28 Aug 2013 ... Francesco Branca, UNSCN Executive Secretary and UN Network co-facilitator.
Questions and Answers. 10.45-11.00 15'. Coffee Break. 11.00- ...
First Meeting of the UN System Network for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) 26-28 August 2013, Nairobi, Kenya Intercontinental Hotel - Mara South room
Funded by the Government of Germany AGENDA
Part I (26 August):- UN agencies only UN agencies roles and responsibilities for optimal operationalization of the UN System Network for SUN Monday, 26 August 2013 Time
Participants Registration
Welcome Custodia Mandlhate, WHO RC representative
Opening remarks from host of the meeting Ramiro Lopes da Silva, Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) and Assistant Executive Director WFP
10’ each
Keynote speech, by Steve Allen, UNICEF Regional Director ai Custodia Mandlhate, WHO Representative /Kenya. Role of UN country team for optimal support to national policy priorities in emergency and development.
(40 min)
Presentation: ‘The burden of malnutrition in Africa’ epidemiological trends in countries, by Mercedes de Onis, Coordinator Growth Assessment and Surveillance WHO: Objectives of the meeting and Introduction of participants by Nancy Walters, Global REACH Coordinator and UN Network co-facilitator.
The UN Network: Why do we need a UN Network for scaling up nutrition? Issues, priorities and needs
(40 min) Facilitator: Werner Schultink, UNICEF Chief Nutrition.
10’ each
Why do we need a UN Network? The need for coordinated support to countries and collaboration across the UN System. Ramiro Lopes da Silva, Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) and Assistant Executive Director WFP Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. Introductory presentation addressing the evolution of SUN in response to the expressed need for coordinated support, including SUN Networks. Martin Gallagher, Policy Adviser, SUN Movement Secretariat. UN System Network for SUN: its role and functions. Introduction to the endorsed UN Network Workplan and concept note. Francesco Branca, UNSCN Executive Secretary and UN Network co-facilitator. Questions and Answers
Coffee Break Moderated Panel Discussion: ‘Roles and responsibilities of UN system agencies in nutrition, challenges and opportunities to strengthen UN agencies collaboration in nutrition’
(120 min)
Introductory Presentation: Francesco Branca, UNSCN Executive Secretary. ‘UN support to nutrition through UNSCN interagency platform’. Linking previous presentations to actions of UN agencies and introducing the theme on ‘challenges and opportunities for strengthened UN agencies collaboration’. Moderator: Bjorn Ljungqvist, Consultant
Short interv entions
of 5’ each
Presenters / Discussants: • FAO, Barbara Burlingame • IFAD, Sean Kennedy • UNICEF, Werner Schultink • WFP, Martin Bloem • WHO, Francesco Branca 2
Others intervene from the floor: (UNFPA, UNHCR, IAEA, Bioversity International, IASC Food Security Cluster, IASC GNC). 45’
Facilitated Discussion on complementarities and need for further harmonization Identification of and agreement on policy and technical areas with need for more harmonization.
Lunch Moderated Discussion: Current (programmatic and other) collaboration actions of UN agencies at country level with selected examples, lessons learned and good practices.
(90 min)
Presentation: Nancy Walters, Global REACH Coordinator: ‘UN support to nutrition governance through the REACH partnership’ Moderator: Agency Regional Director (tbc)
Presenters: (short presentations with concrete examples of joint UN programming 10’ and collaboration) Each • 3 presentations from UN country team in Burundi, Cameroon and Ghana, •
15.45-17.45 (120 min)
1 Presentation ‘emergency setting’ IASC Clusters: an example of emergency nutrition security and the linkage between emergency and development.
Facilitated Discussion
Coffee break Roll out of UN Network at country level
10’ max
Introduction by Francesco Branca and Nancy Walters, UN Network cofacilitators: Introduction of the group work session and the 3 topics. Break out in groups, brainstorming on the three issues below, followed by presentation in plenary and round up discussion.
