kicked off with more than 900 new books! Feel free to stop by and peruse the diverse collection. There’s something for everyone: cookbooks, graphic novels, folktales and myths, crafts, picture books, sports books, and even DVDs. We also offer books in various languages such as French, Chinese, Hebrew, and more! Our elementary library plays many roles on campus -- sometimes it is a classroom, sometimes an oasis, other times a resource for information. Beyond its curricular role, it gives each member of the AOSR community a venue for exploring questions that arise out of individual curiosity. In September, AOSR hosted mesmerizing Irish storyteller Niall De Burca. He has a tradition of spinning his spellbinding tales to kids of all ages, and we were thrilled to welcome him back. Read more about him at In October, the PTO, Ms. Waite, Ms. Falgoust and parent volunteers hosted a booster bar, which raised funds to purchase more than 20 DVDs. Titles include movies such as “Curious George,” “Peanuts 1960’s Collection” and “Rio.” AOSR also hosted an Usborne Book Fair, during which we earned 83 books, including titles such as “Stories From Shakespeare,” “Look Inside Cars” and “Things to Make and Do for the Holidays.” Ms. D’Aquanni, Ms. Stewart and Ms. Falgoust hosted a productive Parent Academy in late October, called Developing Good Reading Habits and Routines for a Successful School Year. More than a dozen parents attended. Feel free to browse our online card catalog, which can be found on the school’s website. Don’t forget, AOSR libraries are not just for children -- they serve the entire learning community!


his November, Ms. Holcombe’s sixth grade Writer’s Workshop classes have been busy working on planning, writing, and illustrating their very own children’s picture books.

Thank you teachers and students, you make it happen! Before embarking on writing their very own stories, groups of sixth grade classes went to the elementary library to interview first graders about children’s literature and their particular preferences for characters, story settings and plots. Ms. Holcombe, Ms. Warlick, Ms. Tausend, Ms. McCoul, Ms. Waite and Ms. Falgoust have facilitated these fascinating, fruitful conversations. This research is helping them get to know their target audience. Soon, they will start crafting and illustrating original stories. After they create their rough draft, they will visit the first grade classes again to get some feedback. This feedback will help guide them to make thoughtful revisions. In turn, the first graders are preparing to write their own stories and are looking forward to sharing their stories with the sixth graders. Learning to give and accept constructive criticism improves writing and communication skills. Having an authentic audience for his/her work increases a student’s sense of responsibility and commitment to a learning objective. The first and sixth graders, by collaborating on this project, are experiencing all of these things.

The Adolescent Brain: Why Kids Do the Things They Do

Apps to Develop your Child’s Math Skills

Presenters: Resource & Counseling Department

Location: TBD

Location: School Cafeteria

Intended Audience: General Audience

Intended Audience: MS & HS Parents

Date/Time: Wednesday, February 12th from 9:2010:20

How recent research on brain development can help us make sense of adolescent behavior.

Ms Rumsby, Ms Magazzu, Ms D’Aquanni, Ms Vallerga and Ms Schwartz together with their students, are contributing to the miracle of life by planting and caring for their garden plots!

To begin, the classes have been discussing the many components of a good story: plot, character, conflict, setting, and dialogue. Next, they studied some popular childrens’ books such as “A Visitor for Bear,” “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” and “Squish Rabbit.”

Don’t Miss These Upcoming Parent Academy Sessions

Date/Time: Wednesday, January 15th from 9:15-10:15

The garden is growing! Zucchini, fennel, broccoli, carrots, peas! Little hands and bigger ones have dug, weeded and planted and now the rain and soil are doing their magic!

Presenters: Mr. Niall Boyle (Secondary Math)

We will explore and discuss math apps specifically designed for children to develop aptitude in math. Most of these apps are free or inexpensive. Parents are encouraged to bring their own iPad/pod/phone.

Ms. Marta Rahm

5th Grade Italian Students Meet Member of Parliament

On December 2, the 5th graders have had the honor to meet the Member of Parliament Maretta Scoca at their Italian class. They have already studied “The Italian Government” and she had told them a lot of very interesting and useful details about it that they will be using at their Italian final exams in June. Raffaella Zecca Italian Teacher

United Nations Concert

By: Mary G. and Leona C.

Halloween Parade

By: Devon G. and Nic M.

Kindergarteners Domitilla D.B. and Tamar S. smile for the camera before performing thier song and dance.

The second grade performs their Whoopy Chicken Soup song. Kindergartners sit on stage to sing “No One Like You” in the cafeteria during the UN concert on a warm October morning.

Artwork created by the elementary schoolers decorates the ceiling to add festivity to the event.

Third grade soloist, Yuyoung C., prepares in the hallway to perform a song from her home country, as her friend Duming X. patiently waits along side her.

Fourth grade sings and dances along to the song “Obwisana” meaning “Going to Ghana,” a traditional folk song from that country.

