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the reason why the reader should test-drive the XG350 Hyundai —“when you ... There s never been a better time to check out the 2004 Hyundai XG350 ,with ...
2006 年2 月 第 29 卷 第1 期

中国英语教学 (双月刊) CELEA Journal(Bim onthly)

Feb.2006 Vol. 29 No. 1


Abstract   Along with the rapid develop ment of social econo m y ,advertising has penetrated every corner of society. People are exposed to nu merous adverting messages everyday.To co m pete with many other similar advertising messages , advertisers use various devices to catch readers attention ,arouse their desire ,and induce their action. In the present article , the writer atte m pts to apply the theories of general stylistics to the analysis of the co m mercial consu mer advertise ments in press.In order to generalize the stylistic features of advertising language , six sam ples have been selected fro m Reader s Digest and Washington Post.These sam ples will be described and analyzed in the light of stylistic studies , i. e.fro m the aspects of graphology , lexis , and syntax. The practical significance of the study is to sho w the stylistic features of English print advertise ments so that English learners may have a better understanding of the nature of language and appreciate the beauty of advertising English. Key w ords print ads ; stylistics ; stylistic feature

1.Introduction Along with the rapid develop m ent of social econo m y ,advertising is beco ming increasingly popular. In order to secure a nu m ber of readers and to co m pete with m any other similar advertising m essages , advertisers try to m ake their advertise m ents(ads)as effective as possible. They use various linguistic devices to catch attention ,arouse desire , induce action ,and contribute towards satisfaction. In this article ,the writer tries to generalize the m ajor linguistic features of advertising language in the hope of helping language learners to understand English ads and to appreciate the beauty of advertising language. To do so ,the writer restricts her discussion to the language of the co m m ercial advertise m ents in press (also called print ads ) and selects six sa m ples fro m Reader s Digest and Washington Post.They are respectively “Canon Printer”(Sa m ple 1 ), “I m a big loser”(Sa m ple 2 ), “EOS Canon”(Sa m ple 3 ), “ Hyundai”(Sa m ple 4 ), “SWISS Airline”(Sa m ple 5 ), “ Kuala Lu m pur” (Sa m ple 6).These sa m ples will be described and analyzed in the light of stylistic studies with the focus on linguistic description of advertising texts.

2.Linguistic Description The first step in any stylistic study is to m ake a w holeso m e and syste m atic description of linguistic features of the text or texts ,w hich is usually attained fro m the study of phonology ,graphology , lexis , and gra m m ar.In this article ,the stylistic features in phonology will be o mitted since print ads e m ploy visual channel rather than auditory channel to convey inform ation.Accordingly , the sa m ple ads selected here will be described and analyzed at the graphological , lexical ,and syntactical/ gra m m aticallevels.


The Linguistic Features of English Advertising   Zhu Linghong

2. 1 At the Graphological Level Stylistic analysis at graphological level deals with various aspects of design in graphology ,such as punctuation ,capitalization ,paragraphing ,typography and the layout of the text ,all of w hich can be utilized for co m m unicative purposes and eye- catching effect.Am ong these aspects , the use of punctuation will be discussed.

2. 1. 1 The Use of Full Stops The frequent abuse of the full stop aiming at achieving e m phatic effect results in m any one- w ord sentences or sentence frag m ents in English ads ,w hich is a particular writing feature in advertising.For exa m ple : And ,for a short time ,you even have the luxury of paying less. So test- drive the XG350 at your Hyundai dealership. Because when you get this m uch car for this little m oney ,you win. (Sa m ple 4) According to gra m m atical rules , the sentence should be written as follows : And ,for a short time ,you even have the luxury of paying less ,so text- drive the XG350 at you Hyundai dealership ,because when you get this m uch car for this little m oney ,you win. In this case , the sentence contains 34 w ords ,w hich is m uch longer than the ideal average length(17 w ords) .Besides ,the sentence structure is rather co m plicated ,containing 4 clauses with 1 coordination and 2 layers of subordination. In reality ,the advertiser turns the clauses into sentence frag m ents by applying full stops.In so doing , the advertiser shortens the sentence length , sim plifies the sentence structure , and so m akes the ad m ore accessible. Moreover ,by separating the adverbial clause of cause fro m the m ain clause , the advertiser highlights the reason w hy the reader should test- drive the XG350 Hyundai —“w hen you get this m uch car for this little m oney ,you win. driving the ” With such a sound reason ,how can people refuse the offer of test- car ?Accordingly , the sentence frag m ent here m akes the ad even m ore forceful in persuading readers to test- drive the car.

