Jan 13, 2016 - The multi-objective optimal dispatch model of a power system ...... Information networks and high-level software architecture are employed ..... Giuntoli, M.; Poli, D. Optimized thermal and electrical scheduling of a large scale ...
sustainability Article
The Optimal Dispatch of a Power System Containing Virtual Power Plants under Fog and Haze Weather Yajing Gao *, Huaxin Cheng, Jing Zhu, Haifeng Liang and Peng Li Received: 25 November 2015; Accepted: 8 January 2016; Published: 13 January 2016 Academic Editor: Tatiana Morosuk School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China; hxxxdsxb@163.com (H.C.); ncepuzhujing@163.com (J.Z.); hfliang@ncepu.edu.cn (H.L.); ncepulp@gmail.com (P.L.) * Correspondence: commoncat@163.com; Tel.: +86-137-2228-2201
Abstract: With the growing influence of fog and haze (F-H) weather and the rapid development of distributed energy resources (DERs) and smart grids, the concept of the virtual power plant (VPP) employed in this study would help to solve the dispatch problem caused by multiple DERs connected to the power grid. The effects of F-H weather on photovoltaic output forecast, load forecast and power system dispatch are discussed according to real case data. The wavelet neural network (WNN) model was employed to predict photovoltaic output and load, considering F-H weather, based on the idea of “similar days of F-H”. The multi-objective optimal dispatch model of a power system adopted in this paper contains several VPPs and conventional power plants, under F-H weather, and the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and the Yalmip toolbox of MATLAB were adopted to solve the dispatch model. The analysis of the results from a case study proves the validity and feasibility of the model and the algorithms. Keywords: fog and haze; virtual power plant; forecast; wavelet neural network; optimal dispatch; mixed integer linear programming
1. Introduction Challenges in the energy industry, such as rapidly growing demands for electricity, low efficiency of energy utilization and deteriorating environmental conditions, have attracted increasing global attention. Currently, thermal power plants (TPPs) of multiple sizes located all over the country are the major generators of power in China’s electricity market. TPPs are characterized by a high consumption of coal resources, which is one of the main factors of air pollution. The air pollution, which contains harmful gases, solid particles in the air and the greenhouse effect resulting from excessive emissions of CO2 , has affected people’s livelihood and caused many problems in the operation, maintenance and dispatch control of power systems. The air quality in China continues to deteriorate, and fog and haze weather (F-H) has become a new weather condition that is attracting much attention by the government and the public because its influence area has gradually increased. In 2013, more than 100 cities in 25 provinces in China, which represent 25% of the national territorial area, were covered by F-H [1]. The severity level of F-H can be quantitatively described by the Air Quality Index (AQI), which is a dimensionless index calculated by the contents of SO2 , CO2 , PM10 (inhalable particle matter, diameter Nmax , the training stops, and the network parameters that have a better fitting capacity for the original data are obtained. er “
m ÿ
ry0 pkq ´ yr pkqs
k “1 r Ber r `1 r ` η Be , w “ w 2 jk jk Bwijr Bwrjk r Be Ber arj `1 “ arj ` η3 r , brj `1 “ brj ` η4 r Ba j Ba j
wijr`1 “ wijr ` η1
i “ 1, 2, ..., n, j “ 1, 2, ..., l, k “ 1, 2, ..., m
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where y0 (k) is the real values; η 1 , η 2 , η 3 and η 4 are the learning rates of wij , w jk , a j and b j , which are set according to demand. Step 7. Conduct the forecast for photovoltaic output (or load) using the WNN trained by Step 6 and analyze the results. Step 8. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and the mean squared error (MSE) are employed in this section to evaluate the forecast accuracy, which are shown as Formulas (12) and (13): Sustainability 2016, 8, 71
11 of 22 ˇ N ˇ 100 ÿ ˇˇ yi ´ y1 i ˇˇ MAPE “error (MAPE) Step 8. The mean absolute percentage ˇ yand the ˇ mean squared error (MSE) are N i which are shown as Formulas (12) employed in this section to evaluate the forecast accuracy,
and (13): N ÿ 1100 N 1 2 i yyi q MSE “ pyi y´ i MAPE N N yi i“1 i 1
N where N is the number of samples; yi is the real 1value; y’i is 2the forecast value. MSE predicted ( yi yivalues ) (13) values and The MAPE and the MSE will be small if the are very close to the true N i 1 will be large if for some of the observations, the predicted and true values differ substantially. where N is the number of samples; yi is the real value; y’i is the forecast value. Step 9. End. The MAPE and the MSE will be small if the predicted values are very close to the true values
and will be large if for some of the observations, the predicted and true values differ substantially.
