The Future of Industrial Automation and IEC 614993 Standard (PDF ...

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Oct 3, 2015 - Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): The Future of Industrial Automation and IEC ... The theoretical concept should lead to availability of technological ...
The Future of Industrial Automation and IEC 614993 Standard Cruz Salazar, Luis A.1

Rojas Alvarado, Oscar A.2

University Foundation Technological of Comfenalco

University of Cauca

FUTCO Cartagena, Colombia

UNICAUCA Popayán, Colombia

Abstract —The design of Automation and Control Systems shows a consolidated tendency towards what has been called Distributed Intelligence. This concept has proven to be appropriate to meet the current requirements imposed on production systems, aimed at optimizing the agility to respond to disturbances and productive environment; and enhance the reconfigurability of control systems and processes. Within the theoretical conceptions of the emergent Intelligent Automation, such as Agents, the Holonic Systems, Fractal Manufacturing stand above the rest. The theoretical concept should lead to availability of technological tools that enable its implementation. According to the previous idea, the IEC 61499 standard has been established approaches from intelligent distributed components. This comes as standard programming method that will surely pass the current forms of algorithm design for programmable logic controllers, whose languages are normalized by traditional IEC 61131-3. This paper aims to show how the recent standard is compatible with the adoption of new paradigms of automation, and illustrate the concepts of distributed intelligence and autonomy that could be implemented through algorithms with new structures of Function Blocks, compiled on some programmable controllers such as PLC.

Keywords—IEC 61499; Function Blocks; Industrial Automation; Distributed Control; PLC



The industry demands a strong need for systems that can quickly respond to changes and to maintain stable operation and efficient manner; above in order to sustain its high competitiveness in a dynamic and demanding global environment [1]. Thus, it has been increasing the lead role of automated industrial control oriented systems. The main drawbacks to the industrial automation faces are the result of complex requirements, more stringent of this productive sector, such as compliance with stringent industry quality standards, the need to develop low-cost products from reconfiguration of the current resource efficiency in time and services used, the absence of decentralization, the flow of events and the non-deterministic behavior (stochastic), natural feature such these architectures, involved in different kinds of manufacturing process. Although sophisticated and emerging technologies that address these needs, among which are Industrial Robots, systems of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), the Computer Numerical Control (CNC), and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Distributed Control System (DCS) and hybrid systems [2]. These solutions lack adequate control, sometimes resulting in what has been termed as "islands of automation" and do not provide the necessary integration for optimal performance of the different levels of the automation pyramid, established in concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) [3]. Thus it has become necessary to develop new technologies with different approaches to existing ones that involve software and hardware configuration flexibility, including sophisticated embedded systems such as Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC) and Remote Terminal Units (RTU), which have, among other new features, the reconfigurability and high adaptability to disturbing. 1 Professor of University Foundation Technological of Comfenalco and masters student in Electrical Engineering, Cartagena, Colombia. 2 Professor of the Master of Electronic Engineering "Almirante Padilla" Naval Academy in partnership with Unicauca, Popayán, Colombia. 3 Standard for distributed control and automation, defined by the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC), and published in 2005.

This paper focuses on the new IEC 61499 [4] standard, whose main objective is to reduce the drawbacks of flexibility and response times in current industrial automation systems, in which the new control technologies mentioned are included. A brief overview of the prospects for the next generation of automation and control is presented in the first instance. Then, an overall description of the new rule is displayed, simplifying the current state of traditional standard and its relationship to the new model applied to the industrial field. The next section focuses on solutions with examples of new approaches to automation, and follows the IEC 61499 standard conditions for industrial applications. It should be noted that although there is a lot of different types related to software and hardware associated with the standard works, even deficiencies presents tools for application in this field. Finally, the paper concludes with a brief summary of the future of this kind of systems.