2. 1. 2 The Use of Dashes Dashes can be used to indicate parentheses or to separate adverbials fro m the m ain clause.Co m pared with co m m as ,dashes separate the parentheses and adverbials further away fro m the m ain clause ,w hich in turn put m ore e m phasis on the m .For instance : The i860 prints out up to 23pp m in black and up to 16pp m in color — m aking it one of the fastest printers in its class. (Sa m ple 1) The adverbial of consequence“m aking it one of the fastest printersin its class”can be separated fro m the m ain clause by a co m m a.And the sentence should look like this : The i860 prints out up to 23pp m in black and up to 16pp m in color ,m aking it one of the fastest printers in its class. In the ad ,however ,a dash is e m ployed instead of a co m m a.In this way ,the adverbial beco m es m ore eye- catching ,as it has been separated further away fro m the m ain part of the sentence.The use of dash here helps to highlight the consequence , so as to e m phasize the super quality of the printer — it is one of the fastest printers in its class.In another exa m ple , There s never been a better time to check out the 2004 Hyundai XG350 ,with its elegant styling and im pressive features — including America s Best Warranty :10 years/100 , 000 miles. (Sa m ple 4) The dash in this exa m ple is used to highlight one of its im pressive features — it includes Am erica s Best Warranty. 72

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2. 2 At the Lexical Level Advertising English boasts a rich and colorful vocabulary.Its m ost im portant lexical features are the use of m onosyllabic verbs ,weasel w ords ,favorable w ords ,personal pronouns ,co m pounds ,neologisms , etc.

2. 2. 1 The Use of Monosyllabic Verbs In order to m ake the advertised inform ation easily understood and re m e m bered ,advertisers usually e m ploy sim ple w ords ,especially m onosyllabic verbs in their ads.Such w ords as“ m ake ,get ,take ,try , co me ,go ,have ,need ,see ,use ,give ,serve ,choose ,let ,look ,call ,co me”are often found in English ads.The following table shows the prevalent use of m onosyllabic verbs in ads. Table 1. Monosyllabic Verbs Used in the Sa m ple Ads Sa m ples

Exa m ples of Monosyllabic Verbs

Percentage of Monosyllabic Verbs

Sa m ple 1

be ,print , fit

100 %

Sa m ple 2

lose ,be , take ,count ,need ,get ,eat , shake , stick ,want ,hook ,chat co m e , stop

93 %

Sa m ple 3

m ean ,wed ,pop ,be

67 %

Sa m ple 4

be ,check ,have ,get win

83 %

Sa m ple 5

wish ,have ,want ,visit , start

71 %

Sa m ple 6

be , speak ,eat ,glea m ,glow ,wear , look , share

80 %

  In English ,short w ords are usually the m ost fa miliar and therefore the m ost easily understood by a wide range of readers. Moreover ,m ost short English w ords are of Anglo- Saxon origin.These w ords can generate greater e m otion than their Latinate equivalents ,hence m axim u m im pact.The high frequency of m onosyllabic verbs used in the sa m ple ads also helps to m ake the ads m ore persuasive. 2. 2. 2 The Use of Weasel Words Weasel w ords are used to evade or retreat fro m a direct or forthright state m ent or position.Although the ultim ate goal of advertising is to persuade readers to buy a certain kind of product , the w ord“buy”is rarely used in ads.This is because the w ord“ buy”contains the m eaning“to obtain so m ething by giving m oney”w hich often m akes people associate with their“un willing outgoings” .Accordingly ,a wide range of verbs with the connotation of“buy”is used , for exa m ple , “bring ,give ,help ,offer ,plus ,prevent , provide ,save ,solve” .Here is an exa m ple : Because when you get this m uch car for this little m oney ,you win. (Sa m ple 4). The w ord “ get”here connotes the m eaning of “ obtaining so mething without having to pay the m oney”,and so it avoids giving readers the im pression that they are being persuaded or even lured to do the purchase.The advertisers use weasel w ords to convince readers that they are trying to offer help with their product instead of sim ply selling it out.Here is another exa m ple fro m the sa m ple ads : You ll enjoy m ore legroo m and our attentive service. (Sa m ple 5)