3. The Dispatch of Power Systems Containing VPPs Step 9. End. 3. The Dispatch of Power Systems Containing VPPs 3.1. The Construction of the VPP
The DERs that form the VPP could be the same or diverse, and their layout may be either 3.1. The Construction of the VPP concentrated or scattered. Information networks software architecture are employed The DERs that form the VPP could be the and same high-level or diverse, and their layout may be either inside the concentrated or scattered. Information networks and high‐level software architecture are employed VPP to connect and control DERs. Therefore, there is no need to change the grid-connected inside VPP to connect and of control DERs. Therefore, there is no need to change the structure and thethe distributed topology DERs. grid‐connected structure and the distributed topology of DERs. The construction of a VPP that consists of various DERs is shown in Figure 7. The construction of a VPP that consists of various DERs is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. The construction of a virtual power plant (VPP). DER, distributed energy resource.
Figure 7. The construction of a virtual power plant (VPP). DER, distributed energy resource. As shown in Figure 7, DERs that form the VPP in this paper could be wind power plants (WPP), photovoltaic power plants (PPP), demand side resources (DSR), electric vehicle charging As shown in Figure 7, DERs that form the VPP in this paper could be wind power plants (WPP), stations (EVCS), distributed energy storage (DES), etc. The output of a VPP is the sum of all DER photovoltaic power plants (PPP), demand side resources electric vehicle charging stations outputs, which can be predicted separately, inside the VPP. (DSR), The characteristics of different DERs could be complementary, and the uncertainties could be offset to some degree, which gives the VPP (EVCS), distributed energy storage (DES), etc. The output of a VPP is the sum of all DER outputs, which canbetter external characteristics, similar to conventional power plants, than scattered DERs. be predicted separately, inside the VPP. The characteristics of different DERs could be
complementary, and the uncertainties could be offset to some degree, which gives the VPP better 3.2. The Dispatch Model Containing VPPs external characteristics, similar to conventional power plants, than scattered DERs. The schematic diagram of VPPs participating in the dispatch is shown in Figure 8.
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3.2. The Dispatch Model Containing VPPs The schematic diagram of VPPs participating in the dispatch is shown in Figure 8. Sustainability 2016, 8, 71
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Figure 8. Schematic diagram of VPPs participating in the dispatch. TPP, thermal power plant; HPP,
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of VPPs participating in the dispatch. TPP, thermal power plant; HPP, hydraulic power plant; GPP, geothermal power plant; NPP, nuclear power plant. hydraulic power plant; GPP, geothermal power plant; NPP, nuclear power plant.
The VPP, as an autonomous entity, connects to the power grid just like other conventional power plants such as thermal power (TPP), power conventional plants (HPP), The VPP, as an(CPP), autonomous entity, connects to plants the power gridhydraulic just like other power power plants (GPP) nuclear power plants power (NPP). plants After (HPP), the process of output plantsgeothermal (CPP), such as thermal powerand plants (TPP), hydraulic geothermal power VPP uploads output and After other relevant information the dispatch center plantsprediction, (GPP) andthe nuclear power its plants (NPP). the process of outputto prediction, the VPPand uploads the electricity market through information and communication technology and receives instructions its output and other relevant information to the dispatch center and the electricity market through from the system. information and communication technology and receives instructions from the system. Energy conservation and emissions reduction are the main objectives of the power system in Energy conservation and emissions reduction are the main objectives of the power system in the dispatch considering F‐H weather. On the premise of satisfying the needs of the total load, the the dispatch consideringtakes F-H weather. On the premise ofwith satisfying the needs of the total load, the system preferentially in power generated by units low emission and restricts (or even system preferentially takes in power generated by units with low emission and restricts (or even shuts shuts down) units with high emission to some degree according to the operational constraints and economic characteristics of the units. In addition, several economic incentive measures are taken to down) units with high emission to some degree according to the operational constraints and economic encourage of the development of new clean energy, such as wind power and photovoltaic characteristics the units. In addition, several economic incentive measures are taken topower. encourage Therefore, the VPP demonstrates its priority in dispatch via its advantage of low pollution the development of new clean energy, such as wind power and photovoltaic power. Therefore,and the VPP policies of subsidies. Generally, the higher the is, the more obvious the VPP’s demonstrates itsfiscal priority in dispatch via its advantage ofAQI low level pollution and policies of fiscal subsidies. priority. Generally, the higher the AQI level is, the more obvious the VPP’s priority. 4. The Mathematical Model of Dispatch under F‐H Weather
4. The Mathematical Model of Dispatch under F-H Weather A multi‐objective optimal dispatch model of a power system, containing several VPPs and
A multi-objective optimal of aan power system, containingin several VPPs and conventional power plants dispatch (take the model TPP as example), is employed this paper, conventional power plants (take the TPP as an example), is employed in this paper, comprehensively 1–f4) and six constraints (C0–C5) [23–27]. comprehensively counting four objective functions (f counting four objective functions (f 1 –f 4 ) and six constraints (C0 –C5 ) [23–27]. 4.1. Objective Functions
4.1. Objective Functions
(1) Minimizing generation cost and start‐up (shut‐down) cost of TPPs: f1.