On a warm October morning, around 9:30 am, groups of parents, teachers, and students from all over the world gathered in the American Overseas School of Rome cafeteria for the United Nations concert to celebrate the joining of all nations. Songs from Russia, Korea, Nigeria, Brazil, Chile, the United States, and more were featured in the concert. Each grade from the Elementary School prepared a different song from a variety of cultures. The students were accompanied and directed by both Ms. Heemstra and Mr. Reale. Two High School students, Jeremy S. and Diego M., played along with their guitars to give a boost to the euphonious sounds of the voices. The songs honored a international bond; the Elementary School students accomplished this with the unity of their own voices. To prepare for their lovely performance, the students lined up outside the cafeteria to warm up their voices. When the time came to sing, the audience went silent as the kindergartners walked on stage and started the concert with the song, “No One Like You.” As each grade cycled through singing songs from all over the world, the audience was touched by the theme of peace and unity. Students also experienced this beauty by enjoying their own performance. Fourth grader Elaina S. stated, “The song I sang was my favorite! It sounded like we were in a real rainforest!” Although there was a lot of excitement in the air, the children were far more nervous than they appeared. They had practiced the songs since the beginning of the school year and everyone wanted their song to be absolutely perfect. Kevin Y., a second grader, expressed his feelings when telling us, “I was nervous because all the parents were around.” The concert was a great success and brought a lot of excitement for future concerts. Parents and teachers enjoyed watching the enthusiasm of the children as they performed. At the end of the concert, everyone; parents, teachers, and students; felt significant within the AOSR community.


very year on Halloween elementary school students arrive in costume excited for the tasty treats they’ll receive and to participate in the Halloween Parade. After lunch, the children go to the gym, and anxiously await their turn to parade around in their costumes grade-by-grade. After each grade, Pre-K through Fifth, paraded around the gym they had a chance to share a performance. Each grade performed a song or a dance. For example this year the kindergarten performed “The Count by Sesame Street” along with a dance they made up. Ms. D’Aquanni, a kindergarten teacher, remarked that, “One of the best parts is it’s a school wide event that everyone participates in. It’s great to see the whole elementary school together. And every grade gets to watch each other perform. The kindergarten gets to watch the fifth grade and the fifth grade the kindergarten. Altogether it’s a great event.” This event allows the children to have fun and show their AOSR school spirit.

Pre- K anxiously awaits their turn to show off their costumes.

Middle School News

Middle School

Mix It Up


he air was filled with excitement and anticipation as all the middle schoolers gathered in the cafeteria. Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders chatted loudly as they waited for Mix it Up to begin. There are many different activities that occur every year during Mix It Up. However, the main idea remains the same: getting to know other students from different grade levels in Middle School. This year one specific challenge was to collaborate with group mates to build a stable structure using only spaghetti and candy. Some groups found this challenge harder than others. Middle Schoolers met once a week for four weeks in the cafeteria at lunchtime. They used this time to work with their companions and brainstorm the meaning of the word received. Each group was given a different word, such as diversity, courage, or friendship. At first, the middle schoolers were not too happy about the idea of sitting away from

Ms. Ellyson helps group 2 complete their challenge during Mix It Up.

their friends at lunch. After a while, however, they began to warm up to the idea of meeting new people. One group, started off the day by doing a teamwork building exercise: the Human Knot. The purpose of this game is to help your teammates untangle from each other…without ever letting go of anyone’s hands. After they finished the activity, sixth grader Giulio O. and seventh grader Ralph J. commented about what they learned from the activity.

By: Mary G., Sara M. and Devon G.

Finally, after weeks of preparation and determination, the groups were ready to share. Everyone gathered in the cafeteria and whispered to one another, waiting for the presentation to start. Ms. Ellyson stood up on the stage, hushing everyone. She welcomed the first group, and the show began. Every group walked on stage and gave a presentation on a their word. Friendship, diversity, teamwork, and more were discussed as everyone had the chance to reveal what they had learned over the course of the month. In the end, Mix It Up was a success. Although it may have frustrated the middle schoolers at first, several people now have new bonds with people they never would have known before. Noah C., a seventh grader, said, “It has made me feel closer to people I have not known before, and I’m happy about having new friends.” Mix It Up is an event that goes on throughout the month of October, but forms bonds that last forever.

Ms. Sarah Ellyson, Middle School Coordinator

Fifth and Eighth Grade Students Become Conflict Managers!


n October, students in grades five and eight were trained in a problem-solving process that allows them to help younger students solve disagreements and disputes during recess. Students work in teams of two, usually for 15-minute duty periods, approximately once every two weeks. Fifth graders work with students in grades K through 2, and eighth graders work with students in grades 3 through 5. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn important life skills and become caring and effective role models for the youngest members of our AOSR community! The AOSR Conflict Management Program is now in its third year!

“Teamwork is…” Giulio began, “Key to everything,” Ralph finished. After a day of hard work and fun, one group thought the activities were a bit chaotic. Eighth grader Lizzie M. said, “The craziest thing that happened was we didn’t receive any of our supplies, so we had to replan our whole project!” Group 10 creates a human knot to show teamwork at the end of the Mix It Up activity.

Smoothies in Grade Seven Group 10, along with chaperone Ms. Holcombe, celebrates their success in completing the human knot.