2. 2. 3 The Use of Favorable Words As the purpose of advertising is to introduce and describe the perform ance and qualities of the products ,positive m odifiers , especially favorable adjectives ,are often e m ployed to illustrate the function and nature of the advertised ite m . 73

The Linguistic Features of English Advertising   Zhu Linghong

2. 2. 3. 1 Adjectives Positive adjectives , such as e m otive adjectives and evaluative adjectives ,are frequently used in the creation of advertising ,as Leech (1966 ) observed , “ Advertising language is m arked by a wealth of adjective vocabulary. ”For exa m ple : Leading edge technology m arries all the features of a traditional SLR . (Sa m ple 3) In this exa m ple , the w ord“leading”indicates that Canon has applied the newesttechnology in digital ca m era in its products and ensured its best quality.Other exa m ples of favorable adjectives are : And you ll appreciate our unique lie- flat seats offering the ultim ate in sleeping co mfort. (Sa m ple 5) Favorable adjectives confirm the desirable qualities the products have. More im portantly , they help readers establish an affirm ative attitude towards the products. 2. 2. 3. 2 The Use of Co m parative and Superlative Degrees In addition to favorable adjectives ,advertisers tend to use co m parative and superlative degrees to indicate the excellent quality of their product or service. However ,since it is illegal for advertisers to discredit or unfairly attack other products or ads ,the advertisers do not m ake specific co m parisons between their product and others by na ming or referring to their rivals.For exa m ple , instead of saying “X washes w hiter than Y ”,a washing pow der m anufacturer w ould be likely to say“ X washes w hiter” (Goddard 1998 ) .In advertising texts ,such co m paratives are frequently used to show the products distinctive qualities.For instance : For exa m ple ,with extra roo m for you in our new SWISS Business Class designed to relax you even more. (Sa m ple 5) In addition to constructing claims to the co m parative superiority of their products ,advertisers also use superlative degree to describe the uniqueness of the products.For exa m ple : And when wed to over 50EFautofocus lenses ,the newest entry into the EOSsystem pops the ultim ate question. (Sa m ple 3) By using superlative degree , the ad conveys the m essage that the product advertised is equipped with the latest technology ,hence the best of its kind without speaking ill of others.

2. 2. 4 The Use of Personal Pronouns In advertising English ,the use of personal pronouns is extre m ely co m m on ,especially “ you ”and “ we”.Such pronouns m ake the language sound warm and friendly ,help to narrow the gap between the advertiser and the reader ,and m ake the ads m ore appealing.For exa m ple : We want to m ake flying an experience of excellence. ... You ll enjoy m ore legroo m and our attentive service. And you ll appreciate our unique lie- flat seats offering the ultim ate in sleeping co mfort. (Sa m ple 5) In this exa m ple , the use of personal pronoun“ you ” m akes the reader feel that he is the particular person the advertisers care about and are eager to help. And together with the pronoun “ we”,the ad gives the reader the im pression that he can just enjoy the co mfort and leisure ,and leave the w ork to the advertisers.Through the use of personal pronouns , the advertisers try to convince the reader that all the products and service they offer are out of the consideration of his particular needs and benefits ,and hence persuade the reader to do the purchase.

