Dec 18, 2015 - from 2D fibers to 3D finite elements ! Julia E. Samson, Nick A. Battista, Laura A. Miller" ... Charles S. Peskin. Courant Institute, NY. Flow patterns ...
The Immersed Boundary Method! simulating fluid-structure interactions,! from 2D fibers to 3D finite elements ! Julia E. Samson, Nick A. Battista, Laura A. Miller" University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill"
December 18th, 2015"
Overview" 1. The immersed boundary method: when, who, what, and why?" 2. The immersed boundary method: how? (2D)" 3. Beyond the basics: 3D, IBAMR, and IBFE" "
Alex Hoover Tulane University
The IB method: a brief history" Charles S. Peskin Courant Institute, NY Flow patterns around heart valves: a digital computer method for solving the equations of motion. PhD thesis, 1972.
The IB method: a brief history"
Charles S. Peskin Courant Institute
Boyce E. Griffith UNC Chapel Hill
Laura A. Miller UNC Chapel Hill
The IB method: definition"
IB!!! J Fluid grid generated from boundary shape? Viscous fluid?
Not IB L
Not IB L
The IB method: definition" " "
A numerical method that allows us to simulate boundaries (objects) in viscous flows, and in which the fluid grid is not fitted to the boundary shape." "
The IB method: definition" The fluid is modeled on a fixed Cartesian mesh." " " " " " The boundary is modeled on a curvilinear Lagrangian mesh that moves freely through the fixed Cartesian mesh."
The IB method: applications" Alex Hoover Tulane University
Nick Battista UNC Chapel Hill
Laura Miller UNC Chapel Hill
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves" - how the boundary moves" - how the boundary impacts the fluid" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
The Navier-Stokes equations" This is the equation of motion for viscous fluids."
The Navier-Stokes equations" It basically follows Newton’s Second Law:" F = m * a"
mass * acceleration
viscous forces pressure forces
other body forces
The Navier-Stokes equations" Now, we add the equation for incompressible flow." mass * acceleration
pressure forces
viscous other body forces forces
the fluid is incompressible
Fluid mesh" The fluid is represented by a fixed (Eulerian) Cartesian grid." " At each point, we solve for the pressure and velocity of the fluid using the NavierStokes equations. The body forces will be given by the boundary."
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves" - how the boundary moves" - how the boundary impacts the fluid" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves" - how the boundary impacts the fluid" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
Boundary" The boundary is represented by a curvilinear Lagrangian mesh that can move around in the fluid." " At each time step, we solve for the position of each boundary point and for the forces at that point."
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves" - how the boundary impacts the fluid" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves ✔" - how the boundary impacts the fluid" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
Combining fluid and structure"
+ interactions!"
Combining fluid and structure" Fluid (fixed Cartesian mesh) exerts forces on
moves at local fluid velocity
Structure (moving curvilinear mesh)
Combining fluid and structure" Fluid (fixed Cartesian mesh) exerts forces on
Spread the elastic force density from curvilinear mesh onto Cartesian grid.
Structure (moving curvilinear mesh)
Combining fluid and structure"
Delta function weights are used to determine how much force is applied from the elastic boundary to nearby fluid grid cells."
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves ✔" - how the boundary impacts the fluid" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves ✔" - how the boundary impacts the fluid ✔" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
Combining fluid and structure" Fluid (fixed Cartesian mesh) Interpolate the velocity field from the Cartesian grid onto the curvilinear mesh.
moves at local fluid velocity
Structure (moving curvilinear mesh)
Combining fluid and structure"
Delta function is used again to determine the velocity at the boundary point q from fluid velocities near that point."
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves ✔" - how the boundary impacts the fluid ✔" - how the fluid impacts the boundary"
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves ✔" - how the boundary impacts the fluid ✔" - how the fluid impacts the boundary ✔"
IB: the math below the surface" 1) Fluid" 2) Structure/boundary" 3) Interactions" We need to know:" - how the fluid moves ✔" - how the boundary moves ✔" - how the boundary impacts the fluid ✔" - how the fluid impacts the boundary ✔"
IB: the math below the surface" We now have a complete formulation for the immersed boundary method." " mass * acceleration pressure viscous other body forces
the fluid is incompressible Spread the elastic force density from curvilinear mesh onto Cartesian grid. Interpolate the velocity field from the Cartesian grid onto the curvilinear mesh.
IB: the math below the surface" We now have a complete formulation for the immersed boundary method." "
IB time stepping" At each time step:" 1) Compute the elastic force density F on the boundary mesh." 2) Spread the elastic force from the deformed boundary to the underlying fluid (this is f)." 3) Solve the equations of fluid motion defined on the fluid grid using the elastic body force density f(x,t) and update the velocity field." 4) Move the boundary at the local fluid velocity. Determine the velocity at each Lagrangian point through interpolation."
Making boundaries flexible (or not)" There are a lot of fiber models to control boundary characteristics like elasticity, stretchiness, porosity, mass…" Nick Battista UNC Chapel Hill " 3 examples in 2D:" - Springs" - Torsional springs" - Target points" Nick Battista UNC Chapel Hill
Springs" Springs allow longitudinal motion between two coupled Lagrangian nodes."
ad elastic potential energy
force from deformation
Springs: the rubber band example" All Lagrangian points are connected by springs with resting length 0." " Colormap shows vorticity."