(1) Minimizing generation cost and start-up (shut-down) cost of TPPs: f 1 . M T min f1 [ Ai ( PGi ,t ) I Gi ,t SU i ,t SDi ,t ]
1 tT Mi 1 ř ř 2 min f “ pPGi,t ¨ Ii ,Gi,t ` SUi,t,t `SD SD Ai ( PGi ,t ) aQi ( P qSU sCSDi zGi ,t 1 1Gi ,t ) bQi PrA Gi ,t i cQi t CSUi yGi i ,t i,t
i“1 t“1
2 AM q “number aQi ¨ pPGi,t ` bQi ¨power PGi,t `units; cQi , SU CSUi ¨ yGi,tof , SD CSDi ¨ zGi,t where of qthermal T i,t is “ the number time during i pPis Gi,tthe i,t “intervals ´1 the
dispatch period; PGi,t and Ai(PGi,t) are the output and generation cost of unit i in period t; IGi,t is the
whererunning state of unit i in period t, with unit i on/off in period t when I M is the number of thermal power units; T is the number of time intervals during dispatch Gi,t = 1/0; a Qi, bQi and cQithe are the period; PGi,t and Ai (PGi,t ) are the output and generation cost of unit i in period t; IGi,t is the running cost coefficients (constants) of unit i; SU i,t and SD i,t are the start‐up and shut‐down costs of unit i in and CSDi of the start‐up unit i; yGi,t = 1 state period t; of unit i CinSUiperiod t, are the cost coefficients with unit i on/off in period t when and IGi,tshut‐down = 1/0; aQi ,of bQi and and cQi are the cost (zGi,t = 1) means that ofunit in the process of start‐up (shut‐down) in period t; otherwise, y Gi,t = 0 coefficients (constants) uniti is i; SU and SD are the start-up and shut-down costs of unit i in period i,t i,t (z Gi,t = 0). t; CSUi and CSDi are the cost coefficients of the start-up and shut-down of unit i; and yGi,t = 1 (zGi,t = 1) The relations among yGi,t, zGi,t and IGi,t (constraints C0) are shown as Formula (15), which are means that unit i is in the process of start-up (shut-down) in period t; otherwise, yGi,t = 0 (zGi,t = 0). additional equality constraints (C01) and inequality constraints (C02), because of the added variables (yGi,t and zGi,t).
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The relations among yGi,t , zGi,t and IGi,t (constraints C0 ) are shown as Formula (15), which are additional equality constraints (C01 ) and inequality constraints (C02 ), because of the added variables (yGi,t and zGi,t ). yGi,t ´ zGi,t “ IGi,t ´ IGi,t´1 , yGi,t ´ zGi,t ď 1 (15) i “ 1, 2, ...M, t “ 1, 2, ...T where IGi,0 = 1/0 (t = 1) means that unit I is on/off before the dispatch period. (2) Minimizing pollution emission of TPPs (considering the penalty factor of AQI): f 2 . Gaseous pollutants, such as SO2 , NOx , PM10 and PM2.5, are the main emissions considered in this paper. The concept of nominal environmental compensation cost is introduced to transform the pollutant emission of the thermal power unit into emission cost. min f 2 “
T ÿ
M ÿ
rCFi ¨ i “1
Bi pPGi,t q ¨ IGi,t s, Bi pPGi,t q “ aWi ¨ pPGi,t q2 ` bWi ¨ PGi,t ` cWi
t “1
where Bi (PGi,t ) is the emission amount of unit i in period t; aWi , bWi and cWi are the pollutant discharge coefficients of unit i; and CFi is the cost coefficient of pollutant emissions of unit i. In addition, the AQI level (LAQI ), as a penalty term, is added to the calculation of CFi to consider the effect of F-H in the dispatch. The economic punishment varies with LAQI and the emission characteristic of the unit; namely, a unit with heavier pollution would receive more serious punishment when LAQI is higher. CFi “ CBi ¨ ϕpL AQI q, L AQI “ 1, 2, ..., 6 (17) where ϕ(LAQI ) is the growth factor function of emission cost and CBi