Country level UN Network:
6 parall el group s
1. Synergies and complementarities of UN agencies in nutrition for optimal joint country support: • What does it mean for country level collaboration? • What should be the tasks and responsibilities of individual agencies as member of the UN Network members? • Which support from region and global levels needed? 2. Practical organisation /set up of UN Network in country: • Options for UN Network governance and coordination in country • Tasks and responsibilities of UN network focal point (Terms of reference) 3. Interaction of UN Network with other SUN Networks in countries and with UN Network at global level: • Ways/ mechanisms of interaction between networks and with UN Network global level • Communication Facilitator: Martin Bloem, WFP Chief Nutrition
17.45-18.00 (15 min)
5’ each
Presentation of group work in Plenary
Facilitated discussion
Wrap up and Conclusions: Francesco Branca and Nancy Walters, UN Network co-facilitators. Closing remarks: Ramiro Lopes da Silva, Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) and Assistant Executive Director WFP
Part II (27-28 August): UN agencies, SUN Country focal points and others Towards a harmonized approach on Nutrition-sensitive development Tuesday, 27 August 2013 Time
Participants Registration
15’ each
Welcome to new participants and Introduction Overview of UN Network, Objectives of the meeting and Introduction of participants by Francesco Branca, UNSCN Executive Secretary and UN Network co-facilitator Nutrition-sensitive development – setting the scene:
Facilitator: Martin Bloem, WFP Chief, Nutrition. Presentation by Werner Schultink, UNICEF Chief Nutrition Section.: ‘Lancet Series on ‘nutrition-sensitive interventions, how can they help to accelerate progress in improving maternal and child health?’
(45 min)
10’ each
Presentation by Ramana Gandham (tbc), World Bank Lead Health Specialist, Africa Region: ‘Human development and Nutrition-sensitive development’ Presentation by Joyce Njoro, REACH Senior Programme Officer: ‘REACH partnership approach on ‘Integrating nutrition into programme interventions of different sectors'.
Questions and Answers from the floor
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture
(70 min)
Moderated Discussion: Nutrition-sensitive agriculture Country focal points present their country case studies on nutrition-sensitive agriculture, share lessons learned and good practices. Moderator: Sean Kennedy, Technical Officer IFAD, and FAO representative (tbc)
10’ each
Introductory Presentation: Barbara Burlingame Deputy Nutrition Director FAO and Mohamed Ag Bendech , Regional Advisor, FAO Africa Region: Key recommendations and area of actions for Improving Nutrition through Agriculture Presentations of country specific approach and preliminary results of country case studies, by Country nominated focal point • Malawi, by Mzondwase Agnes Mgomezulu and Janet Guta; • Sierra Leone, by Mohamed Ajuba Sheriff; • Ghana, by Sophie Tadria • Examples of good practices in nutrition sensitive agriculture by Angela Kimani Questions and Answers from the floor
Coffee Break
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: Continuous
(80 min)
Moderator: Barbara Burlingame, Deputy Nutrition Director FAO
15’ each
30’ 13.00-14.00
Presentations of country specific approach and preliminary results of country case studies, by Country nominated focal point • Mozambique, by Almeida Tembe. • Senegal, by Abdoulaye Ka and Ndiobo Diene. Moderated Discussion
Lunch Moderated panel discussion: Needs and expectations from countries towards the UN System Network, and the way forward for optimal country support
(60 min) 5’
Introductory Presentation: Terry Wefwafwa, Kenya SUN country focal point. SUN Movement in Kenya: challenges and opportunities of scaling up nutrition and how the UN team can provide optimal support. Moderator: Bjorn Ljungqvist, Consultant Presenters / Discussants: 6
5’ each
5’ each
