Apr 14, 2017 - considered disruptive to the educational process, and therefore are ... and technical education program a
The Gordon Flash April 14, 2017
Richard Gordon Elementary 26331 Barber Cutoff Rd, Kingston WA. 360-396-3800
Fax: 396-3950
What’s Happening This Month Attendance: 396-3803
April 11th-June 7th Our Mission: Assure high levels of learning for all students. The Gordon Way: afe, eamwork,
ct Respectfully, esponsible
PE with Mr. “B” Spring is in the Air! I hope you all had a happy spring break! As the weather improves, and the field begins to dry out, hopefully we will be able to get outside for some fun in the sun PE activities. We look forward to capture the flag, football, soccer activities, and some kick ball! We continue to provide opportunities for all students to be active and successful. I am happy to say that your students know what good sportsmanship is and continue to practice, one of our most important learning targets, in PE. As we begin the last trimester of the year k-2 will be having some fun scooter activities while grades 3-8 will begin rollerblading the week of April 10th. Thanks to our generous PTA, Gordon has rollerblades and protective gear for your kids to use. However, your child may also bring their own rollerblades, skates, helmets…to use if they wish. This is a favorite activity of many students. If you could help your child by making sure they wear socks and know what their shoe size is I would really appreciate that! Attention Girls in grades 5 and up! NK Boosters VIKING CAMP for VIKING VOLLEYBALL is scheduled for June 26-29. This is a great camp designed for girls of all skill levels that are interested in playing volleyball. Contact Tim French, 360 620 0501, for questions and registration.
Smarter Balanced Testing
April 18th Gray, Baltzell, Klusman Field Trip Water Festival- Kitsap Fairgrounds 9:15am-2:45pm
April 20th Family Reading Night 6:00-7:00pm in the library
April 27th Orchestra Recital 6:00pm
April 28th PTA Popcorn Fun Day All School Photo at 9:30am
April 29th PTA 5K Fun Run 8:00-11:00 AM
Upcoming Events May 9th Options Parent meeting May 12th PTA Tie Dye T-Shirt Day May 18th Family Reading Night May 19th PTA Fun Night Food, Bingo & Fundraising 5:30 PM
Important Dress Code Reminder
With warmer weather arriving soon, please assist your child in remembering to dress appropriately for school. Proper Shoes – no flip flops or sandals without straps to secure them to their feet as they can be unsafe on the playground and during PE. Halter tops, spaghetti-strap tops, tank tops, midriff shirts, bathing suits, shorts (shorter than fingertips), or other revealing attire are considered disruptive to the educational process, and therefore are not permitted.
Thank you so much for your help! Our lost and found is quickly growing. Please put your students name in their jackets so we can return them. Anything left without a name will be donated at the end of the year to charity.
Meet Your School Board
[email protected] Jim Almond Glen Robbins Bill Webb Cindy Webster-Martinson Beth Worthington February Board Meetings
It’s Tie Dye Time!
Students will be dying shirts on Friday, May 12th from 9am – 3pm. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the Gordon PTA at
[email protected].
Gordon Elementary School PTA 5K Fun Run/Walk 29th,
Saturday, April 2017 9:00am Proceeds will benefit PTA activities and programs for the Gordon Elementary School community. Entry forms will be coming home with your students after spring break.
Thursday, April 27th All meetings begin at 6 p.m. and are held in the Student Support Center, Board Room, 18360 Caldart Ave. NE Poulsbo NKSD Mission Statement North Kitsap School District in partnership with the community, will provide an academically challenging educational program to meet the diverse needs of all students in a safe, nurturing environment and empower them to be competent, creative, compassionate, and contributing citizens. North Kitsap School District 18360 Caldart Ave. NE Poulsbo WA 98340
Discrimination Notification The North Kitsap School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age in its program or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The North Kitsap School District offers classes in many career and technical education program areas (American Sign Language, Athletic Medicine, Computer Science, Culinary Arts, Digital Graphics/Photography, Environmental Science, FASCE, Health, Production Arts, Recording Arts) under its open admissions policy. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact Kim Eimers (18360 Caldart Avenue NE; Poulsbo, WA 98370; 360-396-3040.) Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Chris Willits, Assistant Superintendent18360 Caldart Ave. NE, Poulsbo WA 98370 (360) 396-3003
[email protected]
Dear Parents & Students, Our Girl Scout Troop would like to remind you that the homeless care pack drive is still on for another month. Also, this is to remind you about the items we need the most like, used or new back packs, travel size first aid kits, travel size toothpaste and toothbrushes, hair brushes, emergency blankets, compact umbrellas, water bottles and granola bars. You can also see the items we need on the box next to the astronaut. I would like to thank you for the donations already received. Girl Scout Troops, 44244
All School Picture Day We will be having an all-school picture taken on Friday, April 28th at 9:30am. Order forms will be sent home the week of April 17th.
The Gordon PTA is gearing up for the last fundraisers of the year! We need as much support as possible to make these a success! May 19th we will be hosting a Family Fun Night with Food, Bingo, and Fundraising. We are hoping to set up tables with Silent Auction and/or raffle items. Funds raised by the Silent Auction will provide a significant amount of our funding so we can continue sponsoring Fall Carnival, STEM Nights, Passport Club, Art Docent, Family Fun Nights, Teachers, School Dance, electronic math and reading programs, such as, IXL, Accelerated Reading, Accelerated Math, and Lexia; and saving for the future playground etc. We would really appreciate volunteers to help with: •
Fundraising (requesting donations from school families and local businesses)
• Working the event (Setup, bingo, serving food, silent auction, check-in, Check-out, and clean-up) •
Or, donating items or services to the event
If you’d like to help make this event a success, please email
[email protected] or call/text: Michelle Pickering 206-498-5656 Or Helen Cook (Fundraising) 206-909-0074 April 29th Gordon PTA is hosting a Fun Run, if you would like to help with this event, please call/text Dana Brown at 719-244-2351 or
[email protected] Any help large or small is welcome!!!! Thank you! Gordon PTA