is the cost coefficient of the pollutant emission of unit i when LAQI = 1 (the air condition is excellent); namely, ϕ(1) = 1 and CFi = CBi . Generally, the worse the emission characteristics of a unit is, the larger the CBi value, which causes the unit to stay in an inferior position in the dispatch considering the environmental benefits. Therefore, it could be deduced according to the above analysis that ϕ(LAQI ) might be an increasing function, which would be supposed to be a linear one since there are no studies on this expression. ϕpL AQI q “ 1 ` α ¨ pL AQI ´ 1q, L AQI “ 1, 2, ..., 6
where α is the empirical value of the proportionality coefficient of ϕ(LAQI ), obtained from the comprehensive analysis of the policies, F-H condition and emission characteristic of the units. (3) Minimizing carbon emission of TPPs: f 3 . Carbon emission is namely greenhouse gas emission, which mainly includes CO2 , N2 O, CH4 and O3 . Only CO2 is discussed in this paper, because the other greenhouse gases could be converted into CO2 equivalent. M T ÿ ÿ min f 3 “ pCXi ¨ cei ¨ eGi ¨ PGi,t q (19) i “1
t “1
where CXi , cei and eGi are the cost coefficient of carbon emission, the coal consumption rate and the carbon discharge coefficient of unit i. (4) Minimizing generation cost of VPPs: f 4 . It is assumed that the generation cost of a DER and that of its output have a linear relationship to simplify the dispatch model, based on a comprehensive consideration of the basic construction cost,
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operation and maintenance costs and control cost of DERs. Similarly, the generation cost and output of a VPP have a linear relationship. min f 4 “
n ÿ
T ÿ
pwk ¨
PVPPk,t q, wk “
k “1
mk ÿ
δk,j ¨ wk,j
j “1
where n is the number of VPPs; wk is the generation cost coefficient of VPPk ; PVPPk,t is the output of VPPk in period t; mk is the number of DERs inside VPPk ; δk,j is the capacity proportion of DER j inside VPPk ; and wk,j (constant) is the generation cost coefficient of DER j inside VPPk . Therefore, wk would be a constant if the types of DERs and δk,j are known. 4.2. Constraints (1) System power balance constraints: C1 . M ÿ
PGi,t `
n ÿ
PVPPk,t “ PDt , t “ 1, 2, ..., T
k “1
where PDt is the total load in period t. (2) Output limits of TPPs and VPPs: C2 . Pmin´Gi ¨ IGi,t ď PGi,t ď Pmax´Gi ¨ IGi,t , Pmin´VPPk ď PVPPk,t ď Pmax´VPPk i “ 1, 2, ..., M, t “ 1, 2, ..., T, k “ 1, 2, ..., n
where Pmin´Gi and Pm ax´Gi are the minimum and maximum outputs of thermal power unit I; the counterparts of VPPk are Pmin´VPPk and Pm ax´VPPk . (3) System reserve constraints: C3 . M ÿ
Pmax´Gi ¨ IGi,t `
i “1
n ÿ
Pmax´VPPk ě PDt ` SDt , t “ 1, 2, ..., T
k “1
where SDt is the total system reserve in period t. (4) Ramping constraints of TPPs: C4 . ˇ ˇ ˇ PGi,t ´ PGi,t´1 ˇ ď Qi , i “ 1, 2, ..., M, t “ 2, 3, ..., T
where Qi is the limit value of output change of unit i. (5) The maximal start/stop count limits: C5 . The VPP is in the running state all of the time, except during maintenance in the dispatch period, so the start/stop constraints consider only TPPs. These constraints are expressed as minimal on/off time limits in published research works, which are transformed into maximal start/stop counts to simplify the complexity of calculation in this paper. T ˇ ÿ ˇ ˇ IGi,t ´ IGi,t´1 ˇ ď Jmax´i , i “ 1, 2, ...M t “2
where Jmax ´i is the maximum start/stop count of unit i.