2. 2. 5 The Use of Co m pounds English co m pounds are easy to form and their forms are m any and varied.So m etim es a co m pound consisting of a nu m ber of sim ple w ords m ay convey unusual m eaning and so arouse readers rich associations.In the sa m ple ads , there is such an exa m ple : You can lose twice the weight with the slim- fast plan. (Sa m ple 2) 74

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In this exa m ple , the co m pound “slim - fast”is used to m odify “ plan ”,m eaning “ which m akes you slim fast” .But it is far m ore co m pact than an attributive clause. Because of their expressiveness and brevity ,co m pounds are frequently used in English ads ,for exa m ple : And it s the only plan with a built- in ,easy- to- follow activity grogra m . (Sa m ple 2)

2. 2. 6 The Use of Neologisms The creativity of advertising language is best seen in its extensive use of neologisms. Generally , neologisms can be categorized as coinage ,anagra m m atic spelling ,and borrowed w ords. 2. 2. 6. 1 Coinage New w ords or phrases created by m eans of imitation are not rarely seen in English ads.Such newly coined w ords and phrases m ay suggestthatthe product advertised possesses peculiar qualities as well as the value of novelty. In English ,affixes are often used to coin new w ords. The m ost co m m only used affixes include super-,ex-,ultra-,auto-,and -aid.For exa m ple ,superslim ,ultracare ,band- aid ,kleenex. In the sa m ple ads , there are such exa m ples : Full co m patibility with the E- TLL wireless autoflash system means spectacular shots with natural looking light. (Sa m ple 3) And when wed to over 50 EFautofocus lenses ,the newest entry into the EOSsystem pops the ultim ate question. (Sa m ple 3) 2. 2. 6. 2 Anagra m m atic Spelling Because of the great nu m ber of ads , itis of greatim portance to m ake the advertising text unusual and m e m orable.And one of the sim plest ways to call readers attention is to use unexpected letters.This can be achieved by using infrequently encountered letters , such as - q ,x , or - z, or by deliberately altering the spelling of w ords.For exa m ple , the slogan of an ad by Heinz : Beanz Meanz Heinz(Adapted fro m Strategic Advertising Management by Larry Pery) The slogan attracts readers attention by using the letter - z in place of - s in the w ords“ beans”and “ means”,hence creating a new spelling.In another exa m ple : Ww what s new w w ? At w w w m ,the answer is — a lot.

...... So ,w w what are you w w waiting for ? (Adapted fro m Advertising English by Wang Tao) This is an ad of a web.As we all know ,all the websites start with“ w w w ” .The unusual spelling of the w ords“ w w what s”, “ new w w ”,and“ w w wait”draws readers attention ,m ean w hile ,it indicates the contents of the ad. 2. 2. 6. 3 Borrowed Words As m any products advertised are im ported fro m other countries ,the advertisers so m etim es deliberately put so m e foreign w ordsinto the advertising text to m ake the product appear exotic and hence m ore appealing.Here is an exa m ple of using borrowed w ords. That wears Gucci ,Arm ani ,prada ,and a smile. koay- ... Where Chardonnay share a table with char- teow. (Sa m ple 6) In this ad ,the use of Malay w ords helps to create an exotic atm osphere w hich m ay attract m ore tourists to go to the city advertised.

2. 3 At the Syntactic Level As far as syntactic features are concerned ,the language in English advertising rese m bles that of colloquial style , i. e.sim ple in structure.In this section , the m ajor stylistic features of English advertising at the syntactic level will be studied fro m the aspect of sentence types w hich refer to the e m ploy m ent of 75

The Linguistic Features of English Advertising   Zhu Linghong

different kinds of sentences , including declarative , interrogative , im perative ,or excla m atory sentences ; sim ple or m ultiple sentences ;m ajor or minor sentences ;and short or long sentences.

2. 3. 1 The Use of Im perative and Interrogative Sentences It can be observed that the sentences in the sa m ple ads are largely declarative sentences. This is because declarative sentences are prim arily used to convey inform ation and the ultim ate aim of advertising is to inform readers about the quality of a certain product or the profitit m ay bring.In the m eantim e , in order to catch readers attention and add variety to the writing ,interrogative and im perative sentences are also frequently used in advertising.For exa m ple : Hook up with a buddy online ,get your own meal plan and easy recipes ,or chat with a dietitian. C m on ,if Ican be a big loser ,there s nothing stopping you. (Sa m ple 2) In this exa m ple ,the advertiser uses im peratives as mild co m m ands to pro m pt the action — to join slim - fast progra m .Im perative sentences are so m etim es preferred because such sentences are persuasive and appealing to readers. Besides im perative sentences ,interrogative sentences are also frequently found in advertising English.Interrogatives are questions prim arily used to seek inform ation on a specific point.However , in advertising English , interrogatives are m ainly used as a rhetoric device w hich does not expect any answer or the advertisers answer the questions the mselves.For exa m ple : Is this a vision or a city ? (Sa m ple 6) This is the last sentence in the ad. After describing all the beauties and attractions of the city , the question is put forward to end the ad.The use of the question here see ms so naturalin persuading people to go there. And it m ay prove difficult to reject such a te m ptation.The interrogative sentence see ms m ore powerful in persuading people to carry out the desired action than a declarative or even an im perative sentence.

