Dear Farm City Hub Club, I want to thank you for selecting me to receive a
scholarship. I hope to put it to good use. I'm looking forward to the next few years
and ...
The Hub Vol. 2, Issue 3
July 2013
The Official Newsletter of the Farm-City Hub Club—Promoting Agriculture & Agri-business in the New Ulm Area
Bavarian Blast coming soon
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Bavarian Blast is coming soon—July 19-21! We are the only major food vendor and we need volunteers for our Hub Club Bavarian Blast Food Tent. We will send letters this week with all the information. There will be three shifts each day—113:30, 3:30-8, and 6-10:30—and potato salad making July 16 after 5:00 p.m. Please call 359-9039 (Alma Forst) by July 15 to volunteer. Leave a message if no one answers. WE NEED YOU! Please help us make "oodles" of money to support the Hub Club’s wonderful projects promoting agriculture in the New Ulm area. Admittance will entitle you to full-day entrance so—before or after—have a blast at the Blast! We would like a few members to come in a little earlier each day to help set up. If this suits you, please call. Sunday’s last shift will help clean-up and load-up. Jerome, Alma, Jim, Kevin and Beth
Family Night on the Dairy Farm went very well! An estimated 250 people attended the event. Thank you to all the Hub Club members who helped make it a success. And, thank you to Steve and Kerry Hoffman and their sons, Russell and Joey, and their employees, for all their hard work. The club is looking to hosting the event again in two years, 2015. If you have any ideas or suggestions to make it better, please contact Michele Schroeder. Thank you, again, to everyone for your help! Plus, a thank you to AMPI, AgStar, Mages Land Company, Sylvan Schumacher, Delmar Ranweiler, Delbert “Butch” Fischer, and Dave Haala for their donations and contributions. The Hub Club officers add special thanks to Michele Schroeder for all her hard work in organizing the event!
$$$ for local leadership programs Last call—The Hub Club will fund up to $300 for club member(s) to take part in Bridging Brown County, Network New Ulm, and/or Connecting Nicollet County for the 2013-2014 year (September through May). The scholarship can be used by one or more club members to take part in any of the programs Those wishing to apply must contact secretary Ruth Klossner by July 1. An application was in the June newsletter.
Thank you note received... Dear Farm City Hub Club, I want to thank you for selecting me to receive a scholarship. I hope to put it to good use. I’m looking forward to the next few years and hope that I can have experiences and opportunities that I will bring with me into my future. Thank you again. Ross Schneider
Farmfest help needed Because this year’s Farmfest dates—August 6-8—again conflict with both the Brown and Nicollet County Fairs, it will be even more important for available Hub Club members to volunteer to work. Help will be needed to set up Monday the 5th and each day of the event. Shifts will be 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. In addition, help from club members will be needed to make potato salad and beans ahead of time. Members are asked to contact Gail LeGare at 952-460-0424 (cell) or 507-228-8521 (home), or to stop at Upper Midwest Management to sign up for a work shift. More information will come out later—by mail or email— please watch for it!
Dates to Remember Tues., July 2—Monthly meeting, 5:15 p.m, UMMC Sun., Aug. 18—Hub Club Social at Herman Heights (watch for more details in the August newsletter)
A message from President Joe Maidl Hello to all: June has been a big promotional month for the Hub Club. I can’t stress enough of how our club was involved in promoting agriculture and dairy in our communities. A big thank you to all who volunteered for these events. It takes a strong group of people like you to always be there to pull off such successful events. Thank you to the volunteers who helped at the pancake breakfast at the Southern Minnesota Youth Dairy Show
and to the workers who helped at Family Night on the Hoffmann Dairy Farm. Kudos to the Hoffmann family. The night was very professionally done and educational for the dairy business. Thank you for opening your farm to the Hub Club and the public. Please remember our food stands at Bavarian Blast and Farmfest approaching soon. Workers will be needed! Thanks again to all! Sincerely, Joe
Contact information for 2013 Hub Club Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Chair
Joe Maidl – Phone: 507-228-8743 or 276-7749; Email:
[email protected] John Luepke—Phone: 507-359-2703; Email:
[email protected] Beth Fluegge—Phone: 507-359-2260 or 507-993-5195; Email:
[email protected] Ruth Klossner – Phone: 507-240-0048; Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Doug Schottle – Phone: 359-2004; Email:
[email protected] Randy Schroeder –Phone: 507-249-3988; Email:
[email protected]
Pancake Breakfast at SMYD Show Saturday, June 15, New Ulm Fairgrounds Hub Club members and Brown County Dairy Princesses and Ambassadors joined forces to serve up pancakes, sausage, applesauce, and milk at the Southern Minnesota Youth Dairy Show Pancake Breakfast Saturday, June 15. Several Hub Club members also helped at the dairy show.