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5. Solving the Optimal Dispatch Model Based on MILP Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) [24] and the MATLAB toolbox Yalmip are employed to solve the above multi-objective optimal dispatch model. The MILP, which has no iteration process, is good at handling power system optimal dispatch problems because of its nice astringency, good optimality and simple expression of constraints. Yalmip is a free toolbox developed by Lofberg, and the greatest advantage lies in its simple and general modeling language. 5.1. Model Simplification The objectives in this paper are all about costs that could be added up to form a total cost; the linear weighted sum method [28] is adopted to simplify the calculation in the early study. 4 ř F “ min β r ¨ f r pXq, X “ rPGi,t , IGi,t , PVPPk,t s X r “1 $ ’ & H p pXq “ 0, pp “ 1, 2, ..., MT ` Tq ô C01 , C1 s.t. Gq pXq ď 0, pq “ 1, 2, ..., Qq ô C02 , C2 , C3 , C4 , C5 ’ % Q “ MT ` 2pM ` nqT ` T ` 2MpT ´ 1q ` M
where X and F are the decision variable set and the comprehensive objective function; βr is the weight of fr ; C0 –C5 are constraints; H p (p = 1,2, . . . ,MT+T) are equality constraints; Gq (q = 1,2, . . . ,Q) are inequality constraints; and Q is the number of inequality constraints. Usually, the selections of the weights depend on the choices of the decision maker or field practical experience. Besides, Formula (27) is adopted to calculate weights, as well. 1 f r pX ˚ q βr “ 4 ř 1 ˚q f pX r “1 r
where fr (X* ) is the optimal value of the single objective problem of fr (X). 5.2. Linearization of Objective Functions The objectives, such as generation cost and emission of thermal power units, could be linearized based on the piecewise linearization, which has better performance on the functions with low nonlinearity degree, to fit the solver Yalmip and simplify the calculation [25]. The linearization formulas are shown as follows: f pxq “ ax2 ` bx ` c U U ř ř f “ f pxmin q ` k u xu , x “ xmin ` xu u “1
u “1
0 ď xu ď ∆Xu , u “ 1, 2, ..., U ∆Xu “ Xu ´ Xu´1 , X0 “ xmin , XU “ xmax where xmin and xmax are the minimum and maximum values of variable x; Xu is the value of the segment point of segment u; U is the number of segments; and ku is the slope of segment u. If x is in segment u (Xu ´1 ď x ď Xu ): xu1 “ 0, u1 “ u ` 1, u ` 2, ..., U xu2 “ ∆Xu2 , u2 “ u ´ 1, u ´ 2, ..., 1
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5.3. Model Solving The Yalmip toolbox is employed on the MATLAB 2014a platform to solve a power system optimal dispatch model containing VPPs under F-H weather, according to the steps as follows: Step 1. Start; Step 2. Import data of load, AQI level (LAQI ), outputs and relative information of thermal power units and VPPs, basic parameters of DERs inside VPPs and other useful information; Step 3. Define column vector X of unknown variables and calculate row vector V of coefficients of the comprehensive objective function according to Formula (26): F = V ˆ X; Step 4. Set all constraints W according to Formula (26): W = W + set(Ci ), i = 1,2,...,5; Sustainability 2016, 8, 71 16 of 22 Step 5. Set the empirical value of proportionality coefficient α of ϕ(LAQI ) according to Formula (18); Step 6. Solve the model by the Yalmip toolbox in MATLAB: result = solvesdp(W, F); Step 5. Set the empirical value of proportionality coefficient α of φ(LAQI) according to Step 7. Export results and analyze; Formula (18); Step 8. Step 6. Solve the model by the Yalmip toolbox in MATLAB: result = solvesdp(W, F); End. Step 7. Export results and analyze;
6. Case Study Step 8. End. 6.1. Photovoltaic Output and Load Forecasts under F-H 6. Case Study According to the methods mentioned in Section 2, the data of the AQI value, temperature 6.1. Photovoltaic Output and Load Forecasts under F‐H (minimum and maximum), weather type, day type, photovoltaic output and load of a certain region in According to the methods mentioned in Section 2, the data of the AQI value, temperature Baoding, China, during the period from type, 1 December 2013–26 March 2014and were gathered to conduct (minimum and maximum), weather day type, photovoltaic output load of a certain photovoltaic output and load forecasts. To verify the analysis of the influence of F-H, the prediction region in Baoding, China, during the period from 1 December 2013–26 March 2014 were gathered to conduct photovoltaic output and load forecasts. To verify the analysis of the influence of F‐H, the results of 27 March 2014 (AQI = 305, overcast) are shown as follows (both considering and ignoring F-H). prediction results of 27 March 2014 (AQI = 305, overcast) are shown as follows (both considering Asand ignoring F‐H). shown in Figure 9, the red curve (with AQI) is closer to the black curve (real value) than the As shown in Figure 9, the red curve (with AQI) is closer to the black curve (real value) than the blue curve (without AQI); in Table 2, the MAPE and the MSE with AQI are much smaller than those blue curve (without AQI); in Table 2, the MAPE and the MSE with AQI are much smaller than those withoutwithout AQI, which indicates that that the prediction accuracy output higher AQI, which indicates the prediction accuracy of of the the photovoltaic photovoltaic output is is higher if if F-H is considered. F‐H is considered.
Photovoltaic output forecast/MW
70 60
With AQI Without AQI Real Value
50 40 30 20 10 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time/h Figure 9. Result comparison of the photovoltaic output forecast with and without AQI.
Figure 9. Result comparison of the photovoltaic output forecast with and without AQI. Table 2. MAPE and MSE of the photovoltaic output forecast.