2. 3. 2 The Use of Short Sentences Sentence length is an im portant criterion of the readability of a text.The longer the sentence , the lower the readability of the text.According to the research done by United Press International(UPI)and the Associated Press ,a text with an average sentence length of eight w ords or less is regarded as“very easy to read”,w hile one averaging 29 or m ore w ords w ould be considered“very difficult to read” .And the“standard”or ideal average is 17 w ords. Since the advertising text aims at attracting readers attention and informing the m of a certain product ,and long difficult sentences w ould drain readers interest in reading the text ,short and sim ple sentences are preferred in advertising writing.The investigation of the sa m ples reveals that the average sentence length in English advertising is shorter than the suggested length.The average sentence length of each sa m ple ad is show n in the following table. Table 2.The Average Sentence Length of the Sa m ple Ads Sa m ples

Total Nu m ber of Words

Total Nu m ber of Sentences

Average Sentence Length

Sa m ple 1



8. 82

Sa m ple 2



10. 92

Sa m ple 3




Sa m ple 4



15. 5

Sa m ple 5



10. 75

Sa m ple 6



10. 71


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  In order to be easily co m prehensible ,English advertising tends to adopt short sentence. Besides , short sentences m ay help to retain readers attention and persuade the m to do the purchase with the tense atm osphere and fast pace they have created.

2. 3. 3 The Use of Sim ple Sentences Besides sentence length ,sentence structure is another criterion of the readability of the text. Sentences are either sim ple or m ultiple.Asim ple sentence consists of a single independent clause ,w hile a m ultiple sentence consists of m ore than one clause.The investigation of the sa m ple ads shows that sim ple sentences are m ore frequently used in print advertising.For exa m ple : So you can lose twice the weight than counting calories by your loneso me. ... And shake that notion of just shapes out of your head. There s soup ,pasta ,meal bars ,even ice crea m snacks. (Sa m ple 2) The frequent use of sim ple sentences can help to reduce the difficulty of the text.Mean w hile , sim ple sentences convey a m ood of action. Moreover ,a succession of sim ple sentences can m ake the paragraph powerful.Allthese are in harm ony with the goal of advertising —to persuade readers to buy the product.

2. 3. 4 The Use of Minor Sentences According to English gra m m ar ,a clause should consist of a subject ,a verb ,and an optional third ele m ent. However ,so m e sentences in advertising texts do not confirm to the regular patterns of clause structure ,nor to the variations of those structures in the m ajor syntactic classes. And they are called “minor sentences”.These sentences are frag m entary ,lacking constituents that are norm ally obligatory. For exa m ple : Canon s solution ?A five- ink printer. Introducing the Canon i860 :with a pig ment- based black for laser quality docu ments ,and a photo- grade black for high- contrast photos. Its speed ?. ..... The i860 s resolution ?Up to a crisp 4800 *1200 dpi. (Sa m ple 1) So m etim es in advertising English ,co m plex sentences are needed to express the co m plicated logical m eaning.In order to stress the m eaning or to m ake the structure clear ,the m ain clause of a co m plex sentence is separated fro m the subordinate clauses by full stops.Besides , so m e phrases or w ords are also used as independent sentences.Such sentences or sentence frag m ents sound brisk and rhyth mical.Also , they are striking to the eyes ,and therefore the advertising m essages are m ore clearly presented and easily m e m orized.