Members of Group 3 (L to R:) Anna-Lou C., Erika V., Harry C., Cooper J., Mengxiong J. and Arnaud I. present their project on community.

by Dora M: grade 7

On the 18th of November, the 7th grade Health class had a nutrition project to make smoothies of all kinds. We walked around the school giving out our smoothies and now we have been recognized for the best smoothies! You can try make your own with this simple recipe mixed up in a blender: -banana -strawberry -milk -honey -cinnamon


The ODOMETRO invented by Leonardo Da Vinci to measure distance.



n our Grade 8 technology class, students completed a paperless research project entitled Transatlantic Slave Trade, which is an integrated assignment with Mr. Brackrog’s Social Studies class. Students did research and wrote collaboratively in a Google Document, updating their bibliography and then creating an interactive collaborative presentation in Prezi. To top it off, they brought everything together on their team page in a class website called “Transatlantic Slave Trade” located on WikiSpaces for education: http://transatlantictraderesearch.

Paperless Classroom Comes True

Our reasons to go paperless are various. For one thing, it helps create an improved learning environment. The PARACHUTE invented by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Below: Student journal submissions related to this field trip. Leonardo Da Vinci’s manuscripts are collected in special volumes called CODICI.

Ms. Sylvia Bloem, MS Technology Teacher


Students work more efficiently, get a chance to work collaboratively, and it is saves the earth. The benefits are many. Students can access their work anywhere with internet and it creates a history of the process.. Students can set permissions on who can access their work, it makes sharing easy and facilitates collaboration among students. Our 1:1 computing program in eighth grade and the increased bandwidth on campus makes this work easy to do. When working on their laptops and using Google Docs students upload their assignments to filing cabinets for each class located on their Student Portfolios, which were created in technology class. While working collaboratively online their work becomes a document of learning and achievement, promoting reflection, accountability and a sense of personal ownership. Please ask your child to share their online portfolio with you!


Global Issues Network (GIN) Collaborates with MS STUCO Located within the crypt of St. Paul’s Within the Walls Episcopal Church, the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center (JNRC) is a day center for polital refugees in Rome. The center welcomes around 200 guests each weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 14:00 p.m.


onations were accepted until December 10th. We collected men’s over-wear (new or gently used jackets, scarves, hats, gloves, coats, sweaters, shirts, and pants), toiletries (soap, tissues, after-shave, lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and disposable razors), bags, backpacks, umbrellas, and NEW men’s underwear and socks.


lobal Issues Network collaborated with Middle School STUCO and elementary school to collect items for the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center. We successfully hosted a bake sale on November 19th. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we made €247.50! The money raised will be used to buy needed items for the Refugee Center. We appreciate everyone who contributed and helped at the bake sale.


n Dec 14th we worked at the Refugee Center to pack the clothes and other items that were donated by our school into holiday gift packages. On Dec 20th we will work at the Refugee Center again, during their Christmas celebration. We will help serve lunch for the refugees and the holiday gift packages will be distributed to the refugees. We hope to have your support too, so bring us your donations!

Antigone In Dystopia

Student Response to Antigone By: Garrett J. and Marco C.

Each year the high school after-school theater group performs a fall play and this year they performed Antigone In Dystopia. The play is based on the ancient Greek play, Antigone, and it has a anti-utopian setting and style. Mr. Hendry and Ms. Tierney-Fife directed the show with Max G. as assistant director. They decided to bring out the theme of the play, sadness, through the use of a dystopia. In the show, Antigone defies the king, Creon’s law, loses her husband to be, and is condemned to death by Creon. During the dress rehearsal, David and Samantha were trying to perform a fight between Atigone and Creon but David could not stop laughing.

The people of Thebes, at the end of the show, watching Creon in deep remorse over the death of his wife and son, deaths he caused.

The cast rehearsed every afternoon from September 11th to October 25th from 15:30 to 16:45 in the Hillside Theater. Not everyone could be at the rehearsals and the whole cast was only there on Thursdays and Fridays. The cast began every rehearsal with a warm-up, then they would begin working on the play. Max G., grade 12, said, “I think Thursdays were the most exciting because I could direct solo.” Every Thursday, Mr. Hendry and Ms. Tierney-Fife had teacher meetings and Max was tasked with directing the rehearsal alone. Even without adult guidance the cast was able to fix the trouble spots in the show.

At the dress rehearsal Mr. Hendry told the cast, “They say that if you have a bad dress rehearsal you will have a good show, but having a great dress rehearsal does the same thing. And we just had a great dress rehearsal.” The show took place on October 24th and 25th. In the end, the play was successful and Mr. Hendry and Ms. Tierney-Fife were truly proud of their group of actors. Even though it was stressful to memorize every line, create a set, fix a smoke machine and perform it in front of the school, there were also fun moments. Henry O. said, “The funniest thing was playing ‘kick the can’ one day before rehearsal.” Through hard work, determination and teamwork the cast of Antigone created an amazing show. The chorus creating the human cave to trap Antigone for life near the end of the show, with the finally functional smoke machine blowing in the backround.

By: Lavinia G.