A. Emerging Approaches in Automation As written in the first paragraph, it is essential that the automation systems have the capacity to respond rapidly to change, to maintain stable operation and efficient use of resources, so they can get high competitiveness in the global market. Thus, as the existing manufacturing systems, have a recent generation approaches or paradigms that seek to address the problem from different perspectives, called Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) [5]. In general, it can be established that these proposals are moving away from traditional monolithic type solutions, centralized and hierarchical, but rather this IMS will point towards distributed architectures and dispersed decision-making called hierarchical [6]. The distributed intelligent control systems agree that their models imply a close relationship with the associated hardware. This represents an important property, since devices with features that can respond to a complex environment, including random perturbations, related to faults in equipment and machinery, changes in customer requirements, required dynamic conditions market impacts to the availability of resources and raw materials, among other features [7]. The intelligent distribution can be obtained through the interaction of simple, autonomous and cooperative entities, in any given situation can decide how to act and what actions to take; as they can also wean their decisions at the time they deem necessary to act [8]; above, it is accomplished by programming subroutines set forth in the different approaches. The evolution of technologies applied to problems of manufacturing structures has resulted in a number of applications in this area [8], for example, control architectures such as fractal manufacturing, Holonic Manufacturing Systems (commonly referred to by the initials HMS), Multiagent Systems (commonly referred to by the acronym SMA), among others [1]. The mentioned HMS and SMA are closely related because they are part of non-hierarchical architectures manufacture; in particular, consist of multi-agent systems, autonomous cooperative units manufacture but unlike Holonic systems, the SMA technology is considered a generic software product fundamented in a research proposal [8]. The Multiagent systems have played an important role systems and holonic manufacturing has been considerable interest in extending this

978–1–4799–7932–5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

work to a higher degree of control from the higher levels of planning and programming to the lower physical level [8]. Members of HMS consortium developed the architecture definition in low [2], [9] based on function blocks [4]. A comparison of various approaches to traditional control systems and HMS paradigm has been conducted in other research [1], [28]. As a result of these studies, other applications have been designed using a low standard in dynamic reconfiguration [10, 11], security management [12], and validation of systems [13]. Is that how come a range of intelligent distributed control applications in real time, that manage to involve mechanisms such as motors [14], cooling [15], RFID [16] identification, and holonic military applications [17], among other [7].


Requirements for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

When control solutions for intelligent manufacturing applied by physical devices, analysis and design of systems become important, considering the relevance of functional safety, the actual runtime (realtime execution), and the reconfigurability of the manufacturing systems [18]. This has been a way that instruments, actuators and controllers are built, getting smarter because the security functions previously done by mechanisms of mechanical or electrical interlock, have been replaced by simple algorithms that are implemented in programs a single device or in a distributed manner, what means, through multiple processing units. The failure of any equipment used in functional safety of processes, can create a very negative impact on the production lines, since, among other things, could cause great economic losses due to downtime. In addition, significant consequences, such as physical injuries to people that handle these plants. The reconfiguration capability in automated systems highlights a significant trend for intelligent distributed control, is how many multiple authors establish procedures to ensure they are reprogrammable [19], [20], [21], [22]. They all come together, from the point of view of application in which the concepts of reconfiguration and distributed control go hand in hand. Since the reconfiguration is not possible if there is a modicum of intelligence present in the equipment and components that make up the system at the time of reconfiguration [7]. The requirement to meet increasingly stringent comply for security, reliability and availability, lead times to asynchronous processes with respect to the domain in real-time, become increasingly minimal, requiring new models and methodologies for monitoring distributed, which themselves derive architectures IMS. Here is a relatively new standard, which is intended to replace existing inefficient industrial control solutions, defined as an open model for the implementation of the emerging distributed intelligent control architectures and future automation [1].


not have a significant adoption of the industry yet, however, it is emerging as the new standard to follow for intelligent distributed control systems. TABLE I. PLC PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES DEFINED IN THE IEC 61131-3 [25] Original Title Ladder Function Block Diagram Structured Text Instruction list Sequential Function Chart