Meanwhile, over in the dairy barn...
Family Night on the Dairy Farm Thursday, June 20, Steve & Kerry Hoffman Farm All ages enjoyed the Hub Club’s Family Night on the Dairy Farm at the Hoffman farm June 20. Members worked together with the Hoffmans to make it another successful event.
Farm Bureau Breakfast on the Farm at Perry Meyer/Jason Enter Farm, Sat., July 15 Meyers & Enters are Hub Club members; Hub Club is helping to sponsor the breakfast Breakfast served 7:00-10:00 a.m.—Everyone invited!
Meeting Minutes Farm-City Hub Club, Tuesday, June 4, 2013; Upper Midwest Management The June 4, 2013 meeting of the Hub Club was called to order by President Joe Maidl at 5:15 p.m. Also in attendance were John Luepke, second vice president; Doug Schottle, treasurer; Ruth Klossner, secretary; Randy Schroeder, membership director; Michele Schroeder, Dan Asleson, and Steven Brandel. The agenda was approved. The written minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved. Doug Schottle presented the financial report. He asked for clarification on paying out scholarships; it was suggested that he talk to the scholarship committee. Klossner motioned and R. Schroeder seconded approval of the report. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Membership. R. Schroeder reported that there are 123 paid members, most of which are couples. Holding a fall membership roundup was discussed briefly. Events. It was noted that Kevin Yager needs helps for serving the pancake breakfast at the Southern Minnesota Youth Dairy Show June 15. Lorraine Fritsche has also asked for help with the show itself; an email will be sent to members. M. Schroeder reported on plans for Family Night on the Farm June 20 at the Steve and Kerry Hoffman farm. She asked for help in getting/returning the hayride trailers from Sleepy Eye and moving tables/chairs from the fairgrounds to the farm. Posters have been made and ads will be placed. OLD BUSINESS Landscaping the club sign. Any work on landscaping has been tabled as the lot is for sale and the sign may have to be moved. Bavarian Blast. In an email, Beth Fluegge reported that
she’s working with the Forsts and plans are moving along for the food stand. Members will be asked to volunteer to help. Farmfest Food Stand. Members will be asked to volunteer to help. NEW BUSINESS Bridging Brown County. Maidl reported that he had received a letter asking for financial support and/or participants. The club will continue to offer support to a member to take part in the program and/or Connecting Nicollet County or Network New Ulm. Brown County Fair sponsorship. Maidl noted that the club provided financial support for awards at the fair last year but we have not been contacted this year. We will wait to hear from the fair. Pancake Breakfast at MVL. Luepke reported that MVL is very interested in hosting a pancake breakfast at the start of the school year. National Honor Society members could assist with the breakfast. Klossner will contact MVL Principal Tim Plath to invite him to our July meeting to make plans. Hub Club Social. Noting the success of last year’s social at the Brown County Museum, members felt a late summer or fall social would be appropriate. A date soon after Farmfest was considered, in the event we have food left. Maidl will check on the availability of the shelter at Herman Heights. (He later reported that he has reserved Sunday evening, August 18.) More discussion will take place at the July meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m. on a motion by M. Schroeder and second by Luepke. The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 2. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Klossner, Secretary
Connecting Nicollet County applications being accepted Anyone who lives or works in Nicollet County is invited to be part of Connecting Nicollet County, Class of 2013-2014. The program is an opportunity to broaden networks, learn about the local communities and industries, and hone leadership skills in working with people. The nine-session program will visit each of the communities in Nicollet County. Participants will learn about local businesses, county history, government, health care, agriculture, and natural resources. Sessions will feature a mix of leadership study, using a variety of active adult learning techniques, in-
cluding presentations, tours and demonstrations. Leadership training topics include managing conflict, leading effective meetings, visionary leadership, ethics in the workplace, generational differences, cultural competency, and dealing with change. Brochures and applications can be downloaded at Or email Catie Rasmussen,
[email protected]. Application deadline is July 31. CNC is sponsored by Nicollet County and University of Minnesota Extension.