The play Antigone is a very deep and thrilling play to watch. I really enjoyed following the characters difficulties and ideas. The genre is a Greek tragedy, which mixes the plays’ time period, with ancient Greece polytheistic religion. After seeing the play and being able to characterize every character, I really saw the true meaning of the story. The strong female position that Antigone is a key inthe thestory thrilling. Initially, the story is foreshadowed, but by This in fact is onerepresents if the elements thatpoint make Her tenacity makes the tragedy more and unpredictable ending. Not only was the ending thenarrative. end, the whole prediction falls a part revealing inviting, especially crashes against greatly surprising but when also itshe totally changed theKing mood of the story making it more effective. From only By the end of the play the price of blindSeeing obedience the is felt. Creon’s supremacy. I feltactions like herchanging female position verbal threats to concrete the mood of the play in tremendously tragic. created apray motif thegods storymade and touched Creon characters to in their us see how desperate they were. In fact the religion in the story is not a making it a of harrowing Her attitude not central theme the story,situation. but it completes it perfectly like the last piece of a puzzle. changed the kings’ mind, also only Lastly, Antigone made mebut think ofaffected the true sense of fighting for our ideals, without thinking about people around her. In she brought to in a story; she is a glance of hope in the eyes of people. themany consequences. Antigone is fact not only a character death the son and wife of the king. This shows how in the story justice plays a big role. Once people in general watch these acts they will reflect more on what is evident and as well as obscure about true events. A simple woman with no power against the strength of her ruler, for love and justice went against the law. In fact some of the themes in the story would be love and justice. This made me think of how, people with the right motivation, don’t think about consequences or corruption but just follow their heart and mind. Antigone Haemon tries to reason with his father Creon. not only was courageous enough to overcome Creon’s power but also had enough strength do face death. This made me reflect how true love for family and proper ideals can overcome anything. This in fact is one if the elements that make the Because of the son and wife’s deaths, Creon was story thrilling. Initially, the story is foreshadowed, forced to relinquish his power. Haemon’s critiques but by the end, the whole prediction falls a part underline Creon’s obscure ideas, making the revealing and unpredictable ending. Not only character look like a mean and unethical ruler. He was the ending greatly surprising but also it in fact, declares how the world is revolving around totally changed the mood of the story making money and everything is affected by it, but yet he it more effective. From only verbal threats to is the first one who doesn’t follow the true sense concrete actions changing the mood of the play of justice. He is a real tyrant, repressing the sons’ in tremendously tragic. Seeing the characters love and Antigone’s hope. I think that this is what pray to their gods made us see how desperate makes him such an antagonist. He thinks that with they were. In fact the religion in the story is not dominance over the population he can take away a central theme of the story, but it completes it all they believe in, but that will never happen perfectly like the last piece of a puzzle. especially for a strong character like Antigone. Lastly, Antigone made me think of the true sense of fighting for our ideals, without The story in the beginning is a bit confusing thinking about the consequences. Antigone is not because it doesn’t give an exposition. Yet this only a character in a story; she is a glance of hope particularity gives us the opportunity to discover in the eyes of people. throughout time what has happened in the past.

News from the Secondary Library Media Center Ms. Marta Rahm, Secondary School Librarian


he Secondary Library Media Center at AOSR has been completely renovated. It can now be used for a multitude of purposes to serve our students, faculty and the entire community at AOSR. The Center has already hosted a presentation by Dean William Hartog from Washington and Lee University which was extremely useful to juniors and seniors with their college related planning. Just recently the Library Media Center was the venue for a talk given to Environmental Studies, Chemistry and Physics students and teachers by Mr. Bernard Loire, an AOSR parent and the director of Nissan Italia, about zero emission, carbon footprints, and the environmental impact of the all-electric vehicle Nissan Leaf. The Secondary Library Media Center offers a wide selection of books and periodicals. Parents, students and faculty members are welcome to check them out, browse and relax in our beautiful library. The librarian is available to collaborate with teachers on any research related needs that others including support teachers, students or parents may need. Also remember that the library subscribes to a number of databases which are extremely valuable and helpful for any research project.; a must for students as they prepare for going on to college and post high school studies. A list of databases is available at this link: Should you have any questions about accessing the databases or if you need individual instruction on their use, please contact the libraria who will be more than happy to work with you! ([email protected] or ext. 314).

AOSR Winter Sports Schedule BASKETBALL / CHEER December 13th/14th - AOSR hosting Aviano Friday 13th Girls @17:00 Boys @ 18:30

Saturday 14th Girls @ 9:00 Boys @ 10:30

January 10th / 11th - AOSR hosting Vicenza Friday 10th Girls @17:00 Boys @ 18:30

Saturday 11th Girls @ 9:00 Boys @ 10:30

Girls Volleyball

By: Federica F. and Alessia G.