Torsional springs" Torsional springs allow transversal motion between three coupled Lagrangian nodes."
If θdesired = 180 and C = 0 ad
Torsional springs" Torsional springs allow transversal motion between three coupled Lagrangian nodes."
If θdesired = 180 and C = 0 ad elastic potential energy curvature
Torsional springs" Torsional springs allow transversal motion between three coupled Lagrangian nodes."
If θdesired = 180 and C = 0 ad
deformation forces
Torsional springs: the wobbly beam example" All Lagrangian points are connected by beams with curvature 0." " Colormap shows magnitude of velocity."
Target points" Target points are used to prescribe motion of Lagrangian points or make boundary rigid."
Target points: the pulsing heart example" Target point positions are updated by interpolating between two positions." " Only target points, no beams or springs." " Colormap shows pressure."
Pushing the boundary…" 2D IB is where it all started, but newer (and more complex) methods are available:" - 3D IB" - IBAMR (IB with Adaptive Mesh Refinement)" - IBFE (IB with Finite Elements)"
3D immersed boundary" Basically the same as 2D but adding a third dimension." " Greatly increases computational cost but this might be offset by the generation of more realistic models. "
Collective pulsing in xeniid corals" Xeniid corals are soft corals that form pulsing colonies. The pulsing increases local flow and thus mass transfer."
Collective pulsing in xeniid corals" " " This pulsing behavior seems to be coordinated and we want to know how local flow and pulsing behavior are connected."
Water flow
Collective pulsing behavior
Collective pulsing in xeniid corals"
IB with Adaptive Mesh Refinement" Boyce E. Griffith UNC Chapel Hill Simulating the bloodmuscle-valve mechanics of the heart by an adaptive and parallel version of the immersed boundary method. PhD thesis, 2005.
Heart valves and blood flow" Generate 3D simulations of the interactions between blood flow and heart valves to better understand heart physiology and to assess the functioning of prosthetic valves."
IB with Adaptive Mesh Refinement" A more refined grid will give a better resolution to the simulation. But it also greatly increases the computational cost…"
ad 25 x 25
50 x 50
100 x 100
200 x 200
IB with Adaptive Mesh Refinement" " So how to have your cake and eat it too???"
ad 25 x 25
50 x 50
100 x 100
200 x 200
IB with Adaptive Mesh Refinement" Only refine the fluid grid where needed: close to the boundary and in regions of high vorticity è Adaptive Mesh Refinement"
ad 25 x 25
50 x 50
100 x 100
200 x 200
Heart development in zebrafish"
Courtesy of Leigh Ann Samsa and Dr. Jiandong Liu School of Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill
4 days post fertilization" " Blood cells and endocardium are colored" " Two chambers: one atrium and one ventricle"
Heart development in zebrafish"
75 um Ventricle
Courtesy of Leigh Ann Samsa and Dr. Jiandong Liu School of Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill
Heart development in zebrafish"
AV Canal
IBAMR model Atrium
Heart development in zebrafish"
velocity field + vorticity map
streamlines (after atrium finishes contraction)
Trabeculae appear to shield the endocardium from higher shearing forces
IB with Finite Elements" A completely different beast…" A collection of single nodal points (= fiber) Un-2
Un Un+1 Un+2 Un+3
A collection of polygonal pieces (= elements)
Un+5 U
IB with Finite Elements" Generating finite element meshes is hard (although there are software packages available)." " But the benefits are enormous:" - Simulations run way faster" - The FE mesh allows for a more accurate structure geometry" - Material properties are captured way better" - Boundaries are less leaky" - The models are more stable"
Jellyfish locomotion" Alexander Hoover Tulane University From pacemaker to vortex ring: modeling jellyfish propulsion and turning. PhD thesis, 2015
Jellyfish locomotion"
Jellyfish locomotion"
Jellyfish locomotion"
Jellyfish locomotion"
Resources" Code" 2D code examples in MatLab (Nick Battista):" IBAMR code:" " Papers" Griffith, B. E., 2005. Simulating the blood-muscle-valve mechanics of the heart by an adaptive and parallel version of the immersed boundary method. Ph.D. thesis, New York University." Mittal, R., Iaccarino, G., 2005. Immersed boundary methods, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 37, 239-261" Peskin, C. S., McQueen, D. M., 1996. Fluid dynamics of the heart and its valves, In Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling: Ecology, Physiology, and Cell Biology, Pearson, 313-342" Peskin, C. S., 2002. The immersed boundary method, Acta Numerica, 11, 1-39" " Webpages" Boyce Griffith: and" Laura Miller:" Nick Battista:" Alex Hoover: or email" "
Acknowledgements" At UNC" Elsewhere" Laura Miller" Alex Hoover" Nick Battista" Shilpa Khatri" Shannon Jones" Uri Shavit" Boyce Griffith" Roi Holzman" " Funding" " The Company of Biologists" " NSF"
Questions?!" @juliaesamson"