Type Graphic Graphic Text Text Graphic

The IEC 61499 standard defined Function Blocks as an essential core, and is based on function blocks defined in IEC 61131-3, allowing production processes implemented in intelligent distributed control features, modularity and flexibility control [21]. Conceptually, one can define a function block is an abstraction of a software component or hardware type into a system [26]. Due to the obtained results of implementations of the new model, it has to function block IEC 61499 has acquired significant improvements. But, it is alike pairing new agent-based architectures and object-oriented programming; there are similarities in the control systems of traditional manufacturing and the representation of the new blocks. The latter share many features with traditional objects and agents used in application development; such as the fact that an object is focused on traditional data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and modularity attributes. In short, from the perspective of object-oriented, function block programming the new standard; it can be interpreted as a class that defines the behavior of multiple instances [27]. From the improvements of the block functions characteristics of the IEC 61499, two specific types of messages are flightlighted: Data messages, these are in charge of operating the traditional objects, and the Event messages, which are used to schedule and control the execution of the algorithm. Nor Datas and Events can be assumed in its semantic value, what means they shouldn’t be understood from the literal sense. The function blocks use ISO 2382 definition of a message declaring them as “an ordered series of characters intended to convey information" [4], [8]. In this case, the occurrence of an event message can be used for transmitting one or more data messages within a distributed system. As a result, the approaches that are related in the intelligent manufacturing processes, take in into account the unique characteristics of these blocks synchronization, for concurrent, asynchronous and distributed environments.


A. Improvements in the Standard IEC 61131-3 [25] Most recent work in intelligent control on the physical level of the automation pyramid CIM (in the SCADA level), which implement highly distributed systems are oriented towards the standard developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC [29], the standard IEC 61499 [30]; given its first publication in 2005 [4], and specific planned improvements over previous such rules as: portability, interoperability, configurability, reconfigurability and distribution [23]. IEC 61499 arose from the need to create modular software that could be used in industrial distributed control processes [4], and was created to be implemented through structures called block diagrams, showing an independent format of the implementation. Specifically, the IEC 61499 is based on its predecessor IEC 61131 [21, 24], developed for the algorithms that are compiled in programmable controllers PLCs, already listed. The latter regulations, IEC 61131-3, were published by the IEC in December 1993 and its current edition was published in February 2013 [25]. IEC 61131-3 is the third of eight parts of the full standard, which deals with programming languages; they are graphical defined type and text language for PLC (see Table I). Unlike IEC 61131-3, IEC 61499 it does

Fig. 1. Distribution of IEC 61499 applications [18].

Programmable controllers such as PLCs, regularly combine a control application on one or more computers, using the dynamics of sensors and actuators (input and output devices, hereafter I/O). The integration of the above devices leads to a constant tendency to generate smaller, cheaper, and more intelligent equipment; these properties are very attractive to the market for process automation. However, the occurrence of their characteristics, it is necessary to have users platforms adapted for programming. As seen in Fig. 1, the new program language standard, supports all types of decentralized applications via functional block FB distribution, processors connected to networks that communicate with each other more efficiently to traditional FB.

One of the main problems with current models of PLC programming including Ladder of IEC 61131-3 is that the program execution is done conventionally cyclic PLC. This gives as a result a large flaw in the programming flexibility, especially in the execution of major events, since it can lead to serious difficulties in fulfilling complex requirements of realtime control [28]-[30]. Fig. 2 gives a representative sample of the combination of predecessors of the new standard languages, from a combination of traditional function blocks FBD and SFC diagrams similar sequential function block diagram of the SFC type (French, Graphe Fonctionnel of commande Etape Transition) [25], both the standard IEC 61131-3. As indicated at the bottom of Fig. 2, both the control program execution through events and data flow typical function blocks are specified in a single block of inputs and outputs.

which approves each block to manage the order in which the algorithms are executed and how events are interpreted and variables in each block [7]. The lower segment of the function blocks, others have run and these algorithms can be developed in the known languages based on IEC 611313 [21], [37]. Each function block is executed depending on a data stream and a stream of events, generated from the development of the algorithms in the bottom of the function block, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Portions of the function blocks of IEC 61499 [7].

Fig. 2. The resulting function blocks of IEC 61499 [8].