Season 2013 The Girl’s Volleyball team 2013 was made up of a wonderful group of girls consisting of 10 players from freshman to senior year, and a manger. The team was coached by Ms. Bielski and assistant coach Mr.Torres. Trust, cooperation and good sportsmanship are the ideals on which a team like this bases all their successes. No matter the different grades and different nationalities, they easily became a family, having a great season. As soon as the season began, the team started having immediate victories. The first one came with AOSR’s defeat over Vicenza. “It was nerveracking at the beginning but it didn’t take us long to gain confidence and bring it together,” said Alison C., a junior from the team. As the season continued, the girls worked harder and harder. However, their hard work was rewarded and the AOSR team soon distinguished itself from the others, rising as the best team in the ASIL League in Italy. They beat Marymount and then Naples after a very hard game. “It was the hardest game we played so far, and it was great to know we had beat one of the best teams: Naples,” said Margo S., a sophomore and star player of the game AOSR VS NAPLES, “The victory boosted our confidence and our dream of being ASIL champions got closer.” In particular, during the home game the excitement and anxiety were filling the changing rooms before the game. Jessica D. a senior from the team, said before game, “ I am very excited because this will be my last home game as a senior, and can’t wait to play. I am aware that Aviano is good but we can beat them!” As volleyball captain, Jessica encouraged her teammates and they all had a great game. The best moments were senior Domiziana’s impressive blocks, junior Livi’s amazing saves, Sofia’s incredible aces and sophomore Margo’s thrilling spikes. AOSR defeated Aviano 3-0 3-0. After winning against Sigonella, the girl’s team triumphed as Italian ASIL Champions and headed to the European Championships seeded first. Win after win, the team had great successes in Germany as well and fought hard until the end reaching the finals. During the finals against Naples, AOSR battled and played to their best, but the nerves got the best of them and the team was unfortunately defeated. “I have no regrets about how we played; yes, we could have done better, but I am so proud of our team and of making it this far,” said Sofia M., one of the team’s captains.

Ludovica F., a freshman impressing the audience with her wonderful spike, scoring the first point during the game against Aviano Saints.

Margo S., a sophmore at AOSR practicing her bump.

January 24th / 25th - AOSR hosting Florence Friday 24th Girls @17:00 Boys @ 18:30

Saturday 25th Girls @ 9:00 Boys @ 10:30

January 31st / February 1st - AOSR @ Sigonella

December 13th / 14th @ Aviano January 17th / 18th @ Naples January 24th / 25th @ Aviano

February 7th / 8th - AOSR @ Naples February 14th / 15th - AOSR hosting Marymount (senior night) Friday 14th Girls @17:00 Boys @ 19:00


Saturday 15th Girls @ 9:00 Boys @ 10:30

February 19th - 22nd - AOSR @ Wiesbaden, Germany for European Championships (departure Tuesday 18th afternoon / Return 23rd afternoon.

January 31st / February 1st @ Naples February 7th / 8th @ Sectional Qualifier (place TBD) February 14th / 15th @Wiesbaden Germany

Coach Ms. Bielski, assistant coach Mr. Torres, Caroline B.,Domiziana M., Alison C., Jessica D., Candelaria S., Margo S., Laura R., Olivia M., Sofia M., Ludovica F. and Maggie Q.

Domiziana M.,number 10 and Ludovica F. number 6, doing one of their best blocks during their home game against the Aviano Saints.

Cross Country

By: Delfina T. and Livia O.

2013 AOSR Cross Country Europeans in Baumholder, Germany Reflection by team captain Konrad J.

Beep Beep Beep – that’s how our Cross Country Europeans started for us. At 5:00 in the morning the team had to meet at the airport to depart for Germany. Seven boys, one girl, and two coaches departed on a trip with a common goal in our minds, doing our best for the school and for ourselves. When we arrived in Frankfurt all we talked about was how bad the yoghurt was that we received on the plane and wondering if it was going to snow during the race. So we met up with our bus driver Ralph and started the two hour journey to Baumholder. When we arrived at our hotel we immediately settled into our rooms and then indulged ourselves with a delicious German lunch to make up for our lost breakfast. After our exquisite lunch we had our free time to explore the town and so we all split into groups. Ms. D’Aquanni went for a run, Mr. Boyle probably did some math, Alessandro and Charles explored the town, and the rest of us tried to find the lake and when we found it, we played some soccer. Later that day we had dinner at a barbeque restaurant up the road with the team bonding over our last dinner together as a team. When we woke up the next morning, I immediately felt the butterflies in my stomach flying around like they always do before a race and with the rest of the team we ate our breakfast in an expecting, fearful yet celebratory mood. We sang happy birthday to our boys’ captain, Francesco D., and then packed and changed to go to the race.

Francesco D. and Konrad J., the team captains, hold their European Championship award.

Mary G. and Anne B. competing in their 5K race at Villa Doria Pamphili where they were victorious!

(L to R ): Coach Boyle, Justin B., Andrey M., John G., Alessandro W., Francesco D., Anon M., Konrad J, Leon M., Jack L., Anna G., Chris H., Hayden T., Mary G., Tadgh O., Haleigh O., Anne B., Audra M., Jack P., Christina G., Joshua M., Cooper J., Lucy C.