Table 2. MAPE and MSE of the photovoltaic output forecast. Case
MAPE (%)
With AQI Case Without AQI
4.4181 MAPE (%) 8.4941
With AQI
2.9696 MSE 8.5712
Without AQI 8.4941 8.5712 As shown in Figure 10, the blue curve (without AQI) is higher on average than the black curve (real value), especially in the period of peak load, while the red curve (with AQI) is closer to the black curve; in Table 3, the MAPE and the MSE with the AQI are also smaller than those without AQI, which indicates that the prediction accuracy of the load is higher if F‐H is considered. In other words, the prediction accuracy is higher because photovoltaic outputs and loads of similar days are much closer to those of the day being predicted when the AQI factor is included. During the similar days of F‐H, the atmosphere factors, the operating states of PV panels, the electric power consumption of the whole society and the macroscopic readjustment of the Chinese
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As shown in Figure 10, the blue curve (without AQI) is higher on average than the black curve (real value), especially in the period of peak load, while the red curve (with AQI) is closer to the black curve; in Table 3, the MAPE and the MSE with the AQI are also smaller than those without AQI, which indicates that the prediction accuracy of the load is higher if F-H is considered. In other words, the prediction accuracy is higher because photovoltaic outputs and loads of similar days are much closer to those of the day being predicted when the AQI factor is included. During the similar days of F-H, the atmosphere factors, the operating states of PV panels, the electric power consumption of the whole society and the macroscopic readjustment of the Chinese Sustainability 2016, 8, 71 17 of 22 government are similar, as well. The WNN model with better learning ability is able to catch the change pattern of government are similar, as well. The WNN model with better learning ability is able to catch the photovoltaic change pattern of photovoltaic outputs and loads to form more accurate predictions. outputs and loads to form more accurate predictions. 850
With AQI
Without AQI Real Value
Load forecast/MW
750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time/h Figure 10. Result comparison of the load forecast with and without AQI.
Figure 10. Result comparison of the load forecast with and without AQI. Table 3. MAPE and MSE of the load forecast.
Table 3. MAPE and MSE of the load forecast. Case MAPE (%) MSE With AQI Case Without AQI
MAPE (%) 3.7528
With AQI Without AQI
2.6662 3.7528
6.2. The Dispatch under F‐H Weather
167.0492 MSE 523.0842
167.0492 523.0842
(1) Case description: 1 and G2) and two VPPs (VPP1 and VPP2) supplying the 6.2. The DispatchThere are two thermal power units (G under F-H Weather
(1) Case
total load, the forecast curve of which is shown in Figure 10, of a certain region in Baoding, China, on 27 March 2014 (AQI = 305, LAQI = 6). Some relative parameters of G1 and G2 are listed in Tables 4 description: and 5.
There are two thermal power units (G1 and G2 ) and two VPPs Table 4. The cost and emission coefficients of G 1 and G(VPP 2. 1 and VPP2 ) supplying the total load, theUnit forecast curve of2 which is shown incQiFigure a certain in Baoding, China, on 2 aQi yuan/MW bQi yuan/MW yuan 10, aWiof kg/MW bregion Wi kg/MW cWi kg 27 March 2014 G(AQI = 305, LAQI = 6). Some parameters3.380 of G1 and G−3.550 are listed in Tables 4 and 5. 1 0.018 38.306 relative 1243.531 5.426 2 G2
Table 4. The cost and emission coefficients of G1 and G2 . Table 5. The other information of G1 and G2.