This graphic above shows the result of a significant improvement in function blocks, as previously mentioned in this paper. The result of Fig. 2, the gray shaded parts as responsible for execution control is displayed and non-shaded data and algorithms (Data Flow). In sum extends and complements the IEC61499 standard IEC61131-3 [4], based on the two basic concepts of functional distribution and control program execution based on events. According to research results, which have been developed around this standard, this standard is likely to happen to the current forms of programming in the PLC, under IEC 61131-3 standard [7], since it has significant advantages as summarized in Table II [35]. TABLE II. Comparison of IEC 61499 and IEC 61131 [35] Characteristics Schedule running Programming Architecture Real-time Compatibility between programs Structure of the control logic Understanding brands of equipment

IEC Standard IEC 61499 IEC 61131 Event-driven Cyclic Complete systems Single controllers Enabled Enabled Can be processed without Be imported / exported import / export It may be split into It is centrally multiple controllers Different computers Usually libraries are not support libraries (CATs) supported

Operation mode and the basic characteristics of the functions of blocks set in the standard, as it is shown in Fig. 3, it is summarized in each function block receives and provides information by events of input and output variables respectively. In the event flow input, these are going to ECC and can enable or disable completion of a program within the function block. The mentioned events associated to at least one input variable; the occurrence of the event allows the function block can renew the information associated with the input variable in the program, producing a stream of input data. On the other hand, the ECC generates output events resulting from the implementation of the algorithms in all function blocks. Each output variable relates to at least one output event and the occurrence of the event which passes the output variable is updated from the function block, generating a proportional flow of events and output data [21], [31], [37], [39]. Interconnecting different function blocks forms a programation of a complete system, as it is illustrated in Fig. 4. The output events become input events other function blocks, in the same way, the data in the output variables are connected to the input variables of other blocks, thus facilitating sequential properties and correspondence in accordance with its established connections [19], [20], [22], [37], [39]. There are other function blocks within the norm just like function blocks and function blocks SI (Service Interface). The first –composited function block– is a network of basic and combined functions blocks in which no ECC internal variables or diagrams are required. Usually uses a basic block function with the role of overseeing the application to manage the internal function blocks. The second –SI function block– is established as a medium for interaction between applications and hardware resources. An example of the SI function blocks are those who read the information from the input variables attached peripherals [26].

IEC 61499 provides a semantic model using formalisms from theories: Automatas, Supervisory Control and Petri Nets, recognized in the design of Discrete Event Systems (DES) [4], [26], [36], [50], which implement graph execution control of events and different network conditions and events [7]. A more detailed description of IEC 61499 and from partner organizations, such as, performance, applicability, implementation resources, among other properties, characteristics is beyond the scope of this paper, but the reader may consult the syntheses described by Lewis in [24] or review in detail the standard IEC originally in [25], [29].


Overview of the function blocks in IEC 61499

The structural properties of the function blocks can be seen in Fig. 3. The upper end of this, it is located the Execution Control Chart or ECC,

Fig. 4. Interconnection of function blocks to IEC 61499 [7].

C. Some Highlights Developments with IEC 61499 The second edition of IEC 61499 published in 2012, with the intention of providing tools to represent the distributed control systems programmed using function block. The model update, summarized in Fig. 5, using an Unified Modeling Language (UML), this diagram [18] is a preliminary result to the application of the standards IEC61499 and ISA S88 in a recent prototype discrete manufacturing [27].

Fig.5. Class diagram defined in IEC61499 [27].