This year the cross country team overcame many challenges and hardships, and grew together as a real family. It was composed of a fabulous group of students who gave their best in every single practice and at every single meet. The three coaches, Mr. Boyle, Ms. Waite and Ms. D’Aquanni, became mentors to all the runners, motivating them with their comforting words. The members were of all ages, from grade seven up to grade twelve. Nonetheless, they grew united and helped each other face difficulties and learned how to work as a real team. At one of the meets in Villa Doria Pamphili the team came together to run a race. Teachers and parents gathered to watch the 5K race, in which the course was a double loop around the park’s lake. The boys were surprised when they heard that the Aviano team couldn’t show up, and therefore their victory was automatic. Instead, the girls had a fun time competing, and finally winning. “The craziest thing that happened was while I was running, a dog started running next to me!” said Anna G., a sophomore. On October 26th the team travelled to Baumholder for the European Championships. Seven boys made it but only one girl made it. The boys ran their souls out, and finally, as a great season finale, won the third place on the podium, in Division II. Their captain, Konrad J. announced, “It was great to captain a team that had so much enthusiasm! It was fun to see everyone work together to win.”

When we arrived at the race we walked the course feeling excited and full of energy and ready to do our last - and most adrenaline filled race. With the boys starting we lined up second from the right and prepared ourselves for a fast start. And bang we were off, and bang we were finished. It felt like a flash. One moment I was standing next to my team mates full of energy and the next I’m heaving my chest up and down to get air in my worn out lungs next to my teammates, who were doing the exact same thing, but we were happy and satisfied with our results. When the girls started, we gave every ounce of support to Haleigh, our only girl runner. Every time she passed us we screamed louder than any other team and when she finished we supported her effort because we know that she and all of us did our best and nothing else, even if we had a bad day that day, we still pushed through. So with our last race run we waited for the results hoping for that elusive third place we were looking for. When the results came out the presenter started with division 3, and next it was division 2, us. So we waited with third place being called up first as always. And the presenter announced, “And in third place, with a total of 91 points, The American School of Rome,” and we were like “us” but you missed “Overseas,” but we still knew that it had to be us because we were Rome and shouting for joy we accepted the plaque achieving the goal of representing our school and ourselves. We then returned home to show off our trophy. Thank you for the school’s support and thank you to the team for making Francesco’s and my final Cross Country season amazing!

Boys’ Volleyball

By: David N. and Frensis P.

THE HOME GAME: This was the first and only time that that the Boys Volleyball team played at home. It was a memorable night. In the beginning it looked like an easy win for our team, but later it became very challenging as our team tied and went to the last round. All the AOSR crowd that was gathered in the stands was cheering for the team. This cheering paid off and in the end we won, but only after our Boys Volleyball team put in all their efforts and energy to achieve their win. The team gathering before the home game against Aviano

THE ASIL CHAMPIONSHIP: Our Boys Volleyball team won every game in the Italian Championship, except for one match against Naples. Unfortunately, many of our best players were absent for the match that day because they needed to take the SAT exam. This left our team with talented, but young and inexperienced players, which contributed to the loss to Naples. Although the team was missing some of its top players, the efforts of the younger student-athletes were greatly appreciated.

On Thursday, November 14, we held the 2013 AOSR Annual Corporation Assembly. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank everyone who participated. The Annual Assembly is an important part of the school year and provides the opportunity for the school community to hear how the school has been performing, the plans for the coming year, to approve the financial statement and elect new members to the Board. At this year’s Assembly, the Board reported on the publication of the new mission statement, building and maintenance projects that have been completed and those that are planned for the coming year. The Board went on to present the exciting plans to build a Performing and Fine Arts Center. The Assembly heard that this project would provide the facilities needed to fulfill its mission, ensuring that AOSR remains competitive and continues to be the premier American international school in Italy for years to come.

Dr. Pfannl, our head of school, gave a comprehensive overview of the many programs and activities that have been taking place, together with a summary of academic achievements and college acceptances. The Assembly concluded with Board elections which resulted in the re-election of Marco Figus, Gianni Linari and Jacopo Astaldi. They will maintain continuity and bring business experience to the Board. Andrea Baker, Laura Forest and Tony Hicks, newly elected members, are U.S. Embassy staff with children at AOSR. They will bring new and different experiences and skills to our Board.

THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: The Boys Volleyball team travelled to Germany to play the European Championship. They played all 7 games and won each one of them, leading them to the Championship Game against Incirlik. After 5 never-ending sets, the team gave everything they could to win the match and become European Champions!

As Board chair I am delighted that we have a Board that is highly motivated, professional and can balance the need to remain financially secure with the need to invest in the school’s future. I know that the year ahead will be exciting as the Board joins with the entire school community to turn the dream of building a Performing and Fine Arts Center into a reality.

SAVE THE DATES The team celebrating the victory in the Europeans’

This season has been an extraordinary experience for our Tennis team, that travelled to Germany for the 2013 DoDDs European Championships. There the players fought hard to bring back home the best experiences both through winning and losing games. The players had a fantastic team building week where they collaborated to support one another and strived for a postion in the the finals. Unfortunately the team did not win but for sure they showed confidence, skills, and friendship. The singles players were: Ashley M. (first singles), Morgan P. (second singles), Axel P. (first singles), the doubles players were: Felix K., Nicholas M., Lavinia G., and Devon G.