Unit G1 G2
2 MW bPmax‐Gi Unit Pmin‐Gi MW eGi t/MW aQi yuan/MW Qi yuan/MW
CBi yuan/t yuan
0.018 G2 0.011
38.306 325
1243.53116 1.8
2 CXi CSUi yuan ayuan/t kg/MW Wi 13 14
CbSDi yuan Jmax‐i kg/MW
3.380 6.490
´3.550 4 140
VPP1 consists of a wind power plant (WPP1, 100 MW), a photovoltaic power plant (PPP1, 80 MW) and an efficiency power plant (EPP, 90 MW); VPP2 consists of a WPP (WPP2, 80 MW), a PPP Table 5. The other information of G1 and G2 . (PPP2, 60 MW) and an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS, 70 MW). An EPP implements all kinds of electricity‐saving strategies in a certain region, and the P electricity saved becomes its virtual output, which is equivalent to building a new power plant or Pmax ´Gi eGi CBi C Xi CSUi CSDi Unit min´Gi cei t/t enlarging the capacity of an old one. The control strategies and implementation of an EPP rely on MW MW t/MW yuan/t yuan/t yuan yuan
G1 G2
35 130
210 325
0.350 0.340
1.6 1.8
21 16
13 14
330 430
110 140
cWi kg 5.426 5.090
J max´i 5 4
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Maximum outputs of VPP1 and VPP2/MW
VPP1 consists of a wind power plant (WPP1 , 100 MW), a photovoltaic power plant (PPP1 , 80 MW) and an efficiency power plant (EPP, 90 MW); VPP2 consists of a WPP (WPP2 , 80 MW), a PPP (PPP2 , 60 MW) and an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS, 70 MW). An EPP implements all kinds of electricity-saving strategies in a certain region, and the electricity saved becomes its virtual output, which is equivalent to building a new power plant or enlarging the capacity of an old one. The control strategies and implementation of an EPP rely on advanced communication and information technology [29]. An EVCS aggregates a large number of EVs, the charge-discharge patterns of which are rationally controlled to realize load shifting. Thus, the Sustainability 2016, 8, 71 18 of 22 charge-discharge control strategies of EVs are the fundamental tasks of an EVCS [30]. The main focus of this case is the plan of green economic dispatch between the power system advanced communication and information technology [29]. An EVCS aggregates a large number of and VPPs under F-H weather. The characteristics of DERs inside VPPs will be researched in a future EVs, the charge‐discharge patterns of which are rationally controlled to realize load shifting. Thus, study. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the EPP and EVCS act only as special generation units, and the charge‐discharge control strategies of EVs are the fundamental tasks of an EVCS [30]. theirThe main focus of this case is the plan of green economic dispatch between the power system outputs could be controlled and adjusted according to demand within capacities, which could simplify theunder dispatch and VPPs F‐H model. weather. The characteristics of DERs inside VPPs will be researched in a The output forecast of VPP1 and that VPP2the , which shown Figure available future study. Therefore, curves it is hypothesized EPP are and EVCS inact only 11, as would special be generation by adding forecast curves ofbe thecontrolled WPP and and PPP adjusted and the capacity of the EPP (90 MW, VPP 1 ) or the units, and the their outputs could according to demand within capacities, EVCS (70 MW, VPP ). 2 which could simplify the dispatch model. The cost coefficients of 1the WPP, PPP, the EPP and the EVCS are 414, 1170, The output forecast (yuan/MW) curves of VPP and VPPthe 2, which are shown in Figure 11, would be 278 and 670, respectively [29–31]. In addition, financial subsidies have been used to encourage the available by adding the forecast curves of the WPP and PPP and the capacity of the EPP (90 MW, development of DERs without pollution. To simplify the calculation, it is hypothesized that the basic VPP 1) or the EVCS (70 MW, VPP2). rate of subsidization of all DERs is 40%. 260
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Figure 11. Maximum output forecasts of VPP1 and VPP2 . Figure 11. Maximum output forecasts of VPP1 and VPP2.
The cost coefficients (yuan/MW) of the WPP, the PPP, the EPP and the EVCS are 414, 1170, 278 (2) Result analysis: and 670, respectively [29–31]. In addition, financial subsidies have been used to encourage the The dispatch resultswithout are shown in FigureTo 12simplify (LAQI = 6;the thecalculation, proportionality of thethat growth development of DERs pollution. it is coefficient hypothesized the factor function of emission cost α = 1.5; weights of the objective functions without AQI: β = 0.1089, 1 basic rate of subsidization of all DERs is 40%. β2 = 0.2030, β3 = 0.6275 and β4 = 0.0606; with AQI: β1 = 0.1286, β2 = 0.0489, β3 = 0.8017, β4 = 0.0208). (2) Result analysis: It is shown in Figure 12 that 70.35% of daily load is supplied by thermal power units (G1 and G2 ) with The a costdispatch advantage, and the 29.65% is left for VPPs (VPP VPP2 ) when F-H is ignored. results are other shown in Figure 12 (L AQI = 6; the proportionality coefficient of The the 1 and reasons could be described as follows. First, G1 and G2 receive less economic punishment according1to growth factor function of emission cost α = 1.5; weights of the objective functions without AQI: β = Formulaβ2(18) and have higherand dispatch prioritywith withAQI: their βcost advantage theβ3effect of F-H 0.1089, = 0.2030, β3 = a0.6275 β4 = 0.0606; 1 = 0.1286, β2 = when 0.0489, = 0.8017, β4 is = ignored. Second, the cost coefficients of DERs inside VPP1 and VPP2 are much larger. Thus, only VPP1 0.0208). It is shown in Figure 12 that 70.35% of daily load is supplied by thermal power units (G1 and G2) with a cost advantage, and the other 29.65% is left for VPPs (VPP1 and VPP2) when F‐H is ignored. The reasons could be described as follows. First, G1 and G2 receive less economic punishment according to Formula (18) and have a higher dispatch priority with their cost advantage when the effect of F‐H is ignored. Second, the cost coefficients of DERs inside VPP1 and