Several researchers have applied IEC 61499 standard to solve troubles of the intelligent control distributed to over the last decade [30]. Despite the strong interest of the scientific community by the new standard [36], there is a big flaw in the development of computational tools for automation and control of industrial processes still the norm. Generally existing software tools that can be centered around IEC 61499, applied testing, prototypes and simulations, but mostly platforms are definitely not suitable for industrial applications Another product under IEC 61499, developed by researchers and widely used in applications and performance tests of the standard, is the Development Kit Blocks (originally FDBK), initially developed by Rocwell Automation and now is administered by the Holobloc Inc. [40]. This paper shows Java-based software and it is freely distributed for research or educational purposes. The application is primarily intended to allow its users to develop and simulate IEC 61499 within a platform such as a PC, however, is not one that meets a real-time execution, as only let you run all developments by version the Java embedded controllers, an example of the platforms are obtained Tiny InterNet interface TINI acronyms [41], sage Systronix [42], and Simple Network application Platform SNAP [43]. Currently the development of libraries IEC 61499 integrated open source of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), based on Java and support for industrial automation advances. These projects, managed by SourceForge, with the names of OOONEIDA Workbench [44] and 4DIAC-IDE [30]. Besides those mentioned here, there are around FDBK other development environments based on IEC 61499, directed and produced by different researchers are very interested in the subject. Examples of these are: Author Wang and others [45], who obtained a publisher simple function block called Developer ICS (ICS originally Developer), for use with a real-time operating system distributed; the Brennan and others [46], which conducted a Java-based tool for testing dynamic reconfiguration; and Thramboulidis Tranoris and [47], who built a system engineering support that extends the IEC 61499 model for software design through the use of UML; and the company. The above applications have been very specific individual results of research projects, however, in most recent FDBK environments have also been some extensions or add-ons for FDBK, as the work validated Vyatkin and Hanisch [36], [48]. On the other hand, there is on the market application of ICS Triplex (Rockwell Automation property company) in a new version, called ISaGRAF 6.3 [49], launched in 2014, and currently in testing phases; This tool has improved their first implementations of the new standard, in addition to the traditional functions IEC 61131-3 [25]. According to manufacturers, the improvements include the basic function blocks and block models of composite functions, used in programs, using libraries of different brands of components distributed control. Similarly, is the application of nxtControl called nxtStudio version 2.0 [35], launched in 2013, and outstanding project FESTO Enas, who manage to integrate the two technologies IEC 61499 and IEC 61131 control [30]. Since the consolidation of the new standard aimed, it is conceivable that is right for the appropriation of software development environments

oriented industry based on IEC 61499, which can be very useful for engineers in the area of automation and control time who are generally responsible for implementing intelligent distributed systems [36].

V. CONCLUSIONS This paper has provided an overview of current trends intelligent distributed control application in the level SCADA devices, and adopting traditional and emerging standards such as IEC 61499. Although most of the software work applying the new standard at this level, has been focused on test environments for research, new tools are oriented industry available in the market, such as ISaGRAF [49] platforms, from Rocwell Automation and nxtSTUDIO of NxtControl [35]. Clearly these new computing platforms are critical, as long as the implementation of traditional standards such as IEC61131 and IEC 61499 are given emerging practical, sustainable and reliable way for industry. Without adequate to allow engineers to develop applications in distributed control and validation properties and targets, the benefits of such standards tools are not able to potentiate maximum. More importantly, the industry still will struggle to develop truly flexible and effective systems to meet current requirements. Based on this current literature review can be established that the tools supported in research (as FDBK) and other industry-oriented tools (like ISaGRAF), can complement each other. Thus, while the ideal solution for intelligent distributed control, device-level, research platforms such as FDBK and initiatives like OOONEIDA Workbench set will continue to play an important role in supporting sustainable development in this area . Similarly, for the IEC 61499 standard can be accepted by the industry, it should be applied in practice to existing processes. This is best done with known and widely accepted tools, developed by renowned companies, which among other things publishes its progress organizers official website [5, 30, 36]. Given a constant combination of research and practice in these applications, the future of automation systems and intelligent control of manufacturing techniques is very promising.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The most sincere thanks to the professors: Prof. Blanca Florez Taborda, Prof. Alvaro Saladén Roa and Eng. Ricaul Castellón Sanchez for their dedicated support in building this article. University Foundation Technological of Comfenalco, Cartagena – Colombia.

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Authors Cruz Salazar, Luis Alberto, Electronic Engineer. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Program and member of the Group of Automation and Electronics Research (GIAEL), University Foundation Technological Comfenalco. Part time Professor, Universidad Antonio Nariño. Master Student in Electrical Engineering, Naval Academy "Almirante Padilla" in agreement with the University of Cauca. Cartagena, Colombia. Alvarado Rojas, Oscar Amaury. Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer and MSc., Applied Science PhD. (c) - Production Systems Integration Area, University of Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. Professor of the Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Faculty, Member of the Research Group in Industrial Automation, University of Cauca. Professor of the Masters in Electronics Engineering Naval School "Almirante Padilla" in agreement with University of Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.