Report by Board Chair: Ms. Joanne Martin

By: Delfina Toti and Livia Oetiker

Our Treasurer presented the financial statement which showed that AOSR’s finances are healthy despite the economic climate. The Assembly then approved the financial statement.

Alessandro E. about to unleash his powerful spike


Annual Assembly 2013

By: Veronica G.

Monday, February 24: First day of Session II After School Activities Friday, March 28: SCHOOL DAY (previously noted on the calendar for Parent/Teacher Conferences) Friday, May 30: Graduation

THE 5TH ANNUAL ROME CONFERENCE Parenting SOS (Save Our Sanity): Best Practices in Parenting for the New Millennium When: Saturday, February 8th, 2014 Where: Ambrit Rome International School Time: 9:00-3:30pm Cost: 40 Euro Come and hear Psychologists and Educators from Italy, The United States, Australia, England and Canada, speak about the most up to date information on Effective Parenting! Meet our Panel of Experts and take home relevant information that will help you in your day to day interactions as Parents. Network with other Parents, Educators and Mental Health Professionals and receive a great bibliography of interesting and helpful books on Best Parenting Practices! Sign up for the Raffle and win a prize! This will be a great opportunity to enhance parenting skills that will lead to a fun and functional home life!

AOSR 65th Anniversary Fundraising Gala Dinner December 5, 2013

MasterChef Italia 2013 winner, Tiziana Stefanelli, an AOSR parent, was the guest of honor at our 65th Anniversary Fundraising Gala Dinner sponsored by the AOSR Board of Trustees. Tiziana prepared a delicious menu for this very special event. Parents, friends, faculty, staff and alumni enjoyed a superb evening at the beautiful Circolo Canottieri Aniene. The Gala was the perfect event to launch the school’s fundraising campaign to support the design and construction of AOSR’s brand new Performing and Fine Arts Center which will include a theatre and additional classroom space for art, music, drama and dance. We are proud to report that € 9.441,00 was raised at the event. With this excellent start to our building initiative we look forward to upcoming events and continued support as we work towards our goal of a completed Performing and Fine Arts Center within the next 3-5 years.

Madeleine Fabris 1917-2013

AOSR Looks Towards the Future:

By Geoff Miller (Director of Technology and Alumni Coordinator)

A New Performing and Fine Arts Center November 2013  Investment in the new Performing and Fine Arts Center will generate many significant advantages for At AOSR, building new facilities to further expand the AOSR. The center will draw talented public figures potential of the school has been a priority for some and performing groups, it will allow AOSR to expand time. Until recently, planning regulations in Italy have its summer program, as well as its academic curricunot allowed us to pursue this dream.   lum, and it will further consolidate our outreach into This year, however, a window of opportunity has unex- the local community.   pectedly opened and we will be able to submit building The center will also provide the school with an ongoing plans to the authorities. Our excitement is further source of revenue well into the future. The most imfueled by the knowledge that this unprecedented opmediate result of the new center, and possibly the portunity has a finite time limit. Plans must be submost significant, is the fact that this new, modern, formitted as soon as possible, before the window closes ward looking building will highlight AOSR's vision and again early in 2014.  enhance its reputation as a world class seat of educaThe stated mission of AOSR is "to prepare tomorrow’s tion and achievement.   global leaders to meet the challenges of our changing In order to world with courage and integrity." The school's make the longstanding record of fulfilling this mission is recogdream of the nized locally and globally. Students, faculty, staff and AOSR Perfamilies, both past and present, carry the AOSR mesforming and sage with them on their journeys long after their time Fine Arts at school has come to an end. Center a reality, we must Now is the time to ensure that the reputation of the school continues to grow and expand into areas so far raise the necuntapped. With this goal in mind, we are delighted to essary funds propose plans for the AOSR Performing and Fine to build. AOSR is forArts Center.  tunate to be self-sustaining through tuition and capital This new center will give AOSR the chance to enhance, assessment fees. This is a quasi-miraculous achieveenrich and ment in our difficult and uncertain economic times broaden the and we must not put pressure on the delicate financial curriculum balance currently being managed so well at the school.   and programs The new center will require its own funding, with the available to energetic and enthusiastic support of the entire AOSR our students. community, family, friends, alumni, and business A dedicated theatre, more partners.   classroom spaces for mu- To this end, we are pleased to announce the beginning sic and drama, of our new fundraising initiative, as a celebration of as well as a fine arts studio, will be incorporated into the 65th anniversary of AOSR and our committhe center.   ment to the future of our students and our school. In our global environment, it has been proven that stu- Funds raised will guarantee our ability to seize the opdents of art, drama, music, dance and public speaking portunity to build.   learn the advantages of experimentation, creativity, risk taking and respect for the work of others. These qualities develop into life-long confidence, leadership and communication skills.

