The Financial Impact of Alzheimer's on Family Caregivers - Aging Care

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professional careers. Source: ... Challenges Alzheimer's Caregivers Face On the Job ... Less likely to quit their job du
The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014 To raise awareness of the impact of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia on families during Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and Family Caregiver Month,’s survey “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014” highlights the unique financial challenges faced by the more than 15 million Americans taking care of a family member with Alzheimer’s. Over 1,600 family caregivers shared their insights for this analysis, conducted in October, 2014. Survey Highlights       

25% of Alzheimer’s caregivers spend over $4,000/month on their loved one’s care. 38% of Alzheimer’s caregivers provide more than 30 hours/week of unpaid care for a loved one. 64% of Alzheimer’s caregivers are caring for a parent, while 18% are caring for a spouse. 51% of people with Alzheimer’s are living at home and being cared for by a family member, a paid caregiver or both. Fewer than half of Alzheimer’s caregivers talked with their loved one about financial matters before their diagnosis. 61% of Alzheimer’s caregivers say their loved one did not make any financial plans for their future care before their diagnosis. 38% of Alzheimer’s caregivers use some of their own personal money to pay for their loved one’s care.

Table of Contents 1. Alzheimer’s Caregiving At-a-Glance a. The Caregiver/Patient Relationship b. The Age of the Alzheimer’s Caregiver c. Alzheimer’s Caregivers Face Pressure at Work 2. In-Depth Insights a. More Money, More Planning b. Less Money, More Hours 3. For the Press


Alzheimer’s Caregiving At-a-Glance The Caregiver/Patient Relationship Most Alzheimer’s/dementia caregivers are caring for a parent or spouse. Patients between the ages of 60-69 years old are three times more likely to be cared for by their spouse, while patients over 80 years old are far more likely to be cared for by an adult child.

What is your relationship to the Alzheimer's patient? Friend 2%

Grandparent 2%

Neighbor 1%

Other relative 13%

Spouse 18%

Parent 64%

Source:, “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014”


The Age of Alzheimer’s Caregiver Alzheimer’s caregivers tend to be between the ages of 50 and 70 years old. The vast majority of caregivers in their 50s (81%) are taking care of a parent with Alzheimer’s/dementia, whereas only 3% are caring for a spouse. Many caregivers in this age bracket also provide more than 30 hours of care per week for their loved one.

30-39 2%

Age of Alzheimer's Caregiver Younger than 30 1%

Over 90 0%

80-89 3% 40-49 13%

70-79 7%

60-69 33%

50-59 41%

Source:, “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014”


Alzheimer’s Caregivers Face Pressure at Work In addition to the significant financial costs associated with caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s/dementia, many family caregivers face certain challenges when it comes to their professional careers.

Challenges Alzheimer's Caregivers Face On the Job 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Had to reduce working hours

Been passed over Had to take a pay for a promotion cut/unpaid time off

Had to quit job

Had to take on signficant financial debt

Percentage of Alzheimer's/dementia caregivers

Source:, “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014”


In-Depth Insights More money, more planning Alzheimer’s caregivers who reported spending $4,000 or more each month on their loved one’s care typically spent less time personally taking care of their loved ones and were more likely to have made use of professional elder care services such as Home Care agencies, Assisted Living, Nursing Homes and Elder Law Attorneys. These caregivers were also:    

More likely to have a loved one who did make financial plans for care (44% versus 35% overall). About twice as likely to have a loved one residing in a care facility (28% in Assisted Living versus 13% overall; 31% in Nursing Home versus 16% overall). Less likely to quit their job due to caregiving (21% versus 25% overall). More likely to be caring for a parent (74% versus 64% overall).

Effect of Monthly Care Costs on Caregiving Behaviors 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Caring for parent with Quit job to care for loved Made financial plans in Alzheimer's one with Alzheimer's advance

More than $4,000/mo

Spend more than 30 hours a week caring for loved one with Alzheimer's

$4,000/mo or less

Source:, “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014”


Less money, more hours Overall, caregivers who spent more than 30 hours per week caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s spent less money each month on their loved one’s care needs than those who provided fewer than 30 hours. These caregivers were also:    

More likely to have a loved one who did not make financial plans for care (66% versus 61% overall). Nearly twice as likely to live in the same house with their loved one. Far less likely to use senior housing facilities and other care services such as an Elder Law Attorney, Home Care Agency or Geriatric Care Manager. More likely to have been caring for their loved one for more than 5 years (45% versus 37% overall).

Effect of Hands-On Care Time on Caregiving Behaviors 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Caring for a loved one at home

Spend more than $4,000/mo Caring for a loved one for on loved one's care more than 5 years More than 30 hours/wk

Made financial plans in advance

30 hours/wk or less

Source:, “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014”

For the Press To learn more about “The Financial Impact of Alzheimer’s on Family Caregivers: 2014” or to schedule an interview with an Alzheimer’s caregiver, please contact: Anne-Marie Botek, Editor-in-Chief, [email protected] 239-594-3213