Support expected from UN system: - 4 SUN country focal points representing countries in different stages of scaling up nutrition o Senegal, Abdoulaye Ka, National Coordinator, Cellule de Lutte contre la malnutrition o Uganda, Maureen Bakunzi, Assistant Commissioner, Office of the Prime Minister o Zimbabwe, George D. Kembo, Director Food and Nutrition Council o Kenya; Terry Wefwafwa, Director of Nutrition, Ministry of Health Response to expected support: - 4 UN agencies’ Regional Nutrition Focal Points o FAO Region Africa, Mohamed AgBendech, Senior Nutrition Officer, o UNICEF Eastern and Southern Region, Noel Marie Zagre, Regional Nutrition Adviser o WFP Region Southern Africa, Pushpa Acharya, Head of Nutrition and HIV Unit o WHO Africa Region, Mercy Chikoko, Technical Officer Facilitated Discussion
Coffee break Moderated Panel Discussion: ‘Approaches and actions of UN system agencies in nutrition-sensitive development; complementarities and opportunities for collaboration for optimal country support’
(90 min)
10´ each
Introductory Presentation by Mohamed AgBendech, Regional Nutrition Officer: Working together on nutrition-sensitive development: Lessons learnt from the MDG-F UNJPs from FAO's perspective Moderator: Martin Bloem, WFP Chief, Nutrition Service, and Werner Schultink, Chief Nutrition UNICEF Presenters / Discussants: representatives from • IFAD, Sean Kennedy • WFP, Martin Bloem • WHO, Francesco Branca • UNICEF, Noel Zagre • IASC global Food Security Cluster, George Aelion • UNHCR, Allison Oman • World Bank, Ramana Gandham 7
Others intervene from the floor (UNFPA, IAEA, Bioversity International, IASC GNC). Questions and answers from the floor Moderator’s summary, by Werner Schultink, Chief Nutrition UNICEF: - Presents summary on actions, and roles/responsibilities of individual agencies and complementarities based on what has been presented. 16.45-17.05
Clarification and response by the Senior Technical Group Technical group members from HQ to respond to outstanding issues and questions from this and the previous session
Part 2 of the moderated discussion: Towards a harmonized approach on nutrition-sensitive development in a multisectoral integrated way
(20 min)
17.05-17.50 (45 min)
Moderator: Werner Schultink, Chief Nutrition UNICEF and Martin Bloem, WFP Chief, Nutrition Service Facilitated Discussion on the Way forward: towards harmonization, and provision of guidance. 17.50-18.20
Information Session: the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2)
(30 min) Moderator: Martin Bloem, WFP Chief, Nutrition.
10’ each
Presentation by Barbara Burlingame, Deputy Nutrition Director FAO: Introduction to the second International Conference on Nutrition. Presentation by Francesco Branca, WHO Director Nutrition and Executive Secretary UNSCN: ‘Policy implications of nutrition impact of agriculture and food systems and relevance for ICN2’
18.20-18.45 (15 min)
Questions and answers from the floor Wrap up, Conclusions and Closing remarks: Werner Schultink, Chief Nutrition UNICEF, and Barbara Burlingame, Deputy Nutrition Director FAO
Regional launch of the UN System Network for SUN Wednesday, 28 August 2013 - UN agencies, Country focal points and invited guests Time
Participants Registration and welcome coffee
9.00-10.00 15’ each
Welcome and Presentation of an overview of the UN Network by Ramiro Lopes da Silva, Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) and Assistant Executive Director WFP Speech from the SUN Movement Coordinator David Nabarro Speech from the donor representative – Hanns-Christoph Eiden Keynote speech Representative Government of Kenya Official launch of the UN Network in the Region
Moderated Panel Discussion Complementarities and Synergies between UN agencies in supporting countries to scale up nutrition. How UN can jointly support country scaling up on the example of Kenya?
(60 min)
Moderator: David Nabarro Panelists / Discussants - UN Country Representatives Kenya (tbc): • FAO Representative /Kenya • UNICEF Deputy Representative Kenya • WFP Representative Kenya • WHO Representative Kenya Questions and Answers from the floor
11.00-11.15 11.15-12.15
Coffee Break Presentation of way forward and key decisions from the meeting
(60 min)
By Francesco Branca and Nancy Walters, UN System Network for SUN cofacilitators Final Discussion
12.15-12.30 (15 min)
Vote of thanks, by Ramiro Lopes da Silva, Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) and Assistant Executive Director WFP
12.30-13.30 Lunch