The resulting new Performing and Fine Arts Center will become a visible testament to AOSR' s continuing growth, development and pursuit of excellence.  Joanne Martin Board Chair

Beth Pfannl Head of School

Our community lost one of its most legendary members last week when Madeleine Fabris, former teacher and administrator, passed away at age 96 on December 2nd. Mrs. Fabris had a lasting positive influence on many AOSR students during her 40 year career at the school. Her spirited renditions of Homer, Greek mythology, The Sword and the Stone and other classics are fondly remembered by all of those who saw them. AOSR is truly fortunate to have such a dedicated educator as part of its history. (Note: For the celebration of her 95th birthday, we ran an article on page 18 of the May, 2012 Falcon Flyer. You can find that issue at the following link: The school hopes to start a memorial fund in honor of Mrs. Fabris as part of our new building initiative. Right Photo: Mrs. Fabris enjoying the 2007 AOSR Alumni and Friends Reunion in the quad. Madeleine Fabris Day, a celebration of her many contributions to AOSR over the years, was held in 1978/1979. Current faculty members remember the event: Christine Hogan (MS Teacher and ASA Coordinator) The 5th grade read the novel ‘Robin Hood,’ and our classroom was trnasformed into Sherwood Forest. We draped nets across the ceiling and brought in about a million autumn leaves. The students were a joy to work with, even mastering the steps of the Morris dance without too many bruised shins. Madeleine walked from classroom to classroom commenting and questioning the students on their history facts. She spoke to 5th grade students for an hour to everyone’s delight. Madeliene ensured that students who completed our elementary school program were really ‘Historians’. From dinosaurs in 1st grade, Early Man and the Egyptians in 2nd grade, Greek history in 3rd grade, the beginning of Roman history in 4th grade and the Roman Empire, Medieval history and the Renaissance in 5th grade, Madeleine was a force of nature to work with. Thank you Madeleine. Susan Prideaux (Elementary School Coordinator) During my first year teaching at AOSR in 1978/1979, “Madeleine Fabris Day” took place. This was an occasion for AOSR to pay tribute to a special teacher who had retired from fulltime work and came to school two days a week to teach history and take the students on field trips in and around Rome. I was teaching fourth grade and the students memorized “Horatius” by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay (a remarkable feat since the poem has 70 verses) and recited it. For me the lines “East and West and South and North the messengers ride fast, And tower and town and cottage have heard the trumpet’s blast,” reflect the amazing ability Madeleine had to transmit her enthusiasm, curiosity and profound knowledge about history to the children. Madeleine was “the trumpet” sounding out and spinning spellbinding tales of history to generations of AOSR students. Katherine Antinucci (Grade 3 Teacher) Every teacher hopes to be a source of inspiration for his/her students, ignite passion for the subject they teach and possibly influence their students’ lives in a positive way. If I look back and ask myself whom of my elementary teachers did all three of the above successfully, I would say Ms. Fabris. As an alumna of AOSR, my positive memories are intrinsically tied to Ms. Fabris’ history lessons. She taught not only facts but recited history by drawing colorful pictures of places and people with her words. Ms. Fabris was a talented and eloquent storyteller. She captivated us without a digital image, a video or PowerPoint presentation. She was the Homer of my elementary school experience.

AOSR Represented at Athens Marathon 2013 On Sunday, November 11th, former AOSR counselor, Mr. Ivan Hauck and current MS Science teacher, Ms. Jessica Schwarz and Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Christine D’Aquanni, ran in, and completed the Athens Marathon. Congratulations on medals well-deserved!

Contact Information

Villa Reception and Staff Villa Secretary: Ms. Manuela Ciocca 06-33438-300 Head of School: Dr. Beth Pfannl 06-33438-331 Secretary: Ms. Domenica Losani 06-33438-331 Director of Finance & Human Resources: Dr. Elisa Bruno 06-33438-338 Admissions Officer: Ms. Sabine Neumann 06-33438-311 Busing: Mr. Kieran Canter 06-33438-372 Secondary School Principal: Mr. Ken Kunin 06-33438-326 Secretary: Ms. Anna Chiara Troisi 06-33438-326 Elementary School Principal: Ms. Melissa Kay 06-33438-395 Secretary: Ms. Joanne Hoberg 06-33438-395

Faculty & Coordinators Pre-K Coordinator: Ms. Amy Magazzu 06-33438-330 ES Coordinator: Ms. Susan Prideaux 06-33438-350 MS Coordinator: Ms. Sarah Ellyson 06-33438-336 AP/IB Coordinator: Ms. Belinda Fiochi 06-33438-337 College Counselor: Ms. Jessica Samet 06-33438-327 School Counselor: Dr. Simona Reichmann 06-33438-373 Nurse: Ms. Lynn Lenox & Jan Miller 06-33438-321 After School Activities: Ms. Christine Hogan Resource Room: Ms. Rene Ostapuk (ES) 06-33438-302 Ms. Jacqueline Gallo (MS/HS) 06-33438-390 Athletics: Mr. Daniel Zacaroli 06-33438-313

American Overseas School of Rome 811 Via Cassia 00189 Rome, Italy Phone: (+39) 06.33438.31 Fax: (+39) 06.3326.2608