3.Su m m ary Through the application of the analysis approaches and m ethods of general stylistics ,the stylistic features of print English advertising are studied fro m the aspects of graphology , lexis ,and syntax.It is show n that in an atte m pt to catch readers attention and to im press readers of the excellence of their products or services , advertisers apply a variety of devices , for exa m ple ,punctuations ,different kinds of vocabulary ,and different types of sentences types in the advertising texts.

References Arens , W .F.2002. Contemporary Advertising.Boston :McGraw - Hill. Crystal ,D .&D .Davy.1969.Investigating English Style.London :Long man. Goddard ,A .1998. The Language of Advertising Written Texts.London :Routledge. Jefkins ,F.2000. Advertising — Forth Edition.London :Prentice Hall. Leech ,G .1966. English in Advertising.London :Long man. Liu ,Shisheng.1998. Outlines of Western Stylistics.Jinan :Shandong Education Press. O Guinn ,T .C .2003. Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion.Ohio :Tho mson. Percy ,L., J.R .Rossiter &R .Elliott.2001. Strategic Advertising Management.New York :OUP. Tang ,Fen.2002. Discourse Analysis of Advertising Chinese.Hangzhou :Zhejiang University. Wales ,K .1989. A Dictionary of Stylistics.London :Long man. Wright ,L.&J. Hope.2000. Stylistics :A Practical Coursebook. Beijing :Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 77

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2000 《 卢秀成, ,广告英语》。上海:上海科学技术出版社。 1991 《 钱瑗, ,实用英语文体学》。北京:北京师范大学出版社。 1994 《 谭卫国, ,实用新闻广告英语》。长沙:湖南出版社。 2001 《 汪滔, ,广告英语》。合肥:安徽科学技术出版社。

Appendix Sa m ple 1 Canon Printer There s a big difference between   black &black   That s w hy the i860 has    One for text and one for photos. Photos print out best with a certain kind of black.Text prints best with another.Proble m is , you can t fit both in a standard four- ink printer.Canon s solution ?A five- ink printer.Introducing the Canon i860 : with a pig m ent- based black for laser quality docu m ents ,and a photo- grade black for high- contrast photos.Its speed ?The i860 prints out up to 23pp m in black and up to 16pp m in color — m aking it one of the fastest printers in its class.The i860 s resolution ?Up to a crisp 4800 *1200 dpi.To learn m ore call 1- 800- ok- canon or pay a visit to w w w . usa. ca m on. co m / consu m er. Canon KNOW HOW

Sa m ple 2 I M A BIG LOSER You Can Lose Twice the Weight with The Slim - Fast Plan fast took the guessw ork out.They counted the calories and included “Hey ,that s m y kind of plan.Slim - the nutrition your body needs.So you can lose twice the weight than counting calories by your loneso m e. They got it dow n to a syste m w here you can eat six tim es a day.And shake that notion of just shapes out of your head.There s soup , pasta ,m eal bars , even ice crea m snacks.Thisis no quick fix —it s a way to eat healthy that you can stick with.And it s the only plan with a built- in , easy- to- follow activity grogra m . Want free support ?Hook up with a buddy online , get your ow n m eal plan and easy recipes ,or chat with a dietitian.C m on , if Ican be a big loser , there s nothing stopping you. ” For free personal support ,call1- 800 SLIM - FAST or visit slimfast. co m

Sa m ple 3 EOS Canon the new EOS D30 digital ca mera Em bark on a w hole new w orld of photography.Leading edge technology m arries all the features of a traditional SLR .Full co m patibility with the E- TLL wireless autoflash syste m m eans spectacular shots with naturallooking light.Catching the action dow n the aisle , at 3fps.And w hen wed to over 50 EFautofocuslenses , the newest entry into the EOSsyste m pops the ultim ate question.Are you digital yet ? Em bark On Spectacular

Sa m ple 4 Hyundai Fully loaded.Full covered. Full of co m m on sense. The Hyundai XG350 , 22 , 499. There s never been a better tim e to check out the 2004 Hyundai XG350 ,with its elegant styling and im pressive features — including Am erica s Best Warranty :10 years/ 100 , 000 miles. And ,for a short tim e ,you even have the luxury of paying less.So test- drive the XG350 at your Hyundai dealership. Because w hen you get this m uch car for this little m oney ,you win. ( Continued on p.46...) 78