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Comparisonofofdaily dailydispatch dispatchresults/MW results/MW Comparison
with a lower cost shares more load requirements, and the output of VPP2 is rarely adopted, which results in the waste of clean DERs. Conversely, if F-H is considered, 54.98% of the daily load is supplied by VPPs that contain many clean DERs, which is much larger than the former condition (>29.65%), and only 45.02% ( 4), the Chinese government forcibly restricts the outputs of conventional thermal power units (or even shuts them down). Therefore, the method that modifies the emission cost by adding the AQI factor has a certain practical significance and research value. Sustainability 2016, 8, 71 20 of 22 The curves of variations of cost and emission under different values of α (the proportionality coefficient of the growth factor of emission cost) are shown in Figure 14 (LAQIof = the 6). Chinese The above situations are function consistent with the emergency warning policies α is an empirical value that could be drawn from the comprehensive analysis of policies, F-H government. When the air condition is worse than moderate pollution (LAQI > 4), the Chinese condition and emission characteristics of the units. It can be seen in Figure 14 that the total cost government forcibly restricts the outputs of conventional thermal power units (or even shuts them increases with increasing α according to Formulas and (18). However, the the totalAQI carbon emission down). Therefore, the method that modifies the (17) emission cost by adding factor has a and total pollution emission are not always decreasing. Therefore, an optimal value of α must be certain practical significance and research value. selected to both control the total cost and reduce emissions of carbon and pollutants. The optimal The curves of variations of cost and emission under different values of α (the proportionality value of α is 1.5 (LAQI = 6) in Figure 14, which is adopted in this paper. coefficient of the growth factor function of emission cost) are shown in Figure 14 (L AQI = 6). 800 Total pollution emission (t) 700
Total carbon emission (×10 t)
600 500 400 Total cost (×10,000 yuan)
300 200
α Figure 14. Variations of cost and emission under different values of α. Figure 14. Variations of cost and emission under different values of α.
α is an empirical value that could be drawn from the comprehensive analysis of policies, F‐H 7. Conclusions condition and emission characteristics of the units. It can be seen in Figure 14 that the total cost With the growing harmful effects of F-H around China, this paper has employed the WNN increases with increasing α according to Formulas (17) and (18). However, the total carbon emission prediction model to forecast photovoltaic output and powerTherefore, load basedan onoptimal the analysis of of theα influence and total pollution emission are not always decreasing. value must be of F-H. On that basis, the concept of the VPP is adopted to handle the dispatch problem of multiple selected to both control the total cost and reduce emissions of carbon and pollutants. The optimal DERs connecting to the power grid, and a multi-objective optimal dispatch model of a power system value of α is 1.5 (L AQI = 6) in Figure 14, which is adopted in this paper. containing VPPs, with the goals of energy conservation and emission reduction under F-H weather, is 6. Conclusions constructed based on traditional unit commitment. Several conclusions have been drawn from the above study: With the growing harmful effects of F‐H around China, this paper has employed the WNN (1) The influence of F-H on the photovoltaic output and load forecasts cannot be ignored, and the prediction model to forecast photovoltaic output and power load based on the analysis of the prediction accuracy could be improved effectively by selecting similar days of F-H to account for the influence of F‐H. On that basis, the concept of the VPP is adopted to handle the dispatch problem of influence of F-H. multiple DERs connecting to the power grid, and a multi‐objective optimal dispatch model of a power system containing VPPs, with the goals of energy conservation and emission reduction under F‐H weather, is constructed based on traditional unit commitment. Several conclusions have been drawn from the above study: (1) The influence of F‐H on the photovoltaic output and load forecasts cannot be ignored, and the prediction accuracy could be improved effectively by selecting similar days of F‐H to account for the influence of F‐H.
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(2) F-H has a great influence on the power system dispatch with the goals of energy conservation and emission reduction. If the AQI factor is considered, VPPs would generate more electricity, and thermal power units would be restricted, based on the comprehensive consideration of the overall benefit of the power system and macro policies, such as emission punishment, financial subsidies and emergency warning measures. Therefore, clean DERs would be fully used, and air pollution would be controlled to some degree. (3) The influence of F-H on the output characteristics and control strategies of DERs inside VPPs has not been discussed in this paper; this will be studied in later papers. Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No. 2015AA050104) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Author Contributions: Yajing Gao proposed the original idea and analyzed and double-checked the results and the whole manuscript. Huaxin Cheng carried out the main research tasks and wrote and translated the full manuscript. Jing Zhu helped to collect data and to translate the original manuscript. Haifeng Liang and Peng Li contributed to the interpretation of the results. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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