To describe the weather. Pleasant. Sunny. To describe a book, movie, event,
place, or performance. Excellent. Impressive. Entertaining. To describe the way.
To describe the way something or someone looks
To describe food Delicious Healthy Tasty
Attractive Handsome Stunning
To describe how someone feels Confident Encouraged Healthy Inspired
To describe the weather Pleasant Sunny
The Good & The Nice
To describe a book, movie, event, place, or performance Excellent Impressive Entertaining
To describe something’s condition Satisfactory Useful Top-notch
Copyright 2004 IRA/NCTE. All rights reserved. ReadWriteThink materials may be reproduced for educational purposes.
To describe someone’s action or behavior Cooperative Kind Polite
To describe the way something or someone looks
To describe food Bland Disgusting Rotten
Ugly Hideous
To describe how someone feels Ill Bored Guilty Weak
To describe the weather Blustery Dreary Severe
The Bad
To describe a book, movie, event, place, or performance Disappointing Dull Uninspiring
To describe something’s condition Pitiful Poor
Copyright 2004 IRA/NCTE. All rights reserved. ReadWriteThink materials may be reproduced for educational purposes.
To describe an action or behavior Evil Risky Naughty