“The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell. 1. Copyright ... At the end of
Richard Connell's story, Rainsford has survived Zaroff's challenge. However, he ...
Power Thinking Activities: “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell
Activity 1: Problem-Solving At the end of Richard Connell’s story, Rainsford has survived Zaroff’s challenge. However, he still has a major problem to overcome—he’s stranded on the island. How can Rainsford get off the island and back to civilization? You can solve Rainsford’s dilemma with some creative problem-solving. • List the obstacles Rainsford still faces. For example, does he have any way of communicating with the mainland? • Identify the advantages Rainsford has now that he has beaten Zaroff. • Identify some possible solutions available to Rainsford. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? • Choose the solution you think makes the most sense and explain why. Activity 2: Investigation In Connell’s story, one human being hunts down another just for thrills. This may have left you wondering whether it is ethical to hunt and kill any living creature just for sport. How do people justify it? One way to find out is to investigate the issues surrounding sport hunting. Follow these steps to gather information about sport hunting. • Use the Internet and other sources to carry out your investigation. • Identify the issues surrounding the sport. • Take a position on an issue relating to sport hunting. • Write an essay explaining and supporting your position. Cite facts and experts’ statements to support your argument. Activity 3: Invention With only a single knife at his disposal, Rainsford faces a daunting task of trying to outwit an accomplished hunter like Zaroff. But what if Rainsford had additional resources? Use your creativity and ingenuity to give Rainsford an edge. Imagine that Rainsford has three days to prepare for the hunt and these additional resources: • two knives • book of matches • five-day supply of food and water • rope • tent • blanket
Power Thinking Activities: “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell
What could Rainsford invent that would help him to overcome Zaroff? Draw an illustration of your invention and describe how it works. Then explain why it would have worked to defeat Zaroff.